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Artykuł podejmuje już nienową, ale wciąż interesującą tematykę wpływu różnic regionalnych na postawy i zachowania obywatelskie, wychodząc z założenia, że bardzo istotnym czynnikiem różnicującym tradycje obywatelskie na obszarze Polski jest uprzednia przynależność obszaru do danego mocarstwa zaborczego. Osobny obszar stanowią ziemie przyłączone do Polski w 1945 r., które w okresie zaborów bez wyjątku należały do Prus. W opracowaniu wskaźnikiem omawianego zróżnicowania są głównie postawy i zachowania wobec konsultacji społecznych. Do przygotowania opracowania wykorzystano wyniki badania partycypacji obywatelskiej w Polsce zrealizowanego w ramach programu „Decydujmy razem”, finansowanego przez Unię Europejską, udostępnionego dzięki uprzejmości Fundacji Instytutu Spraw Publicznych w Warszawie.
This article presents the not new, but still fascinating, subject of the impact of regional differences in Poland on civic attitudes and behaviour. It is based on the assumption that the territories subject to the Prussian Partition, the Russian Partition or the Austrian Partition, respectively, of Poland in the 19th century still have very important differences in their civic traditions in today’s Poland. The so called Northern and Western Territories incorporated into Poland after WWII (and formerly belonging to Prussia) are a separate issue and are discussed separately. In the article, the main indicator of this differentation consists of the attitudes and behaviours with respect to social consultations. This article utilises outputs of the research into civic participation which was carried out within the framework of the programme “Let’s decide together”, financed by European Union and accessed thanks to the Foundation of the Public Affairs Institute in Warsaw.
Artykuł stanowi próbę ukazania znaczenia czasopisma pedagogicznego „Szkoła” w badaniach nad dziejami polskich placówek edukacyjnych drugiej połowy XIX i początków XX wieku. Czasopiśmiennictwo jako źródło do dziejów oświaty i wychowania cieszy się od wielu lat znacznym zainteresowaniem licznych badaczy. „Szkoła” stanowi w tym zakresie niezwykle cenny materiał do badań. To pierwsze w Galicji czasopismo pedagogiczne, którego wydawanie środowiska nauczycieli i działaczy oświatowych zainicjowały w 1868 roku. Jego powstanie było widocznym sygnałem aktywizacji galicyjskich pedagogów oraz wyrazem ich dążeń do pełnego wykorzystania przyznanych Polakom pod zaborem austriackim swobód. W 1871 roku pismo zostało oficjalnym organem działającego we Lwowie Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego (od 1906 roku Polskiego Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego). Na łamach tego periodyku, w ciągu 70 lat jego istnienia, toczono dyskusje o konieczności powoływania nowych placówek edukacyjnych, anonsowano powstanie wielu tego typu instytucji oraz informowano o ich dalszym rozwoju. Ze względu na to, że „Szkoła” dedykowana była przede wszystkim problemom szkolnictwa ludowego i kształceniu nauczycieli tych placówek w seminariach nauczycielskich, to im właśnie poświęcano najwięcej uwagi. Jednak na kartach pisma nie zabrakło także tekstów poświęconych innym szczeblom i typom szkół. To tam dokumentowano niezwykle starannie rozwój szkolnictwa żeńskiego, które w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku przechodziło znaczące zmiany i rozszerzało ofertę oświatową m.in. o żeńskie gimnazja czy seminaria nauczycielskie. Na łamach „Szkoły” można też szukać wyraźnych śladów rozwoju edukacji przedszkolnej czy placówek przeznaczonych dla dzieci i młodzieży niepełnosprawnej oraz wielu innych instytucji edukacyjnych.
The article is an attempt to show the significance of the educational magazine “Szkoła” in research into the history of Polish educational institutions in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Periodicals as a source of the history of education have been the subject of interest of numerous researchers for many years and in that respect “Szkoła” represents extremely valuable research material. It was the first educational periodical in Galicia whose publication was initiated by teachers and educational activists in 1868. Its creation was a visible signal of the engagement of Galician educationalists, and a manifestation of their aspirations for the full use of liberties granted to Polish people under Austrian rule. In 1871 the magazine became the official organ of the Educational Association (since 1906 Polish Educational Association), active in Lvov. During the 70 years of the existence of this magazine, its pages witnessed discussions about the necessity of setting up new educational institutions, announcements of the establishment of such institutions and information about their further development. Since “Szkoła” was primarily dedicated to the problems of village education and the training of teachers from such institutions in teacher training colleges, it was they who drew the most attention. However, the magazine also featured texts about other levels and types of schools. It was “Szkoła” which very carefully documented the development of female education, which in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century underwent significant changes, and expanded its educational offer with middle schools for girls or teacher training colleges, among other things. In the pages of “Szkoła” one can also look for clear signs of the development of pre-school education or institutions for disabled children and youth, as well as many other educational institutions.
