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Vox Patrum
vol. 12
Hac in dissertatiuncula Gregoriana notio ascesis late erplanatur, quae prudens abstinentia a licitis habetur.
Vox Patrum
vol. 52
issue 2
L’article traite de la vie spirituelle et ascetiąue du Patriarchę d’Alexandrie. Avant d’etre ćlu au siege ćpiscopal, probablement ił vecut plusieurs annees dans la communaute des ascetes qui existait en lien avec l’eveque. La, il reęut la formation biblique, 1’enracinement dans la vie ascetique et 1’ordination diaconale. Apres avoir reęu la charge episcopale, il continua la vie spirituelle profonde - priere, jeune et meditation des Saintes Ecritures - en devenant un maitre pour les ascetes. Ses ecrits temoignent d’une connaissance approfondie de la vie ascetique. II fut aussi un grand propagateur de la virginite, traite par lui comme le signe de 1’Incamation du Verbe qui a rendu possible les epousailles entre 1’homme et Dieu. En tant qu’eveque, il resta en bonnes relations avec les ascetes qui, dans la solitude du desert, pratiquait une nouvelle formę de vie ascetique: le monachisme. Parmi les moines, il chercha les candidats a 1’episcopat et pendant son troisieme exil, il passa plusieurs annees dans le desert, en conduisant la vie des moines. En ce temps de transformation de 1’ascetisme qui a fait naitre le monachisme, Athanase, l’eveque et le moine, le vrai disciple d’Antoine et de Pacóme fut un personnage providentiel. Grace a lui, le monachisme a trouve sa place dans 1’Eglise, dans la proximite de 1’episcopat en evitant le danger de devenir un groupe charismatique eloigne de la hierarchie ecclesiastique.
Collectanea Theologica
vol. 90
issue 5
Mark the Hermit, a monk from the 4th century, active probably in Asia Minor, indicates in an original way that the cause of passion in man is forgetting about good thoughts (lēthē), carelessness (rhathymia) and ignorance (agnoia). This threefold evil is opposed by the following means: forgetfulness – by memory of good works, carelessness – by most sincere readiness, ignorance – by enlightened cognition. Nobody before him had ever dealt with the causes of passion in such a way and indicated such an antidote to them. In order to understand Mark the Hermit’s theory, it is necessary to look in detail at this writer’s teaching about passion and the ascetic fight against it. This article is devoted to this spiritually important issue.
Based on an ethnographic study of ‘Western’ forms of contemporary shamanism in North East Scotland, the article discusses the significant role that eremitism plays in folk healing systems, particularly in shamanism. The tendency to live an isolated life is not only a key feature of traditional shamanic healing practices, but it can also be found in contemporary manifestations of them. Two such cases are discussed in this article. Terry Mace and Norman Duncan are two contemporary shamanic healers who live and offer services in the wider region of North East Scotland. For different individual reasons, they have self-consciously decided to isolate themselves geographically, living simply and self-abundantly, and leading an eremitic way of life away from materialism and socialising. The article thus focuses on examining the role of eremitism in the life of these two healers in an attempt to highlight the significance of the phenomenon in contemporary shamanisms.
In this article the author deals with the issue of health care, which Jerome addresses in his letters to ascetics who, in many cases, by their extreme approach to the practice of fasting, destroy their health. On the one hand, Jerome teaches them how to understand and practice fasting in the Christian sense, and on the other hand, similar to today's dietitians, he tries to suggest a proper diet in such a way that it is possible to practice Christian fasting and lead one's life in accordance with the monastic vocation, while maintaining both spiritual and bodily health.
