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The main subject of the article is Cittaslow network bringing together small and medium-sized cities (up to 50 000 inhabitants). Cittaslow is an international organization that has chosen the goal of improving the quality of life for residents, businesses and visitors from small towns. The towns focus on economic development while respecting the environment, promotion of regional products and a return to traditional craft. Activating social participation of citizens is also a crucial aspect, because Slow Cities are meant to be the strong local communities. The paper shows the main objectives of this international network, and based on research conducted from 2009 on Polish towns presents how the movement has been implemented in Poland. At the end, I try to answer whether, and if so, under what conditions it is an attractive alternative to the development of small towns in Poland.
The changing of small Polish cities included of level and quality of their inhabitants At the same time there are differently by regional section. The purpose of the article is a description of the demographic structures of the population in these areas according to their number of inhabitants and the analysis of demographic processes affecting their shape in 2010.
The article describes the housing situation and economic mechanisms of housing policies in large cities of Ukraine. It also provides an analysis of the experience of some European countries, the USA and Canada in the area of housing policy, and offers a proposal for a model of economic regulation of housing policy in large cities of Ukraine.
W artykule przedstawiono stan budownictwa mieszkaniowego i ekonomiczne mechanizmy regulacji polityki mieszkaniowej w dużych miastach Ukrainy. Została przeprowadzona analiza doświadczeń wybranych krajów europejskich, USA i Kanady, dotyczących polityki mieszkaniowej oraz zaproponowano model regulacji gospodarczej polityki mieszkaniowej dla dużych miast Ukrainy.
Głównym celem artykułu jest prezentacja autorskiej propozycji analizy kryteriów podziału przestrzeni miejskiej, uwzględniającej konsumpcyjny charakter jej użytkowania. Zawarte w nim tezy wynikają z przyjęcia założenia o konieczności zaspokajania potrzeb różnych grup użytkowników miasta jako warunku jego rozwoju. Badania oparto na wyróżnieniu czterech grup użytkowników: mieszkańców centrum, przedsiębiorców, mieszkańców suburbiów oraz turystów korzystających z miejskich produktów kultury wysokiej. Zestawione zostały propozycje podziału przestrzeni miejskiej, obliczone z wykorzystaniem autorskiej propozycji wag wyróżnionych na podstawie potrzeb i preferencji wybranych grup użytkowników oraz uśrednione dane opisujące proporcje podziału funkcjonalnego śląskich miast.
The paper presents a proposal of the analysis of the urban space partition criteria, taking into consideration the consumer-character of use that places. The thesis in the article get out of the assumption on the necessity of the satisfying the needs of city users different groups as the condition of urban development. In research were distinguished four groups of city users: centre residents, suburbs residents, businesses and tourists enjoying of high culture products in the city. The proposals of the urban space partition were taken down, based on the calculation, which has been done with the using of the weights proposed by the author. The weights were appointed by identification of the needs and preferences of distinguished city users groups. It could be describe as the theoretical model of functional partition in Silesian cities space.
The topic of the research focused on small towns in peripheral areas (that is, outside metropolitan areas) in 3 voivodships in northern Poland (Pomeranian, Varmian- -Masurian and West Pomeranian). The author argues that the industry development in small towns can be an important development factor of peripheral areas. The author identifies the development level of the town industrial function and analyses their correlations with some of the features of the towns and their surroundings. He characterizes also most important industry in towns where the level of industry development is the highest. He is also searching for an answer to the question about factors of industry development in researched towns. In many cases in which spatial factors are difficult to explain by their configuration, coincidence can be said to play an important role.
Summary: In the years we can observe dynamic extension of trade centers located in both: the city centers and downtown's. This is a result of feedback between the change of consumers' needs and behaviors and new possibilities in trade. Consumers are more and more concerned about the convenience of shopping and want to take advantage of promotion , many events and special atmosphere of trade centre. The social impact of modern shopping centers to small towns in the outer metropolitan area relate mainly to changes in consumption patterns, style and way of life, leisure opportunities and constraints in comfort.
