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vol. 10
issue 1
In their philosophical projects that address the concept of law, Immanuel Kant, Johann G. Fichte, and Georg W. F. Hegel all employ transcendental argumentation to demonstrate the sovereignty of community and the existence of power. They do this in the attempt to conceptually ground the idea of freedom and reconcile it with the notion of coercion within the framework of the idea of positive law. This article focuses solely on the Kantian project, since the approaches of Fichte and Hegel take on a more speculative turn in addition to their transcendental form.
To test situation aspect (lexical aspect, aktionsart), especially telicity, and/or to classify situations into Vendlerian classes (states, activities, accomplishments, and achievements), aspectual literature has been standardly relying on Dowty’s (1979) diagnostic tests. These are of three kinds – lexical co-occurrence, grammatical co-occurrence and logical entailment tests. This paper points out problems associated with implementing the tests. It argues that Dowty’s tests can give false results, mainly due to two factors. First, some of the tests are based on volition rather than aspectual features. Second, upon reviewing the various workings of the phenomenon of aspect shift and coercion, I show how it can affect the results of Dowty’s tests. Coupled with the fact that some of the tests are not applicable to some Vendlerian classes and with the problem of varying judgments among native speakers, Dowty’s tests for Vendler classes are far from being watertight. Awareness of these problems is imperative when testing situation aspect.
The aim of this paper is to present standpoints prevailing among the researchers of terrorism, which refer to the problem of efficiency of terrorism treated as a coercive strategy. Authors basing on the scientific papers, which in their opinion are of key importance for this discussion, indicate the most important arguments in favor of the efficiency of terrorism and opposite ones. according to which not only terrorism is inefficient, but also antiterrorist strategies built upon misinterpreted attacks – must turn out to be defective. Analyzing few important publications in the discussed matter authors recall the notions included in it in order to provide an overview of the most important conceptions.
The article aims to analyze the role of economic sanctions in the People’s Republic of China’s overall approach to achieving its security objectives in the international arena. During the last two decades, Beijing used this instrument on numerous occasions to exert pressure on a varied group of actors. China’s current strategy toward a range of disputes and conflicts it is engaged in (the South China Sea territorial disputes most prominently stand out) is often described using the popular vocabulary of “hybrid warfare” or “grey zone conflicts”. Putting the conceptual complications aside, the author agrees that the PRC’s approach can be viewed as part of a growing trend for great powers to employ what can be called “hybrid strategies” toward its opponents. As part of a broader category of economic statecraft, economic sanctions form an important element of this approach. Considering current scholarship on both “hybrid” (or “grey area”) warfare and economic sanctions, the article answers the question of why the PRC increasingly resorts to hybrid strategies (including economic coercion) and identifies the main characteristics of Chinese economic sanctions. It also provides preliminary conclusions on their effectiveness.
Multidimensional changes are taking place in the modern world. Generally speaking, these changes concern what is broadly understood as culture, civilization, and religion. These changes can be perceived through their connection with technology, which affects how societies are organized, how people exercise power (politics), the types and features of social bonds, what the economy looks like, man and his existential situation, and man’s relationship with himself and his surroundings. These changes also definitively impact administrative enforcement proceedings, which can use coercion to make the obligor fulfill his obligations. Because coercive measures may be used on the obligor during the course of administrative enforcement proceedings, they should be carried out with due care for the good of the individual. This study analyzes principles for respecting the obligor’s mandatory subsistence minimum as well as his role in counteracting excessive interference on the part of public administrational bodies in his individual rights and freedoms.
Zachodzące we współczesnym świecie przemiany mają wielowymiarowy charakter. W sensie najogólniejszym dotyczą szeroko pojętej kultury i cywilizacji oraz religii. Dostrzegalny jest ich związek z techniką i technologią, co przekłada się na sposób organizacji społeczeństw i sprawowania władzy (politykę) oraz na rodzaj i charakter więzi społecznych, a także kształt gospodarki. Wyraźnie zauważalny jest ich wpływ na samego człowieka, jego sytuację egzystencjalną, stosunek do samego siebie i do otoczenia. Zachodzące zmiany mają też określony wpływ na administracyjne postępowanie egzekucyjne. Jest ono nacechowane elementem przymusu służącego wyegzekwowaniu realizacji obowiązku, którego zobowiązany dobrowolnie nie wykonuje. Z uwagi przede wszystkim na istotną dolegliwość środków przymusu, które mogą być stosowane wobec zobowiązanego w ramach tego postępowania, powinno być ono prowadzone z zachowaniem odpowiedniej dbałości o dobro jednostki. Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza treści zasady poszanowania minimum egzystencji zobowiązanego oraz jej roli jako jednego z instrumentów przeciwdziałających nadmiernej ingerencji organów administracji publicznej w sferę praw i wolności jednostki.
