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The main aim of the analysis presented here is to recognise the fact that issues of cultural identity can be solved by reference to a specific model of the cultural identity characteristic for the contemporary young generation. Drawing on research evidence the author highlights the role of multicultural identity. While providing conditions for acquiring cultural, social and personal identity, multicultural identity does not antagonise the processes of individualism and collectivism.
Despite significant differences between the authors’ life experience — determined by historical events, different social, political and cultural reality and also the tradition and values they followed — it is worth comparing the prose works of Zygmunt Haupt (living as an emigrant) and Stanisław Czycz (living in his homeland) in order to indicate distinctions or even contrast between the strategies concerning the subject and identity that were proposed by them. By definition, those strategies have to take into account the principles of identification with society (and social norms), national culture and literary tradition.
The text aims to draw attention to the language policy involved in the processes of constructing the cultural identity of minorities. Discussion focuses on the two basic dichotomies of assimilationism-isolationism and empowerment-objectification and indicates selected aspects of language policy and educational practices in France, China and Israel.
This scientific article objective is to investigate the cultural identity and legal philosophy of multiculturalism. The subject area extends into different disciplines such as politics, philosophy, law and international relations. The question of who has the right to determine who belongs to a particular ethnic community and who does not is a pervasive one. In the following we focus on the social and political dimensions of multicultural life. The analysis requires an examination of the appropriate legal framework. From the scientific methods we have used the analytical and descriptive method to analyse the current situation.
The object of the study was an analysis of the German debates on immigration policy. Their subsequent stages were strongly politicized and focused on various groups of migrants. The particular stages were differentiated by watchwords that defined the axis of the debate and at the same time highlighted German expectations and fears connected with the settlement of large groups of foreigners on German territory. The initial watchword was “multiculturalism”, then “parallel societies” and next “leading culture”. The last, so far, stage of the discussion is a heated debate triggered by a book by Theo Sarrazin published in 2012 and centres on the concept of “integration”. All the above mentioned notions are rather vague, lacking in precision, which made it easy to manipulate and abuse them. In consequence, the balance of the debate is by no means optimistic and in fact it is essentially antimodernist and destructive. Its subsequent stages are mostly concerned with potential dangers and this gives the impression that foreigners (or their large groups) are actually a threat to Germany and its culture. Such an attitude is closer to Huntington’s “clash of civilizations” than to the European enlightenment thought and contributes to enhancing hostile sentiments towards “aliens”. This might lead not only to their discrimination or exclusion but also to a growth of violence against immigrants.
On the two Galicias: from Lesser Poland to the outskirts of Europe, from the Atlantic to the Vistula riverThe article is aiming to compare the two European Galicias: the Spanish one, being one of the autonomous communities of Spain and the historical-cultural  region located in the East-Central part of  Europe. Is there, apart from the coincidence of names which may serve as a good starting point for the play of words and anecdotes on ‘national characters’, something more which links these two distant geographic territories? From the socio-cultural perspective it is worth to have a look at the sphere of social ideas and myths which accompany discussions on the two Galicias. Is there in the complicated and quite elusive (in the sense of uncountable, changing and subjective) matter of local traditions, daily life patterns and customs, any link between the two European Galicias?In this short article, I will try to refer to certain stereotypes, cultural myths and anecdotes came to being in the sphere of social concepts. They were created, on one hand, by the media (in particular in the context of the unification of the richer Europe with its poorer part), on the other – by individual human experiences, in whose lives dual Galician adventures entwined. O dwóch Galicjach: z Małopolski na krańce Europy, znad Atlantyku nad WisłęCelem tekstu jest próba zestawienia ze sobą dwóch Galicji Europy: hiszpańskiej, funkcjonującej jako jedna ze wspólnot autonomicznych Królestwa Hiszpanii, oraz środkowoeuropejskiej, będącej historyczno-kulturowym regionem, niegdyś częścią imperium Habsburgów. Czy poza zbieżnością nazw, która może być dobrym punktem wyjścia do zabaw słownych i anegdot na temat „charakterów narodowych”, istnieje jeszcze coś, co łączy te dwa geograficznie odległe terytoria? Z perspektywy socjologiczno-kulturoznawczej warto się przyjrzeć sferze społecznych wyobrażeń i mitów towarzyszących dyskusjom o dwóch Galicjach. Czy w skomplikowanej i dość nieuchwytnej (w sensie niepoliczalnej, zmiennej, subiektywnej) materii lokalnych tradycji, modelów życia codziennego, obyczajów istnieje jakaś więź między dwoma Galicjami Europy? W tym krótkim tekście postaram się odwołać do pewnych stereotypów, mitów kulturowych i anegdot, które zaistniały w sferze społecznych wyobrażeń. Stworzyły je, z jednej strony, media (zwłaszcza w kontekście jednoczenia się bogatszej Europy z jej biedniejszą częścią), z drugiej zaś przeżycia jednostek, w których losy wplotły się doświadczenia „podwójnie galicyjskie”.
