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Granaries on the Vistula river are now the only remaining traces of fluorishing grain trade in the period of prosperity of the Polish state in the 16th and 17th centuries. According to contemporary estimation about 300,000 tonnes of grain yearly were transported on barges down the Vistula through such towns situated on the river banks as Sandomierz, Kazimierz Dolny, Warsaw, Płock or Toruń. The commodity went to the markets of Antwerp and London through Gdańsk (Danzig). So far only the history of the granaries in Kazimierz Dolny, Toruń and Gdańsk has been scientifically described (by W. Husarski, published in 1953 by WTN; Z. Kruszelnicki, published by TNT; and Z. Śnieżko respectively). Płock granaries have not been described in any separate study. Only three of them, situated on a cliff near the parish church, remained after a flood in 1733. This text is devoted mainly to one of them, which has been reconstructed in order to house the Voivodship State Archives. The history of the object goes back to the early 18th century. After the granaries situated close to the river bank had been destroyed by the flood, an unknown owner built three new ones. The buildings, following the style of the epoch, lack the rich decoration characteristic of the objects in Kazimierz Dolny or Gdańsk. The simple constructions of rectangular plan are covered with metal sheet gable roofs and have no ornaments on the elevation. In this form the granaries have survived until the present time. It should be mentioned that after the first partition of Poland and the seizure of Gdańsk by Prussia in 1772 grain trade on the Vistula considerably decreased due to a custom conflict. After 1793 Płock was under Prussian occupation. In 1978 architect A. Senko and constructors A. Koral and K. Maszewski from the Monument Conservation Workshop in Warsaw prepared the working plan. The adaptation project allocated 2/3 of the building, with ceilings of reinforced concrete, for storing the archives, and 1/3, preserving the style of the old granary, for offices and a research study. In accordance with the requirements of the Voivodship Monument Conserver the roof was covered with ceramic tiles. The adaptation work was started in 1980 by the Monument Conservation Workshop and finished in 1991 by a private firm. Now the object is one of the sightseeing attractions of the Płock cliff, along with the parish church, the famous „Małachowianka" school, the cathedral and the castle.
W artykule przedstawiono problem modernizacji technicznej w Siłach Zbrojnych RP oraz Federacji Rosyjskiej. W obydwu państwach, od kilkunastu lat można zauważyć zwiększenie wysiłków mających doprowadzić do poprawy funkcjonowania sił zbrojnych oraz podwyższenia ilości nowoczesnego uzbrojenia. Na intensyfikację prac i działań we wspomnianym obszarze miało wpływ szereg istotnych czynników, które znacząco zwiększyły tempo procesów wymiany uzbrojenia. Artykuł przybliża proces realizacji Planów Modernizacji Technicznej Sił Zbrojnych, ich założenia oraz ocenę wykonania w Polsce oraz Federacji Rosyjskiej. Ponadto zaprezentowano najważniejsze reformy zmierzające do poprawy funkcjonowania sił zbrojnych oraz systematycznego wprowadzania do uzbrojenia nowoczesnych systemów. Zostały charakteryzowane najważniejsze i najciekawsze konstrukcje z punktu widzenia obronności kraju.
The article presents the problem of technical modernization in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In both countries, for more than ten years, one can notice increased efforts to improve the functioning of the armed forces and the increase in the amount of modern weapons. The intensification of works and activities in the above-mentioned area was affected by a number of important factors that significantly increased the speed of arms replacement processes. The article introduces the process of implementation of Plans for Technical Modernization of the Armed Forces, their assumptions and evaluation of performance in Poland and the Russian Federation. Moreover, the most important reforms aimed at improving the functioning of the armed forces and the systematic introduction of modern systems into the armaments were presented. The most important and the most interesting constructions from the point of view of national defense were characterized.
Sposobem na przyjęcie dużej liczby turystów, jest kreowanie nowych przestrzeni atrakcyjnych turystycznie. Ważnym czynnikiem pomocnym w tych procesach jest rzeka. Rzeka bardzo często definiuje charakter miasta, tworzy przestrzeń publiczną. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza zmiany roli rzeki w zagospodarowaniu wybranych stolic europejskich na przestrzeni lat, zwłaszcza pod względem wykorzystania rzeki, jako atrakcji turystycznej. Wisła w Warszawie jest rzeką, która posiada dobre warunki naturalne do rekreacji, jednakże obecnie potencjał ten jest w niewielkim stopniu wykorzystywany przez miasto. W innych stolicach europejskich zagospodarowanie rzek jest zupełnie inne. Praga, Paryż, Berlin czy Londyn to miasta obubrzeżne, w których najważniejsze budynki zlokalizowane są nad rzekami, a mimo intensywnej zabudowy rzek, pełnią one ważną rolę w zakresie turystyki i rekreacji.
