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The rapid growth of international terrorism in recent years has caused the need to develop and use effective methods to combat it on many levels. In addition, preventative measures against terrorists can not wait for the next attack on their part. But puts the responsibility for the proper functioning of the safety system required skillful drawing conclusions from experience, and consequently stimulate the adoption of effective solutions to fight against this menacing phenomenon. Terrorism is undoubtedly one of the most important security challenges most of countries.
The article is describing the development of the organized crime in the Republic of Poland from 1989. A development of crime and her influence on coming into existence of the new democracy were described. The particular attention was devoted to the definition of the organized crime and the difference which is appearing between her and ordinary crime.
Current demographic trends indicate that we will live in an increasingly aging society, with all its conditions including changes taking place in daily life. Contemporary civilization promotes the cult of youth, vitality and physical strength. Numerous manifestations of ageism are an expression of fear, fears of the consequences of the natural process of aging and old age. Elder people experience not only health problems, but more and more often loneliness, marginalization, violence, neglect and abuse, both from the closest family and aid institutions. The ongoing demographic changes require special attention to the problem of violence against elder people. The prevention of violence against elder people is particularly important in the event of increasing population aging. The purpose of the article is to present forms of violence towards seniors, a determination of the scale of this phenomenon, motives and methods of counteracting this negative behaviour in the light of the literature on the subject. It is necessary to undertake a wide range of activities to change the image of elder people and the phenomenon of old age and also draw attention to the problem of violence against elder people in the public forum.
vol. XLVI
issue 1
This article examines the dangers posed by the presence of a large Russian minority in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The detailed analysis of the situation in the period from 1991 to 2021 has made it possible to identify not only the dangers, but also the ways in which the Kremlin takes advantage of this issue to exert major pressure on Kazakhstan’s political decision makers to promote Russia’s vital interests. The paper looks at the measures taken by the authorities in Nur-Sultan, the main purpose of which is to limit Russian influence in the republic, as well as the negative impact of the adopted mechanisms on the growth of participation of ethnic Kazakhs in the socio-political life of the state.
The article is focused on global regionalization as one of the most important development trends of the modern world. It presents levels of global regionalization processes and their influ-ence on possible changes in the world (macro, meso, microlevels). The paper seeks to study the regional aspects of the post-bipolar world and shows modern form of international and regional economical integration. At the same time, the attention turned to possible directions for a country to counteract the global financial threats by means of regionalization.
Artykuł koncentruje się na globalnej regionalizacji jako jednym z najważniejszych trendów rozwoju współczesnego świata. Przedstawia on poziom globalnych procesów regionalizacji i ich wpływ na ewentualne zmiany w świecie (makro-, mezo- i mikropoziomów). Artykuł ma na celu zbadanie aspektów regionalnych podwubiegunowego świata i pokazuje nowoczesną formę międzyna-rodowej i regionalnej integracji ekonomicznej. Jednocześnie zwrócono uwagę na możliwe, poprzez regionalizację, dla kraju kierunki na przeciwdziałanie globalnym zagrożeniom finansowym.
Currently, the security problem has a broader meaning than ever. There is a social demand for development of an independent multi-disciplinary scientific field – the theory of security. This thesis presents the essence of multi-disciplinary approach to understanding problems and factors basic to modern philosophy of security theory: basic theory of security; theory of dualism in security management; theory of social systems security; ideology of security centrism; security control. Security Control is viewed as a dual process of security provision to social systems: protection system and counteraction system (purposeful benefit management) against adverse factors; and hazards build up – risk, challenge, threat – to the existence and favorable development of security of objects: individuals, society, state, international community and human civilization.