The very occurrence of post-Soviet Russia necessarily dictates the need to study ideological foundations of its existence. What are they? How did they influence and continue to influence the social well-being of the country: do they corrupt or contribute to the unity of society; do they strengthen Russians in pondering over the historical path of the country’s development, or, on the contrary, bring confusion into the souls of people and prophesy trouble? The purpose of the paper is to study the language of everyday life as a kind of mirror reflecting the social well-being of the post-Soviet Russian Federation. The authors conclude that this social value is associated with the prosperity of both individuals and society as a whole, but of primary importance is the preservation of cultural and civilizational identity, sovereignty of the country, and solidarity. In modern conditions, cohesion seems to be the first step to social well-being of the country.
George Chandos Bidwell was the Head of the British Council between 1946 and 1949. After he had met the love of his life, Anna Wirszyłło a supposed UB-agent, he decided to change his nationality to Polish. The aim of the article is to plasticize the matter of the internal change in Bidwell in the view of historical events described in the documents archived in TNA in Kew, London.
Global warming is a fact. The reason for this can only be a guess. There are hypotheses claiming that the climate changes are consequences of human activities. Other hypotheses say that such occurrences appear regularly every few thousand years. As early as the beginning of the twentieth century some scientists noticed indicators of the growth of the global average temperature. Regardless of the reason global warming is observable mostly in polar areas. Nowadays about four million people live in the Arctic including native inhabitants. Global warming impacts on all of these including indigenous peoples of the Arctic whose cultural identities have always been related to nature. They have always lived in harmony together with nature, they have been a part of it and have never tried to fight against it. A changing climate can make them give up the way their ancestors used to live. Afterwards it can cause the disappearance of their languages and cultures that languages are parts of. Besides for many decades all indigenous people had been thought to be at a lower development level than new arrivals so today almost all languages spoken by indigenous peoples of the Arctic are endangered. All indigenous peoples of the Arctic have common points in their histories like deprivation of lands and suppression of languages and traditions. Most of their ancient customs and religions are forgotten but there are many material marks that are important for future generations. It is very important to preserve the marks and the knowledge of their languages because the value of them is priceless. Today native inhabitants of the Arctic live in countries with various law regulations so their situation is different in each country. Some of them have some autonomy, but others still seek it.
Fuzzy Identities. Cultural Identity of the Polish-German Borderland in the 21st Century: An OutlineThis text is an attempt to summarize the three decades (1989–2019) of NGO activity in the broadly understood Polish-German borderland, with a particular emphasis on the area of the so-called Central Nadodrze. Two organizations, The Society of Witnica’s Friends and the daughter organization of the Polish-German Educatio Association “Pro Europa Viadrina,” were chosen as an exemplification of a certain way of coping with cultural reality, also in the historical aspect in the border area. Tożsamości rozmyte. Tożsamość kulturowa pogranicza polsko-niemieckiego w XXI wieku. Zarys problemówNiniejszy tekst stanowi próbę podsumowania trzech dekad (1989–2019) działalności organizacji pozarządowych na szeroko rozumianym pograniczu polsko-niemieckim, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obszaru tzw. Środkowego Nadodrza. Jako egzemplifikację pewnego sposobu radzenia sobie z rzeczywistością kulturową, również w aspekcie historycznym na obszarze pogranicza, wybrano Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Witnicy oraz organizację-córkę Polsko-Niemieckie Stowarzyszenie Educatio „Pro Europa Viadrina”. Autor zarysował problematykę tzw. tożsamości rozmytych jako odmianę tożsamości kulturowej pogranicza polsko-niemieckiego w XXI wieku.
