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The purpose of this article is to introduce and rank information related to virtual reality as a new media phenomenon. In principle, in the Polish nomenclature, the term is so new that it is often confused, incomprehensible. This, in turn, translates into misunderstanding and the lack of the use of this communication channel. The article is a review of literature. In the first part concepts such as augmented reality, augmented virtuality, mixed reality, virtual reality, and immersion will be explained. A short historical outline of the virtual reality will also be shown. Then - in the next part of the article - the author compares this communication channel with well-known, such as the Internet, television, radio. Next the authorwill determine what are the fields of application of this communication channel and its condition.
: Research done in recent years shows that Virtual Reality (VR) can be an effective tool for distracting attention from pain. The purpose of this study was to test how the complexity of Virtual Environment (VE) influences the experienced intensity of thermal pain stimuli. A within-subjects design experiment was conducted, using cold pressor test for pain stimulation. Research was done on 31 students of Wroclaw Universities. Participants played games created for the purpose of the study, using head mounted displays and movement sensors. Two Virtual Environments differing in the level of complexity and non-VR control condition were used. The order of all conditions was counterbalanced. Participants reported significantly lower pain intensity (Visual Analogue Scale) after playing the high complexity game, compared to the low complexity game. There were also significant differences between non-VR control condition and high complexity game, but not between non-VR and low complexity game. The pain tolerance (measured by time of keeping the hand in cold water) was significantly higher in both VR conditions comparing to non-VR conditions. However, no significant differences between VE’s were found in pain tolerance ratings. Results of this study provide preliminary evidence that game complexity can be related to pain experience during VR interventions.
Social Phobia is one of the most common disorders affecting 13% of the world’s population. Virtual Reality is a well-known and relatively often used tool of assessment and treatment of phobia in Western countries (especially in the UK, France and the USA), but less so in Poland. Hence, the main objective of the paper is to present the Virtual Reality Therapy as an efficient kind of treatment, which has many advantages. The author points out a wide array of possibilities connected with application of VR. Klinger’s and her colleagues’ Virtual Reality Theraphy serves as the example to explain this method.
This article is a look at contemporary theatre in the context of its changes caused by the development of technology and digital civilization. It aims to show the phenomenon of theatre transmediality, that is the use of new media in the implementation of theatre performances, and to define the basic functions of contemporary theatre in the social reception of art. Currently, there are many theatre directors and creators who use innovative media tools while working on a show or a specific artistic event. There are significant differences between the theatre influenced by new media and the one which developed in a traditional way.
Niniejszy artykuł jest spojrzeniem na teatr współczesny w kontekście jego przemian dokonanych pod wpływem rozwoju technologii i cywilizacji cyfrowej. Ma na celu ukazać zjawisko transmedialności teatralnej, czyli wykorzystywania nowych mediów w realizacji przedstawień teatralnych oraz określić podstawowe funkcje teatru współczesnego w społecznym odbiorze sztuki. Obecnie wielu jest reżyserów i twórców teatru, którzy pracując nad spektaklem bądź konkretnym wydarzeniem artystycznym, posługują się innowacyjnymi narzędziami medialnymi. Teatr funkcjonujący pod wpływem nowych mediów znacznie różni się w odbiorze od teatru wykształconego na drodze tradycji.
In this paper, we address the relevance of virtual worlds for negotiation using the example of Second Life and AltspaceVR; we take into account mindset issues and an avatar’s influence on this process. The concept of negotiation is related here to the concept of a networked society to describe actions undertaken between two or more individuals, groups, and/or organizations. The network is a milieu for negotiating with one-self and with others. Negotiating in a networked space can be an opportunity for self-exploration, subversion, and compensation for the limitations of physical reality, and it also involves background problems and the displacement of power. The term “negotiation” is used in online communities to describe interactions between people who are not physically present but interact with each other through some technical devices, such as the telephone or the Internet. In the waves of technological development, how people organize their lives and behave is a question of convenience. Virtual worlds, in which the human is extended by an avatar (and the avatar by the electronic space), are now being transformed into worlds where the human is just the avatar. The avatar is in the same space the human is in, i.e., in the physical world. This transformation (in fact, a paradigm shift) involves changing the habits of users, who are now adopting new habits in the form of negotiating the physical world with the values and habits of the virtual world.
The aim of the presented paper is to define the current situation and attitudes of seniors related to the way they perceive selected current digital technologies, in particular, virtual reality. The digital technologies in question have significantly been widening the gap between the generation of younger people and seniors. It is defined in the first part of the presented paper. Subsequently, after presenting the theoretical basis, by applying the focus group method, the authors try to define how seniors perceive modern technologies, their positives, and negatives, how they feel when using them (threatened, enthusiastic) and what do they see as the biggest pitfalls that prevent them from using the technologies. To specify the topic in more detail, the authors focused on a specific technology – virtual reality (specifically VR headset - HTC Vive Pro, all the members of the focus groups had an opportunity to play three different VR games on it). The results of the research are also important for the development of digital game studies, as they provide closer insight into the behaviour of a specific age category, which is often excluded from the issue.
