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Republika Senegalu (Sénégal, République du Sénégal) leży w Afryce Zachodniej nad oceanem Atlantyckim. Należy do najuboższych i najbardziej zadłużonych krajów świata, w którym 80% ludności czynnej zawodowo zajmuje się rolnictwem. To kraj stanowiący mozaikę afrykańskich kultur, ale także pozostający pod silnym wpływem kultury europejskiej. Ludność zamieszkująca senegal charakteryzuje się wysokim poczuciem tolerancji, żyje w harmonii i poszanowaniu dziedzictwa poszcze- gólnych narodów, szczepów i religii. Tradycje islamu i chrześcijaństwa przeplatają się z wierzeniami tradycyjnymi, do których Senegalczycy są bardzo przywiązani. Dla Afrykanina choroba ma dwa wymiary fzyczny i religijny. korzysta on z osiągnięć współczesnej medycyny i usług uzdrawiaczy bez popadania w sprzeczność. Senegal należy do krajów tzw. Trzeciego Świata, które charakteryzują się strukturą populacji odmienną od krajów rozwiniętych. cechuje ją wysoki odsetek dzieci i młodzieży poniżej 14 lat, przewaga ludności wiejskiej nad miejską, specyfczna struktura chorób, a także ograniczone zasoby fnansowe i logistyczne kraju oraz niedostateczna liczba lekarzy i personelu pomocniczego. System opieki zdrowotnej w Senegalu jest zorganizowany na trzech różnych poziomach referencyjnych. Pokrywają się one z jednostkami administracyjno-terytorialnymi kraju. Finansowany jest z budżetu państwa; pomocne są także: składki społeczności lokalnych, udział gmin, komitetów zdrowia, stowarzyszeń, organizacji pozarządowych, inne subwencje i darowizny. liczba personelu medycznego i paramedycznego jest niewystarczająca; nie odpowiada potrzebom mieszkańców tego kraju. w 2006 roku w Senegalu: - jeden lekarz przypadał na 19 000 mieszkańców (zgodnie z zaleceniami WHO: 1 lekarz na 5000 – 10 000 mieszkańców); - jedna pielęgniarka na 8000 ludzi (wg WHO: 1 pielęgniarka na 300 mieszkańców); - jedna położna przypada na 12 000 kobiet w wieku produkcyjnym (WHO określa: 1 położna na 300 kobiet). Celem niniejszej pracy jest przybliżenie czytelnikowi struktury systemu opieki zdrowotnej w Senegalu oraz problemów organizacyjnych, które go trawią.
The Republic of Senegal is located in west Africa by the Atlantic ocean. The country belongs to the poorest and most indebted countries worldwide with 80 per cent of its population being engaged in agriculture. it is the country with a mixture of African cultures which also remains under the strong infuence of a european one. The population of Senegal stands out with a high sense of tolerance, lives in harmony, and holds high respect towards the heritage of other nations, tribes and religions. The traditions of islam and christianity blend together with the local beliefs which the people of Senegal feel a strong bond with. The illness or the disease is perceived by an African in two dimensions, the physical and the religious one. The achievements of the latest medical science and the services of local healers are used without falling into discrepancy. Senegal belongs to the Third World Countries which have a completely diferent structure from the Developed Ones. It is characterized with a very high percentage of children under the age of 14 in the whole population, the predominance of rural over the urban population, the specifc structure of the diseases and limited logistic and fnancial resources as well as insufcient number of doctors and nursing staf. The Senegal Health Care System is organized on three diferent referential levels. it refers to three diferent regions of the country. it is fnanced from the country’s budget which spends 10 per cent of its expenses on health. it might be subsidized by the contributions from local communities, health organizations, NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), and other donations. Apart from a signifcant improvement of medical and paramedical staf, its number is still insufcient and does not meet the needs. in 2006 in Senegal: 1 doctor accounted for 19 000 people, the WHO recommends 1 doctor for 5 – 10 thousand, 1 nurse accounted for 8 000 people, the WHO recommends 1 nurse for 300 people, 1 midwife accounted for 12 000 women in productive age, the WHO recommends 1 midwife for 300 women. The aim of the work is to bring the reader closer to the Heath Care System in Senegal and the organizational issues this country is struggling with.
