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Problémy s asistovanou sebevraždou

The article continues a debate about doctor-assisted suicide began by Marek Vácha and Tomáš Hříbek. I criticise Hříbek’s consequentialism and his argument concerning the autonomy of the patient which is inconsistent. In conclusion I present arguments against the usefulness of the concept of assisted suicide and against its possible legalisation.
Alternative, folk, and state medicine services intersect in the spheres of voluntary assistance and joint financing, donation medicine, charity movement, and solidary charity. Voluntary activity involves many people in different age groups and with different opportunities, and is wider than changes in lifestyle and an inherent turn to local activities and stances. The global trend remains in the transitional area of different domains, yet its deeply humane message, joint assistance to people in an emergency situation, constitutes the continuation of traditional means of assistance in today’s society. Charity medicine has opened up new topics for humanitarian studies. The article discusses the state and local institutions’ supportive activities for health care and, for example, for the coping strategies of people with severe health damage, as well as the support provided by different media channels for people with health issues, and voluntary help based on personal free will. The article focuses on the following questions: What is the status of solidarity in today’s medicine and welfare services? What are the characteristics, approaches, and results of charity medicine in Estonia? What questions are raised by charity? Do we deal with only medical and health issues or with human fractals?
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Utilitarismus, nacismus a eutanazie

The article is an answer to prof. Munzarová who criticised my defence of physician‑assisted suicide. The article points to shortcomings in the reply of prof. Munzarová which flow from the author’s underestimation of normative theory. Among these shortcomings are the ignoring of the arguments of her opponent; her calling into question the moral credit of the proponents of the competing theory (utilitarianism) rather than a critical analysis; unclear theoretical principles (a switching between paternalism and autonomy, the presentation of the “principle of double-effect” as the standpoint of common sense); an unconvincing version of the “argument of the slippery slope” (ignoring the diametrical differences between the contemporary demand of some patients for assisted death and the Nazi programme of involuntary euthanasia).
Článek je odpovědí prof. Munzarové, jež kritizovala mou obhajobu sebevraždy za asistence lékaře. Článek upozorňuje na nedostatky v replice prof. Munzarové, jež plynou z autorčina podceňování normativní teorie. Mezi tyto nedostatky patří: přehlížení argumentů oponenta; zpochybňování morálního kreditu nositelů konkurenční teorie (utilitarismu) namísto její kritické analýzy; nevyjasněná vlastní teoretická východiska (lavírování mezi paternalismem a autonomií, vydávání „principu dvojího účinku“ za stanovisko zdravého rozumu); nepřesvědčivá verze „argumentu kluzkého svahu“ (ignorování diametrálních rozdílů mezi současnými požadavky některých pacientů na asistovanou smrt a nacistickým programem nedobrovolné eutanazie).
This article undertakes to show the way that has led to the statutory decriminalization of euthanasia-related murder and assisted suicide in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It presents the evolution of the views held by Dutch society on the euthanasia related practice, in the consequence of which death on demand has become legal after less than thirty years. Due attention is paid to the role of organs of public authority in these changes, with a particular emphasis put on the role of the Dutch Parliament – the States General. Because of scarcity of space and limited length of the article, the change in the attitudes toward euthanasia, which has taken place in the Netherlands, is presented in a synthetic way – from the first discussions on admissibility of a euthanasia-related murder carried out in the 1970s, through the practice of killing patients at their request, which was against the law at that time, but with years began more and more acceptable, up to the statutory decriminalization of euthanasia by the Dutch Parliament, made with the support of the majority of society.
The present article is part of a dense literature – result of a perennial debate – that has polarized societies for a long time and has evident reverberations in the present. It deals with “the right to death”, trying to offer some answers referring to its existence in fact and the way in which it is perceived by different states and diverse entities with juridical nature. In the first part of the paper, it is insisted upon the right to life, so that subsequently, to speak in detail about a “right to death” and the moral and juridical implications of using such phrases. There are analyzed different states of the world found on one part or the other of the barricade in what concerns the legality of euthanasia and assisted suicide – considered the two hypostasis of the right in question. It is offered, as well, an analysis of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, mentioning that, paradoxically, while it cannot be modified so that it allows the appearance of some new rights, it can tacitly accept the creation by some states that have adhered to it of some rights antagonistic with those presented in its text. The conclusion, is that not any liberalization movement of a social action – quantified through the request of a right – has as a direct result a progress of the respective society, especially when the action creates something diametrically opposed to some fundamental functioning norms, such as, by excellence, the granting of the protection of life of all individuals.
