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The aim of the article was to analyse the challenges and opportunities of marketing in the multi-channel distribution. On the basis of the literature, the author tried to present the issue of building the multi-channel brand and specifis of customer relationship management in multi-channel environment. In addition, attention was drawn to the phenomenon of the gradual disappearance of the differences between the channels of distribution and communication channels.
Celem artykułu była analiza wyzwań i możliwości marketingowych w dystrybucji multikanałowej. Na podstawie analizy literatury została przedstawiona m.in. problematyka budowania marki multikanałowej. Omówiono także specyfię zarządzania relacjami z klientami w środowisku multikanałowym. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę na zjawisko stopniowego zanikania różnic między kanałami dystrybucji a kanałami komunikacji.
Due to the scarcity in natural resources and the demand for green labour and economy, education for sustainable development (ESD) gained a great importance in developed countries, let alone developing ones. From this point of view, this paper is studying the possibility of infusing ESD in Egypt after one and a half years since January 2011 youth revolution. A primary data gathering method was conducted within a sample of 79 young undergraduate people (67 from the American University in Cairo and 12 fresh graduates from conventional educational systems). The results indicated that there is a positive relationship between high cultural resources along with early childhood awareness and ESD adoption and infusion. Also, Spearman’s rank association test showed a negative relationship between ESD infusion and the satisfaction level of the current conventional curriculum. On the other hand, Spearman’s rank association test showed that α is greater than 0.05; accordingly, there was no correlation between ESD infusion if introduced within the curriculum of an existing well-established university than if introduced as the final outcome of a new university specialised in ESD. The paper highlights the importance of ESD brand associations offered as a service product. After validating the hypothesis, the author discusses the findings and provides solid recommendations for ESD infusion in Egypt.
W ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad branding stał się istotnym elementem kształtującym podejście marketingowe polegające na współdziałaniu wielu zainteresowanych stron, które powinny współpracować z sobą w celu osiągnięcia pożądanego rezultatu w procesie zarządzania marką obszaru recepcji turystycznej (ORT). Celem głównym artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji brandingu ORT oraz zaprezentowanie praktycznych aspektów jej wdrażania przez narodowe organizacje turystyczne funkcjonujące na świecie. W artykule przyjęto hipotezę badawczą zakładającą, że branding stanowi bardzo ważną część działań podejmowanych przez NTO w ramach procesu zarządzania krajowym ORT pomimo faktu, że nie należy on do zadań, które można by zaliczyć do priorytetowych dla tego typu organizacji. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że zdecydowana większość badanych NTO uznało działania podejmowane w ramach brandingu za jeden z kluczowych aspektów zarządzania, m.in. marką obszarów recepcji turystycznej.
With reference to the current situation of national public hospitals, the article presents the possibility to implement the Lean Management concept in hospital management. Numerous common features connecting the management of commercial entities with the management of healthcare institutions are indicated. It has been stated that the management of contemporary organizations, regardless of the type of conducted operations, needs to focus on customer/patient satisfaction, financial liquidity and high quality. The purpose of the article is to assess the possibility to implement the Lean Management concept in hospitals. In particular, an attempt was made on the basis of a pilot survey to assess the introduction of the above concept in two selected hospitals. Critical analysis of the literature on the subject, the analysis of research results of other authors, casual interview, observation of practice as well as a survey based on the prepared questionnaire were used to achieve the purpose.
Celem artykułu jest ukazane działań oraz sposobów i zakresu zaangażowania różnego rodzaju interesariuszy w proces kształtowania marki regionu za granicą. W tym celu przeprowadzono pół ustrukturyzowane wywiady indywidualne z jednym pracownikiem każdego z wybranych pięciu biur regionalnych w Brukseli. Analizie poddano istotę i motywy kształtowania marki regionu, postrzeganie roli biur regionalnych oraz sposób zaangażowania grup interesariuszy w proces. Wyniki wykazały, że wszystkie analizowane województwa widzą potrzebę posiadania silnej międzynarodowej marki. Jest to możliwe po uprzednim zidentyfikowaniu i zbudowaniu tożsamość regionu. W procesie budowania marki zaangażowane powinny być wszystkie grupy interesariuszy. Ze względu na ograniczony czas badania i brak zgody niektórych regionów na udział w badaniu, rekomenduje się uwzględnienie w dalszych badaniach pozostałych polskich województw, a także uwzględnienie pomiarów i skuteczności prowadzonych działań z zakresu brandingu.
