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Sakrament a celebracja

Teologia w Polsce
vol. 8
issue 2
Najważniejszym miejscem i źródłem działania sakramentu jest Kościół, który ze swej natury jest przeznaczony do tworzenia prawdziwej przestrzeni zbawczej. W nim Bóg w sposób szczególny ujawnia i udziela siebie przez Chrystusa i Ducha Świętego człowiekowi. Dzięki temu następuje tajemnicze zjednoczenie istoty ludzkiej i boskiej bez naruszenia ich suwerenności. To zespolenie wprowadza w świat ludzki, widzialny i całą doczesność nowy porządek, który stanowić będzie o ich relacyjności zbawczej.
The sacraments of the Church are not only making manifest the victim of the Christ and the favour of the Holy Spirit, but are also calling for the man so that he assumes the positive attitude with regard to the act of their celebration. Since via the entire sacramental-ceremonious event the victim of the Christ is being updated still anew. Community faithful obtaining the participation in the salutary mystery play, receives the privilege of drawing from supernatural gifts. And along with him impulse towards the transformation of one’s earthly activity into the actual value serving the good of the individual and the universal community. In sacraments and the celebration one purpose always becomes apparent, deprived any of the internal opposition and ruling out which consists in bringing the man closer to God. Apart from that carry occurring between two phenomena let overcome the indifference to true spiritual values.
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Sakrament a celebracja

Teologia w Polsce
vol. 8
issue 2
The sacraments of the Church are not only making manifest the victim of the Christ and the favour of the Holy Spirit, but are also calling for the man so that he assumes the positive attitude with regard to the act of their celebration. Since via the entire sacramental-ceremonious event the victim of the Christ is being updated still anew. Community faithful obtaining the participation in the salutary mystery play, receives the privilege of drawing from supernatural gifts. And along with him impulse towards the transformation of one’s earthly activity into the actual value serving the good of the individual and the universal community. In sacraments and the celebration one purpose always becomes apparent, deprived any of the internal opposition and ruling out which consists in bringing the man closer to God. Apart from that carry occurring between two phenomena let overcome the indifference to true spiritual values.
Najważniejszym miejscem i źródłem działania sakramentu jest Kościół, który ze swej natury jest przeznaczony do tworzenia prawdziwej przestrzeni zbawczej. W nim Bóg w sposób szczególny ujawnia i udziela siebie przez Chrystusa i Ducha Świętego człowiekowi. Dzięki temu następuje tajemnicze zjednoczenie istoty ludzkiej i boskiej bez naruszenia ich suwerenności. To zespolenie wprowadza w świat ludzki, widzialny i całą doczesność nowy porządek, który stanowić będzie o ich relacyjności zbawczej.
The 1050th Anniversary of the Baptism of Poland became for the faithful a remembrance of their roots as well as their Christian identity. At the same time the anniversary itself became a source of inspirations for the organisation of the program of liturgical and social celebrations in many places of our homeland. An exceptional example of such celebrations was arranged by the Archdiocese of Łódź with its five statio, when the Mystery of Baptism permeated thematically every celebration; each one was dedicated to a specified topic: in Łask – the cult of Mother of God, in Łódź – the Eucharist, in Piotrków Trybunalski – the Decalogue in light of the Law, in Tomaszów Mazowiecki – caritas and the care for the poor, in Konstantynów Łódzki – the martyrologium.