Marnotrawstwo żywności to problem, który nabiera szczególnego znaczenia w XXI wieku. Jak wynika z danych Banków Żywności co roku na świecie marnuje się 1,3 mld ton jedzenia. Stanowi to 1/3 wyprodukowanej żywności. W Europie jest to niemal 100 mln ton, a w samej Polsce prawie 9 mln ton rocznie [Banki Żywności 2016]. Dane dotyczące Europy nie obejmują strat w rolnictwie oraz rybołówstwie, czyli w rzeczywistości wartość ta może być znacznie większa. Z drugiej strony w krajach Afryki Subsaharyjskiej i Azji skala marnotrawstwa jest zdecydowanie niższa, a pomimo to występuje tu chroniczny problem niedożywienia, czy wręcz głodu. Jak donosi UNICEF niedożywienie jest przyczyną śmierci ponad 5 milionów dzieci rocznie [UNICEF 2016]. Dlatego konieczne jest opracowanie strategii skutecznej walki z tym zjawiskiem. Takie próby podejmuje Unia Europejska, która zwróciła uwagę na problem w strategii „Europa 2020”, a w roku 2011 Parlament Europejski wydał rezolucję „Jak uniknąć marnotrawienia żywości: strategia na rzecz poprawy wydajności łańcucha żywnościowego w UE” [Parlament Europejski 2011]. Jednocześnie duża część mieszkańców UE (w tym Polaków) deklaruje, że nie są świadomi sytuacji, nie zauważają kampanii informacyjnych i programów, które mają na celu zmniejszenie marnotrawstwa żywności [Federacja Polskich Banków Żywności 2013, s. 10]. Walkę z problemem XXI wieku należy zatem rozpocząć od podstaw, od budowania świadomości poszczególnych gospodarstw domowych oraz przedsiębiorstw wytwarzających i prowadzących obrót żywnością. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie na problem marnotrawstwa żywności, jego przyczyny i przejawy, a także określenie możliwych strategii przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku. Metody badawcze zastosowane w pracy to krytyczna analiza literatury przedmiotu i metaanaliza z elementami wnioskowania dedukcyjnego, przy wykorzystaniu dostępnej literatury przedmiotu i raportów.
The problem of food waste is particularly relevant in the twenty-first century. According to the data from the Food Banks, 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year around the world. This represents a third of the total food production. In Europe, there are almost 100 million tonnes and in Poland there are some 9 million tonnes per annum (Food Banks 2016). The data on Europe do not include losses in agriculture and fisheries, which, in fact, make this figure much higher. However, the scale of waste in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia is much lower and there is a chronic problem of malnutrition and even starvation. As reported by UNICEF, malnutrition is the cause of death of over 5 million children annually (UNICEF 2016). It is therefore necessary to develop strategies to effectively combat this phenomenon. Such attempts are taken by the European Union, which pays attention to the problem in the strategy ‘Europe 2020’. In 2011, the European Parliament adopted a resolution ‘How to avoid food waste: a strategy for improving the efficiency of the food chain in the EU’. At the same time a large part of the EU population (including Poles) declare that they are not aware of the situation, do not notice information campaigns and programmes that aim to reduce food waste. Struggle with this twenty-first century problem should therefore start from building attitudes and awareness of individual households and firms engaged in food production and distribution. The purpose of this article is to point to the problem of food waste, its causes and manifestations, and to identify possible strategies to combat this phenomenon. Research methods used in this work include a critical literature analysis and meta-analysis with elements of deductive reasoning based on available literature and reports.
The article presents terminology, specifics and criteria of aggression, aggressiveness and violence. Selected risk factors for aggressive behavior or violence in children revealed in the family, school environment and through the media are also discussed. Subsequently, the propositions of preventive actions used for avoiding or reducing the scale of aggression and violence are presented. Various measures to support children at risk of interpersonal aggression and remedies to counteract aggression and violence are also proposed.
W artykule wskazano terminologię, specyfikę oraz kryteria agresji, agresywności i przemocy. Omówiono też wybrane czynniki ryzyka wystąpienia zachowań agresywnych czy przemocy u dzieci, ujawniające się w rodzinie, środowisku szkolnym i za pośrednictwem mediów. Następnie przedstawiono propozycje działań profilaktycznych stosowanych w celu uniknięcia lub zmniejszenia skali agresywności i przemocy, a także przybliżono przedsięwzięcia zaradcze, wspierające dzieci zagrożone agresją interpersonalną, oraz sposoby przeciwdziałania agresji i przemocy.
В статье рассматривается процесс переселения польского населения с территории УССР согласно Люблинского соrnашения 9 сентября 1944 года.
This article studies the process of resettlement of the Polish population from the territory of the USSR in accordance with the Lublin's Agreement of September 9, 1944.
W artykule podjęto próbę zwrócenia uwagi na wymiar ekonomiczny roli eksperta mobilnego i jego narzędzi teleinformatycznych w procesie przeciwdziałania przestępczości ubezpieczeniowej. W celu ukazania wzajemnych zależności posłużono się wybranymi case-study z działalności jednego z zakładów ubezpieczeniowych regionu zachodniopomorskiego. Całość rozważań uzupełniono o charakterystykę obszarów działalności eksperta mobilnego oraz analizę korzyści ekonomicznych wynikających z zastosowania tych narzędzi w procesach likwidacji szkód komunikacyjnych. Zamierzeniem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na istotę podjętej problematyki badawczej oraz zasygnalizowanie pożądanych kierunków zmian, co w przyszłości prowadzić może do wykorzystania zaprezentowanych rozważań w celu wypracowania interdyscyplinarnych metod i procedur służących identyfikacji zjawiska przestępczości ubezpieczeniowej w zakresie szkód likwidowanych z polisy odpowiedzialności cywilnej i ubezpieczenia dobrowolnego autocasco.
