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A newly published monograph by Vladimir Cvetkovski (Cvetkovski 2017) has given rise to a short examination of some Turkish loanwords in Bitola Macedonian, partially in comparison with the classic treatment of the topic presented by Olivera Jašar-Nasteva a few years ago (Jašar-Nasteva 2001). Besides, some methodological remarks and, first of all, a rule concerning treatment of sonorants in assimilation processes in Macedonian (see bilbil) are suggested in the study.
The Balkan Sprachbund in the Republic of Macedonia Today: “Eurology” as Discontinuity and Dialectology as ContinuityIn the article, I attempt to uphold the thesis about the continuity of the processes which gave rise to the phenomenon of the Balkan linguistic league. I argue that these processes are very much alive in today’s Republic of Macedonia and in other Balkan states. I develop my thesis drawing on examples from modern languages: Macedonian, Albanian, Aromanian, and Romani in its urban variation spoken in modern Republic of Macedonia. However, while in all other Balkan states the classic Balkan multilingualism is present as a distinctive feature on the local level, in Macedonia it is manifest both on the local level and in the cities. I thus point out the need for dialectological research in urban and multilingual rural sites so as to overcome the limitations of classic dialectology, with its historic-nationalist, monolingual focus. Only the former type of research allows for the study of language contact as the source of language change. Finally, I emphasise the fact that the Balkan Sprachbund assumed its present form in a period when what became the core of the EU was divided into dozens of mini-states, while in the Ottoman state, as Olivera Jašar-Nasteva said, you could travel the whole territory of the Empire with one document (teskere). This means that the idea of creating a unified linguistic alliance with the centre constituted by the “old” EU member states and the Balkans as its periphery is a product of contemporary political situation, not of the historical context which enabled the emergence of the Balkan Sprachbund.Bałkańska liga językowa w Republice Macedonii dziś: „eurologia” jako nieciągłość i dialektologia jako ciągłośćW niniejszym artykule staram się podtrzymać tezę o ciągłości funkcjonowania procesów, które wykreowały fenomen bałkańskiej ligi językowej i ich żywotności na terytorium dzisiejszej Republiki Macedonii, a także na obszarze pozostałych bałkańskich państw. Tezę tę dokumentuję poprzez przykłady zaczerpnięte ze współczesnych języków, macedońskiego, albańskiego, arumuńskiego i romskiego w miejskim wariancie na terytorium dzisiejszej Republiki Macedonii. O ile jednak klasyczna bałkańska wielojęzyczność jest obecna jako cecha dystynktywna we wszystkich państwach bałkańskich na poziomie lokalnym, to w Macedonii jest to cecha występująca zarówno na poziomie lokalności, jak i w miastach. W związku z tym, w artykule wskazuję na potrzebę badań dialektologicznych w miastach i wielojęzycznych wsiach, a nie tylko na poziomie klasycznej dialektologii z jej narodowo-historycznym i jednojęzycznym ukierunkowaniem, jako że tylko w tych pierwszych można zbadać źródłowe rezultaty kontaktu językowego. Wreszcie podkreślam fakt, że bałkańska liga językowa swój dzisiejszy obraz osiągnęła w czasie, kiedy Zachód, zwłaszcza zaś obszar jądra dzisiejszej Unii Europejskiej, był podzielony na osobne jednostki polityczne, tymczasem po terytorium Imperium Osmanów podróżowało się, jak podkreśla Oliviera Jašar-Nasteva, z jednym dokumentem podróży (teskere). Oznacza to, że idea stworzenia jednego europejskiego językowego sojuszu z centrum w obrębie "starych" państw-członków Unii Europejskiej i Bałkanami jako jego peryferiami jest płodem współczesnej sytuacji politycznej, nie zaś historycznego kontekstu, który umożliwił powstanie bałkańskiej ligi językowej.Балканcки јазичен cојуз во Република Македонија денеc: „eурологија” како неконтинуитет и диjалектологија како континуитетCо примери од cовремените македонcки, албанcки, влашки, и ромcки градкcи говори во Република Македонија, во оваа cтатија cе докажува дека процеcите што го cоздадоа балканcкиот јазичен cојуз во минатото cе уште функционираaт во Република Македонија, како и во другите балканcки земјии. Cепак, додека клаcичната балканcка многујазичноcт cе уште cе наоѓа во cекоја балканcка земја, таа поcтои повеќе на локалното ниво во другите земји додека во Македонија таа cе уште е доcта раcпроcтранета, оcобено во градовите. Во врcка cо тоа, во cтатијата cе наcочува кон фактот дека заедно cо клаcична дијалектологија cо нејзината национална и еднојазично-иcториcка ориентаcија, има потреба и за дијалектологија на градовите и многујазични cела, затоа што точно во тие контекcти ги забележуваме изворните резултатите на јазичен контакт. Најпоcле, иcто така cе наcочува кон фактот дека балканcкиот јазичен cојуз го добиваше неговиот cовремен образ точно во времето кога во западна Европа, оcобено во териториите кои поcле cтануваат јадрото на Европcката Унија, поcтојуваше огромна политичка фрагментација додека во Оcманcката Империја, како што велеше Оливера Јашар-Наcтева, cе патуваше низ целиот полуоcтров cо едно теcкере. Значи идеата на еден европcки јазичен cојуз cо центар во јадрото на cегашната Европcка Унија и cо Балканот на периферијата е повеќе cоздадена од cовремената политчка cитуација, а не одговара на иcтроиcките околноcти нa балканcкиот јазичен cојуз.
