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All around the world many people suffer from the lack of sufficient income, well-being or good health. Who among the poor should we help first? Some of the most influential research on poverty has been developed by a famous economist and philosopher Amartya K. Sen. This article is concerned with the problem of reciprocal relations between various concepts and theories of poverty, kinds of ethics and taking decisions about helping poor people. According to Sen, while taking decisions to help the poor we should base our arguments on the capability approach rather than on the basic needs approach, on the entitlement approach rather than the food availability decline, and on the capability rights system rather than utilitarianism.
Most people, especially in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, suffer and die from lack of food, shelter, and medical care, whereas other people in rich countries are extremely well-off. Because of the globalization process neither individuals nor governments can claim to be unaware of what is happening in the Third World. In this paper I defend the claim that, since we are living in a “global village”, we have greater moral responsibility for poverty. Thus, our moral responsibility is less limited than it usually seems to be. However, we do not have to be extremely impartial, which is recommended by utilitarianism (Garrett Hardin, Peter Singer), concentrating only on the consequences of action and its utility (agent-neutral evaluation). Yet, what we can include in our moral evaluation of poverty are human rights and an individual point of view, which are defended by Amartya Sen’s capability approach and Thomist framework (agent-relative evaluation).
The article presents the analysis of the phenomenon of disability from the perspective of human-based capabilities approach. Both health and disability, are concepts that are difficult to be defined precisely. Throughout history, the approach to what health and what disease and disability are have changed. The current approach to health emphasizes the fact that it is something more than just the absence of the disease. It is a kind of well-being experienced at the physical, mental and social level. Th is approach was based on the concept correlates of human capabilities, in which one of the most taken matters is the welfare of man. Health is one of the most valuable opportunities, which has a direct impact on the implementation of other valuable ways of being or acting. On the other hand, disability is manifestations of human diversity and complex interaction with the environment. Its underlying damage (impairment) that may – but need not – turn into a disability. Whether this happens depends on the one hand, the resources that a person has, or that can be used, and on the other – from the conversion factors that may facilitate or restrict access to the capabilities, and through it – the functioning, which considers valuable. Hence, disability may be treated as a form of multidimensional deprivation.
In this paper I argue that the most fundamental goal of any public policy is to assist the realization of social good. I take it that the idea of social good has developed differently in different political and moral traditions, and focus my analysis on the interplay of liberalism, virtue ethics and the Capability Approach. I argue that the liberal conception of social good, as espoused by its leading exponents, is somewhat problematic, and that it fails to account for meaningful civic associations. Even though liberal thinkers often prioritize an individual’s freedom and autonomy, they do not provide us with concreto principles that can facilitate the realization of these goals. I draw upon the practical functioning of leading liberal democracies, including the United States, Canada and India, emphasizing the role of normative political constraints in policy making. I conclude that the liberal conception of social good stands in an acute need of a fresh principle that can rectify the above anomalies and reinvigorate its moral force, and that such a principle can probably be constructed with the help of Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach and Aristotle’s Virtue Theory.
The article presents the results of the analysis of the social situation of the women in Arab countries. In the text were analyzed the data from the areas of education, work and political life in the years 1998–2011 and the texts of the Constitution of the Arab countries. Choosing the scope of the analysis, reference was made to Amartya Sen’s capability approach. Amartya Sen was writing a lot about social situation of women in his articles and he emphasized the importance of education and gainful work in improving the position of women in society. The analysis results show the improvement of the situation of women in Arab countries. In some Arab countries, women have gained a clear right to equality of treatment in the Constitution. Women have gained greater access to education. More women are working professionals, and takes an active part in political life. It should be noted that the situation of women in the various Arab countries is not the same and there are countries in which the changes are not clearly visible.
Objectives: This paper aims to investigate the possibility of constructing a hybrid version of well-being and making an attempt at its operationalisation. Research Design & Methods: The theoretical framework is based on the capability approach of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, while the empirical part of the paper refers to a fuzzy set theory. Findings: We propose three measures of hybrid well-being, referring to (1) the minimum formula, (2) a mobility index, and (3) the concept of internalities. Implications / Recommendations: We are convinced that it is not only possible to create a philosophically informed measure of well-being, but also that this kind of measure can be crucial in the context of public policy due to its sensitivity to autonomy and adaptation problems. Contribution / Value Added: Findings of this research can be seen as an attempt to merge philosophical investigation with economics theories and applications.
