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The paper discusses problems of the notion of an onomastic stereotype in the context of current linguistic knowledge of the speakers of Polish. The problem has not been recognized in onomastic literature so far, and it belongs to the field of research of so called cultural onomastics. Basing on the results of the questionnaire research carried out among the Polish Philology Faculty students of the Kazimerz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz in the years 2005 and 2006, general conclusions concerning contemporary language awareness of the origin, structure and function of surnames have been drawn. The paper also answers the question about onomastic stereotypes which concern the current way in which Poles perceive surnames.
The complex of the Polish society's views on the subject of agriculture is marked by ideology. The place that rural areas, agriculture and persons working in agriculture occupy in social awareness is far more important than the role that agriculture plays in the generation of GDP or in the incomes of farmers' families. In the light of nation-wide representative surveys, views concerning agriculture are incoherent, naive and often false. On one hand, these views reflect the feeling that harm was done to agriculture and farmers in the more and less distant past and is being done also in the present situation and, on the other hand, they reflect the tendency to overestimate the role of agriculture, the conditions existing in agriculture (such as the quality of soils and qualifications of farmers) and the results achieved in agriculture (high labour productivity, ecological products). They also reflect the prevalent conviction that agriculture may be the locomotive of Poland's economic development. The ideologically-marked and emotional approach of the Polish people to the problems of agriculture can be attributed to many factors: the rural roots of the Polish society, the fact that agriculture has become a 'dressing for the wounds' of Polish transformation, which eases unemployment and poverty, and to the information campaign preceding the referendum on accession to the EU, which concentrated chiefly on agriculture. The favourable changes in the picture of Polish agriculture have occurred also under the influence of its environmental, social and cultural functions.
vol. 14
issue 1
21 - 47
The article focuses on determining how Czech's stereotypical features are present in public discourse on the internet pages of selected broadcasting radio stations. Analysis of the material has been preceded by an attempt of reconstructing the basic stereotype of the Czech which functions in the consciousness of the Poles. The basis for this part of the study are dictionary sources, sociological works, as well as ethnoliguistic. 36 internet articles published in 2013 have been analysed from the linguistic point of view. All of them have been published on the websites of four radio stations broadcasting in the area of Higher Silesia: Radio Opole, Radio Bielsko, Antyradio and Radio Aniol Beskidow.
Etnolingwistyka rozwija się w Polsce dwoma nurtami: jeden tworzą badania o nastawieniu socjologicznym i ekologicznym, drugi – antropologicznym i kognitywnym. Autor prezentuje drugi z tych nurtów. W artykule zestawia i opatruje wskazówkami bibliograficznymi kluczowe pojęcia wypracowane w latach 1975–2005 w kręgu lubelskich etnolingwistów w związku z przygotowywanym i częściowo już zrealizowanym słownikiem stereotypów i symboli ludowych. Są to pojęcia takie, jak konotacja i kulturowe rozumienie znaczenia słowa, definicja kognitywna, stereotyp jako potoczne wyobrażenie przedmiotu, językowy obraz świata, punkt widzenia i perspektywa, faseta, profilowanie i rama doświadczeniowa, podmiot, który doświadcza, konceptualizuje i werbalizuje. Podkreśla się związki lubelskiej etnolingwistyki zarówno z tradycją etnolingwistyki amerykańskiej, jak też z moskiewską szkołą etnolingwistyczną.
The practice of ethnolinguistics in Poland is two-pronged: sociological and ecological on the one hand, anthropological and cognitive on the other. The author represents the latter trend. In the article he juxtaposes and supplements with bibliographical information the key concepts elaborated by the Lublin ethnolinguists, between 1975 and 2005, in relation to 'Slownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych' (A Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols), partly published, partly in preparation. The concepts include: the connotation and cultural meaning of a word, cognitive definition, stereotype as a folk image of an entity, linguistic worldview, point of view and perspective, facet, profiling and experiential frame, the experiencing, conceptualizing and speaking subject. Emphasis is put on the connections between the Lublin ethnolinguistics and the American and Moscow ethnolinguistic traditions.
This article looks at spontaneously-performed stereotypical reasoning based on a set of information that is linked thematically but informally (i.e. not under logical principles). First the typical experimental approach of social psychology is presented, meaning the approach in which a stereotype is one of the premises allowing a valid, albeit not necessarily true, conclusion to be drawn. The main body of the article presents the cognitive paradigm of text comprehension, which enables the skill of informal reasoning to be tested – or more specifically, the building of a situational model via the integration of information obtained with previously possessed knowledge (in the form of a stereotype, for example, or another heuristic). This method seems to be appropriate for testing the kind of stereotypical reasoning in which the stereotype is not a necessary premise for drawing conclusions, but rather an additional factor that may disrupt the ability to reason based on the premises given (especially in individuals who possess a stereotype). The appropriateness of using the text comprehension method for studying this sort of stereotypical reasoning is then discussed, based on the example of the author’s research.