vol. 20
The present paper deals with the population of the Seleukid settlements in order to address issues about the settlers’ mobility and ethnic identity. By surveying the available evidence, this study aims in particular to understand the role played by non-Greek populations in the Seleukid Empire, trying to go beyond the thesis of an apartheid-like regime in which those ethnic groups would be socially as well as politically isolated from the Greco-Macedonian settlers.
The paper presents an analysis of the voicing of the phoneme /v/ in modern spoken Macedonian. The phoneme /v/ in the standard Macedonian language is classified as a fricative, but some of its characteristics separate it from the other phonemes in this group. This is due to the fact that this phoneme was once a sonorant. In a part of the Macedonian dialects this phoneme is pronounced with marked voicing to this day. This phenomenon is then reflected in the pronunciation of standard Macedonian. Our analysis is based on a selected corpus of examples that have been spoken by speakers from various dialect origins, in order to assess the any differences in pronouncing of the phoneme /v/ when placed in different phoneme contexts in the word.
The aim of this article is to illustrate the strategies adopted to translate the dash from Macedonian into Italian in contemporary literary texts. This punctuation mark follows partially different principles in the two languages: morpho-syntactic and informative-textual ones in Macedonian and informative-textual principles in Italian. In addition, the source language reveals a frequent and systematic use of the dash, while it is not very common in the target language nor fully integrated into its punctuation system. From this analysis, two significant data have emerged. Firstly, it has been observed that, amongst the translating strategies of the dash from Macedonian into Italian, what prevails is the use of a “passe-partout” comma, which separates two clauses and replaces stronger punctuation marks, such as the colon, the semicolon, and the period. Secondly, it has been observed that the translation does not contribute to transferring the Macedonian model into the Italian language: the dash of the original text is kept in the target text only when there is equivalence between the two punctuation systems.
il contributo si propone di illustrare le strategie applicate nell’atto traduttivo della lineetta singola dal macedone all’italiano in testi letterari contemporanei. Nelle due lingue il segno di punteggiatura risponde a principi parzialmente diversi: morfosintattici e informativo-testuali in macedone e informativo-testuali per quanto riguarda l’italiano. Inoltre, la lingua di partenza presenta un uso frequente e sistematico della lineetta singola, mentre nella lingua d’arrivo essa non è pienamente integrata nel sistema interpuntivo ed è poco diffusa. Dall’analisi sono emersi due dati significativi. Si è osservato, innanzitutto, che tra le strategie di resa della lineetta dal macedone all’italiano predomina la sostituzione con la virgola “passepartout”, la quale si pone a cavallo di due Enunciati al posto dei segni interpuntivi più forti, quali i due punti, il punto e virgola e il punto fermo. In secondo luogo, si è notato che il risultato della traduzione non contribuisce a diffondere in italiano usi plasmati sul modello macedone: la lineetta singola del testo originale è trasposta nel testo di arrivo unicamente quando c’è equivalenza tra i due sistemi interpuntivi.