The following interview with Roderick Coover asks how emerging cinematic technologies transform documentary storytelling. Though his early ethnographic projects, such as Concealed Narratives (1996, filmed and photographed in Ghana) and the Harvest (1999, filmed and photographed in France), he created interactive documentary forms that could bridge modes of expression. The works combine field-notes, editing observations, exposition, travel narratives, encounters and interviews with evocative imagery. In works such as Voyage Into The Unknown (2007), Canyonlands (2009), and Estuary (2013). Coover uses scrolling map environments to offer interactive, cinematic experiences in which users create paths among video clips and data; the works explore spatial knowledge and storytelling, national myth-making and land use. In works such as Something That Happened Only Once (2007) and The Last Volcano (2011), he layers stories on animated panoramic settings to present disturbing disjunctions in the expression of place and memory. His recent collaborative works Three Rails Live (2013) and Toxicity: A Climate Change Narrative (2016) are algorithmic. They use code to combine voices and images from a database in an ever-changing order; the works use storytelling and new technologies to address the questions of climate change and industrial waste. In Hearts & Minds: The Interrogations Project, a VR work about US military torture in Iraq, he and his collaborators use immersive arts, storytelling and gaming technologies to introduce challenging accounts of human rights abuse.
Wirtualna rzeczywistość (WR) i rozszerzona rzeczywistość (RR) to przykłady nowych technologii, które silnie kształtują działania podmiotów rynku. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena oddziaływania WR i RR na zachowania konsumentów. Opracowanie ma charakter teoretyczno-przeglądowy. Przeprowadzono w nim kwerendę literatury, głównie anglojęzycznej, poświęconej znaczeniu wirtualnej oraz rozszerzonej rzeczywistości w zachowaniach współczesnych klientów i możliwości ich wykorzystywania przez podmioty strony podażowej. Punktem wyjścia była identyfikacja obu kategorii. Następnie w nawiązaniu do teorii zachowań konsumentów wskazano potencjalne przesłanki ich zainteresowania powyższymi technologiami. Finalnie przytoczono przykłady konkretnych zastosowań WR i RR na rynku.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are new technologies, which strongly influence entities performance on the market. In the paper the focus is on consumer behaviour. The aim of the article is an assessment of the role of VR and AR in consumer behaviour mediation. The article has theoretical character. The review of literature, mainly in English, was provided. The examples of VR and AR application were presented.
Teza. Na przestrzeni ostatnich 30 lat w społeczeństwie nastąpił znaczący wzrost adaptacji nowych technologii (Kirkwood i Price, 2013). Istnieje wiele dziedzin, w których znajdują one swoje zastosowanie. Jedną ze szczególnie istotnych – ze względu na wpływ społeczny – jest edukacja. W celu jej rozwoju podejmuje się kroki zmierzające do wprowadzania nowych technologii do programów nauczania. Jedną z takich technologii jest wirtualna rzeczywistość, która jest coraz bardziej popularna i częściej wykorzystywana w wielu obszarach edukacji. W tym artykule, na podstawie przeglądu badań z lat 2017-2018, podjęto próbę wykazania możliwych zastosowań oraz konsekwencji wdrażania wirtualnej rzeczywistości w edukacji. Omówione koncepcje. Głównym tematem niniejszej pracy jest różnorodność zastosowań VR w edukacji oraz związane z tym konsekwencje. Wyniki i wnioski. Postęp i wdrażanie nowych technologii wydają się być nieuniknione, natomiast przedstawione w tej pracy problemy sygnalizują konieczność kontroli nadchodzących zmian. Wydaje się prawdopodobne, że VR stanie się bardziej powszechnym narzędziem edukacyjnym ze względu na duży potencjał motywacyjny i dydaktyczny. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że badaną grupą są najczęściej studenci w dziedzinie nauk społecznych. Warto pamiętać, że wady takie jak duże koszty czy dyskusyjność osiąganych efektów sprawiają, że nie jest to narzędzie idealne. Wnioski z tej pracy warto wykorzystać jako kierunki przyszłych badań. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza podejścia. Przedstawiony tekst wzbogacony jest o analizę jakościową wybranych artykułów związanych z wykorzystaniem VR w edukacji. Stanowi spojrzenie na ostatnie dokonania w tej dziedzinie, rozważając nie tylko różnorodność zastosowań, ale i wybierane do badań grupy badawcze. Przedstawione rozważania uwzględniają nie tylko często wymieniane korzyści, ale w sposób krytyczny rozpatrują także negatywne aspekty wprowadzanych zmian.
