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There is a village on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus, initially called Adampol, but now known as Polonezköy. The Polish village is located 40 km. east of Istanbul, and was established by Poles in the nineteenth century as a shelter for the country’s immigrant community. This bound the destinies of many Poles with Turkey in the nineteenth century. Once people described the village „Soplicowo on the Bosporus”. Although the Polish village in Turkey has lost much of its original character through time, it remains one of the most extraordinary centres of Polish immigrants in the world (Wyszynska, 2016). This paper analyzes the main problems in Polonezköy and investigates how Polonezköy takes an important place in bilateral relations between Turkey and Poland.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors that affect housing prices in Istanbul. A hedonic price model is employed in order to examine housing price determinants with respect to property characteristics, socio-economic characteristics, neighbourhood quality characteristics, and locational factors. The results reveal that housing prices are affected by these factors: living area size, being in a low storey building, being in a secured site (with swimming pool and garage), and age of the building. In addition to these determinants, the length of time the inhabitants have lived in Istanbul, the average income of the household, neighbour satisfaction and earthquake risk of the area have effects on the residential prices in Istanbul. Further research is suggested by constructing a second model that includes neighbourhood dummy variables as a proxy for submarkets, and a multi-level modelling framework will be employed in order to analyse the urban housing submarket system.
Šiame darbe siekiama išnagrinėti veiksnius, kurie daro įtaką būsto kainoms Stambule. Pasitelkus hedoninį kainų modelį, tyrinėjami būsto kainas lemiantys veiksniai, atsižvelgiant į nekilnojamojo turto charakteristikas, socialinius-ekonominius veiksnius, apylinkių kokybės bruožus ir vietos veiksnius. Rezultatai rodo, kad būsto kainoms įtaką daro tokie veiksniai: gyvenamosios teritorijos dydis, pastato aukštingumas, buvimas sklype ir pastato amžius. Be šių veiksnių, būsto kainas Stambule veikia ir laikas gyventas mieste, vidutinės namų ūkio pajamos, patinkantys kaimynai bei žemės drebėjimų rizika toje teritorijoje. Siūloma atlikti tolesnius tyrimus, suformuojant antrą fiktyviuosius apylinkių kintamuosius apimantį modelį, kuris bus taikomas kaip subrinkų pakaitalas, o naudojant daugialypę modeliavimo struktūrą bus siekiama išanalizuoti miesto būsto subrinkos sistemą.
Traveller’s wishes, needs and expectations keep changing constantly as destinations vie with each other to increase their share from the international tourism pie. Destinations need to offer qualified service and renew themselves continuously. In this context, tour guides as key representatives of destinations play a significant role on tourist satisfaction and re-visit intention. This research aims to ascertain the role played by tour guides on the satisfaction level of tourists participating in guided tours in Istanbul. Another aim of this research is to determine the impact level of tour guides on the possible re-visit intention of tourists to the same destination. Based on 530 completed surveys from international tourists, the findings revealed a significant relationship between tourist satisfaction, re-visiting intention and tour guiding service. Following the evaluation of the findings, recommendations were developed for the tourism industry.
Prace Etnograficzne
vol. 41
issue 3
In his text the author showed the results of his fieldwork in Turkey, in the western Kurdistan. In his research, conducted on the border of the perspectives of anthropology and political science, he decided to compare the situation of the Kurdish people, the largest stateless ethnic group in Istanbul and Diyarbakir and the way in which they build their ethnic and national identity living in different places and in different environments. The author investigated how the Kurds preserve their ethnic customs and how they define their contemporary ethnic condition
This article is devoted to a comprehensive discussion of Jews’ conversion to Protestantism in the Ottoman Empire in the cities of Istanbul and Izmir, during the decade before the Hatt-i-Șerif of Gülhane, the first Tanzimat decree in 1839, until the Hatti hümayun decree of 18 February 1856. It also considers the attitudes of the Ottoman authorities and the Jewish communities toward this phenomenon, as well as the extent to which three missionary societies, the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, the American Board of the Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), and the Free church of Scotland mission, succeeded in prevailing upon Jews to give up their faith. The missionaries worked with the millenarian anticipations and looked forward to intensive activity which would result in the conversion of the Jewish masses. To achieve their objectives they relied on evangelical, educational and philanthropic activities, and on medical missions. The article discusses the motives and the social and economic status of converts to Christianity and those given Christian religious instruction, and describes the communities’ steps taken against Jewish conversion to Christianity in the 1820-50s. The article concludes that all three missionary societies that operated in the Ottoman Empire acknowledged the fact of their failure to achieve the goal of converting the Jewish masses, and took solace in those dozens who were converted through their efforts.