The paper aims to present contrastive Italian-Macedonian studies, giving a general overview of the development of these studies, with particular attention to the context in which the first studies between these two languages appeared. A corpus of 60 studies published in the last two decades is analysed in the second part of the paper. The classification of the studies based on the topics covered reveals a prevalence of morphosyntactic, semantic, and translation studies. Contrastive studies related to teaching Italian as a foreign language and studies that introduce other topics are also present in the corpus. The final part of the paper reflects upon the future of this type of contrastive study, especially in light of the recent changes related to the interest in studying Italian in Macedonia.
Lo studio mira a presentare il quadro delle ricerche contrastive italiano-macedone. Si presenta una breve panoramica della storia dell’italianistica macedone, con attenzione particolare al contesto in cui nascono i primi studi di ordine contrastivo tra l’italiano e il macedone. Nella parte centrale del contributo viene analizzato il corpus composto da circa sessanta studi pubblicati negli ultimi due decenni. La classificazione degli studi esaminati in base all’argomento trattato rivela la prevalenza di studi che vertono su argomenti morfosintattici, semantici e traduttologici. Negli ultimi anni si attesta inoltre una notevole crescita degli studi didatticamente motivati e ricerche che aprono argomenti nuovi. Nella parte finale dello studio si riflette sulle possibili direzioni future degli studi contrastivi tra queste due lingue tenendo in conto anche i cambiamenti recenti che riguardano l’interesse per l’italiano in Macedonia.
The Greek Civil War of 1946-1949 divided the Greek society into allies of the monarchy and supporters of the Communist Party of the Greece-led Transitional Democratic Government of Free Greece. The military arm of the leftist center was the Democratic Army of Greece. Until some time, the communist forces were actively supported by the countries of the Eastern Bloc: Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and Romania. However, the Stalin-Tito conflict, which intensified from 1948 onwards, contributed to the defeat of the Democratic Army of Greece, caused by the overwhelming military advantage of the monarchist forces. In mid-1949, a decision was made to evacuate partisan units and the civilian population that had been under their control to Albania. Also, Poland, a country that suffered greatly as a result of World War II, helped Greece. First, by providing food, military and medical equipment, and later by accepting over 13,000 children and adults, fighters and civilians from the areas covered by the war, all terribly tired of war and wandering. The group of migrants was organized from scratch, provided medical and social care, work, education, and access to culture. Migrations of people in search of shelter from conflicts, persecution, and poverty are not only a contemporary problem of the European Union. This article presents the reforms initiated by the government of the Polish People's Republic as a result of the escalation of the crisis in the Balkans. In Poland refugees from Greece found completely new living, civilization, cultural, geographical, and economic conditions. Gradually, they managed to settle in this foreign country. Today many of them are grateful to Poland for their help.
Wojna domowa w Grecji tocząca się w latach 1946-1949 podzieliła społeczeństwo na sojuszników monarchii i zwolenników kierowanego przez Komunistyczną Partię Grecji Tymczasowego Rządu Demokratycznego Wolnej Grecji. Zbrojnym ramieniem lewicowego ośrodka była Demokratyczna Armia Grecji. Do pewnego czasu siłom komunistycznym aktywnego wsparcia udzielały państwa bloku wschodniego: Albania, Bułgaria, Jugosławia, Czechosłowacja i Rumunia. Jednak nasilający się od 1948 r. konflikt na linii Stalin-Tito przyczynił się do klęski Demokratycznej Armii Grecji, wywołanej przygniatającą przewagą militarną sił monarchistycznych. W połowie 1949 r. podjęto decyzję o ewakuacji do Albanii oddziałów partyzanckich oraz pozostającej do tej pory pod ich kontrolą ludności cywilnej. Także Polska - kraj, który ogromnie ucierpiał w wyniku II wojny światowej - pomagała Grecji, najpierw dostarczając żywność, sprzęt wojskowy i medyczny, później przyjmując na swoje tereny ponad 13 tys. dzieci i dorosłych, bojowników i cywili z terenów objętych wojną, wszystkich bardzo zmęczonych wojną i tułaczką. Grupie migrantów zapewniono opiekę medyczną, socjalną, pracę, edukację, dostęp do kultury. Wędrówki ludności w poszukiwaniu schronienia przed konfliktami, prześladowaniami oraz ubóstwem nie są tylko współczesnym problemem Unii Europejskiej. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono reformy, jakie zainicjował rząd Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej pod wpływem eskalacji kryzysu na Bałkanach. Uchodźcy z Grecji zastali w Polsce zupełnie nowe dla nich warunki bytowe, cywilizacyjne, kulturalne, geograficzne i gospodarcze. Stopniowo udało im się w tym obcym kraju zaaklimatyzować. Dziś wielu z nich jest Polsce wdzięcznych za okazaną pomoc.