Roczniki Teologiczne
vol. 68
issue 5
Kontemplacyjny wymiar liturgii Relacja między liturgią a kontemplacją jest fundamentalna dla życia chrześcijańskiego. Kontemplacja ze swej natury jest „tajemnicą”, ponieważ ma za przedmiot głoszone przez Słowo tajemnice zbawcze, które wypełniają się w pełni w Osobie Chrystusa, sprawowane w liturgii. Każda autentyczna kontemplacja powinna być karmiona głoszonym Słowem i celebracją tajemnic zbawienia. Z drugiej strony, każda liturgia jest skierowana na kontemplację własnej doskonałości tak, aby nie przestała być liturgią, ale stała się liturgią kontemplacyjną. Artykuł stara się podkreślić nierozerwalny związek między tymi dwoma aspektami, które składają się na „sposób bycia chrześcijaninem”. Relacja ta gwarantuje jednocześnie autentyczność kontemplacji i owocność uczestnictwa w celebracji liturgicznej. Il rapporto tra liturgia e contemplazione è basilare per il vissuto cristiano. La contemplazione, per sua natura, è “misterica”, perché ha come oggetto i misteri salvifici, proclamati dalla Parola, compiuti pienamente nella persona di Cristo, celebrati dalla liturgia. Ogni contemplazione autentica deve nutrirsi della Parola proclamata e della celebrazione dei misteri della Salvezza. D'altronde, ogni liturgia è ordinata alla contemplazione come alla propria perfezione, non per cessare di essere liturgia, ma per diventare liturgia contemplativa. Il nostro articolo cerca di mettere in luce il rapporto inscindibile tra questi due aspetti che formano il “modo di essere cristiano”. Questo rapporto garantisce, allo stesso tempo, l'autenticità della contemplazione e la fruttuosità della partecipazione alla celebrazione liturgica.
The relationship between liturgy and contemplation is fundamental to Christian living. Of its very nature, contemplation is concerns the mystery, because its object is the mysteries of salvation proclaimed in the Word of God, fulfilled in the person of Christ, and celebrated in the liturgy. Authentic contemplation has to be nourished by the Word proclaimed and by the celebration of the mysteries of salvation. Moreover, all liturgy is ordered towards contemplation as to its proper perfection − not so as to stop being liturgy, but to become contemplative liturgy. Our article seeks to highlight the inseparable bond between these two components of Christian existence, a bond guarantees both the authenticity of contemplation and the fruitfulness of participation in the liturgical celebration.
Il rapporto tra liturgia e contemplazione è basilare per il vissuto cristiano. La contemplazione, per sua natura, è “misterica”, perché ha come oggetto i misteri salvifici, proclamati dalla Parola, compiuti pienamente nella persona di Cristo, celebrati dalla liturgia. Ogni contemplazione autentica deve nutrirsi della Parola proclamata e della celebrazione dei misteri della Salvezza. D'altronde, ogni liturgia è ordinata alla contemplazione come alla propria perfezione, non per cessare di essere liturgia, ma per diventare liturgia contemplativa. Il nostro articolo cerca di mettere in luce il rapporto inscindibile tra questi due aspetti che formano il “modo di essere cristiano”. Questo rapporto garantisce, allo stesso tempo, l'autenticità della contemplazione e la fruttuosità della partecipazione alla celebrazione liturgica.
Teaching liturgy in Teological Seminary in the Diocese of Siedlce Liturgical formation of alumni is an important dimension of their seminary for-mation. It is based on the tight connection of the knowledge about the mysteries of sal-vation and personal experiencing the presence of resurrected Jesus Christ in faith. Te in-ternal life of alumni is enriched by the grace of the Sacraments. Over two hundred years of the existence of the Diocese of Siedlce, the candidates for priesthood encountered diferent conceptualizations of liturgy. Afer the Vatican Council II it is understood as a form of mystagogy in saving deeds of incarnated Son of God. Liturgy not only passes the knowledge about His saving presence in liturgical activities but it also leads people to a personal meeting with the resurrected Jesus Christ, especially in sacramental communion.
Liturgiczna formacja alumnów jest jednym z istotnych wymiarów ich formacji semi¬naryjnej. Polega ona na ścisłej łączności wiedzy o misteriach zbawienia z osobistym doświad¬czaniem w wierze obecności zmartwychwstałego Chrystusa. Życie wewnętrzne alumna jest 60 „Niekiedy dochodzi do tego, że w samo sprawowanie Ofary Eucharystycznej zostają włączone pewne elementy zapożyczone z nowenn lub innych nabożeństw. Stąd rodzi się niebezpieczeństwo, że Pamiątka Pana nie będzie już stanowić szczytowego momentu spotkania wspólnoty chrześcijańskiej, lecz będzie jakby pewną okazją do odprawienia nabożeństwa należącego do pobożności ludowej. Tym, którzy tak postępują, chcemy przypomnieć normę soboru, według której nabożeństwa winno się uzgadniać z liturgią, bynajmniej zaś nie mieszać z nią”, Paweł VI, Adhortacja Apostolska Marialis cultus (2.02.1974), nr 31. 34 Nauczanie Liturgiki w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym diecezji siedleckiej zasilane łaską sakramentów świętych. Kandydaci do kapłaństwa, na przestrzeni dwustu lat istnienia diecezji siedleckiej, spotykali się z różnymi ujęciami liturgiki. Po soborze watykań¬skim II jest ona rozumiana jako forma mistagogii w czyny zbawcze wcielonego Syna Bożego. Liturgika nie tylko przekazuje wiedzę o Jego zbawczej obecności w czynnościach liturgicz¬nych, ale prowadzi człowieka do osobistego i osobowego spotkania ze zmartwychwstałym Chrystusem, zwłaszcza w Komunii sakramentalnej.
