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Alcohol has been present in Europe for thousands of years now. Today the production and consumption of alcohol has a great impact on the economies of the member states of the European Union, it is socially, culturally and economically related to the everyday life of Europeans, and 25% of its global production comes from the EU countries. For some EU countries production of certain types of alcohol is a very important part of their national or local identity. For example, wine is produced in 150 regions of the European Union and Germany alone produces 7,5% of world’s beer production. Alcohol has always played a very important role in the evolution of the theory of free movement of goods in the ‘everyday’ life of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The Dassonville case inspired the Court of Justice in Luxembourg to define the theory of measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction. Cassis de Dijon case has not only helped to improve the Dassonville formula but also initiated, on the basis of mutual recognition principle, the new attitude towards harmonization in the European Union. In the area of taxes, the alcohol-based case law also played a significant role. The famous case of comparison between beer and wine in the United Kingdom not only forced the Court to interpret article 110 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), but also showed to the member states that they need to be very cautious in constructing their tax systems. This study proves that the alcohol-based case law improved and accelerated the process of constructing the EU’s internal market.
Article elaborates on how Court of Justice of European Union treats its precedential rulings. Its principal purpose is to examine the distinction between precedent of solution and precedent of interpretation and assess whether the distinctionmay serve the purpose of reconciliation of Court of Justice’s heavy reliance on precedent with reluctance toward recognising precedent as a formal source of law manifested by civil law lawyers. According to some scholars, Court of Justice’sprecedents are merely precedents of interpretation, therefore they are not instance of judge-made law. Herein, it is argued, that the distinction is insufficient to prove their conviction is right.
In the introduction to the subject matter there is a draft of the status of binding provisions in the scope of European civil process law. Next it is subject to analysis the judicature concerning regulation 44/2001 (Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters). Particularly European Court of Justice judgments are discussed as to exemplify: - a scope of application of regulation mentioned above, - general questions concerning jurisdiction, - particular jurisdictions (matters concerning contracts, torts, forum conexitatis), - jurisdiction for consumer matters, - jurisdiction over individual contracts of employment, - exclusive jurisdictions, - recognition and enforcement. The study takes into consideration selected questions regarding to the following European Union legal acts: - regulation 2001/2003 (Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000, - regulation 805/2004 (Regulation (EC) No 805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims), - regulation 1896/2006 (Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 creating a European order for payment procedure), - regulation 1346/2000 (Council regulation (EC) No 1346/2000 of 29 May 2000 on insolvency proceedings), - regulation 1393/2007 (Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2007 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (service of documents), and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1348/2000), - regulation 1206/2001 (Council Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 of 28 May 2001 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters).
The term “technical regulations” was developed in Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, and it comes down to the obligation to provide information concerning products and rules of the information society. The reason behind said solutions was to lead to unification on the Union internal market. Failure to fulfil the obligation of notification triggers serious consequences in legal transactions. From the point of view of the European Court of Justice, national judge, who is primarily a Union judge, may not use non-notified norms. In this respect there appeared discrepancies in judicial decisions of the Supreme Court, where some adjudicating panels held that in cases in which non-notified technical regulations were used it was necessary to ask the Constitutional Tribunal whether these norms were in force. However, the European Court of Justice clearly indicated that the scopes of cognition of the European Court of Justice and national constitutional tribunals do not coincide. The Court pointed out that failure to use a non-notified technical norm is not.
The article presents a legal analysis of the concept of risk based on the dependence of EU law and the European Court of Justice. In addition, an important part of this text is to present the German law on care insurance, the solutions have been recognized by the European Commission to be incompatible with the treaty law on the freedom to provide services. Issues raised in it are important to national and EU for long-term care. One must bear in mind that the long-term care has a transnational dimension in the legal and financial implications.