The article concentrates on the economic measuring of a mobile expert role and his instruments of teleinformatics in the process of counteraction of insurance criminality. In order to characterise the interdependence, the author uses selected case-studies of a West Pomeranian insurance company. The analysis includes the description of a mobile expert activity and economic benefits resulting from the its implementation in the process of motor insurance claims handling. The author intends to highlight the research issue and the change directions, which can consequently lead to developing further interdisciplinary methods and procedures of criminal insurance activities detection of motor claims handling within civil policy responsibility and insurance voluntarily insurance.
Tekst prezentuje wybrane działania instytucjonalne podjęte w państwach europejskich mające na celu przeciwdziałanie negatywnym skutkom pandemii koronawirusa.
The text presents selected institutional measures taken in European countries to counteract the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
The birth of the independent Poland in 1918 activated a social movement against alcoholism and drug addiction. In 1919, the Polish Society for Fighting Alcoholism ,,Trzeźwość'' ("Sobriety'') was established which operated nationwide and which in the period between the two wars became the main factor of fighting alcoholism. In the light of the Statute of "Trzeźwość" and resolutions of the Polish anti-alcoholic congresses, as well as the postulates of psychiatrists, the ideas of how to fight alcoholism included three spheres: a. anti-alcoholic legislation and its practical enforcement; b. anti-alcoholic propaganda and education; c. treatment of alcoholics.             In 1919, a draft was submitted to the Diet that proposed a total prohibition of production and sale of alcoholic beverages. It was referred to a Diet commission which subsequently changed its contents. Then. The Diet passed an Act of 23 April 1920 on restrictions in sale of alcoholic beverages. The Act, based on a concept of partial prohibition. Introduced considerable restrictions in sale of beverages containing over 2.5 per cent of pure alcohol, and a total prohibition of sale of beverages with over 45 per cent alcohol. Moreover, the sale of alcohol was prohibited to workers on paydays and holidays, as well as at markets, fairs, church fairs, pilgrimages, on trains and at railway stations. According to the Act, each rural or urban commune could introduce on its territory a total prohibition of sale of alcoholic beverages by voting. The Act limited the number of places where alcohol could be sold or served to one per 2,500 of the population all over the country. A licence issued by administrative authorities was required to sell or serve alcohol. The statutory instrument to this Act created commissions for fighting alcoholism of the 1st and 2nd instances which were to supervise the compliance to the Act of 1920 and to impose penalties provided for the infringement of its provisions. The commissions consisted of representatives of the State administration and social organizations engaged in fighting alcoholism. Moreover, the Act of 2l January 1922 introduced a penalty of fine or arrest for being drunk in public. A person who brought another person to the state of intoxication was also liable to these penalties.             The complete execution of the anti-alcoholic Act met with obstacles: for instance, alcohol was secretly served on the days of prohibition (e.g. during fairs). The Act of 31 July 1924 established the Polish Spirit Monopoly (P.M.S.). The production of spirit and pure vodka thus became a State monopoly' Production and sale of the P.M.S. beverages increased gradually as it constituted an important source of the State revenue. For this reason. a new anti-alcoholic Act of 21 March 1931 was passed which greatly reduced the restrictions in the sale of alcohol as compared with former regulations. A further reduction in these restrictions resulted from Acts of 1932 and 1934. The P.M.S. Board of Directors argued that a growth in production was necessary to suppress illegal distilling of alcohol the products of which were imperfectly rectified and threatened the health of the population. Instead according to the conception of "Trzeźwość’’ and other social organizations engaged in fighting alcoholism. illegal distilling of alcohol should be detected and suppresed by the police while it was in the interest of the health and morals of the population to curtail greatly the sale of alcohol and for this reason it was necessary to reintroduce the anti-alcoholic Act of 1920 However, in consideration of the State's fiscal interests. the Act was not reintroduced and the other Acts that extended the production and sale of the P.M.S. products were only replaced after World War II.             According to the ideas of ,,Trzeźwość'' and other organizations fighting alcoholism, anti-alcoholic propaganda and education should be made by professionals and have a wide range, since it is impossible to fight alcoholism without informing the population of the harmful effects of alcohol. Guidelines for this activity were worked out at the Polish anti-alcoholic congresses of which there were seven in the period between the wars.             