The article analyzes the concepts of «coercion», «measures of criminal procedural coercion», «measures to ensure criminal proceedings» and their relationship. The measures of procedural coercion, which the court can most often apply to the participants in court proceedings in a criminal case, as well as the procedure for postponing the trial in connection with their (measures of procedural coercion) are studied. Proposals for improving the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine in this direction have been formulated. Measures of criminalprocedural coercion are procedural means of state-legal coercion defined by the criminal-procedural law, applied by the authorized bodies conducting criminal proceedings, in the order clearly defined by the law concerning persons, for the purpose of achievement of efficiency of criminal proceedings. The concept of “measures to ensure criminal proceedings” in its own right the content and scope do not cover the category of precautionary measures and other mea sures procedural coercion. In our opinion, the concept of «criminal measures procedural coercion “and” measures to ensure criminal proceedings «are not identical: under the current CPC of Ukraine measures procedural coercion is a component of criminal security measures proceedings, and, consequently, to some extent, a narrower concept. They are correlated between themselves as a whole and part. However, before proceeding to the analysis of each of the measures of coercion we have identified, let us pay attention to the important procedural provisions that the judge is obliged to remember when applying this or that measure. The court may impose measures of procedural coercion on the person, which in turn will postpone the trial.
The authors raise the issue of the structure of the offense of taking a hostage, trying to answer the question of whether it is possible to conclude that the offense under Art. 252 CC would be committed in a situation where the subject compelled to behave in a certain manner is the hostage itself. Using linguistic and systemic arguments, they answer the question in the negative way. This is mainly due to the dictionary definition of the term “hostage”, as well as the international legal context which imposed the introduction of Art. 252 (offense of taking a hostage) to the Criminal Code.
Autorzy poruszają kwestię konstrukcji przestępstwa wzięcia zakładnika, próbując udzielić odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy możliwe jest stwierdzenie realizacji znamion typu czynu zabronionego z art. 252 k.k. w sytuacji, w której podmiotem zmuszanym do określonego zachowania się miałby być sam zakładnik. Posługując się argumentami o charakterze językowym oraz systemowym, formułują odpowiedź przeczącą. Wynika ona przede wszystkim ze słownikowej definicji terminu „zakładnik”, jak również z kontekstu prawnomiędzynarodowego, który narzucił wprowadzenie konstrukcji ujętej w art. 252 do Kodeksu karnego.
Artykuł porusza najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z problematyką stosowania przymusu bezpośredniego w szpitalach psychiatrycznych. Opracowanie przedstawia sytuacje, w których dozwolone jest wszczęcie trybu przymusowego postępowania medycznego wobec osób stwarzających zagrożenie dla życia lub zdrowia własnego, najbliższego otoczenia bądź bezpieczeństwa powszechnego, wbrew ich woli. Gwarancję realizacji zasad poszanowania praw i wolności jednostki stanowią przepisy ustawy o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego dotyczące stosowania w granicach konieczności środków przymusu bezpośredniego.
This paper discusses major issues related to the application of coercive measures in psychiatric hospitals. The situations are presented when a physician is authorized to initiate compulsory medical procedure against persons posing threat for their own life or health, their immediate surroundings or common security - against their own will. Provisions of the Mental Health Act regarding the application of direct coercive measures within the limits of necessity are vital guarantee of respecting the rights and freedoms of an individual.
Augustine rejected the Manichean claim that freedom was something illusory. It was precisely in debates with the Manicheans that he forged his doctrine of evil as a lack of good where it ought to exist. Freedom, necessarily directed toward good and justice, is the opposite of coercion, but concurrently cannot be reconciled with evil and sin, whereas our real freedom is never in discord with the absolute transcendence of God.
Augustyn odrzucał manichejską tezę, jakoby wolność była czymś iluzorycznym. Właśnie w dyskusjach z manichejczykami wykuwał swoją naukę, że zło jest brakiem dobra tam, gdzie ono być powinno. Wolność, w sposób konieczny ukierunkowana ku dobru i sprawiedliwości, jest prze- ciwieństwem przymusu, ale zarazem nie da się jej pogodzić ze złem i grzechem. Natomiast nasza realna wolność nigdy nie kłóci się z absolutną transcendencją  Boga.
The democratic state — like any social-political system — have to contend with numerous forms of social tensions that force governments to take action in order to preserve organizational stability of the whole state. Democratic systems are characterized by having a number of tools and mechanisms to regulating system and/or to “the spreading” social mood, which makes it possible to “peaceful” resolutions of conflicts. However, even in consolidated and mature democracies there are situations where the state (government) resort to coercion and violence against citizens. What factors influence the making “definitive” measures? How different is the coercion between state violence? These and many other questions I will try to answer in this article.