W artykule przedstawia się analizę prawną pojęcia ryzyka niesamodzielności na podstawie prawa UE i orzecznictwa Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości. Ponadto ważnym elementem tego tekstu jest przedstawienie prawa niemieckiego dotyczącego ubezpieczenia pielęgnacyjnego, którego rozwiązania zostały uznane przez Komisje Europejska za niezgodne z prawem traktatowym dotyczącym swobody świadczenia usług. Problemy w nim podniesione są ważne dla prawa krajowego i unijnego dotyczącego opieki długoterminowej. Trzeba bowiem mieć na uwadze, że opieka długoterminowa ma wymiar ponadnarodowy w zakresie skutków prawnych i finansowych.
The recast of the European Insolvency Regulation, which has been applicable from 26 June 2017, implements a philosophy of Euro universalism, according to which insolvency proceedings opened in a Member State where the debtor has its centre of main interests (COMI) should have a universal scope and encompass all the debtor’s assets situated throughout the EU. The wording of the Recast Regulation is intended to comply with the ECJ case law concerning COMI, such as Interedil, Eurofood, Bank Handlowy or Mediasucre judgments. Nevertheless, it is now questioned whether the Recast Regulation strengthens or rather weakens the COMI/registered office rebuttable presumption and opens the gate for insolvency forum shopping. As far as international company law is concerned, the issue of transfer of seat as well as forum shopping has been widely discussed. So far the ECJ has issued a series of judgments in which it has explained the European freedom of establishment and the cross­border activities of companies in the internal market. Similarly, the US Supreme Court has issued several significant decisions, such as CTP Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of America, Edgar v. MITE Corp., and International Shoe Co. v. State of Washington, in which the limits of acceptable forum shopping are better delineated. Based on the aforementioned, it may be concluded that European harmonization measures facilitating cross­border mobility should additionally assist in achieving predictability and efficiency, as well as the economic viability and security of the operations under consideration. This contribution analyses and expounds on the lessons that can be learned from both the ECJ case law as well as US Supreme Court’s decisions on international company law, including an examination of their effect on insolvency forum shopping. There is no doubt that, if successful, harmonized legislation on these matters would be a great asset for the internal market.
The paper presents the current case law of the EU TS on the right to free movement of workers within the EU and the coordination of social security systems. In particular the concept of an employee on the basis of EU law (Case C-507/12 Jessy Saint Prix) and pension rights which are benefifi ts for the death of a breadwinner (Case C-32/13 Petra Würker). Also undertakes analysis of the right to health problems against legal definitions of domicile and residence (Case C-255/13, I).
W tekście przedstawiono aktualne orzecznictwo Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE dotyczące prawa do swobodnego przemieszczania się pracowników w UE oraz w zakresie koordynacji systemów zabezpieczenia społecznego, a w szczególności pojęcia pracownika na gruncie prawa UE (sprawa C-507/12 Jessy Saint Prix) oraz prawa do świadczeń emerytalnych będących świadczeniami z tytułu śmierci żywiciela rodziny (sprawa C-32/13 Petra Würker). Podjęto także analizę prawa do opieki zdrowotnej na tle problemów prawnych definicji miejsca zamieszkania oraz pobytu (sprawa C-255/13 Pan I).
ECJ judgments played a very important role in the development of long-term care in the sense of the personal scope of the examination, organizational and fifi nancial. As a result, there has been a clarification of the legal nature of long-term care benefits. Finally, the basic definitional issues concerning the risk of dependence and the scope of the legal protection of the consequences of its occurrence. They also contributed to extend the legal protection of persons exercising their right of movement within the European Union. You also need to appreciate the impact of the case law on the development of legislation LTC in the national law of the Member States of the EU.
Tekst przedstawia zagadnienia opieki długoterminowej w orzecznictwie Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości, przyjęte w związku ze stosowaniem dotychczasowych regulacji unijnych o koordynacji systemów zabezpieczenia społecznego. Orzeczenia te zachowują aktualność w ocenie stosowania nowych przepisów z tego zakresu oraz rozwiązywania licznych problemów prawnych ich dotyczących.
