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Performative utterances, or speech acts, shaping the extra-linguistic reality occur frequently in legal documents. One of such documents is a notarial act, drawn up by a notary and containing declarations of the parties which change the civil law relations. However, not all declarations in a notarial act are performative utterances: some of them describe the reality, without changing the civil law relations between the parties. A special case of a performative utterance is the signature of the parties, confirming the declarations written by a notary on behalf of the parties. This paper aims to illustrate the diversity of expressions which can be classified as performative utterances, and thus shows that the catalogue of these expressions is much broader than it is often presented in the linguistics literature.
Wypowiedzi performatywne – akty mowy, kształtujące rzeczywistość pozajęzykową występują często w różnego rodzaju dokumentach prawnych. Jednym z takich dokumentów jest akt notarialny, sporządzony przez notariusza i zawierający oświadczenia stron, które kreują nową rzeczywistość prawną. Nie wszystkie jednak oświadczenia w akcie notarialnym stanowią wypowiedzi performatywne – część z nich opisuje rzeczywistość, nie zmieniając stosunków cywilnoprawnych pomiędzy stronami. Szczególnym przypadkiem wypowiedzi performatywnej jest podpis stron, potwierdzający oświadczenia spisane w imieniu stron przez notariusza. Niniejsza praca ma na celu ukazanie różnorodności wyrażeń, które można zaliczyć do wypowiedzi performatywnych i tym samym ukazać, że katalog tych wyrażeń jest znacznie szerszy, niż często wskazuje się na to w literaturze językoznawczej.
The status of photovoltaic equipment affects the category of limited property rights strengthening such investments. Depending on the qualifications of photovoltaic devices, three types of servitudes are useful. First, personal servitude within the meaning of Article 781 of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB), secondly, praedial servitude under Article 730 ZGB and, thirdly, building right.
Dochody z propinacji stanowiły ważną pozycje w budżecie Szadku w XIX w. Zyski z produkcji i sprzedaży alkoholu należały do mieszczan posesjonatów, którzy wybierali swych przedstawicieli w celu dysponowania dochodami. Porównanie list posesjonatów zawartych w akcie nadania pełnomocnictwa z 1852 r. oraz z 1862 r. pozwoliło na ustalenie, iż tylko 1/3 tych mieszczan wystąpiła w obu wykazach. Świadczy to o dużej wymianie właścicieli nieruchomości na terenie Szadku w ciągu dekady. Większość z posesjonatów (58%) była w 1852 r. piśmienna. Rodziny które najliczniej były wówczas reprezentowane w gronie właścicieli nieruchomości na terenie Szadku to Łazuchiewiczowie i Woszczalscy.
Revenues from taproom constituted a major item in the budget of Szadek in XIX century. Profit from producing and selling liquor belonged to real estate owners, who chose their proxies to administer the income. Comparison of lists of estate owners contained in letters of attorney from 1852 and 1862 made it possible to establish that only 1/3 of those burghers appeared in both lists. This indicates that during a decade there was considerable exchange of property owners in Szadek. The majority of them (58%) were literate. The families which whose members were most numerous in the group of estate owners in Szadek are Łazuchiewicz and Woszczalski.
De lege lata the transformation of the right of perpetual usufruct of land built for residential purposes into ownership is done by law. Yet, it requires a determination in the form of a certificate from the relevant authority. The issued certificate entitles the holder to register ownership in the land and mortgage register and the court makes such an entry ex officio. However, it is possible to sell a residential unit before obtaining the relevant certificate since the share in the joint ownership of the property is the right related to the ownership of the unit. This requires drawing up a notarial deed pursuant to the present status of entries in the land and mortgage register whereas a further correction is made after obtaining the relevant certificate.
The papier discusses applications for registration in the land register submitted by notaries. The change of law has led to a modification of the notary's responsibilities. There are still unresolved issues related to the discussed notarial action. These include submitting an application by notaries at the request of a party to the notarial action. This issue has been the subject of the Supreme Court's jurisprudence, but the practice of notaries and courts shows far-reaching discrepancies. The possibility of submitting applications at the request of a party to a notarial action raises the most doubts.