Léopold Sédar Senghor (1906-2001), eminent columnist, excellent speaker, literary critic, philosopher, culture specialist and linguist, one of the ablest African poets of the 20th century, he was one of the first to start the dialogue between Africa and Europe in the 30's. His poetry and journalism broadened a cultural sphere, and his socio-political activity laid foundations of reaching an agreement between different continents. The great African patriot, he was and will remain a man of an open world, the boundless world.
Polish contacts with Senegal are presented here in the context of relations between Poland and Africa. Polish scientists and scholars played a significant role in the process of discovering The Black Continent. But, Poland has never been a colonial power. The first Polish emigrants arrived to the Senegalese coast at the second half of the 18th century. During the period of Poland's partitions, A number of Polish military men served in the Foreign Legion and thanks to this service, they arrived in Dakar. The character of Polish contact with Senegal changed during the inter-war period. Poland established an honorary consulate in Dakar, in the territory of French West Africa, whose mission was to promote Poland in the region. The opening of the diplomatic mission took place in 1935 and its competency inc-luded the all French West Africa territory. During the independence period, Senegal becomes one of Poland's larger West African trade partners. The first Polish-Senegalese trade agreement was signed on June 18, 1962. At the same time, an agreement for cooperation in the fields of technology and science was ratified. Along with the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1963, the Polish Trade Mission was created in Dakar. As part of international agreements, a small group of Senegalese youths was able to begin studies at Polish universities, mainly in the technological and medical fields. Cultural relations with Senegal resulted in Polish missionaries from various orders conducting mission activities in Senegal. Polish missionaries are present in Senegal since 1932. During the Second World War, 35 Poles have conducted mission work in the country. Polish missionaries of both genders were actively involved in virtually all local Roman Catholic Church activities in Senegal. Actually, nuns are worked in medical service, education and are also involved in running academicals/students Church groups and in training of religion teachers. They are also involved in charity work, bringing aid to the needy. There is also under their responsibilities church administration, teaching in schools or seminary academies in addition to their chief task, conducting pastoral duties under very difficult conditions. The economic cooperation between Poland and Senegal is not characteristic of the potential of either country. However, there are chances to improve the situation. There is a possibility of intensifying the direct relations and both capital and production ties of Senegalese and Polish firms.
issue 49
This article briefly presents an example of a successful implementation of the sustainable development principles which took place in Guelack, a Fulani village, situated in northern Senegal. Thanks to the inhabitants’ initiatives and partial external assistance, Guelack has developed husbandry and agriculture. Many measures were also undertaken to improve living standards.
The author indicates a great need to conduct dialog between Christians and Muslims. Exemplification of the problem is an example of Senegal and the activity of Polish Catholic missionaries there. Contemporary Senegal is described as a country of religion tolerance and the country of incessant religion dialogue. In spite of fact that Christians constitute not large group they possess the same rights as Muslims in Senegal. The basic form of dialogue is so-called dialogue of life which concerns an everyday life. The important form of dialogue between Christianity and Islam in Senegal is dialogue of mutual works (e.g. defence of ideas, social order, and charitable actions). Another form of conducting the dialogue applies to the sphere of theology, and is called experts dialogue. Christian - Islamic dialogue in Senegal takes place on two levels at the same time: between person with person and between communities. Author shows the positive role of Polish Catholic nuns in this process as teachers, nurses, form-tutors. Polish missionaries are well aware of the need to enter into dialogue with this significant religion. The issue is made easier by the tolerant attitude of the Senegalese. The author writes that "Senegal belongs to the few countries in the world, where followers of Islam and Christianity live together in peace".