Celem artykułu jest oszacowanie syntetycznych mierników rozwoju miast wojewódzkich na podstawie charakterystyki społeczno-gospodarczej, analiza porównawcza otrzymanych syntetycznych mierników oraz wyodrębnienie grup miast podobnych ze względu na poziom rozwoju. Analizę przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem tzw. syntetycznego miernika rozwoju, uwzględnianjącego sześć zmiennych: przeciętne miesięczne wynagrodzenie brutto, liczbę mieszkań oddanych do użytku na 1000 zawartych małżeństw, liczbę podmiotów gospodarki narodowej, przychody z czałokształtu działalności w badanych przedsiębiorstwach, stopę bezrobocia zarejestrowanego, zgony niemowląt na 1000 urodzeń żywych.
The purpose of the conducted survey was an assessment of social and economic development ofvoivodship cities in Poland on the basis of synthetic measures of development, estimated constitute on the basis of six variables. Voivodship cities from the point of view of synthetic development measure levels an average-diversified population, similar from the point of view of unemployment rate, rate of infant mortality, number of dwellings completed by thous contracted marriages. These cities were a homogeneous population taking into consideration an average achieved monthly gross salaries and wages, but extremely diversified in case of other variables describing synthetic measures of development (a number of national economy units and revenue from enterprises activity).
Przeprowadzono analizę liczby ludności dużych miast i jej zmian. Opracowanie obejmuje wszystkie miasta w Polsce, których liczba ludności przekroczyła wartość progową 100 tys. mieszkańców w okresie od 1950 do 2000 roku.
The article describes all the towns in Poland where a population volume exceeded a liminal value of 100.000 inhabitants in any time period from 1950 to 2000. State of population and dynamic grouped in 5-year periods with breakdown into the largest cities and other towns indicated as large towns. An analyse of population volume of large cities was conducted on the basis of observation of changes in particular decades. In 1950 a number of large cities was calculated at 16 (5 largest cities) and the great-est population volume was received at the end of 80-ies, presently a number of large cities is estimated at 42 (10 largest cities). In 1973-1977 observed the important increases of population of large cities because of change of administrative borders (mainly cities of the Katowicka and Rybnicka agglomerations) and decreases of population observed in 90-ies (the largest in Tychy and Wodzisław Śląski). The largest increase of population volume observed in Jastrzębie Zdrój (11 times) and Tychy (10 times). simultaneously, in Chorzów observed the decrease of number of inhabitants about 7% from 1950 to 2000. In other cities observed various increases of population volume, from 15% in Zabrze to 500% in Koszalin and Rzeszów enough. In conducted analyse observed that majority of large cities are characterised by regress or stabilisation of population number and this process started in coal basins and large urban and industrial centres earlier. In 7 large cities: Białystok, Gdynia, Olsztyn, Elbląg, Rzeszów, Zielona Góra and Kalisz a number of inhabitants is increasing, despite the observed of low natural increase and decrease of migrations from rural areas to urban areas. (original abstract)
Zmiany demograficzne zachodzące w społeczeństwie stanowią o nowych obszarach badawczych. W szczególności badaniami objęto upodobania ludzi starszych. Celem artykułu jest analiza preferencji, do której wykorzystamy wielowymiarową analizę statystyczną w ocenie jakości życia w miastach przez starszych mieszkańców. Analiza zostanie przeprowadzona na podstawie danych uzyskanych z badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego wśród starszych ludzi zamieszkujących województwo śląskie. Ankietę stanowiło kilka bloków pytań, odpowiedzi respondenci udzielali na skali porządkowej.
Analysis of the preference of the quality of life of seniors in cities occurring demographic changes in the society are deciding about new areas of research. In particular preferences of the elderly were provided with examinations. Analysis of the preference for which we will use a multidimensional statistical analysis in the quality assessment of living in cities by older residents is a purpose of the article. Analysis will be conducted based on data obtained from the conducted questionnaire survey amongst an elderly men inhabiting the Silesian province. The questionnaire form was filed from a few blocks of questions, respondents answered on the ordinal scale.
The article presents the changes in size, structure and degree of diversification of the economic base in relation to the changes in the total number of working people (including employees of micro-businesses) in small mono-functional towns of the Podkarpackie Province in the years 1999-2009. The small mono-functional towns are assumed to be those which, before the transformation of the economic system in Poland, were specialized industrial towns with population in 2009 not exceeding 20 thousand. Pursuant to said assumptions, there was conducted an analysis of seven towns of the Podkarpackie Province: Nowa Dęba, Sędziszów Małopolski, Nowa Sarzyna, Jedlicze, Zagórz, Rymanów and Kańczuga. This allowed for determining of present-day functions of the previously mono-industrial towns.
