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We use a matching model in which the horizontal job differentiation results from the rationale response of firms to the state of the labor market. We show that a decrease in the labor market tightness gives firms an incentive to raise the differentiation degree of jobs. Comparative statics suggests that an increase in unemployment benefits and in the minimum wage improves productivity of skilled workers by making jobs more differentiated, and leads to a raise in unemployment rate.
The enterprise reforms of the 1990s profoundly changed the structure of the economy in China. Using a firm-level dataset collected annually during the period of 1998–2007, this paper examines the variation of productivity volatility across firms of different characteristics as well as its evolution over time, and investigates the sources of productivity volatility at the firm level. The results suggest that in general, productivity volatility at the firm level declined over time in China. Large firms, old firms, foreign firms, and firms located in the coastal provinces are less volatile. Firm size and location are the two major factors that drive changes in productivity volatility – one in a positive way and one in a negative way. While the gaps of volatility between smaller firms and larger firms declined, the gaps between firms located in the coastal provinces and inland provinces increased.
In a modern economy human capital is the basic resource, directly influencing production and the financial results of the enterprise. Employee involvement determines their better job performance and the achievement of better financial results. The analysed companies – winners of the contest named Best Employer in Poland demonstrated increasing effectiveness and profitability of their activities which was shown by the calculated coefficients. The human capital coefficients based on the data from financial reports do not reflect the proper analysis of changes in return on investment and human capital productivity dependent on the level of employee involvement. A proper evaluation should concern not only financial results such as sales revenues, but also non-financial results.
Human capital plays an important role in the development of every company. Big enterprises have a Human Resources Department which conducts analyses and measurements of human capital. In Poland over 90% of the total number of companies is made up of small and middle- size enterprises. The aim of the research is to determine reasons why small Polish companies take an interest in the measurement and analysis of human capital as well as to discover the causes of their limited use of human capital measurement. The results confirmed that limited measurement and analysis of human capital efficiency in small companies results from the lack of additional information; apart from this it results from the binding legal regulations as well as the lack of employees who possess the knowledge necessary for conducting such analyses. Despite barriers and difficulties in human capital measurement, small companies appreciate employees and their qualification, not treating them only as a necessary cost of their doing business.
Innovativeness is one of the key determinants of total output and welfare used by contemporary economists to measure economic performance. The aim of the article is to assess the position of European Union (EU) countries in terms of selected indicators characterizing their potential for innovativeness. This paper proposes the application of taxonomic tools for the study of the differentiation within the level of fundamentals of innovativeness in EU countries on the basis of the chosen model.
This study investigates how a region’s labour productivity could be influenced by intangible factors such as social capital, government quality, cultural dimensions andreligion – factors that have not received much attention in the previous literature. As another novelty, regional-level data (78 regions of 22 European countries) were analysed. In order to take into account the relationships between various factors of productivity, the structural equation modelling approach is used enabling to find out both direct and indirect effects. The results showed institutional trust and civic participation to be the most important for productivity. Individualism appeared to have a positive and masculinity and power distance a negative total effect on labourproductivity.