In the Republic of Austria, until the end of 2021, supporting an individual in his or her suicide was punishable by the law which reads as follows: „Whoever incites or assists another person to commit suicide shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of between six months and five years”. The Constitutional Tribunal (Verfassungsgerichtshof - VfGH), in a court ruling of 11 December 2020, lifted the prohibition of assisting in suicide, with effect from 1 January 2022. At the same time, VfGH called on the legislator to adopt abuse prevention measures. The executive and legislative bodies responded to the VfGH’s call and as a result changed the law in Austria with regard to assisted suicide in early 2022 in a way that corresponds to the interpretation of constitutional regulations by the VfGH. The aim of the paper is to analyse and assess the scope and significance of the normative change in the Austrian legal system initiated by the VfGH ruling. In the course of the undertaken research, the hypothesis was verified that on January 1, 2022, there was a change in the Austrian legal system of fundamental significance in terms of the most important fundamental rights of an individual, in particular his/her right to self-determination. The research was conducted primarily with the use of the dogmatic-legal method.
Suicide is still one of the most stigmatized types of death, arousing controversy. There exists its special type: assisted suicide in which a one kills themselves with the help of another person. It is very interesting to compare the psychological consequences of these two forms of death for the suicide survivors – that is, the relatives of the ones who took their own lives. While there are many similarities between suicide and assisted suicide, certain "technical differences" between them can significantly affect the later functioning of the survivors. In the case of "ordinary" suicide, we distinguish factors that make it difficult to survive bereavement, while assisted suicide may sometimes also have a facilitating effect on this process. The literature review shows that suicide survivors experience a higher sense of guilt (exacerbated by sometimes felt relief), anger, abandonment and responsibility, and lower support and acceptance than the relatives of other deceased. Interestingly, they do not necessarily suffer from mental disorders more often, but they are more stigmatized and feel the need to hide the circumstances of their loved ones’ death. People left after the assisted suicide also sometimes experience emotions such as relief and a sense of abandonment, they tend to distance themselves from others and hide the truth about the death of their loved ones (in this case also because of the fear of legal consequences). The most significant differences, important for the later experience of bereavement, are the possibility of saying goodbye, as well as the belief that they provided their loved ones the "good death". These factors make it much easier to mourn, reduce the traumatic experience of grief. However, there are other factors potentially complicating bereavement – research shows that assisting in suicide correlates with certain mental disorders. This may be, for example, because of ethical doubts that this practice raises, conflict with the value system, potential remorse, alienation from the community after condemning such an act, fear of legal consequences and doubts if assisting in a suicide was a right decision.
Death with dignity is very often equated with euthanasia and assisted suicide, which are regulated as prohibited acts in articles 150 and 151 of the Polish Penal Code Act of 6 June 1997. However, the media discussion between supporters and opponents of legalization of euthanasia, which is heating up especially when there are cases of terminally ill people who publicly demand the right to a dignified death without pain and suffering, which would entail the decriminalization of euthanasia and assisted sicide in national law. In the European Union, there are no uniform solutions in this respect and each of the member countries can adapt its internal legislation to its own legal regulations. The article points to the definitions and types of death as a legal and medical event, an analysis of existing legal regulations in Polish law related to euthanasia and its variants including assisted suicide. Additionally, it clarifies important legal doubts related to the existence of the right to a death with dignity as a normative category resulting from the Constitution and a cautious approach of the direction of changes in law in this area in the nearest future – proposing the adoption of a specific legal model due to the approach to the legalization of euthanasia within the European Union and changes in views on euthanasia in the opinion and public awareness in recent times.