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Interdyscyplinarne ujęcie przymusu

Nowadays, compulsion is a very well-known, common and often used concept. Sometimes, this means that “compulsion” is such a typical and common word that we do not need to make any deep reflection to think and talk about it. But to know the real meaning of this concept we need to look for sources or consequences, so as to see that this is a very complicated concept. Analysis of this word as regards interdisciplinarity consists in checking the meaning of this word in many disciplines. It is useful to see all of the aspects of the concept for better understanding and better interpreting. And compulsion is, certainly, a part of everyone’s life.
Przymus jest współcześnie pojęciem znanym, powszechnym i często wykorzystywanym w odniesieniu do wielu kategorii życiowych. Ta pozorna prostota definicji jest złudna, bowiem jest to zjawisko złożone, które możemy odnieść do szerokiej sfery społeczno-polityczno-ekonomicznej. Wiele czynników ma wpływ na odbiór zjawiska przymusu, wiele też zależy od danego punktu widzenia. Niewątpliwie ujęcie interdyscyplinarne pozwala w odniesieniu do różnych dziedzin nauki wypracować odmienne podejście od reprezentowanych przez dziedziny, na których się opiera. Przymus jest zjawiskiem, z którym niemal każdy musiał się spotkać, stąd dążenie autorki do pogłębienia refleksji o tym zjawisku, jak i próba usystematyzowania pewnych kategorii związanych z tym pojęciem.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 10
issue 4
Nella sentenza c. Stankiewicz del 20 ottobre 1994 l’uditore rotale mostra il problema di fonte della nullità del matrimonio ex titolo vis et metus, cioè vuole rispondere alla domanda: il metus proviene dal diritto naturale o dal dirrito ecclesiastico? La questione da secoli controversa anche oggi non è risolta. L’autore dichiara, che è lasciato al libero arbitrio dei giudici ecclesiastici determinare nel singolo caso, se il matrimonio e da ritenersi nullo in forza del diritto naturale о soltanto in forza del diritto mere ecclesiastico.
The aim of the research, the results of which are presented in this article, was to clarify Russian views on strategic deterrence and the mechanisms of its application. It was established that strategic deterrence has a broader scope of meaning than its Western counterpart, as it encompasses peacetime, the influence of crisis and wartime by nuclear, non-nuclear and non-military means. Russian deterrence is universal in nature because it shapes the behavior of strategic rivals without the need for armed confrontation. Holistic coercive campaigns conducted in cyberspace allow to combine conventional military and non-military capabilities with nuclear ones and achieve political goals in the ongoing international competition.
Autor stawia tezę, że bez przymusu ubezpieczenia społeczne nie mogłyby ani powstać, ani funkcjonować, ani też gwarantować świadczeń na przyszłość. Dobrowolność w ubezpieczeniu społecznym ma charakter uzupełniający i powiększa tym samym w sposób nieznaczny zakres podmiotowy ubezpieczeń społecznych ponad stałą wspólnotę ubezpieczeniową. Przymus należy bowiem do głównych atrybutów systemu ubezpieczeń społecznych jako jego cecha ekonomiczna i utrwalona w prawie. Celem artykułu jest określenie, czym jest przymus ubezpieczeniowy oraz jaką pełni funkcję w ubezpieczeniach społecznych. Odpowiedzi na to pytanie sięgać będą do problemów fundamentalnych ubezpieczeń społecznych, a odkrywanie zależności przymusu od podstawowych kategorii konstrukcyjnych ubezpieczeń społecznych wskazywać będzie na skuteczność poboru składki w systemie ubezpieczeń społecznych. Autor wskazuje prawną, psychologiczną i ekonomiczną rolę przymusu.
The author argues that without compulsion, social insurance would not be able to create, function or guarantee future benefits. Voluntary social insurance is complementary and therefore slightly increases the subjective coverage of social security over the permanent insurance community. Coercion is one of the main attributes of the social insurance system: as its economic feature and is fixed in the law. The purpose of this article is to determine what is compulsory insurance and what role it plays in social insurance. Answers to this question will make recourse to the problems of fundamental of social insurance, while the discovery of the dependence of coercion drawn from the basic categories of social insurance construction, will indicate the eff ectiveness in the collection of contributions within the social insurance system. The author points out the legal, psychological and economic role of coercion.
Since the early 1980s, specialized problem-solving courts known as drug courts emerged in the United States as a response to the backlog of drug and alcohol-related cases plaguing the U.S. criminal justice system. In a few decades, with the seeming success of the drug court in helping AOD defendants achieve sobriety while reducing recidivism, the drug court model has achieved international prominence as well. This paper discusses a pilot study which seeks to analyze the feasibility of connecting a website, drughelp.care, developed at the host institution of the co-authors, to the everyday operations of local drug courts. Talcott Parsons’ AGIL schema is utilized as a conceptual template for organizing our thinking about how the website could improve services to administrators and clients according to the unique functional elements of the drug court.
