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Work and social dialogue in Poland - debate.
Praca i dialog społeczny w Polsce - debata.
The paper presents results of empirical research on the perception of workaholism related to creative activity among assistant lecturers and assistant professors working at the University of Economics in Katowice, which was conducted in 2013. Eleven working hypotheses were verified in the research, and the results were presented in six points. Opinions concerning the determinants of workaholism were obtained and the criteria of research and didactic workers' performance assessment system, conducive to workaholism (according to the surveyed) were defined. Auto-perception of workaholism among the assistant lecturers and assistant professors was presented and the identification of workaholic types was performed, based on a workaholic triad, as specified by J. Spence and S. Robbins (reservations about such an identification were formulated). Additionally, the study enabled acquiring information referring to emotions accompanying scientific and research work and their influence on health and relationship with others in one's living environment as well as one's workplace. Finally, the results of the impact of long-term workaholism on work efficiency were presented.
In the publication, there was conducted the analysis of labour market policy in the United Kingdom in area of implemented reforms of social policy, which were begun by the New Deal Program up to the conception of Universal Credit. The publication was devised on the base of research, which were made in London in September 2011. They included interviews with representatives of both public and private labour market institutions. The respondents came from the Department for Work and Pensions and two British employment providers, which have significant meaning for the employment services, they participate regularly in the state Work Programs and they create British social policy. Moreover, the author, in the publications, recommends some of the British solutions, which are worth implementing in Polish social and economic reality
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Telepraca a pracoholizm

This article is an attempt to presentations the problems of workaholism. It concentrates on workaholism of employees who work at home, particularly as a teleworkers. This article presents positive and negative aspects of work in human life. Next it shows the main symptoms of workaholism i.e.: addiction to work, internal compulsion of work, high level of work commitment, low level of work satisfaction, obsessive thinking of work, regularly work at weekends, fail to take the full holiday entitlement and the unsettle of work-life balance. In the end it demonstrates that teleworking is conducive to workaholism especially because of home as a place of working and the absents of time division.
Many of the contemporary economic researches have been focusing on the significance of the labour share contribution to the national income. Thus, it appears particularly interesting to investigate if the global, labour factors can provide a justification for an increasing significance of the labour share in the economies of Visegrád Group. In such an investigation, it is the effect that structural transitions of these countries' policies and economies have had on to the role of the labour share in building a national income that seems to be an essential element to explore. Therefore, the aim of the following article is determining the significance of the labour share contribution to the natural income for the period 1995- 2010 in membership countries of Visegrád Group, basing on the factors, which according to the contemporary world literature, affect this indicator.
Pracę definiuje się w różny sposób w zależności od przyjętego kryterium i dyscypliny naukowej, której jest przedmiotem badań. Może być traktowana jako źródło dochodów umożliwiających zaspokojenie potrzeb człowieka lub jako podstawowy czynnik produkcji wpływający na efektywność funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa. Z punktu widze¬nia gospodarki praca stanowi jeden z głównych czynników wzrostu i rozwoju gospo¬darczego. Praca pełni równolegle funkcje społeczne i ekonomiczne, stanowiące wzajemnie powiązane i współzależne elementy jednej całości. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zbadanie ekonomicznej roli pracy z punktu widzenia pracobiorcy, pracodawcy i gospodarki i określenie, w jakim przypadku będzie ona traktowana jako dobro indywidualne, a kiedy jako dobro społeczne. Badania dotyczą lat 2004 i 2012. W pracy wykorzystano metodę indukcji, dedukcji oraz elementy analizy porównawczej.
Different disciplines have taken different approaches to defining labour for the purpose of their studies. It is both a source of employees’ income and one of the main components ensuring any enterprise’s success. On a bigger scale, labour is also a key element to an economic growth and development. Its social as well as economic functions are not only correlated, but also codependent. The following study aims to investigate the role of labour from the employes’, em¬ployers’ and economy’s perspective in order to determine, in which case it is perceived to serve an individual or a public benefit. The study covers data from 2004 and 2012. It incorporates an induction method in conjunction with deduction and comparative analysis.