The aim of this article is to illustrate measures as well as means and range of involvement taken by different types of stakeholders in the process of region’s branding abroad. For this purpose semi-structured individual interviews with one employee from each of five selected regional offices have been conducted in Brussels. The essence and motives of the region’s branding, the role of regional offices and the involvement of stakeholders in the whole process have been analyzed. The results of the analysis indicate that all analyzed voivodships recognize the need to possess a strong, international brand, which can be achieved after identifying and creating region’s identity. In the process of branding all groups of stakeholders should be involved. Due to the limited duration of the study and the lack of agreement of some regions to participate in it, it is recommended to consult other Polish voivodships in further studies and to analyze measurements and the effectiveness of performed actions concerning branding.
W ostatnich latach branding narodowy cieszy się coraz większym zainteresowaniem wśród środowisk akademickich. W dobie globalizacji dostrzega się coraz wyraźniej konieczność dbania o odpowiedni wizerunek i postrzeganie państw na arenie międzynarodowej. Istotnym elementem w budowaniu wizerunków państw są zasoby miękkiej siły, jakimi dysponują państwa. Celem artykułu jest weryfikacja hipotezy, zgodnie z którą społeczeństwo obywatelskie może zostać uznane za jeden z cennych zasobów wpływających pozytywnie na budowanie silnej marki państwa. W tym celu analizie poddane zostały najistotniejsze rankingi brandingowe z uwzględnieniem pozycji uzyskiwanej przez Szwecję, służącą jako państwo modelowe o silnym i rozbudowanym społeczeństwie obywatelskim.
In recent years, nation branding attracts interest of scholars and academic environment. In the era of globalisation, the need to care for propoer image and perception of a state in international environment becomes even more apparent. Soft power resources are a vital element in creating a strong nation brand. The aim of the article is to verify hipothesis stating that civil society can be perceived as a soft power resource used in building the brand. Therefore, the proposed research is conducted by analysing most significant branding rankings with respect to the positions reached by Sweden, used as a model state with strong civil society.
The text describes brand promotion in the new new audio-visual media (Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube) that become main channels for reaching a desired target group. It includes case study of two selected brands and their profiles in the discussed social media. These are: FMCG brand Coca-Cola Poland and chain of cosmetics stores Sephora Poland. The aim of the work is not only to show the differences between discussed social media that belong to one brand, but also to show different ways to manage profiles by companies from different sectors.
Nowe nowe media audiowizualne (Snapchat, Instagram i YouTube) stają się głównymi kanałami dotarcia do grupy docelowej, a tym samym są coraz częściej wykorzystywane przy promocji marek komercyjnych. W tekście zawarte są case study dwóch wybranych marek i ich profili w omawianych mediach społecznościowych: firmy z sektora FMCG Coca-Cola Polska i sieci perfumerii Sephora Polska. Celem pracy jest nie tylko wykazanie różnic między mediami społecznościowymi jednej marki, lecz także pokazanie różnych sposobów na zarządzanie profilami przez firmy z różnych sektorów.
This study presents various perspectives on cultural communication issues, in the context of globalization and political and economic transformation in Poland and Bulgaria since the democratic revolution of the 1989. Poland and Bulgaria have old historical and cultural relations, defined and developed institutionally in different spheres of social life at the be-ginning of the twentieth century. Cultural cooperation is a kind of catalyst for the country’s foreign policy: maintains the historical, ethnic, and regional cooperation, symbolizes the successes, compensates for the negative relations and is an indirect tool for deepening the breakthrough in bilateral relations. Nowadays, branding models are used to promote the image of countries as a tool of the public diplomacy. This article examines the dynamic role of the changes in the cross-cultural communication. The article draws on the most important cultural and scientific publications and literature to argue that building this cultural coopera-tion has its roots in the capability to mobilize and use culture as a resource for collaborative action between Poland and Bulgaria.