The development of liturgical, especially Eucharistic rites, was suppo- sed to explain to the believers of Christ the essence of His Paschal Mistery. The rites were also helpful to the participants of the liturgy in entering through their faith into the mystery. Its most important point was a pri- vate and personal meeting with resurrected Christ in a sacramental com- munion. Liturgical texts were of great importance in this process. Sacra- mentaries were created from the early Middle Ages. They were collections of prayers for celebrants of Eucharist and other liturgical rites. They are a very important source of liturgical knowledge. They are also a significant testimony of faith of participants of liturgical rites in a real presence of Christ in these rites. The Church expresses Its faith in liturgical rites.
Liturgy is the creation of Jesus Christ. He continues his redemptive creation in liturgi-cal activities, especially in celebration of the Eucharist. He does it in the Church and through the Church. Apostles and their followers were enable to act „in persona Christi”. In the Ancient History, until the 4th century, celebrants created liturgical texts. They were inspired by the Bible. From the 4th century they began to write down the prayers used in liturgy. In that way the fidelity to the Gospel of Jesus Christ was retained.
Liturgia godzin jest misterium chrześcijańskim, do celebrowania którego Sobór Watykański II zaprosił nie tylko osoby duchowne czy zakonne, ale cały Lud Boży, będący mistyczną Oblubienicą Chrystusa – Boskiego Oblubieńca. To właśnie w Liturgii godzin i poprzez nią każdy wierzący ma sposobność zrealizowania pierwszego i podstawowego celu zarówno samej liturgii, jak i całego życia chrześcijańskiego. Chodzi o oddanie chwały Bogu oraz zdobycie umiejętności Jego kontemplacji. Jednocześnie realizacja powołania człowieka do nieustannego chwalenia swego Stwórcy owocuje uświęceniem stworzenia. Owo uświęcenie w Liturgii godzin dotyczy szczególnie czasu przeżywanego przez człowieka podczas jego ziemskiej wędrówki. Pozornie może się wydawać, że Liturgia godzin przynależy do jednej z form modlitwy ustnej. Jednak taka opinia, choć dziś często wysuwana i powszechnie uznawana, jest efektem jedynie zewnętrznego postrzegania tej liturgicznej modlitwy Kościoła. Prawdą jest, że jej struktura składa się z dużej ilości tekstów, w przeważającej części biblijnych, głównie zaczerpniętych z Księgi Psalmów, które są recytowane indywidualnie lub śpiewane przez wspólnotę. Jeśli jednak sięgniemy do genezy tej modlitwy, jeśli wsłuchamy się w jej „ducha”, okaże się, że otworzy się przed nami ukryty w niej świat kontemplacji, a wręcz mistyki chrześcijańskiej. Znajduje się on zarówno pod osłoną tekstów, jak i sposobów, w jaki powinny one być wykonywane. Fakt, że Liturgia godzin jest ze swej istoty modlitwą kontemplacyjną, determinuje sposoby i zasady jej celebracji. Scharakteryzowane w artykule muzyczne sposoby wykonawcze poszczególnych elementów Liturgii godzin dowodzą, że istnieje głęboki, wręcz organiczny związek pomiędzy mistyczną duchowością Liturgii godzin a jej praktycznym wykonaniem. Szukanie takich związków wydaje się wręcz konieczne, aby uchronić celebracje liturgiczne od formalizmu, który zabija tętniące w nich Boże życie, a co za tym idzie – separuje je od naszego chrześcijańskiego życia.
