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This article attempts to reconstruct and subsequently analyze the transformation of the public space of Košice between 1918 and 1945. It focuses primarily on the way the construction and deconstruction of monuments took place in the public space. The issue is illustrated with three case studies.
Umění (Art)
vol. 67
issue 1-2
This study examines the archaeological find of a clay mould of a relief with the motif of the Madonna and Child from Košice. The final product for which the mould was intended was a relief in either terracotta or stucco. This interpretation of the artefact would draw our attention towards Renaissance Italy, and more particularly to Tuscany and Florence. The study will attempt to identify the conceptual and compositional forms of the Košice find directly within the context of Renaissance Florence and to explain the means by which they could have reached the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary in the second half of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century. The basic compositional models of the depicted figures can be found in the works of the prominent Italian Renaissance artists, Ghiberti, Donatello and Luca della Robbia. In their works we can find a greater degree of simplicity, lightness and subtlety in their means of expression. The Košice find shares this style of intimate composition and economical and austere portrayal and therefore, at least on a theoretical level, it is possible to search for the broader scope of its conceptualization in selected works of the afore-mentioned artists. In subsequent generations of Florentine artists, the aesthetics of the depicted scene underwent slight variations. The fact that the Košice Madonna and Child shows no response to these aesthetic changes is surprising especially when we consider that the specific generation of artists such as Andrea del Verrocchio, Benedetto da Maiano and Gregorio di Lorenzo are associated with the development of the Renaissance at the court of the Kingdom of Hungary. The existence of a workshop in Košice producing luxury ceramic goods of which the discovered relief mould forms a part can be dated to the first and second decades of the 16th Century. The mould could have formed part of the equipment of an itinerant Italian craftsman or possibly a local artist with direct working experience of Italy. It is apparent that in his attempt to imitate original works, the artist has chosen to fall back on one of the archetypes of the genre rather than to build on the aesthetics of the depiction of the scene which were typical of the period in which many Italian artists were active in the workshops of the Hungarian court.
Studie se věnuje mimořádnému archeologickému nálezu reliéfní hliněné formy s motivem Madony s dítětem z Košic. Artefakt je pozoruhodný pro neobvyklý výskyt. Konečným produktem formy je reliéf z terakoty nebo štuku, který byl posléze instalovaný v interiérech i exteriérech sakrálních i světských budov. To obrací pozornost na oblast renesanční Itálie a při dalším přiblížení na Toskánsko a Florencii. Studie identifikuje možné ideové a kompoziční předlohy košického nálezu přímo v prostředí renesanční Florencie a objasňuje způsoby, jakými se mohly dostat na území uherského království v druhé polovině 15. a na počátku 16. století. Základní kompoziční modely zobrazených postav najdeme už v díle tří hlavních tvůrců tzv. první generace, Ghibertiho, Donatella a Lucy della Robbia. Lze u nich také najít větší jednoduchost, lehkost a úspornost výrazových prostředků. Intimní kompozice a strohý charakter vyobrazení má i košický nález, proto škálu jeho předloh, aspoň v ideové rovině, je možné hledat i ve vybraných dílech zmíněných tvůrců. V následujících generacích florentských umělců se estetika zobrazovaného tématu jemně mění. To, že košická Madona s dítětem na změněnou estetiku nereaguje, je překvapivé zejména proto, že právě generace Adrey del Verrocchia, Benedetta da Maiano či Gregoria di Lorenzo je spjata s rozvojem uherské dvorské renesance. Existence košické dílny na výrobu luxusního hrnčířského zboží, jehož součástí byl i nález reliéfní formy, je datovaná do období prvního a druhého desetiletí 16. století. Forma mohla být původně součástí výbavy putujícího italského mistra, případně domácího mistra s italskou zkušeností. Je zjevné, že se ve snaze napodobit originály obracel spíš k jednomu ze žánrových archetypů a nenavazoval na estetiku ztvárnění výjevu, jaká byla běžná v době, kdy v uherských dvorských dílnách pracovalo mnoho umělců z Itálie.
