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Libri & Liberi
vol. 1
issue 1
Prikaz knjige Vinka Brešića "Bajke i basne. Sabrana djela Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. Kritičko izdanje." objavljene 2011. godine.
A book review of "Bajke i basne. Sabrana djela Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. Kritičko Izdanje." published in 2011.
The article is on the subject of literary onomastics – one onimu is an example of three methods presented for translating names depending on the adopted ideas. The choice of method is particularly important because this literature is directed to children who perceive literary texts in a specific way, hence the importance of the selection of an appropriate translation strategy. An important factor to be taken into account during the process of translation is also the author and his intentions. Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić in 1916 released a collection of fairy tales inspired by Slavic mythology and the Pan-Slavic idea. In view of these various factors we can therefore take into account the different techniques that have been demonstrated in the article.
Artykuł podejmuje tematykę onomastyki literackiej – na przykładzie jednego onimu przedstawione zostały trzy metody tłumaczenia nazwy własnej w zależności od przyjętej idei. Wybór metody jest szczególnie ważny, gdyż jest literatura ta kierowana jest do dzieci, które w specyficzny sposób odbierają teksty literackie, stąd tak ważny jest dobór odpowiedniej strategii translatorskiej. Ważnym czynnikiem, który można brać pod uwagę podczas procesu przekładu jest również osoba autora oraz jego intencje. Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić w 1916 roku wydała zbiór baśni inspirowanych mitologią słowiańską i ideą panslawistyczną. W związku z tymi różnymi czynnikami, można więc brać pod uwagę różne techniki, które zostały zademonstrowane w artykule.
Libri & Liberi
vol. 1
issue 1
A book review of "Romani. Sabrana djela Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. Kritičko Izdanje." published in 2010.
Prikaz knjige Vinka Brešića "Romani.. Sabrana djela Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. Kritičko izdanje." objavljene 2010. godine.
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Nominacije Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić za Nobelovu nagradu

Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić (1874 − 1938) bila je nominirana za Nobelovu nagradu za književnost četiri puta. Njezin opus uključuje dva sasvim iznimna i hvaljena djela dječje književnosti trajne vrijednosti, Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića (1913.) i Priče iz davnine (1916.). Spisateljicu je za Nobelovu nagradu 1931. i 1935. godine nominirao Gavro Manojlović, a 1937. i 1938. zajednički Gavro Manojlović i Albert Bazala, obojica profesori Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i, svaki u svoje vrijeme, predsjednici Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Njihovi su prijedlozi kojima se Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić kandidira za Nobelovu nagradu za književnost na njemačkome jeziku. Nominacijski dokumenti, uz formalne i općenite podatke o njezinu životu i pisanju, sadrže i studiju Gavre Manojlovića, napisanu već za prvu nominaciju 1931. Faksimile originalnih tekstova četiriju prijedloga i prvu inačicu Manojlovićeve studije, u obliku u kojemu su ti dokumenti zaprimljeni u Švedskoj akademiji, donosimo u ovome broju časopisa Libri & Liberi, popraćene hrvatskim prijevodom.
Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić (1874 − 1938) was nominated for the Nobel Prize four times for her literary merit. She was a Croatian author whose works include two exceptional and praised children’s books of lasting value: Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića [The Strange Adventures of Hlapich the Apprentice] (1913), and Priče iz davnine [Tales of Long Ago] (1916). She was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1931 and 1935 by Gavro Manojlović, and in 1937 and 1938 by Gavro Manojlović and Albert Bazala, both professors at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Zagreb, and, in their times, presidents of the South Slavic Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb. Their Nobel Prize proposals are written in German. The nominating documents include formal data and general information about Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić’s life and her writings, and also incorporate a study written by Gavro Manojlović The facsimiles of the original texts of these four proposals and the first version of Manojlović’s study, as they were received by the Swedish Academy, are reprinted in this issue of Libri & Liberi, accompanied by a translation in Croatian.
Libri & Liberi
vol. Volume 3
issue No.2
U radu se analiziraju dokumenti i zapisnici povezani s primanjem Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić u Jugoslavensku akademiju znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu: zapisnici sa sjednica i urudžbeni zapisnici pokazuju da je Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić primljena u Akademiju kao dopisna članica nakon što je ponovljen prijedlog za primanje. Također se analiziraju pisma i dokumenti povezani s procesom nominacije Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić za Nobelovu nagradu, iz kojih je vidljivo da su ukupno bile četiri nominacije. Prve dvije nominacije (1931. i 1935.) potpisuje Gavro Manojlović, u to vrijeme predsjednik Akademije, a druge dvije (1937. i 1938.) Gavro Manojlović zajedno s Albertom Bazalom, u to vrijeme predsjednikom Akademije. Nijedna od nominacija nije bila službena Akademijina nominacija. U završnom se dijelu rada interpretira studija Gavre Manojlovića o Pričama iz davnine koja je priložena nominacijskim dokumentima.
