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W artykule przedstawione zostały zagadnienia związane z hybrydową korytarzową opcją kupna: charakterystyka instrumentu, funkcja wypłaty, model wyceny oraz analiza wpływu wybranych czynników na kształtowanie się ceny oraz wartości miar wrażliwości opcji. Ilustracja empiryczna, zawarta w artykule, została przeprowadzona na podstawie symulacji wyceny opcji wystawionych na EUR/PLN.
The article presents the issues connected with hybrid corridor call options: characteristic of instruments, the payoff function, the pricing model and the analysis the influence selected factors on the price option and the value of the Greek coefficients for the options. The empirical illustration included in the article are concerned with the pricing simulations of the option on EUR/PLN.
Ekspozycja na ryzyko walutowe jest nieodłącznym elementem działalności wielu przedsiębiorstw. Zasadniczym źródłem tejże ekspozycji jest ich aktywność handlowa w obrocie międzynarodowym. Świadomość wystąpienia ryzyka walutowego w przedsiębiorstwach związana jest z koniecznością opracowania strategii zarządzania nim z wykorzystaniem dostępnych na rynku instrumentów. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie istoty ryzyka walutowego oraz skali wykorzystania giełdowych instrumentów pochodnych do zabezpieczania się przedsiębiorstw przed tym ryzykiem. Autorka posłużyła się metodą krytycznej analizy literatury oraz prostymi metodami statystycznymi i graficznymi obrazującymi badane zjawisko
Facing exchange rate risk is an inevitable part of business for many companies due to their participation in international trade. The awareness of the exchange rate risk means that the companies should prepare a strategy of risk management using available instruments. The aim of the paper is to present the essence of exchange rate risk and to reveal how often derivatives are used by companies to hedge from the risk. The author carried out critical literature review and used basic statistical methods to present the problem.
Rachunkowość zabezpieczeń jest uznawana za jeden z najbardziej zaawansowanych i najtrudniejszych obszarów rachunkowości. Zastosowanie rachunkowości zabezpieczeń ma na celu uchronić wartość wyniku finansowego przed nadmierną fluktuacją. Wykorzystywanie instrumentów pochodnych w celu zabezpieczenia jednostki przed zmiennością czynników zewnętrznych nie jest tożsame ze stosowaniem rachunkowości zabezpieczeń. Artykuł analizuje zasady ewidencji oraz prezentacji instrumentów pochodnych przez Grupę Kapitałową ABC w celu zabezpieczania przed ryzykiem zmienności przepływów pieniężnych oraz wyników finansowych wyrażonych w walutach krajowych ze względu na zmiany cen materiałów i towarów.
Hedge accounting is recognized as one of the most advanced and the most difficult areas of accounting. The application of hedge accounting is to protect the value of the financial result against excessive fluctuation. The use of derivative instruments to hedge volatility of the individual against external factors is not identical to the application of hedge accounting. This article presents and examines the principles of records (accounting principles) and the presentation of derivative instruments by the Group ABC to hedge against the risk of fluctuations in cash flows (cash flow hedge) and the financial results denominated in national currencies due to changes in the prices of materials and goods.
Financial crisis that began in 2007 on the U.S. mortgage market with remarkable dynamics reached global financial world. It consequences impaired stability of the financial markets and banking systems, and weakened the economies of many countries. One of the most important factors occurring during the financial crisis was the sudden surge in the counterparty risk. Counterparty risk is a kind of credit risk and is characterized by a situation that the counterparty to a transaction defaults before the final cash flow settlement of the transaction. The purpose of this article is to present the specific problem of counterparty risk in the perspective of risk management techniques in the OTC derivatives market and moreover to explain the EMIR - an important regulatory initiative in this area.
The uncertainty in global economy, enforce the need for more effective management of credit risk. One of the aspects of this management is the use of credit derivatives. Although these instruments have been used for a long time, still are regarded as innovative instruments. In addition, these transactions in Poland still remains outside the regulated market. This causes danger of transforming them in tools that can be toxic and harmful for the Polish financial system. The aim of this study is the attempt to discuss the introduction of innovative financial instruments to over-the-counter-market (OTC). The author asks a question about the possibility of introducing credit derivatives on the regulated market, both in terms of legal aspect and potential of these instruments in the management of the credit risk. The study also presents balance between opportunities and risks of concentration on the regulated market. The study raises the hypothesis, that the introduction of credit derivatives to the organized market increase the potential of the Polish capital market, its innovation and popularity of which Warsaw could become financial center of Central and Eastern Europe.
Rozwój nieregulowanego rynku instrumentów pochodnych w Polsce, po globalnym kryzysie finansowym został zharmonizowany z nowymi regulacjami rynku OTC strefy euro. W opracowaniu analizuje się zachodzące w nim zmiany, wykazując, że obserwowany wzrost obrotów na nieregulowanym rynku pozagiełdowych instrumentów pochodnych w Polsce jest wynikiem szeregu autonomicznych czynników, niezależnych od działań międzynarodowych nadzorców i regulatorów. Transformowane na polski nieregulowany rynek instrumentów pochodnych zmiany zasad jego funkcjonowania nie hamują więc dynamiki i przekształceń w rodzajowej i podmiotowej strukturze obrotu derywatywami w Polsce. W długim okresie mogą jednak prowadzić do ograniczenia na nim popytu i podaży oraz zmniejszenia skali jego fragmentaryzacji.
