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The essence of the conception "luxury goods" is considered in this article. The classification of luxury goods with taking into consideration citizens' status of the country is considered and offered. The constructing of linear model to evaluate readiness to purchase goods and luxury by Ukrainian and Polish population is carried out. Modern conditions of luxury goods market development in the examined countries are estimated. Ways of perfection of supply and demand of luxury goods in home markets of Ukraine and Poland are offered.
Theoretical considerations and research on “territoriality” of development processes cause that territory takes on a new meaning. Writing about the territory Nowakowska [2011] states that we should no longer take into account only ‘area’ extracted according to geographical and administrative criteria – but also the space that has been shaped historically, in which a specifi c institutional and organizational arrangement has been created. The essence of the concept of “territory” boils down to the combination of dimension associated with the space in the physical dimension with its cognitive and social dimensions. Considerations on the nature of “territory” bring to “conclusion” that the term is no longer associated only with “physical space” treated in the traditional theories of business location as cost of land, capital, labor and transportation costs. Territory begins to be seen as “a form of organization that reduces uncertainty and risk, which is a source of information, accumulation as well as a transfer of knowledge and skills and as a source of innovation. In this paper formulated thesis states that in the coming term (years 2014–2020) a well-organized space will be a source for innovation. There was presented a forecast of regions’ innovation potential for 2016 with the use of a non-model method. Based on the article it can be concluded that the diversity and creativity drive each other and thus allow to stimulate innovation and economic growth for which well-organized space is essential.
Autorzy podany w tytule temat rozpoczęli od przybliżenia sytuacji na polskim rynku nieruchomości. Omówili strukturę rzeczową tego rynku oraz jego rozwój w okresie transformacji 1990-2008. Dla zilustrowania sprzężenia zwrotnego rynku nieruchomości z ekonomiką kraju, autorzy przedstawili w tabeli te kategorie ekonomiczne (gałęzie gospodarki narodowej), które wydają się mieć najbliższe związki z rodzimym rynkiem nieruchomości.
Authors grouped the documented information on the property transactions, which was made accessible by the Ministry of Justice on the basis of the notarial testimonies, featuring the economic elements of these processes. There were given out the information on premises, buildings and grounds circulation in individual provinces of Poland. Authors also presented the transaction's values in all of the property groups which had been analysed, displaying the strong dynamics of the value compared to the weak quantitative dynamics of the transactions. Using the accessible data of GUS (Central Statistical Office) Authors displayed the columns for the 15 economic categories for 5 years, which helped to test the eventual distinction of the properties circulation. Authors presented the balanced image of the dynamics of examined parameters, which is "burst" by current active credit activity however. Complete materials on the 20 years of the properties circulation on the market can be found on Institute of Urban Development web site. (original abstract)
Konkurencyjność, jako jeden z kluczowych czynników rozwoju kraju, umożliwia poprawę ogólnej atmosfery gospodarczej zarówno dla jednostek, jak i dla samych przedsiębiorstw oraz dla całego kraju. Ponieważ zmiana jest nie tylko pożądana, ale wręcz wymagana, staje się jasne, że jest ona jednym z warunków przetrwania na rynkach światowych. W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano teorię konkurencyjności, zgodnie z którą kompetencje niektórych krajów nie były dziedziczone, lecz tworzone strategicznymi wyborami i realizacją celów, w oparciu o wiedzę i rozwiniętą infrastrukturę, zaawansowane technologie i innowacje. W tym kontekście duże znaczenie mają analizy wskaźników konkurencyjności, na podstawie których można wykazać sukces przedsiębiorstwa i branży przemysłowej, porównując liczne aspekty makroekonomiczne (polityka makroekonomiczna, infrastuktura rynkowa, rozwój instytucjonalny) i czynniki mikroekonomiczne (otoczenie biznesu, zaawansowane operacje i strategie firmy).Na potrzeby tego badania wykorzystano metodologię Światowego Forum Ekonomicznego, która przyczynia się do lepszego zrozumienia profilu konkurencyjności niektórych krajów oraz sposobów ich poprawy i specjalizacji. Określone rankingi pomagają twórcom polityki gospodarczej kształtować i oceniać wyniki krajowe pod względem konkurencyjności, co dodatkowo pomaga firmom w poprawie ich konkurencyjności w stosunku do innych podmiotów. Stworzenie wysoce konkurencyjnej gospodarki jest złożonym i ciągłym zadaniem dla każdego kraju, który chce się rozwijać, i w tym kontekście rola państwa w tworzeniu środowiska, które pobudzi konkurencyjność, jest najważniejsza, ponieważ jest to sposób na złagodzenie skutków recesji i ożywienie gospodarcze.