Collectanea Theologica
vol. 89
issue 1
Writing in his works about passions, Mark the Ascetic had behind hima long-term tradition of ascetic thought. However, an inquisitiveness leadsthe Master of asceticism to original statements on this subject. In forgettinggood thoughts, in recklessness and unawareness (ῥᾳθυμία, λήθη, ἄγνοια)he sees the origin of many passions. The common root of passion is thehuman tendency to seek pleasure (ἡδυπαθεία). Mark the Ascetic finds inthe theologal life, which determined by faith, hope and love, and which isinitiated by baptism, the basis of moral innocence of man. In the absence ofthis life, he sees the cause of the development of evil. He points to concretemeasures to fight passions. The forgetting should be contrasted with thememory of good works, the negligence with the sincere readiness to fight,and the unawareness with the enlightened cognition. The author emphasizesthe role of meditation, especially of God’s favours and Christ’s abasement,in the fight against faults. As a theologian of the Holy Spirit, he reflects onHis role in asceticism.
Did the Buddha practice asceticism prior to his awakening? A critical analysis of the Māhasīhanāda Sutta from the Majjhima Nikāya: It is widely believed, that the Buddha practiced the most radical forms of asceticism and self‑mortification prior to his awakening. A critical analysis of the suttas depicting that crucial period of his life shows, however, that the only text which portrays the bodhisatta as a foremost ascetic is the Māhasīhanāda Sutta (MN 12/I, 68). The aim of this paper is to examine the issue of the authenticity of this text and thus to answer the question as to whether there is enough ground to claim that the Buddha was an ascetic at all. Through a comparative analysis, I show that the structure and content of the Māhasīhanāda Sutta cannot be reconciled with other suttas from the Majjhima Nikāya, which describe the bodhisatta’s path to awakening. I point out certain late features of the Māhasīhanāda Sutta. Then, through a comparative analysis I try to show that some parts of the Buddhist text may have been borrowed from the Jain  yāraṃga Sutta. Next, I attempt to reinterpret the term attakilamathānuyogo from the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta in such a way which will not pertain to asceticism. In the final part of the paper, I try to explain how the view that the Buddha was a foremost ascetic prior to his awakening could have arisen.
Although the three duodecalogues, Duodecim Regulae, Duodecim arma spiritualis pugnae, and Duodecim conditiones amantis, make up only a tiny fraction of the entire oeuvre of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, they enjoyed great popularity and diffusion in the sixteenth century. They were translated into vernacular languages very early, such as into English by Sir Thomas More at the beginning of the sixteenth century. There were also translations into French, Italian, German, Spanish and even Czech, all almost unknown to international scholarship. It was their spiritual content which made them so popular in the Renaissance and it is actually this content which is one of the reasons they have been almost entirely omitted in the modern historiography of Renaissance philosophy. Another reason for their neglect lies in certain doubts concerning their authenticity. This paper puts these writings into the context of Pico’s philosophy as far as spiritual life can be considered part of his anthropological concept.
Max Weber is widely known as the author of ideal types of power. However, he also developed ideal types of religious attitudes. The article presents his original three ideal types and shows how they can be complemented by a fourth one. The fourth ideal type is based on analysis of magic as religious practice.
Pisma Filipa Jakoba Spenera na temat kobiet pietyzmu miały dla nich sprzeczne przesłanie: z jednej strony pietysta wzywał do reformy, ogłosił kapłaństwo wszystkich wierzących i zachęcał kobiety do bycia kowalami własnego rozwoju duchowego; z drugiej strony myślenie przywódców pietystycznych niewiele różniło się od tradycyjnych poglądów na kobiety i ich poddanie się mężczyznom. Sam Philipp Jakob Spener wahał się, jakie role i zaangażowanie są otwarte dla kobiet. W „Duchowym kapłaństwie” z 1677 r. zachęcał kobiety do czytania i interpretowania Biblii. Miały pełne prawo dyskutować o Piśmie Świętym oraz pouczać współwyznawców. Zauważał nawet, że w niektórych domach są kobiety, które Bóg pobłogosławił zrozumieniem i które rozmawiają z rodzinami na spotkaniu w kościele domowym. Philipp Jakob Spener miał głębokie zastrzeżenia do kobiet proroków, od ich pierwszego pojawienia się na początku 1690 roku - bardziej niż A. H. Francke. Spener był zasadniczo otwarty na możliwość ekstatycznych przeżyć i bezpośrednich objawień od Boga, ale szybko zaczął je analizować, ponieważ Biblia ostrzega przed fałszywymi prorokami, którzy pojawią się w dniach ostatecznych. Pod wpływem Spenera Francke ostatecznie odrzucił autorytet ekstatycznych przeżyć kobiet i zawartego w nich przesłania.