This paper examines the concept of change management (CM) and how it affects organizational productivity in the real estate sector. The paper also focuses on change management and its impact on organizational growth and development in the same sector of the economy. The paper adopted a survey research design approach, using the questionnaire as the major data collection instrument. A total of one hundred (100) questionnaires were randomly distributed to respondents of ten different real estate firms who were undergoing a one-month training course at a training institute located in Lagos, Nigeria and ninety (90) were collected and used for analyzing the data for this research paper. The hypothesis of this paper was tested using Chi-square statistical tool. The findings of this paper reveal that X2 calculated value of 62.62, greater than the table value of 51.88, implying that human resource training and development is a function of the efficient and effective workforce. It also revealed that training aimed at enhancing employee’s skills and knowledge base translates to overall organizational success. The study, therefore, recommends among others that the training and development plan to cover all levels of the organization because the whole are interwoven and the neglect of one part may lead to the collapse of all. Change, Management, Organization, Productivity, Recruitment, Training Niniejszy artykuł analizuje koncepcję zarządzania zmianami (CM) i jej wpływ na produktywność organizacji w sektorze nieruchomości. Artykuł koncentruje się również na wpływie zarządzania zmianami na wzrost organizacyj-ny i rozwój w tym samym sektorze gospodarki. W artykule przyjęto podejście do projektowania badań ankieto-wych, wykorzystując kwestionariusz jako główne narzędzie do gromadzenia danych. W sumie losowo rozdano sto (100) kwestionariuszy respondentom z dziesięciu różnych firm z branży nieruchomości, którzy przechodzili mie-sięczne szkolenie w instytucie szkoleniowym w Lagos w Nigerii, a 90 kwestionariuszy zebrano i wykorzystano do analizy. Hipotezę tego artykułu przetestowano za pomocą narzędzia statystycznego Chi-kwadrat. Artykuł pokazuje, że X2 oblicza wartość 62,62, większą niż wartość tabeli 51,88, co sugeruje, że szkolenie i rozwój zasobów ludzkich jest funkcją wydajnej i efektywnej siły roboczej. Okazało się również, że szkolenia mające na celu podniesienie umiejętności i bazy wiedzy pracowników przekładają się na ogólny sukces organizacyjny. W związku z tym bada-nie zaleca między innymi, aby plan szkolenia i rozwoju obejmował wszystkie poziomy organizacji, ponieważ całość jest przeplatana, a zaniedbanie jednej części może doprowadzić do upadku wszystkich. zmiana, zarządzanie, organizacja, produktywność, rekrutacja, szkolenia
The aim of this study is to present, analyze and assess the level and relations of labor costs and productivity in Poland and European Union. Analyses of labor markets in European Union states show that these markets are characterized by very similar measures regarding the levels of professional activity, unemployment rate and efficiency of labor market policy programs. However, the difference in the level of wages still remains high. Among the reasons for this phenomenon we can indicate the levels of labor costs and productivity, which determine the levels of wages in particular member states. Thus the subject of this paper is the analysis of the levels of labor costs and productivity in Poland versus those in European Union. The thesis stated in the study is that the maintained differences in wages in European Union may be explained by differences in the levels and relations of labor costs and productivity, which are discussed in detail in the study.
Celem artykułu była ocena wpływu stabilności politycznej oraz praworządności na poziom produktywności gospodarek 40 krajów Afryki Subsaharyjskiej w latach 1996-2014. Posłużono się modelami regresji panelowej, gdzie zmienną objaśnianą była całkowita produktywność gospodarki (TFP). Za pomocą regresji kwantylowej analizowano również, w jakim stopniu siła i charakter tego wpływu zmieniają się w zależności od osiągniętego przez dany kraj poziomu produktywności. Główne źródła danych stanowiły bazy Banku Światowego World Governance Indicators i World Development Indicators oraz baza Penn World Table. Na podstawie prowadzonych analiz empirycznych stwierdzono, że zwiększanie stabilności politycznej i wzmacnianie praworządności wpływało na wzrost produktywności w analizowanych krajach, przy czym istotniejszą rolę odgrywał drugi z tych czynników. Ponadto ustalono, że wpływ elementów układu instytucjonalnego zmienia się w zależności od szacowanego poziomu TFP danej gospodarki. O ile w słabiej rozwiniętych krajach ważniejszy jest wpływ rządów prawa, o tyle w miarę wzrostu efektywności gospodarki relatywnie większego znaczenia nabiera stabilność polityczna. Z kolei poprawa poziomu kapitału ludzkiego sprzyjała wzrostowi TFP w badanych krajach, niezależnie od fazy ich rozwoju.
