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During the research in Norway, our Polish-Norwegian team encountered a social factwhich inspired us to create a separate research field in the project. Many intervieweesmentioned the name of The Child Welfare Service of Norway: Barnevernet. The majorityof opinions about this service were negative – both in the respondents’ narratives and onthe internet forums for the Polish migrants (‘mojanorwegia’) or social network fan pages(Polacy w Stavanger, Polacy w Norwegii). There are vividly negative emotions present inthe Poles’ statements about raising children in Norway, and the fear of Barnevernet is particularlyapparent. It was this ‘fear’ that triggered the research presented in this article. Westarted to look for its presence in both the Polish public reality and in the private sphere.We decided to use a critical discourse analysis to discover communication mechanismswhich have influenced the shape of the Polish attitude towards Barnevernet.
During the research in Norway, our Polish-Norwegian team encountered a social factwhich inspired us to create a separate research field in the project. Many intervieweesmentioned the name of The Child Welfare Service of Norway: Barnevernet. The majorityof opinions about this service were negative – both in the respondents’ narratives and onthe internet forums for the Polish migrants (‘mojanorwegia’) or social network fan pages(Polacy w Stavanger, Polacy w Norwegii). There are vividly negative emotions present inthe Poles’ statements about raising children in Norway, and the fear of Barnevernet is particularlyapparent. It was this ‘fear’ that triggered the research presented in this article. Westarted to look for its presence in both the Polish public reality and in the private sphere.We decided to use a critical discourse analysis to discover communication mechanismswhich have influenced the shape of the Polish attitude towards Barnevernet.
Ethics in Progress
vol. 6
issue 1
The paper assumes that fear presents a certain degree of ambivalence. To say it with Hans Jonas (1903-1993), fear is not only a negative emotion, but may teach us something very important: we recognize what is relevant when we perceive that it is at stake. Under this respect, fear may be assumed as a guide to responsibility, a virtue that is becoming increasingly important, because of the role played by human technology in the current ecological crisis. Secondly, fear and responsibility concern both dimensions of human action: private-individual and public-collective. What the ‘heuristics of fear’ teaches us, is to become aware of a deeper ambivalence, namely the one which characterizes as such human freedom, which may aim to good or bad, to self-preservation or self-destruction. Any public discussion concerning political or economic issues related with human action (at an individual or collective level) ought not to leave this essential idea out of consideration.
Fear is one of the factors that is most life threatening. it causes psychogenic illness, pro- ducing tension in the mind and in addition, distorting a person’s morals. The ambition of this paper is to outline the evolutionary processes that throughout the history of the human race have influenced the development of human thought, feeling, effect, and therefore fear as well. it further describes fear not just as genetic information, but also as information mediated by the social community and groups, as a phenomenon influenced by cultural environment.
Why do the United States reserve the right to be called “America” by conferring the “Americas” to the whole continent?, is that a clear sign of discrimination or supremacy or both? Ideologically, America refers to the United States of “America” excluding other regions such as Latin America, central or South America. This leads some scholars to explain convincingly that, beyond this subtle grammatical difference, the Anglo-ethnocentrism in the United States has been drawn to make their citizens believe they are unique, outstanding, and special. Basically, this belief allowed not only to fight against the political enemies in Europe or in any other geographical point, but also to control the incipient worker union leaderships. What merits further attention, anyway, is the sentiment of exemplarity instilled by the founding parents of this nation. Fear was historically a mechanism of control employed by US governments at different stages in several ways. Our intention is not only to review how the fear disciplined by the claims of work-force, but also explain why the sentiment of exemplarity and fear are inextricably intertwined.
This article investigates the characteristics of the phenomenon of fear in work relationships in contemporary society. In this sense, the first part describes the dynamics of current life, emphasizing the role of organizations, their bad reputation, and characterizing their operational center as a society of performance. The second part describes the phenomenon of fear, starting from some representative origins of the term, Martin Heidegger’s phenomenological perspective, and recent studies within the field of organizations. Finally, a survey conducted in the first semester of 2023 with 160 workers from different sectors about their perception of fear in the organization is presented. The findings are interpreted in light of the studied perspectives connected with the ethical responsibility of institutions and the pursuit of comprehensive well-being in work relationships.
Much like philosophy and psychology, theology also deals with the phenomenon of fear, each field of study defining it in their own way. What they all share is the understanding of fear as a deeply human phenomenon, affecting man in his entirety and diminishing his abilities. This study aims to present a theological approach to understanding fear, including elements of a therapy that promises man’s liberation from fear. Tomislav Ivančić classifies fear as a spiritual illness affecting both man’s body and soul. This realm of the spirit is healed by a transcendental power rather than by man, and it is precisely this what makes his hagiotherapy special. The therapy seeks to heal both the source and the cause of fear and to equip man for a new life, a life in trust that Ivančić sets against a life in fear. The presented theological method is underpinned by theoretical tenets and emerges from practice. The authors point out its potential contributions in today’s age of increased care for personal health. The study, which is the first of its kind to have been done in relation to this topic, used the hermeneutical approach of interpreting texts within their given context.