Pozytywny wizerunek państwa w oczach opinii międzynarodowej staje się rzeczą bezcenną. Państwa dążą, za pomocą strategii promocji i brandingu narodowego, do zbudowania i utrwalenia w świadomości odbiorców kraju jako marki narodowej. Jednym z elementów tej strategii jest wykorzystanie sportu, który ze względu na swoją rosnącą popularność odgrywa coraz większe rolę w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Najpopularniejszą techniką stosowaną przy kreacji wizerunku jest organizacja wydarzenia sportowego o zasięgu światowym – igrzysk olimpijskich. Ukazanie siebie w roli dobrego gospodarza, organizatora i zarządcy wpływa na przypisanie państwu dobrej reputacji, a ta ma niebagatelne znaczenie w relacjach między uczestnikami areny międzynarodowej.
The positive image of a state becomes priceless in the eyes of international opinion. States endeavour to build and consolidate the public awareness of a country as a national brand with the promotion strategy and national branding. One element of this strategy is to use sport, which due to its growing popularity is playing an increasingly important role in international relations. The most common technique used in the creation of the image is organization of the sporting worldwide event – the Olympic games. Presenting itself as a good host, organizer and manager affects a good reputation and this is of great importance in the relationship between the participants in the international arena.
This paper presents an overview of the results of research carried out in 2014 2015 in the Region of South Moravia, the Czech Republic. Only partial results of the research into the brand recognition of “Regionální potravina Jihomoravský kraj” (Regional food South Moravia Region) are presented. The questionnaire survey was conducted at the turn of 2014 to 2015. A sample of 450 respondents in this region was used. The Pearson’s Chi-squared test was utilized to test the independence of the brand recognition of “Regionální potravina Jihomoravský kraj” on sociodemographic factors, such as a respondents´ age, gender, level of education, as well as monthly income of their families. The results show that the majority of respondents in the Region of South Moravia do not recognize this brand and that women, young consumers and consumers with the highest family incomes are the most important target groups for this brand.
Personal branding in the last ten years has been gaining significantly in popularity - especially in the business environment (Gehl, 2011; Wee & Brooks, 2010). Meanwhile, the literature still recognizes the need for empirical research on personal branding that examines how various professions experience personal branding. Managers are increasingly aware that the activities they perform as part of personal branding affect how the organization they represent is perceived. The aim of this article is to identify the process of building personal brands by managers. To achieve this goal, a literature review and qualitative research were carried out in the form of individual in-depth interviews. The choice of the research method is justified by the subject of the analysis. The study covered a group of nine people with at least two years of experience in a managerial position and employed in service companies located in Greater Poland. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that personal branding is perceived as a multi-stage process in which social media is credited with increasing use. In addition, organizations only support building personal brands by managers and executives. The article is a field for further exploration of publications and research.
The article presents issues related to the elements of branding of public institutions (local government units) in the context of the implementation of effective standards for access to content published on the Internet (WCAG 2.0). The presented research results show a far-reaching divergence between the broadly understood image building and the complex aspects of the quality of communication, in particular directed to people with various disabilities.
Omówienie pierwszej polskiej książki poświęconej crowdsourcingowi, przygotowanej przez specjalistów legitymujących się doświadczeniem zawodowym w zakresie sprzedaży contentu, budowania strategii reklamowych, prowadzenia badań rynkowych i kreowania komunikacji marketingowej. Jej autorzy udowadniają, że przy odrobinie wyobraźni crowdsourcing może stać się zarówno metodą pozyskiwania innowacji, modelem prowadzenia biznesu, a także spontaniczną zabawą, rozmową konsumenta z producentem, a wreszcie sposobem kreowania niebywałej ilość rozwiązań i treści.