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Cele audytu miejskiego

Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie autorskiej propozycji listy celów audytu miejskiego, rozumianych jako realizacja działań zmierzających zarówno do skontrolowania stanu miasta pod względem realizacji lokalnie uwarunkowanych zamierzeń rozwojowych, jak i do ustalenia, w jakim stopniu zaspokajanie potrzeb użytkowników miasta pozytywnie koreluje z ekonomicznymi sposobami wykorzystania jego zasobów. Władze miast, podejmując przedsięwzięcia zorientowane na rozwój, powinny uwzględniać wyniki kontroli w procesie podejmowania decyzji zarówno operacyjnych, jak i strategicznych. Audyt miejski w proponowanej formule ma za zadanie wspierać wszystkie działania składające się na minimalizowanie ryzyka niewłaściwego angażowania miejskich zasobów.
The paper presents author’s proposal of the objectives of urban audit, which are understand as activities pursued to control of city condition. It is implemented by using the special criteria such as realization of strategic purposes, degree of satisfying the local needs, and good economic engagement of cities’ resources. Local authorities should take in consideration the urban audit conclusion in their development decisions. It can minimize the risk of bad use of possibilities and avoiding the waste of resources.
The progress of the aging population and its diversity associated with space and time, the interaction with the socio-economic situation requires the use of alternative measures of analysis of this phenomenon. The aim of this paper is to analyze the dynamics of differences and the advancement of the aging population of the Silesian agglomeration. Recognition reveals the diversity heterogeneity in the population structure of cities and in the course of demographic change.
Centra handlowe stały się nieodłącznym elementem przestrzeni współczesnych miast. Pierwsze inwestycje powstawały w największych ośrodkach pod koniec XX wieku, zwykle poza centrum, w dogodnej lokalizacji dla zmotoryzowanych nabywców. Następnie zaczęły się pojawiać w śródmieściu, często za sprawą projektów rewitalizacji. Wraz z dywersyfikacją lokalizacji następowały zmiany ich struktury funkcjonalnej oraz elementów wizualnych. Nowe obiekty oprócz funkcji handlowo-usługowej posiadają ofertę rozrywki, kultury, sportu, usług profesjonalnych, usług hotelowych, biurowych oraz mieszkaniowych. Wielofunkcyjne centra handlowe aktywizują śródmieścia, głównie za sprawą oferty kultury i rozrywki, stają się miejscem spotkań dla młodzieży, miejscem spędzania czasu dla całych rodzin, a także wizytówką miasta. Podmiejskie obiekty zwykle wzmacniają ofertę handlowo-usługową i głównie są celem zakupów. Celem opracowania jest wskazanie obszarów oddziaływania centrów handlowych w Katowicach na zmiany struktury miasta, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem strefy śródmiejskiej.
Shopping centers have become an integral part of the modern cities. New facilities in addition to the functions of retail and service have offer entertainment, culture, sports, professional services, hotel services, office and residential. The aim of the study is to present modern shopping centers operating in Katowice, an indication of their role as part of the city, its image and filled function and consequently development.
The article is a discussion of the results of the survey related to the issues shaping the views and opinions of young people on the city as a tourist product. In studies related to changes taking place in an urban setting in which we operate, and in the design of cities, there are new categories of perception cities - new features towns, known in the literature as a revolt cities. We study the perception of cities in terms of tourist appeal and in terms of the tourism product. We also examine the creative perception of cities with regard to new trends shaping urban spaces, such as urban games or urban legends. For the analysis of results of research we use multivariate methods.
The character of a small town is not only determined by its quantitative, but also qualitative parameters. They both establish the identity of a small town, best reflected in its physiognomy. The identity of places changes with intentions, personality, and circumstances accompanying their individual and collective experience. The stereotypical memory is determined by the public opinion. It is often simplistic, selective, and trivial. It is important not to obliterate the individualities usually rooted in the memory of the town's inhabitants. The cultural heritage is represented by the preserved management relics, environmental-landscape features, and local customs. The traditional customs are mostly attacked by fashion and civilisation achievements, transforming them into festive behaviour or occasional happenings. The identity of a small town seen in such terms is the most threatened by the process of its development, and mainly preserved by means of protective measures. Numerous small towns in Poland are experiencing a crisis resulting from poverty and development failures, affecting their physiognomy and social welfare. The development of a small town always entails a change in its appearance and social character. In both of these scopes, it may lead to the loss of their identity, unless it is recognised and protected. The protection of identity is mainly the responsibility of self-governmental authorities. The article presents positive examples of Polish and foreign towns where the care of authorities and local social groups for the preservance of identity allowed a town escape development lethargy. It was possible due to an accurately prepared and implemented revitalisation programme combined with the revalorisation of the cultural heritage and environmental protection, supported by the modern conservation doctrine protecting the historical urban landscape.