The subject of this study is an analysis of the admissibility of concluding an agreement on partial abolition of co-ownership. Under such a contract, only some of the co-owners abolish the co-ownership of a given item or right within the jointly held shares. After discussing the arguments “for” and “against” the possibility of concluding the agreement, final conclusions were presented. In the author's opinion, the conclusion of the contract under Polish law is admissible and in line with the current practice. In some situations it could be even expedient.
issue 2 (394)
The article contains an analysis of the activities performed by a civil law notary in Polish company law, particularly in regard to the activities of a notary which require the use of modern technologies available via the Internet, as well as an assessment of the current role of the civil law notary in the area of Polish company law. It also presents de lege ferenda proposals in particular in regard to the possibility and need for performing online notarial legal acts in the area of Polish company law.
The aim of the article is to present the nature of the relationship between the foundation act and the foundation's statute in the context of the notarial procedure. In particular, the duties of a notary public, including the preparation of both acts, were discussed. The study also analyzes the notary's obligation to assess whether the property indicated in the foundation deed is sufficient to achieve the foundation's goals.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie charakteru zależności zachodzących pomiędzy aktem fundacyjnym a statutem fundacji w kontekście procedury notarialnej. Omówiono w szczególności powinności notariusza obejmujące sporządzenie obu aktów. Opracowanie ma także na celu poddanie analizie obowiązku notariusza dotyczącego oceny, czy majątek wskazany w akcie fundacyjnym jest wystarczający do osiągnięcia celów działania fundacji.
The paper discusses the use of the institution of refusal to perform a notarial act. The changes of law led to a modification of the notary's responsibilities. There are still unresolved issues related to the discussed notarial action. The notary often does not know whether he or she should draw up a protocol of refusal. This raises many doubts among practitioners.
issue 3 (359)
The aim of the article is to describe the issues related to the form of a legal transaction for establishing the right of pre-emption. The considerations in this article have been included in the analysis of the presented views of the doctrine and judicature. The above subject matter is important in practice, because the form of the legal act establishing the right of pre-emption of real estate affects the legal situation of the person entitled under the pre-emption right. The legal situation of the entitled person was compared when the pre-emption right was established in the form of a notarial deed, in writing, with signatures certified by a notary and in a regular written form. The article shows that the current regulations do not explicitly support the preservation of the form of a notarial deed for the act of establishing a contractual right of pre-emption. Despite the resolution of doubts by the Supreme Court, the form of establishing the contractual right of pre-emption has not lost its relevance.
The analyzed source, the will of one of the richest Jews of the Lublin province, is a unique notary act. It is an exceptional source for the study of everyday life and economic conditio of wealthy class of Jewish traders in the Kingdom of Poland in the second half of the 1800s. The document is also a good tool to examine the official mode of the process of accomplishing Berk Wejjs’s will.
Analizowane źródło, testament jednego z najbogatszych Żydów województwa lubelskiego, to wyjątkowy akt notarialny. Stanowi istotne źródło do badania życia codziennego i stanu ekonomicznego zamożnej warstwy kupców żydowskich w Królestwie Polskim w drugiej połowie XIX wieku. Dokument jest również dobrym narzędziem do zbadania oficjalnego trybu realizacji testamentu Berka Wejjsa.
Hipoteka jest jedyną formą zabezpieczenia wierzytelności na nieruchomości. Jest ona regulowana przez ustawę o księgach wieczystych i hipotece, która w obecnym systemie prawnym funkcjonuje od wielu lat. W związku z tym konieczne było wprowadzenie nowelizacji hipoteki, aby usunąć wątpliwości z nią związane. Jednocześnie zmianie uległy związane z hipoteką przepisy Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego, prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze oraz inne. Największym problemem było rozróżnienie hipoteki zwykłej i kaucyjnej. Podział ten wywołuje problemy teoretyczne i praktyczne, a zły wybór ma poważne skutki wobec wierzyciela. Obecnie bez szczegółowych dyspozycji umownych, bez potrzeby ich ujawnienia w księdze wieczystej przy okazji wpisu hipoteki, w granicach sumy hipoteki, ustanowioną hipoteką objęte są roszczenia o odsetki, zarówno ustawowe, jak i umowne oraz roszczenia o przyznane koszty postępowania. Nowością jest zabezpieczenie hipoteką kilku wierzytelności z różnych stosunków prawnych, o ile przysługują temu samemu wierzycielowi.