Competitiveness, as one of the key factors in a country’s development, enables improvement of the overall atmosphere for individuals and for firms, and for the country itself when compared with other similar entities. Since change is not just desired but required, it becomes clear that change is one of the preconditions for survival in world markets. This paper examines the theory of competitiveness, according to which the competencies of certain countries were not inherited, but created through strategic choices and their implementation, based on knowledge and developed infrastructure, high technology and innovation. In this context, analyses of competitiveness indicators are of great importance. Based on these it is possible to evaluate business success at company and industry level, by comparing numerous macroeconomic (macroeconomic policy, market infrastructure, institutional development) and microeconomic factors, business environment, sophistication of company operations and strategies). For the purposes of this study, we analyzed the World Economic Forum methodology, which contributes to a better understanding of the competitiveness profile of certain countries and how they can improve and spacialize. Certain rankings help the creators of economic policy to shape and evaluate national results in terms of competitiveness, which further assists firms in improving their competitiveness in relations to other firms. The creation of a highly competitive economy is a complex and continuous task for any country that wishes to develop, and in that context the role of the state in creating an environment that will stimulate competitiveness is paramount, as this is a way to mitigate the effects of recession and determine the speed of economic recovery.
Kapitał ludzki jest zasobem decydującym o sukcesie ekonomicznym w indywidualnej rywalizacji. Kapitał społeczny jest czynnikiem sprzyjającym rozwojowi całego społeczeństwa. W artykule omówiono pojęcie kapitału społecznego i kapitału ludzkiego, przedstawiono ekonomiczne efekty kapitału społecznego i ludzkiego na poziomie indywidualnym i wspólnotowym oraz scharakteryzowano model dwóch ścieżek rozwoju gospodarczego (ścieżka wspólnotowa i ścieżka molekularna).
Human capital is the main prerequisite of success in competition between individuals. Social capital is a factor responsible for development of the whole society with a relatively high level of human capital. During the period of transformation Poles has been investing a lot in human capital (education and health). However, social capital stayed in this time at the very low, the lowest in Europe level. This means that human capital was the main source of Polish economic development during the last 20 years. Without significant investment in social capital further development can be remarkably slowed down.
In the volatility of economic development as in any other phenomenon, a regular component and an incidental component can be distinguished. The former consolidates main factors while the latter is related to random factors. It can be achieved by constructing a precise model, where the random factor isn't statistically significant. The economic development was described by means of model ARMA(1,1). Subsequently, model AARCH(3,2) was used to characterize all kinds of variations. The components of this model were examined and attention was paid to any delays which occur in the creation of the trend and amplitude.
The main aim of this article is an analysis of the spatial differentiation of economic development for the regions of the Russian Federation with five basic macroeconomic variables, namely: unemployment rates registered, investment per capita, GDP per capita, per capita assets and wages in the years 2000–2009. The work reflects on 79 regions of the Russian Federation, and the data used for the analysis comes from the Russian Statistical Office (Федеральная служба госу дарственной статистики – Росст ат; www.gks.ru). The basic method of the analysis is based on the taxonomic index Euclidean. The spatial differentiation of the regional development of the Russian Federation shows the specificity and nature of Russian economy. The analysis leads to the conclusion that in terms of the variables analyzed the most developed regions are industrial and commercial, while the least developed regions have agricultural character.
W artykule zaprezentowano uwarunkowania rozwoju społeczeństwa in¬formacyjnego (SI) oraz związki między koncepcją SI a rozwojem gospodarczym. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych gospodarstw domowych, przedsię¬biorstw i administracji publicznej zidentyfikowano kluczowe czynniki determinujące rozwój SI w Polsce. Zbadano zależności pomiędzy miernikami SI i rozwoju gospo¬darczego w wybranych krajach europejskich.
The article presents determinants of information society (IS) development and relation between information society and economic development. Based on survey conducted in households, companies and public administration entities key factors for IS development in Poland were identified. Correlation between measures of information society and economic development in selected European countries was examined.
