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The article focuses on the examples of Ukrainian historical feature films set in World War II and the so-called “war after the war” in Ukraine. The images considered evade rigid categories, and show the diversity of cultural representations of the period in question, which constitute a field of negotiation between the narrative of the Great Patriotic War and World War II. Film images will be analysed as a historical sources for study of the perceptions of history. The article’s main goal is to answer the question of “whose history” is presented there. The text is intended to present the films as the result of the activities of the various actors involved in politics of history in its broad definition.
Respect for the achievements of the USSR was one of the foundations of Belarusian politics of history even before the rule of Alyaksandr Lukashenka; this was also reflected in the identity of most Belarusians, who perceived themselves as “Soviet people”. A special place in the narrative about the Soviet period was occupied by the Great Patriotic War, which was also presented from the perspective of the enormous demographic and material losses that affected the territory of today’s Belarus. The timid attempts undertaken in the early 1990s to demythologise the cult of the war period did not lead to any significant changes in the narrative, especially since Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s rise to power in 1994 effectively blocked any further efforts to revise Belarusian historiography. For President Lukashenka, who has ruled ever since then, the Great Patriotic War was and continues to be one of the key periods defining the history of Belarus and its contemporary domestic and foreign policy. At the same time, in response to Russia’s interference in Ukraine in 2014 and Moscow’s desire to subjugate Minsk fully, the Belarusian president began playing World War II “memory card” that had hitherto been excluded from the current disputes, in order to strengthen his and his country’s own historical narrative as something separate from that of Russia.
The present paper confronts the dual nature of the Great Patriotic War narrative − the official (collective) and the personal − young people’s memory of that war. The author, by pointing out the discrepancies between the official myth and individuals experience − as reconstructed by students based on their relatives’ narratives (grandmothers’ or grandfathers’) − emphasizes the importance of a personalized war experience pieced together by young people. She draws the reader’s attention to the de‑ideologization and the de‑composition of the ruling myth by young people. She discusses their attempts to make the official narrative more authentic − through the eyes of individual witnesses. She also emphasizes the students’ efforts to recover the memory of The Great Patriotic War exposing the elements outside the realm of mainstream remembrance propaganda. She stresses the fact that it is necessary for young people to endure the trauma of personal narratives.
This article is an original attempt to define the main features of the myth of the Great Patriotic War in post-Communist Russian cinema. By combining historical, cultural and film studies, the author defines the reasons for the appearance of the above-mentioned myth and its popularity, and indicates the effects of the ideologisation of an event which has been important for politics of history during the rule of Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin. The article will cite examples of films containing repetitive narrative elements that appear with varying intensity and regularity in the Russian political and public discourse on the Great Patriotic War. The author will also refer to how such films have been received, and will define a potential perspective for the further development of this theme.
Being borrowed from the Soviet historical narrative and successfully adapted to the needs of the Belarusian state, the memory of Victory in the Great Patriotic War has become the ideological basis for the authoritarian regime in Belarus. This article is aimed at addressing the celebration of the Victory Day in Minsk in 2020 and, through the analysis of this particular case, identify the main frames for the ideological image of Victory in the Belarusian authorities’ politics of history as well as the mechanisms for population involvement and ideological mobilisation. The year 2020 has become critical for Belarusian politics as for the first time since 1994, mass democratic protests challenged Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s complete control over Belarusian society.
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Wielka Wojna Ojczyźniana – bilans wykluczenia

The article deals with the problem of exclusion and repression of whole social groups by the Stalinist regime during the so called Great Patriotic War. It purports to show that Stalin and his milieu tried to consolidate a majority of the society by means of excluding and subjecting to repressions arbitrarily chosen social groups, seeking in this way to reduce the threat posed by instant successes of the German army in the war against the USSR. The first such group comprised Red Army soldiers who surrendered to the Germans and were prisoners of war – they were declared traitors and so their families were to suffer repressions. Another group consisted of the national minorities residing in the Soviet Union - in 1941 those were Germans and later during the liberation of the country from German occupation it meant whole nations whose representatives collaborated with the German occupants. The author argues that contrary to the claims of the Russian propaganda, victory in the war was not treated by Stalin as the victory of all the Soviet Union citizens.