The paper offers an analysis of documents and meeting records related to the election of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić to the South Slavic Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb. The survey of the records and the Academy register reveals that Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić was accepted as a corresponding member of the Academy when she was nominated for the second time, in 1937, being the first woman to be awarded the honour. Scrutiny of the letters and documents related to the Nobel Prize for Literature nominations of Ivana BrlićMažuranić shows that there were four nominations for her in all. The first two nominations (in 1931 and in 1935) were signed by Gavro Manojlović, President of the Academy at the time, and the other two nominations (in 1937 and in 1938) were signed both by Manojlović and by Albert Bazala, who had become President of the Academy by that time. Neither of these proposals was officially initiated by the Academy. The final section of the paper is dedicated to an analysis of Gavro Manojlović’s treatise on Brlić-Mažuranić’s masterpiece, Tales of Long Ago, which was included in the Nobel Prize nomination documents.
Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Dokumente und Archivquellen zu Ivana BrlićMažuranićs Aufnahme in die Zagreber Südslawische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste besprochen. Aus den Unterlagen geht hervor, dass Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić erst nach Wiederholung des Vorschlags 1937 als korrespondierendes Mitglied in die Akademie aufgenommen wurde. Im Beitrag werden auch die in Zusammenhang mit Ivana Brlić-Mažuranićs Nominierung für den Nobelpreis stehende Briefe und Unterlagen analysiert. Insgesamt gab es vier Nominierungen: Die ersten zwei aus den Jahren 1931 und 1935 zeichnete Gavro Manojlović als damaliger Präsident der Akademie, während die nächsten zwei Gavro Manojlović zusammen mit Albert Bazala, dem neuernannten Akademiepräsidenten, 1937 und 1938 einreichte. Bei den Nominierungen handelt es sich jedoch um keinen offiziellen Vorschlag der Akademie. Im letzten Teil des Beitrags folgt die Auslegung der den Nominierungsunterlagen beigefügten Studie von Gavro Manojlović über Ivana Brlić-Mažuranićs Märchensammlung Aus Urväterzeiten.
Libri & Liberi
vol. Vol 2
issue No. 2
Usporedno čitanje rukopisa romana Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić i prvotiska toga romana pokazuje kako su jezičnim izmjenama načinjenima pri objavljivanju knjige narušene brojne jezičnostilske osobitosti autoričina pisanja. Ovaj rad donosi analizu jezičnostilskih osobitosti rukopisa i prvotiska te upućuje na stanje hrvatske pisane riječi i kulture pisanja na početku dvadesetoga stoljeća. Supostojanje, ali i sukobljavanje književnoga jezika i pravopisnih načela zagrebačke filološke škole i škole hrvatskih vukovaca rezultiralo je osebujnom pisanom praksom toga vremena. Jezičnopolitički diktiran smjer onodobnih promjena hrvatskoga književnoga jezika uočen je i u izmjenama rukopisa koje su načinjene u prvotisku romana Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića.
A parallel reading of the original manuscript and of the first printing of the novel Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića [The Strange Adventures of Hlapich the Apprentice] by Ivana BrlićMažuranić reveals that the changes in the text made in the printed version disrupted many special features of the author’s writing at the levels of both language and style. This paper presents the results of an analysis of these specific features of the manuscript and the first printing, and interprets them in reference to the situation of the Croatian written language and the culture of writing at the beginning of the 20th century. The parallel existence of the Zagreb philological school with its variant of the standard language and orthographic principles, and of the philological school of the Croatian vukovci, as well as the polemic arguments between them, resulted in particular writing practices at the time. The changes in the manuscript made in the first printing of the analysed novel clearly reflect the direction of the politically influenced changes of the Croatian standard language.