The aim of this article is to analyze and explain closer deviations in the economic and human development trying to reach to theoretical as well empirical explanations. The institutional economics offers a starting-point with its understanding that just institutions are stimulation systems for the society. The quality of human capital may be insofar as good itself, but without free and secure institutional environment there is a little hope for the motivated activity of individuals. Besides it the different countries are with very different natural environment and what is especially important - with different natural resources. In the current work we perform two empirical regression analyses - one on transition countries and another on aggregated dataset. Doing so makes possible to perceive robustness of the results. The data of human and economic development originate from the HDR 2009 and characterize the year 2007. The institutional measures are from the Heritage Foundation database of the year 2009. Regarding natural resources we use the DICE database from IFO- Institute. (original abstract)
Właściwe ramy instytucjonalne umożliwiają sprawne funkcjonowanie rynku oraz stymulują rozwój gospodarczy. Jednakże w wielu krajach wysoko rozwiniętych, zwłaszcza w Europie Zachodniej, w minionych latach wyraźnie pogorszyła się jakość instytucji i narastały poważne problemy ekonomiczne. Tymczasem niektóre kraje słabiej rozwinięte, a w szczególności ChRL, znacznie poprawiły jakość swoich instytucji i doświadczyły szybkiego wzrostu gospodarczego. W tym kontekście Polska powinna kształtować takie instytucje, które pozwolą jej w pełni wykorzystać posiadany potencjał i przezwyciężyć względne zacofanie gospodarcze.
A proper institutional framework is necessary to secure efficient functioning of the market and to stimulate economic growth. However, in many highly developed countries, especially in Western Europe, the quality of institutions significantly worsened in the past years and serious economic problems were growing. In the meantime, some less developed countries, particularly the PRC, considerably improved the quality of institutions and experienced fast economic growth. In the context of recent events Poland should shape institutions with the aim of realizing country’s full potential and overcoming the relative economic backwardness.
Celem opracowania jest analiza przestrzennego zróżnicowania poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego w Polsce oraz próba oceny zmian, jakie dokonały się od momentu rozpoczęcia reform gospodarczych, w tym odpowiedzi na pytanie czy w Polsce występuje konwergencja regionów? Za podstawowy obiekt badawczy przyjęto województwo wg podziału administracyjnego z 01.01. 1999 roku.
Celem zaprezentowanych w niniejszym artykule badań jest analiza współzależności kształtowania się rozwoju gospodarczego Polski i Niemiec. Zostaną tu przedstawione wielorównaniowe modele GARCH prezentujące wzajemne relatywne powiązania w zakresie dynamiki rozkładów empirycznych, ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na dynamikę wartości oczekiwanych i wariancji.
The study examines the development of Polish economy as well as the economies of selected countries in the period from 2002 to 2013. Models based on the GDP growth in particular countries were built. A comparative analysis of the development of economies in the countries concerned (Poland, Germany) is presented. A multivariate GARCH model was built. The theory of the construction of a multivariate GARCH model and its estimation method are discussed.
The study examines the development of the Polish economy as well as the economies of selected European Union countries in the period from 1949 to 2006. Models based on GDP growth in particular countries were also built. Much space is devoted to a comparative analysis of the development of economies in the countries concerned. A BEKK multivariate GARCH model was built, which allowed for defining a multivariate ARCH effects. Much space is devoted to the theory of the construction of the VECH secondary model and its estimation method. The causality of the impact that economies exert on one another was examined and the occurrence of the multivariate ARCH effect was verified by means of Hosking test.
Przedstawiono współczesną i przyszłą sytuację demograficzną Polski i jej wpływ na rozwój gospodarczy. Punktem odniesienia rozważań będzie struktura ludności Polski według płci i wieku z roku 1999.
Development is a category characterised by dynamism and includes not only a quantitative, but also a qualitative element. This is a process of multiplying the number of possible choices to be made by every human being. The following three factors play a fundamental role on all levels of development: providing conditions which enable long and healthy life, a full access to information, and an access to means allowing for decent standard of living. It is of crucial importance to diagnose the socio-economic, endogenous, and exogenous factors of the regional development. The following are the most important characteristics of decentralised development: good use of local resources (related to raw materials and to human resources), development based on continuation (on tradition), social bonds. However, it is difficult to unambiguously specify the above-mentioned factors, for they operate simultaneously (not with the same impact, however). The effort of the regional community's members is of extreme importance in the development of almost every region. Since the level, speed, and structure of the regional development always results from human talents, knowledge, foresight, enterprise, initiative, and own expenditures to improve living conditions. Thus, the factor called "human capital" plays a fundamental role in the development of modern society and economy. This study will constitute an analysis of the issues from the regional perspective, i.e. of Lower Silesia Voivodeship
By 2008, the securitization was one of the most dynamically developing financial market instrument. The crisis collapsed the market for several years by freezing all the transactions transferring risk. Since 2008, the vast majority of securities have been retained in the balance sheet of the originator, transmitted to the central bank or issued by the government's agency (mainly in US). Nowadays securitization is slowly retuning on the financial markets, not only in its traditional forms - mortgage based securities, but also as a innovative instrument enabling whole business or mortality risk transfer. Careful use of securitizations and changes especially in regulation concerning issuers and rating agency may make from securitization important factor of economic growth. The aim of this article is to analyse the situation in the securitisation market after 2008, in particular in the context of possibilities to implement innovative solutions.