The left-bank Vistula Boulevards dating back to the beginning of the 20th century constitute a valuable testimony of the hydrotechnical construction industry. The idea for the boulevards constructed in the interwar period has come from the 19th century boulevards of Georges Haussmann in Paris and constitutes a unique example of the bold ideas of President Stefan Starzyński. The idea was to connect the city with the river in order to elevate the rank of Warsaw as a European capital. The interwar boulevards were designed according to the contemporary canon of modern architecture and Bronisław Plebiński, an eminent engineer, supervised the construction works. The construction of the boulevards, initiated in the 19th century, was discontinued when World War II broke out. In the post-war period the former boulevards were connected with the abutment and the new staircases of the Śląsko-Dąbrowski bridge. The rebuilding of the retaining walls, destroyed as a result of military activities, was conducted together with the construction of the East-West road (Trasa W-Z), with the use of resources available at that time. The revitalisation designs are somewhat alarming, as they aim to transform the boulevards significantly. The levelling of the slope in order to replace it with a reinforced concrete construction, secondarily paved, seems utterly pointless and destructive. “Bulwary Starzyńskiego” (the boulevards reconstructed by Starzyński) also deserve to be protected and recognised as the testimony of a past epoch. Apart from the modernist and functional architectural form, special attention needs to be paid to the selection of noble materials and the quality of workmanship. The renovation and revitalisation of the boulevards, conducted according to conservation principles, would restore them to their original elegant form. Both the 19th century and the interwar boulevards should be protected by the conservator as monuments of significant historical value, inscribed on the register of monuments.
Celem pracy jest zbadanie znaczenia Wisły jak rzeki granicznej zarówno w kontekście historycznych podziałów kraju, jak i w obowiązującym podziale administracyjnym. Na podstawie map i literatury możliwe było określenie, na jakich odcinkach i w jakich okresach Wisła stanowiła granicę zapożyczoną z natury i gdzie rola Wisły jako rzeki granicznej cechuje się największą stabilnością.
This work concerns the importance of the Vistula as a border borrowed from nature in historical and current divisions of Poland. Forms of this division have changed over the centuries several times. The first form of spatial government was the so-called neighboring communities – opola. In the Middle Ages there were new forms of organization of space such as a province and castellany. In the following centuries these forms changed and evolved. There were counties, municipalities and provinces. The period of the partitions of Poland, as well as two world wars brought changes to the internal division of the country, imposed by the invader administration. Political boundaries were repeatedly changed too. In many of these divisions, the Vistula River served as a natural basis for the designation of a border. It should be noted, that there are places where the border is more than five hundred years old. The current administrative landscape of Poland is a result of government reforms in 1999, which established a three-tier division of the country. The role of the Vistula as a border in this division is also clearly visible.
Field surveys for the Fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina were conducted in spring and summer 2013 and 2014. The study area is located in the Vistula River valley, north of Warsaw in Mazovia, central Poland. The area is of a high natural value and partially overlaps with two Natura 2000 areas: the Kampinos section of the Vistula River valley (PLH 140029) and the Middle Vistula River valley (PLB 140004). Two breeding sites of Fire- -bellied toads were detected in the vicinity of river dikes, including one in an ephemeral pond located in the flooded part of the river valley. The results document the decrease in number of breeding sites of the species. The surviving two local populations of Fire-bellied toads are endangered with illegal dumping of construction debris and the close vicinity of motocross track. To reduce the risk of extinction of local populations of Fire-bellied toads in Vistula valley, the authors discuss the proposition to enlarge existing Natura 2000 areas.
Celem pracy jest ocena roli piaszczystych plaż w procesie  samooczyszczania wód Wisły. Wyniki tej pracy mogą być ważnym głosem w dyskusji o przyszłości Wisły. Proces samooczyszczania polega na usuwaniu zanieczyszczeń wprowadzanych do wody również ze zlewni rzeki. Miarą procesu oczyszczania wody w Wiśle z materii organicznej jest ilość tlenu zużywanego przez piaszczyste plaże w procesach utylizowania tej materii przez psammon podczas oddychania komórkowego. Ilość  materii organicznej, która jest utylizowana przez psammon jest miarą "dóbr i usług ekosystemu" rzeki.