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the assimilation in terms of voicing on the border between words in Macedonian and in Romanian. Although the compared languages belong to different language families, the pronunciation of the obstruental segments in this position is similar. In both Romanian andMacedonian, a regular regressive assimilation is observed on the border between two words. In Macedonian, the voiced obstruent at the end of a word can be pronounced as a voiced or a voiceless before a resonant at the beginning of the next word. It is important that more often the voiced obstruent at the end of the word loses voicing before a vowel in the initial position than before a sonant. In Romanian, before a resonant in the initial position, the voiced obstruent in the final position of the word in front of it is pronounced voiced. The voiceless obstruent on the border between words can be pronounced as a voiced if it occurs before a sonant in the initial position of the next word. This is an optional phenomenon like the voiceless pronunciation of the voiced obstruent before a resonant on the border of two words in Macedonian. As one can see, in both languages, obstruents at the end of a word behave differently before initial vowels and sonants on the inter-word border.
In the article the grammatical / morphological problems generated by the Macedonian suffixes borrowed from the Turkish language are listed. The main topic is the etymology of the Slavic diminutive-hypocoristic suffix -чe. The possible influence of Turkish on the persistence and frequency of this suffix is considered.
Artykuł wylicza problemy gramatyczne/morfonologiczne, jakie generują na gruncie języka macedońskiego sufiksy zapożyczone z języka tureckiego. Główny temat stanowią rozważania o etymologii słowiańskiego sufiksu deminutywno-hipokorystycznego -če. Pod uwagę brany jest ewentualny wpływ turecki na utrwalenie i frekwencję tego sufiksu.
Предмет на интерес на оваа статија се самостојните да-конструкции со глаголска форма во имперфект во македонскиот јазик, кои изразуваат нефактивно дејство, секогаш се изговараат со прашална интонација и пред кои речиси секогаш стои сврзникот/партикулата А. Примери: 1. А да ми се јавеше некогаш? (‘jави се некогаш, не си ми се јавил одамна/никогаш‘) 2. А да ја потскратеше косата? 3. А да дојдеше со нас? 4. А да седневме на кафе? Карактеристични се за разговорниот јазик, и обично се употребуваат во комуникација меѓу луѓе кои по некоја основа се чувствуваат блиски. Тие се употребуваат со директивно значење и тоа за да изразат молба, барање, желба, предлог, незадоволство, прекор и сл. што зависи од повеќе фактори, иако најмногу од интонацијата, и тоа ќе биде разгледано во оваа статија. Тргнуваме од поставката дека да-конструкциите во македонскиот јазик функционираат како експонент на субјунктивот (Конески 1986, Минова-Ѓуркова 1994, Тополињска 2008, 2009), сфаќајќи го субјунктивот како несамостојна, подредена модална конструкција, во функција на реченичен (пропозиционален) аргумент на предикати од повисок ред, чија фактивност и модално-темпорална карактеристика ја одредува надредениот предикат (сп. Karolak 1995). Исказите со самостојно употребените да-конструкции со имперфект, според функционалните зони во кои се јавуваат и значењата кои ги изразуваат соодветствуваат на некои од значењата на субјунктивот. Специфичноста на исказите со овој тип субјунктивни конструкции е во тоа што во нив се испреплетуваат семантички вредности и од деонтичката од епистемичката модалност. Исказите со да-конструкциите кои овде нè интересираат ги нарекуваме директиви (директивни) затоа што со нив на соговорникот му се дава насока, (дирекција) за некакво однесување и/или за дејство што треба да се изврши. (сп. Kramer 1986, Бужаровска 1999, Ницолова 2008). Тие соодветствуваат на манипулативните говорни чинови (manipulative speech acts) кај Гивон (Givon 1994:273), а тоа се наредбите, молбите/барањата, поттикнувањата/ наговарањата, кои искажуваат настани проицирани во иднина и ја засегаат деонтичката модалност. А токму таква употреба имаат и да-конструкциите кои ги анализираме. Целта на оваа анализа е да утврди: во какви типови на ситуации се употребуваат исказите со овие конструкции; дали спаѓаат во деонтичката или епистемичката модалност и дали се поблиску до едната или другата страна на зоната; дали има и какви се семантичките и прагматичките разлики меѓу истите типови на искази изразени со конструкциите со да+ имперфект наспрема исказите со да+презент; кои други фактори влијаат на значаењето на овие искази.