W ciągu ostatnich trzech dekad kraje Bliskiego Wschodu często były świadkami powszechnych protestów przeciwko reżimom autorytarnym. Pytanie brzmi, dlaczego te protesty nigdy nie przynoszą pożądanego rezultatu? Niezależnie od roli, jaką odgrywają podmioty zagraniczne w utrwalaniu autorytarnych reżimów na Bliskim Wschodzie, wydaje się, że tym, co powoduje, że protesty nie są wszechobecne, a infrastruktury polityczne nie upadają, jest fakt, że protesty nie zostały poparte przez większość narodu. W niniejszym artykule dowodzimy, że taki brak poparcia związany jest z fundamentalną przyczyną, którą nazwaliśmy cyklem strachu. Cykl ten obejmuje strach mas przed reżimem, strach przed porażką ruchu i jej strasznymi konsekwencjami oraz strach przed systemem politycznym, który ma dojść do władzy po obaleniu urzędującego rządu. Ważną rolę w tworzeniu i utrwalaniu tego strachu oraz przekształcaniu go w panikę pełnią rządy.
Over the last three decades, the Middle East countries have frequently witnessed popular protests against the authoritarian regimes. The question is why these protests never come to a desirable end? Regardless of the role played by foreign actors in perpetuating the authoritarian regimes of the Middle East, it seems that what causes the protests not to be pervasive and the political infrastructures not to collapse is that the protests have not been supported by the people’s majority. The present article argues that such a dearth of support refers to a fundamental cause that we named the fear cycle. This cycle includes the masses’ fear of the regime, fear of the movement’s failure and its dire consequences, and fear of the political system that is supposed to come to power after the overthrow of the incumbent government. The governments have an important role in creating and perpetuating this fear and turning it into a panic.
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Teologia strachu przed zarazą

RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The author of the article presents the plague epidemic in the cities of Pomerania in the years 1708 - 1711. RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The social attitudes of the Pomeranian inhabitants towards the plague epidemic have been shown and characterised. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The main organisational decisions and regulations of the municipal authorities as well as the pastoral activity of the clergy related to protection against the disease have been presented. RESEARCH RESULTS: The main conclusion from the presented analysis is that the inhabitants treated the epidemic as a punishment for their sins. Therefore, the efforts undertaken were aimed at the actions leading to the healing of the soul (through religious practices) and the healing of the body (through medical treatments). The Pomeranian society evidently linked the epidemic with the activity of God. The primary response to the epidemic was fear. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Due to its historical references, the article may be used to reflect on a post-pandemic society.
CEL NAUKOWY: Autor artykułu przedstawia epidemię dżumy w miastach Pomorza w latach 1708 – 1711. PROBLEM  I  METODY BADAWCZE: Ukazane zostały i scharakteryzowane postawy społeczne mieszkańców Pomorza wobec epidemii dżumy. PROCES WYWODU: Przedstawione zostały główne organizacyjne decyzje i rozporządzenia władz miejskich i działalność duszpasterska duchownych związana z zabezpieczeniem przed chorobą. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Zasadniczym wnioskiem płynącym z przedstawionej analizy jest traktowanie przez mieszkańców epidemii jako kary za grzechy. Dlatego podjęte wysiłki zmierzają do działań kierujących do wyleczenia ducha (przez praktyki religijne) oraz wyleczenie ciała (przez medyczne zabiegi). Społeczeństwo Pomorza jednoznacznie wiąże epidemię z działalnością Boga. Podstawowym czynnikiem wobec epidemii jest strach. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Z uwagi na swe odniesienia historyczne artykuł może przysłużyć się do refleksji nad społeczeństwem postpandemicznym.
Vox Patrum
vol. 82
In his Commentaries, Proclus (Neoplatonic philosopher, 5th century A.D.) describes the ways in which a teacher can awaken the desire for knowledge and philosophy in a given soul, and help this soul to make cognitive and moral progress. He considers such an intervention to be a case of providence, analogous to both the action of divine Pronoia and the care of one's personal daemon. As the soul being thus educated is still unaware of the merits of rational thought, the teacher needs to use the emotions of his student to stimulate him; he might even want to generate desirable emotions in his soul. I focus here on two emotions: wonder and shock. The first serves to stimulate interest while preserving autonomy. The second allows deeper commitment at the price of reduced autonomy of the pupil. Both are complementary aspects of philosophical perplexity.
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