The modern city takes many processes, often contradictory. One of the city-forming elements is widely understood communication network, such as roads, railways and airports, in an article presented in the context of the inherent noise. The importance of the development of the transport system of the city is axiomatic. With public transport the city is developing. Looking at it from the other side, on a local scale, the development moves away from the source of sound nuisance, outside the zone of noise pollution. This phenomenon is characterized by intensified changing industry nature that requires well-connected locations, resulting in the migration of industrial plants to the vicinity of small towns in the metropolitan area. Predicting potential movements of urban fabric is one way to control the uncontrolled urban sprawl and the guarantor of spatial order. One way to monitor changes in the propagation of noise is an acoustic map, drawn for cities with over 100,000 inhabitants. The impact of noise emitted by the elements of communication is typical not only for big cities, but also small towns located at a distance or near a big city. No need to produce maps for small towns in the face of exurbanisation processes, counter urbanisation processes or the phenomenon of "second homes" appears to be unfounded. In situations where the noise issue has not been tested and diagnosed, small towns remain in the long term exposed to the use of ad hoc measures to protect against noise in the form of architectural elements such as noise barriers with dubious aesthetic value, the decline in property value, and as a result - the impact of noise on development rearrangements.
The paper analyses trends in the spatial location of small and medium-sized towns in the Lower Silesian voivodeship. This paper focuses on the functions of towns in providing services to subregions. For this kind of establishments, accessibility is a key factor in the choice of location. Accessibility, in turn, depends on the structure of the transport system. A network creates some places which are easily accessible, especially when travelling in a particular direction.
Modern cities are very impressive with their diversified and wide-open spaces - both public and private. Navigating through them, especially by those with mobility impairments, should be equally as important as exquisite land developments. Otherwise, the disabled are left unable to access that refined infrastructure. In order to address that cities are undertaking tangible measures aimed at increasing mobility of disabled city dwellers.
The article offers information on the failing of bio mapping as a tool for city management. It informs that city managers consider the bio mapping tool as imperfect and unreliable for determining particular actions. It describes that preparation stage involves selection and training of the volunteers, and advises to be equipped with map for a walking journey within designated area and carry devices like Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Global Positioning System (GPS).
The article is devoted to the impact of the black earth soils on the formation of urban settlement. The features of development and settlement of the Central Black Earth Region are examined. The main colonization flows and their impact on the modern structure of the population are stated, the migration attractiveness of the region is described. The territories with fertile black earth soils are analyzed in terms of their involvement in economic circulation processes. Cities are characterized as the central points of the settlement. Particular attention is paid to the role of regional centers. The influence of the most significant factors on the contemporary urban settlement structure is evaluated: the construction of railways, iron ore mining and production of ferrous metals. The role of soils in urban development and the processes of urbanization are analyzed.
Artykuł poświęcono wpływowi gleb czarnoziemnych na tworzenie osad miejskich. Dokonano w nim analizy cech zagospodarowania i osadnictwa w Centralnym Okręgu Czarnoziemów, opisano główne napływy osadnicze i ich wpływ na współczesną strukturę zaludnienia oraz przedstawiono atrakcyjność migracyjną regionu. Ponadto przeprowadzono analizę obszarów żyznych czarnoziemów w kategoriach ich udziału w procesach obrotu gospodarczego. Miasta zostały scharakteryzowane jako centralne ośrodki osadnictwa. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na rolę centrów regionalnych. Oceniono także wpływ najważniejszych czynników na współczesną strukturę osad miejskich: budowy dróg kolejowych, kopalni rud żelaza i produkcji metali żelaznych oraz przeanalizowano rolę gleby w zagospodarowaniu miejskim i procesach urbanizacyjnych.
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