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Sustainable development is a multidimensional and dynamic social development concept, which aims to improve well-being welfare and standard of living of present and future generations. Achieving this goal may take place in different institutional conditions, which include the degree of economic freedom and quality of economic governance. This article aims to analyse the relation between economic freedom and governance with the implementation of the concept of sustainable development. This analysis was performed for 132 countries divided into three groups in terms of assigned assessment of attributes of social, technological and environmental sustainability.
W artykule przedstawiono przyczyny zwiększania zakresu usług świadczonych przez sektor publiczny i na tym tle korzystanie z usług sektora prywatnego w tradycyjnych formułach zamówień publicznych oraz w formule partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego. Zwraca się uwagę na dominację tradycyjnej i, jak się ocenia, mniej efektywnej dla sektora publicznego formuły zlecania dostaw dóbr, tj. zamówień publicznych, a marginalne korzystanie z formuły partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego. To właśnie w formule partnerstwa publiczno- prywatnego znaczącą część ryzyka ponosi partner prywatny, w tym też ryzyko dochodów. Uzależnienie wielkości wynagrodzenia podmiotu prywatnego od dochodów pozyskiwanych ze świadczenia dóbr, jest istotnym czynnikiem weryfikacji opłacalności przedsięwzięć i tym samym wpływa na efektywność stosowanych rozwiązań.
The paper presents the reasons for increasing the range of services provided by public sector. On the background of this issue the paper presents also the use of private sector services in the traditional formulas of public procurement and in the formula of public-private partnership. The use of public-private partnership is marginal in comparison to less effective for public sector traditional formulas of public procurement, which dominate on the market. In the public-private partnership formula a significant part of the risk is borne by the private partner, including economic risk. Making private partner remuneration conditional on the profits generated by the joined project is an important factor in the verification of investment profitability and thus affects the efficiency of applied solutions.
The paper presents a review of selected literature, domestic and international, reflecting the origins of public management in the municipal local governments. Identified three main types of management: bureaucracy – based on legitimate legal authority and qualified team of subordinate officials pursuing organization, managerial – which provides support to government officials and management techniques and business sector entities, to develop a set of standards and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the results, and governance – open to broad cooperation entities representing all sectors, focused on innovation and development. Characterized as the main actors involved in these processes (international institutions, governments, and local governments, citizens and their organizations) and the involvement of local stakeholders in the creation of public policy. Literature shows that despite the existing and richer opportunities for participation and shared local politics is still an imbalance, asymmetry that puts local authorities in a privileged, dominant position.
Logistics is a branch science and art of practical action, which deals with efficient and effective control of materials, products and information flows. This article is an attempt of theoretical considerations on the advisability of introducing logistics solutions to the public services sector. Paying attention of readers (managers, local government officials, hospital directors, employees of the local authority, as well as students) on the potential opportunities the application of logistics solutions in organizations that operate in the public sphere is the goal of this publication. The paper presents elements of logistics in public services, which in authors' opinion can bring measurable benefits, both in terms of organization and economically. On a background of the characteristics of modern society, whose unique properties result from factors such as knowledge, globalization, chaos, diversity and freedom considerations in this work are presented.
The aim of the paper is to discuss the selected issues on risk management in public organizations in Poland. In particular, the issue of implementing the comprehensive risk management system in the public sector is of top priority in the discourse. For the complex risk management requires the integrated management thereof. Only such a formula ensures the comprehensive management of any threats in public organizations. The operated system of the integrated risk management would allow for timely anticipation of some of the types of threats or for determining the most suitable manner of risk response. The risk management system operated within the organization ought to be fully IT-supported. Owing to this, the risk managers will be able to acquire the current information on risk on regular basis, store it in the proper bases, process it, which will allow for counter-acting the risk in a more efficient manner in future as opposed to the common practice so far.
Dynamic changes in the environment of public organizations, including growing expectations for the effects of their actions, entails growth of requirements concerning competences of public officers. In these circumstances innovative approach towards education process devoted to public sphere seems to be a crucial issue Respecting this challenge as well as taking advantage of new regulations concerning higher education Department of City and Regional Management, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz prepared complex and integrated educational program on Public Management. The aim of the article is to present the effects of reform performed at the Faculty of Management UL that resulted with new teaching programs, among others on Public Management, on all levels of education.