Historia franciszkańskiej obecności na Bliskim Wschodzie rozpoczyna się od spotkania św. Franciszka z sułtanem. Tureccy władcy ustanowili swoją stolicę w Konstantynopolu, stąd zrodziła się konieczność stałej obecności franciszkanów nad Bosforem. W okresie panowania Osmanów Stambuł był nie tylko największym islamskim miastem, ale także centrum wspólnoty żydowskiej oraz mniejszości chrześcijańskich. Ich przedstawiciele byli poddani zasadom tzw. milletu. Stolica imperium była także siedzibą patriarchatów orientalnych. Wspólnoty prawosławnych Greków czerpały korzyści z faktu, że ich członkowie byli poddanymi imperium osmańskiego, zdobywając przy tym wiele przywilejów. Rywalizacja o miejsca święte popchnęła te wspólnoty do rozpoczęcia kampanii zniesławiającej franciszkanów, opisywanych jako uzurpatorzy, obcy i nieprzyjaciele imperium tureckiego. Obrona i odzyskiwanie miejsc świętych była zasługą nieustannych i wytrwałych zabiegów ze strony zakonników i Stolicy Apostolskiej. Często zwracano się z prośbą do katolickich władców, aby podejmować dyplomatyczne rozmowy z islamskimi władcami w Konstantynopolu i upominać się o prawa katolików w miejscach świętych. W ten sposób zrodziła się długa tradycja dyplomatyczna w różnych rejonach imperium osmańskiego.
The story of the Franciscan presence in the Middle East began with the encounter between St. Francis and the sultan. The Turkish sultans had their seat in Constantinople and for this reason there was a need for a continued presence of the Franciscans on the banks of the Bosphorus. During the period of Ottoman rule Istanbul was not only that largest Islamic city, but also the center of Jewish and Christian minorities. They were subjected to so-called millet. The capital of the Empire functioned also as the seat of the Oriental Patriarchates. The Greek Orthodox communities, taking advantage of the fact that their members were subjects of the Ottoman Empire, had many privileges. Competition for the possession of the Holy Places led those communities to begin a defamation campaign against the Franciscans, depicting them as usurpers, foreigners and enemies of the Turkish Empire. The defense and recovery of the Holy Places were due to the laborious action undertaken by the Franciscans and the Holy See. They asked Catholic rulers to begin diplomatic work with the Muslim sultans of Constantinople for the defence of Catholic rights in the Holy Places. This is a long tradition marked by diplomacy in various regions belonging to the Ottoman Empire.
Nurt SVD
issue 1
Po pielgrzymce Papieża Franciszka do Turcji i spotkaniu z Patriarchą Ekumenicznym Konstantynopola Bartłomiejem (listopad 2014), odnotowano znaczny wzrost zainteresowania relacjami katolicko-prawosławnymi. Dlatego też wydaje się rzeczą pożądaną przyjrzenie się faktycznej sytuacji Patriarchatu Ekumenicznego Konstantynopola na terenie Turcji. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono historyczny kontekst zdobycia Konstantynopola przez Turków i konsekwencje tego zdarzenia dla Patriarchatu. Następnie ukazano czas rozwoju Patriarchatu pod panowaniem tureckich sułtanów. Dwie ostatnie części prezentacji obejmują okres XX wieku z ukazaniem istotnych zmian, które – z chwilą powstania Republiki Tureckiej – doprowadziły do osłabienia znaczenia Patriarchatu. Mimo trudnych relacji z rządami Turcji, obserwuje się większe zaangażowanie Patriarchatu na rzecz ekumenizmu – zwłaszcza katolicko-prawosławnego.
After Pope Francis’ pilgrimage to Turkey and a meeting with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople (November 2014), there was a significant increase in interest in Catholic-Orthodox relations. Therefore, it is natural that we want to take a look at the actual situation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in Turkey. The first part of the article presents the historical context of the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks and the consequences of this event for the Patriarchate. Next we shown the time of the Patriarchate’s development under the rule of the Ottoman Sultans. The last two parts of the presentation cover the period of the twentieth century showing the significant changes that at the time of the creation of the Republic of Turkey led to a weakening of the importance of the Patriarchate. Despite the difficult relations with the governments of Turkey, we have observed that the Patriarchate now shows greater commitment to the ecumenical, especially the Catholic-Orthodox, movement.