In 2015, as a result of implementing the Ukrainian decommunisation laws, the official name of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War was changed to the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War. The current exhibition at the museum depicts internalisation of Soviet myths in Ukraine as well as the problem of no explicit guidelines from state authorities regarding an official narrative. Also, developing a new concept of a museum dedicated to the history of Ukraine in the Second World War has been impeded by the ongoing war in the eastern part of the country. This paper discusses mutual relations and mismatches between Ukraine’s politics of history and museum practices. The change of the latter is much more languid and complex than in the case of merely changing street names or dismantling old monuments and erecting new ones.
The fundamental direction of politics of history in Belarus under the rule of Aleksandr Lukashenko has been to maintain and cultivate the memory of the Great Patriotic War and the Soviet period. Although the Republic of Belarus remains the most faithful heir to the Soviet inheritance, over time its politics of memory has begun to shift towards the establishment and consolidation of its own history of Belarusian statehood. The last several years have more actively revealed the authorities’ new trend in the field of politics of history, which involves the creation of a heroic image for the secret service (NKVD, KGB) and the militia in the history of the Belarusian state. This tendency is characterised by a nonaggressive, but national-level, wide range of commemorative measures which are aimed at creating a myth of the KGB and the militia. Starting from the Great Patriotic War, which remains central to the Belarusian government’s politics of history, new historical heroes have begun to emerge in the form of officers of the security services. The military and intelligence services are still linked to the figure of Felix Dzerzhinsky, and the cultivation of his memory in Belarus still predominates over the commemoration of other historical figures. A number of events (including those at state level) dedicated to the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Belarusian militia and the KGB in 2017 gave a particular boost to these commemorative measures. In this article, the author will analyse the Belarusian authorities’ current politics of history in this regard by introducing readers to a variety of commemorative practices (the unveiling of monuments, official speeches, films, historical reconstructions, etc.). Moreover, attention will be drawn to the current policy in Belarus and the place within it for the special services, as well as the lack of any consideration of the Soviet past (the Stalinist repressions, Kurapaty, the NKVD, access to archives), the international aspects of Belarus’s current politics of memory (links to Russia), and the martyrological and sacral character of the memory of the KGB and militia.
The cavalry of the Workers ’and Peasants ’Red Army was an important component, meant mostly for offensive purposes. As a result, for the whole period from the end of Russian Civil War to the outbreak of German-Soviet war in June 1941 work was being done on the development of its large units, like brigades, divisions and corps - and even mounted armies. Ways to use them on a modern battlefield were searched for, in order to for them to cooperate with modern mechanized and armoured formations. That is why the author, based on archival sources and plentiful subject literaturemainly Russian, presented its state of organization and size, as well as the changes which occurred in the second half of the 1930’s and on the eve of the Great Patriotic War from 1941–1945.
Kawaleria Robotniczo-Chłopskiej Armii Czerwonej stanowiła jej ważny komponent przeznaczony głównie do działań ofensywnych. Przez cały czas od zakończenia rosyjskiej wojny domowej aż do wybuchu wojny niemiecko-sowieckiej w czerwcu 1941 r. trwały prace nad rozbudową jej wielkich jednostek, mianowicie brygad, dywizji i korpusów – a nawet armii konnych. Poszukiwano też optymalnych metod wykorzystania kawalerii na nowoczesnym polu walki, gdzie miała działać wraz z nowoczesnymi formacjami zmechanizowanymi i pancernymi. W artykule autor na podstawie źródeł archiwalnych oraz bogatej literatury przedmiotu – głównie rosyjskojęzycznej – przedstawił stan organizacyjny oraz liczebność kawalerii, a także zmiany w tej formacji, które nastąpiły w drugiej połowie lat 30. oraz w przededniu wielkiej wojny ojczyźnianej z lat 1941–1945.
Przedmiotem analizy jest japońsko-rosyjsko-kanadyjski projekt Pierwszy Oddział (Первый отряд) podejmujący temat Wielkiej Wojny Ojczyźnianej. Składają się na niego: wideoklip First Squad (2005) rapera Legalize, pełnometrażowy film anime Pierwszy oddział: Moment prawdy (Первый отряд. Момент истины) w reżyserii Yoshiharu Ashino, manga autorstwa Enki Sugihara Первый отряд: Момент истины, oraz powieść Anny Starobiniec Первый отряд. Истина (2009). Ten uznany przez niektórych krytyków za kontrowersyjny (głównie z uwagi na zaskakującą formę – manga i anime) projekt (choć niepozbawiony wad i niedociągnięć) jest niezwykle ważny, ciekawy i inspirujący zarówno w kontekście zjawiska przenikania i wzajemnego wzbogacania się kultur, jak i procesu dalszej poprawy, do dziś obciążonych historycznymi zaszłościami, stosunków pomiędzy Rosją i Japonią.