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie wkładu Profesora Eugeniusza Witolda Piaseckiego w rozwój nowoczesnego wychowania fizycznego i sportu, higieny szkolnej oraz kształcenie kadr. Ten lekarz, związany z uniwersytetem lwowskim (1900–1915) i poznańskim (1919–1947), wieloletni dyrektor Studium Wy-chowania Fizycznego Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego (1924–1947), twórca nowoczesnego wychowania fizycznego, współpracownik Sekcji Higieny Ligi Narodów oraz redaktor licznych czasopism naukowych, żył i pracował w czasach zaborów (do 1918 r.), w okresie II Rzeczpospolitej (1918–1939), pod okupacją hitlerowską i radziecką (1939–1945) i w Polsce Ludowej (1945–1947). Jego droga zawodowa oraz ko-leje historii postawiły go w szeregu luminarzy polskiej nauki i oświaty. W artykule zaprezentowano jego naukowy życiorys oraz dokonania na polu wychowania fizycznego.
The aim of the article is to present the contribution of Professor Eugeniusz Witold Piasecki to the development of modern physical education and sports, school hygiene, and education of school staff. Professor E. W. Piasecki was a doctor or medicine, associated with the University of Lviv (1900–1915) and the University of Poznan (1919–1947), a longtime director of the Physical Edu-cation Centre at the University of Poznan (1924–1947), creator of modern physical education, contributor of the Higher Education Section of the League of Nations, and the editor of numerous scientific journals. He lived and worked during the Partitions of Poland (until 1918), during the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939), under Nazi and Soviet occupation (1939–1945) and in the Polish People’s Republic (1945–1947). His career path and historical events secured him a place among the eminent Polish scientists and educationists. The article presents his academic biography and achievements in the field of physical education.
The unexpected news about the suppression of the Society of Jesus by Pope Clement XIV arrived in Warsaw in September 1773 during the Sejm summoned for the purpose of ratifying the First Partition of the territory of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. The pope decided to subordinate the schools and the estate owned by the Jesuits to the secular clergy. Despite the pope’s recommendation, the parliamentarians decided to nationalise post-Jesuit schools and their estate. A central state office, the Commission of National Education, was established to supervise those schools. The post-Jesuit estate, converted into an educational fund under the authority of the Commission, would be used solely for the operations of schools and teachers as well as for a profound education reform. The Commission was instituted on 14 October 1773 and took charge of education and public schools without exceptions. In 1776, despite many obstacles, it assumed full control over its educational fund and commenced work immediately. Despite the belief generally held today, in its 20 years of existence, the Commission of National Education was significantly transformed on several occasions and did not operate without stopping. What was invariable were the concept and objective of the Commission and its schools: to raise an enlightened, public-oriented and happy man, a good citizen and patriot, capable of building a happy and wealthy society and a strong state. In 1795, Poland lost its independence for 123 years, but owing to the Commission’s activity, a new nation was born that was prepared to fight for its freedom.
Contacts between academic societies in the lands of partitioned Poland – status of and need for research (Summary)The article describes contacts between academic societies operating in the lands of partitioned Poland. Its purpose is to present the current status of research on this very wide topic and to indicate the need for research that arises in this respect. A comprehensive view of these contacts shows that the topic has not been acknowledged to-date. Therefore, it has not been properly reflected in the professional literature. Where the topic has been recognized by authors, it has often not been properly interpreted. The most frequent mistake that has been made by researchers is perceiving the issue from an exclusively ethnic angle, which – particularly in respect of the lands of partitioned Poland – is related to the conflicts arising in such conditions. Seen against the background of the contacts between the various academic institutions operating in the three partitions, it is clearly visible how complicated the matter was and how different factors played a role in forming and discontinuing relationships.
During the partitions of Poland in 1772, 1795 and 1815 its southern part was annexed by the Habsburg Monarchy and integrated into the Austrian Empire as the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. Till the end of World War I the inhabitants of Galicia were citizens of the Austrian Empire and their lives were influenced by the political and social ideology of the Austrian government. One of the most significant changes were connected to the language issue. Austrian or German-speaking officials came to Galicia and so did German as it became the main administrative language. This was also the case for the Austrian education system, which mainly focused on teaching German language as they wanted to integrate the multilingual and multicultural inhabitants of the Austrian Empire under the leadership of the Austrian rulers.This article deals with the issue how the Austrian education system influenced the development and understanding of national consciousness of the Polish population in Galicia in the first half of the 19th century by analysing which role the Polish language played in the primary and secondary school system. This period is important because it shows the main intentions of the Austrian educational system and also because the first important School Laws were passed, which influenced the education system in Galicia for over half the century.This article is structured in two parts. The first part contains an analysis of the most important School Laws. The aim is to show the intentions and the ideology which guided the Austrian government in creating the education system and to analyse which role the Polish language played in it. The second part deals with the actual effects of the Austrian education policy for the young Polish generations of Galicia. This will allow a more realistic interpretation of the influence the education system in Galicia had on building or suppressing the development of a Polish national consciousness. This part includes analyses of school statistics and most importantly memories from schooldays from former Galician school children which gives an inside on the role the Polish language played in the school and in their own lives.
The article aims to present the process of creating and organising education in Wierzbnik, now part of Starachowice, from the city’s foundation until 1915, ie the onset of the Austrian occupation and the beginning of the reconstruction of Poland. It discusses the education policy of the Russian authorities, examines the role of teachers in the local community and their social position and shows the impact of education on society and its growing literacy. The research was based on sources from the State Archives in Radom and Kielce.