This study investigates the emergence and the rise of Creative Hubs (CHs) in Istanbul, which as Turkey’s economic capital contains most of its creative workforce and the largest number of its CHs. In the last 10 years, the number of co-working spaces (CWSs), incubation centres (ICs), labs, and makerspaces in the city has rapidly increased, following a global trend. This study aims to better understand the changing working forms of the city by investigating the motivations behind the emergence of CHs. 46 CH examples, consisting of CWSs, ICs, makerspaces, and labs, have been examined for this purpose. The study is structured around the four main categories that highlight the different aspects of CHs: structure (establishment structure and community structure), focus (sectors and professions), services (physical and social facilities), and values (motivation). The findings of the study demonstrate that members of CHs are mostly freelancers, entrepreneurs, micro SMSs, and start-ups, consisting mostly of members of Generation Y. They work predominantly in creative sectors and tend to look for flexible and cost-saving solutions, support mechanisms, and new connections for their work. The research revealed that CHs are distinguished through the services that they provide. Having emerged as new forms to respond to the distinctive needs of emerging jobs in the creative economy era, they can be considered a new landscape of the post-industrial city.
The paper presents the history of the Beyazıt State Library in Istanbul, the oldest library in Turkey, created on the initiative of the Turkish state in 1884. This is a research library, visited by both Turkish and foreign patrons, whose number has now exceeded 100,000. The institution has preserved and provided access to a number of valuable collections of press, manuscripts, as well as copies of every Turkish publication that has been printed in Turkey from 1934. Over 1 million items have been made available to patrons, of which over 800,000 are printed books. The collections of the library are one of the most treasured in Turkey and of particular importance for historical research. It is located in the centre of Istanbul, near Beyazıt Mosque, the Istanbul University, the Süleymaniye Mosque, the Grand Bazaar, the Antiquarian Market, and the Museum of Calligraphic Art.
Tekst prezentuje historię Państwowej Biblioteki Bejazyda w Stambule, najstarszej książnicy w Turcji, utworzonej z inicjatywy państwa w 1884 roku. Biblioteka ma charakter naukowy, jest otwarta zarówno dla czytelników tureckich, jak i zagranicznych, których liczba obecnie wynosi ponad 100 tysięcy. Instytucja ta przechowuje i udostępnia cenne i liczne zbiory prasy, rękopisów, a także egzemplarze każdego tureckiego druku, który ukazał się w Turcji od 1934 roku. Dla czytelników udostępniono dotychczas ponad milion obiektów, z czego ponad 800 tysięcy to drukowane książki. Zbiór biblioteki należy do najcenniejszych w Turcji i ma szczególne znaczenie przede wszystkim dla badań historycznych. Mieści się w centralnym miejscu Stambułu, w sąsiedztwie meczetu Bejazyda, Uniwersytetu Stambulskiego, meczetu Sulejmana, Krytego Bazaru, Targu Antykwariuszy i Muzeum Sztuki Kaligraficznej.
The submitted article is a specific probe into the environment of the Czechoslovak intelligence branch in Istanbul, particularly during 1943. The main restrictions, potential and factors affecting work by Czechoslovak intelligence officers in Turkey are outlined on the basis of information contained in a report from a business trip by intelligence officer Major František Fryč to Istanbul, with the addition of context. The financial issue of the branch and the issue of its primary tasks – the link to the former state of Czechoslovakia and acquisition of information – is particularly important. In order to provide a more accurate description, the staff aspect oft the branch is described along with several specific examples of victory and defeat. Several thematic sections provide us with the opportunity to evaluate the activities of the Istanbul intelligence branch, which remained in the shadows to some degree, on the basis of preserved sources.
The desire to raise a family with as many children as possible was a major aspiration of Jewish families in the Ottoman Empire for centuries. Many halakhic responses and other sources address this subject and its impact on Jewish families and society. This paper reviews how Sephardic Jewish society in the Ottoman cities of Istanbul, Izmir and Salonica (Thessaloniki) grappled with the reality of barren men and women – which was quite common – from 1500-1850, and how Jewish courts resolved cases that involved men’s requests to marry a second wife in order to fulfill the commandment of procreation. It discusses how the desire to procreate was realized through the institution of marriage, the undesirability of single life, the age at marriage, yibum (levirate marriage), women’s desire for children, the impact of kabbalah on fulfillment of the commandments, contraception, fertility treatments, the effect of child mortality on parents, and how the longing for children affected the private life of prominent individuals.
Folia historica Bohemica
vol. 27
issue 2
One of the important positions in which the Jesuits regularly appeared was the role of a legate’s confessor. Some of them left behind their travel diaries (reports) on the diplomatic journeys which they undertook. The paper introduces two texts: a diary of Caspar Paschke, who accompanied the emperor’s envoy Gotthard Hellfried of Welz to Stockholm in 1700 and a relation by Paul Tafferner, who was a member of the emperor’s envoy to Istanbul led by Walter Leslie. The nature of texts is very different and so are the missions.
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