The Liturgy of the Hours is a Christian misterium, the celebration of which the Second Vatican Council invited not only religious people but the whole People of God, who is the mystical Bride of Christ – the Divine Spouse. It is in the Liturgy of the Hours and throught it that every believer has the opportunity to accomplish the first and primary goal of both the liturgy itself and the entire Christian life. It is all about giving glory to God and gaining the skills to contemplat Him. At the same time, man’s implementaion of the vocation to constantly praise his Creator results in the santification of creation. This santivication in the Liturgy of the Hours especially concers the time that man has during his earthly journey. It may seem that the Liturgy of the Hours belongs to one of the forms of oral prayers. However, such an opinion, although now widely recognized, is the result of only an external perception of this liturgical prayer of the Church. It is true that its structure consists of a large number of texts, mostly biblical texts, mainly taken from the Book of Psalms, which are recited individually or sung by the community. However, if we reach to the genesis of this prayer, if we listen to its „spirit”, it will turn out that hte world of contemplation and even Christian mysticism hidden in it will open up for us. It is hidden under the texts themselves adn the ways in which they should be performed. The fact that the Liturgy of the Hours is, by its very nature, a contempative prayer, determines the ways and principles of its celebration. The musical ways of performing each element of the Liturgy of Hours, characterized in the article, prove that there is a deep, almost organic connection between the mystical spirituality of the Liturgy of the Hours and its practical implementation. Seeking such connection seems indispensable in order to protect the liturgical celebrations from formalism, which kills God’s vibrant life, and as a result there is no connection between God’s life in our Christian life.
The Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ, gives to the believer incorporation into this mystery but it also requires of them assent to its divine origin. The faith is presented to the believer through this reality both in the ancient symbols of the Church but also in its liturgy, which is the primary theological ground allowing a person to profess and celebrate faith that is rooted in the Church of Christ. In this study the author recalls some assumptions of the relationship between the liturgy and the Church, reflects on the liturgy sees as a sacred space for manifesting faith and reflects on the ars celebrandi and its impact on building faith in the Church of Christ.  
Kościół, będący Mistycznym Ciałem Chrystusa, domaga się od wiernych nie tylko ich przynależności, ale wiary w jego boskie pochodzenie. Ta wiara, obecna w starożytnych symbolach, kształtowana jest na liturgii i przez liturgię. Liturgia bowiem, będąc pierwszym miejscem teologicznym, jest też naturalnym biotopem wyznawania i celebrowania tejże wiary. W niniejszym studium autor przypomina założenia relacji liturgii do Kościoła, poddaje refleksji liturgię rozumianą jako przestrzeń manifestacji wiary w Kościół oraz snuje refleksję nad obecna w temacie ars celebrandi i jej wpływem na budowanie wiary w Kościół Chrystusowy.
Half a century ago Pius XII carried out a reform of the Paschal Triduum. Despite the reprimands in the Circular Letter Paschalis solemnitatis of 1988 the pastoral practice often ignores the spirit of this reform and the liturgical regulations. The present article explains certain elements of the history that justify theologically the present form of the Triduum liturgy. The problem of changes in the number of days and stages of celebrating Easter that have been made for many centuries is solved by the use of the key given by St Augustine with respect to Jesus: crucifixi, sepulti, suscitati. These stages determine the course of the three days of celebrating the Paschal Triduum. Since the Triduum constitutes the peak of the liturgical year it should be the center of Christian formation. This is why in the post-Council missal during Lent elements of catechumenal formation have been more explicitly emphasized, directing all the faithful to a revival of the covenant of the Holy Baptism during the main celebration of the liturgical year—Easter Eve. The practice of taking part in experiencing the Paschal Triduum intensively, following the example of special closed recollections in formation centers of the Light-Life Movement, is an invaluable aid for the formation of the liturgical service, which bears fruit in the form of well prepared teams of the Paschal Triduum liturgy animators.
The article is divided into four parts. In Part One the connection between the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist is dealt with. Part Two presents the Liturgy of the Hours as the source and crowning of pastoral work. In Part Three the other reasons inclining the priest to celebrate the Liturgy of the Hours are given. The last part — Part Four is an instruction concerning the salutary fruit resulting from a proper celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours. When writing about the connection between the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist the emphasis is put both on the role of the Liturgy of the Hours in preparing the priest to the celebration of the Eucharist, and on enriching the whole day with Eucharistic values. The value of the Liturgy of the Hours for pastoral activity first of all lies in its being the source of the whole of apostolic work. Apart from this, by celebrating the Liturgy of the Hours the priest consolidates his love for Christ and His Church. However, if he wants to gain from the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours, to which he is obliged every day, as much fruit as possible, he should celebrate it not only integrally, but also zealously.