The research aimed to estimate the role of the beach in the process of self-purification of water in the Vistula River. The study could become a very important voice in the debate about the future of the Vistula River. A self-purification process involves the disposal of pollutants entering the water from the catchment of the River. A measure of the Vistula River water purification process of organic matter is the amount of oxygen that is consumed by the beach settlement. That is the amount of utilised organic matter by psammon during cellular respiration. Besides, the calculation of the amount of organic matter, which was worn by psammon can be the measure of “goods and services of the ecosystem” of the river.
Celem opracowania była charakterystyka turystyki śródlądowej na Wiśle w Warszawie. Opisane zostały funkcje rzeki w przeszłości, a także wpływ rozwoju turystyki śródlądowej na życie mieszkańców Warszawy. Nie można było pominąć także charakterystyki środowiska naturalnego otaczającego wody Wisły, które dodawało ogromnej wartości i przyczyniało się przez wieki do niezwykłej popularności turystyki śródlądowej nad Wisłą. Scharakteryzowano również najważniejszą infrastrukturę turystyczną nadwiślańskich brzegów: Bulwary Wiślane, Port Czerniakowski, wypożyczalnie sprzętu wodnego i kluby sportowe mające swoją siedzibę nad Wisłą. Ponadto przybliżono działania przedsiębiorców i instytucji państwowych na rzecz promocji turystyki śródlądowej w Warszawie. Omówione zostały także wybrane działania Urzędu Miasta i organizacji pozarządowych mające na celu promowanie aktywności mieszkańców i osób przyjezdnych nad Wisłą.
The aim of the study was to characterize inland tourism on the Vistula in Warsaw. The functions of the river in the past have been described, as well as the impact of the development of inland tourism on the lives of Warsaw. One could not omit the characteristics of the natural environment surrounding the Vistula River, which added enormous value and contributed to the extraordinary popularity of inland tourism on the Vistula River for centuries. The most important tourist infrastructure of the Vistula banks was characterized: Vistula boulevards, Czerniakowski port, water equipment rentals and sports clubs based on the Vistula. In addition, the approximation of activities of entrepreneurs and state institutions for the promotion of inland tourism in Warsaw. The selected activities of the City Hall and non-governmental organizations aimed at promoting the activity of residents and visitors on the Vistula were also discussed.
The article aims at describing the forms of the theme of the Vistula River in Czesław Miłosz’s poetry. For this purpose, it transpires to be necessary to take account of Miłosz’s biographical conditions and consider the attitude of the writer towards the poetic tradition of the theme. Above all, the article is an attempt to reflect on its symbolic meanings and metaphysical functions. Reading poems or fragments of poems dedicated to the Vistula River (from the 40s and 50s) enables the development of the following thesis: the presence of this theme serves as means to identify the specificity of Polish history and diagnose the essence of Polish historical fate.
The aim of the research was to estimate the role of the beach in the process of self – purification of water in the Vistula River. The study could become a very important voice in the debate about the future and development of Vistula River. A self-purification process involves the disposal of pollutants entering the water from the catchement of the River. A measure of the Vistula water purification process of organic matter is the amount of oxygen that is consumed by the beach settlement. That is the amount of burned organic matter by psammon during cellular respiration. In addition, the calculation of the amount of organic matter, which was worn by psammon can be the measure of “goods and services of the ecosystem” of the river
Floodplains of large rivers are rarely the subject of archaeological research. The excavations at the cemetery of the Przeworsk culture at Czersk, Piaseczno County, and studies on the modern settlement in the Urzecze (literally at-the-river’s) microregion near Warsaw yielded data about the settlement in the Middle Vistula Valley across the ages and prompted a non-invasive examination of the area. In 2017, a large-scale fieldwalking survey took place in the southern part of the Urzecze floodplain, covering an area of ca. 83 square kilometres (Figs. 1, 2). The already known sites were verified, and numerous new sites from various historical periods were discovered. The survey was complemented with traditional research, such as cartographical and historical searches, as well as new solutions in the form of a digital elevation model, obtained by laser scanning of the ground surface and geophysical and underwater prospection. The character of settlement in the area, specific due to the natural conditions, can be illustrated on the example of the settlement cluster near the village of Glinki, situated on the right bank of the Vistula, at the latitude of Góra Kalwaria (Fig. 3). Settlement in periodically flooded areas is focused only in a few selected places, where the shape of the terrain guarantees relatively safe shelter during periods of regular but hard to predict overflows and dangerous inundations. In the case of the cluster in Glinki, small, elevated areas, difficult to notice in the field and surrounded by oxbow lakes that form natural reservoirs (polders), are legible (Fig. 4). The oldest traces of settlement date back to the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age, then to the pre-Roman and Roman period and the Middle Ages, up to modern and contemporary times (Fig. 5, 6). The ‘insular’ nature of settlement (Fig. 9) in the floodplains of the Middle Vistula is confirmed by the observed presence of other, similar clusters situated on the former sandbanks and islands or their remains. The specificity of natural conditions (Fig. 7, 8, 10) and the rhythm of life in these areas influenced the flavour and specificity of the local culture, a phenomenon that has been well described for modern times (Ł.M. Stanaszek 2014). It is possible that in the earlier time periods some local differences within the large archaeological cultures are also to be expected. This can only be confirmed by future excavations in the area.