Aus dem Vergleich des Manuskripts von Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića [Wunderbare Reise des Schusterjungen Clapitsch] mit seinem Erstdruck geht hervor, dass in den im Erstdruck enthaltenen sprachlichen Abänderungen des Textes zahlreiche sprachlich-stilistische Merkmale des Manuskripts vernachlässigt wurden. Im Beitrag wird ein sprachlichstilistischer Vergleich zwischen Manuskript und Erstdruck vorgenommen und auf dessen Grundlage die Rechtsschreibpraktiken in Kroatien zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts erörtert. In diesem Zusammenhang lässt sich feststellen, dass das Nebeneinanderbestehen der konkurrierenden Sprachkonzeptionen bzw. Rechtsschreibnormen der ‚Zagreber philologischen Schule’ und der ‚kroatischen Vuk-Anhänger’ eine sehr eigentümliche Rechtsschreibpraxis hervorgebracht hat. Die im Erstdruck des Romans enthaltenen Änderungen referenzieren klar auf tagespolitischen Forderungen, aus denen die Veränderung des kroatischen Sprachkorpus resultierte.
Rad donosi uvid u tekst Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić Jaga-baba na Haliču, do sada u većem dijelu nepoznat, čiji je rukopis u travnju 2012. pronađen u Arhivu Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Riječ je o pripovjednom tekstu čija je radnja smještena na Halič, brdo u okolici Varaždina, u kraju s kojim je Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić bila povezana snažnim obiteljskim vezama. Pripovijest nije dovršena i fragmentarnog je karaktera, a tek je parcijalno objavljena u Zagorskome kolendaru 1960. Nakon autoričine smrti rukopis je pripao njezinu sinu Ivi Brliću, a nakon toga, do nedavnoga pronalaska, iako je tekst naslovno bio zaveden u Arhivu obitelji Brlić, gubi mu se svaki trag. U radu se rasvjetljavaju sadržajni i oblikovni aspekti pripovijesti no, također, i njezino moguće situiranje u širi književnopovijesni i autobiografski kontekst autoričina stvaralaštva – u kontekst njezine neoromantičke orijentacije, sklonosti motivima slavenske mitologije, ali i podneblju Hrvatskoga zagorja kao motivsko-tematskoga uporišta.
This paper deals with the almost unknown text of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, Jaga-baba na Haliču [Yaga Baba on Halič Hill], discovered in the archives of Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts) in April 2012. It is a narrative about Baba Yaga, a mythological creature, a Slavic witch, with a plot set on Halič, a hill near Varaždin, where the author had strong family ties. This prose text is an unfinished, fragmentary narrative, only parts of which were published in 1960 in Zagorski kolendar [Zagorje Almanac]. After the author died, the manuscript went to her son, Ivo Brlić. Tracing it back, we find it listed in the Brlić Family Archives. However, the actual manuscript had been lost until its recent discovery. The paper discusses the textual and formal aspects of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić’s writing in the discovered narrative and positions it in a wider context: the literary, historical and autobiographical aspects of the author’s writing, her neoromantic orientation and her preoccupation with Slavic mythological motifs, and with the local region of Hrvatsko Zagorje as the thematic background of the story.
In diesem Beitrag werden erste Einblicke in den bis heute größtenteils unbekannt gebliebenen Text Jaga-baba na Haliču [Jaga-baba vom Halič-Berg] von Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić gewährt, der im April 2012 im Archiv der Kroatischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste gefunden wurde. Es handelt sich um einen Erzähltext, dessen Handlung sich auf Halič, einem Berg in der Nähe der kroatischen Stadt Varaždin, vollzieht, wo Ivana BrlićMažuranić im familiären Kreis einen Teil ihrer Jugend verbrachte. Die Erzählung blieb unvollendet und liegt nur in Fragmenten vor, die 1960 in Zagorski kolendar [ZagorjeKalender] auszugsweise veröffentlicht wurden. Nach dem Tod der Autorin, ging das Manuskript an ihren Sohn Ivo Brlić über. Ungeachtet der Tatsache, dass der Text im Archiv der Familie Brlić unter seinem Titel aufgelistet ist, verschwand dieser spurlos und wurde erst kürzlich wiederentdeckt. Der Beitrag widmet sich den inhaltlichen und gestalterischen Aspekten des Textes. Ferner erfolgt eine Verortung im breiteren literaturhistorischen und autobiographischen Kontext des Schaffens von Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. Dabei stehen die neuromantische Ausrichtung ihres Schaffens, ihr bevorzugter Aufgriff von Motiven aus der slawischen Mythologie, sowie die Region von Hrvatsko Zagorje als thematischer Hintergrund der Textgeschichte im Vordergrund.