This article focuses on the contents and the operations of stereotypes and the physical appearance of french, polish and german women, in the context of intercultural meetings of young people. The physical stereotypes, which are often in sharp contradictions with the appearance of participants can remain by the youth, as evidenced by the activities on stereotypes provided during the meetings. Although stereotypes are often viewed as harmful to the understanding between cultures, they play a role through their cognitive and affective dimensions in the recognition of national identities and cultures and are a gateway to cultural otherness.
Autor zajmuje się stosunkiem etnolingwistyki do tradycyjnej folklorystyki w sytuacji rozpadu pozytywistycznej „tabeli nauk” i mody na interdyscyplinarność. Preferując nie tyle interdyscyplinarność, co raczej badania „transdziedzinowe”, podkreśla, że obie dyscypliny (etnolingwistyka i folklorystyka) podejmują podobne problemy antropologiczne: problem obrazu świata, roli słowa mówionego i aksjologii oralności, języka w kontekście działań, integrującej wspólnotę funkcji języka i kultury, idiom potoczności i codzienności – które wyznaczają im wspólny „horyzont” poznawczy. Jako teoretyk kultury i jej badacz dostrzega inspirującą rolę etnolingwistyki w antropologizacji folklorystyki i nawet szerzej – humanistyki, rolę znaczącą zwłaszcza wtedy, kiedy podejmuje się problem społecznych wyobrażeń o świecie i szuka wyznaczników tożsamości zbiorowej, etnicznej, narodowej. Kolejne tomy Słownika stereotypów i symboli ludowych – twierdzi – „mogą mieć kapitalne znaczenie dla historyka myśli społecznej, czy nawet historyka idei”, bo „ujęcie etnolingwistyczne pozwala zobaczyć w ludowej pieśni czy bajce światopogląd i jego aktywny, działający podmiot”.
The author considers the relationship between ethnolinguistics and traditional folk studies at the time when the positivistic 'table of research disciplines' disintegrates and interdisciplinary endeavours become more and more fashionable. By supporting not interdisciplinary but rather trans-disciplinary research, he underscores the fact that both disciplines (ethnolinguistics and folk studies) concentrate on similar anthropological issues, which delimit their common epistemological 'horizon': the worldview, the problem of the spoken word, its axiology, language in the context of action, the community-integrating function of language and culture, the idiom of colloquialness and everyday language use. As a theoretician and researcher of culture, the author recognizes the inspirational role of ethnolinguistics in adding the anthropological aspect to folk studies, or even to the humanities as a whole, which role is especially significant when one focuses on the problem of social images of the world and seeks the determinants of collective, ethnic or national identity. The subsequent volumes of 'Slownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych' (A Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols), he claims, 'may be vital for historians of social thought or even historians of ideas', because 'the ethnolinguistic approach allows one to identify, in a folk song or a fairy tale, a worldview together with its active and acting subject'.
The article is an analysis of the heterostereotype of a German and the autostereotype of a Pole among Polish migrants living in Berlin. The results are based on qualitative research conducted by the author in Germany between 2009 and 2012. The incentive to undertake this topic was the revival of contacts between Poles and Germans associated with Poland’s accession to the European Union and the opening of borders. Among migrants, the EU accession resulted in the emergence of many beliefs concerning an improvement of the image of Poland and Polish people in the West. This article attempts to verify this hypothesis and determine what is the nature and the character of mutual stereotypes, and what functions they perform.
vol. 13
issue 4
286 - 296
The article concerns the Czech and Polish stereotypes in the book of M. Szczygieł »Zrób sobie raj«. In his essays Szczygieł presents well known and the mostly negative images from new and more positive positions. Such a biased vision of the Czech raises the question of whether the picture is close to reality, and how much it is still a stereotype.