The connection between liturgy and catechesis has been marked since the beginning of the existence and work of the Church. These two realities are connected with each other by their mutual participation in the work of evangelization. Analysis of the essence of catechesis and liturgy leads to discovering their similarity that is expressed in relating both of them to the Mystery of Christ and to Christian life. The bond of catechesis and liturgy can also be seen in their common aim, which is unification with Christ that results in existential change of the believer’s life. Catechesis and liturgy that have Mystery of Christ as their basis and lead to com¬plete Christian life are parallel to each other. It is only in their mutual bond that evangelization can achieve its aim—faith that will define the whole of a man’s life. Despite the emphasized parallelism catechesis plays an ancillary role to liturgy, which is conditioned by the sacramental presence of Christ and His salutary work in it.
Związek liturgii i katechezy zaznacza się od początków istnienia i działania Kościoła. Te dwie rzeczywistości związane są ze sobą poprzez ich wzajemny udział w dziele ewangelizacji. Analiza istoty katechezy oraz liturgii prowadzi do odkrycia ich podobieństwa, wyrażającego się w odniesieniu obu z nich do Misterium Chrystusa oraz do życia chrześcijańskiego. Łączność katechezy i liturgii można także widzieć w ich wspólnym celu, którym jest zjednoczenie z Chrystusem, skutkujące egzystencjalną przemianą życia wierzącego. Katecheza i liturgia mając za podstawę Misterium Chrystusa i prowadząc do pełni życia chrześcijańskiego są wobec siebie paralelne. Dopiero w ich wzajemnym powiązaniu ewangelizacja może osiągnąć swój cel – wiarę, która będzie określała całokształt życia człowieka. Mimo podkreślanego paralelizmu katecheza spełnia wobec liturgii rolę służebną, co jest uwarunkowane sakramentalną obecnością w niej Chrystusa i Jego dzieła zbawczego.
Prayer is an encounter expressing man's bond with God. At the basis of this encounter there is faith in the existence and love of personal God. During praying entrance occurs into a personal relation not only with God, but with another man as well. An encounter with another man in prayer, connected with a trusting call for blessing, changes the relation between the persons, creates an internal bond, in which prejudice gives way to mutual openness. Liturgy is a special dimension of the God-man interaction, in which dialog takes place by means of liturgical signs. In the catechetical formation intellectual education is recommended, but raising religious sensitivity, being open to God’s gifts, building a community and acceptance of everything that Christ offers through the Church, is more important. The catechist plays the priority role in developing the communication between God and man in the pupils that are catechized. In order to meet this demand he himself has to feel the need of prayer and of bearing witness. In using prayer the catechist's creative attitude is necessary. He should find out about the religiousness of the given class, their intellectual possibilities, spiritual sensitivity, the ability to reflect, and their general state of faith that was acquired in their homes. He has to synchronize prayer with the Church, parish or school feasts, as well as with the important situations in the pupils' lives, spontaneous requests made by the catechized, with the environment they live in, and with the esthetic qualities of the room where the lesson takes place.
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Rola liturgii w katechezie

Catechesis and liturgy enable the Church to fulfill its saving mission awarded by the Christ. Preaching the word is to lead to the celebration of liturgy. The heart of the catechesis and faith of those who receive the message of salvation is the mystery of the Christ celebrated in liturgy. As catechesis is essential to gain understanding and ultimate experience of liturgy, a catechesis that supports and translates liturgical values into daily life is indispensable. Catechesis should relate to liturgical experience, consolidate its values, point to the richness of life renewed in Christ and propose ways of attaining sainthood in daily work. The characteristic element of liturgy is the language of celebration, which imparts significance to the celebration in the process of transmission of faith. Liturgy also uses symbolic language, which is an indispensable way of expressing and sharing religious experience. Symbols can help catechesis to resist the temptation of teaching only, because they bring teaching closer to daily life and add necessary dynamism to catechesis.
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