The autor tackles the problem of the functioning of an organization in the context of challenges of postmodernism. The most important issues of postmodernism that are important from the organization management perspecvtive are: the loss of importance of "big narrations", the role of discourse in the process of knowledge mastering, the linkage between discourse and reality of power (which are deeply rooted in knowledge), changes in the area of research orientation (disclosing of the lack of determinism, strengthening of resistance), the role of language in the deconstruction of meanings and treating the reality as simulacrum (the simulation of substituting the real world with the descriptuion of the current order of the world). Although postmodernism in a clear form is not suitable for system thinking, attempts are being made to reconcile different postmodernistic principles with the principles of system thinking and to use methods based on different paridigms (functionalist, interpretative, emancipationist) in the spirit of postmodernism. The methodology of postmodernistic thinking applies to the new conditions of functioning of an organization.
The study was designed to demonstrate the role of internal audits in public administration. An audit should ensure effective implementation of activities and bring added value, which may be understood as generating a greater effect or achieving the same effect at a lower cost. Audits focused on results are predicted to be on the increase. This concept is an evolution of an internal audit - from a compliance audit, through a risk based audit to a performance audit or a value for money audit, which involves the formulation and testing of audit tasks aimed at expected results. This audit is important because of the fact that public bodies represent the interests of citizens and have public resources, including the EU funds, and these are rigorously assessed in terms of the results brought by the funds involved. Will an internal audit become an instrument that can be used to change the model of organizational management in the public sector? The research findings should show whether periodic audits of efficiency will provide the basis for changes in individual performance management processes, conservation of resources and their better use in cutting expenses, reduction of over-employment or development of information technology and whether it will lead to greater internationalization.
The aim of the paper is to describe the relationship between economic mechanisms of public and private sector according to New Public Management (NPM). Generally, NPM assumes that market mechanisms (especially mechanism of competition) should be implemented in public sector. The paper examines microeconomic background knowledge of NPM, theoretical and practical aspects of marketisation and its consequences
The paper shows the findings of the survey that was conducted in July and August 2012 among the people who hold managerial positions in local government administration offices. The survey concerns the stage of using of low formalized actions in process of management in this kind of administration. The main goal was to give some examples of such actions as well as to answer the question if using of non-binding actions in relations with citizens is bound up with more active attitude to management.
The article analyzes public-private partnership as a modern form of coordination of collective action public governance and assess the status and prospects of its development in Poland. PPP is an effective way to finance public services and the answer to the challenges of states - meet the growing social expectations regarding the volume and standard of public service with a strong limitation to public funds. Quantity, value and structure of PPP's in Poland reflects early stage of development of PPP market and numerous barriers, of which the largest is a high degree of ignorance of its principles and the lack of a conscious policy to use it
The article characterises the concept of good governance nad there are presented examples of its measurement at the national level and the voievodship level. It shows the impact of good governance on the quality of governance and the effectiveness of development management. For these reasons, the content of regional strategies for economic and social development have been analyzed. Analysis aim was to identify the planned activities for the implementation of the principles of good governance.
The aim of the paper is to outline risk management problems in the area of public services. The implementation of innovations in public service organizations (PSOs) is inherently associated with risk taking. This is the focus of the paper which recommends the application of the risk management approach in PSOs operating in Poland and abroad. Special attention should be drawn to the estimation of public risk. The paper is an attempt at transferring the risk management patterns from the private sector to public sector organizations. The most important thing, however, is the ability to use appropriate methodology to this end. The paper uses the method of synthesis, deduction and induction. The paper shows a review of scientific literature in the field.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych problemów zarządzania ryzykiem w obszarze usług publicznych. Implementacja innowacji w organizacjach świadczących usługi publiczne jest nierozerwalnie związana z podejmowaniem ryzyka. Stanowi to przedmiot zasadniczych rozważań podjętych w artykule, który zawiera propozycję implementacji metodycznego podejścia do publicznych organizacji działających w Polsce i za granicą, zwracając szczególną uwagę na zagadnienie, jakim jest szacowanie ryzyka publicznego. Artykuł stanowi próbę transferu rozwiązań stosowanych w tym zakresie w sektorze prywatnym na grunt funkcjonowania organizacji sektora publicznego. Najważniejszą rzeczą jest znajomość właściwej metodyki w tym względzie. W artykule wykorzystano metodę syntezy, dedukcję oraz indukcję. Artykuł zawiera przegląd literatury naukowej z tego zakresu.
The main issue touched upon in this article is need of reappraisal of management sciences area. It is an effect of changes which are occurring nowadays. Both State and state machinery more and more often use management methods and tools typical for market sector in decision making process in the public and social sector.