Review of the first Polish book on crowdsourcing, carried out by specialists having experience in sales of content, advertising strategy development, market research and creating marketing communications. The authors explain that with a little imagination crowdsourcing can become both a method of acquiring innovation model of doing business, as well as spontaneous fun, talking to the consumer to the producer, and finally the way to creating an unprecedented number of solutions and content.
This text presents and analyses the principal marketing strategies used by Danish, Swedish, and Finnish companies and describes the set of marketing messages characteristic of Scandinavian design brands. The most popular strategies involve geo-recognition, with sociolinguistic mechanisms that influence the names of companies and products and the self-description of brands. The contradictory issues of nobilitation and egalitarianism, which have a pivotal role in the advertising of specific products for different groups of recipients, are addressed. Co-branding, including image collaborations between brands operating in different sectors, and mass media influence (the leading tool of advertisement, through films, series, and TV commercials), are other strategies. Connections are established between design promotion and widely recognisable cultural phenomena, such as hygge or lagom. Analysis reveals that the main marketing strategies characteristic of the design brands of the North revolve around a multitude of connections to Scandinavian heritage and culture.
Dostępność Internetu w Polsce jest już na tyle powszechna, że najmniejsze biblioteki publiczne, a nawet i ich filie posiadają swoją wizytówkę w sieci. Coraz więcej instytucji tworzy również swoje konta na portalach społecznościowych. Budowanie własnej marki w Internecie, szczególnie w mediach społecznościowych, to proces długotrwały i wymagający konsekwentnego działania. Artykuł prezentuje krótkie charakterystyki najpopularniejszych serwisów społecznościowych w Polsce, a także podstawowe zasady, których powinien przestrzegać każdy, kto chce prowadzić wizytówkę swojej biblioteki w sieci społecznościowej.
Availability of the Internet in Poland is already so widespread that even the smallest public libraries and branches are present in the web. More and more institutions also create their sites in social media. Building one’s own brand in the Internet, especially in social media, is a long process and requires systematic action. This paper presents short characteristics of the most popular social networking sites in Poland and the basic rules that must be respected by everyone who wants to run a business page in the social network.
The aim of this article, entitled “Where does Poland lie? Construction of the geopolitical location of a state in Central Europe”, is to introduce the concept of country location, understood as governmental policy, redefining the geopolitical position of the country and its role in international relations, as framed by the processes of European integration. The author starts the analysis with the presumption that public diplomacy and nation branding are the basic tools of countries’ location. The hypothesis of the study says that although the very idea of location is deeply rooted in constructivism as a theory of international relations, it is not at odds with the realist approaches. To verify this hypothesis, the author confronts a country’s location with the concept of the “spatial turn” in social sciences. She elaborates on the cases of Poland and the Baltic states. The author presumes that centrally located Poland as a middle rank country is a case that is suitable for location. The author implements discourse analysis, indicating these narratives in discourse on politics in Poland after 2004, which consisted of orientational metaphors, shifting Poland from the east to the west, and then to the north. Eventually, the author coins the idea of a swinging location, illustrating it with Poland’s going back to Central Europe, “between the seas”.
Zbadano zasady teoretyczne i metodologiczne powstawania brandingu i marketinguobszarów wiejskich. Udowodniono ważną rolę brandingu i marketingu obszarów wiejskich wzwiększaniu konkurencyjności regionu i kraju. Określono podstawowe kierunki rozwoju brandingu imarketingu obszarów wiejskich w nowoczesnych warunkach. Zaproponowano środki dla wdrożeniamechanizmów marketingowych w działalności samorządów wiejskich społeczności terytorialnych wcelu poprawy ich konkurencyjności.