In Senegal, where 94 per cent of the society are Muslims, the position of women differs from the most Islamic countries. The causes of this characteristic phenomenon are on the history, the religion, the philosophy and the pragmatism of Senegal. The fact that this country was for a very long time under different cultural and religious influences makes its people open-minded. Women participate in every field of activities. The main decisions in order to improve the situation of women, the equality of rights in the society, were taken since the Senegal's independence in 1960. That's why a Muslim woman in Senegal is able to carry out an active professional and social life, with keeping on her religious identity. There for the Senegalese society shows that Islam and modernity can exist in harmony. The Senegalese case shows also that Islam in Africa does not destroy native African culture.
Muridiyyah is a mystical Muslim movement originating in Senegal. Since the royal system was dismantled, Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba offered a spiritual, religious and non-violent systems to fill the gap. He founded many more settlements Daara to welcome his new disciples into Muridiyyah. These were places of gathering and learning. There people were gathered together to learn not only about the percepts of Islam and Sufism, but also received apprenticeship in trade and agriculture. One can say that the Muridiyyah differs little from the contemporary Sufi orders, but Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba places a unique emphasis on the concept of work. This is why he is frequently quoted as saying, "Work as if you would never die, and pray as if you were to die tomorrow and work is a part of religion". Touba, a city founded by Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba in 1887, is the capital of Muridiyyah. The architectural design, the construction material as well as the financial resources are all provided by the Murid community. The fast evolution of the city and the high rate of continuing urban development draw fascination to people across the globe. Muridiyyah is founded on the following pillars: The first pillar is a fundamental one, the bearing of witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and the keeping up of prayer and the payment of zakat and the pilgrimage and the fasting in Ramadan. The second one is the relation between man and his wife, his children, his environment and the whole of mankind. Man has to strive for the economic, social and cultural advancement of his fellow countrymen. This is what Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba denotes as Khidma (service to the community). For him it is more meritorious to live in a community helping each other. The concept of Khidma is central in the thoughts of Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba. The final pillar is Al-Ihsan, Ihsan means to worship Allah as if you see Him; for if you see Him not, surely He see you. The adherents of Muridiyyah are growing all the time among highly educated people, who find a satisfaction in the Thoughts of Ahmadou Bamba. This brotherhood does not have an analogue in other Muslim countries. It has a very important signification for the biggest part of the Senegalese people, not only in their religious live, but also in their social and professional live. There for Muri-diyyah is the basis of the Senegalese identity in this globalizing world.
W Senegalu, okres kolonizacji francuskiej pogłębił różnice między mężczyzną, a kobietą, która musiała stawić czoła wielu formom dyskryminacji. W konsekwencji została całkowicie wyeliminowana z życia publicznego. Po odzyskaniu niepodległości, jej sytuacja niewiele się zmieniła. Musiała dalej walczyć o lepsze prawa. Autorka niniejszego artykułu przedstawia działalność Senegalek, w czasach kolonizacji francuskiej jak i po odzyskaniu niepodległości, która miała na celu poprawienie ich sytuacji w kraju oraz zwrócenie uwagi na problemy, z którymi musiały zmagać się na co dzień.
In Senegal, the French colonization deepended the difference between a man and a woman which had to face many forms of discrimnation. In consequence she has been completely eliminated from public life. After independence, her situation has not changed a lot. She had to continue fighting for better rights. The author of this article presents the activity of the Senegalese woman, during the French colonization and after independence, which was aimed for improvement of her situation in the country. She wanted also to call attention to the problems that she had to overcome everday.
The text is a record of the conversation with Ablaye Badji – a musician born in a Senegalese griot family, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist playing traditional instruments. The maintheme is griot –storyteller, musician, who cares for nurturing the oral tradition. The griots come from the areas of present Mali, Guinea and Senegal. They enjoy a special esteem in the society of West Africa, which they owe to wisdom and care for tradition and culture. The conversation also concerns the differences between the music of particular ethnic groups and the way of its reception, also outside of Africa.