The writings of Filip Jakob Spener about women of pietism had a contradictory message for them: on the one hand, the pianist called for reform, proclaimed the priesthood of all believers and encouraged women to be smiths of their own spiritual development; on the other hand, the thinking of pietist leaders differed little from traditional views on women and their submission to men. Sam Philipp Jakob Spener hesitated what roles and commitment are open to women. In the "spiritual priesthood" of 1677, he encouraged women to read and interpret the Bible. They had full right to discuss the Scriptures and instruct fellow believers. He even noticed that in some homes there were women who God blessed with understanding and who talk to families at a meeting in the home church. Philipp Jakob Spener had deep reservations about female prophets since their first appearance in the early 1690 more than A. H. Francke. Spener was essentially open to the possibility of ecstatic experiences and direct revelations from God, but soon began to analyze them, because the Bible warns of false prophets who will appear in the last days. Influenced by Spener, Francke finally rejected the authority of women's ecstatic experiences and the message they contained.
The purpose of the present essay is to analyse Elizaveta Skobtsova’s view on asceticism. She believes that the future of Christianity will depend on the Christians’ ability to reborn asceticism as “liturgy in the temple” based on unconditional love of our neighbour “which depicts the entire image of Christ in man.” Skobtsova believes that “face will be fiery and Christian deeds white. Tension will be incinerating and earned mercy will be winged.” We assume that, especially in her convent live, Skobtsova practised this kind of ascetic life, which in turn helped her to reach the highest level of moral perfection. A good example is the case which took place in the concentration camp in Ravensbrück. Skobtsova was hit by a female SS guard in the face with a belt as she was talking to a Russian girl. At that moment Mother Maria maintained absolute calm and did not even feel any animosity towards her executor.
In this paper we present the teachings of St. John Climacus about anger, from his work "Ladder of Divine Ascent": the phenomenon itself, its causes and effects, the way of fighting against it, and the monastic context of this struggle. According to St. John of the Ladder (as he is sometimes known), anger and gentleness are especially related to the eighth level (of thirty) of the spiritual ladder that leads to the pinnacle of love. The ladder is a picture and a metaphor, thus the sequence of phenomena it describes should not be understood literally. As to the development of passion, Climacus describes a sequence: sin – idleness – carelessness – passion – fall. He characterizes anger as a defect, and dispassion and gentleness as virtues. He describes the spiritual and moral effects of anger: agitation and bitterness of spirit, difficulties in prayer, a state of sin, and darkness of mind. The basis of fighting against anger is the will to relinquish self and to restrict self-love. Climacus also prescribes several practices as helpful in asceticism: repentance, humble acceptance of accusations and other unpleasant things, reciting the Psalms, meditating upon the Passion, and contemplation of one's own death. Climacus also considers the phenomenon of anger in the context of two forms of monastic life: common and hesychastic.
W artykule przedstawiliśmy myśl Jana Klimaka zawartą w jego dziele Drabina raju na temat gniewu: jego fenomenu, przyczyn i skutków, sposobu walki oraz jej monastycznego kontekstu. Gniew i łagodność według Jana Klimaka wiążą się szczególnie z ósmym stopniem drabiny duchowej prowadzącej do szczytu miłości. Drabina stanowi pewien obraz, metaforę, a kolejności opisywanych zjawisk nie należy rozumieć literalnie. Autor przedstawia rozwój namiętności, który można odnieść także do gniewu: grzech – bezczynność – niedbałość – namiętność – upadek. Dokonuje szczegółowej charakterystyki gniewu jako wady oraz niegniewliwości i łagodności jako cnoty. Opisuje skutki duchowe i moralne gniewu: wzburzenie i gorycz ducha, trudności w modlitwie, stan grzechu, ciemność umysłu. Podstawą walki z gniewem jest wola wyrzeczenia się siebie, to jest miłości własnej. Autor ukazuje też skruchę jako pomocny środek: przyjmowanie w pokorze oskarżeń i różnych przykrości, odmawianie Psalmów, rozważanie Męki Pańskiej, pamięć o śmierci. Zjawisko gniewu rozpatruje w kontekście dwóch form życia monastycznego: wspólnotowego i hezychastycznego.