The article concerns the issue of admissibility of assisted suicide in Poland and Germany. The main research question is the possibility of accepting the right of an individual to commit suicide and to apply for help of the third party in this matter. The analysis of this issue has been made by comparing Polish and German regulations, with particular attention paid to the judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court issued in February 2020. The existence of the right to suicide would have to influence the perception of not only the suicide itself and the possible provision of medical assistance to persons committing a suicide attack, but also assisted suicide in form of providing resources or assistance to persons intending to commit suicide. Before the judgment was delivered, the legal assessment of such behaviour under German law depended on the relationship between the person who provided the assistance and the suicide - the institutions which provide assistance for suicide in an organised manner (for example the Swiss association „Dignitas”) were prohibited. In Poland, on the other hand, there is a dispute concerning the assessment of assisted suicide – part of the doctrine considers this to be an activity prohibited by Article 151 of the Polish Penal Code, while others considers that this provision does not apply to aid granted at the initiative of a future suicide. Therefore, the German experience is helpful in assessing the issue of admissibility of assisted suicide, especially discussion about the former regulation. The article presents criminal law regulations in both countries and an analysis of the adoption of the right to commit suicide in the Polish legal system. 
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy kwestii dopuszczalności samobójstwa wspomaganego w Polsce i w Niemczech. Głównym pytaniem badawczym jest możliwość przyjęcia prawa jednostki do popełnienia samobójstwa oraz do ubiegania się o pomoc w dokonaniu tego zamiaru. Analiza tej kwestii została dokonana poprzez porównanie regulacji polskiej i niemieckiej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wyroku Federalnego Trybunału Konstytucyjnego wydanego w lutym 2020 roku. Przyjęcie istnienia prawa do samobójstwa musiałoby wpłynąć na postrzeganie nie tylko samego samobójstwa i ewentualnego udzielania pomocy medycznej osobom dokonującym zamachu samobójczego, lecz również samobójstwa wspomaganego, czyli dostarczania środków lub pomocy intelektualnej osobom zamierzającym popełnić samobójstwo. Przed wydaniem wspomnianego wyroku ocena prawna takiego zachowania według prawa niemieckiego zależała od relacji osoby udzielającej pomocy oraz samobójcy została zabroniona działalność instytucji zajmujących się udzielaniem pomocy do samobójstwa w sposób zorganizowany (np. znanego szwajcarskiego stowarzyszenia „Dignitas”). W Polsce natomiast istnieje spór dotyczący oceny samobójstwa wspomaganego – część doktryny uznaje to za działanie zabronione przez art. 151 k.k., część natomiast uznaje, że przepis ten nie dotyczy pomocy udzielanej z inicjatywy przyszłego samobójcy. W związku z tym do oceny zagadnienia dopuszczalności samobójstwa wspomaganego pomocne są doświadczenia niemieckie, zwłaszcza związane  z uchylonym zakazem działalności wyspecjalizowanych organizacji. Artykuł prezentuje regulacje prawnokarne w obu państwach oraz analizę przyjęcia prawa do popełnienia samobójstwa w polskim systemie prawnym. 
The essay is a reference to the statement of Professor T. Kaczmarek about the human right to a good death in Polish law. The starting point is recalling the provisions constituting the normative autonomy for refusing life-saving medical interventions, refusing abortion needed to save the lives or health of pregnant women and consent to organ donation ex vivo. These normative regulations are confronted with the criminalisation of the murder at the request of the victim (and under the influence of sympathy for her) and assisted suicide, as well as provisions permitting the forced treatment. The common ground is the principle of proportionality, as well as the provisions of the Constitution defining the protection of life and health, and the right to self-determination about personal life.
Wprowadzenie: Fundamentalnym prawem człowieka jest prawo do życia. Eutanazja definiowana jako przyspieszenie śmierci w celu skrócenia cierpień chorego na jego życzenie, czyli śmierć zadana, sprzeciwiająca się śmierci naturalnej jest bardzo kontrowersyjnym tematem. Celem badań było poznanie opinii studentów na temat eutanazji. Materiał i metody: W badaniach zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, jako technikę wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety własnej konstrukcji. Badania przeprowadzono wśród 100 studentów studiów niestacjonarnych II stopnia, kierunku Pielęgniarstwo, Wydziału Zdrowia i Nauk Medycznych Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego. Wyniki: Analiza materiału badanego wykazała, że większość ankietowanych sprzeciwia się prawnej legalizacji: eutanazji czynnej (60%), eutanazji biernej (56%), eutanazji dzieci (83%), samobójstwa wspomaganego (82%), eutanazji dokonywanej bez zgody i wiedzy chorego (95%). Stwierdzono istotną zależność między popieraniem legalizacji eutanazji czynnej a uznawanymi wartościami chi2(1) = 6,42; p = 0,011 oraz między popieraniem legalizacji samobójstwa wspomaganego a uznawanymi wartościami chi2(1) = 8,63; p = 0,003.Wnioski: 1) Większość badanych nie popiera legalizacji eutanazji oraz samobójstwa wspomaganego; 2) Uznawane wartości miały wpływ na opinie ankietowanych dotyczące legalizacji eutanazji i samobójstwa wspomaganego.
