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Before the financial crisis securitization was commonly considered an efficient way of replacing illiquid assets with liquid securities (ABS), in which the risk was supposed to be adequately compensated by the tranching techniques. However, with the emergence of the crisis investors became more risk aversive and reluctant to incur ABS due to the rapidly deteriorating quality of the underlying assets caused by poor macroeconomic fundamentals. The limited adverse effects of the poor collateral performance is the main reason why chances for recovery of the ABS market in the EU are estimated more highly than in the USA. The analysis indicates that, driven by the ECB repo operations, the securitization market has almost lost the pre-crisis motives behind the issuance of ABS. Banks’ attitudes toward securitization as a refinancing tool and a mechanism to extract additional profit underwent a shift. As the findings of the article suggest, after the crisis securitization is widely seen by banks as a liquidity tool within the frame of repo deals with the ECB, and to a lesser extent as a refinancing tool. Market regulation contributed considerably to this shift.
The aim of the study was to analyze the stability of the financial system to answer the question if this stability has characteristics of the public good. If the answer is positive it determines the specific role of the state in the field of financial system stability. The paper presents also a theoretical aspects of the possibility to qualify the financial system to the category of public goods. The authors conclude that if the stability of the financial system is not in the strict sense the public good (or at least the common good) it should consider the scope and degree of responsibility of the state and its institutions for action aimed at stabilizing financial stability. The arguments presented in the paper demonstrate, however, in favor of the recognition of the stability as a public good. It is therefore a mandate for public sector interventions and interference in such a way as to minimize the risk of destabilization.
The article examines critically the role of the state in shaping a stable financial sys-tem, taking into account social, doctrinal and institutional factors. No well-functioning state institutions, with the prevailing neo-liberal dogma, is not conducive to the efficient development of the economy, leading to turbulence in the system. The dominant finan-cial sector exerts pressure on the real sphere of the system. Therefore, in this part of the system, state regulations that ensure efficient allocation of cash flows are particularly important.
Artykuł dotyczy problemu oceny skuteczności i efektywności antycyklicznej polityki makroostrożnościowej. Przedstawiono w nim podstawowe źródła procykliczności sektora finansowego oraz przeanalizowano cele antycyklicznej polityki makroostrożnościowej i środki niezbędne do ich osiągnięcia. W myśl zarysowanej w artykule definicji skuteczność dotyczy stopnia, w jakim można zlikwidować zaburzenie funkcjonowania rynku (tj. zakłócenie mechanizmu rynkowego) oraz osiągnąć cele pośrednie i ostateczne. Analiza dostępnej literatury w poszukiwaniu metod pomiaru stopnia osiągnięcia celów polityki makroostożnościowej prowadzi do wniosku, że obecnie wiemy na ten temat bardzo mało. Podobnie ograniczona jest dostępna wiedza na temat efektywności antycyklicznej polityki makroostrożnościowej, ponieważ obecnie dysponujemy jedynie pomiarem niektórych skutków pośrednich antycyklicznych regulacji kapitałowych i płynnościowych, szacowanych jako koszty i korzyści makroekonomiczne. Regulacje makroostrożnościowe, szczególnie te antycykliczne, są potrzebne - ponieważ stabilność finansowa sprzyja wzrostowi gospodarczemu i w efekcie wiąże się ze wzrostem dobrobytu społecznego. Jednakże przeprowadzona w artykule analiza skłania do wniosku, że konieczne są dalsze badania, które pozwolą na wypracowanie metod oceny skuteczności, jak i dadzą nam pełniejszy obraz jej efektywności, uwzględniający nie tylko skutki pośrednie stosowania antycyklicznych instrumentów makroostrożnościowych, ale również bezpośrednie następstwa tej polityki.