Poverty is a problem which concerns not only the affected individual, but also a whole society. Poverty tends to hinder or even prevent the economic growth and social development of a country. Therefore, undertaking action which could reduce poverty is of great importance, as is the provision of ongoing help to impoverished individuals (households). The main aim of the research presented in the paper is a multidimensional analysis of poverty risk in the framework of capability approach developed by Amartya Sen. The article also aims at defining the determinants of poverty which increase or decrease the risk of its occurrence, and comparing the poverty risk estimations obtained through the adoption of the multidimensional and unidimensional approach. The research concerning Poland (e.g. by regions) used data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) survey, carried out by Statistics Poland in 2018. The measurement was operationalised by means of a special variant of structural equations modelling (SEM) – the multiple indicators and multiple causes model (MIMIC). The MIMIC model used deprivation symptoms that reflected the degree to which respondents were unable to satisfy their needs. The model also took into account the factors that increase or reduce the risk of poverty. The results of the estimations demonstrate that the level of education has the most significant impact on reducing the risk of poverty, while a low activity on the job market, i.e. being a pensioner or unemployed, increases the odds of becoming poor to the greatest extent. The regions most prone to poverty in multidimensional terms are: the Eastern macro-region, rural areas, pensioners’ households and non-family multi-person households. The aforementioned results have been compared with the measurement of poverty according to the unidimensional approach. The study shows the differences between the rankings of poverty risk by macro-region, size of the place of residence, source of household income and by household type from obtained through multidimensional and unidimensional approaches. This comparison demonstrates that the unidimensional approach is insufficient for the identification of the poor.
Ubóstwo jest problemem nie tylko dotkniętej nim jednostki, lecz także społeczeństwa. Utrudnia ono lub nawet uniemożliwia wzrost gospodarczy i rozwój społeczny kraju. Dlatego bardzo duże znaczenie mają działania, które mogą spowodować redukcję zasięgu ubóstwa, jak również udzielanie bieżącej pomocy jednostkom (gospodarstwom domowym) żyjącym w sferze ubóstwa. Głównym celem badania omawianego w artykule jest dokonanie wielowymiarowej analizy zagrożenia ubóstwem w ramach podejścia możliwości (ang. capability approach) opracowanego przez Amartayę Sena. Dodatkowym celem jest określenie determinant ubóstwa, które wzmacniają lub osłabiają zagrożenie ubóstwem, oraz zestawienie wyników oceny stopnia zagrożenia ubóstwem uzyskanych w ujęciu wielowymiarowym i jednowymiarowym. Badanie przeprowadzono dla Polski (m.in. w układzie regionalnym), na podstawie danych z Europejskiego Badania Warunków Życia Ludności (EU-SILC) zrealizowanego przez GUS w 2018 r. Operacjonalizacji pomiaru dokonano przy użyciu szczególnego wariantu modelu równań strukturalnych (Structural Equations Modeling – SEM) – modelu wielu wskaźników i wielu przyczyn (Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes – MIMIC). Wykorzystano w nim symptomy deprywacji odzwierciedlające stopień, w jakim badane jednostki nie były w stanie zaspokoić swoich potrzeb, i uwzględniono czynniki zwiększające lub zmniejszające ryzyko ubóstwa. Wyniki przeprowadzonych szacunków uwidoczniły, że na zmniejszenie stopnia zagrożenia ubóstwem najsilniej wpływa poziom wykształcenia, natomiast za jego zwiększenie odpowiada przede wszystkim niski status aktywności na rynku pracy – bycie rencistą lub osobą bezrobotną. Najbardziej zagrożone ubóstwem w ujęciu wielowymiarowym są: makroregion wschodni, obszary wiejskie, gospodarstwa domowe rencistów i gospodarstwa nierodzinne wieloosobowe. Wyniki wielowymiarowej oceny stopnia zagrożenia ubóstwem porównano z pomiarem ubóstwa w ujęciu jednowymiarowym. Wskazano na różnice pomiędzy rankingami zagrożenia ubóstwem według makroregionów, wielkości miejscowości zamieszkania, źródła utrzymania gospodarstw domowych oraz ich typów w ujęciu wielowymiarowym i jednowymiarowym. Porównanie to pokazuje, że ujęcie jednowymiarowe jest niewystarczające do identyfikacji osób ubogich.
