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Nowadays, we are noticing more and more new technological solutions that fit into the field of sensory marketing, the implementation of which is in a relatively preliminary stage. They are intended to improve customer experience. The main objective of the research is to determine the main topics covered in the literature. This article covers a systematic literature review of research conducted to date on new technologies that are part of the field of sensory marketing related to customer experience. The research search was based on two databases: Scopus and Web of Science Core Collections. Studies conducted between 2007 and May 2022 were included. Four inclusion criteria were used: database, terms, language, and cover period. No methods were used to assess the risk of bias in the included studies. 33 items of literature were qualified for qualitative synthesis. Based on the analysis, a conceptual framework of the most commonly used antecedents and outcomes in research was created, and two main research areas were identified: sense of telepresence and research by technology type. In view of this, further research directions based on the identified research gaps were indicated.
This article describes the possibilities of improving customer satisfaction from the company's involvement in every point of interaction via digital marketing communication instruments and the customer's journey map concept. To achieve this goal, the literature on the concept of customer travel was examined, the results from a two-year monitoring of two production companies were selected and the companies' online and offline marketing communication with clients was presented. The findings indicate that the customer experience should be simple and intuitive for the customer's perception. The customer experience is not limited to certain channels of interaction and is not one-time. Rather, it is the sum of the customer's feelings at every point of their interaction with the company that accumulates during the customer's journey. Managers must design and create a customer's travel map in order to direct their customers to a correct purchase decision, according to the company. The customer journey map includes elements such as staff, instruments and content, each of which influences the final customer experience and together create synergies that give the company the opportunity to maximise customer satisfaction and increase its income. Effective management of the customer’s journey map design must be supported by digital means, especially in marketing communication. The customer’s journey map should be tailored to the specific industry and this opens up the need for further research in this field.
This article describes the possibilities of improving customer satisfaction from the company's involvement in every point of interaction via digital marketing communication instruments and the customer's journey map concept. To achieve this goal, the literature on the concept of customer travel was examined, the results from a two-year monitoring of two production companies were selected and the companies' online and offline marketing communication with clients was presented. The findings indicate that the customer experience should be simple and intuitive for the customer's perception. The customer experience is not limited to certain channels of interaction and is not one-time. Rather, it is the sum of the customer's feelings at every point of their interaction with the company that accumulates during the customer's journey. Managers must design and create a customer’s travel map in order to direct their customers to a correct purchase decision, according to the company. The customer journey map includes elements such as staff, instruments and content, each of which influences the final customer experience and together create synergies that give the company the opportunity to maximise customer satisfaction and increase its income. Effective management of the customer's journey map design must be supported by digital means, especially in marketing communication. The customer's journey map should be tailored to the specific industry and this opens up the need for further research in this field.
Badania customer experience stanowią ważny punkt oferty każdej liczącej się agencji badawczej. Głównym celem artykułu jest pokazanie obszarów kluczowych z punktu widzenia CX i rodzajów badań w nich prowadzonych. Dodatkowo przedstawione zostały dwa najnowsze narzędzia do badania customer experience rozwijane przez agencję badawczą Kantar: oparte na grywalizacji jakościowe „Nasze Miasto” oraz ilościowe CX+. Opisano założenia stojące za obydwoma narzędziami i wskazano obszary zastosowań wraz z zaznaczeniem ich unikalnego wkładu w procesy badania CX.
Customer experience studies are an important component of research portfolio of every significant research agency. The main goal of this article is to show the key areas for CX and types of research which conducted in the field. The article also features two latest tools examining customer experience developed by Kantar research agency: the qualitative tool based on gamification - "Our City" and the quantitative one called CX+. The underlying premises of both tools and the areas of applications with their unique contribution in the CX research process have been described as well.
vol. 42
issue 4
The aim of this paper is to conceptualize Design Thinking and customer experience management (CEM), to situate the use of the Design Thinking method in customer experience management processes and to present its practical application based on a case study from the financial services industry - the trade credit insurer, Euler Hermes Poland, Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. This article is an attempt to identify actionable Design Thinking process elements and tools and their intersections with the components of the Customer Experience Management processes.