Flood risk management is the recent methodology of lowering flood hazard in the urban areas. One of the important aspects of the flood risk is the exposure to the flood risk due to an improper settlement location. The spatial planning and estimation of the exposure to flood can be done on the basis of proper information of extreme floods. Three methods of maximum historical floods range and discharge estimation has been discussed. The example of the Vistula River in Warsaw has been used as a case study.
Zarządzanie zagrożeniem powodziowym to nowa metodologia zmniejszania niebezpieczeństw dla przestrzeni miejskiej. Jednym z ważnych aspektów zagrożenia powodziowego jest ekspozycja na zalanie spowodowana niewłaściwą lokalizacją zabudowań. Planowanie przestrzenne i ocena zagrożenia powodziowego mogą być dokonane na podstawie właściwej informacji o ekstremalnych powodziach. W niniejszym artykule dokonano analizy studium przypadku powodzi Wisły w Warszawie w różnych okresach historycznych, biorąc pod uwagę trzy metodologie oceny wielkości powodzi ekstremalnych w miastach.
Celem pracy jest ocena koncepcji rewitalizacji przestrzennej i społecznej osiedla Stary Fordon w Bydgoszczy w nawiązaniu do historii tego miejsca oraz zmian społecznych, a także ukazanie wszelkich działań, które zostały już w tym kierunku poczynione. Zakres czasowy pracy obejmuje lata 2014–2016. Główne prace polegały na kwerendzie materiałów źródłowych oraz przeprowadzeniu ankiety z mieszkańcami. W efekcie stwierdzono, że Stary Fordon to obszar o dużej wartości i potencjale, który dotyczy zarówno zasobów przestrzeni, jak i lokalnej społeczności. Ogólna ocena obecnie obowiązującej koncepcji rewitalizacji jest pozytywna. Trzeba jednak przyznać, że projekt nie spełnia wszystkich potrzeb mieszkańców. Należałoby rozwinąć przede wszystkim działania miękkie, społeczne
The aim of the work is to evaluate the concept of spatial and social revitalization of the Stary Fordon housing estate in Bydgoszcz in reference to the history of this place and social changes, as well as to show all activities that have already been undertaken in this direction. The time frame of the work covers the years 2014-2016. The main tasks consisted in carrying out a query of source materials and conducting a survey with residents. As a result, it was stated that Stary Fordon is an area of high value and potential, which concerns both the resources of space and the local community. The overall assessment of the current revitalization concept is positive. However, it must be admitted that the project does not meet all the needs of the residents. It appears that it is mainly soft social activities which should be developed.
