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According to the author, Popper’s critical rationalism can be seen as critical theory and gnoseology of human cognition. Cognition, which is not the goal, and instrument by which we can know the conditions of our lives.
Postnonclassical ontology focuses on fundamental systems, stable network and integral covers integrating all aspects of the spiritual life. Currently, postnonclassical philosophy of ontology usually manifests itself through the scientific picture of the world - a holistic image of the object of scientific research in its major system - structural characteristics, formed by basic notions, concepts and principles of science at every stage of its historical development. The three stages: the first scientific revolution based on the principles of classical mechanics, the second - based on probabilistic concepts to describe the physical, biological and technical worlds, and - the third, currently emerging are investigated, this third - in more detail. The scientific picture of the world in contemporary philosophy, is also investigated in a more narrow sense, as a disciplinary ontology, representing the type of scientific theoretical knowledge in the special sciences. If natural science disciplinary ontology developed well enough, then this process in the humanitarian sphere is only beginning to emerge. The necessity of these scientific pictures of the world and the corresponding methodology are considered.
The article analyzes the concept of “Christian philosophy” from the perspective of its past and its future. First of all, there is revealed a multiplicity of senses and the meanings attributed to this concept. Their arrangement is one of the purposes of this text. Christian philosophy in the broad sense is a philosophy that permits indirect influences of Christianity; this is an idea created in Christian culture. However, strictly speaking Christian philosophy is a philosophy where we find an affirmative approach to the truth preached by Christianity. It is open to direct Christian inspiration. Twentieth-century revival of interest of religion in philosophy seems to foretell the future optimistically in the broad and narrow sense of Christian philosophy.
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On Christian philosophy

The article analyzes the concept of “Christian philosophy” from the perspective of its past and its future. First of all, there is revealed a multiplicity of senses and the meanings attributed to this concept. Their arrangement is one of the purposes of this text. Christian philosophy in the broad sense is a philosophy that permits indirect influences of Christianity; this is an idea created in Christian culture. However, strictly speaking Christian philosophy is a philosophy where we find an affirmative approach to the truth preached by Christianity. It is open to direct Christian inspiration. Twentieth-century revival of interest of religion in philosophy seems to foretell the future optimistically in the broad and narrow sense of Christian philosophy.
The article presents new understanding of the certainty which appears in the 20th century in relation to revolutionary changes of the important for the philosophy notionsas: the subject, the existence, the cognition, or the knowledge. The author is makingthe presentation by pointing to the new, comparing to the modern tradition, sourceof the knowledge. Describing her new figure as the sense, which is not reflectedby the subject but is freeing, the certainty is finding not in thecogito, located outsidethe world, but in thebehaviorof the embodied subject.
In the popular computer game with the succinct title Raft one continually recovers items and material from the ocean in order to adapt a makeshift vessel, building it to unseen dimensions. As in many other games, survival is experienced as casual and amusing gameplay. In desperate isolation, one is flooded with an overabundance of stuff, mirroring our present consumerist capitalism. This can be taken not only as a symptom of the current atmosphere of dystopian realism and mainstreaming of the survival genre, but also as a productive hint or allegory for philosophy. The seemingly inhuman and desolate ocean is full of things and potential. This is a potential that should of course be extended beyond the primitive accumulation of the Raft, because survival is prevalent not only in pop culture and gaming; we can find it to a similar degree also in contemporary philosophy. We can also categorize the poetic survivalism of new materialist thinkers (Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti), “thirst for annihilation” (Nick Land), theorization of current situation as a form of civil war (Alliez and Lazzarato), the (cosmic) pessimism of other speculative thinkers (Quentin Meillassoux, Ray Brassier, Eugene Thacker) or even the pop catastrophism of some ooo proponents (Timothy Morton). In gaming as well as in contemporary thinking, the demand to address the dystopian contours of our time are demands for ontology. Rather than presenting a criticism of these games and theories, we can frame them within such an economy and demand for ontology.
Postmodern humanists often refer to the study of particular sciences to confirm their theses. However, the general question arises: do they need these particular sciences to validate their research, or do they think that all natural research results from humanistic or cultural issues? Postmodern philosophers accept the latter option. It also seems that the postmodern humanists are not able to completely get rid of rational deadlines and methods, because it better describes reality. The problem of referring to the exact sciences and the lack of one's own clear methods is taken up in the presented text by the example of the works of selected non-rational thinkers.