Introduction: The fundamental human right is the right to life. Euthanasia is defined as intentionally ending a life in order to end the suffering of the sick person at his request. This is a very controversial topic. The aim of the study was to examine attitudes of students towards euthanasia. Material and methods: In the study, a diagnostic survey method and a questionnaire of our own design were used. The study was conducted among 100 part-time students of the nursing second degree at Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University. Results: Analysis of the research material showed that the majority of respondents opposed legalization: active euthanasia (60%), passive euthanasia (56%), euthanasia of children (83%), assisted suicide (82%), euthanasia carried out without the knowledge and agreement of the patient (95%). There was a significant correlation between promoting legalization of active euthanasia and recognized values (chi2 (1) = 6.42; p = 0.011) and promoting the legalization of assisted suicide and recognized values (chi2 (1) = 8.63; p = 0.003). Conclusions: 1) Most respondents do not support the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide; 2) Recognized values infl uence the opinions of respondents regarding the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
The article concerns the criminal law assessment of participation in suicide, based on the statutory offense model of regulation concerning driving to killing oneself adopted in the Polish Criminal Code of 1997. This deliberation starts with the social and normative perceptions of suicidal behaviour. Arguments covering the position of the modern legal system, which presumes that suicide is not acriminal act, are presented. The article pays attention to the multiplicity of motivations, starting with arguments on the rights and freedom of an individual, next analysing points of a praxeological, political and criminal character and finishing with elements of ahumanitarian nature. Stopping the punishment of suicide in the causative form leads to the exclusion of a possibility of prosecution, which is based on the general rule of the non-causative form of involvement in another person’s suicide. This shows that there is aneed to criminalise these types of behaviour within the limits of an automatic type of crime. The central subject of this article is the analysis of the ratio legis of criminalisation of driving the other person to committing suicide, discussing the form of its implementation and the dogmatic interpretation of its statutory definition, despite there being alot of doubt found in the legal literature about its interpretation. The article makes an attempt to explain the main points. There are also selected elements of this crime found in foreign regulations based on the construction of certain features of Art. 151 of the Criminal Code. Comparison of the legal status of the incitement to suicide regulations in Polish law with their equivalent in foreign legal systems allowed the definition of the main rules shaping the crime in modern criminal law and pointed out those rules which appear to be universal. There is also mention of the conclusions de lege ferenda. In the literature there is a very strong emphasis on the lack of a statutory definition of the crime in Art. 151 of the Criminal Code. This elaboration makes an attempt to indicate the possible directions of modification of the current shape of the definition of this crime.
This article covers the criminal law assessment of participation in suicide, based on the statutory offense model of regulation concerning driving someone to killing themselves adopted in the Polish Criminal Code of 1997. This deliberation starts with the social and normative perceptions of suicidal behaviour. Arguments concerning the position of the modern legal system, which presumes that suicide is not a criminal act, are presented. The article pays attention to the multiplicity of motivations, starting with arguments on the rights and freedom of an individual, next analysing points of the praxeological, political and criminal character and finishing with elements of a humanitarian nature. Stopping the punishment of suicide in the causative form leads to the exclusion of the possibility of prosecution, which is based on the general rule of the non-causative form of involvement in another person’s suicide. This shows there is a need to criminalise these types of behaviour within the limits of an automatic type of crime. The central theme of this article is the analysis of the ratio legis of criminalisation of driving other person to committing suicide, discussing the form of its implementation and the dogmatic interpretation of its statutory definition, despite there being a lot of doubt found in the legal literature about its interpretation. This article makes an attempt to explain the main points. There are also selected elements of this crime found in foreign regulations based on the construction of certain features of Art. 151 of the Criminal Code. Comparison of the legal status of the incitement to suicide regulations in Polish Law with its equivalent in foreign legal systems allowed the definition of the main rules shaping the crime in modern criminal law and pointed out those rules which appear to be universal. There is also mention of the conclusions de lege ferenda. In the literature there is a very strong emphasis on the lack of statutory definition of the crime in Art. 151 of the Criminal Code. This elaboration makes an attempt to indicate the possible directions of modification of the current shape of the definition of this crime.