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Azijsko putovanje Šegrta Hlapića na krilima esperanta

Libri & Liberi
vol. Vol 2
issue No. 2
U radu se opisuju okolnosti nastanka prijevoda Čudnovatih zgoda šegrta Hlapića Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić na esperanto, pod naslovom Mirindaj aventuroj de metilernanto Hlapić (1998). Prikazuje se potom odjek toga prijevoda Maje Tišljar u esperantskim krugovima i okolnosti u kojima je Hlapić s esperantskoga kao posrednoga prijevoda preveden na japanski, bengalski, kineski, perzijski, vijetnamski i korejski jezik. Pokazuje se kako je Hlapić uz pomoć esperanta postao dostupan velikom broju čitatelja širom svijeta.
The paper reveals the circumstances of the appearance of the Esperanto translation of the 1913 Croatian children’s classic Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića [The Strange Adventures of Hlapich the Apprentice] by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, titled Mirindaj aventuroj de metilernanto Hlapić (1998). It records the wide popularity of this translation by Maja Tišljar in international Esperanto circles and chronicles the events which led to further translations of Hlapich from this one as a relay translation into Japanese, Bengali, Chinese, Persian, Vietnamese and Korean. It is shown how Hlapich the Apprentice has become accessible to a large number of readers around the world through Esperanto.
Im Beitrag werden die Umstände dargelegt, unter denen die 1998 unter dem Titel Mirindaj aventuroj de mitilernanto Hlapić veröffentlichte Esperanto-Übersetzung des kroatischen Kinderromans Čudnovate zgode Šegrta Hlapića [Wunderbare Reise des Schusterjungen Clapitsch] von Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić entstanden ist. Ferner wird über die Nachwirkungen dieser von Maja Tišljar geleisteten Übersetzung in internationalen Esperanto-Kreisen berichtet, sowie über die Umstände, unter denen der Roman vom Esperanto ins Japanische, Bengalische, Chinesische, Persische, Vietnamesische und Koreanische übersetzt wurde, wodurch der kroatische Hlapić mit Hilfe von Esperanto weltweit neue Leserkreise erschließen konnte.
Libri & Liberi
vol. Vol 2
issue No. 2
The essay presents the cultural circumstances and the main ideas of the educational reform in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century and gives an overview of the trends found in children’s literature of the time. The author places Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića [The Strange Adventures of Hlapich the Apprentice], a Croatian classic by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, in the tradition of children’s non-fantastic literature of childhood autonomy, of a partly idyllic, partly parabolic, nature. He also relates it to stories by the German children’s author Otfried Preußler, which appeared in the mid 20th century, at the time when Hlapich was translated into German. It is the kind of literature which aims to create for its young readers the feeling of happy agreement between the self and the world, and it thus instils a basic sense of trust in its child readers.
Esej prikazuje kulturni kontekst i ideje vodilje obrazovne reforme u Europi početkom dvadesetoga stoljeća te donosi pregled trendova prisutnih u dječjoj književnosti toga vremena. Autor smješta Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić, klasično djelo hrvatske dječje književnosti, u tradiciju ne-fantastične dječje književnosti dječje autonomije, dijelom idiličkoga, a dijelom paraboličnoga značaja. Također to djelo dovodi u vezu s pričama njemačkoga dječjega pisca Otfrieda Preußlera, koje su se pojavile sredinom dvadesetoga stoljeća, u vrijeme kad je Hlapić preveden na njemački jezik. Radi se o vrsti književnosti usmjerenoj na to da u mladim čitateljima stvori osjećaj sretnoga sklada između sebe i svijeta te tako u djecu čitatelje ugradi temeljni osjećaj: povjerenje.
In dem Essay werden der kulturelle Kontext und die Leitideen zur Bildungsreform in Europa zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts vorgestellt, sowie der damalige aktuelle Stand der Kinderliteratur umgerissen. Den kroatischen Kinderliteraturklassiker Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića von Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić verortet der Autor in der Tradition der nicht-fiktionalen Kinderliteratur, wobei das Werk sowohl idyllische wie auch parabolische Merkmale aufweist. In dem Essay wird sodann das Werk in Beziehung zu den Erzählungen des deutschen Kinderautors Otfried Preußler gebracht, die um die Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts veröffentlicht werden, als Hlapić ins Deutsche schon übersetzt war. In beiden Fällen handelt es sich um eine Art der Kinderliteratur, die darauf ausgerichtet ist, in den Kindern das Gefühl des Einklangs mit der Umwelt hervorzurufen und ihnen damit eine Form von Urvertrauen zu vermitteln.
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