W artykule podjęto się próby identyfikacji czynników najsilniej wpływających na dobowy podział czasu pracy. W tym celu przeanalizowano relację pracy domowej do pracy zawodowej w zależności od takich zmiennych jak wiek, wykształcenie, miejsce zamieszkania, aktywność ekonomiczna, grupa społeczno–ekonomiczna gospodarstwa domowego, typ biologicznego gospodarstwa domowego, przeciętny dochód netto w zł na osobę oraz dzień tygodnia.
The article is an attempt to identify the most powerful factors affecting the daily pattern of activities. Therefore it includes the analysis of the ratio of housework to professional activities depending on such variables as age, education, place of residence, economic entrepreneurship, the social and economic group the household belongs to, the type of biological household, the average gross income per person in PLN, as well as on the weekday.
Law is not only one of the important instruments of social policy. In a newer doctrine, it is also assumed that it fulfills an important role as a determinant of social structures, objectives and tasks of social policy and their hierarchisation. A prerequisite for an effective socio-economic policy is therefore to create for this activity institutional conditions authorising public authorities to act in the social and economic spheres, defining their objective scope, objectives to be achieved and the means to achieve these goals. In fact, law is evaluated through the prism of effectiveness in solving social problems. Labour law and related fields should primarily provide the entities dependent on socio-economic policy effective instruments (tools) influencing the course of socioeconomic processes, while guaranteeing civil rights to individuals.
The study identifies the basic legal instruments relating to the transfer of knowledge in the labour market. Lack of proper coordination of the education system with the needs of the economy makes it necessary to take appropriate action. First of all they relate to training and professional people who have difficulty in finding jobs.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę dotyczącą społecznych aspektów przemian pracy i funkcjonowania współczesnych pracowników. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zagadnienie czasu pracy w kontekście uwarunkowań i zagrożeń związanych z przenikaniem sfery zawodowej i osobistej. Poruszane kwestie analizowano, odwołując się do literatury przedmiotu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przedstawionych z tego zakresu badań. Główną część artykułu poświęcono prezentacji wyników badań własnych, opracowanych na podstawie przeprowadzonych wywiadów indywidualnych z osobami pracującymi zawodowo. Zgromadzony materiał empiryczny odnosił się m.in. do takich kwestii jak: czas pracy, zagrożenia związane z nadmierną pracą, znaczenie sfery zawodowej i rodzinnej, trudności w równoważeniu życia zawodowego i osobistego.
The paper presents issues concerning the social aspects of work transformation and functioning of the modern employees. Particular attention was paid to the issue of work time in the context of conditions and risks connected with infiltration of the professional and personal sphere of employees. The issues analyzed by referring to the literature on the subject, with particular regard to the research in this field. The main part of the article was devoted to the presentation of results of own research based on interviews with people working professionally. The collected empirical material was referring, inter alia, issues such as: work time, risks connected with excessive work, the importance of work and family sphere, difficulties in balancing professional and personal life.
The aim of this study is to present, analyze and assess the level and relations of labor costs and productivity in Poland and European Union. Analyses of labor markets in European Union states show that these markets are characterized by very similar measures regarding the levels of professional activity, unemployment rate and efficiency of labor market policy programs. However, the difference in the level of wages still remains high. Among the reasons for this phenomenon we can indicate the levels of labor costs and productivity, which determine the levels of wages in particular member states. Thus the subject of this paper is the analysis of the levels of labor costs and productivity in Poland versus those in European Union. The thesis stated in the study is that the maintained differences in wages in European Union may be explained by differences in the levels and relations of labor costs and productivity, which are discussed in detail in the study.
