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Creating moral self

The paper shows some philosophical and practical problems of moral education such as the gap between moral knowledge and moral action. It emphasizes the role of emotional dispositions and human character in building moral identity. And it articulates the criticism of Kohlbergian conception as an insufficient approach to moral education. Instead, a theory of moral deep self is proposed as a better account of the acquisition of moral guiding motivation.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 12
issue 4
In the biblical perspective, stories about the creation of the world in Gen 1–2 remain to be the basis to a discussion about human creativity. The premise of the text – creation of man “in the image of God” – makes us assume that, according to the Bible, creativity of man is to be the image of God’s creativity. Verification of this thesis goes from presenting history of interpretation of the biblical idea, namely creation of man “in the image of God,” then points to the need of analyzing the narrative of this phrase. Since the image of God presented in Gen 1 is not descriptive, the second part of the paper examines the way God reveals himself in this text through his creative action. The key to God’s creativity is his word of creation which he uses to differentiate created beings and establish relationships among them in order to build harmony in the newly founded world. The final part of the paper focuses on the analysis of verbs which in Gen 1–2 refer to human creativity; those verbs also point to their possible association with words as instruments for creating, organizing and arranging reality shaped by man. Following that comes the conclusion that God’s creativity is extended into creativity of man who was made “in the image of God.”
The article concentrates on the existential-phenomenological reading of Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki’s poetry as it was proposed by Grzegorz Tomicki in his work "Po obu stronach lustra. O poezji Eugeniusza Tkaczyszyna-Dyckiego". It concentrates on showing the tension between creation and authenticity in Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki’s poetry and on the resulting difficulty in using traditional concepts of author and of lyrical ‘I’.
This paper deals with Saint Thomas’s view of the problem of the world’s beginning, which consists in an alleged contradiction between religious truth about the creation of the world by God and Aristotle’s concept of the eternal existence of the world. According to Aquinas, such a contradiction is apparent, because the idea of creation is fundamentally different from the idea of beginning. The discussion of this issue is divided into three parts. At first, the historical background of the whole problem is presented. Then, Saint Thomas’s solution of the difficulty – included in his book De aeternitate mundi – is briefly discussed. Finally, it is argued that this solution can be inspiring for ­contemporary ­theologians.
In the discussions on the possible religious background of the current ecological crisis, the biblical text of Genesis 1:26–28 is the passage most often quoted by all sides of the debate. While for some it is an incentive to unlimited exploitation, and the resultant degradation of the natural environment, for others it carries a positive ecological message and a call for responsible care of the created world. Due to this ambiguity in interpretations, this article attempts to resolve whether the biblical text itself is problematic, and requires correction, or whether it is ecologically adequate, and it is the interpretations that have been thus far insufficient. Each of the three main currents of the ecological hermeneutics of the Bible (apologetic, radical, and neo-orthodox) offers its own specific answer to this question.
The article is an analysis of a text by a well-known Polish mountaineer in the context of „mountain” literature (mountaineering, climbing). It is a specific subcultural literature that sits between non-fiction and autobiographical literature, written by mountaineers for mountaineers and lovers of this specific sport. The text points to the uniqueness of Chinese maharaja within the ranks of typical mountaineering literature (creative narrative, specific worldview, broad audience).
The article consists of two parts: the first one includes the introduction to art therapy theory, the second one indicates the possibilities of its application in youth education. Agata Kiwacka and Joanna Letkiewicz‑Zamora - with over 20 years of experience in teaching the Polish language, they both work in integration classes in the Middle School No. 1 with Integration Departments in Bytom. They are also special educators in typhlopedagogy and art therapy. They have been using elements of art therapy during Polish classes. They want to expand their work, so they wrote their own programme, which was deployed in the integration classes in the middle school. They share their experiences from the past four years. They are continuously improving, so that the work they have taken on, would continue to give even more to the young people. They help the pupils get to know and accept themselves. They want the pupils to be aware of their worth, open-minded, and creative. So that in the future, they can become “different people.” This change in the young people is happening right in front of their eyes.
Kwartalnik Filozoficzny
vol. 39
issue 1
The article is an attempt to determine the character of the relation between human being and transcendence in Jaspers’ philosophy of existence. Jaspers' concept of existence comes from the anthropological philosophy of Max Scheler, J. G. Herder and Nietzsche's philosophy of human being and is conditioned by the earlier ways of describing human being and it's “place in the universe”. Determining the scope of the term “creation” makes it possible to distinguish between “creation” and “auto-creation” as two aspects of human existence that are inextricably linked in a dialectical relationship. On one hand, the term "creation" can be understood as being created; on the other hand, it can be understood as determining the meaning of existence (auto-creation). It turns out that both “being created” and “auto-creation” are based upon transcendence as a source of all being and therefore cannot be treated separately but only as a part of a dialectical discourse.