The aim of the paper was to assess the impact of political stability and the rule of law on the productivity level in 40 economies of Sub-Saharan Africa in the years 1996-2014. Panel regression models with total factor productivity (TFP) as a dependent variable were applied. In addition, quantile regression method was used to analyze the changing nature of this influence depending on the productivity level achieved by a given country. The main sources of data were World Bank databases (World Governance Indicators and World Development Indicators) and the Penn World Table database. On the basis of empirical analyses, it was found that increasing political stability and strengthening the rule of law had an impact on productivity growth in the analysed countries, with the latter factor playing a more important role. Moreover, it was found that the impact of elements of the institutional environment changes depending on the estimated TFP level in a given economy. While in less developed countries the influence of the rule of law is more important, as the efficiency of the economy increases, political stability becomes relatively more salient. On the other hand, the improvement in the level of human capital was conducive to the growth of TFPs in the analysed countries, regardless of the stage of their development.
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Global Thermoeconomics

This paper illustrates that basic global economic concepts can be directly related to the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. We believe that all economic returns are from nothing except from current and past human expenditure of human energy; this is the result of the First Law of Thermodynamics. It is shown that everything is a product of energy in the form of labor and that the basic principle of Labor Theory of Value is still valid and this principle is validated not relying on economics and fi nance models, rather on thermodynamic principles. This is illustrated by the development of the Labor Value Equation based on the application of the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics and how it can impact employment, asset valuation, supply/demand, productivity, global confl ict, global reserve currency and global stability
Efektem działania postępu technicznego jest przyrost produkcji, który nie wynika ze wzrostu zasobów czynników produkcji. Prowadzi on w ostatecznym efekcie do wzrostu poziomu życia społeczeństw. Syntetycznym sposobem oceny zmian efektywności procesów produkcyjnych, zachodzących pod wpływem postępu technicznego, jest wzrost łącznej produktywności czynników produkcji (total factor productivity - TFP). Głównym celem artykułu jest wskazanie czynników wpływających na kształtowanie się poziomu TFP w województwach. Jest to zmienna niemierzalna, dlatego pierwszym etapem badania było oszacowanie jej wartości według województw. Jako narzędzie analizy zastosowano modele panelowe. (fragment tekstu)
Growth analysis of total factor productivity (TFP) is a synthetic method to assess changes in the efficiency of production processes, occurring under the influence of technical progress. The study analyzed the evolution of TFP by voivodships and identified the factors that affect this variable. The first stage of this study was to estimate the immeasurable value of the TFP variable based on a time-transversal sample. The results showed significant differences in estimates of the TFP in the voivodships. The next stage of analysis was to estimate the dynamic panel model describing the evolution of TFP. It was found relatively high stability of the variable value and the significant impact of human capital, delayed by 1 period of the technical equipment of work and delayed by 2 periods of the relationship in R&D to investment. (original abstract)
Badania dobrobytu gospodarek, z wykorzystaniem wskaźników opisujących produktywność, podział dochodu, wynagrodzenia, koszty życia, pozwalają ocenić relacje między sytuacją danej gospodarki i jej pozycją na rynku światowym a poziomem życia społeczeństwa. W niniejszym opracowaniu podjęto taką próbę w odniesieniu do gospodarek Chin, Rosji, Stanów Zjednoczonych i Szwecji, które realizują różne modele gospodarki rynkowej. Wyniki analizy pokazują, ż e poszczególne kraje charakteryzują się znacząco odmiennymi osiągnięciami w zakresie dobrobytu.
Research on prosperity in economies, using indicators describing productivi-ty, income distribution, salaries, cost of living, allow to assess the relationship between the situation of the economy, its position on the world market and the quality of living. In this study, it was such an attempt in relation to the economies of China, Russia, the United States and Sweden, which implement different models of market economy. The results of the analysis show that countries are characterized by significantly different achievements in the field of welfare.
W artykule określono ilościowo wpływu łącznej produktywności czynników produkcji (total factor productivity - TFP), na długookresowy wzrost gospodarczy w Polsce w latach 1970-2005. Do oszacowania wartości TFP wykorzystano metodę Whartona. Z przedstawionej analizy wynika, że spektrum czynników oddziałujących na łączną produktywność czynników produkcji w Polsce jest znacznie szersze niż przyjmowano w dotychczasowych badaniach empirycznych. Obok kapitału wiedzy wpływają na nią bowiem również uwarunkowania społeczne, demograficzne i instytucjonalne oraz kapitał społeczny. Zidentyfikowano i przeanalizowano czternaście pośrednich czynników wzrostu PKB.