The paper presents the issue of sports activity development in the context of the European City of Sports project in selected Slovakian cities: Košice, Banská Bystrica and Nitra. It is an analytical overview aiming at the development of these cities for tourism through the organisation of international sporting events. Using several methods, especially comparison, the authors analyse certain activities and other sports-related issues. The events and activities not only contributed to the development of sport but also supported tourism in the region. A review of the literature on the subject demonstrates the importance and basic assumptions of the European City of Sports as a popular project. The comparative analysis has enabled the authors to present its results in each of the three Slovakian cities.
During the communist period in Slovakia (1948-1989), street toponyms and monuments were a few of the many realms of ideological infusion by the communist government. Renaming streets and establishing monuments in honor of local and international socialist figures was intended to have an aggregate efect on public consciousness in a way that helped legitimize the political rule of the communist regime. However, because the nature of socialist commemorations is fundamentally more complex that those of other competing ideologies like nationalist movements, these commemorations took on complex and sometimes contradictory meanings in the public memory that, in some cases, cause them to persist to this day. This paper utilizes Turner's (1975) concept of 'liminality' to examine elements of city text like toponyms and statues in the eastern Slovak city of Košice to demonstrate why many of these communist-era elements of city text remain as leftover landscapes of the communist period.
The Lutheran religion became from 1549 exclusively permitted religion in Košice. City of Košice belonged to the Diocese of Erlau according to canon law. When the City of Erlau fell into the hands of the Turks on October 12, 1596, Bishop of Erlau along with the Canon was enable to belong in 1597 to Košice. The period was very restless. It was also the time of the martyrdom of the holy three Kosice martyrs: Markus Stefan Crisinus, born in 1589in Križevci (Croatia), was raised by the archbishop to the Canon of the Graner chapter. He administered the goods of the former Benedictine abbey in Krásna nad Hornádom.Melchior Grodecz, was born 1581 in today’s Cieszyn in Poland, but after the political changes in 1618 the Jesuits from Bohemia were all denounced. Some Jesuits founded a new places in Poland and Hungary. So Melchior Grodecz came to Humenné, later to Košice.Stefan Pongrácz, born in 1583 in the village of Alvinc near the town of Alba Julia in Transylvania, present-day Romania. Pongrácz went to Košice in 1618 at the request of the imperial captain Andreas Dóczy.On the night of September 6 – 7, 1619, they were questioned in the royal house in the presence of the Calvinist preacher Peter Alvinci and the burgess Melchior Reiners. The lives of the Catholic priests were spent in the captain’s house by the ordeal associated with beating, burning and slapping in their bodies. Death also evoked displeasure in Protestant circles. After the exhumation of the bodies in Košice and after several relocations, the remainsof the Jesuit martyrs Stefan Pongrácz and Melchior Grodecz are kept in Trnava. The remains of Marko Crisinus are located in Graner Cathedral. The beginnings of the cult to the martyrsgoes back to the year 1628. The process of veneration was very long. The honor to the Kosice martyrs was confirmed and approved by the Catholic church only in the beatification on 15January 1905 in Rome by the Pope Pius X. This effort was definitely ended on July 2, 1995, when John Paul II canonised three martyrs.