The aim of the article is to analyze the Japanese, Russian and Canadian Project First Squad, which touches upon the question of the Great Patriotic War. The project consists of a video clip, a full-length anime movie, a manga and a novel. First Squad is a multi-code project, which, despite its fl aws and imperfections, is a bold, original and important undertaking.
The victory over fascism has been a source of national pride and inspiration for the majority of Russian society to this day. But is it possible to speak about a victory whereas the country was completely ruined and lost at least one ninth of its population? In today's Russia undermining the importance of victory is considered almost a common crime by official state factors. The memory of the "great war" is to be sacred and no one has the right to cast a shadow of doubt on the great victory of the nation and its leader. That is why few historians and politicians have the courage to tell the truth about war and victory. This truth lies in the recognition of the fact that, from the first to the last day of World War II, the German Wehrmacht never outnumbered the Red Army on the Eastern Front. It was also definitely inferior to the Red Army in terms of the quantity and quite often the quality of all types of weapons. The great victories of 1941–1942 were achieved by the Germans mainly due to the organizational weakness of the Red Army, the terrible command and the lack of motivation to fight among millions of Soviet soldiers. However, with each new defeat of the Red Army, its advantage over the Wehrmacht just increased. The vast majority of citizens found out that German fascism posed a much worse threat to them than Stalinism. The war with Germany did turn into a patriotic war for most of Soviet society. In 2011, the Russian Duma published government documents from the war period. They show that the human losses of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 amounted to 41 million 979 thousand people. This is almost 15 million more than the Gorbachev commission thought. Another 10 million 833 thousand is the mortality from the so-called natural causes among the civilian and military population. The victory of the Soviet Union in World War II was a Pyrrhic victory that further strengthened the inhuman totalitarian system known as Stalinism. Most Russians, however, perceive such statements almost as a personal insult.
Do dziś zwycięstwo nad faszyzmem stanowi dla przeważającej części społeczeństwa rosyjskiego źródło narodowej dumy, inspiracji i natchnienia. Czy można jednak mówić o zwycięstwie, kiedy kraj został doszczętnie zrujnowany i stracił co najmniej jedną dziewiątą swojej ludności? Podważanie znaczenia zwycięstwa w dzisiejszej Rosji uważane jest przez oficjalne czynniki państwowe niemal za przestępstwo pospolite. Pamięć o „wielkiej wojnie” ma być święta i nikt nie ma prawa rzucić cienia wątpliwości na w wielkie zwycięstwo narodu i jego przywódcy. Dlatego nieliczni historycy i politycy mają odwagę mówić prawdę o wojnie i zwycięstwie. Prawda ta polega na uznaniu faktu, że od pierwszego do ostatniego dnia II wojny światowej niemiecki Wehrmacht nigdy na froncie wschodnim nie miał przewagi liczebnej. Zdecydowanie ustępował on również Armii Czerwonej pod względem ilości i dość często jakości wszystkich typów uzbrojeń. Wielkie zwycięstwa z lat 1941–1942 Niemcy odnieśli głównie dzięki słabości organizacyjnej Armii Czerwonej, fatalnemu dowództwu i braku motywacji do walki u milionów żołnierzy sowieckich. Jednak z każdą nową porażką Armii Czerwonej jej przewaga nad Wehrmachtem jedynie wzrastała. Ogromna większość obywateli przekonała się, że faszyzm niemiecki stanowi dla nich o wiele gorsze zagrożenie niż stalinizm. Wojna z Niemcami dla przeważającej części społeczeństwa sowieckiego rzeczywiście przekształciła się w wojnę ojczyźnianą. W roku 2011 Duma rosyjska upubliczniła dokumenty rządowe z okresu wojny. Wynika z nich, że straty ludzkie Związku Sowieckiego w wojnie ojczyźnianej 1941–1945 roku sięgają 41 mln 979 tys. osób. Jest to o prawie 15 mln więcej, niż sądziła komisja Gorbaczowa. Jeszcze 10 mln 833 tys. – to śmiertelność z tzw. przyczyn naturalnych wśród ludności cywilnej i wojskowych. Zwycięstwo Związku Sowieckiego w II wojnie światowej było zwycięstwem pyrrusowym, które jeszcze bardziej wzmocniło nieludzki, totalitarny system zwany stalinizmem. Większość Rosjan jednak odbiera podobne twierdzenia niemal jako obrazę osobistą.