Joseph Ellul w artykule zatytułowanym Tożsamość i cel człowieka według Koranu odnosi się do tajemnicy stworzenia według świętej księgi muzułmanów. Według Koranu cały wszechświat został stworzony przez Boga. Natura za pośrednictwem stworzenia przypomina człowiekowi o je- dyności Boga oraz uczy go niektórych Jego atrybutów. Człowiek, będąc przez Niego stworzony, jest wyposażony w naturalną zdolność do bycia Jego świadkiem i głoszenia jedyności Stworzycie- la. Dlatego poprzez kontemplację stworzenia został wezwany do zwrócenia się ku Bogu i podpo- rządkowania się Stworzycielowi, który troszczy się o całe stworzenie. Umieszczony w centrum stworzonej natury, podporządkowanej Bogu, człowiek winien naśladować wszechświat w tym pod- porządkowaniu. Jest on odpowiedzialny przed Bogiem za swoje działania w świecie. Cała jego aktywność wpisuje się w dzieło stworzenia. W tej perspektywie islam jawi się jako religia natural- na, opierająca się na jedyności Boga, która została wpisana w naturę pierwszego człowieka. We- dług Koranu Adam już od początku był monoteistą.mniej
Joseph Ellul w artykule zatytu?owanym To?samo?? i cel cz?owieka wed?ug Koranu odnosi si? do tajemnicy stworzenia wed?ug ?wi?tej ksi?gi muzu?manów. Wed?ug Koranu ca?y wszech?wiat zosta? stworzony przez Boga. Natura za po?rednictwem stworzenia przypomina cz?owiekowi o je- dyno?ci Boga oraz uczy go niektórych Jego atrybutów. Cz?owiek, b?d?c przez Niego stworzony, jest wyposa?ony w naturaln? zdolno?? do bycia Jego ?wiadkiem i g?oszenia jedyno?ci Stworzycie- la. Dlatego poprzez kontemplacj? stworzenia zosta? wezwany do zwrócenia si? ku Bogu i podpo- rz?dkowania si? Stworzycielowi, który troszczy si? o ca?e stworzenie. Umieszczony w centrum stworzonej natury, podporz?dkowanej Bogu, cz?owiek winien na?ladowa? wszech?wiat w tym pod- porz?dkowaniu. Jest on odpowiedzialny przed Bogiem za swoje dzia?ania w ?wiecie. Ca?a jego aktywno?? wpisuje si? w dzie?o stworzenia. W tej perspektywie islam jawi si? jako religia natural- na, opieraj?ca si? na jedyno?ci Boga, która zosta?a wpisana w natur? pierwszego cz?owieka. We- d?ug Koranu Adam ju? od pocz?tku by? monoteist?.mniej
One of the important causes of the ecological crisis is the egoistic mentality of contemporary people and the lack of respect for the natural order and immanent purpose of the creation. In order to shape a new pro-ecological consciousness a new concept of man and his relations with the environment is needed. One of the proposals is Catholic anthropology, whose ecological foundations were indicated by Pope Francis in his Encyclical Laudato si’. It is a proposal to describe man applying religious concepts, but also including the up-to-date knowledge about man and the environment. It is a concept open to dialogue, the aim of which should be the development of a pro-ecological lifestyle for contemporary people. Catholic anthropology postulates to combine “external” ecology with “moral” ecology, which can help modern man not only to have control over nature, but also to become its defender through small, everyday activities. In ecologically oriented anthropology, the created world is treated as a common home, and Pope Francis calls it our sister, with whom we share existence, and a beautiful mother, who takes us in her arms.
Collectanea Theologica
vol. 90
issue 5
The article surveys recent scholarship on the use of creation imagery in the Gospel of John, with the aim of presenting a rather exhaustive register of possible references. Both the obvious and the less clear-cut allusions to Gen 1–3 are discussed, the main focus being to accumulate and assess the evidence (for or against) all the apparent references to creation imagery. Included in this examination are several unconvincing and even far-fetched proposals advanced by some modern scholars, in order to give the fullest possible picture of the current discourse on these issues. After discussing the creation theme in the Prologue (1:1–18), the article explores the presence of creation imagery in the Book of Signs (1:19–12:50) and the Book of Glory (13:1–21:25).
vol. 7
issue 1
Translation has always been characterized by a variety of methodologies adopted to reach different objectives. If until some years ago scholars were discussing the interdisciplinary nature of translation, today we prefer to define it a « multidiscipline », - this is a term that underlines both the disciplinary autonomy of the field and the plurality of approaches and perspectives that characterize it. The aim of this paper is to expose, from an accurate diachronic analysis, a rich intersectorial reciprocity that gives extreme relevance to the theory/theories of translation within the evolution of humanistic and social disciplines.