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Rzeki w „Królu-Duchu”

The river theme is one of the most outstandingly presented aquatic themes of The Spirit King. It is accumulated in four scenes of the poem. In the first rhapsody: in the symptomatic descent of Her-Armenian to the Styx, Lethe or Neman; next, in Popiel’s civil war at the Vistula. In the third rhapsody (as in Juliusz Kleiner’s edition), the theme is situated in Dobravna’s dream depicting her journey by the subterranean river to sunlit Jerusalem; and also in Bolesław Śmiały’s passages across the Bug and Dnieper. Rivers in genesian landscapes become mainly conceptualised as a part of genesian psychomachia, a battle of spirits included in the realistic/historic domain of conquests, passages, massacres and attacks. As the essentials of a prewar scenery in The Spirit King, they rarely happen to be an aspect of domestic life or Slavic hierophanies. In Slavic genesian calendar, water appears to be only a companion of the mystic fire ceremonies, like the rite of St. John’s Eve or the wedding of Mieczysław and Dobrawna (L. Nawarecka). That is also the reason why the interpretation of aquatic context of The Spirit King as yet another immanent context of the ‘great Slavic epic’ seems to be a form of reductionism, as it does not consider the ‘mystic structure of Słowacki’s imagination’ (M. Cieśla-Korytowska). The Vistula is a Polish Nile, the Neman becomes a Polish Lethe and the scene of cleaning the wounds by Her-Armenian on the banks of the Neman inherits somehow (right after the poem Beniowski) the dimension of the bards’ antagonism (Mickiewicz against Słowacki). The mythical hero of the poem may be seen, in a deeply intermediary manner, as the surpassing and overcoming of Mickiewicz’s Konrad from Dziady, Part III.
Świat i Słowo
vol. 40
issue 1
Wisla as a private world’s axis. On the connection with the place in the works of Jerzy Pilch In the article „Wisla as a private world’s axis. On the connection with the place in the works of Jerzy Pilch”, the subject of the connection of the author and his protagonists with the place was raised. Some chosen aspects of this relevant issue have been introduced by the author of „Many demons”. The attitude of the characters and narrators to the place has been analysed through such issues as faith, emotions, senses, weather and topography. The most important thing is treating the place as a pattern, to which the writer refers many events, comments, observations, thoughts and characters. The place imagined by the writer is dynamic, changeable, ambiguous and multiple. Although the literary landscapes of the Wisla have common characteristics, they are characterized by many differences and variants, beginning with names and ending with details. The awareness of the Wisla creation imagined in the works of Jerzy Pilch is fundamental and deserves attention.
The article discusses Vistula rafting in 1662 on the basis of the only surviving register of a customs house on the Vistula, dating from the second half of the 17th century. The presented analysis of the seasonality of the Vistula shipping proved that rafting with the so-called first water, as it was known from in literary circles, did not play a key role in trade. Instead, navigation of the river current primarily depended on the summer and autumn rains, as well as on the rhythms of consumer needs. The relationship between the size of water transport and the social category of the rafting participant as well as the time of the shipping season is also highlighted. It is also shown that the majority of the downriver traffic was nobility while the upstream traffic was mainly townspeople. The structure of the water fleet was established, as well as its preferred use, which was also dependant on the season. The ownership structure of the vessels is discussed, paying attention to the dominance of the nobility. The role of Warsaw and other cities, including those on the Vistula River, in nautical trade is discussed. A comprehensive description of the transported goods was presented, as well as the environment of raft occupants, the role of the Vistula tributaries in floating trade was noticed. Comparing rafting in the years 1605-1651 and in 1766, the exceptional significance of the Vistula trade just after the Swedish Deluge was proved.
W artykule omówiony został spław wiślany w 1662 r. na podstawie jedynego zachowanego rejestru komory celnej na Wiśle z drugiej połowy XVII w. Przedstawiona analiza sezonowości żeglugi wiślanej dowiodła, że znany z literatury spław z tzw. pierwszą wodą nie odgrywał kluczowej roli w handlu. Zależał on istotnie od pory letnich i jesiennych deszczów w żegludze z nurtem rzeki, a także od rytmu potrzeb konsumenckich. Dowiedziono zależności pomiędzy wielkością transportu wodnego a kategorią społeczną uczestnika spławu oraz porą sezonu żeglugowego. Wykazano dominujący udział szlachty w spławie z nurtem Wisły oraz mieszczan w spławie w górę rzeki. Opisano strukturę taboru wodnego, a także preferencje w zakresie jego wykorzystania, w tym także w zależności od pory roku kalendarzowego. Przedstawiono strukturę własności jednostek pływających, zwracając uwagę na dominację szlachty. Podkreślono rolę Warszawy i innych, w tym nadwiślańskich, miast w handlu spławnym. Scharakteryzowano pełną strukturę spławianych towarów, a także środowisko uczestników spławu, dostrzeżono rolę dopływów Wisły w handlu spławnym. Porównując badane zjawisko ze spławem w latach 1605–1651 oraz w 1766 r., dowiedziono wyjątkowego znaczenia handlu wiślanego tuż po potopie szwedzkim.
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