Path of Science
vol. 4
issue 3
В статье рассматривается развитие молодежного физкультурно-спортивного движения в Пензенском регионе в первой половине 1941 г. – перед Великой Отечественной войной. Данный вопрос практически не исследовался в работах по истории Пензенского региона. Характеризуются мероприятия местных советско-партийных и общественных организаций по оздоровлению и военно-спортивной подготовке населения, в первую очередь, молодежи: массовые лыжные походы и кроссы, соревнования по гимнастике, легкоатлетические кроссы (ко Дню большевистской печати, комсомольско-профсоюзные, на приз газеты «Молодой ленинец» и т. п.).
The article deals with the development of the youth athletic and sports movement in the Penza region in the first half of 1941 – before the Great Patriotic War. The activities of local Soviet-party and public organizations for the health improvement and military sport training of the population, especially the young: mass ski trips and crosses, gymnastics competitions, athletic crosses (for the Day of the Bolshevik Press, of Komsomol-trade union, for the prize of the "Young Leninist" newspaper, etc.).
This article addresses the founding narratives in the Kaliningrad Oblast created by the communist state apparatus. It discusses the myth of the Great Patriotic War, the eradication of German heritage, and the narrative of the region having Slavic roots. These narratives were aimed at legitimising the presence of a post-migrant community on the formerly German territory, and provide a framework for the formation of identity. Nowadays, it is the narrative of victory over fascism that serves as the region’s foundational myth. Although the regional discourse about the war largely coincides with Russia’s national war narrative, a closer look reveals local peculiarities.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych narracji założycielskich obwodu kaliningradzkiego: mitu Wielkiej Wojny Ojczyźnianej, narracji o "wygnaniu pruskiego ducha" oraz o słowiańskich korzeniach terytorium. Wszystkie one powstały w polu władzy tuż po wojnie i miały legitymizować obecność post-migracyjnej społeczności na byłym niemieckim terytorium oraz ułatwiać rozpoznanie i wyjaśnianie nie do końca poznanej, dopiero tworzącej się rzeczywistości. Jak zostaje pokazane, współcześnie funkcję mitu założycielskiego w obwodzie kaliningradzkim pełni narracja o zwycięstwie nad faszyzmem. Regionalny dyskurs o wojnie w dużej mierze pokrywa się z narracją ogólnorosyjską, gdy jednak przyjrzeć się im bliżej, dostrzec można lokalną specyfikę.  
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the October Revolution (1967) – a Generational Turnover and the Politics of Memory of the USSRAbstractCelebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the October Revolution revealed important changes in the politics of memory pursued by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. With the use of methodology of research on memory, in the article I put forward the thesis that the utopian project began on 7 November 1917 (N.S.) and faith in the final achievement of its goal set by Lenin’s party began to be overshadowed. The events which took place in Petrograd and on which collective memory had focused for last fifty years, did not have in the 1960s such a strong symbolic impact, being able to mobilise the people to achieve goals set by the Communist Party as the Great Patriotic War. From the time of reactivation of the official celebrations of the Victory Day in 1965 the October Revolution began gradually to diminish in importance and lose its central place in social memory of the Soviet people.The most important cause of this process of evolution of collective memory is, in my opinion,a generational change of the sixties. I also indicate some other significant factors that contributed to the politics of memory of the Communist Party: the problem of attitude towards the Stalinist period, conflict with China, and relations with the Western states. 50-я годовщина Октябрьской революции (1967) – генерационный сдвиг и историческая политика СССР АннотацияПразднование 50-й годовщины Октябрьской революции продемонстрировало существенные изменения в исторической политике КПСС. Пользуясь методологией исследований памяти, в статье я выдвигаю тезис, что утопическому проекту, начавшемуся 7 ноября 1917 года (н.ст.) и вере в конечное осуществление цели, определенной тогда партией Ленина, перестали придавать большое значение. События в Петрограде, на которых за последние полвека сосредоточивалась общественная память, в 60-х гг. не обладали настолько сильным символическим измерением, способным мобилизовать общество к осуществлению целей, поставленных коммунистической партией, как Великая Отечественная война. Октябрьская революция, в момент возрождения официального праздника Дня Победы в 1965 году, стала терять свой главенствующий статус в общественной памяти в Советском Союзе.Самой важной причиной этого процесса эволюции общественной памяти я считаюгенерационный сдвиг 60-х гг. Я также указываю на другие факторы, которые существенным образом повлияли на историческую политику компартии: проблему отношения к сталинским временам, конфликт с Китаем, а также отношения с западными государствами.