For many years, job satisfaction has been one of the most frequently undertaken research problems, first and foremost due to its significance for practice: for management as determinants of an employee's work readiness, for contemporary organisations both as an objective and indicator of organisational effectiveness; psychology is obliged to the significance of professional sphere in a person's life, the influence of job satisfaction on the quality of life and its subjective evaluation. Researchers have a great interest in this area, proof of which can be seen in the number of terms and definitions. Their ambiguity is an important, yet not always obvious, methodological problem. Different research attitude - as a result of ambiguous understanding of phenomena determined as "job satisfaction", "professional satisfaction" vs "dissatisfaction", "no satisfaction" - makes it difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to compare the results. Therefore, the article aims at presenting methodological difficulties faced by a researcher dealing with an interdisciplinary problem of job satisfaction, where doubts appear at the first stage, i.e. establishing definitions.
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Zmiany w modelu pracy

The paper presents contemporary changes in employment models. The main focus is on transformation of employment-based job model and intensive development of non-employment-based job model. The features and consequences of the transformation of gainful employment provision models are characterised, stressing that changes in employment sphere should be reflected in legislative amendments. The paper demonstrates that labour market challenges are best responded to by a shift from job-protection model to life-long employment protection model and by such making of employment law that helps modify protection of employees and ensure basic protection of non-employment-based jobs.
The purpose of the paper is to identify the dynamics and structure of employment transformations in Poland post accession to the European Union. The fundamental component of the paper is the analysis of the changes in economic activity and in employment structure. In the whole period included in the analysis (from 1999 to 2010) there existed a clear, positive relationship between changes in the structure of production and changes in structure of employment in Polish economy. The highest labour absorptiveness of labour resources (expressed both in absolute units and in dynamics measures) that was typical of the sectors and spheres of the lowest rates of labour productiveness growth i.e. market and non-market services), was a characteristic feature of Polish economy in the studied period
Celem opracowania jest wyodrębnienie zespołu cech społeczno-demograficznych samotnych matek i ich gospodarstw domowych zwiększających prawdopodobieństwo podjęcia pracy zarobkowej przez samotną matkę. (fragment tekstu)
It seems hard to reconcile labor as a human activity, unifying the paid workforce and promoting culture simultaneously, with the exigencies of producing surplus value, meeting the deadlines, rationalization of workflow and the ideological dimension it was charged with in the nineteen-fifties. The sociocultural context of labor generates objectives to achieve and demands a certain degree of commitment from the part of the laborer, which, in the period under investigation, found its expression in the mandatory planned production target. This norm, rather arbitrarily fixed, turns out as the result of a particular denaturalization of the act of labor and an implement for gauging and classifying the laborers. Hence during the nineteenfifties the following ways of work emerged: 1) an attempt to exceed the planned target at all costs; 2) circumvention of the job norm (productivity) by fixing own standard operation procedures and working according to their exigencies; 3) complete disregard of the norm .
W artykule przedstawiono działalność międzynarodową w sprawie wskaźników statystycznych opisujących jakość zatrudnienia. Zagadnienia te były przedmiotem seminarium zorganizowanego przez Komisję Gospodarczą (EKG), ONZ, Eurostat, Międzynarodową Organizację Pracy (MOP) i Urząd Statystyczny Kanady na przełomie października i listopada 2011 r. w Genewie odbyło się seminarium poświęcone wskaźnikom jakości zatrudnienia, zorganizowane przez Europejską Komisję Gospodarczą (EKG), ONZ, Eurostat, Międzynarodową Organizację Pracy (MOP) i Urząd Statystyczny Kanady. W wyniku konsultacji przeprowadzonych na seminarium opracowano zestawienie proponowanych tematów i wskaźników służących ocenie jakości zatrudnienia.
