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In this article the author considers an attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards the theory of evolution beginning with the year of publication of Darwin 'The Evolution of Species' until contemporary times. The orthodox theology relies upon the thought of Greek Fathers of the Church who emphasized a difference between the incomprehensible essence of God and His actions (energies), by which He reveals Himself in the created world. In the light of the above conception the Orthodox Church acknowledges every scientific theory as an reflexion of this revelation, if only it doesn't trespass its relevant boundaries. Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church has never condemned the evolution theory itself, although some of her theologians have been criticizing some of its aspects. In the last part the author presents contemporary polemics between orthodox evolutionists and creationists. He also suggests some insight into their arguments exposing their limitations. In this article the author considers an attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards the theory of evolution beginning with the year of publication of Darwin 'The Evolution of Species' until contemporary times. The orthodox theology relies upon the thought of Greek Fathers of the Church who emphasized a difference between the incomprehensible essence of God and His actions (energies), by which He reveals Himself in the created world. In the light of the above conception the Orthodox Church acknowledges every scientific theory as an reflexion of this revelation, if only it doesn't trespass its relevant boundaries. Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church has never condemned the evolution theory itself, although some of her theologians have been criticizing some of its aspects. In the last part the author presents contemporary polemics between orthodox evolutionists and creationists. He also suggests some insight into their arguments exposing their limitations.
Estonia is recognized by the Muscovite Patriarchy as a part of the so-called “canonical territory” of the Russian Orthodox Church (the ROC).The participation of the ROC in Estonia is connected with the split of the Estonian Orthodox Church. Two religious fractions function there in the country: the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Muscovite Patriarchy and the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church of the Constantinopolitan Patriarchy (the EAOC). On the example of the situation in Estonia, a relation between religious issues and an aspiration to political independence can be observed there. The subject of the article is the question of how the argument in the bosom of the Estonian Orthodox Church is of a political character and what the priorities of the Muscovite Patriarchy are in the context of the existing situation. The time frames of the article are set at the first decade of the 21st century. The facts mentioned prove that authorities of the Russian Federation are also engaged in the argument discussed. The aim of Kremlin and the ROC is mutuala renaissance of Russia as an Orthodox empire and preservation of the canonical ROC's territory under Russian control.
This article aims to analyze religious and mystical elements contained in Putin’s public statements by referring to selected examples characteristic of contemporary Russian identity politics. In order to demonstrate the importance of religious and mystical threads in Putin’s speeches, we chose five specific cases. The analysis of these statements indicates that religious and mystical motifs in Putin’s language are an attempt at self-creation for the purpose of domestic policy. We claim that this self-creation is more of an effort to strengthen Putin’s public support than proof that he borrows patterns for shaping Russia’s political life from the Russian religious and political tradition. Putin’s rhetoric is not so much a desire for an axiological renewal of Russian politics but an attempt to search for the new legitimization of the power system he created in confrontation with the West.
The article presents the characteristics of the main directions of anti-church policy of the Soviet power in the 1920-1930s. Base on archival material in the Gomel region, the authors showed the reaction of worker-peasant medium on Bolshevik policy against the church. The analysis results of the confrontation of believers and atheist state.
The article studies the prison notes of P. V. Verkhovsky, the famous public figure, the historian and the expert of the law. Verkhovsky took these notes in 1922 after he had been arrested and accused of counterrevolutionary activity. The notes speak volumes about theatti- tude of the Russian Orthodox clergy toward events of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the following Civil war. Verkhovsky is defending clergy, demonstrating that their participation in counterrevolutionary activity contradicts their purposes “job description”. Assuring the absolute loyalty to the Soviet regime, Verkhovsky conceals about his ownanti-Soviet position during the Civil war, when he was opposing to the Bolsheviks policy.