The subject of interest in this paper are directive da-constructions with imperfect in Macedonian, which are non-factive, have interrogative intonation and almost always are preceded by the particle/conjunction a. Examples: 1. А да ми се јавеше некогаш? 2. А да ја потскратеше косата? 3. А да дојдеше со нас? 4. А да седневме на кафе? They are very common in informal use, in communication between people who are close to each other (friends, parent-child etc). They have a directive meaning and can express request, wish, exhortation, dissatisfaction, reproach etc., which depend on different factors, especially on the intonation, which will be analyzed in this paper. We assume that da-constructions in Macedonian function as an exponent of the subјunctive (Конески 1986, Минова-Ѓуркова 1994, Тополињска 2008, 2009), and we consider the subјunctive to be a dependant, subordinated modal construction which functions as a propositional argument of higher degree predicates and whose modal and temporal characteristics are determined by the superordinated predicate (Karolak 1995, Givón 1994). The meaning of the directive expressions with da-constructions + imperfect in Macedonian also belongs in the functional zones of the subjunctive. A peculiarity of this type of subjunctive constructions is that they have semantic features of both deontic and epistemic modality. They are directive (and as such belong to the deontic modality) by expressing a proposal of a course or a pattern of behaviour which should be carried out (Kramer 1986), and by expressing uncertainty (formulated as a question) they belong to the epistemic modality. The aim of this analysis is to determine in what types of situations they are used, which types are closer to the deontic and the epistemic zones of the modality, whether there are any semantic and pragmatic differences between directive da-constructions + imperfect and da-constructions + present, and what other factors shape the meaning of the expressions formed with these constructions.
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The following article constitutes just another voice in a discussion on the social and cultural dimensions of remembrance and different relationships between different kinds of remembering and commemorating and biographical narration. On the basis of the subject literature and empirical materials, i.e. accounts of Macedonian refugees and re-emigrants from France who came to Lower Silesia after the Second World War, the author analyzes three levels of memory. They are the following: autobiographical memory seen from the angle of experience and narration, collective memory of a generation together with the concept of collective identity and the policy towards memory revealed mostly in different practices of commemorating.
The formation of the grammatical number in the standard Balkan languages. A typological comparisonThis article is part of the wider project Grammatica Balkanica, the intentions of which have already been mentioned in previous publications. The present study is based on standard languages and its focus is laid less on historical than on typological aspects. Before dealing with the Balkan languages, a similar approach on the Romance languages was conducted. The present paper discusses the differences and similarities in the formation of the grammatical number in the standard Balkan languages. Formation models will be delivered based on examples. The same approach should be applied to all Slavic languages. The aim of the whole project is to examine the differences and similarities between languages regarding the morphological and syntactic formation patterns, the phenomena of their convergence and divergence, the extent to which these factors are connected to cultural history and cognitive development. Gramatyczna kategoria liczby w językach bałkańskich. Typologia zagadnieniaArtykuł wpisuje się w szerszy projekt Grammatica Balkanica, którego zadania przedstawiono we wcześniejszych publikacjach. Prezentowana obecnie analiza oparta jest na językach literackich i koncentruje się przede wszystkim na aspekcie typologicznym, mniej zaś na historycznym. Wcześniej przeprowadzono analogiczne badania porównawcze w odniesieniu do języków romańskich W tym artykule skoncentrowano się na inwentaryzacji różnic i podobieństw w formach wyrażania semantycznej kategorii liczby w literackich odmianach języków bałkańskich. Strukturalne modele tej kategorii oparte są na analizie konkretnych przykładów. Podobne podejście będzie zastosowane w przyszłości do języków słowiańskich. Celem całego projektu jest zbadanie międzyjęzykowych różnic i podobieństw w sferze morfologicznych i syntaktycznych wzorców wyrażania, stwierdzenie konwergencji i dywergencji w tym zakresie oraz określenie, w jakim stopniu czynniki te wpisują się w historię kultury i w procesy kognitywne.
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