A mortgage is the only form of security claims on the property. It is regulated by the Law on Land and Mortgage, which in the current legal system works for many years. Therefore, it was necessary to introduce the amendment to remove the doubts of the mortgage with it. At the same time changes were related to the mortgage provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, bankruptcy and reorganization, and others. The biggest problem was the simple distinction between mortgages and capped. This division produces theoretical and practical problems, a bad choice has serious consequences to the creditor. There is currently no detailed contract, without the need for disclosure in the land register entry on the occasion of the mortgage, the limit of mortgages, mortgage-set are covered by a claim for interest, both statutory and contractual claims for granted and costs. A new mortgage is to secure a number of claims in different legal relationships, if the creditor is entitled to the same.
The article is about the proceedings regarding the issue of an extract of a notarial deed to a third party. The considerations relate to the provisions of the Act on notary and the Code of Civil Procedure. First of all in the article was presented the entity entitled to receive an extract of a notarial deed. Further consideration concern the authority of the proceedings regarding the issue of an extract of a notarial deed to a third party. In the article were also presented issues regarding the participants in the abovementioned proceedings and the court session. At the end of the article were presented problems related to the court's decision.
Legal events relating to the establishment and operation of a family foundation will usually show a connection only with the territory of Poland and relate to persons being Polish citizens continuously resident in Poland. In such cases, there is no doubt about the application of Polish law to the assessment of legal acts and other events relating to a family foundation. However, it is not excluded that there may also arise, in the context of such foundations, a connection with other countries, persons being foreigners, persons resident abroad or assets situated abroad. The legislator did not introduce any major barriers against such situations. The above connections relate predominantly to parties involved in the establishment and operation of family foundations and to legal acts performer in relation to the creation of such entities and their property. In particular, it must be emphasised that the statutory requirement provided for the founding act, testament and constitution to comply with the form of notarial deed does not exclude a possibility of complying with that formality also abroad with the involvement of a foreign notary.
Sejm RP uchwalił 16 września 2011 r. ustawę o ochronie praw nabywcy lokalu mieszkalnego i domu jednorodzinnego (Dz.U. Nr 232, poz. 1377), zwaną ustawą deweloperską. Określa ona w sposób kompleksowy treść umowy deweloperskiej, wzajemne prawa i obowiązki stron, zasady i tryb jej zawierania, sposób jej wykonania, a także odpowiedzialność stron w razie jej niewykonania lub nienależytego wykonania. Wprowadza silne środki ochrony praw osób nabywających od deweloperów lokale mieszkalne lub domy jednorodzinne, tj. mieszkaniowy rachunek powierniczy oraz prospekt informacyjny, wyposażyła osoby fizyczne w skuteczne środki ochrony ich interesów także na wypadek upadłości dewelopera. Kluczowe znaczenie ma również obligatoryjność formy aktu notarialnego dla umowy deweloperskiej, będącej umową zobowiązującą dewelopera do przeniesienia na nabywcę własności lokalu mieszkalnego lub domu jednorodzinnego po jego wybudowaniu. Umowa ta stanowi podstawę wpisu do księgi wieczystej roszczenia o przeniesienie na nabywcę własności nieruchomości.