Die lutherische Religion war ab Jahre 1549 ausschließlich die gestattete Religion in Kaschau. Die Stadt Kaschau war kirchenrechtlich der Diözese Erlau zugehörig. Als die Stadt Erlau am 12. Oktober 1596 in die Hände der Türken fiel, soll Bischof von Erlau mit dem Kapitel vom Jahre 1597 nach Kaschau gezogen sein. Der Zeitraum war sehr unruhig. In diese Zeit fällt auch das Martyrium der heiligen drei Kaschauer Märtyrer. Markus Stefan Crisinus, geboren 1589 in Križevci (Kroatien), wurde vom Erzbischof zum Domherrn des Graner Kapitels ernannt. Er verwaltete die Güter der ehemaligen Benediktinerabtei in Krásna und Hornádom. Melchior Grodecz, Jesuit, geboren 1581 in heutigen Cieszyn in Polen. Nach den politischen Wandeln im Jahre 1618 wurden die Jesuiten aus Böhmen denunziert. Manche fanden neue Orte in Polen und Ungarn. So kam Melchior Grodecz nach Homenau, später nach Kaschau. Stefan Pongrácz, Jesuit, geboren 1583 im Dorf Alvinc nahe der Stadt Alba Julia in Siebenbürgen im heutigen Rumänien, ging im Jahre 1618 auf Wunsch des Kaiserkapitäns Andreas Dóczy nach Kaschau. In der Nacht vom 6. zum 7. September 1619 wurden sie im Königshaus in der Gegenwart des calvinistischen Predigers Peter Alvinci und des Bürgers Melchior Reiners vernommen. Das Leben der katholischen Priester wurde durch Schlagen, Brennen und Hauen erfolgte Tortur im Haus des Kapitäns gelöscht. Der Tod evozierte Missfallen auch in den protestantischen Kreisen. Nach der Exhumierung der Körper in Kaschau und nach mehreren Umbettungen werden die sterblichen Überreste der Jesuiten-Märtyrer Stefan Pongrácz und Melchior Grodecz in Tyrnau aufbewahrt. Die sterblichen Überreste von Domherrn Marko Crisinus befinden sich im Graner Dom. Die Anfänge des Kults reichen schon bis zum Jahre 1628. Der Prozess war allerdings zeitaufwendig. Die Ehre zu den Kaschauer Märtyrern wurde von der Katholische Kirche erst in der Seligsprechung am 15. Januar 1905 im Petersdom in Rom durch Papst Pius X. bestätigt und genehmigt. Diese Anstrengung wurde definitiv am 2. Juli 1995 gekrönt, als Papst Johannes Paul II. die drei Märtyrer heiligsprach.
The existence of the parish church in Košice is dated to the second half of the 12th century. After a fire in 1378/1380, construction of the present St. Elisabeth‘s Church began. Gradually, Dominicans and Franciscans also came here. The Reformation appeared in Košice very early. Already in 1549, the Protestant religion was the only one allowed in the city. After 1555 Calvinism also spread here. After the fall of Erlau (Jáger) and its conquest by the Turks, the Bishop of Erlau and his Chapter were also present in Košice. The Jesuits were also interested in the town. Members of this community, Stefan Pongrácz and Melichior Grodecz, as well as the canon Marcus Crisinus (Križin) from Ostříhom (Esztergom) died a martyr‘s death here. On 26 February 1657 Bishop Benedict Kišdy founded a university in Košice. Emperor Leopold I confirmed this with a Golden Bull on 7 August 1660 in Graz. The diocese of Košice was established on 9 August 1804 by the Papal Bull „In universa gregis Dominici cura” and the church of St. Elisabeth in Košice was then elevated to the status of Cathedral.