Thesis. Over the past 30 years, there has been a significant increase in the adaptation of new technologies in the society (Kirkwood and Price, 2013). There are many areas where they find their application. One of the most important for the social impact is education. In order to develop the education, there are steps taken to introduce new technologies to current teaching programs. One of such technologies is Virtual Reality (VR), which is becoming more popular and is increasingly used in many fields of education. In this paper, based on the articles from 2017 and 2018, we demonstrate the effects and consequences of using VR in education. Discussed concepts. The main goal of this work is to show variety of VR applications in education and the consequences which it may cause. Results and conclusions. The progress and implementation of new technologies seem to be unavoidable, while the problems presented in this paper show the need to control the upcoming changes. It seems that VR will become a more common educational tool due to its high motivation aspect and didactic potential. The conducted analysis showed that the most frequently considered groups are students in the fields of social sciences. It is worth mentioning that the disadvantages, such as high costs or the questionable effects presents VR as not such a perfect tool. Conclusions from this work should be considered as the new directions of the future research. Cognitive originality/value of the approach. The presented paper is enriched with a qualitative analysis of selected articles related to the use of VR in education. We look at recent achievements in this field considering variety of applications and also the selected research groups. We consider not only the frequently mentioned benefits but also the negative aspects of implemented changes.
Many of Canada’s non-Indigenous polar heritage sites exist as memorials to the Heroic Age of arctic and Antarctic Exploration which is associated with such events as the First International Polar Year, the search for the Northwest Passage, and the race to the Poles. However, these and other key messages of significance are often challenging to communicate because the remote locations of such sites severely limit opportunities for visitor experience. This lack of awareness can make it difficult to rally support for costly heritage preservation projects in arctic and Antarctic regions. Given that many polar heritage sites are being severely impacted by human activity and a variety of climate change processes, this raises concerns. In this paper, we discuss how virtual heritage exhibits can provide a solution to this problem. Specifically, we discuss a recent project completed for the Virtual Museum of Canada at Fort Conger, a polar heritage site located in Quttinirpaaq National Park on northeastern Ellesmere Island (http://fortconger.org).
Poczucie bycia obecnym to kluczowy konstrukt w badaniach nad wirtualnymi środowiskami, a w szczególności nad wirtualną rzeczywistością – najpopularniejszym typem takich środowisk. Poczucie bycia obecnym ma wpływ na efektywność symulacji. W celu stworzenia polskiej wersji Kwestionariusza Presence Igroup (IPQ-PL) oryginalne narzędzie zostało przetłumaczone i użyte w badaniu ankietowym (n = 245) testującym strukturę i związki z innymi konstruktami. Wyniki wskazują, że IPQ-PL można uznać za trafne narzędzie do pomiaru poczucia bycia obecnym i wykorzystywać w badaniach na polskich próbach.
Presence, defined as a psychological state of “being there”, is experienced during an interaction with Immersive Virtual Environments, particularly with Virtual Reality – the most popular type of such environment. Measuring presence is crucial because its level determines the effectiveness of virtual environments. The authors conducted a translation and a study (n = 245) that aimed to provide a Polish version of the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ-PL). The structure of the questionnaire and relations with other constructs were tested. The results indicate that IPQ-PL may be considered a valid tool for measuring presence and may be used in studies conducted on Polish samples.
The main aim of this article is to identify the contemporary determinants of the development of electronic commerce in Poland and state their influence on online businesses. In order to achieve this, descriptive statistics and statistical analysis, including comparative analysis, have been applied. On the basis of the examination, the contemporary growth factors (opportunities) in e-commerce such as m-commerce, Omnichannel commerce, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality can be characterised. The analysis also focuses on potential Internetrelated threats and their impact on e-businesses.
Główne cele artykułu stanowiły identyfikacja współczesnych determinant rozwoju handlu elektronicznego w Polsce oraz określenie ich wpływu na działalność przedsiębiorstw prowadzących sprzedaż online. Do osiągnięcia tak sformułowanego celu wykorzystano metodę analizy opisowej i metodę analizy statystycznej, w tym porównawczej. Przeprowadzone badanie pozwoliło na scharakteryzowanie aktualnych czynników wzrostu (szans) w branży e-commerce , jak na przykład: m-commerce, omnichannel commerce, virtual reality i augmented reality, ale także potencjalnych zagrożeń związanych z obecnością w sieci Internet i ich skutków dla działalności e-przedsiębiorstw.
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