Tekst jest zapisem rozmowy z Ablaye’m Badji – muzykiem urodzonym w senegalskiej rodzinie griotów, wokalistą i multiinstrumentalistą grającym na tradycyjnych instrumentach. Głównym wątkiem jest postać griota – opowiadacza historii, muzyka, bajarza, który dba o pielęgnowanie tradycji oralnej. Grioci wywodzą się z terenów obecnego Mali, Gwinei i Senegalu. Cieszą się szczególną estymą w społeczeństwie Afryki Zachodniej, którą zawdzięczają mądrości oraz dbałości o tradycję i kulturę. Rozmowa dotyczy także różnic pomiędzy muzyką poszczególnych grup etnicznych i sposobem jej odbioru, także poza Afryką.
The paper deals with the contemporary systems of government in two Sub‑Saharan African states which belonged to the French colonial empire – Senegal and Ivory Coast. The Senegalese constitution of 2001 contains regulations based on the semi‑presidential model, whereas the Ivorian basic law of 2000 – on the presidential one (although it was not adopted in a pure form). Special attention is devoted to the similarities and differences between the two systems, taking into consideration their constitutional structure (e.g. powers of the head of state, political responsibility of ministers and other aspects of relations within the executive branch, as well as between the latter and the legislative one). It is also pointed out that since the two countries gained their independence in 1960 Senegal and Ivory Coast have had quite different political experiences, which have exerted a visible influence on the functioning of their systems of government in practice. One of the key factors that deserve to be taken into account is the ability to produce democratic alternation of power between presidential candidates and political parties taking part in the electoral process.
Nurt SVD
issue 1
Artykuł ukazuje rolę przywódców religijnych w życiu politycznym współczesnego Senegalu. Główną tezą jest stwierdzenie, że relacje pomiędzy islamem a władzą polityczną istniały od początku obecności tej religii w Senegalu. Analiza wzajemnych relacji od czasu uzyskania niepodległości do chwili obecnej stanowi zasadniczy cel niniejszej publikacji. Na podstawie obserwacji własnych oraz dostępnej literatury przedmiotu autor podejmuje próbę przedstawienia wzajemnych wpływów między światem islamu a polityki w kraju, w którym ponad 90% mieszkańców wyznaje islam. Złożone relacje pomiędzy największymi bractwami muzułmańskimi a szefami rządu analizowane są z uwzględnieniem kontekstu historycznego. Artykuł składa z dwóch części: w pierwszej rozważania koncentrują się na strukturze islamu senegalskiego oraz jego relacji z władzami kolonialnymi; w drugiej – na relacji pomiędzy politykami i duchownymi.
The article presents the topic of the role of religious leaders in the political life of modern Senegal. The main argument is that relations between Islam and political power existed from the very beginning of the presence of this religion in Senegal. The essential objective of this publication is to analyze mutual relations of these two entities from the time of independence to the present. On the basis of his own observations and available literature on the subject, the author attempts to present mutual influences between the world of Islam and politics in a country where over 90% of the inhabitants adhere to Islam. Complex relations between the largest Muslim brotherhoods and heads of government are analyzed taking into account the historical context. The article consists of two parts: in the first one, reflection concentrates on the structure of Senegalese Islam and its relationship with the colonial authorities; in the second - on the relationship between politicians and clerics.
Ogromny wpływ w procesie kształtowania się związków między językiem a tożsamością odgrywa polityka językowa. Związek języka (sytuacji językowej) i tożsamości stał się jedną z najważniejszych kwestii, które przyszło rozwiązać przez poszczególne państwa afrykańskie w pierwszych latach formalnej niepodległości. Po upadku systemu kolonialnego w Afryce rządy nowych państw zderzyły się z problemem stworzenia i rozwoju języków i kultur narodowych, a także zachowania identyczności swoich narodów w warunkach dominacji języków byłych mocarstw kolonialnych. Zasadniczo rządy poszczególnych państw prowadziły dwa rodzaje polityki: egzoglosji (promocji języka obcego) i endoglosji (czyli promocji języka miejscowego). Senegal, podobnie jak wielu krajów afrykańskich, nie posiadając języka będącego symbolem wspólnej dla wszystkich Senegalczyków tożsamości, stanowi wymowny dowód złożoności tożsamości etnicznej.