L’articolo presenta una panoramica dell’analisi dei principi della pedagogia nazionale formulata dai membri della Congregazione della Risurrezione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo e dalla cerchia di persone ad essa vicine (“fratelli esterni”). La pedagogia si basava sulla convinzione che, a partire dalle Spartizioni, i territori polacchi sono stati il luogo di una “battaglia morale e spirituale” (Walerian Kalinka). La prigionia del periodo delle spartizioni non è stata solo una schiavitù politica, ma ha comportato anche seri pericoli per i polacchi di preservare la loro identità nazionale basata sul codice culturale cristiano. Le partizioni – come sostengono i Resurrezionisti e i “fratelli esterni” – erano una rivoluzione a sé stante, ma incoraggiavano anche l’emergere di una situazione rivoluzionaria nelle terre della Polonia divisa, sia attraverso la ricezione semplificata di “correnti rivoluzionarie occidentali” (Hieronim Kajsiewicz), sia rivoluzionando la società polacca attraverso la distruzione dei suoi consolidati legami sociali. Come rimedio di base per questo stato di cose, i Resurrezionisti e i ‘fratelli esterni’ hanno indicato che i polacchi devono preservare la fede cattolica e la moralità che ne deriva. Questa è una condizione fondamentale affinché la nazione polacca mantenga le sue prospettive di rinascita politica. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, è necessario anche un “patriottismo preveggente” e coltivare “opere organiche” (Jan Koźmian). Secondo l’autore dell’articolo, la pedagogia nazionale formulata in questo modo, che prevede una vita conforme alla fede e alla morale cristiana come condizione fondamentale per la nazione polacca per ritrovare la sua libertà, è stata ripresa e sviluppata dai grandi programmi didattici e pastorali del Beato Cardinale Stefan Wyszyński e di San Giovanni Paolo II.
The article presents an overview of the analysis of the principles of national pedagogy formulated by members of the Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the circle of people close to it (“external brothers”). The pedagogy was based on the conviction that since the Partitions, the Polish territories have been the site of “moral and spiritual battle” (Walerian Kalinka). The captivity of the partition period was not only a political enslavement, but also carried serious dangers for the Poles to preserve their national identity based on the Christian cultural code. The partitions – as claimed by the Resurrectionists and the “external brothers” – were a revolution of their own, but also encouraged the emergence of a revolutionary situation in the lands of divided Poland, either through the simplified reception of “Western-revolutionary currents” (Hieronim Kajsiewicz), or by revolutionizing Polish society through the destruction of its organic social ties. As a basic remedy for such a state of affairs, the Resurrectionists and “external brothers” indicated that the Poles needed to preserve the Catholic faith and the morality that flows from it. This is a basic condition for the Polish nation to maintain its prospects for political revival. This, in turn, also requires “forethought patriotism” and nurturing “organic works” (Jan Koźmian). According to the author of the article, the national pedagogy formulated that way, indicating life in accordance with the Christian faith and morality as a basic condition for the Polish nation to regain its freedom, was taken up and developed by the great teaching and pastoral programs of the Blessed Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and St. John Paul II.
W artykule przedstawiono zarys analizy zasad pedagogiki narodowej formułowanych przez członków Zgromadzenia Zmartwychwstania Pana Naszego Jezusa Chrystusa oraz krąg osób do niego zbliżonych (bracia zewnętrzni). Pedagogika ta opierała się na przeświadczeniu, że od chwili rozbiorów ziemie polskie są terenem „walki moralnej i duchowej” (W. Kalinka). Niewola okresu zaborów nie tylko jest zniewoleniem politycznym, lecz także niesie poważne niebezpieczeństwa dla zachowania przez Polaków narodowej tożsamości opartej na chrześcijańskim kodzie kulturowym. Zabory – jak utrzymywali zmartwychwstańcy oraz bracia zewnętrzni – same w sobie były rewolucją, sprzyjały także zaistnieniu sytuacji rewolucyjnej na ziemiach podzielonej Polski, czy to poprzez ułatwioną recepcję „zachodniorewolucyjnych prądów” (H. Kajsiewicz), czy rewolucjonizując polskie społeczeństwo na skutek zniszczenia organicznych więzi społecznych. Jako zasadnicze remedium na taki stan rzeczy zmartwychwstańcy i bracia zewnętrzni wskazywali konieczność zachowania przez Polaków wiary katolickiej i płynącej z niej moralności. Jest to warunek podstawowy dla zachowania przez naród polski perspektyw odrodzenia politycznego. To zaś wymaga również „patriotyzmu przezornego” oraz pielęgnowania „robót organicznych” (J. Koźmian). Jak zaznacza autor artykułu, tak sformułowana pedagogika narodowa wskazująca na życie zgodne z wiarą i moralnością chrześcijańską jako podstawowy warunek odzyskania przez naród polski wolności została podjęta i rozwijana przez nauczanie i programy duszpasterskie bł. kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego oraz św. Jana Pawła II.  
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