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The goal of this analysis is the presentation of the condition of Higher Education in Małopolska Region compared to the state of national development and how it impacts on local growth.The article has four parts.The first one discuses Polish system of higher education. It reviews the numbers of studentsand graduates setting in different types of higher schools and the specializations. Also it introduces elements of Bologna accords realized in Poland.The second part considers the potential for research in higher schools and the curriculum foryoung teachers. The problems of doctoral programs as the third stage of higher education areparticularly important for the education of young teachers. The research conducted by higherschools are significant too.The third part presents the problems of finance for both public and non-public higher schoolsin Poland. The government expenses and investments in higher schools as well as the structureof incomes from operational activity of higher schools were analyzed in reference to the didacticactivities and the research works and the business activities.The fourth part describes SWOT analyses of higher schools in Ma³opolsca Region. The closure consist of the conclusions and recommendations.
Turystyka kulinarna polega na odkrywaniu smaków lokalnych wraz z poznawaniem miejscowych tradycji, dziedzictwa kulturowego i historii. Tylko wtedy, gdy spożywaniu posiłków towarzyszy przeżycie emocjonalne i świadomy wzrost wiedzy, możemy mówić o specjalistycznej formie turystyki kulinarnej. Okolicznością sprzyjającą takiemu odbiorowi lokalnych kuchni jest wybór miejsc sprzyjających refleksji, pobudzających wyobraźnię, a miejsca te tworzą szlaki kulinarne. W Małopolsce na gości czeka Małopolska Trasa Smakoszy, prowadząca przez regionalne karczmy oraz Wieś dla smakoszy oferująca poznawanie kulinarnej oferty na obszarach wiejskich. Prezentują one obiekty zlokalizowane na terenach o szczególnych walorach turystycznych, przygotowane do prezentacji, degustacji i sprzedaży produktów lokalnych, tradycyjnych i regionalnych oraz do organizacji warsztatów kulinarnych. Miejsca te stanowią modelowe przykłady obsługi klienta – turysty, w której standard wpisana jest lokalność. Warto odwiedzić je szukając smaków lokalnych i inspiracji do działania.
The sense of culinary tourism is discovering local tastes combined with local tradition, cultural heritage and history. This specific form of travelling requires such conditions as emotional experiences and deepening the knowledge. The special places that support the imagination and personal connection with local kitchen create Culinary Routes. Małopolska region invites to Małopolska Gourmet Route leading through the regional inns and Countryside for Gourmet which, apart from being situated in attractive tourist areas, also offers facilities for organizing culinary workshops as well as displaying, tasting and selling local and traditional products. Places showcased in culinary routes are exemplars of customer service combined with local character. They are a must-see for those who crave local tastes and culinary inspirations.
Meeting the challenges of global forces the public authorities, operating at different levels of government and local government to deal with financial problems, the information revolution and environmental issues. Increasingly, a major challenge of modernity are also new problems of a social nature. Entering appropriate solutions requires a meticulous and comprehensive preparation of public administration, which is associated with the development of program documents, which allow development of social policy at all levels of territorial units management. The purpose of this chapter is to analyze and evaluate strategic documents of Małopolska province in terms of solutions in the area of social policy.
Sprostanie wyzwaniom globalnym zmusza władze publiczne, funkcjonujące na różnych szczeblach administracji rządowej i samorządowej, do stawiania czoła problemom finansowym, rewolucji informacyjnej, czy zagrożeniom ekologicznym. W coraz większym stopniu poważnym wyzwaniem współczesności stają się także nowe problemy o charakterze społecznym. Wprowadzanie stosownych rozwiązań wymaga skrupulatnego i wszechstronnego przygotowania administracji publicznej, co wiąże się z opracowaniem dokumentów programowych, które pozwalają kształtować politykę zatrudnienia i rynku pracy oraz politykę społeczną na wszystkich poziomach zarządzania jednostkami terytorialnymi. Celem artykułu jest analiza i ocena dokumentów strategicznych województwa małopolskiego z punktu widzenia rozwiązań w obszarze spraw społecznych i rynku pracy
vol. 31
issue 1
Celem artykułu jest ocena funkcjonalności aplikacji mobilnej VisitMalopolska. Autorki podjęły próbę zaprezentowania rozwiązań umożliwiających samodzielne zwiedzanie Małopolski, jak również ułatwiających dostęp do informacji turystycznych na temat regionu. W opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na różnorodne wykorzystanie aplikacji mobilnych w turystyce. W dalszej części rozważań omówiono cele i zastosowaną metodę badawczą. Główna część artykułu dotyczy charakterystyki i oceny najważniejszych funkcjonalności nowej aplikacji turystycznej VisitMalopolska. W tym celu posłużono się metodą punktową.