Jerome’s meeting with Pelagius could be chance for them, but unfortunately – missed this chance. Saint Jerome shaped by idea of the West theology, but deeply fascinated by East. While Pelagius – too far in his vision of human nature optimistic had strayed into. He became disillusioned with this many people together and instead of typing the current orthodoxy, always will be associated with the heterodoxy. A way of looking at the world and the life environment have an impact on the asceticism Jerome and Pelagius. Jerome’s asceticism was based on the allegorical reading and meditation of the Holy Scriptures, while Pelagius represented the moralistic approach to Bible and Christian life. Jerome postulated the way of Christian pilgrimage to God, where faithful tackling weaknesses by the grace of God and ascetic practice. The good Christian by Jerome should imitate Christ, by honest work, prayer and ascetic practice, consequently – the choice of monastic life. Pelagius the purpose of life – proclaim the glory of God, understood as performing good deeds and practical morality. He wasn’t a Christian understanding of prayer, in exchange for that – he put great emphasis on the obligation to give away all the goods, as a fundamental human ethical excellence. Pelagius postulated already in earthly the community a believer with God, but conditioned by moral perfection.
Background and Aim. The authors will discuss the nature of the relationship between the various martial arts and the “psycho- physical culture”. We will approach this topic from the perspectives of the Humanistic Theory of Martial Arts, martial arts systemic anthropology, and the sociology of psycho-physical systems. Methods. The main method of research has been a qualitative content analysis of the literature (scientific and popular) acquired through a query library. We studied material gathered under the theme “Martial Arts” in the Library of the University of Rzeszow, as well as a list of recommended literature suggested by the International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (IMACSSS) Results. Four dimensions have been traditionally investigated to justify the assignment of martial arts to the area of psycho- physical culture. These are: (1) The presence in most martial arts of an original philosophy, especially one demanding a code of ethics: (2) A close, almost “genetic” relationships between martial arts and various applicable religious systems and traditions of applied social ethics; (3) The continuing emphasis on the area of physical culture as it relates to personality development and human spirituality; and (4) the presence in schools of martial arts of ceremonial events attached to “passages” in personal growth. Ascetic practice, as it is traditionally associated with the martial arts, reveals itself most often in the third of these dimensions. For example, when various forms of Budo are treated as educational systems, traditional ceremonies are associated with stages of personal maturity. Consequently, we best understand the martial arts as a form of psycho-physical culture. As much as possible, this would include the ‘internal arts’ of the discipline, and the smallest - “combat sports” which continue to be popular. Conclusions. Martial Arts, as a specific cultural phenomenon, are beyond the limited scope of popular sports culture and physical culture, and so any reductionist approach to their importance will not work. Martial arts must also be studied within the field of psycho-physical culture. This imperative applies especially to the ‘internal arts’ of the disciplines. The practice of various martial arts is always a key factor in an individual’s attainment of a full self-realization, but their mastery allows ongoing personal development across many diverse dimensions of personal growth.