Germany – migration as a culture critic?The common roots of the crisis and criticism indicate that the contemporary „migrant crisis” in Europe can also give a fundamental impulse to the criticism of culture-one so far-reaching that it can lay the foundations for a new cultural identity. The subject of this analysis is Germany as a cultural space in Europe and a unique community. Due to its history and both post- and always pre-national character, it is faced with a great opportunity to create a model of social integration yet unseen on the Old Continent. There is one condition: Germany will need to create a relevant cultural myth. This article presents three possible argumentative paths which show that such a scenario is not unlikely. Niemcy – migracja jako impuls do krytyki kultury?Wspólne korzenie kryzysu i krytyki wskazują, że współczesny „kryzys migracyjny” w Europie może stać się także zasadniczym impulsem do krytyki kultury. Krytyki na tyle daleko idącej, że może ona zrodzić fundamenty nowej kulturowej tożsamości. Przedmiotem analiz są tutaj Niemcy, jako kulturowa przestrzeń w Europie, jako szczególna „wspólnota”, która ze względu na swoją historię i post- a zarazem zawsze już przednarodowy charakter, staje przed ogromną szansą stworzenia niewidzianego na Starym Kontynencie modelu integracji społecznej. Pod warunkiem, że uda się im stworzyć odpowiedni mit kulturowy. W artykule przedstawione zostały trzy możliwe ścieżki argumentacyjne, które wskazują, że taki scenariusz nie jest nieprawdopodobny.
The article is a review of the national literature devoted to the issue of cultural security in determining the scope of meaning of the term. Cultural security is rarely the subject of research in the studies of national security. However, the contemporary threats justify dealing with this problem. Discussing the term cultural security, the author emphasizes the value of semantic concepts such as "culture", "cultural identity" and recognizes the impact of the so-called. Copenhagen School (Barry Buzan) in the formulation of the modern understanding of cultural safety.
This paper attempts to show in what way the exotic island of Jamaica expose the main characters and their fate. This part of the Atlantic Ocean seems to be torn between two different cultures, and also covers the notorious and mysterious Bermuda Triangle. The title is also foreboding for the protagonist’s fate: she will get just as lost into madness as ships in the Sargasso Sea.
Pod koniec XIX w. w dyskursie narodowym jedną z kategorii centralnych stało się przeciwstawienietradycji i nowoczesności: tego, co własne, i tego, co obce. Nowoczesne myśleniew terminach „albo-albo” wyraziło się również w rozumieniu kultury: albo jako homogenicznejcałości, albo jako całkowitej płynności. José Martí podjął problem tożsamościkulturowej, pytając o to, co stanowi istotę latynoamerykańskości, za punkt wyjścia przyjąłjednak sytuację kolonialną. Doprowadziło to do odrzucenia idei homogenicznej tożsamościkulturowej i wypracowania idei metysażu jako rzutowanego w przyszłość projektuosadzonego w rzeczywistości historycznej. Co ważne, zarówno przyszłość, jak i przeszłośćstanowią dla Martíego przedmiot narracji, ta narracja zaś przyjmuje postać „hermeneutykipluritopicznej”. Podstawowe znaczenie zyskuje miejsce wypowiadania, pojmowanedwojako: geograficznie i historycznie, jako kulturowa historia miejsca. Stąd pojawia sięwizja człowieka „naturalnego”, związanego z ziemią, poddanego jednak historycznym oddziaływaniom.Sednem projektu Martíego staje się postulat twórczości: zastąpienia impulsumimetycznego autonomiczną aktywnością dokonywaną tu i teraz, z perspektywydanego miejsca i w tym oto miejscu. Twórczość ta nie będzie, oczywiście, tworzeniem exnihilo, lecz raczej przetwarzaniem, adaptacją, przekładem – tak, iż „odczarowany” zostaniesam mit esencji narodowej jako niezmiennej tożsamości.