The article is an analysis of Patriarch Kirill’s speech at the assembly of the Inter- Parliamentary Union (IPU) in St. Petersburg. It primarily discusses the demand for moral consensus, which is a condition for just laws and true peace. The article starts with a presentation of the specific political and religious context affecting the interpretation of both the IPU assembly in St. Petersburg and Patriarch Kirill’s speech. Subsequently, the author presents the Patriarch’s criticism of the liberal system of values and the conditions of genuine moral consensus; he also discusses the role of religion in reaching this consensus.
The article discusses the specific of sanctity of Parascheva of Tirnovo in the Russian Orthodox Church, an anchoress the most venerated by the Eastern Church. The pattern of holiness formed in the late nineteenth century is far richer and deeper than in other Slavic Orthodox churches. It is based on the Trinitarian, Christological, Marian themes, as well as on the strict hesychastic asceticism proper for hermits. The functions of the saint are also wider – she serves as a teacher, protector, defender, guardian of the state, the highest authorities (tsar) and the faithful – which is not typical for the sanctity of women, but rather for the holy hierarchs, bishops as pastors of the Church and the nation.
The article “Belarussian Churches: chronicle of bells between 1950 and 1980” written on the basis of declassified archives of Belarus, as well as stories of clergy and parishioners Ringers recorded during expeditions of 2003-2010. to study the 247 bells of Orthodox Churches. Through the testimony of believers author reveals the living history events godless government policy directed against the Church and its ministers, religious education and external ritual sound symbol of the Orthodox faith – bells. The confrontation with the power of parishioners helped keep the number of temples in the republic sets of church bells ringing and the canon itself, which is carefully passed on from generation to generation. In 2015, the Institute of Culture of Belarus began to collect documents for the introduction of elements of “traditional zvonarstvo” 21 Temple in the list of intangible spiritual heritage of the Republic of Belarus.
Tematem artykułu jest analiza wpływu procesu autokefalii Prawosławnego Kościoła Ukrainy na stosunki Ukrainy z Federacją Rosyjską. Prawosławie, rozumiane zarówno jako instytucja religijna, jak i wyznanie, jest stałym i najważniejszym elementem tożsamości Rosji od samego początku jej istnienia. Pozostaje religią dominującą w Federacji Rosyjskiej, pomimo zróżnicowania religijnego wynikającego z wieloetnicznego charakteru państwa. Celem badawczym artykułu jest analiza roli Cerkwi w polityce wewnętrznej i zagranicznej Federacji Rosyjskiej. W stosunkach rosyjsko-ukraińskich odgrywał ważną rolę we wspieraniu działań takich jak aneksja Krymu czy wspieranie prorosyjskich separatystów w Donbasie. Pozycja Rosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej we współczesnej Rosji wiąże się także ze specyficznym typem (modelem) prowadzonej przez to państwo polityki, określanej mianem „polityki wyznaniowej (dyplomacji)”, integralnie związanej z kwestiami bezpieczeństwa religijnego państwa. Analiza treści dokumentów programowych instytucji państwowych Federacji Rosyjskiej i organizacji wewnętrznych Rosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej pozwala na wyodrębnienie tzw. différentia specifica, charakteryzującej wspólnotę założeń i tożsamość działań podejmowanych przez państwo i cerkiew instytucje w Rosji. Instytucje kościelne postrzegane są jako tzw. Kościół „narodowy” Federacji Rosyjskiej. Powoduje to uwikłanie Kościoła w różne afiliacje parapolityczne, co z kolei ma określone implikacje w sferze politycznej i międzywyznaniowej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy autorzy dochodzą do wniosku, że autokefalia Prawosławnego Kościoła Ukrainy jest niezbędna dla niezależności tego kraju od Rosji – wzmacnia narodową tożsamość Ukrainy i ogranicza rosyjskie wpływy w tym kraju.