Besides, in 1937 the 21st International Anti-Alcoholic Congress took place in Warsaw during which the Polish draft of an international anti-alcoholic convention was Supported. The draft provided a considerable limitation of alcohol sale, a regulation of penal liability for offences and transgressions committed in the state of intoxication, and lectures on alcohology in schools. The states signatories to the convention would be called upon to pass acts consistent with the content of the convention. The work on this draft was stopped by the outbreak of the war.             The resolutions of the Polish anti-alcoholic congresses demanded lectures on alcohology in all types of schools, at teachers courses and at specialist courses for employees of various departments, the Ministry in of Communication particular. The range of alcohology taught at schools should be conformed to the type of school and the general knowledge or students. The postulate of teaching alcohology in schools was partly realized and courses were organized for railway employees by the Abstainer Railwaymen League. At the State School of  Hygiene in Warsaw a several days course in alcohology was organized every year in which 200--300 persons participated, mainly teachers, physicians and clergymen of various denominations. Besides, ,,Trzeźwość'' organized travelling exhibitions that made tours of towns to show the harmful effects of alcoholism. The Abstainer Railwaymen League organized, an exhibition in a railway carriage which was visited by many thousands of persons at railway stations in different parts of the country. A lecturer on alcohology was employed to have talks during the exhibition. In early February every year a nationwide Sobriety Propagation Week was organized. Various publications were also brought out which demonstrated the harmful effects of alcohol and the ways of fighting alcoholism, both scientific and those for general use. Treatment  of alcoholics was postulated; it was carried out in closed hospital wards or in out-patient clinics. The former was more effective; however it was less frequently applied as compared with the out-patient treatment since there were no provisions which would  legalize compulsory treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts and it was easier to obtain the patient's consent to treatment in a clinic than in a hospital. Compulsory treatment was only possible if the court applied medical security measures in cases of offences connected with abuse of alcohol or drugs. (Art. 82 of the Penal code of 1932). The mental hygiene, movement, initiated in Poland in the early thirties, resulted in a growth in the number of clinics engaged in prevention and treatment, that is in a development of treatment of alcoholics in specialized anti-alcoholic clinics. The necessity of taking the children of alcoholics under educational and medical indicated. An important part is this field fell to social nurses attached to the clinics whose task was among other things to bring the alcoholics children to the clinic and see to their medical treatment if necessary. The organization of special schools for mentally deficient and morally neglected children, whose parents were frequently alcoholics, was also initiated.             Psychiatrists demanded an elaboration and introduction of an act on compulsory treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts, organization of special wards for notorious alcoholics in mental hospitals, prolongation of treatment from 6 to 12 months (which was considered particularly necessary in the case of chronic alcoholism), a joint alcoholism and psychiatric treatment if required, in the case of alcohol psychosis in particular, and check-up of the cured alcoholics and drug addicts.             In Poland drug addiction has never reached the proportions of alcoholism. Its most frequent forms were morphinism and cocainism. Its fighting was facilitated by the passing of an Act of June 23, 1923 which prohibited production, processing, export. import. storage of and any trade in all drugs. For infringement of the Act, penalties of fine and up to 5 years deprivation of liberty were provided. However, there was no act to legalize compulsory treatment of drug addicts. They could only be treated in closed hospital wards since in the case of drug addiction, out-patient treatment was considered to be ineffective. In 1931, the Polish Committee for Drugs and Prevention of Drug Addiction was set up as, an advisory body attached to the Minister of Health and Social Welfare, which consisted mainly of physicians and chemists. In order to fight drug addiction effectively, increased detection of export and sale of drugs was postulated as well as supervision of prescriptions and of obtaining drugs on prescription at chemist's. Chemists were compelled to keep a special book of in- and out-goings of drugs which could only be sold on prescription for therapeutical purposes. Attenton was drawn to the necessity of an instruction, to be passed by the Minister of Internal Affairs, according to which the production of doctors seals and forms would only be possible on presentation of the identity card, since drug addicts used to order seals and forms bearing names of famous practitioners. Medical check-up of released prisoners who had been cured of drug addiction when serving their sentences was also postulated.             In consequence of the spread of ether drinking in the Upper Silesia in 1936, a wide-range operation was carried out which consisted in a vigorous fight against smuggling and sale of ether (which was mainly smuggled from Germany) and in informing the population as to the harmful effects of ether drinking.