The article focuses on the problem of assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of countercyclical macroprudential policy. It presents basic sources of procyclicality of the financial sector and analyses objectives of countercyclical macroprudential policy. The effectiveness of macroprudential policy concerns the degree to which market failures can be addressed and intermediate and final objectives can be achieved. An analysis of contemporary literature in search of methods which could be applied to assess the degree to which the objectives of macroprudential policy are achieved leads us to the conclusion that the current state of knowledge in this area is insufficient. In the same vein, we know very little about the efficiency of countercyclical macroprudential policy, because available studies focus on a few indirect macroeconomic costs and benefits of more restrictive capital adequacy and liquidity standards, estimated as output losses and gains. Macroprudential regulations, in particular those that are countercyclical, are essential to safeguarding financial stability, which is a prerequisite for stable economic growth and social welfare. However, the analysis conducted in this paper leads to the conclusion that we need further research, with the aim of developing a robust framework of assessment of these regulations. The research should also attempt to design a reliable framework of assessment of the efficiency of macroprudential policy.
Ryzyko systemowe uznawane jest za jedną z głównych przyczyn niestabilności współczesnego systemu bankowego. Takie procesy jak: globalizacja, liberalizacja czy postępująca finansyzacja gospodarki globalnej wraz z rosnącym znaczeniem aktywów największych instytucji bankowych na świecie oraz ich silnych współzależności, spowodowały wpisanie ryzyka systemowego w zespół cech właściwych współczesnemu systemowi finansowemu. Jednocześnie ryzyko systemowe stało się jednym z głównych zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa systemu finansowego. W sektorze bankowym ryzyko systemowe zostało wywołane przez serie wzajemnych i skorelowanych niewypłacalności banków w stosunkowo krótkim czasie. Poprzez mechanizm "zarażania się" następowało przenoszenie się ryzyka, skutkując eskalacją problemu w gospodarce światowej, a finalnie wybuchem globalnego kryzysu finansowego. Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja wskaźników ryzyka systemowego oraz ich ocena z punktu widzenia zastosowania w utrzymaniu bezpieczeństwa systemu finansowego w długim okresie. W opracowaniu wykorzystano dane empiryczne oraz zastosowano następujące metody badawcze: studium literaturowe, obejmujące krajową i zagraniczną literaturę przedmiotu, analizę statystyczną oraz metodę obserwacji i syntezy.
Systemic risk is considered to be one of the main causes of instability of modern banking sector. Such processes as: globalization, liberalization and progressive financialization of the global economy together with the growing importance of the assets of the biggest banking institutions in the world and their strong interdependence, caused inclusion of the systemic risk in the set of characteristics of the modern financial system. At the same time, systemic risk has become one of the main threats of the security of the financial system. In the banking sector, systemic risk was triggered by a series of correlated banks' insolvency in a relatively short period of time. Through the 'contagion' mechanism, the transfer of risk was followed, resulting escalation of the problem in the global economy, and finally the outbreak of the global financial crisis. The aim of the study is identification of indicators of systemic risk and their assessment from the point of view of their application in maintaining the security of the financial system in a long term. The following research methods were used in the study: literature studies, including domestic and foreign literature, statistical analysis, as well as observation and synthesis methods.
The basic premise of the introduction of new regulations in the European financial market is to ensure the stability of its operation and to prevent the occurrence of further crises. Taking into account the fact that the effects of past actions taken by governments to improve the situation on the domestic markets are far from desirable, and increasingly louder and boldly began to pull out additional tax demand of institutions conducting banking activities and the creation of the European Union on the basis of the bank. The article attempts to evaluate the proposed solutions in the context of possible economic consequences. Centralize management functions global financial market will be a reality, but the process will be gradual. The introduction of a financial transaction tax on a global scale requires a longer time horizon necessary to carry out the appropriate procedures and implement them in practice.