Wbrew tradycyjnym narracjom, wedle których orzekanie polega na stosowaniu norm prawnych do stanu faktycznego danej sprawy i nie obejmuje żadnej działalności twórczej, w niniejszym artykule wychodzi się od założenia, właściwego krytycznej teorii prawa, iż orzekanie jest praktyką społeczną należącą do sfery polityczności i zakłada podejmowanie przez sędziów decyzji. Pojęcie polityczności rozumiane jest tu – za Chantal Mouffe – jako wymiar nieusuwalnego i nieodłącznego antagonizmu, jaki leży u podstaw każdego społeczeństwa. Każde orzeczenie, a w szczególności takie, przy którego wydaniu sąd korzystał z szerokiego zakresu władzy dyskrecjonalnej, wywiera wpływ na określony antagonizm społeczny. W celu prowadzenia krytycznych badań nad orzecznictwem konieczne jest ustalenie, jaki antagonizm społeczny był w danym orzeczeniu istotny. W tym celu artykuł najpierw analizuje samo pojęcie antagonizmu, kładąc nacisk na jego zbiorowych charakter, a następnie podejmuje próbę zastosowania tego pojęcia do Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości w celu zidentyfikowania głównych typów antagonizmów społecznych, które podlegają jurysdykcji Trybunału.
Contrary to traditional accounts, which treat adjudication as the application of legal norms to the facts of a case, without any creative activity, the present paper assumes, following crtitical legal theory, that adjudication as a social practice belongs to the sphere of the political and involves judicial decision-making. The concept of the political is understood, following Chantal Mouffe, as the dimension of unalienable and inherent antagonism underlying any society. Any judicial decision, and especially one taken in a case where the court enjoyed a broad scope of discretion, influences a given social antagonism. However, as a prerequisite of a critical analysis of case-law it is necessary to identify the social antagonisms in question. To this end, the paper first analyses the very concept of an antagonism, highlighting its collective character, and then makes a tentative application of the concept to the European Court of Justice, attempting to identify the main types of social antagonisms which are subject to the Court’s jurisdiction.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest dokonanie operacjonalizacji pojęcia polityczności w celu uczynienia z niej kategorii analitycznej służącej do prowadzenia krytycznych badań nad orzecznictwem sądowym. Pojęcie polityczności rozumiane jest tu na sposób „agonistyczny”, zaproponowany przez Chantal Mouffe, tj. jako wymiar społecznego antagoniznu. Tego rodzaju antagonizmy mogą być przedmiotem sporów na etapie prac legislacyjnych (tj. tworzenia abstrakcyjnych i generalnych norm prawnych), ale także w procesie orzekania (tj. tzw. „stosowania” prawa, który to proces zawsze zawiera w sobie określony element twórczy). Jako kategoria analityczna polityczność może zostać zoperacjonalizowana w celu poddania orzeczeń sądowych krytyce, która wychodzi poza ramy „prawidłowej” wykładni i „zastosowania” prawa w danej sprawie, kładąc w zamian nacisk na rzeczywiste konflikty o charakterze społecznym, politycznym i ekonomicznym. Zaproponowane ramy analityczne zostały zilustrowane w oparciu o wybrane orzeczenia Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości.
The aim of the present paper is to operationalise the concept of the political in order to make it available as an analytical category for the critical study of judicial decisions (case law). The concept of the political is understood here, following, in particular, Chantal Mouffe’s agonistic theory, whereby it is a dimension of a social antagonism. Such an antagonism can be played out not only in the process of legislation (creation of abstract and general legal norms), but also in the process of adjudication (the so-called ‘application of law’, which, however, always has a creative element to it). As an analytical category, the political can be operationalised in order to subject judicial decisions to a critique which goes beyond the question of the ‘correct’ interpretation and ‘application’ of law in a given case, but puts in the spotlight real social, political and economic conflicts that are at stake. The analytical framework is exemplified by judicial decisions of the European Court of Justice.