Tekst omawia metodyczne oraz finansowe aspekty tworzenia lokalnego programu rewitalizacji, w aspekcie obowiązującej od 2015 roku ustawy o rewitalizacji. Celem pracy jest analiza zaangażowania funduszy europejskich w procesy rewitalizacji w jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego. Wnioski oparto na badaniach lokalnych programów rewitalizacji, uchwalonych w województwie śląskim do końca 2016 r., przede wszystkim w zakresie oceny unijnego wsparcia ze środków Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Śląskiego 2014-2020 dla zawartych tam projektów rewitalizacyjnych. Dokonano także oceny przyszłej realizacji programów rewitalizacji z uwzględnieniem wykorzystania funduszy unijnych. W pracy zawarto także wnioski i rekomendacje dotyczące wdrażania lokalnych programów rewitalizacji z wykorzystaniem Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Śląskiego 2014-2020.
The paper presents different aspects of development the local revitalization program in relation to The Revitalization Act, in force since 2015. The aim of the study is to determine the dependence of revitalization processes in the local government units from EU support. The author has conducted study of revitalization programmes that have been enacted in Silesia province until the end of 2016, focused primarily on the assessment of the scope of the expected EU support from the Regional Operational Programme of Silesia 2014-2020. The final section presents the conclusions and recommendations concerning the implementation of revitalization programs using EU funds.
Opracowanie to powstało w Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów. Przedstawiono jak na gruncie nauk społecznych i prawnych definiuje się pojęcie dobrego rządzenia oraz jak przekłada się je na interwencje publiczne podejmowane w ramach Programu Operacyjnego kapitał Ludzki. Odniesiono się również do zagadnienia poprawy jakości tych interwencji we współpracy z ośrodkami badawczymi.
This study was completed in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. It presents how the notion of good governing is defined in the scope of public and legal studies and how to apply them to the public interventions during actions taken in frames of the Human Capital Programme. It also mentions the problem of the improvement in the quality of those interventions in the cooperation with research centres.
Reforms known as New Public Management in Anglo-Saxon countries are well known to Polish readers, at the same time the literature connected with these reforms implemented in Germany virtually does not exist. The issue of New Public Management settled in Germany is more important to us because structural and functional basis of Polish administration are much more similar to continental than to the Anglo-Saxon model of public administration. The article aims at presenting efforts made to adjust German administration to the efficiency requirements in two ways. The first way are grassroots initiatives taken by local governments whose purpose is to reconfigure their internal structure in order to measure efficiency and gain concrete outputs. The second way is based on deep system-wide reforms: structural, functional and territorial. The specifics of the depicted reforms taken up in Germany are variety and multiple enhanced by federal nature of state; at the same time preferential treatment the rule that administration acts within the law and under the law whose rules reflect classical Weberian's model of public administration.
Dziś już zgadzamy się co do tego, że kultura stoi u podstawy zrozumienia wzajemnych zależności między kwestiami ekonomicznymi, społecznymi czy środowiskowymi. Kultura znajduje się w centrum zainteresowania polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju, co znajduje również odzwierciedlenie w ponadnarodowych, a następnie krajowych, regionalnych i lokalnych strategiach. Podstawowym tematem podjętym w niniejszym tekście jest pokazanie, jak zmieniają się postrzeganie i role kultury we współczesnym zarządzaniu publicznym w Polsce w kontekście wdrażania koncepcji rozwoju zrównoważonego. Polem badawczym były dokumenty strategiczne, które poddano kilkustopniowej analizie treści. Doprowadziło to do ciekawych wniosków na wielu polach, mających znaczenie również dla praktyki zarządzania.
Nowadays, we agree that culture is at the heart of understanding the interrelationship between economic, social and environmental issues. Culture is at the center of interest for sustainable development policy, which is also reflected in transnational, national, regional and local strategies. The main problem undertaken in this text is to show how the perception and role of culture in modern public management in Poland changes in the context of implementing the concept of sustainable development. The research field was the strategic documents subjected to a multi-stage content analysis. They led to interesting conclusions in many fields, also relevant for management practice.
The article presents the effects of the implementation of management sciences in the entities acting in the public sphere. Contribution to verify the usefulness of management tools in an organization of this kind was the use of process mapping methods in Municipal company - MZGM TBS Ltd. Mapping of process was to improve the public procurement procedure. Particular emphasis was placed on the consequences of impacts of normative order and its relationship to the effectiveness of municipal company.
The article proposes an ambidextrous organization adaptation in public universities. The essence of the proposal is to change the organization of HEI of "90 °", i.e. one in which the faculties create an organization axis and research teams the coordination axis to which the roles are reversed. In ambidextrous university faculties are mainly engaged in mass education on the first level and research teams educate elites of students at the level II and III, conducted R&D activities simultaneously. According to the author, this proposal creates conditions for more effective use of human resources in HEIs.
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