The way the global market economy is developing, includes the risk of destabilisation related to uneven pace of growth and changes in the structure of economy and financial markets. As has been shown by recent experiences, the countries and markets are becoming more related to each other. The difficulties appearing in one country within a particular sector may be easily transferred to other areas and countries. This correlation between markets and countries combined with the increase of globalisation will also get stronger, causing greater risk of destabilisation. Apart from advantages, globalisation also entails a range of dangers in various areas. The main risk of globalisation for the international financial system is the increased danger for the world's financial stability. The world of finance has become multipolar. Globalisation of financial markets plays an important role in this process. It is necessary to remember, that globalisation, influencing some markets, will result in the increase of risk for the remaining markets - due to their growing correlation. The aim of this paper is to describe the parameters affecting the stability of financial market, which still receive little attention in the existing stabilisation procedures within the EU, and which, according to the author, are crucial for maintaining the balance of this system.(original abstract)
Changes in the way of achieving the objectives of monetary policy, that have occurred in recent years, determine the evolution of the place and role of modern central banks, including the development of instruments through which they may impact on conditions of the banking sector. The main aim of modern monetary policy has became maintaining financial stability in a long term. So far, the monetary authorities has thought about financial stability as a public good, and has focused at regardless of monetary purposes. Imposed on the central bank an additional goal - financial stability , is now one of the most discussed topics. Moreover, the analysis of monetary policy during escalating banking sector instability of the XXI century, indicates that the implemented instruments have caused significant changes in the philosophy of activity of modern central banks.
Celem artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie kluczowych zadań stojących przed jednostkami budżetowymi będącymi beneficjentami środków pomocowych Unii Europejskiej w nowej perspektywie finansowej 2014-2020, przede wszystkim w kontekście ich stabilności finansowej oraz wprowadzanych ostatnio zmian odnoszących się do ich dochodów. Autorzy zakładają, że w systemie finansów lokalnych istnieją cztery komponenty decydują- ce o stabilności finansowej jednostek samorządu terytorialnego, rzutujące na zdolności absorpcyjne tychże jednostek będących beneficjentami środków unijnych; są to: dochody budżetowe, wydatki budżetowe, wyniki budżetowe i zadłużenie. W artykule szczególnie podkreślono dochody budżetowe, próbując powiązać z zagadnieniem stabilności finansowej Unii Europejskiej. Podjęto próbę udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie dlaczego nowa perspektywa jest znacznie trudniejsza dla beneficjentów od poprzedniej, tj. 2007-2013. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of the article is to identify the key tasks facing budgetary units of aid beneficiary of the European Union in the new financial perspectives 2014-2020, above all in the context of their financial stability and introduced last changes relating to their income. The authors assume that the local finance system there are four components that determine the financial stability of local government units, projecting a on the absorption capacity of these entities that are the beneficiaries of EU funds; These are: the budget revenue, expenditure, budgetary outcomes and debt. In the article particularly highlighted the budget revenue in an attempt to link the issue of financial stability of the European Union. An attempt to answer the question, why a new perspective is much more difficult for beneficiaries from the previous IE. 2007-2013.(original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono szacunek skutków regulacji kapitałowych w sektorze bankowym wraz z analizą uwarunkowań wzrostu gospodarczego w Polsce. Analizę symulacyjną dotyczącą wpływu zagregowanego współczynnika wypłacalności na efektywny popyt na kredyt oraz na wzrost gospodarczy przeprowadzono na podstawie wielorównaniowego modelu ekonometrycznego. (fragment tekstu)
Financial stability can be seen as the maintenance of proper conditions for financial intermediation in the economy while maintaining an acceptable risk. One of long-term objectives of supervisors are the recommendations for capital requirements in the banking sector related to the solvency ratio, within the micro- and macro-prudential policy oriented on systemic risks. It could affect lending and economic processes in the real economy This paper presents a multi--equational model to analyze an effective demand for credit. On the basis of a simulation analysis for the banking sector in Poland it can be inferred that the increase in average capital adequacy ratio could lead to a moderate increase in lending rates and a slight decline in GDP growth. Consequently, additional capital requirements should not have a significant impact on the price of credit. (original abstract)
Indeks VIX jest popularnym wskaźnikiem wykorzystywanym przez analityków i ekonomistów do pomiaru poziomu "strachu" wśród inwestorów. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, że jego informacyjna rola została zaburzona. Autorzy założyli, że stosowanie na dużą skalę strategii sprzedawania zmienności może powodować silne fluktuacje indeksu VIX, które będą spowodowane czynnikami technicznymi niezwiązanymi z sytuacją fundamentalną. W szczególności analizowany jest wpływ instrumentów ETN, kierowanych do inwestorów detalicznych. Ich konstrukcja może skutkować zaburzeniem informacyjnej roli notowań indeksu VIX, co z kolei zagraża stabilności systemu finansowego. Autorzy przeprowadzają studium przypadku wydarzeń z 5 lutego 2018 г., gdy doszło do najsilniejszego jednodniowego wzrostu indeksu VIX w historii. Analiza wykazała, że był on spowodowany wymuszonymi transakcjami emitentów instrumentów ETN na rynku kontraktów terminowych na VIX. Okazało się, że zmiany na tym relatywnie małym rynku mogą mieć znaczące konsekwencje dla całego rynku giełdowego, a nawet dla sfery realnej. Z badań wynika, że analizując indeks VIX, należy być świadomym, że na jego poziom w dużej mierze wpływają siły podaży i popytu na rynku instrumentów pochodnych, które okresowo mogą być zaburzane przez różnego rodzaju anomalie, takie jak nagły zanik płynności.