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Suddenness factor in criminal investigation process

In times of terrorism and other serious cross-border crimes, both the European Union and its member states are responsible for providing security for their citizens, because these crimes endanger the rights and interests of citizens. Therefore, law enforcement institutions have to conduct an objective and comprehensive investigation of all circumstances of the crime using the possibilities provided by the criminal investigation tactics and methods. Suddenness is the key to success in criminal investigation process. However, the suddenness factor can be used by both opposing sides involved in the criminal investigation process: both by the investigator in relation to the person under investigation and his / her related persons, and also by the counteracting party - in relation to the investigator and other participants of the investigation process. The purpose of suddenness of the investigator’s actions is to achieve the effect of their unexpectedness. Unexpected can be time of actions, place of actions, content of actions, participants of investigative actions. This study provides the theoretical framework for understanding of which elements of suddenness are especially important in law enforcement specialists’ work practice, when they have to deal with different aspects of international criminality. This paper provides also those problems’ analysis that may occur when enforcement institutions’ specialists are involved in the international cooperation for disclosing international crimes. Accumulating knowledge about these problems will create the basis for more efficient international cooperation between law enforcement institutions of Latvia and other countries in the future.
Terorisma un citu smagu pārrobežu noziegumu laikmetā gan Eiropas Savienībai, gan tās dalībvalstīm ir pienākums aizsargāt savus pilsoņus no šiem noziegumiem, jo tie apdraud pilsoņu tiesības un intereses. Šajā sakarā tiesībsargājošajām iestādēm ir jāveic objektīva un vispusīga visu nozieguma apstākļu izmeklēšana, izmantojot krimināllietu izmeklēšanas taktikas un metodikas sniegtās iespējas. Pēkšņums ir panākumu atslēga krimināllietu izmeklēšanas gaitā. Taču galveno problēmu veido tas, ka pēkšņuma faktoru var izmantot visas izmeklēšanā iesaistītās puses: gan izmeklētājs attiecībā uz iespējami vainīgo personu un ar viņu saistītajām personām, gan viņi - attiecībā uz izmeklētāju un citiem kriminālprocesa dalībniekiem. Pušu uzvedības pēkšņums krimināllietu izmeklēšanas gaitā noved pie tā, ka viena persona stipri ietekmē citu personu. Izmeklēšanas darbību pēkšņuma mērķis ir panākt to pārsteiguma efektu. Pārsteidzošs var būt darbības īstenošanas laiks, darbības īstenošanas vieta, darbības saturs, izmeklēšanas darbības dalībnieki. Šis pētījums piedāvā teorētisko pamatojumu izpratnei par to, kādi pēkšņuma elementi ir īpaši svarīgi tiesībsargājošo iestāžu speciālistu darba praksē, kad viņiem nākas saskarties ar dažādiem starptautisko noziedzību aspektiem. Šajā rakstā tiek pētītas arī problēmas, kas var rasties tiesībsargājošo iestāžu darbinieku starptautiskajā sadarbībā starptautisko noziegumu izmeklēšanas gaitā. Zināšanu uzkrāšana par šīm problēmām sekmēs to, lai nākotnē sadarbībai starp Latvijas un citu valstu tiesībsargājošajām iestādēm būtu labāki rezultāti.
При широком распространении терроризма и других тяжких трансграничных преступлений как Европейский Союз, так и его государства-члены несут ответственность за обеспечение безопасности своих граждан, поскольку такие преступления ставят под угрозу права и интересы граждан. В связи с этим правоохранительным органам необходимо проводить объективное и всестороннее расследование всех обстоятельств такого рода преступлений с использованием возможностей, предоставляемых тактикой и методикой расследования уголовных дел. Внезапность является ключевым моментом для достижения успеха в ходе расследования уголовных дел. Но основная проблема состоит в том, что фактор неожиданности может быть использован обеими противодействующими в ходе расследования сторонами: как следователем в отношении подследственного и связанных с ним персон, так и ими – в отношении следователя и других участников уголовного процесса. Внезапность поведения сторон в ходе расследования уголовных дел приводит к тому, что один человек оказывает сильное воздействие на другого. Целью внезапности следственных действий является достижение эффекта от их неожиданности. Неожиданными могут быть время действия, место действия, содержание действия, участники следственного действия. Данное исследование может послужить теоретическим обоснованием для понимания того, какие различные элементы внезапности наиболее важны на практике для сотрудников правоохранительных органов, когда им приходится иметь дело с различными аспектами международной преступности. В данной статье исследуются также проблемы, которые могут возникнуть в процессе международного сотрудничества при раскрытии международных преступлений. Знание этих проблем будет способствовать тому, чтобы в будущем международное сотрудничество между правоохранительными органами Латвии и других стран приносило лучшие результаты.
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