Przedmiot etnolingwistyki jest ujmowany różnie. W etnolingwistycznych pracach neofilologów opisuje się języki mniejszości w relacji do języków większości, etnolingwistyka zazębia się z dialektologią w kwestii statusu pewnych etnolektów. W pracach polonistycznych przedmiotem zainteresowań są związki między językiem i kulturą. Autorka wyróżnia trzy odmiany etnolingwistyki: ludową, narodową i porównawczą. Pierwszą łączy ze środowiskiem skupionym wokół lubelskiego Słownika stereotypów i symboli ludowych, drugą odnajduje w pracy A. Gudavičiusa, który przedmiot etnolingwistyki określa skrótowo jako „naród w języku”, trzecia kładzie nacisk na specyfikę myślenia różnych nacji. W ostatnich częściach artykułu autorka przedstawia zbieżność między etnolingwistyką a etnografią oraz między etnolingwistyką a dialektologią i przedstawia prekursorów polskiej etnolingwistyki.
Ethnolinguistics is understood in a variety of ways. In ethnolinguistic works of neophilologists, the languages of minorities are described in relation to the languages of majorities: ethnolinguistics dovetails here with dialectology in its preoccupation with the status of certain ethnolects. In the works of Polish linguists, especially important are the connections between language and culture. Three varieties of ethnolinguistics are identified: folk, national and comparative. The first of these is typical of the linguists associated with the 'Slownik stereotypów i symboli ludowych' (A Dictionary of Folk Stereotypes and Symbols), compiled in Lublin; the second is found in the works of Gudavicius, for whom ethnolinguistics deals with 'the nation in the language'; the third type underscores the peculiarities of thinking characteristic of different nations. In the last sections of the article the authoress deals with the points of convergence between ethnolinguistics and ethnography, as well as between the former and dialectology. She also presents the figures of the pioneers of Polish ethnolinguistics.
Under the traditional approach, a stereotype is treated as a direct or indirect premise used in reasoning about a representative of a stereotyped category. The objective of the present article is to highlight a different role played by a stereotype: as a potential factor that can distort one's ability to reason sensu stricto, in other words independently of one's individual views, beliefs, and experiences. There are presented findings obtained by applying the two research paradigms most frequently utilized in the psychology of social cognition: one involves reasoning on the basis of statistical rules (more specifically: estimating covariance, or Simpson's paradox), the other involves reasoning using the rules of inferential logic (linear syllogisms). The results obtained with the Simpson's paradox paradigm confirm the results of classic studies on stereotypical reasoning: during reasoning about the relation of two categories of individuals, including one stereotyped category, conclusions are distorted to be more consistent with the stereotype than with the statistical premises. Results obtained using linear syllogisms, in turn, evidenced an additional - albeit poorly explored - effect of (negative) stereotype stimulation: the reasoning deficit here turns out to occur not so much with respect to the representative of a stereotyped category, as with respect to an individual who co-occurs but belongs to a different social group.
Karel Poláček, one of the most important novelists of the Czech literature of the twenties and thirties was not considered as the writer who used somatic topics in a modern way. He was rather interested in presenting the impossibility of interpersonal communication, caused by the degeneration of language, its stereotypisation and destruction of authentic relationships between people. In Poláček’s semiotic project every human behaviour, part of the body or piece of clothing acquires its special meaning and helps the reader to recognize heroe’s character, to situate him in social structures and to evaluate his acts and words. The body (especially invalid or abnomal) is in this case the only reliable sign of personal subjectivity.
Autorka dokonuje rekonstrukcji tradycyjnych i współczesnych wyobrażeń o pracy na podstawie rosyjskiego słownictwa gwarowego. Szczególne miejsce w polu semantycznym ‘praca’ zajmuje stosunek człowieka do pracy. Wyobrażenia te wykazują wewnętrzną spójność aksjologiczną. Jedna z podstawowych zasad oceny człowieka opiera się na jego stosunku do pracy, na zdolnościach umiejętności i chęci do pracy. Językowe obrazy człowieka pracowitego i lenia nabierają więc cech etalonu i odzwierciedlają istniejący u nosicieli danej gwary stereotyp pracy. Autorka rekonstruuje pojęcie PRACY, wprowadzając parametry takie, jak tempo pracy, wynik pracy, zakres pracy, podmiot działania, relacje międzyludzkie w trakcie pracy, rodzaje pracy, praca i inne rodzaje działalności, przedmiotowe wzorce pracy.
The authoress reconstructs traditional and contemporary images of work on the basis of Russian peasant dialectal vocabulary. A special role in the images is played by people's attitude to work, which exhibit an internal axiological coherence. One of the fundamental principles of forming a judgment of a person is based on that person's attitude to work, talents, ability and willingness to work. Linguistic pictures of a hard-working person and a lazybones, then, become an etalon and reflect the stereotype of work characteristic of the speakers of a given dialect, positive and negative judgments of people's attitude to work. The authoress reconstructs the concept of work by introducing the parameters of the speed, the result or the scope of work, the working subject, the relationships between the working people, the kinds of work or work vs. other forms of activity.