The article presents international activities on statistical indicators describing the quality of employment in as comprehensive way as possible. These issues are dealt with the seminar organized by the UN Economic Commission for Europe, Eurostat, ILO and Statistics Canada. The seminar was held in Geneva last year. The collaboration of institutions, participation in seminar initiated in 2000, resulted in proposed seven research themes and a number of indicators. The seminar expert groups have exchanged their experiences in trying to synthesise the described problems in the statistical indicators. (original abstract)
Pod wpływem przeobrażeń gospodarczych w Europie na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. doszło do poprawy warunków bytowych pracujących, co pociągnęło za sobą szybsze tempo przyrostu naturalnego. Sytuacja ta wywołała niepokój wśród klasyków myśli ekonomicznej – zwłaszcza u Malthusa i Ricardo. Według nich rozbieżności między tempem przyrostu naturalnego a poziomem produkcji żywności doprowadzą do katastrofy ekonomicznej w Europie.
The economic changes in Europe at the turn of 18th and 19th centuries had a great influence on the improvement of living conditions which contributed to the higher population growth rate. That situation worried the major developers of economic thought, especially Malthus and Ricardo. According to them, the divergence between the population growth rate the level of food production would lead to an economic disaster in Europe.
issue 4
Artykuł dotyczy procesu transformacji pracy ujętej jako wzajemne zazębianie zmian dokonujących się w dominujących instytucjonalnych formach przymusu pracy z formami organizacyjnymi jej realizacji. Analizując obecną fazę transformacji pracy, zwrócono uwagę nie tylko na zmiany techniczno-organizacyjne, związane z postępującą cyfryzacją i algorytmizacją pracy, ale i konsekwencjami społecznymi, takimi jak np. konieczność dalszych zmian systemów zabezpieczenia społecznego. Wskazano na zmianę znaczenia ekonomicznego pracy w funkcjonowaniu społeczeństwa na rzecz zwiększenia jej roli jako wyrazu świadomości znaczenia więzi społecznej w warunkach zbliżającego się coraz szerszego wykorzystywania sztucznej inteligencji i postępującej robotyzacji w sferze usług.
The article discusses the process of labour transformation understood as the mutual overlapping of changes taking place in the dominant institutional forms of compulsion to work with the organizational forms of its implementation. When analyzing the current phase of labor transformation, the author paid attention not only to technical and organizational changes related to the ongoing digitization and algorithmization of work, but also to social consequences, such as the need for further changes in social security systems. The change in the economic significance of work in the functioning of society was indicated to increase its role, as an expression of the awareness of the importance of social bonds in the conditions of the upcoming and wider use of artificial intelligence and the progressive robotization in the sphere of services.
Myśl ekonomiczna jest obecnie daleka od teoretycznej spójności i naukowego konsensusu. Nawet podstawowy układ kategorii ekonomicznych nie jest ostatecznie wypracowany. Unia monetarna euro utworzona według teorii optymalnego obszaru walutowego napotyka na trudności w integracji kolejnych państw. Ponadto w myśli geopolitycznej narasta przekonanie o nadchodzącej zmianie w kierunku wielobiegunowej organizacji współczesnego świata w wyniku przezwyciężenia amerykańskiej hegemonii. Utworzenie w strefie Europy Środkowej trwałej organizacji geopolitycznej wymaga spójnej, pozbawionej obecnych wad, teorii ekonomicznej gospodarki towarowo-pieniężnej. To jest celem i przesłaniem opracowania. W wyniku zastosowania nowej teorii ekonomicznej państwa dostrzegą znaczące korzyści z integracji, która zapewni gospodarowanie bez deficytów budżetowych i z mniejszymi niż dotychczas podatkami.
Economic thought is currently far from theoretical consistency and scientific consensus. Even the basic system of economic categories is not ultimately developed. Euro monetary union created by the theory of optimum currency area is facing difficulties in the integration of successive states. In addition, in the geopolitical thought is present a growing conviction about the upcoming change in the direction of the multipolar organization of the modern world by overcoming unipolar hegemony. The creation of a strong zone of Central Europe as a geopolitical organization requires a consistent, devoid of present defects, the economic theory of money goods economy. It is the purpose and message of this paper. As a result of the new economic theory, the state will see significant benefits from the integration, since it will provide management without budget deficits and at the smaller taxes than ever before.
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