The article is to discuss models of accountability for crimes against freedom in selected European countries in the continental system of criminal law. In turn discussed the system of offenses against freedom and then crimes of illegal deprivation of freedom, human trafficking, threat, stalking and impersonation, coercion, taking the image of a naked person, medical treatment without consent and violation of domestic peace in different countries. The whole discussion is an attempt to extract the model solutions.
Niniejszy artykuł rozważa zarzut wobec libertarianizmu sformułowany przez G.A. Cohena. Zarzut ten mówi, że libertarianizm definiuje wolność w kategoriach sprawiedliwości, zaś sprawiedliwość w kategoriach wolności. Autor skupia się na szczególnym aspekcie tego zarzutu – wyrażonym w jednym z eksperymentów myślowych zaproponowanych przez Cohena – zgodnie z którym odpowiedź na pytanie o to, czy osoba B zmusza osobę A do zrobienia φ, nie zależy od tego, czy działania osoby B są prawowite, czy nie. Posługując się hohfeldowską analizą podstawowych pojęć jurydycznych, autor dowodzi, że jeżeli działania osoby B są prawowite, to skłonienie osoby A do podjęcia działania φ nie może – za cenę popadnięcia w sprzeczność – być uznane za przymus. Jeżeli osoba B ma wolność jurydyczną skłonienia osoby A do podjęcia działania φ, to osoba B nie może jednocześnie i pod tym samym względem mieć obowiązku nieskłonienia osoby A do podjęcia działania φ. Jednak dokładnie taki wniosek wynikałby z przyjęcia stanowiska, że osoba B przez swoje prawowite działania mogłaby zmusić osobę A do zrobienia φ. Jeśli działania te zmuszałyby osobę A do podjęcia działania φ, wówczas wydatkowanie jakiejkolwiek pracy związanej z robieniem φ byłoby przypadkiem jej niedobrowolnego wydatkowania i konstytuowało tym samym naruszenie praw osoby A do owej pracy. Jeżeli natomiast prawa osoby A do jej pracy faktycznie zostałyby naruszone przez działania osoby B, to zgodnie z hohfeldowskim aksjomatem korelatywności na osobie B musiałby spoczywać obowiązek niepodejmowania tych działań. Całe powyższe rozumowanie opiera się jednak na założeniu, że osoba B ma wolność jurydyczną do ich podjęcia.
In the present paper the author considers a challenge to libertarianism posed by G.A. Cohen. The charge issued by Cohen says that libertarianism defines freedom in terms of justice and justice in terms of freedom. The paper deals with an aspect of this charge as expressed by one of Cohen’s thought experiments according to which it is not the case that the answer to the question whether person B forces person A to do φ depends on whether person B’s actions are legitimate or not. Employing the Hohfeldian analysis of fundamental jural conceptions, the author demonstrates that if person B’s actions are legitimate, then making person A to do φ cannot, at pains of contradiction, be considered forcing. If person B is at a liberty to make person A to do φ, then person B cannot at the same time and in the same respect be at duty not to make person A to do φ. Yet, this is exactly what would follow if we adopted the stance that person B’s legitimate actions force person A to do φ. If they forced person A, then the expenditure of whatever labour needed to do φ would not be a voluntary expenditure and thereby would constitute a violation of person A’s rights to this labour. However, if person A’s rights were violated by person B’s actions, then via Hohfeldian Correlativity Axiom person B would have to be at duty not to undertake these actions. Yet, the whole reasoning started from the assumption that person B is at liberty to undertake them.
Whitehead’s position regarding God’s power is rather unique in the philosophical and theological landscape. Whitehead rejects divine omnipotence (unlike Aquinas), yet he claims (unlike Hans Jonas) that God’s persuasive power is required for everything to exist and to occur. This intriguing position is the subject of this article. The article starts with an exploration of Aquinas’ reasoning towards God’s omnipotence. This will be followed by a close examination of Whitehead’s own position, starting with an introduction to his philosophy of organism and its two-sided concept of God. Thereupon, an analysis of Whitehead’s idiosyncratic view on God’s agency will show that, according to this conception, God and the World depend upon each other, and that God’s agency is a non-coercive but persuasive power. The difference between coercion and persuasion will be explained as well as the reason why God, according to Whitehead’s conception, cannot possibly coerce. Finally, a discussion of the issue of divine almightiness will allow for a reinterpretation of divine almightiness from a Whiteheadian perspective, which will show how despite Whitehead’s rejection of God’s omnipotence, his concept retains essential elements of God as pantokrator (and thus markedly differs from Hans Jonas’ concept).
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