The fiftieth anniversary of the October Revolution (1967) – a generational change and historical policy of the USSRAbstractCelebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the October Revolution revealed important changes in the politics of memory pursued by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. With the use of methodology of research on memory, in the article I put forward the thesis that the utopian project began on 7 November 1917 (N.S.) and faith in the final achievement of its goal set by Lenin’s party began to be marginalised. The events which took place in Petrograd and on which collective memory had focused for last fifty years, did not have in the 1960s such a strong symbolic impact, being able to mobilise the people to achieve goals set by the Communist Party as the Great Patriotic War. From the time of reactivation of the official celebrations of the Victory Day in 1965 the October Revolution began gradually to diminish in importance and lose its central place in social memory of the Soviet people.The most important cause of this process of evolution of social memory is, in my opinion,a generational change of the sixties. I also indicate some other significant factors that contributed to the historical policy of the Communist Party: the problem of attitude towards the Stalinist period, conflict with China, and relations with the Western states. 50-я годовщина Октябрьской революции (1967) – генерационный сдвиг и историческая политика СССР АннотацияПразднование 50-й годовщины Октябрьской революции продемонстрировало существенные изменения в исторической политике КПСС. Пользуясь методологией исследований памяти, в статье я выдвигаю тезис, что утопическому проекту, начавшемуся 7 ноября 1917 года (н.ст.) и вере в конечное осуществление цели, определенной тогда партией Ленина, перестали придавать большое значение. События в Петрограде, на которых за последние полвека сосредоточивалась общественная память, в 60-х гг. не обладали настолько сильным символическим измерением, способным мобилизовать общество к осуществлению целей, поставленных коммунистической партией, как Великая Отечественная война. Октябрьская революция, в момент возрождения официального праздника Дня Победы в 1965 году, стала терять свой главенствующий статус в общественной памяти в Советском Союзе.Самой важной причиной этого процесса эволюции общественной памяти я считаю генерационный сдвиг 60-х гг. Я также указываю на другие факторы, которые существенным образом повлияли на историческую политику компартии: проблему отношения к сталинским временам, конфликт с Китаем, а также отношения с западными государствами.
By discussing the history of the center for the Great Patriotic War veterans opened on the Island of Valaam (the Republic of Karelia, Russia) in the early 1950s, the article searches for the roots and reasons for the “social oblivion“ that affected the war wounded veterans, many of them amputees. The author tries to point to the mechanisms that account for the discrepancies between the official myth of the brave and simple soldier, respected and admired by the younger generations, and the grim fate of the crippled war veterans doomed to oblivion. She emphasizes that when it comes to the Great Patriotic War, social oblivion has often “competed” with social remembrance. She also shows what kind of filters have been applied to the Russian collective memory, and how the elements not fitting the official gala image of war veterans have been excluded as they could potentially undermine the shared group identity.
Tekst odwołując się do historii utworzonego na początku lat 50. na  Wałaamie (Karelia) ośrodka dla weteranów Wielkiej Wojny Ojczyźnianej poszukuje przyczyn społecznej niepamięci o inwalidach szczególnie dotkliwie okaleczonych w walkach. Stara się wskazać mechanizmy rozdźwięku między powszechnie obowiązującym - obecnym w oficjalnym dyskursie - mitem odważnego, prostego żołnierza, otoczonego szacunkiem i wdzięcznością kolejnych pokoleń i zapomnieniem o inwalidach. Akcentuje swoiste konkurowanie ze sobą społecznego zapominania i społecznej pamięci Wielkiej Wojny Ojczyźnianej. Wskazuje na filtrowanie pamięci zbiorowej, usuwanie z niej elementów zakłócających odświętny wizerunek weterana i przez to naruszających utrwaloną tożsamość grupy.