The main goal of the article is to analyse the key elements of the living will in Italy and present the dispute regarding the understanding of the conscience clause of healthcare professionals. In the country on the Tiber, a law on the living will was passed in 2017. A living will consists in the anticipatory expression of ‘will’, by an adult or legal guardian acting in full possession of their mental faculties, concerning the possible administration or discontinuation of certain medical therapies in the future. The conscience clause, on the other hand, means the right to refuse to take such actions, which a particular person considers to be contrary to their personal convictions. The Italian law on the living will does not contain a provision on the conscience clause. For this reason, an ethical and legal problem arose for healthcare professionals, who refused to comply with the wishes of their patients for moral or religious reasons, for example by discontinuing artificial hydration or nutrition,  thus, leading to the patient’s death. The ethical and legal dispute in Italy is part of a contemporary global debate on conscience clauses, euthanasia, assisted suicide, human rights, and the dignity of human life. Analyses have shown that healthcare professionals should be guaranteed the right, not to perform such medical procedures, which are contrary to their moral and religious convictions.
Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza najważniejszych elementów testamentu życia we Włoszech oraz prezentacja sporu dotyczącego klauzuli sumienia pracowników służby zdrowia. W kraju nad Tybrem ustawa dotycząca testamentu życia została uchwalona w 2017 r. Testament życia polega na antycypującym wyrażeniu woli przez osobę pełnoletnią lub opiekuna prawnego, dokonanym w warunkach pełnej przytomności umysłowej, dotyczącym ewentualnego podjęcia lub zaniechania w przyszłości różnego rodzaju terapii medycznych. Z kolei klauzula sumienia oznacza prawo do odmowy podjęcia tych działań, które konkretny człowiek uznaje za niezgodne z własnymi przekonaniami światopoglądowymi. Włoska ustawa o testamencie życia nie zawiera zapisu o klauzuli sumienia. Z tego powodu powstał problem etyczno-prawny dotyczący personelu medycznego, który z racji moralnych czy religijnych nie chce spełniać życzenia pacjentów, aby zaprzestać m.in. sztucznego nawadniania i karmienia, doprowadzając w ten sposób do ich śmierci. Włoski spór etyczno-prawny stanowi część współczesnej debaty o charakterze globalnym, dotyczącej klauzuli sumienia, eutanazji, samobójstwa wspomaganego, praw człowieka i godności życia ludzkiego. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, że pracownicy służby zdrowia powinni mieć zagwarantowane prawo do niepodejmowania tych zabiegów medycznych, które są sprzeczne z ich przekonaniami moralnymi i religijnymi.
Автор анализирует взгляды Сенеки Младшего и Марка Аврелия на тему самоубийства. Указывая на аргументы стоиков за применение ассистируемой смерти в обыденной жизни, автор обсуждает актуальную юридическую проблему помощи при самоубийстве. Он поднимает вопрос, как далеко законы должны вмешиваться в волю человека, отказывая ей в юридической защите и превращая волю в преступление.
The author analyses the views of Seneca the Younger and Marcus Aurelius on suicide. Pointing to the arguments of the Stoics for practicing assisted death in everyday life, the author discusses the topical issue of legal assisted suicide. He takes up the question of how far the laws should interfere in the will of man, resignation from its legal protection and turning the will into the crime.
