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The article presents the results of archaeological research into an Alt Käbelich-type grave discovered in Chodlik, Karczmiska county, Lublin province. The pit contained layer burials of five individuals. The bone material included also horse remains. Other archaeological material contained fragments of clay utensils as well as pieces of metal and bone artefacts destroyed in fire. On the basis of 3D documentation, at attempt has been made to reconstruct the object by means of digital technology. The Chodlik discovery is a ontribution to the research into the occurrence of the Alt Käbelich type of graves and the concept of the so-called “house of the dead” in the Western Slavic Dominion.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 22
issue 1
The issue presented in this article aims to explain the concept of ecclesiastical burial and shows the richness of its forms included in liturgical and law provisions in Code of Canon Law of 1917, “Ordo Exequiarum”, Johanno-Pauline Code, „Burial Rites” adjusted to Polish diocese. The issue is shown in different sources and literature on the subject. It also shows the historical development of ecclesiastical burial law from the beginings of Church to promulgation of the new Code of Canon Law of 1983. This thesis allows to understand the position of Church and state on burial law. It points out the historical development of ecclesiastical burial law and the reform of burial law emerged during Third Vatican Council resulting in current Polish law rules and Code of Canon Law.
This article presents an analysis of two brass lockets, rectangular in shape, discovered in a richly equipped grave no. 62 in an early-medieval grave field in Radom (the 4th quarter of the 11-12th centuries). As a result of the analysis, their cognitive value can be estimated in a comprehensive way against the background of other finds of the type excavated in graves. On the other hand, it has allowed to enrich the knowledge of burying the dead with objects of magical and religious nature. The lockets discovered in Radom were made locally, most probably as imitations of more sophisticated pendants. Most probably, they were used as containers for magical or healing amulets, possibly contact relics (brandeum, eulogiae) or perfumes. They were probably buried after mid-11th century, during the religious transformation taking place in the early Piast state, bearing material testimony to the intertwining pagan rites and the ceremonies of the new faith.
Based on the current state of knowledge in research on the Unetice culture in Poland, the article discusses several key issues for the reconstruction of palaeosocial prehistoric societies. Departing from the classical definition of archaeological culture, and basing on the results of e.g. bioarchaeological analyzes, the authors discuss the problems of individual and collective identity in the Early Bronze Age (the so-called opera model), and related issues of territoriality, linguistic community and customs. The article presents, among others, the Unietyce funeral rites as well as the typology and evolution of mounds (the so-called prince burials).
The subject of this article is the fi rst eneolithic cremation burial in south-eastern Poland which was discovered on the cemetery of the Lublin-Volhynia culture at site 2 in Książnice, voiv. świętokrzyskie. Grave 14 was unearthed while exploring the western part of the necropolis in August 2012. The burial pit, 122 x 75 cm, was shaped like a rectangle with rounded corners, elongated along the north-south axis. In the southern part of the grave, at the depth of 40-45 cm, a concentration of charred human bones was found belonging to an individual at the age of maturus. The grave goods consist of two clay vessels (a pear-shaped cup with knobs on the larger bulge of its body, and a miniature pot with a gooseneck profi le and notched spout) and twelve fl int artefacts. The analyzed burial is another example of the intense cultural infl uences of the Hunyadihalom-Lažňany horizon to the late younger Danubian communities inhabiting Lesser Poland at the turn of the 5th and 4th millennia BC.
Studia Hercynia
vol. 27
issue 2
An infant grave excavated in Lang, Styria, Austria, had a small axe as a grave gift in addition to a ceramic urn. Another grave from the cemetery of Dobova (Slovenia), where also a child was buried, contained small objects in the form of an axe and a spearhead as well as a set of four vessels. In addition to these two graves, there are more graves known in the southeastern Alps, where small objects were given as grave goods. These graves are discussed in terms of the function and symbolism of these small objects and compared in a broader context with the northeastern Austrian region and the graves from the Dürrnberg.
The article summarises the results of study of archaeological materials from excavations carried out in the years 1976-1989 on two burial mound cemeteries from the late Bronze Age in Dolice, Stargard district, West Pomeranian Voivodeship. The first of the necropolises, marked as site 30, is situated on a hilly, upper part of a moraine height, in the immediate vicinity of the Mała Ina River valley. About 20 burial mounds in earthen and stone construction were registered here, reaching a diameter of 4 to 16 m at the circular base. The graves stretch in a strip, in at least three perceptible clusters. Only two of them were excavated (Fig. 3). A much wider second Dolice cemetery, marked as site 40, was located on a gentle slope of a moraine elevation, occupying an area of about 1.5 ha. About 80 graves, characterised by varying diameters, ranging from 3 to 25 m, are located along the NW – SE axis at 400 m long section. Seven of them and 63 flat graves occurring in the spaces between the burial mounds were excavated (Fig. 4). Recognised to a small extent burial mounds in Dolice are very important for the research on burial rites in the late Bronze Age in West Pomerania, because they are the best-studied funeral sites from this part of the prehistory in the region. On the necropolis Dolice 40 relics of very interesting sepulchral architecture were unearthen, which is characterised by diversity of internal structures of mounds (boxes, stone cores, corridor leading to the burial chamber), as well as the presence of flat stone cist graves in the spaces between them in the form of miniaturised circles. They are accompanied by practices of intentional destruction of burial furnishing (breaking of vessels) and shredding of cremated human bones, scattered in mounds in the form of layered burials with no urns. These phenomena, unheard of in general and alien in the neighbouring Lubusz-Greater Poland environment of the Lusatian urnfields, and also recorded in other parts of Pomerania, require a broader analytical and comparative study using sources from trans-Odra River areas (Vorpommern, Mecklenburg, North Brandenburg) and then from the Danish islands, Jutland, Skåne and the Baltic Islands (Bornholm, Gotland, Öland).