Wzrost znaczenia usług w życiu gospodarczym i w konsumpcji gospodarstw domowych (konsumentów), a także wzrost konkurencji na tym rynku powinny zwracać uwagę przedsiębiorstw usługowych na budowanie pozytywnych doświadczeń klientów. Doświadczenia wyniesione przez klienta z kontaktu z przedsiębiorstwem usługowym skutkują przebiegiem procesu decyzyjnego, późniejszymi decyzjami, a także kształtowaniem opinii o przedsiębiorstwie, jego ofercie i pracownikach różnych szczebli. Coraz częściej wskazuje się, że doświadczenie staje się nowym paradygmatem w usługach. W artykule postanowiono pytanie, czy idee marketingu doświadczeń znajdują zastosowanie w rynkowej działalności przedsiębiorstw usługowych. Odpowiedzi poszukiwano w wynikach badań empirycznych zrealizowanych w latach 2017 i 2019, poprzez pytania dotyczące postrzegania świadczeń usługowych przez respondentów będących singlami w wieku 60+, oraz w 2011 roku, kiedy zapytano pracowników przedsiębiorstw usługowych o klientów.
The growing significance of services in the economy and household consumption (consumers), as well as increased competition in this market should draw attention of service enterprises in order to build positive customer experience. The experience gained by the client after contacting a service company affects the decision-making process as well as the decisions themselves. It also shapes the opinions of consumers concerning a company, its offer and employees at various levels of hierarchy. Also, more and more frequently we may observe that experience is becoming a new paradigm in services. In this article, the authors pose a question whether the ideas of experience marketing can be applied in market activity of service enterprises. In order to address the query, the researchers referred to the findings of empirical studies carried out in 2017 and 2019, which concerned the perception of services provided to two groups of respondents: singles aged 60+. In their considerations, the authors also analysed the results of surveys conducted in 2011 examining the opinions of the employees of service companies concerning their clients.
Research background: Chatbots represent valuable technological tools that allow companies to improve customer experiences, meet their expectations in real time, and provide them with personalized assistance. They have contributed to the transformation of conventional customer service models into online solutions, offering accessibility and efficiency through their integration across various digital platforms. Nevertheless, the existing literature is limited in terms of exploring the potential of chatbots in business communication and studying their impact on the customer's response. Purpose of the article: The main objective of this study is to examine how consumers perceive chatbots as customer service devices. In particular, the paper aims to analyze the influence of the dimensions of “Information”, “Entertainment”, “Media Appeal”, “Social Presence” and “Risk for Privacy” on the “Customer Experience” and the latter on the “Purchase Intention”, under the consideration of the Uses and Gratifications Theory. Moderations due to Chatbot Usage Frequency for some of the relationships proposed are also analyzed.  Methods: An empirical study was performed through a questionnaire to Spanish consumers. The statistical data analysis was conducted with R software through the lavaan package. To test the hypotheses from the conceptual model a structural equation modelling approach was adopted. Findings & value added: The results obtained identify the main characteristics of chatbots that can support brands to effectively develop their virtual assistants in order to manage their relational communication strategies and enhance their value proposal through the online customer journey. Findings demonstrate the contribution that chatbot dimensions make to the online consumer experience and its impact on the purchase intention, with the consideration of the moderating effect exercised by the user's level of experience (novice vs. experienced) with the use of chatbots. Regarding managerial implications, this research offers recommendations for e-commerce professionals to manage chatbots more effectively. The “Entertainment” and “Social Presence” dimensions can be operationalized at a visual (e.g., appearance of the avatar and text box, use of designs aligned with the website) and textual level (e.g., style and tone of voice, use of expressions typical of the target audience) to generate a feeling of proximity with the chatbot and facilitate its adoption. “Media Appeal” requires that the chatbot be easy to use, effective, and accessible, to facilitate its usability. Finally, mitigation of “Privacy Risk” concerns should be achieved by presenting an appropriate privacy policy and requesting permission for the use of customers’ private information.