Not so long ago, just less than half a century ago, a Catholic funeral was denied to those who committed suicide. Today, however, in countries where euthanasia and especially so-called assisted suicide is legalised or tolerated, a whole new pastoral problem arises. Namely, it happens that people who choose assisted suicide ask at the same time for a priest to be present at their death. Some even ask for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to be administered to them before they take the lethal substance. The aim of this article is to highlight the issue of the pastoralist's attitude towards assisted suicide. First, the socio-cultural conditions favouring euthanasia will be introduced. Then, a distinction will be made between euthanasia and assisted suicide. Next, the position of the Catholic Church on the administration of the sacraments to persons who have decided to voluntarily shorten their lives will be presented. The conclusions of the analysis lead to a clarification of how accompanying persons contemplating assisted suicide by a chaplain is to be understood.
Jeszcze nie tak dawno, bo niespełna pół wieku temu, odmawiano katolickiego pogrzebu osobom, które dopuściły się samobójstwa. Dzisiaj natomiast w krajach, w których jest zalegalizowana lub tolerowana eutanazja, a zwłaszcza tzw. wspomagane samobójstwo, pojawia się zupełnie nowy problem duszpasterski. Zdarza się mianowicie, że osoby, które decydują się na wspomagane samobójstwo, proszą jednocześnie, aby przy ich śmierci był obecny kapłan. Niektórzy nawet zwracają się z prośbą o udzielenie im sakramentu namaszczenia chorych, zanim zażyją śmiercionośny preparat. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na problem postawy duszpasterza wobec wspomaganego samobójstwa. Najpierw zostaną przybliżone społeczno-kulturowe uwarunkowania sprzyjające eutanazji, następnie dokonane rozróżnienie jej od wspomaganego samobójstwa. Dalej będzie przedstawione stanowisko Kościoła katolickiego w sprawie udzielania sakramentów osobom, które zdecydowały się na dobrowolne skrócenie sobie życia. Wnioski z analizy prowadzą do wyjaśnienia, jak należy rozumieć duszpasterskie towarzyszenie osobom rozważającym wspomagane samobójstwo.
The main purpose of this article is to analyse the ideas presented and formulated by Seneca the Younger and Marcus Aurelius on topics related to suicide. At the same time I also try to present their importance and validity in various debates based on both legal and philosophical aspects to allow assisted suicide and euthanasia. Assisted death (suicide) presents a serious issue in a legal sense, as we witness some sort of collision between our statement of will in relation to our life, and, on the other hand, attempting suicide or aiding someone to commit suicide, both of which are considered criminal offences in a large number of legal systems around the world. In numerous debates on assisted suicide it needs to be remembered that even in liberal thoughts emphasized by Stoics there are certain limitations and restrictions. However, this article is not only concerned with Stoics’ thoughts and arguments in favour of assisted suicide in everyday life but it is also an attempt to emphasize the legal aspects of aiding someone in committing suicide. Finally, the article brings up the question of how far the law should interfere into a human will despite protecting it and turning a will into an offence.
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Eutanazie a klasický hedonismus

The overall aim of the article “Hedonism and Euthanasia” is to illustrate the complex interplay between hedonism as a theory of welfare and the problem of the rationality of suicide, assisted suicide and euthanasia. The article is divided into three parts. In the first part, it provides a succinct description of hedonism culminating in the definition of standard hedonism. The second part deals with the problem of whether death can in some (exceptional) circumstances represent a rationally justifiable choice. The third and final part combines consequentialism with standard hedonism, obtaining standard utilitarianism, and sets forth a straightforward argument for the conclusion that assisted death might be an ethically acceptable (even obligatory) choice. However, hedonism is shown to be an inadequate theory of good life and, consequently, the ethical argument for assisted death is rejected.
Hlavním cílem článku Hedonismus a eutanazie je ilustrovat komplexní vztahy mezi hédonismem jako teorií welfare a problémem racionality sebeusmrcení, asistovaného sebeusmrcení a eutanazie. Článek je rozdělený na tři části. První část přináší stručný popis hédonismu a vrcholí definicí standardního hédonismu. Druhá část se věnuje problému, zda smrt může v některých (výjimečných) situacích představovat racionálně ospravedlnitelnou volbu. Třetí a konečná část spojuje konsekvencialismus s tradičním hédonismem do standardního utilitarismu a předkládá přímý argument ve prospěch závěru, že asistovaná smrt může být eticky přijatelnou (dokonce povinnou) volbou. Ukazuje však, že hédonismus není adekvátní teorií dobrého života, a proto nakonec etický argument ve prospěch asistované smrti odmítá.
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