The article contains an analysis of the jurisprudence of German Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice judgment in the Pringle case (C-370/12). First of all, they examined consistency with EU law of the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism and the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in Economic and Monetary Union (Fiscal Compact), both adopted beyond the institutional legal framework of the European Union. The analysis of this jurisprudence unequivocally reveals that the said treaties do not violate EU law, nor do they involve a conferral of new competences on the European Union by its member states. Secondly, this analysis shows that the case-law (particularly, the judgment of the European Court of Justice) legitimizes, to an extent, the so-call Schengen method, setting — at the same time — the legal framework for future inter-governmental measures to be taken for consolidation of the Eurozone. From the above-mentioned case-law it follows that the procedure used in Poland for approval of the decision of the European Council (2011/199/EU) and for ratifi cation of the Fiscal Compact was reasonable. That procedure may be applied in the future for ratifi cation of the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism.
European Court of Justice in its judgment of 13 March 2014 (Case C- 38/13) concluded that polish regulation of the Labour Code concerning different notice period for the termination of a definite and indefinite employment contract regardless of the length of employment relationship, constitutes different treatment in respect of employment conditions. As a result, polish provisions, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, not comply with the relevant EU regulations. The article shows the impact of judgment on a legal character of a fixed-term employment contract in Poland.
Artykuł przedstawia charakter prawny umowy o pracę na czas określony w kontekście wyroku Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z 13 marca 2014 w sprawie M. Nierodzik przeciwko Samodzielnemu Publicznemu Psychiatrycznemu Zakładowi Opieki Zdrowotnej im. dr. Stanisława Deresza w Choroszczy. Zgodnie z treścią wyroku przepisy polskiego kodeksu pracy dotyczące okresów wypowiadania umów na czas określony są sprzeczne z zakazem traktowania pracowników zatrudnionych na czas określony w sposób mniej korzystny niż pracowników zatrudnionych na czas nieokreślony, jeżeli sytuacja tych pracowników jest porównywalna. Przedmiotowe orzeczenie powoduje konieczność zmiany zapisów kodeksu pracy dotyczących wypowiedzenia tej formy zatrudnienia, co zostało przedstawione w artykule.
The rulings of European Court of Justice in the Laval, Viking, Rüffert and Luxemburg cases have caused stormy discussion concerning the balance between fundamental human rights and economic freedoms within the EU. European trade unions are of the opinion that autonomy of collective bargaining and right to industrial actions have been undermined. Additionally ECJ approach to the applying of posting workers directive is criticized as a the race to the bottom on the field of social standards. Therefore the trade unions demand that the legal rules safeguarding the proper position of fundamental rights be introduced in EU law. One of the solutions is to improve European dimension of industrial relations.
Orzeczenia Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości w sprawach Laval, Viking, Rüffert, Luksemburg wywołały dyskusję na temat równowagi między prawami podstawowymi a swobodami ekonomicznymi wewnątrz UE. Europejskie związki zawodowe uważają, że podważona została ich autonomia rokowań zbiorowych oraz zagrożone prawo do strajku. Dodatkowo podejście ETS do stosowania dyrektywy o pracownikach delegowanych jest krytykowane jako wspieranie dążenia do obniżania standardów socjalnych. Dlatego związki zawodowe żądają wprowadzenia w prawie UE prawnych regulacji mających zabezpieczyć właściwą rangę praw podstawowych. Jednym z rozwiązań jest wzmocnienie europejskiego wymiaru stosunków przemysłowych.