The article quantifies impact of total factor productivity (TFP) on the long term economic growth in Poland in years 1970-2005. The Wharton method was applied to estimate the TFP value (cleaned of short term fluctuations) which, next, was made function of adequate supply factors including social, demographical as well as institutional considerations. A gradation of particular variables explaining effective TFPs equations was purposely not conducted assuming that their importance for secular growth should be fixed in empirical surveys. To estimate structure parameters of the TFP equation the "from a whole to a detail" modeling strategy was applied. Fourteen indirect factors of a GDP growth were identified and analyzed. (original abstract)
Gwałtowny rozwój technologii informatycznych, będący częścią ogólnoświatowej rewolucji informacyjnej, sprzyja znoszeniu barier wynikających z odległości dzielących poszczególne osoby. Dzięki globalnej sieci Internet możliwe stało się wspólne wykonywanie pracy, zwłaszcza tej twórczej, przez osoby pozostające jedynie w kontakcie wirtualnym. Tradycyjne usługi internetowe, takie jak e-mail, WWW czy różne portale społecznościowe, choć z całą pewnością przydatne i wykorzystywane w pracy zawodowej, nie muszą być jedynymi narzędziami wspierającymi współpracę. Artykuł przedstawia możliwości zwiększenia produktywności wspólnie realizowanych badań/przedsięwzięć/projektów poprzez wykorzystanie wybranych narzędzi wspomagających te prace w różnych obszarach.
The rapid development of IT technologies, which is a part of the worldwide information revolution, facilitates the overcoming of barriers resulting from the distances which separate the particular people from each other. Owing to the global internet network, it became possible to perform work together, especially creative work, by people who maintained mainly “virtual” contact. Traditional internet services such as e-mail, WWW or various social media portals, even though they are surely useful and used in professional work, do not have to be the exclusive tools which facilitate collaboration. The article presents the possibility of increasing productivity of research/enterprises/projects which are realized together by means of tools which support this work in various areas.
vol. 49
This essay is an elaboration of a paper read at the Imagining Bodies conference at Tallinn University in 2010, where the author considered differing meanings of the concept of productivity, and market force’s impact on dance in Estonia. After making notes while touring in Estonia, during autumn and winter of 2009/2010, on his observations of similarities and differences between how dance is created and funded in Estonia and California, the author gathered them into a travelogue and subjected them to a variety of cultural, economic and political critiques. The scale and direction of cultural production in Estonia and California are vastly different but capital market forces foreground similar resource allocations in dance production: Women provide the central core of the social infrastructure of the Estonian Dance and dance education. It is this self-subsidized labour pool, operating at discounted labour costs, that provides the social infrastructure that is the primary dance resource for the next generation of Estonian dancers. The social good that dance produces is often defined as a positive externality, secondary to internal/cash transactions, operating outside of the capital economy and probably not included in measures of the gross domestic product of the nation. Externalizing the costs of dance education and production allows for “free riding” by individuals and institutions that profit from the goods dance practices produce for the country without making personal investment. The peoples of Estonia are producing a rich and diverse cultural product. The culture of Estonia is second only to its natural beauty as an economic draw for tourism. The export of Estonian art has the potential to advertise and solidify the country’s presence in the international business and political arenas. However, the infrastructure of dance in Estonia is being pushed to produce at, or perhaps beyond, its carrying capacity and signs of strain are showing around the edges. The social infrastructure is rich, but risks losing cohesion due to burnout of key players. Young dancers often look outside of Estonia to find fulfilment in their work, adding to population stagnation and brain drain. The fear is that without timely and investments in the social and physical infrastructure of dance, Estonia will not be able to remain competitive in the global arts market. The solution is an offset by skill and ability that small dance organizations have shown in leveraging the resources they have invested into local movements that make impacts on a national scale. Creating a strategic policy of cash investments in dance culture will mean that the dances they produce will be thoughtful reflections on the history and future of their nation.
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