In consideration of the thesis that native folklore remains one of the key points of reference in creation of the Ukrainian national identity, this paper is an analysis of how the features of appearance of folk characters have become a part of stereotypical portrait of the Ukrainians. An attempt has been made to reconstruct the “ideal looks” characteristic of Ukrainian folk art based on the selected fixed epithets present in folklore. Subsequently, the way of kariyi otschi, tschorniyi brovy from folklore concepts to national symbols has been analysed based on the selected fragments of poetry and prose, representative of respective trends in the Ukrainian literature in the 19th century.
Medical context of vital signs which comprises detecting and monitoring “the presence of life” in human body serves as a starting point to our reflection on the varieties of animation or vitality that are attributed to images. The perspective of “vitality” requires a different type of questions addressed to pictures: not what the pictures do (or mean), but what they want, not what is their power, but what is their desire, not what is their value, but what is their vitality (meaning their reproductive potency and fertility). The final example – analysis of a famous recruiting poster – shows how the shift in question works in a concrete picture. It can also open a discussion about the limits of Mitchell's view.
One of the ways people understand the world is by creating stories. Making stories is a powerful and early acquired way an individual interprets social events, own identity and other persons (Bruner, 1986, 1991; Sarbin, 1986). Within a narrative framework a person is understood as a character of a specified history: past, ongoing, future, possible or imagined. A story context of person perception should differ from a stereotypical framework. Data from our experiments support the above assumption. The narrative mode of person data processing was activated by a priming procedure. It was contrasted with non-narrative priming and no priming condition. After the priming, the subjects were provided with data on a stimulus person. It appeared, that after narrative priming, in comparison to other priming conditions, (a) traits attribution to a stimulus person are less stereotypical and (b) motive and emotion categories became more accentuated. Also, after the narrative priming, the RT of attributions made for the stimuli person is faster for non-stereotypical categories and slower for stereotypical one, in comparison to contrasting priming conditions. The same result occurs when stimulus person was presented within a story vs. trait-list frame: a story context reduces stereotype. The RT data confirms that the narrative effect occurs also in processes, which are not consciously controlled.
Although a considerable proportion of psychologists are involved in organizational psychology, the notion of psychology as a profession is primarily linked to psychotherapy and advisory work. This phenomenon is not at all surprising, since organizational psychology did not occupy a crucial role in the lives of businesses prior to the change of regime. Organizational development, the practice of organizational psychology, began to gain currency in Hungary in the 1990's, and it is growing in popularity today. The present study examines the differences between the general beliefs about organizational psychologists and the notions concerning clinical psychologists. The stereotypes regarding organizational psychologists are explored across various groups, each having a different relationship to the profession. The opinions gathered from non-professional university students are compared to those provided by the associates of organizational psychologists.
vol. 15
issue 4
366 - 377
The article deals with some Czech-Polish stereotypes that are present in the awareness of both nations until today. The origin of some of these stereotypes dates back to the days of yore (Hussitism, Pan-Slawism). Going through vicissitudes of life, some of them have changed while others have been continuing their existence with the same meaning for many centuries, stirring up a great deal of emotions in the people of both West-Slavonic nations.
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Studia theologica
vol. 14
issue 1
This article aims at highlighting certain stereotypes in the perception of Jewish-Christian relations. Over the course of history these religions have undergone a dramatic and complicated development, and these stereotypes concerning the evaluation of mutual relations certainly remain the hallmark in current thinking about the dialogue between Judaism and Christianity. The substitution theory associated with considerations on the condemnation of Israel is the most influential stereotype. These theses lead to the contrary belief that the Jews were constantly persecuted throughout history, not only due to ideological reasons, but also because of economic, cultural and political issues. In the third part, the text briefly argues against the stereotype of Czech society as the most atheistic in Europe within the context of Jewish-Christian dialogue.
The modern Civil Rights Movement in the United States was successful in addressing long-standing inequities in political, economic, and other civil rights for African Americans and prompted similar changes for other minority groups. Yet, one of the unintended consequences of the interpretation of the civil rights legislation enacted by Congress was that the federal government began classifying people by race so as to determine whether they merited protection under the new laws. This article examines the process created by U. S. government agencies to determine whether the new civil rights laws had been violated, the way in which the legislation was interpreted in the judicial system, and the consequences for Americans of Eastern and Southern European heritage.
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