After the fall of communism in 1989 in Poland, a large portion of decision-makers responsible for the socioeconomic transformations held a neoliberal understanding of freedom. This negative construal of freedom does not see poverty as a lack of freedom. A person is free when no other human being, group, or institution coerces her. In other words, a person is free when the principle of noninterference is upheld. Moreover, the interference of the state in the economic sphere obviates freedom. The neoliberal conception of freedom also holds that freedom does not require solidarity or any assistance from others. Thus, a poor person is free so long as he or she is left to fend for themselves without interference from others. This article appeals to Amartya Sen’s conception of freedom to argue that, in contradistinction to Leszek Balcerowicz’s contention, poverty is tantamount to a lack of human freedom. The article describes Sen’s multifaceted conception of freedom, including the differentiation between instrumental and substantive freedoms, as well as the relationship between them. The relationship among freedoms, as well Sen’s conception of poverty as capability deprivation, illuminates the true nature of poverty, which often negates the ability to achieve substantive freedoms. The article also elucidates how freedom in a free-market economy and democracy constitutes both a goal of development and a path to solidarity. Sen’s paradigm also demonstrates that advancing freedom requires solidarity because freedom is in a certain sense a social entity. Sen rightly maintains that the realization of freedom requires solidarity embodied in social institutions, including, at least in some cases, governmental institutions. On the macro scale, Sen’s conception of development and freedom reveals the problematic nature of “shock therapy” used in Poland during the initial phase of the social economic transformations after 1989. In this sense, this article situates Sen’s thought in the Polish socioeconomic context, which also reveals the significance of Sen’s thought more clearly. Finally, the concluding section of the article points to some similarities (and some differences) between Sen’s ideas and Catholic social thought.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę zjawiska przedsiębiorczości na podstawie dostępnej literatury oraz z perspektywy koncepcji opartej o ludzkie możliwości. Do ilustracji omawianego zagadnienia wykorzystano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych wśród studentów Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego.
The article presents an analysis of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship on the basis of the available literature and from the perspective of human-based capabilities approach. To illustration of this issue there are use the results of the survey conducted among students from the University of Zielona Góra.
This study is aimed to investigate economic inequality among older people in the European Union based on empirical data. The object of the research is older people, which in the framework of this study includes persons aged 65 and over. The novelty of this study is a scientifically based conceptual understanding of economic inequality among people, which [economic inequality] is broader than just income inequality. The uniqueness of this study lies in the fact that the authors did not investigate the economic performance of older people in comparison with other age groups or the general population (there are many studies devoted to this), but they investigated economic inequality among older people versus economic inequality in other age groups / in the general population (subject to data availability). The methodological basis of this research is formed by three approaches to conceptual understanding of economic inequality among people: the income-wealth approach, the resource-capital approach and the capability approach. The analysis of statistical and sociological data for the EU countries in the framework of complementary methodological approaches made it possible for the authors to conclude that both income and wealth are distributed among older people as unequally as this also occurs in other age groups of the population. The only statistically significant difference that the authors managed to identify concerns the capability to convert the economic resources at the disposal of people into economic capital: among older people there is more inequality in the degree of capitalization of economic resources than among younger people. Thus, in the European Union, economic inequality (except for only one its aspect ñ the degree of economic resources’ capitalization) is not a distinctive feature of the age group of older people, but is practically the same as in other age groups or in the general population. Empirical evidence suggests that economic inequality is not accumulated over the course of a lifetime, but rather carries over from one period of life to another.