Postmodernistyczni humaniści często odwołują się do badań nauk szczegółowych w celu potwierdzenia swoich tez. Powstaje jednak zasadnicze pytanie: czy potrzebują oni szczegółowych nauk, aby potwierdzić swoje badania, czy też jest odwrotnie: uważają, że wszystkie badania nauk szczegółowych wypływają z tez humanistycznych lub kulturowych? Myśliciele postmodernistyczni zakładają tę drugą opcję. Wydaje się również, że owi humaniści nie są w stanie całkowicie pozbyć się racjonalnych terminów i metod, ponieważ one lepiej opisują rzeczywistość. Problem odwoływania się do nauk ścisłych i braku własnych klarownych metod podejmowany jest w prezentowanym tekście na przykładzie prac wybranych myślicieli postracjonalnych.
This paper aims at the presentation of ethical and political grounds of the pedagogy of asylum, which, in its assumptions, refers to concepts of such thinkers as Emmanuel Levinas, Erich Fromm, George Steiner, Hannah Arendt, Michael Walzer, Avishai Margalit, Jacques Derrida and Janusz Korczak. Utopia of hospitality, presented in its basic assumptions, constitutes a look at the social life, life of individuals and communities, as concentrated in asylums, while its author thinks that it forms an answer to modern challenges to Western democracies, education and politics in the “Age of Migration”.
We live in a time of civilization breakthrough. Human activity aimed at the submission of the natural environment resulted in its devastation with disastrous consequences. Scientific predictions published since October 2018 show the threat of a global climate catastrophe in the coming years as an inevitable scenario unless we counteract it effectively. Preventing the catastrophe is becoming one of the most pressing problems facing the world today. This article examines the ways contemporary philosophy is addressing this issue, arguing that in fact there is no specific philosophical reaction to the climate catastrophe and advancing an explanation of such a striking negligence.
Żyjemy w czasach cywilizacyjnego przełomu. Ludzka aktywność skierowana na podporządkowanie sobie środowiska naturalnego doprowadziła do jego dewastacji, niosącej katastrofalne skutki dla dalszego trwania ludzkości. Naukowe prognozy, publikowane od października 2018 roku, ukazują realne zagrożenie globalną katastrofą klimatyczną w najbliższych latach jako oczywisty scenariusz w przypadku niepodjęcia skutecznej próby przeciwdziałania zagrożeniu. Powstrzymanie katastrofy staje się coraz trudniejszym zadaniem dla społeczności ludzi obecnie żyjących. Artykuł koncentruje się na zagadnieniu reakcji na wspomniany kryzys w dyskursie filozoficznym. W świetle przeprowadzonej analizy wiele wskazuje na to, że w filozofii współczesnej zagrożenie globalną katastrofą nie wywołuje wyraźnej reakcji jej przedstawicieli. Przeprowadzona analiza zmierza do ukazania przyczyn tego stanu rzeczy.
Filozofia subiektywności dotarła w XX wieku do granic swoich możliwości. Jako odpowiedź na jej ograniczenia rozmaici filozofowie podjęli próby nowego rodzaju myślenia. Takie próby to m.in. myśl dialogiczna, która pierwszy wyraz znalazła w pismach takich filozofów, jak Franz Rosenzweig, Martin Buber czy Eberhard Grisebach. Innym przykładem jest postulat powrotu do pytania o bycie Martina Heideggera. W niniejszym artykule staram się pokazać, że obie próby mają ze sobą wiele wspólnego, choć ich przedstawiciele odnosili się do siebie nawzajem raczej krytycznie, o ile w ogóle to czynili. Okazuje się jednak, że myśl Martina Bubera oraz Martina Heideggera ujmują człowieka jako byt dynamiczny, który staje w obliczu nachodzącego go wezwana. Dlatego też analizuję najpierw koncepcję Martina Heideggera z okresu Bycia i czasu, następnie przedstawiam myślenie Martina Bubera, głównie w oparciu o jego traktat Ja i Ty. Na koniec dokonuję zestawienia i porównania wątków wspólnych obu filozofom, jak również zaznaczam różnice, które dzielą obie próby przekroczenia filozofii podmiotowości.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the philosophy of subjectivity reached its limits. Various attempts at new thinking appeared as a reaction to these limits. Such attempts involve, among others, the philosophy of dialogue, which was represented in the works of Franz Rosen- zweig, Martin Buber and Eberhard Grisebach. Another approach includes Martin Heidegger’s demand for returning to the question of Being. In this article, I intend to present that both attempts are similar in many ways, although their representatives tended to be critical of one another. However, the approaches of Martin Buber as well as Martin Heidegger prove to understand a man as a dynamic being who faces the calling. Firstly, I would like to analyse the thought of Martin Heidegger as presented in Being and time , then I will describe the thought of Martin Buber mainly based on his treaty I and Thou . Finally, I compare the similarities and differences in the thinking of both philosophers
The article concerns the Thomistic philosophy present in the mainstream of Polish Roman-Catolic integrism, i.e. among the supporters and adherents of the Priestly Society of the Saint Pius X (FSSPX). The main aspects of this environment's activities were presented in terms of philosophical issues. The article is based on the latest publications and effects of this environment, based on the author's own research. As a result of research, it was found that Catholic traditionalists often refer to Thomistic philosophy, as recommended by popes and Christian philosophers in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. According to the Catholic authors in Poland, advocating the pre-Vatican II tradition, Thomistic philosophy is not only a useful tool for expressing a realistic and religious vision of the world, but also an effective means of practicing apologetics for the traditionally understood Catholic vision of the world, man and society. The advantages of Thomism in this environment are: realism, objectivity, openness to divine revelation, respect for history, catholic holiness and supernaturalism. According to traditionalists, Thomism is the only perpetual philosophy and rescue against nihilism, subjectivism and individualism of our time, always recommended by popes.