Inicjatywa 16+1 gromadzi 16 krajów z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Chin w ramach jednego projektu, którego celem jest: poprawa dwustronnych stosunków gospodarczych między Chinami i tymi krajami oraz stosunków w ramach krajów EŚW. W dokumencie omówiona zostanie wyżej wymieniona inicjatywa jako dobry przykład poprawy rozwoju regionalnego i relacji. Autorzy artykułu omawiają projekty regionalne w ramach tej inicjatywy na dwa różne sposoby. Po pierwsze, omówione zostaną projekty regionalne, które są lub będą wdrażane w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Hipotezą artykułu jest: przy dalszym wzmacnianiu tej inicjatywy rozwój regionalny w CEEC będzie stały. Metodologia, która będzie stosowana w tej części dokumentu, zakłada wykorzystanie dostępnych danych publicznych, które można zgromadzić w dokumentach referencyjnych i źródłach publicznych. Po drugie, wzięto pod uwagę stanowisko Serbii w tej inicjatywie. Hipoteza brzmi: dzięki tej inicjatywie i projektom regionalnym Serbia poprawia swoją regionalną pozycję gospodarczą. W tym celu wykorzystano dane z Urzędu Statystycznego Republiki Serbii. Autorzy dokonali analizy eksportu i importu z Serbii do krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, przed i w trakcie tej inicjatywy. Autorzy doszli do wniosku, że już po sześciu latach można już być świadkami lepszego rozwoju regionalnego w regionie, a w Serbii poprawia się pozycję gospodarczą dzięki korzyściom płynącym z omawianej inicjatywy.
Initiative 16+1 brings together 16 Central and Eastern European countries and China (CEEC) in a single project that aims to improve bilateral economic relations between China and those countries and the relations among CEE countries. This paper discuss the initiative as a good example of improvement in regional development and relations. The paper discusses the regional projects under the initiative from two different perspectives. Firstly, we discuss the regional projects that are or will be implemented in CEEC. The hypothesis is that with further strengthening of this initiative, regional development in CEEC will be improved. The methodology used in this part of the paper involves the use of available public data collected from reference papers and public sources. Secondly, we consider Serbia’s position in this initiative. The hypothesis here is that through this initiative and regional projects, Serbia will improve its regional economic position. For this purpose, data from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia are used. The authors analyse exports and imports between Serbia and other CEEC countries, before and during the initiative. The authors conclude that after six years we can already witness better regional development within the region, and Serbia is also improving its economic position due to the benefits of this initiative.
Klastry jako rodzaj zinstytucjonalizowanej współpracy stanowią atrakcyj¬ną formę podejmowania działań gospodarczych nie tylko ze względu na walor połączo¬nych sił partnerów, ale również na wsparcie udzielane tego typu przedsięwzięciom przez Unię Europejską, kraje członkowskie i władze regionalne w ramach polityki rozwojo¬wej. Zakłada się bowiem, że inicjatywy klastrowe będą stanowić element stymulacji wzrostu gospodarczego poprzez wykorzystanie czynnika współpracy biznesu i nauki wspieranego przez administrację publiczną. Artykuł opisuje podejście jednostek samorządu terytorialnego do inicjatyw kla¬strowych, ocenia stopień zaangażowania poszczególnych szczebli administracji w tego typu przedsięwzięcia oraz strukturyzuje czynniki sprzyjające i utrudniające rozwój kla- strów z perspektywy partnera publicznego.
Clusters as a form of institutionalized cooperation are an attractive way of undertaking economic actions, not only due to the benefit of the combined forces of partners, but also because of the support for this type of organisations involved in the development policies of the European Union, EU Member States and their regions. It is assumed that cluster initiatives will be an element stimulating economic growth through the use of the factor of cooperation between business and science, supported by the pu¬blic administration. The article describes the approach of local administration in Poland to cluster ini¬tiatives, assesses the degree of involvement of different levels of self-government in this type of projects and structures, as well as structures the factors favouring and hindering the development of clusters from the perspective of the public partner.
The main aim of this paper is measure a level of changing infrastructure in logistics absorbtivneness contests for BRIC country. Goldman Sachs use the name BRIC, for a group of the faster growing economy in the world: Brazil, Russia, Indie and China. It was believed that this county can receive GDP on G7 level before 2041 year. The forecast was built by using some econometric models based some assumption. For our research we use some economic variable, next we analyzed dynamic changing of this variables by calculating some indices and averages levels of changing. We analyzed the level of indices and we observed the averages levels of changing. Our research we concentrated on size of the market, economic grow, changing of income and changing in demographics. Additionally we analyzed access to new technology which were imposed from quick changing on this market.
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