Language policy plays an important role in the relationships between language and identity in African countries. The relationship of languages (language situation) and identity became one of the most important issues that the new African states had to deal with in the first years of their formal independence. After the collapse of the colonial system, new African governments faced the problem of creating and developing national languages and cultures and preserving national identity in the situation when the dominant languages were ones of the colonial powers. Basically, there were two types of policy: exoglossia (promoting a foreign language) and endoglossia (promoting a local language). Senegal, like many African countries, does not have a language that is a symbol of a common identity for all Senegalese, that is a clear proof of the complexity of ethnic identity.
Nurt SVD
issue 2
Artykuł stanowi analizę historyczną sytuacji islamu w Afryce Zachodniej. Religia ta, obecna w tym regionie od XI wieku, była najpierw wyznawana przez dwór lub dynastię rządzącą oraz otaczającą ją świtę uczonych muzułmańskich, jak to miało miejsce w imperium Mali. W okresie od XI do XVII wieku, islam, dzięki kontaktom handlowym oraz obecności marabutów na dworach królów, rozwijał się w Sudanie Zachodnim. Mimo to do końca XVII wieku nie był postrzegany jako religia mająca wielką liczbę wyznawców. Dopiero od końca XVII stulecia stał się religią, która mogła być motorem określonych zmian społecznych. Obecnie islam można uważać za religię tradycyjną Afryki Zachodniej. Uległ on procesowi afrykanizacji m.in. dzięki dokonaniom Cheikha Ahmadou Bamby, założyciela muridijja w Senegalu pod koniec XIX wieku. Jego pacyfizm oraz nauka są przykładem, który jest dziś potrzebny światu muzułmańskiemu, często uwikłanemu w morderczą nietolerancję i wzajemne wykluczenie.
This text is an analysis of Islam situation in West Africa. Present in the region since the eleventh century, however, it was the religion of the ruling dynasty, along with their surrounding Muslim scholars, as in the empire of Mali. In the period from the eleventh to the seventeenth century through trade and by the presence of marabouts in the courts of the kings, Islam developed in Western Sudan. Regardless of that process, to the end of the seventeenth century, Islam was not seen as a religion that could mobilize a fairly large number of followers. But, until the end of the seventeenth century, Islam appear as a religion that could be a force for certain changes in society. Today, Islam is a religion traditional in West Africa. Africanization process took place, because of some leaders achievements, among others, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, the founder of «Muridiyyah» in Senegal in the late nineteenth century. His pacifism and his teachings are an example of a much-needed model of the Muslim world and the temporal world in general, engaged in a murderous intolerance and mutual exclusion.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el Régimen de Regularización Migratoria para ciudadanos senegaleses realizado en el año 2013 en el contexto de la nueva ley migratoria argentina, ley enmarcada en la perspectiva de la gobernabilidad migratoria. Las ideas que exponemos son resultados preliminares de una investigación en curso enfocada en analizar el impacto que tuvo el programa regulatorio en el colectivo de migrantes senegaleses. El caso senegalés vuelve a mostrar las limitaciones de la ley de migraciones, más allá de sus avances en materia de derechos para los migrantes. La inmigración persiste concebida como problema a partir de la irregularidad, donde los migrantes sólo pueden ser aceptados cuando su presencia lo amerita o cuando demuestran medios de vida “lícitos y útiles”. Y si bien para la ley la migración es un derecho, éste es ejercido de manera discrecional hacia ciertos grupos, por ejemplo, a través de la exigencia de visados.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the regime of migratory regularization for Senegalese ci-tizens in the year 2013 in the context of the new Argentine immigration law. The ideas that we present are preliminary results of an ongoing study focused on analyzing the impact that the regulatory program had on the collective of Senegalese migrants. The Senegalese case shows the limitations of migration law, beyond advancement of rights for migrants. Immigration continues to be conceived as a problem of irregularity, migrants can only be accepted when something warrants their presence or when they show that their lives are “lawful and useful”. And while migration is a right, it is exercised in a discretionary way towards certain groups, for example, through the requirement of visas.
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