The subject of the article is an analysis of the impact of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine's autocephaly process on Ukraine's relations with the Russian Federation. Orthodoxy, understood as both a religious institution and a denomination, has been a constant and most important component of Russia's identity since the very beginning of its existence. It remains the dominant religion in the Russian Federation, despite the religious diversity resulting from the multi-ethnic nature of the state. The aim of the article is to analyze the role of the Orthodox Church in the internal and foreign policy of the Russian Federation. In Russian-Ukrainian relations, it played an important role in supporting activities such as the annexation of Crimea or support for pro-Russian separatists in the Donbas. The position of the Russian Orthodox Church in contemporary Russia is also associated with a specific type (model) of the policy pursued by that state, referred to as "confessional policy (diplomacy)", integrally connected with the issues of religious security of the country. The analysis of the content of the program documents of the state institutions of the Russian Federation and internal organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church allows to distinguish the so-called differentia specifica, characterizing the community of assumptions and the identity of actions undertaken by state and church institutions in Russia. Church institutions are perceived as the so-called The "national" church of the Russian Federation. This results in the Church becoming entangled in various parapolitical affiliations, which in turn has specific implications in the political and interfaith sphere. The authors, on the basis of the conducted analysis, conclude that the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is essential for the country's independence from Russia – it strengthens the Ukrainian national identity and limits Russian influence in this country.
In the XIX-XX centuries there was rather a strong tradition of liturgics texts existed as manuscripts. In the XX century, after the enforced cease of the Church book-printing, such a means of texts spread became the main one. The manuscript tradition is less codified so, after Moscow Patriarchy renewed its publishing activity, this not standardized manuscript norm influenced the books printed. This article is devoted to the problems of the influence provided by the manuscript norm on the Church Slavonic printed books of the XX century.
Początek XX wieku był okresem przełomowym dla życia Kościoła prawosławnego w Rosji. Głównym wydarzeniem, które zmieniło sytuację zewnętrzną i wewnętrzną Kościoła był Lokalny Sobór Rosyjskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego w latach 1917-1918. Najważniejszą decyzją soborowych obrad była restytucja patriarchatu, zlikwidowanego rezolucjami cara Piotra I w XVIII wieku. Zainicjowana dyskusja wokół tego procesu była źródłem wielu interesujących wypowiedzi i kierunków dialektyki. W niniejszym artykule prezentowana jest pozytywna argumentacja w celu restytucji patriarchatu w oparciu o publikacje S.N. Bułgakowa, N.I. Troickiego i A.W. Wasiljewa, które były dodatkiem do prac soboru. Szczególnie ważne jest ich odniesienie do przymiotów Kościoła: jedności, apostolskości i soborowości.
Autor analizuje, w jaki sposób pojęcie „tradycyjnych wartości” wykorzystywane jest w politycznym dyskursie władz rosyjskich. Od trzeciej kadencji Władimira Putina zauważalny byl neokonserwatywny zwrot w rosyjskiej polityce, wyrażony zarówno w umacnianiu wpływów religii, jak i w zaostrzaniu ustawodawstwa. Aktywną rolę w tym odgrywa hierarchia Rosyjskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego, który otwarcie popiera obecny reżim i wzmacnia własny wpływ na życie publiczne. Pojęcie „tradycyjnych wartości” jest zatem motywowane politycznie, interpretowane jako sprzeciw wobec wartości liberalnych (przykładem jest homofobiczna polityka władz rosyjskich) i ma na celu przeciwstawienie wartości rosyjskich wartościom zachodnim. Autor opisuje, w jaki sposób dyskurs ten ma na celu przede wszystkim skonsolidowanie konserwatywnego elektoratu w kraju i rozprzestrzenienie rosyjskich wpływów na konserwatystów z innych krajów. Odzwierciedla to potrzebę poszukiwania skutecznych sposobów przeciwdziałania populistycznej retoryce.