The aim of this essay is to discuss the possibility of applying knowledge from the field of sociology and other disciplines into the theory of public diplomacy. Due to changes in the international environment, public diplomacy (a complementary tool of foreign policy) is used for various foreign policy goals including spreading state influence. We identify the need for alternative approaches to public diplomacy especially within the domain of value and norm diffusion. Current prevailing concepts, such as state branding (derived from marketing discipline), do not prove to be effective in the political aspect of this field. This calls for the implementation of new approaches in international relations and diplomacy, particularly from sociology, psychology and communication studies. This article should stress the importance of transferring the knowledge from the above mentioned fields into the theory of public diplomacy-which has been neglected (or only now starting to gain importance) in the theory of international relations. It tries to draw attention especially of sociologists who have much potential to contribute to its development and analysis.
The dynamic development of industry in Konin and its vicinity launched in the 1950s and the issuing inflow of population from different regions have altered the character and perception of Konin and the Konin District. In view of all these new phenomena, it is of major importance to culturally define the latter. It is monuments that constitute one of the essential values consolidating historical awareness and cultural identity of a nation and, within it, of small communities (Heimats). Monuments create priceless legacy passed on from generation to generation, while building the prestige of, not only, the place where they are located, but also, of the whole region. Today’s territory of the Konin District differs from its historical boundaries, altered and trimmed after Poland’s partitions in the late 18th c. The cultural identity of the region was for many centuries shaped by an impressive set of monuments present within the pre-partition Konin District. Also today, the rich legacy of monuments should contribute to the cultural identity and development strategy of the region. The high quality of the historic substance and the Konin Region’s attractive leisure offer promise a strong tourist branding of the ‘Konin District’ whose promotional motto could read: ‘The Konin District - rich in nature and culture’.
In the 1980s, the business world acknowledged the need to build the image of both the organization itself and its key employees. Human capital was treated as the company's value. By creating business relations, the employees affect the credibility, trust, and loyalty of the client, which, like in politics, decide upon the organization's success. In the 21st century, dynamic and profound socio-economic changes contributed to the need to conduct election campaigns in a more permanent, professional, personalized, and decentralized manner, and are forced to look for methods of effective communication with voters. It seems that personal brand management strategy may guarantee higher effectiveness, consistency, and harmony of activities as well as a permanent competitive advantage in political communication. Building a personal brand strategy in politics is drawing from the achievements of various disciplines in the field of social sciences. It is an opportunity to build a reputation of politicians, influencing at the same time on voters' awareness, and a more valuable political debate. This article aims to justify the need for proper personal brand management as a relatively new communication strategy in political marketing. The analysis was based on the author's knowledge and experience from advisory work with Polish politicians and available literature, using the comparative method, case analysis, and logical inference.
W latach 80. XX wieku dostrzeżono w biznesie potrzebę budowania wizerunku zarówno samej organizacji jak i jej kluczowych pracowników. Kapitał ludzki traktowano jako wartość przedsiębiorstwa. Pracownicy tworząc relacje biznesowe wpływają na wiarygodność, zaufanie i lojalność klienta, które podobnie jak w polityce decydują o sukcesie organizacji. W XXI wieku dynamiczne i głębokie zmiany gospodarczo-społeczne przyczyniły się do konieczności prowadzenia kampanii wyborczych w sposób permanentny, bardziej profesjonalny, spersonalizowany i zdecentralizowany oraz do poszukiwania metod efektywnej komunikacji z wyborcami. Wydaje się, że strategia zarządzania marką personalną może zagwarantować w komunikacji politycznej wyższą skuteczność, spójność i harmonijność działań, a także trwałą przewagę konkurencyjną. Budowanie strategii marki personalnej w polityce czerpie z dorobku różnych dyscyplin dziedziny nauk społecznych. Jest szansą na zbudowanie reputacji polityków, wpływając jednocześnie na wzrost świadomości wyborców oraz pełniejszą, bardziej wartościową debatę polityczną. Celem artykułu jest uzasadnienie potrzeby właściwego zarządzania marką personalną jako stosunkowo nową strategią komunikacji w marketingu politycznym. Analizę oparto na wiedzy i doświadczeniach autorki z pracy doradczej z politykami polskimi oraz dostępnej literaturze, wykorzystując metodę porównawczą, analizę przypadku, a także wnioskowanie logiczne.
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