Artykuł dotyczy problemu ochrony i upamiętnienia wydarzeń Wielkiej Wojny Ojczyźnianej, który był bardzo rzadko badany zarówno w sowieckiej, jak i postsowieckiej histografii. W artykule analizowane są zasady i postawy „porządku państwowego”, wytyczne i instrukcje Ludowego Komisariatu Oświaty ZSRR, Rosyjskiej FSRR, Wydziału Agitacji i Propagandy Komitetu Centralnego KPZR (b), różnych władz regionalnych, a także archiwalne dokumenty muzealne zawierające informacje o samym zbieraniu eksponatów oraz o działaniach edukacyjnych i wystawienniczych. Ponadto na podstawie analizy dokumentów w tekście przedstawiano takie zagadnienia, jak gloryfikacja wydarzeń Wielkiej Wojny Ojczyźnianej, „zakazane” tematy wyłączone z pokazów w muzeach (obozy jenieckie, kolaboracja itp.), mitologizacja tematyki wojskowej, wzmocnienie nadzoru nad działaniami pracowników muzeum, przewodniki i katalogi wystaw muzealnych oraz miejsc pamięci (publikowane podczas wojny). Artykuł przedstawia również zasady zbierania eksponatów (od zarekwirowanej broni po amatorskie plakaty), pozwalające na tworzenie wystaw zaraz po tym, gdy coś się wydarzyło. Omawiając wystawy organizowane w muzeach historii i rewolucji, muzeach historii naturalnej oraz muzeach sztuki, autorka skupia się na czasie ich organizacji, celach i intencjach. Materiały muzealne pozwalają z jednej strony zrekonstruować specyfikę działalności wystawienniczej i edukacyjnej na terenach wyzwolonych spod okupacji, z drugiej natomiast – prześledzić znaczenie ważnego zadania ideologicznego: stworzenia „miejsca pamięci” już w 1945 roku.
The article deals with the problem of preservation and memorialization of the Great Patriotic War events in wartime itself which was barely researched in Soviet and post-Soviet historiography. The article analyzes the principles and attitudes of the 'state order' as well as the guidelines and instructions of the People's commissariat for education of the USSR and the Russian SFSR, the Department of Agitation and Propaganda of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), different regional authorities, and also the museum archives documents containing information about collecting, educational and exhibition activities. Also such problems as glorification of the Great Patriotic War events, 'forbidden' subjects excluded from the verbal and visual showing in museums (POW camps, collaboration etc.), and mythologizing of the military theme without delay, as well as the strengthening of the ideological supervising of the museum staff activities are illustrated based on the analysis of documents, guides and catalogs for exhibitions and memorial sites (published in wartime) and memorial sources. The article presents the principles of the material collecting (from the captured weapons to amateur posters), allowed to form collections popular at the exhibitions organized immediately after the events that took place in the lines and in the rearward. The article deals with such exhibitions organized in museums of history and revolution, natural history museums, republic art museums: the author analises their subject focus (which had great propaganda value), periods, objective and documentary intention etc. Museum materials allow, on the one hand, to reconstruct the specifics of exhibitional and educational activities in the rearward, in the lines and on the territory liberated from the occupation and, on the other hand – to trace the gain of an important ideological task: the formation of a single 'memory space' already by 1945.
As part of its activity, the Russian Federation has formed a vision of selected historical events considered vital for the awareness of political commonwealth. Selected state institutions establish a set of tools to create the policy of remembrance and achieve specific aims through selecting, positioning and popularizing. In this context, a historical policy is pursued holistically and its instruments include both a formal and legal level and a symbolic field embracing infrastructural elements of collective memory and symbolic metaspace. A purpose of the article is to prove that a basic source of Russia’s new founding myth were the experiences of World War II. Historical identifiers that are essential for the Russians’ national and civil identity originate indeed in WWII filling in the empty space formed in result of the politically inspired erosion of collective memory in 1945–1991.
В процессе истории Российской Федерации был создан образ исторических событий, названных ключевыми для политического мировоззрения. Некоторые государственные органы находят способы воздействия на политику памяти и при помощи селекции, позиционирования и популяризации достигают поставленных целей. В әтом контексте историческая политика касается не только формально-правовой сферы, но и символической, состоящей из инфраструктурных әлементов общенародной памяти и символического метафизического пространства. Цель статьи – подтвердить, что основным источником нового первоначального мифа России были последствия II мировой войны. Именно тогда сформировались ключевые фундаменты национального сознания и исторические коды россиян, заполняющие пустоты, появившиеся по политически обусловленной причине әрозии общенародной памяти в 1945–1991 годах.
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