The Sejm of the Republic of Poland has passed on 16.09.2011 the act on the protection of buyers of residential premises and single family houses (Journal of Laws, number 232, item 1377), hereinafter referred to as the developer act. It specifies in a comprehensive manner the content of the developer agreement, mutual laws and duties of each party, principles and modes of concluding it and the manner of performing it as well as the responsibilities of parties in the case of failure to perform them or their improper performance. It introduces strong protection of rights of persons purchasing residential premises or single family houses from developers i.e. residential trust accounts and information prospectus, the act also equipped natural persons in effective means of protection of their interest in the case of developer’s bankruptcy. It is also of key importance that the developer agreement has to maintain the form of a notarial deed, this agreement obliges the developer to transfer upon the buyer the ownership of the residential premises or single family house after it is built. This agreement constitutes the basis to the entry into the land and mortgage register of the claim to transfer onto the buyer the ownership of the real estate.
Notarial contracts are texts containing rich and diverse material, which can be used to describe and interpret many legal, linguistic and genre phenomena. At the beginning of the 19th century various genre phenomena are visible, they are related to the number of contracts concluded and the appearance of new types that are relatively rapidly evolving. The genre functions both in language and beyond, as a dynamic component of human activity, following a variety of conventions that make it a communicative value, also social and cultural, and in a narrower approach: formative and stylistic. Viewed from these different perspectives, it is worth to look at the Łuków contracts from the 19th century, because it can be expected that the resources and realization of texts will be special in the context of their genre. Genological creativity observed in the analysed sources is evidently created by the category of intentionality. The category of intention allows us to see in a new light the conceptualization of particular legal genres as well as the rules for the creation and functioning of their pattern, as we deal with uniform genres in the sense of model potency, and in the evolutionary aspect, marked in the texts by different means of nomination of the same contracts, a new text quality is created.
During the second world war, the occupying power allowed Polish notaries to run individual notary public offices and perform notarial deeds therein under the supervision of occupying authorities, on the grounds of prewar Polish legislation, on the Polish territory incorporated into the General Government. Moreover, the notaries were obliged to draft deeds coherent with the legislation introduced by the occupant in the General Government. The number of the normative acts that made a brunt on the contemporary notary practice certainly includes the decision of the General Governor of 27 March 1940 on transactions in real estate in the General Government. Cases of deeds by notaries from the Warsaw Notary Chamber were used to portray the strategies of coping with the requirements imposed by the occupant. Little has been written about the history of post-war notarial deeds concluded by Warsaw notaries during the second world war. Yet it should be recognised that, with respect to both the form and content of the rules of law, they can provide grounds for contemporary conduct of legal transactions, notably entries into mortgage books. It must, however, be remembered that there have been numerous dishonest and corrupt practices based on such altered or forged documents, for which reason far-going caution is advised.
W czasie II wojny światowej na ziemiach polskich, z których utworzono Generalne Gubernatorstwo, okupant zezwolił na prowadzenie przez notariuszy polskich indywidualnych kancelarii notarialnych oraz na dokonywanie przez nich czynności, pod nadzorem władz okupacyjnych, w oparciu o przedwojenne polskie przepisy. Nadto, rejenci byli zobligowani do sporządzania aktów notarialnych zgodnych z prawodawstwem wprowadzonym przez okupanta na terenie Generalnego Gubernatorstwa. Do grupy aktów normatywnych, które odcisnęły piętno na ówczesnej praktyce notarialnej, należy niewątpliwie rozporządzenia Generalnego Gubernatora z 27 marca 1940 r. o obrocie nieruchomościami w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie. Na przykładzie aktów notarialnych rejentów z Warszawskiej Izby Notarialnej przedstawione zostały sposoby radzenia sobie z wymogami narzuconym przez okupanta. Na temat powojennych losów czynności rejentów warszawskich z okresu II wojny światowej wypowiadano się niewiele. Należy jednak uznać, że – przy zachowaniu przepisów prawa co do formy i treści – mogą one stanowić podstawę współczesnego obrotu prawnego, w tym być podstawą wpisu do księgi wieczystej. Pamiętać jednocześnie należy o licznych próbach oszustw podejmowanych w oparciu o takie przerobione bądź podrobione dokumenty i w związku z tym zachowywać należytą ostrożność.
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