Die Existenz einer Pfarrkirche in Kaschau (Košice) kann bis in die zweite Hälfte des 12. Jahrhunderts zurückverfolgt werden. Nach einem Brand in den Jahren 1378/1380 wurde die heutige St. Elisabeth-Kirche nach und nach errichtet. Nach und nach kamen auch Dominikaner und Franziskaner hierher. Die Reformation trat in Kaschau sehr früh auf. Bereits 1549 war die protestantische Religion die einzige in der Stadt erlaubte Religion. Nach 1555 verbreitete sich auch hier der Calvinismus. Nach dem Fall von Erlau (Jáger) und der Einnahme durch die Türken waren der Bischof von Erlau und sein Kapitel auch in Kaschau präsent. Auch die Jesuiten waren an der Stadt interessiert. Die Jesuiten Stefan Pongrácz und Melichior Grodecz sowie der Kanoniker Marcus Crisinus (Križin) Gran (Esztergom) starben hier den Märtyrertod. Am 26. Februar 1657 gründete Bischof Benedikt Kišdy in Kaschau eine Universität. Kaiser Leopold I. bestätigte sie am 7. August 1660 mit der Goldenen Bulle in Graz (Hradec). Die Universität bestand bis 1777. Die Diözese Kaschau wurde am 9. August 1804 mit der päpstlichen Bulle „In universa gregis Dominici cura” errichtet und die St.-Elisabeth-Kirche in Kaschau wurde in den Rang einer Kathedrale erhoben.
The paper focuses on the changes in the processes of spatial redistribution of population in connection with the changes in the educational structure of population. The development of both attributes of population is examined by the case study of the urban region of Košice – the second largest city in Slovakia. Similarly with other urban regions of Central European major cities, the process of centralization of population from the region´s ring to its core changed into the decentralization, during the 1990s. While the natural reproduction of population allowed for population growth of the region as whole, the migration was the driving force of the spatial redistribution of population within the region. Along with the general changes in the educational structure of population related to transformation of educational system recorded in all Visegrad countries, research proves close relations between changes in educational structure of population and the processes of spatial redistribution of population at the intra-regional level of the Košice functional urban region. Changes in the proportion of population with elementary education as the highest educational level attained seem to be affected more by the natural reproduction of population, while the changes in the proportion of population with tertiary education indicate stronger relation with the migration development.
W artykule skoncentrowano się na procesach redystrybucji przestrzennej ludności w odniesieniu do zmian w strukturze wykształcenia. Przemiany w tym zakresie przedstawiono na przykładzie regionu miejskiego Koszyce (Słowacja) – drugiego pod względem wielkości miasta w kraju. Podobnie jak w innych regionach miejskich Europy Środkowej, największe miasta charakteryzuje decentralizacja ludności. Wyludnieniu ulegają obszary rdzeniowe, zwiększa się natomiast liczba ludności w obszarach zewnętrznych regionów miejskich. Podczas gdy przyrost naturalny ludności powoduje wzrost liczby ludności w całym regionie, to proces migracji jest selektywny i decyduje o zmianach w przestrzennym rozmieszczeniu ludności. Istnieje związek pomiędzy procesami redystrybucji ludności a zmianami w strukturze wykształcenia w obrębie regionów miejskich. Obszary o wyższych wskaźnikach przyrostu naturalnego charakteryzują się niższym poziomem wykształcenia ludności, natomiast tereny, na które napływa ludność (wysokie saldo migracji) cechują się wyższym odsetkiem ludności z wykształceniem wyższym.
Autor dowodzi, że walka o kontrolę nad szlakiem handlowym, którym przewożono ze Spiszu do Flandrii węgierską miedź, miała poważny wpływ na okoliczności odzyskania władzy przez Władysława Łokietka w Polsce w latach 1304-1306. Wiele wskazuje na to, że bunt wójta Alberta w Krakowie i jego przebieg były w poważnym stopniu uwarunkowane wydarzeniami na Węgrzech w latach 1311-1312. Głównymi udziałowcami w handlu miedzią byli kupcy westfalscy, z Dortmundu i Soestu, którzy w 1305 r. osiedlili się w Toruniu. The author argues that the struggle over controlling the trade route, by which Hungarian copper was transported from Spiš to Flanders, exerted immense influence on the circumstance of regaining power in Poland by Ladislaus the Short in 1304-1306. It seems probable that the mutiny of Vogt Albert in Cracow and its consequences were directly related to the events in Hungary in 1311-1312. The main participants in copper trade were Westphalian merchants from Dortmund and Soest, who settled down in Toruń in 1305.
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