The study of customer experience requires the development of methodologies which measure such experience and account for its complexity. One important component of customer experience is emotion, the recognition and measurement of which is still a challenge for researchers. The purpose of this article is to discuss methods and techniques used to recognise and measure emotions in customer experience research. Particular attention is paid to the use of techniques derived from consumer neuroscience, including the dilemmas associated with reaching for automatic analysis of facial expressions. The literature review is indicative of the ongoing discussion on the benefits and limitations of using the automatic analysis of facial expressions technique in measuring customer experience. Despite its limitations, such a technique can be an attractive complement to methods and techniques used to capture the emotional components of customer experience at different stages (before, during, and after purchase).
Badanie doświadczeń klienta wymaga rozwijania metodyki ich pomiaru pozwalającej na uwzględnienie ich złożoności. Jedną z ważnych składowych doświadczeń są emocje, których rozpoznawanie i pomiar stanowi wciąż wyzwanie dla badaczy. Celem artykułu jest dyskusja na temat metod i technik wykorzystywanych do rozpoznawania i pomiaru emocji w badaniach doświadczeń klienta. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono wykorzystaniu technik wywodzących się z neuronauki konsumenckiej, w tym dylematom związanym z sięganiem po automatyczną analizę ekspresji mimicznej. Studia literaturowe pozwoliły na dyskusję dotyczącą korzyści i ograniczeń stosowania automatycznej analizy ekspresji mimicznej w pomiarze doświadczeń klientów. Mimo ograniczeń, mogą one być traktowane jako atrakcyjne uzupełnienie metod i technik pozwalających na uchwycenie emocjonalnych komponentów doświadczenia klienta na różnych etapach (przed zakupem, w jego czasie i po nim).
Zarówno design thinking, jaki i customer experience jeszcze kilka lat temu nie istniały w teorii literatury czy też świadomości przedsiębiorców. Oba te nurty zrodziły się z potrzeby praktycznego skupienia na odbiorcy i jego potrzebach. Autorki postawiły jednak hipotezę, że nie zawsze w podmiotach, w których customer experience jest wdrażany, stosuje się koncepcję design thinking. Tym samym, celem badawczym stało się określenie, czy metody te występują w podmiotach, łącząc swoje właściwości, natomiast do realizacji celu badania wybrano badanie jakościowe (indywidualne wywiady pogłębione) przeprowadzone z menedżerami w podmiotach z sektora MSP. W wyniku przeprowadzonego badania można stwierdzić, że łączenie obu metod nie jest popularne i nie myśli się o nich jako o metodach, które są komplementarne.
Both design thinking and customer experience a few years ago did not exist in the theory of literature or the awareness of entrepreneurs. Both of these trends were born out of the need for practical focus on the recipients and their needs. However, the authors have hypothesized that the concept of design thinking is not always applied in the entities in which the customer experience is implemented. The same research goal became to determine whether these methods exist in entities combining their properties, while for its implementation a qualitative study (individual in-depth interviews) was conducted with managers in entities from the SME sector. As a result of the study, it can be concluded that combining both methods is not popular and managers do not think of them as methods that are complementary.
Artykuł przedstawia studium przypadku dotyczące zastosowania analizy emocjonalnej do pomiaru doświadczenia odbiorców w sektorze kultury. Przyjęta technologia umożliwia pomiar widowni poprzez wykrywanie twarzy osób i rozpoznawanie emocji, które odczuwają w czasie rzeczywistym podczas oglądania programu lub uczestnictwa w wydarzeniu kulturalnym. Jest to wynik długoterminowego projektu badawczo-rozwojowego, którego celem jest rozwój neuromarketingu poprzez doskonalenie tzw. ad wearable technology stosowanej w celu badania indywidualnej reakcji afektywnej i emocjonalnej w przestrzeni publicznej. Opracowana platforma analizy emocjonalnej o nazwie EMOJ latem 2019 r. została wykorzystana do analizy doświadczeń widzów Macerata Opera Festival – serii przedstawień operowych, które odbywają się na Sferisterio Arena w Macerata. Celem tego projektu jest dostarczenie użytecznych informacji na temat jakości każdego spektaklu i całego festiwalu postrzeganego przez widownię, aby udoskonalić widowisko i wskutek tego poprawić wyniki ze sprzedaży biletów w nadchodzących latach.