1. Objective The objective of the article is to prove that names and surnames are connected with cultural identity and cultural security by demonstrating that both the motives for granting and the possibility of changing them are related with broadly understood culture and cultural identity, determined by customs, habits, tradition, common history and objectives, religion or language. Additionally, the aim of this article is to demonstrate that such a relationship may gradually loosen as a result of increasing globalisation and migration of population. 2. Introduction Cultural security is determined by numerous cultural phenomena and is linked with cultural identity. It should be assumed that cultural security occurs on at least three subjective planes (individual, microgroup and macrogroup) and two objective planes (national and social). It should also be assumed that the relationship between names and surnames, cultural identity and cultural security is visible both on the subjective plane (individual, microgroup and macrogroup) and the objective one (social), for the existence of which notions such as nation, language, traditions, customs and habits, religion, are also of great significance. 3. Methodology The author considers the issue of names and surnames from the aspect of cultural security, following views on such topics and, in this respect, makes use of the intuitive method. It is also necessary to analyse individual legal acts relating to the giving of names and the changing of names or surnames, and to this end the author uses the formal and legal method. The historic method, thanks to which one may see how the views on names and surnames and corresponding regulations have changed, is also partly useful. All conclusions are based to a great extent on the author’s own research conducted for the years 2012–2015, which in turn is connected with the use of both the survey method and the interview method, as well as the statistical method. The surveys conducted concern the motives for naming children by parents, and the interviews were carried out in 84 registry offices in Poland (in the largest cities in Poland, according to the number of population). 4. Conclusions The author proves that names and surnames demonstrate a strong relationship with broadly understood culture and cultural identity, determined by customs, habits, tradition, common objectives, history, religion and language, and an affiliation with cultural security. At the same time, increasing globalisation and migration of population will loosen this relationship, which may currently be observed in countries of Western Europe, where the influence of Islam has a significant impact on the culture and cultural identity of individual nations.
In present article considerations apply to the meaning of selected cultural aspects. Among them are: the importance of the cultural potential of cultural indentity and multiculturalism. This is an attempt to analyze the relationships between cultural aspects and conditions of communications and the organization of society, on the other - is a resource of tangible and intangible assets, which are the foundation of identity.
The suffix -ιανός was a popular naming element in the Eastern Roman Empire. It is generally understood that this was the Greek rendering of Latin -ianus. In this article, Greek forms ending in this suffix attested in Egypt are examined in detail. The origin of these ‘Latinized’ names is traced, and particular attention is devoted to the parents who bestowed the names, as well as to the role of the dissemination of Roman citizenship in the naming type’s popularity.
The aim of the article is to present the jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee on Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights concerning the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. Therefore, the study examines the underprivileged position of minorities within States and focuses on their will to survive as a distinct culture. Examination of the aforementioned caselaw provides an insight into the Committee’s understanding of the concept of cultural identity.
he debate on conditions of public media in Poland has continued for several years, discussing its mission, role as a source of information and education, significance in building social relations and their financial situation. Regional divisions of Polish Television (TVP) have been placed in a particularly difficult situation, as their production is almost totally dependent on external financing, yet, through their programmes and activities, they should be close to local people, their businesses and problems, as well as support “little homelands”. The TVP Olsztyn division, apart from implementing the tasks imposed by the Broadcasting Act, is not only an important institution of culture-making character, but also contributes significantly to the creation of regional identity. The following study analyses the subject and genre structure of the main TVP Olsztyn information programme in 2005–2010 and how large the geographic extent of its content was.
At the end of the nineteenth century, one of the central categories of the national discoursebecame the opposition of tradition and modernity, of what is inner and what is foreign toa nation. The modern way of thinking in “either/or” terms found its expression also in thenotion of culture: either as a homogenous totality, or as a complete changeability. WhenJosé Martí brought up the question of the Latin American nature, the starting point for him was the colonial situation. In effect, he rejected the idea of the homogenous culturalidentity, and elaborated on the idea of the mestizaje as based in the historical past projectfor the future. The important thing is that according to Martí both the future and thepast are a matter of narration, while the narration becomes a type of “pluritopical hermeneutics”.The most significant factor is now the locus of enunciation as determined bothgeographically and historically, that is the cultural history of the land. Hence, the vision ofthe “natural” man, having a deep relationship with his land, and being changed by historicalinfluences as well. The heart of Martí’s project is the demand of creation, that insteadof the mimetic impulse, one should be driven by the principle of the autonomous activity“here and now”, within a geo-culturally determined point of view. This creation would notbe ex nihilo, but it would be a kind of re-creation, adaptation and translation, needed for“disenchant”, the myth of the national essence as a constant and consistent identity.
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