The author analyzes how the concept of “traditional values” is used in the political discourse of the Russian authorities. Since the third term of Vladimir Putin, there has been a noticeable neo-conservative turn in Russian politics, expressed both in the strengthening of the influence of religion and in the tightening of legislation. An active role in this is played by the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, which openly supports the current regime and strengthens its own influence on public life, regardless of the absence of direct religious demands of Russian society. The concept of “traditional values” is thus politically motivated, interpreted as an opposition to liberal values (an example is the homophobic policy of the Russian authorities) and is aimed at contrasting Russian values with Western ones. The author describes how this discourse is aimed, principally, at consolidating the conservative electorate within the country and spreading Russian influence on “conservatives” from other countries. This reflects the need to search for effective ways to counter populist rhetoric.
Facta Simonidis
vol. 11
issue 1
Niniejszy artykuł jest analizą stosunków pomiędzy władzą a Cerkwią w Rosji w ujęciu historycznym. Autorka podjęła próbę wykazania wpływ doświadczeń historycznych i roli Rosyjskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego na współczesny model relacji pomiędzy władzą świecką a duchową w Federacji Rosyjskiej. Ważną część rozważań stanowi ocena szans i zagrożeń wynikających z podporządkowania Rosyjskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego obecnym elitom władzy.
In this article devoted to the relationship between the authority and the Russian Orthodox Church on the canvas of history. The author demonstrates the influence of historical experiences and the role of the Russian Orthodox Church on the current model of relations between secular and spiritual authority. An important part of the work is the assessment of the opportunities and threats stemming from the subordination of the Russian Orthodox Church to the current elites.
Celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie roli Rosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej (RCP) jako instytucji wspierającej działania Federacji Rosyjskiej w zakresie polityki międzynarodowej. W oparciu o fakty historyczne wyjaśniona została geneza powiązań rosyjskiego prawosławia z władzami na Kremlu, gdzie istnieje tradycja wykorzystywania religii jako instrumentu oddziaływania ideologicznego (soft power). Najwięcej miejsca poświęcono ukazaniu związków kościoła z ideologią ruskiego miru, metodom służącym propagowaniu tej ideologii przez religię, a zwłaszcza uzasadniono główną tezę opracowania, zgodnie z którą Cerkiew Prawosławna stanowi element kremlowskiej soft power i instrument wojny informacyjnej. Ukazano metody prowadzenia tej wojny w państwach powstałych po rozpadzie ZSRR. Z tego też powodu działalność Rosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej na Ukrainie, w Mołdawii i innych krajach zamieszkanych przez rosyjskie (prawosławne) mniejszości, może prowadzić do destabilizacji i stanowi zagrożenie dla suwerenności i integralności terytorialnej państw. Cerkiew jest jednym z najważniejszych ośrodków usprawiedliwiających rosyjską inwazję na Ukrainę i narzędziem propagowania kremlowskiej narracji wśród wiernych poza granicami Rosji.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the role of the Russian Orthodox Church as an institution supporting the Russian Federation's international policy activities. Based on historical facts, the origins of the ties between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Kremlin authorities are explained, where there is a tradition of using religion as an instrument of ideological influence (soft power). Most space was devoted to showing the church's ties with the ideology of the Russkiy mir, the methods used by religion to propagate this ideology, and, in particular, justifying the main thesis of the study, according to which the Orthodox Church is an element of Kremlin soft power and an instrument of information warfare. The methods of conducting this war in the countries formed after the collapse of the USSR were shown. For this reason, the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, Moldova and other countries inhabited by Russian (Orthodox) minorities can lead to destabilization and pose a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the states. The Orthodox Church is one of the most important centers for justifying the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a tool for propagating the Kremlin narrative among the believers outside Russia.