Perspektywa teoretyczna i cel. Autorzy podjęli problem określenia relacji sztuk walki do „kultury psychofizycznej”, w tym do kultury wysokiej, stricte duchowej. Czynią to z perspektywy Humanistycznej Teorii Sztuk Walki, systemowej antropologii sztuk walki i socjologii systemów psychofizycznych. Metoda. Jako źródło przyjęto m.in. zbiór tematyczny „Sztuki walki” Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego i listę „Literatury rekomendowanej” przez International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society – Międzynarodowe Towarzystwo Naukowe Sztuk i Sportów Walki. Sięgnięto także do innej jeszcze literatury przedmiotu. Natomiast główną metodą badań jest jakościowa analiza treści literatury przedmiotu (naukowej i popularyzatorskiej), pozyskanej w drodze kwerendy bibliotecznej. Wyniki. Stwierdzono wystąpienie czterech kategorii uzasadniających przyporządkowanie sztuk walki do obszaru kultury psychofizycznej. Są to: (1) Obecność oryginalnej filozofii, a zwłaszcza etyki; (2) Genetyczne związki z różnymi systemami religijnymi (np. buddyzm, shintoizm, taoizm) i etyki społecznej (jak np. konfucjanizm); (3), Dzisiejsze cele wykraczające poza obszar kultury fizycznej, gdyż odnoszące się do osobowości i duchowości człowieka; i (4) obecność w szkołach sztuk walki specyficznego ceremoniału (rytuał, etykieta na sali ćwiczeń). Ascetyczna funkcja praktyki jest konkretyzacją kategorii trzeciej. Podobnie - cele ogólno-edukacyjne, gdy różne postaci budo traktujemy jako systemy edukacyjne. Łącznie uzasadnia to twierdzenie o konieczności określania sztuk walki, jako postaci kultury psychofizycznej. W największym stopniu dotyczyłoby to „stylów wewnętrznych”, w najmniejszym zaś – sportów walki. Wnioski. Sztuki walki, jako specyficzny fenomen kulturowy, wykraczają poza zakres kultury sportowej i kultury fizycznej, toteż błędne jest ich redukcjonistyczne postrzeganie. Powinny być rozpatrywane w obszarze kultury psychofizycznej. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza „stylów wewnętrznych”, ale nie tylko. Sztuki walki wielostronnie doskonalą człowieka i zachowują wymiar transgresyjny. Są też formą samorealizacji.
Każdy człowiek jest zaproszony do podjęcia odpowiedzialności za kształt własnego człowieczeństwa poprzez samowychowanie (ascezę). Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie w zarysie zasadniczych aspektów samowychowania chrześcijańskiego. Obejmuje on zarówno aspekty: antropologiczny i teologiczny, jak i psychologiczny, etyczno-moralny, społeczno-kulturowy i religijno-ascetyczny.
Every human being is invited to assume responsibility for the shape of his or her own humanity through self-education. The aim of this article is to outline the essential aspects of christian self-education. It covers both anthropological and theological aspects, as well as psychological, ethical-moral, socio-cultural and religious-ascetic aspects.
Vox Patrum
vol. 64
Prezentowany artykuł ma na celu ukazanie roli św. Atanazego Wielkiego w pro­pagowaniu życia monastycznego w jego dziełach: Żywocie świętego Antoniego, Listach do mnichów i Listach paschalnych. Na przykładzie św. Antoniego Atanazy ukazywał rolę, ważność i zalety życia poświęconego Bogu, z dala od świata. Atana­zy ukazuje się poprzez swe dzieła jako propagator monastycyzmu i życia ascetycz­nego, a jednocześnie obrońca ortodoksji. Dzięki jego pismom, monastycyzm, który wyrósł na egipskiej pustyni, stał się znany daleko poza Egiptem i stał się podstawą do tworzenia grup monastycznych w całym ówczesnym Imperium Rzymskim.
The article presents the teaching of Evagrius of Pontus on women. The author stresses the need to embed evagrian reflection in the context of strict monastic life and asceticism without which a monk of Pontus appears as mizoginist. Evagrius in his texts on women teaches anchorites three things. Firstly, it reminds them that they have chosen the life in the desert and should avoid any encounters with women. They have to stay rather in their cells praying instead of participating the local feasts and games. Secondly, it encourages that during the meetings on the occasion of spiritual direction monks should be extremely prudent and that this task is more proper to the senior monks. Thirdly, it teaches how to cleanse the soul and mind from the images of women.