The Eurozone Crisis is not just a monetary and economic challenge. It is as well the first tremendous challenge of the European Community and as well the national institutions and constitutions of the member states not only within the Eurozone. On one side the European Commission, the European Parliament and the ECB with its endeavours to safeguard and stabilize the single currency EURO within the Eurozone, to support the suffering countries in the south (PIIGS) with its struggle against speculative hedge funds, to render financial relief measures to those countries and its financial industry. Irrespective the fact governments and citizens within that countries, less appear to appreciate or honor that measures (Troika, Financial checks and budgetary control) as efficient help to stabilize but condemn as form of European paternalism and patronage. On the other hand the countries and its citizenship especially in the north of the Eurozone to set a stop sign to the EU and the ECB. Therefore they stress the Maastricht criteria and cite the Art 125 of the TEU, which prohibits one nation to stand for or to be liable for the Government debts of another nation (no bail out). Especially in the German perspective the demarcation line appears to run along between the European Commission, European Central Bank and European Court on the European side and the Bundesverfassungsgericht, the Bundesbank on the national German side. Each of the institutions feels to be bound to its origin functions and principles and save the respective constitution and the task rendered by that constitution. For a better understanding it is essential to get aware of and to reinforce the constitutional role which the Grundgesetz awarded to the Bundesverfassungsgericht and the Bundesbank and the German citizenship placing their confidence in these institutions. Es soll konkret das Verhältnis zur Nichtbeistandsklausel No-Bail-out Klausel Art 125 AEUVertrag, den Europäischen Fiskalpakt / dem ESFS, ESM / dem OMT-Programm der EZB, möglichen Entwicklung des EU zur Haftungs- und Transferunion mit einem zukünftigen Haftungsautomatismus der Mitglieder, der Unterscheidung von gemeinsamer Währungspolitik und nationaler Wirtschaftspolitik, der drohenden Vergemeinschaftung von Staatsschulden einzelner EU-Länder, die Budgethoheit des nationalen Parlaments als freie Entscheidung über die Verwendung des nationalen Haushaltes untersucht werden. Mit allen diesen Fragen mussten sich das höchste Deutsche und Europäische Gericht in jüngster Vergangenheit intensiv beschäftigen.
Freedom of expression is one of the fundamental foundations of a democratic society and one of the basic conditions for its development and the self-fulfillment of individuals. It is not only a constitutional principle, but is also protected by the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. According to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, protection under Art. 10 of the Convention extends to all kinds of statements expressing opinions, ideas or information, regardless of their content and manner of communication, in particular of a political nature and relating to matters of public concern. These are the requirements of pluralism, tolerance and openness without which a democratic society does not exist. Many publications have been devoted to the freedom of expression, yet the discourse on this subject is still relevant and is still the subject of practical disputes and the interest of researchers. Recently, in the era of identified intensified political and social disputes in Poland - the problems of freedom of expression, especially in public spaces (public places, which also includes the Internet space) have become the subject of a multifaceted public debate.
Wolność wypowiedzi stanowi jeden z podstawowych fundamentów demokratycznego społeczeństwa i jeden z podstawowych warunków jego rozwoju oraz samorealizacji osób. Jest nie tylko zasadą konstytucyjną, lecz również obejmuje ją ochroną Europejska Konwencja Praw Człowieka i Podstawowych Wolności, Powszechna Deklaracja Praw Człowieka oraz Międzynarodowy Pakt Praw Obywatelskich i Politycznych. Zgodnie z orzecznictwem Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka ochrona, wynikająca z art. 10 Konwencji, rozciąga się na wszystkie rodzaje wypowiedzi wyrażających opinie, idee albo informacje, niezależnie od ich treści oraz sposobu komunikowania się, w szczególności o charakterze politycznym oraz dotyczące spraw publicznej troski. Takie są wymagania pluralizmu, tolerancji i otwartości, bez których demokratyczne społeczeństwo nie istnieje. Wolności wypowiedzi poświęcono wiele publikacji, pomimo to dyskurs w tym przedmiocie nie traci na znaczeniu i wciąż stanowi przedmiot sporów praktycznych i zainteresowania badaczy. W ostatnim okresie, w dobie nasilonych sporów politycznych i społecznych w Polsce problemy wolności wypowiedzi, zwłaszcza w przestrzeni publicznej (miejscach publicznych, do których zalicza się także przestrzeń internetową), stanowią przedmiot wieloaspektowej debaty publicznej.
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