Author gives an answer to the question of how to understand creation in the light of Passover by referring primarily to the reflections by a contemporary Italian philosopher and theologian Giuseppe Maria Zanghí. The substance of the article consists of three points: the Easter trinitology, the ontological implications of the Paschal event and the premise of creation in the perspective of the Paschal event. 
vol. 94
issue 2
The objective of this study is to present various practical applications of collage-based methods (visual bricolage) as a way of boosting creative discussions with students and helping them to express their knowledge and experience using visual representation. This viewpoint paper is based on the experience of twenty classes conducted with the MA program and postgraduate students at Kozminski University between March 2019 and December 2021, when online whiteboards and visual metaphors were used. The method used was participative observation, as the author also acted as the workshop facilitator. To observe the user’s action, the contribution tracking tool that is available on the mural whiteboard (Mural, n.d.) was activated. The explorations during the workshops revealed two elements of online classes: Conceptualization vs Illustration, to determine whether photos and pictures serve as an instrumental illustration in the background of the story, or they are important elements that convey the sense of the students’ statements. Moreover, the paper contains various practical findings that help to facilitate creative educational workshops remotely.
In this part of the article I discuss the question of potential relations between the styles of the topography of Litzmannstadt Getto and the situation of the authors of non-fictional and fictional texts devoted to it. I distinguish, for example, records of the space of this ghetto made by those who experienced it (endotopia) as well as those whose creators modeled it from an external perspective: culturally, discursively mediated (exotopia). I state that in non-fictional narrations-testimonies space is ubiquitous, foremost as the figure of closing and enslavement, though basically unrepresented. For only in but a few of them one can find topographies of the Lodz Ghetto understood as involving senses, conducive to visualizations, imaginary reconstruction: descriptions of the organization of this space, its appearance and endemic properties.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 13
issue 1
Contemporary discussion on the phenomenon of life is a meeting point for natural sciences and religion. In their dialogue, two extreme opinions prevail, which make us understand life either as a coincidental product of evolution or as an intelligent design created by an external intervention. Both views are reductionist and represent a misunderstanding of the multi-planar character of human cognition. Mature theological insight should not follow this path. Therefore, the article is an attempt to look at the phenomenon of life in a different way. It takes up the theological interpretation of biological life, according to the medieval-originating category of vestigium Dei. However, this notion must be reconstructed in such a way that it takes into account the semantic matrix that developed around it in the twentieth century. The newly developed category of vestigium is a hermeneutical key that allows us to better understand what it means that life, already in its basic manifestations, has a transcendental refe- rence to God, as His trace.
The work concerns different types of people: rare, quirky, different. We analyse various critical texts on Emilia Pardo Bazán, especially Modern French Literature. Romanticism, Modern French Literature. Naturalism, Modern French Literature. The Transition, The Lyricism in French Poetry. Her contributions to the press, in La Nación of Buenos Aires and the Diario de la Marina of La Havana, have also been collated. These texts focus on important issues and concerns of different depth (especially in literary criticism) and an undeniable interest in the disturbance of individuals can be observed in them.
Our labour is intricately woven into our identity, extending beyond mere livelihood. It ought to facilitate personal growth, define our societal roles, and contribute to a common good within the confines of social and environmental sustainability. However, the contemporary work landscape is undergoing profound and global changes, disrupting traditional and conventional notions of work dynamics and its associated relationships. Amidst the diverse and country-specific alterations, a universal paradigm shift is reshaping nearly every sector of the economy. The pressing question emerges: How can we prevent the shift toward more flexible employment from translating into a life of perpetual instability? As job structures become more malleable and the boundaries between professional and personal life blur, the risks of self-exploitation and work-induced stress loom. In navigating these transformations, we must discern the evolving paradigms of work and consider their social and economic repercussions. What lessons are we being prompted to internalize as the European work landscape undergoes unprecedented changes? It becomes imperative to explore these shifts and their implications for a sustainable and equitable future. Exploring the existential insights of the Shabbàt and extracting valuable lessons from biblical wisdom prompts us to ponder the significance of rest in fostering healthy relationships and connectivity-with ourselves, others, our work, and our shared environment. The prevalent culture of constant availability and the obligation to stay connected could benefit from a biblical perspective, particularly in grasping the essence of Shabbàts wisdom.
The image of Warsaw in ruins after World War II is an important motif in Polish documentary and feature cinema in the years 1944–1956. In the text, I discuss the images of the city captured by the first chroniclers as ‘basic’, which then became archetypical icons of the city’s destruction. I point out that the aesthetics of destruction, recorded in Andrzej Panufnik’s early film Ballada f-moll [Ballade in f minor], Jerzy Bossak’s Most [Bridge] and Tadeusz Makarczyński’s Suita warszawska [Warsaw Suite] proved to be exemplary for other artists. I show that the destruction of urban and architectural structures was inspiring for directors: it served as a documentary record, a basis forconstructing scripts, and dominant aesthetic, often providing a persuasive argument and serving to shape emotions. References to the resentments of the audience and the anatomy of the ruins were among the elements that shaped the ideological attitudes of various parts of Polish society. For some directors it was also a catharsis after the trauma of the Holocaust.
The article dealt with the issue of verbal creativity of children in preschool age. The author through a review of the theoretical literature and analysis of the results obtained in own research is attempting to answer to questions about the factors that can constitute conditioning of children's creativity.
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