W artykule podsumowano wyniki opracowania materiałów archeologicznych pochodzących z badań wykopaliskowych przeprowadzonych w latach 1976-1989 na dwóch cmentarzyskach kurhanowych z późnej epoki brązu w Dolicach, pow. stargardzki, woj. zachodniopomorskie. Pierwsza z nekropoli, oznaczona jako stanowisko 30, usytuowana jest na pagórkowatej, górnej części garbu wzniesienia morenowego, w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie doliny Małej Iny. Zarejestrowano tutaj około 20 kurhanów o kamienno-ziemnej konstrukcji nasypu, osiągających u kolistej podstawy średnicę od 4 do 16 m. Mogiły ciągną się pasem, w co najmniej trzech czytelnych skupiskach. Wykopaliskowo zbadano tylko dwie (ryc. 3). Znacznie rozleglejsze drugie cmentarzysko dolickie, zaszeregowane pod numerem 40, zostało posadowione na łagodnym stoku wzniesienia morenowego, zajmując powierzchnię około 1,5 ha. Na zorientowanym według osi NW – SE odcinku o długości 400 m leży około 80 mogił, charakteryzujących się zróżnicowaną średnicą nasypów, sięgającą od 3 do 25 m. Wykopaliskowo zbadano 7 z nich oraz 63 groby płaskie występujące w przestrzeniach między mogiłami (ryc. 4). Rozpoznane w niewielkim stopniu cmentarzyska kurhanowe w Dolicach mają bardzo duże znaczenie dla studiów nad obrządkiem pogrzebowym z późnej epoki brązu na Pomorzu Zachodnim, są bowiem najlepiej zbadanymi stanowiskami funeralnymi z tego odcinka pradziejów w regionie. Na nekropoli Dolice 40 ujawniono relikty bardzo interesującej architektury sepulkralnej, którą cechuje zróżnicowanie wewnętrznych konstrukcji kurhanów (skrzynie, jądra kamienne, korytarz prowadzący do komory grobowej), a także obecność w przestrzeniach między nimi płaskich grobów w obstawach kamiennych o formie zminiaturyzowanych wieńców. Towarzyszą im praktyki intencjonalnego niszczenia inwentarza grobowego (rozbijanie naczyń) oraz rozdrabniania skremowanych kości ludzkich, rozsypywanych w kurhanach w postaci bezpopielnicowych pochówków warstwowych. Zjawiska te, w ogóle niespotykane i obce w sąsiednim, lubusko-wielkopolskim środowisku łużyckich pól popielnicowych, a odnotowane również w innych częściach Pomorza, wymagają podjęcia szerszych studiów analityczno-porównawczych z wykorzystaniem źródeł pochodzących z obszarów zaodrzańskich (Pomorze Przednie, Meklemburgia, północna Brandenburgia), a w dalszej kolejności z wysp duńskich, Jutlandii, Skanii oraz wysp bałtyckich (Bornholm, Gotlandia, Olandia).
The subject of the article is a group of items associated with Christian religious symbolism. Among them there are typical devotional items such as crosses and openwork cross-shaped pendants as well as finger rings with representation of the cross or sacred inscriptions fulfilling the same function. In total 24 objects from 23 graves were analysed (Table 1). Almost all of them were located in the cemeteries operating within the two largest settlement complexes of the Chełmno-Dobrzyń zone - Kałdus, the pre-incotporation Chełmno, and Gruczno near Świecie (Fig. 1). Both settlements in the younger phases of the early Middle Ages were the main centres of production and exchange, fulfilling important political and religious functions in the administrative structures of the Polish state. The analysis shows that these items should be treated primarily as an expression of religious beliefs. More often, their owners were women, especially young ones, and children, also probably of the female sex. Very rarely they were found within men's furnishings - rather as a gift - and in the graves of mature women (maturus). In most cases, crosses and cross-shaped pendants were parts of necklaces made of glass beads. Apart from the necklaces, the grave goods included other jewellery items, such as temple rings or finger rings, but not those of a religious nature. However, the presence of tools, apart from knives, as well as vessels and weapons was not confirmed. The analysis of the origin of most of the devotional artefacts shows their association with the areas of Rus’ and the Greek cultural circle. This may be evidence of presence, especially in Gruczno, of people (women?) of the Orthodox denomination. The presence of crosses and finger rings of religious nature is an evidence of the consolidation of Christianity in the Chełmno-Dobrzyń zone, but they are also an important testimony to the fears deeply embedded in the minds of people of the time about the fate of the dead, who were to be protected by new, already Christian amulets placed in graves.
The article concerns the issues of finds of animal remains in early medieval cremation burials, identified with the Slavs, in today’s Poland. Finds of animal remains discovered in 134 burials in 37 cemeteries have been analysed.
Mediaeval historians as well as archaeologists have been intrigued by the beginning of Christianity in Poland. The interest intensified in 2016 when the country celebrated the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland. The accompanying discussions indicate that facing the ambiguous written sources, researchers still disagree about fundamental data like the year and the location of the baptism, its circumstances or material evidence of the events. An argument was put forward that in this context, celebrating the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland is groundless. Attention was drawn to the fact that baptism of the ruler and his entourage did not affect the country’s inhabitants who remained pagans for a long time afterwards. In this article, I highlight some aspects of the research and the controversy surrounding the interpretation of archaeological finds from the beginning of Christianity in Poland. I also indicate other possibilities of interpreting the existing archaeological sources and the possible ways in further research.
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