The aim of the article is to analyze the place and importance of the Orthodox Church in the society and political culture of Ukraine after 2013. In the context of foreign policy, the challenge for each country is the foreign activity of the Churches (as a non-territorial and transnational entity). The new political realities following the “revolution of dignity”, the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbas set new challenges for the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. They showed that the great trap for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church is the concept of ruskij mir and influence of the Russian Orthodox Church’s authority over the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. The Kremlin’s policy harms the image and interest of the Orthodox Church. The Ukrainian Orthodox bishops, subordinated to the Moscow Patriarchate, find it difficult to keep their loyalty to the Ukrainian state and church authorities in Moscow at the same time. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is internally diversified with apparent generational differences. Part of the older generation has strong ties with the hierarchs in Russia. The younger generation, which does not remember the Soviet period, sees in the formal independence from Moscow the opportunity to develop their own careers and the Church as an institution.
In this article devoted to the relationship between the authority and the Russian Orthodox Church on the canvas of history. The author demonstrates the influence of historical experiences and the role of the Russian Orthodox Church on the current model of relations between secular and spiritual authority. An important part of the work is the assessment of the opportunities and threats stemming from the subordination of the Russian Orthodox Church to the current elites.
Niniejszy artykuł jest analizą stosunków pomiędzy władzą a Cerkwią w Rosji w ujęciu historycznym. Autorka podjęła próbę wykazania wpływ doświadczeń historycznych i roli Rosyjskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego na współczesny model relacji pomiędzy władzą świecką a duchową w Federacji Rosyjskiej. Ważną część rozważań stanowi ocena szans i zagrożeń wynikających z podporządkowania Rosyjskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego obecnym elitom władzy.
Missionary activity is one of the most important areas of the various activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. For example, the historical development of the spiritual mission in China, Japan, Korea and Jerusalem shows not only the spiritual component of the missions, but also the political role for Russian state. Today there is a revival of Russian missionary activities that actualizes this subject for research.
Миссионерство является одним из важнейших направлений разнообразной деятельности Русской Православной Церкви. На примере исторического развития духовных миссий в Китае, Японии, Корее и Иерусалиме показана не только духовная составляющая этих миссий, но и политическая роль для российского государства. Сегодня идет возрождение русского миссионерства, что актуализирует данную тематику для исследований.
For centuries, the Russian Orthodox Church played an extraordinary role in promoting the moral code of the individual and the collective of the Russian Empire. In the 18th century, however, the Russian Orthodox Church underwent fundamental organizational changes. Above all, it was the establishment of a Sacred Synod through which the Russian Orthodox Church was controlled by the state. The Church responded to this by modernizing its organization. However, the stereotypical life of Russian society did not change. Faith remained the same, with the result that the dividing gap between the identity required by the state and the identity unfolding from the masses, as a link to their ancestors, became wider. A significant change was caused by the existential threat to the Russian Empire at the time of Napoleon‘s invasion of Russia in 1812. The state was able to create such conditions that the Church, after clutching for several decades to its dirigisme, could resume its activities and act in a patriotic spirit to rescue the Orthodox Faith, reportedly the only real and right faith, with the full commitment of each individual. The ideology of the Church coincided with the ideology of the state, which proclaimed the forthcoming struggle as an immense effort to save the homeland. It was the Patriotic War.
This paper focuses on the efforts of functionaries of the Russian Orthodox Church to propagate the Orthodox faith among Catholic Czechs who came to the territory of the Russian Empire during the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, with the goal of achieving their conversion from Catholicism to the Orthodox faith. The period of the so-called Great War or First World War is the focus of attention, but only until the autumn of 1917 with regard to the political changes taking place in the Russian Empire. The efforts of Orthodox preachers and other functionaries of the Russian Orthodox Church to influence the spiritual profile of Catholic Czechs, who were joined by defectors from the Austrian-Hungarian armies and prisoners of Czech nationality at the time, culminated during the World War. As sources of Russian and other provenience demonstrate, not even the universal support of the Petrograd Holy Synod assured the success of these efforts. The paper also demonstrates that the entire matter was meticulously monitored by the Papal Curia. This paper, which is of an analytical nature, is valuable due to the newly discovered sources, which correspond with the conclusions of existing literature about the conversion of Czechs in Russia to the Orthodox faith to a specific degree.
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