After the period of the global financial crisis, the OTC derivatives market in Poland has been harmonized with the new legislative regulations applied in the euro zone. This paper provides an analysis of the substantial changes within Polish OTC market over the last few years and indicates that the increasing turnover is mainly caused by the influence of autonomous factors, independent from international regulatory institutions and supervisors. Therefore, it is important to note that the new implemented solutions do not slow down the OTC market growth dynamics and its structural transformations. However, further development may lead to the reduction of supply and demand for derivatives in the long term.
W artykule zaprezentowano modyfikację klasycznego modelu Blacka- -Scholesa. Uwzględniono istnienie efektu pamięci w finansowych szeregach czasowych i wprowadzono do modelu wyceny instrumentów finansowych wykładnik Hursta oraz funkcję Höldera. Niniejszy artykuł składa się z części teoretycznej, w której przybliżono założenia i postać teoretyczną klasycznego modelu Blacka-Scholesa oraz omówiono jego wybrane modyfikacje, a także z części aplikacyjnej, w której ukazano efektywność uzyskanych rozwiązań.
In the article we have presented the modification of a classic Black-Scholes model. We have considered the existence of memory effect in financial time series and introduced valuations of financial instruments, Hurst exponent and Hölder function into the model. The article consists of the theoretical part, in which we have presented the assumptions and the theoretical form of a classic Black-Scholes model and discussed its selected modifications, as well as the application part, which illustrates the effectiveness of the obtained solutions.
Over the past few years the global economy has experienced a series of negative events, which turned out to be a consequence of the financial crisis. The crisis left mark in the global economy and led to instability and a reduction of the basic economic indicators. Consequently, several Member States have experienced an economic downturn, in which the primary source of the problem is "excessively developed" financial market, and specifically the derivatives market. The most growing segment of the financial market in the modern economy is derivatives market. This is due to the fact that these instruments offer many possibilities of their use. Research issues, will therefore hover around the market of innovative derivatives, whose natural goal is to strive for expansion. The study attempts to determine how derivatives affect the factors of economic growth and to analyze the relationship between the magnitude of increase in innovative derivatives market and economic growth.
Celem opracowania jest wykrycie i opisanie prawidłowości rządzących zmiennością stopy procentowej WIBOR 3M, kursami wymiany złotego względem USD i EURO, indeksem WIG 20 oraz cenami kontraktów terminowych. Do badania zachowań polskiego rynku finansowego wykorzystano metodologię łańcuchów Markowa drugiego rzędu.
The authors employ a new methodology of Markov processes for studying the daily behavior of exchange rate, interest rate, stock exchange index and futures prices volatilities. This paper presents empirical research concerning the occurrence of calendar anomalies in the Polish financial market. Under the U-shaped trading pattern, the market is more active and the volatilities are higher at the opening and closing trading periods, than those once at the other trading periods. The authors apply a long-run probability model by using a second-order Markov chain to study the daily transaction price pattern. Then the first-order Markov chain of the composite states is constructed to analysis the relationships between futures prices and trading volumes. The authors find some interesting results such as higher probabilities of transitions between larger volatilities at the opening and closing trading week. The main advantages of Markov models include a relative simplicity of construction, easy conclusion-drawing, well-known estimation methods and especially using of properties of these models in describing the observed properties of many real phenomena.(original abstract)
In this paper various types of derivative instruments will be studied in terms of their applications in companies and financial institutions. We will discuss among other things: forward contracts, futures contracts, swap and option contracts. In particular, we examine the advantages of their use and the risk they pose. We also analyze the trends that are made in recent years in domestic and global derivative market.
Analysis of toxic options considered as bank innovations was conducted from the perspective of threats connected with their application. Particularly there has been attempt made to identify psychological cognitive inflections leading to wrong decisions by both option transactions parties. Research was conducted on the basis of literature study, Polish market reports, researches of Polish derivatives market in years 2006-2009, and on the basis of case study analysis of valuation of options premium for a company using toxic options in years 2008-2009. Results of research cover identification of factors determining wrong usage of derivatives and proposition of basic set of conditions that any company should meet prior to taking a position at the derivatives market.
Derivatives are the subject to a lot of research for several years. Their use for risk management in the enterprise has many supporters as well as opponents. Meanwhile, traders operating across borders, are facing the problem of securing their own interests against changes in market factors. The exchange rate is the main factor that fluctuations play an important role in their case. The same issue of the exchange rate were widely discussed in the literature over the years. Thus, in this study, our attention was focused on the construction of a currency option strategy proposed use in the management of the foreign exchange risk.
Zmiany kursów notowań kontraktów terminowych w niewielkich odstępach czasu mają kolosalne znaczenie dla stanu portfeli inwestorów. Z tego względu starają się oni wykorzystywać jak najszerszy wachlarz narzędzi i metod, które wspierają podejmowanie decyzji w zależności od sytuacji na danym rynku. Artykuł jest próbą opisania metodologii i interpretacji najpopularniejszych obecnie wskaźników wykorzystywanych do oceny sytuacji na rynku terminowym: Baza, średni prawdziwy zakres (Average True Range - ATR), Spread (rozstęp), wskaźnik płynności kontraktu (Derivative Liquidity Ratio - DLR), Horyzont inwestycyjny, Volatility (zmienność), Korelacja, Beta.
Today, derivatives market is one of the most dynamically growing segments of the capital market. In this complex and highly risky environment, investors need sophisticated tools, ratios and indicators, allowing them to evaluate the market situation and make appropriate investment decisions. The text attempts to present a methodological background behind the most popular derivative markets indicators. Additionally, the description of each of the indicators is accompanied by practical examples based on two selected series of the WIG20 index (the Warsaw Stock Exchange blue chip index) futures. (original abstract)
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