Šis pētījums ir veltīts ekonomiskās nevienlīdzības izpētei gados vecāku cilvēku vidū Eiropas Savienībā un balstās uz empīriskajiem datiem. Pētījuma objekts ir vecāka gadagājuma cilvēki, kas šī pētījuma ietvaros iekļauj personas no 65 gadu vecuma. Pētījuma novitāti veido zinātniski pamatota konceptuāla izpratne par cilvēku ekonomisko nevienlīdzību, kas [ekonomiskā nevienlīdzība] ir plašāka nekā ienākumu nevienlīdzība. Šī pētījuma unikālā iezīme ir tā, ka autori pētīja nevis gados vecāku cilvēku ekonomisko stāvokli salīdzinājumā ar citām vecumgrupām vai iedzīvotājiem kopumā, bet gan tieši ekonomisko nevienlīdzību vecāka gadagājuma cilvēku vidū salīdzinājumā ar ekonomisko nevienlīdzību citās vecumgrupās vai iedzīvotāju vidū kopumā (atkarībā no datu pieejamības). Šī pētījuma metodoloģisko pamatu veido trīs pieejas cilvēku ekonomiskās nevienlīdzības konceptuālai izpratnei: ienākumu-bagātības pieeja, resursu-kapitāla pieeja un spēju pieeja. Statistisko un socioloģisko datu analīze par Eiropas Savienības valstīm augstākminēto metodoloģisku pieeju ietvaros ļāva autoriem secināt, ka gan ienākumi, gan bagātība vecāka gadagājuma cilvēku vidū tiek izkliedēti tikpat nevienmērīgi kā citās iedzīvotāju vecumgrupās. Vienīgā statistiski nozīmīgā atšķirība, kuru autoriem izdevās identificēt, attiecas uz cilvēku spēju (vai iespājamību) viņu rīcībā esošos ekonomiskos resursus pārvērst ekonomiskajā kapitālā: gados vecāku cilvēku vidū ekonomisko resursu kapitalizācijas pakāpe tiek izkliedēta nevienlīdzīgāk, nekā gados jaunu cilvēku vidū. Tādējādi Eiropas Savienībā ekonomiskā nevienlīdzība (izņemot tikai vienu tās aspektu - resursu kapitalizācijas pakāpi) nav vecāka gadagājuma cilvēku vecumgrupas īpatnība, bet ir praktiski vienāda visās vecumgrupās. Empīriski dati liecina par to, ka ekonomiskā nevienlīdzība neuzkrājas dzīves gaitā, bet gan tiek pārnesta no viena dzīves perioda uz otru.
Данное исследование посвящено изучению экономического неравенства среди пожилых людей в Европейском Союзе и проведено на основании эмпирических данных. Объектом исследования являются пожилые люди, к которым – в рамках данного исследования – относятся лица от 65 лет и старше. Новизну исследования составляет научно#обоснованное концептуальное понимание экономического неравенства между людьми, которое [экономическое неравенство] шире, чем просто неравенство доходов. Уникальной особенностью данного исследования является то, что авторы изучали не экономическое положение пожилых людей в сравнении с остальными возрастными группами или населением в целом, но именно экономическое неравенство среди пожилых людей в сравнении с экономическим неравенством среди других возрастных групп или населения в целом (в зависимости от наличия данных). Методологическую основу данного исследования составляют три подхода к концептуальному пониманию экономического неравенства между людьми: подход «доход-богатство», ресурсный подход и подход возможностей. Анализ статистических и социологических данных по странам Европейского Союза в рамках дополняющих друг друга методологических подходов позволил авторам сделать вывод о том, что и доходы, и богатство распределяются среди пожилых людей настолько же неравномерно, насколько это происходит и в других возрастных группах населения. Единственное статистически значимое отличие, которое удалось выявить авторам, касается способности (или возможности) превращать имеющиеся в распоряжении людей экономические ресурсы в экономический капитал: среди пожилых людей наблюдается большее неравенство в степени капитализации экономических ресурсов, чем среди более молодых людей. Таким образом, в Европейском Союзе экономическое неравенство (за исключением лишь одного аспекта – степени капитализации экономических ресурсов) не является особой отличительной чертой возрастной группы пожилых людей, а практически одинаково во всех возрастных группах. Эмпирические данные показывают, что экономическое неравенство не накапливается в течение жизни, а скорее переносится из одного жизненного периода в другой.
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