Niniejsza praca skupia się na porównaniu współczesnej myśli prawosławnej z wybranymi nurtami współczesnej filozofii. Autorska koncepcja współczesnej myśli prawosławnej skupia trzy działy: teologię, filozofię oraz badania historyczne.
This paper focuses on comparing contemporary Orthodox thought with selected streams of contemporary philosophy. The author’s concept of modern Orthodox thought focuses on three aspects: theological, philosophical, and historical research.
The moral reinterpretation of Jesus conducted by Kant, Lessing and Feuerbach, is an interesting matter when it comes to the philosophy of religion. The abovementioned German philosophers claimed that Jesus ought to be understood only as a moral archetype and a revolutionist in morality. This concept arose on the grounds of moral religion which was one of the most interesting ideas of the Enlightenment. Thus, exploring this moral reinterpretation of Jesus is just an excuse to study the concept of moral religion. Despite the fact that this idea is no longer current, it has immense influence on the contemporary philosophy of religion. Therefore, understanding the concept of moral religion can broaden the context of the contemporary discussion.
Rocznik Tomistyczny
vol. 1
issue 9
The notion of history of philosophy is initiated by Bocheński by presentation of the notion of history itself which, according to him for the fact of treating the past („that what happened”), has two meanings: subject meaning (past events) and object meaning (historiosophy). Both of them can be further divided into two parts: history of facts and history of doctrines. History of philosophy is a typical history of doctrines. The second element of the name „history of philosophy”- which is philosophy-is etymologically linked to wisdom, present in numerous meanings: in antiquity its was simply a synonim of science. In the Middle Ages we observe division of human knowledge to revealed knowledge and natural knowledge, the latter one, in its aspect of exploring the ultimate principles and causes is called philosophy. In modern times philosophy was questioned at all or the entire science was included in its scope. For that reason Bocheński establishes the set of topics which are constantly present in the history of philosophy and which can be classified as strictly philosophical issues. They are: 1) the question of cognition (can we cognize truth?); 2) the question of science; 3) ontological issues (universalities, existence or non-existence of plurality); 4) questions of relation of science and psychic; 5) axiological issues (ethics, esthetics, philosophy of religion); 6) the question of absolute (God, eternal matter). Bocheński stresses that questions proper to philosophy can not be classified as one of the science and, what is more, contemporary methodology of science will rather not change this situation. Striking in that presentation is the lack of issues regarding philosophy of being (existence, essence, substance, accidental properties, relations, causes) with little exemption of philosophy of being inc-luded in the question of absolute. When it comes to division of history of philosophy, we may say that according to Bocheński it should follow analogically the traditional division of the European history such as classic, medieval, modern and contemporary times
The death of God thesis is a siginificant one when it comes to the contemporary philosophy of religion. In this article we will try to present this thesis in the light of Gianni Vattimo’s philosophy in order to clarify the meaning of the death of God and also to critisize it. The article will be divided into three sections. The aim of the first one will be to show the ways in which the death od God thesis should not be understood. The aim of the second will be to present the actual meaning of the thesis. And the third one will be devoted to the critique of Gianni Vattimo’s philosophy of religion which constitutes itself as a result of accepting the death of God thesis.
Teza o śmierci Boga jest niezwykle istotna we współczesnej filozofii religii. W niniejszym artykule postaramy się ukazać tę tezę w świetle filozofii Gianniego Vattima, aby wyjaśnić jej znaczenie oraz ją skrytykować. Artykuł zostanie podzielony na trzy sekcje. Celem pierwszej z nich będzie ukazanie niepoprawnych dróg rozumienia tezy o śmierci Boga. Celem drugiej zaprezentowanie właściwego jej znaczenia. Trzecia zaś poświęcona będzie krytyce filozofii religii Gianniego Vattima, która konstytuuje się jako wynik przyjęcia tezy o śmierci Boga.
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