vol. 31
issue 1
The aim of the article is to evaluate the functionality of the VisitMalopolska mobile application developed for tourists. An attempt is made to outline ideas that allow tourists to explore Małopolska on their own, as well as to facilitate access to information about the region. The study focuses on the diverse use of mobile applications in tourism and in addition discusses the objectives and research method used. The main part of the discussion concerns the characteristics and evaluation of the most important functionalities of the new VisitMalopolska tourist application. In the main part of the article the most important functionalities available are evaluated and to do this, the point method was used
This article describes social and economic relations between the burghers from Bardejov and the burghers from the Polish Kingdom (Lesser Poland) and Silesian towns. The author emphasizes the role of trade routes and frontier position as factors, which influenced the growth and development of the town in the Middle Ages. Connection with towns in Polish-Hungarian borderland created social and economic networks. The author explores different types of relations between burghers of Bardejov and those from Lesser Poland and Silesia, based on the two sources – The register of new burghers and The book of town judiciary (Iuditium bannitum). The most significant role in these relations played the burghers from Cracow. As the author points out, building social networks from the side of Cracow burhers was not accidental, but part of a wider strategy.
The paper elaborates on the influence of regional factors (mezoenvironment) on tourist enter-prises development in the region. These factors create so called favorable regional climate fortourist entrepreneurship development. Analyzing impact of mezzoenvironment factors on to-urist enterprises development, the authors limit themselves only to small and medium-sizedtourist enterprises considering their dominant character in tourist sector, as well as the keysignificance for development of entrepreneurship and region or country competitiveness. Thearticle presents results of empirical research conducted on a random sample of small and me-dium-sized tourist enterprises in Ma³opolska Province.
Dominating the landscape of Małopolska over centuries, the wooden architecture was not deemed to be interesting for many years, although it was an indispensable element of the cultural landscape of the region. As late as in the 19th century, artists going out and searching for picturesque background for genre scenes noticed whitewash houses, round domes of orthodox churches and towers of Roman Catholic churches. Works discussing the topic of wooden architecture in the years 1918-1939 may be divided into two groups – works aiming at possibly close presentation of the reality and those where wooden architecture has been treated as a cultural framework for e.g. scenes presenting folk customs, but without any attempt to make buildings more individual. Wooden architecture had a strong influence on the works of Jan Kanty Gumowski, Józef Pieniążek, Janina Nowotnowa. Formally processed, it is present in the works of Józef Kluska-Stawowski, Tadeusz Kulisiewicz, Bogna Krasnodębska-Gardowska and others. More unrealistic, almost as an ideogram, it has been used in works of a wide range of artists whose master was Władysław Skoczylas. The topic of folk customs, and, as a consequence, of wooden architecture, was often used in the works of Stanisław Ostoja-Chrostowski, Jan Wojnarski or Edmund Bartłomiejczyk. Artists were most interested in Podhale, submontane areas and wooden architecture of the region, but other regions of Małopolska also had their admirers. In the interwar period, graphics lost their former documentary significance, but it does not mean that monument experts should loss their interested in them. It often presents a world which does not exist. It is also a proof of the interest in wooden architecture, its sophisticated and, at the same time, archaic form.
W ostatnim czasie, znajdujące się w Polsce dziedzictwo militarno-historyczne, stało się podstawą tworzenia nowych produktów turystycznych, przyczyniających się do zwiększenia ruchu turystycznego. Jednym z przykładów wykorzystania tego typu obiektów i miejsc jest utworzenie na ich bazie szlaku tematycznego. W artykule przedstawiono przebieg małopolskiego odcinka Szlaku Frontu Wschodniego I Wojny Światowej, którego powstanie związane było ze stuletnią rocznicą wybuchu „wielkiej wojny”. Przeprowadzona inwentaryzacja obiektów i miejsc militarno-historycznych szlaku pozwoliła na ich analizę i ocenę stanu.
The article is devoted to the history of small towns incorporated in the 14th century that were located on the borderland of Silesia and Lesser Poland. It analyses four centres located in he so-called central area of the borderland – Będzin, Bieruń, Chrzanów and Mysłowice. The aim of the research is to point to any regularity connected with the creation and functioning of small towns in the specific area of the borderland as well as to show relations between these centres and larger cities such as Krakow or Opole. The development of a settlement of a municipal character in a particular place was influenced by a number of factors, including natural factors, the existence of a city or a market settlement in the neighbourhood, the vicinity of trade routes, fords, as well as the organization of local and regional routes. None of the discussed towns was created from scratch as there were traces of settlements frombefore the incorporation in their vicinity. The early establishment of the towns is additionally corroborated by information about parishes whose existence had been proved in all towns except from Bieruń since the beginning of the 14th century. Small towns played an important role in the economy of their regions as they satisfied the needs of their inhabitants, people from the adjacent villages and merchants travelling through the town. Moreover, the towns fulfilled a series of political, proprietary, and cultural functions in relation to the neighbouring settlements. One can notice some regularities and similarities in the origin, functions and conditions of developing small towns. These factors were not influenced in any major way by the fact that the towns were located at different sides of the border.