This paper aims to present a case study on the application of Emotional Analytics to measure audience experience in the culture sector. The adopted technology enables audience measurement by detecting persons' face and recognizing the emotions they feel in real time, while watching a show or attending a cultural event. It is the result of a long-term research and development project, whose goal is to advance neuro-marketing by proving a non-invasive ad wearable technology to investigate individual affective and emotional response in public spaces. The developed Emotional Analytics platform is called EMOJ and in summer 2019 has been used to analyse the experience lived by the audience of the Macerata Opera Festival, a series of opera representations that take place in the Sferisterio Arena, in Macerata. The goal of this project is to provide useful information on the quality of each performance and of the entire festival perceived by the audience, in order to make the right choices to improve the performances and to have a return on ticket sales for the coming years.
The aim of this article is to identify the role and importance of implementing innovative business models that take into account (customer, user, business) experience in start-ups. To achieve this goal, the authors selected case studies. Two technology start-ups were chosen for analysis. Innovative business models such as start-ups are of great importance for creating consumer experiences. This is now possible by providing products to customers who are looking for solutions to enhance the positive experience of the end customer. It was observed that the implementation of the business customer experience management concept is becoming increasingly important as an imperative for the operation of startups. This means that experience as an extended relationship concept can enhance the customer experience process, using creative and flexible approaches such as Lean Startup, Agile, Design Thinking.
Celem artykułu jest określenie roli i znaczenia wdrażania innowacyjnych modeli biznesowych uwzględniających doświadczenia (klienta, użytkownika, biznesu) w startupach. Aby osiągnąć cel, autorzy wybrali studia przypadku. Do analizy zakwalifikowano dwa startupy technologiczne. Innowacyjne modele biznesowe, jakimi są startupy, mają ogromne znaczenie dla kreowania doświadczeń konsumenta. Jest to obecnie możliwe poprzez dostarczanie produktów dla klienta poszukującego rozwiązań zwiększających pozytywne doświadczenia klienta finalnego. Zaobserwowano, że rośnie znaczenie wdrażania koncepcji zarządzania BCX jako imperatywu funkcjonowania startupów. Oznacza to, że doświadczenia jako koncepcja rozszerzonych relacji mogą bardziej udoskonalić proces obsługi klienta, do czego wykorzystywane są kreatywne i elastyczne podejścia, np. Lean Startup, Agile, Design Thinking.
For many years brand communities have been the subject of interest of brand creators. The main reason for it is the fact that they are a very important source of information about the brand both for companies and customers. This article examines the processes that contribute to the origins of creation of brand communities. This article aims to verify whether transcendent customers’ experience with the brand and the conversion of customer experience leads to transformation thereof, the result of which is co-creation of a brand community. The marketing implications for managers were shown as related to brand managing at the stage of communities’ formation.
Społeczności marek od dłuższego czasu skupiają uwagę twórców marek. Głównym powodem jest fakt, iż mogą one być źródłem ważnych informacji o marce zarówno dla firm, jak i samych klientów. W artykule badane są procesy przyczyniające się do genezy powstania społeczności marek. Celem artykułu jest zweryfikowanie, czy transcendentne doświadczenia klientów z marką oraz konwersja doświadczeń klienta doprowadza do jego przemiany, której skutkiem jest współtworzenie społeczności marki. W wyniku analizy wskazano implikacje marketingowe dla menedżerów związane z tym, jak na etapie formowania społeczności można zarządzać marką.
Сообщества марок (брендов) уже длительное время привлекают внимание созидателей бренда. Основная причина – факт, что они могут быть источником важной информации о марке как для фирм, так и для самих клиентов. В статье изучаются процессы, способствующие генезису возникновения сообществ марок. Цель статьи – проверить, приводят ли трансцендентный опыт клиентов с маркой и конверсия опыта к его преобразованию, результатом которого является участие в создании сообщества марки. В результате анализа указали маркетинговые импликации для менеджеров, связанные с тем, как на этапе формирования сообщества можно управлять маркой.
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