VIX is a popular index used by financial analysts and economists to measure the level of 'fear' among investors. The aim of the paper is to show that the information function of this index has been distorted because the use on a large scale of the strategy to sell volatility can lead to strong fluctuations of the index which are unrelated do the fundamental situation. In particular, the authors analyse the impact of ETN instruments addressed to retail investors; their construction can result in undermining the information value of VIX quotations, which in turn endangers the stability of the financial system. The authors present a case study regarding the events of 5 February 2018, with the biggest one-day rise of the VIX in the history. The analysis shows that this shock was caused by the forced transactions made by ETN issuers on the futures market for VIX. It turned out that changes on this relatively small market can have significant consequences for the whole asset market, and even for the real sphere. When analyzing VIX quotations one should remember that its level is affected by supply and demand forces in the derivatives' market, which may be temporarily disturbed by various anomalies, such a sudden lack of liquidity.
Creating a safe, more transparent and accountable European financial system require, among others, the new regulations of credit rating agencies. The changes that were necessary to make the activities of credit rating agencies more transparent and accountable are presented by showing the rating as a tool to measure and control risk, the controversy surrounding the ratings and criticism of the rating agencies, as well as changes in the regulation of credit rating agencies based on the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union, No. 513/2011 of 11 May 2011.
The economic effects of the collapse of the credit institutions in the modern market economy make increasing attention is paid to early warning systems. They allow to take appropriate corrective action early enough to prevent banks from collapse. The purpose of this article is to present models of early warning systems that are used in Poland by the Polish National Bank, the Bank Guarantee Fund and the Financial Supervision Commission.
In the first part of the article the author considers the concept of the economic and financial stability. However in the second part he analyses the factors forming the financial stability of enterprises and the impact of the financial situation of the enterprises on economy. The whole analysis is completed by tables, diagrams and conclusions.
Przedstawiono strukturę budżetu Unii Europejskiej. Omówiono przewidywany udział Polski w dochodach i wydatkach budżetu UE. Zwrócono uwagę na zagrożenia dla płynności polskiego budżetu, wysokość składki członkowskiej, wysokość wsparcia finansowego polskiego rolnictwa w ramach Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej oraz wysokość przyznanych Polsce zaliczek na działania strukturalne.
This article concerns the financial conditions of Polish membership in the European Union settled during accession negotiations that were finalised on the summit in Copen hagen in December 2002. In order to present this problem the analysis of economic and financial situation of the EU countries could be used. This situation essentially influences on volume of incomes and expenditures of common budget and explains reasons for which the European Union wanted to keep the enlargement costs on lower possible level. The article also describes settlements concerning the financial transfers between the budget of the European Union and budget of Poland connected with obligatory membership contribution and share of Poland in the Common Agricultural Policy and structural activities. The article mentions about threats for liquidity of Polish budget in the first period of membership. (original abstract)
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