Vox Patrum
vol. 70
The catalog of the heresies of Filastrius of Brescia, like other early Christian collections of informations about heterodox movements at the time, testifies the existence of groups characterized by excessively rigorous asceticism. Their des­cription is the subject of the article. Most of these unorthodox paramonastic mo­vements were based on the Gnostic and Manichean assumptions. The groups that accentuated the exaggerated role of prayer, among which the Messialians were the leaders, have gained wide coverage. Descriptions of their activities take up a lot of space in the early Christian catalogs of heresies, especially in the case of John of Damascus. Filastrius, however, for some reason misguided the activity of the Messalians. This fact requires a careful treatment of the historical credibility of his work on heresies.
vol. 61
issue 2: Teologia Dogmatyczna
Death is an inherent part of the human fate as a difficult and unpredictable experience. As a phenomenon it appears in others constantly. When it affects a specific man, death becomes something exceptional and unique. The man dies in fact only once and this one time is final. However, in a common confidence various forms of dying are said to be connected with God. The formula “die in the Lord” is universal although ambiguous in its meaning. The above article aims to give possible interpretations of “dying in the Lord” and to point at their consequences for eschatology.
Śmierć wpisana jest w los człowieka jako doświadczenie trudne i nieprzewidywalne. Jako zjawisko u innych spotykane jest nieustannie. Kiedy dotyka konkretnego człowieka, staje się czymś wyjątkowym i niepowtarzalnym. Człowiek umiera faktycznie tylko raz i ten jeden raz jest definitywny. W powszechnym przeświadczeniu mówi się jednak o rożnych formach umierania łącząc je z Bogiem. Formuła „umierać w Panu” jest powszechna, ale niejednoznaczna w swym znaczeniu. Niniejszy artykuł próbuje dać trzy możliwe interpretacje „umierania w Panu” oraz wskazać na ich konsekwencje dla eschatologii.
Artykuł opisuje na podstawie dzieła Jana Klimaka "Drabina do raju", czym jest stan acedii i jakie są metody jego zwalczania oraz sposoby oddalania od siebie namiętności. Acedia już od starożytności utożsamiana była z apatią i ogólnym zniechęceniem do życia. Mnisi, którzy odczuwali taki marazm tracili również wszelką nadzieję na zbawienie i nie kontynuowali wysiłków ascetycznych, lecz próżnie trwonili czas oddając się rozmowom z różnymi ludźmi. Tacy asceci stawali się bardzo pobudzeni i gadatliwi oraz nienaturalnie poszukiwali sobie towarzystwa. Zniechęceni pustelnicy nie skupiali się na modlitwie, a nawet odczuwali wewnętrznie gniew, obwiniając innych oraz Boga za stan, w którym się znaleźli. Tracili oni pierwotną gorliwość i stawali się niedbali w swojej praktyce ascetycznej. największe osłabienie w ciągu dnia atakowało ich około szóstej godziny dnia, a wówczas ogarniał ich tzw. demon południa, który pobudzał ich do ucieczki z własnej celi i zmiany miejsca zamieszkania oraz doprowadzał do ulegania innym namiętnościom. Jan Klimak podaje różne metody walki z acedią. Do nich zalicza praktykę milczenia, unikanie częstego towarzystwa gości, czuwanie oraz ciągłą aktywność umysłową i duchową, naprzemienne wykonywanie pracy ręcznej i modlitwy, trwałość w jednym miejscu, a także rozważanie śmierci i żal za grzechy.
This paper describes the basis of the work of John Climacus' "Ladder of Paradise". what is the state of acedia and what are the methods to combat it and how to move away from each other passions. Acedia has since ancient times been equated with apathy and general apathy towards life. The monks, who felt such apathy also lost all hope of salvation and ascetic efforts contunued but vain squandered time indulging in conversations with different people. These ascetics became very excited and talkative and unnatural looking for the company. Discouraged hermits not focused on prayer, and even feel anger internally blaming others and God for the state in wich they find themselves. They lost the impetus and become lax in their practice ascetic.The biggest weakness in the day attacked them about the sixth hour of the day, and then seized them so, demon of the south, which spurred them to escape from his cell and change of residence and drove to yield to other passions. John Climacus provides various methods to combat acedia. These include above all the practice of silence, avoiding the frequent association guests, ensuring a continuous activity and mental and spiritual, stagger the manual labor and prayer, persistence in one place as well as the consideration of death and sorrow for sin.
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