Artykuł ma charakter sprawozdawczy i dotyczy jubileuszowego Drugiego Małopolskiego Sejmiku Towarzystw Lokalnych i Regionalnych, który odbył się w Krakowie w stuletnią rocznicę powstania Polskiego Towarzystwa Historycznego
W artykule przedstawiono turystykę winiarską (enoturystyka) jako formę turystyki kulturowej. Na tym tle opisano proces powstawania nowego produktu turystycznego, jakim jest „Małopolski Szlak Winny”. Opisano etapy powstawania szlaku, przedstawiono potencjał małopolskich winnic, sformułowano także założenia do promocji szlaku. W artykule omówiono problemy komercjalizacji szlaku oraz przedstawiono perspektywy rozwoju winiarstwa i turystyki winiarskiej w regionie Małopolski. Praca oparta jest na inwentaryzacji winnic i ich zasobów oraz na badaniach terenowych, związanych z określeniem stopnia rozwoju usług dla turystów w winnicach należących do szlaku. Badania te realizowano w formie wywiadów i obserwacji. Analizie poddano m.in. organizacje degustacji, prowadzenie punktów sprzedaży oraz współpracę z organizatorami turystyki. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na stwierdzenie, że winiarski potencjał Małopolski należy do największych w skali kraju, natomiast szlak winny nie przeszedł jeszcze pełnego procesu komercjalizacji. Rosnące zainteresowanie turystyką winiarską pozwala na postawienie wniosku, że winnice i szlak winny stały się nową atrakcją turystyczną regionu, a proces formowania enoturystycznego produktu jest zaawansowany.
The article presents wine tourism (enotourism) as a form of cultural tourism. Against this background, the process of creating a new tourist product, the “Małopolska Wine Route”, is described. The stages of trail formation are described, the potential of Małopolska region vineyards is presented, and the assumptions for the promotion of the route have been formulated. The article discusses the problems of commercialization of the route and presents perspectives for the development of wine growing and wine tourism in the Małopolska region. The work is based on an inventory of vineyards and their resources, as well as on field research related to the determination of the development of services for tourists in vineyards belonging to the route. These studies were carried out in the form of interviews and observations. The analysis included tasting organizations, sales points and cooperation with tour operators. The conducted research allowed to state that the wine potential of Małopolska is one of the largest in the country, while the wine route has not yet passed the full commercialization process. The growing interest of wine tourism allows us to conclude that the vineyards and the route have become a new tourist attraction of the region, and the process of forming the enotourism product is advanced.
Given Małopolska’s strategic location, good transport infrastructure and plan to support clusters, it is a perfect location for future cluster initiatives and clusters themselves. Małopolska has a vibrant academic culture and excellent research facilities, and, further, boasts land characterised by a high concentration of industrial enterprises, information technology and outsourcing services that prioritise innovation and increasing efficiency. The high concentration of business competition in the area sharpens and stimulates the growth of entrepreneurship, which can certainly be achieved in a cluster that favours the formation of cluster initiatives while new economic clusters with high growth potential are also identified. The development of clusters may well be stimulated by broad access to external sources of business financing that significantly support the initial phase of growth. Unfortunately, all is not perfect ‒ spending on research and development remains relatively low, as does the interest small businesses show in cooperating with the research community.
The term “institution” refers to the collection of certain practices and principles that are part of everyday social life. This set of accepted norms and rules of behaviour in communities of different territorial units is usually associated with their history and institutions operating on their territory. Today it is believed that the relational and social capital primarily determine the potential economic development of a territorial unit. In the knowledge economy, particular attention is focused on qualified staff. Therefore, a robust and efficient educational system remains an essential element of economic development. Respect for science and knowledge in a given society, not only by its usefulness, is one of the conditions of its evolution. The region of Małopolska was deprived of universal primary education until the times of the Galician autonomy. The school allowed not only professional career but also ensured social advancement. Małopolska shows significant spatial variations at the level of education. Kraków has remained the strongest centre of education for centuries, with an extensive participation of Tarnów and Nowy Sącz. In spatial terms, better education was recorded in the north-west of the region and around Kraków. However, in recent years a noticeable growth of education in the peripheries has been observed. Examples include high schools located around Kraków, which is associated with sub-urbanisation and an increase in the quality of education in closed centres (e.g. Piekary), or local centres of education (e.g. Rabka-Zdrój). The largest increase in knowledge according to the Education Value Added occurs in schools located peripherally.
Specialist analysis of ceramics helps to identify the raw material used for their production and to determine whether the material was chosen deliberately for its specific parameters. The present study of Neolithic vessels and of sampled raw materials has shown that Linear Pottery population tended to use plastic Miocene clay, but silty alluvial loam was equally popular. A comparison between the types of vessels and ceramic bodies has proven that thin-walled vessels were more often made of material with a high content of grains of silty fraction, while thick-walled vessels were usually shaped from heavy clay. This suggests that there were certain rules to be observed when preparing the paste, despite the local diversity of raw materials
In 1963, during excavations at site 1 in Samborzec two graves of the Złota culture were discovered. This paper presents the discoveries, which have previously been published several times, in full. The features comprised collective graves with secondary fragmentation of the bodies evident. One of the burials was likely to a niche construction. Another burial (No. 12) had a particularly interesting and rich set of grave goods, including copper objects among other artefacts of ceramic and flint finds typical of the Złota culture. Radiocarbon determinations of the graves dated them to the first half of the third millennium BC.
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