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Łacińska diecezja chełmska powstała w 1375 r. W dobie rozbiorów, na przełomie XVIII i XIX stulecia podjęto próbę przekształcenia jej w diecezję chełmsko-lubelską. W 1805 r. została zlikwidowana, a na jej miejsce utworzono diecezję lubelską. Te skomplikowane dzieje nie sprzyjały zachowaniu dorobku diecezji chełmskiej, zwłaszcza materialnego i kulturalnego. W konsekwencji zachowało się niewiele rubrycel i schematyzmów chełmskich. Tym cenniejsze są ich odnalezione wydania, zachowane w instytucjach archiwalnych i bibliotecznych Lublina, Warszawy i Zamościa.
The Diocese of Chełm of the Latin rite was established in 1375. During the time of partition of Poland, at the turn of the 18th and the 19th centuries, an attempt was made to transform it into the Diocese of Chełm and Lublin. In 1805, it was suppressed, and in its place the Diocese of Lublin was created. These complicated events were not conducive to preserving the achievements of the Diocese of Chełm, especially material and cultural ones. As a consequence, only few ordos and directories of the Diocese of Chełm have been conserved. Therefore even more valuable are their found editions, stored in the archival and library institutions of Lublin, Warsaw and Zamość.
The Diocese of Chełm and Lublin was a complex phenomenon of the administrative and ecclesiastical nature, which appeared at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Its non-canonical but commonly used name was referred to the people and things that were linked to it. In this way, one can also speak about ordos and directories of the Diocese of Chełm and Lublin. So far the ordos and directories were known only to a limited extent. As it turns out, they were published over the whole time of the existence of the Diocese of Chełm and Lublin. The full set of their editions can be found in the library and archival institutions of Lublin.
Diecezja chełmsko-lubelska była złożonym zjawiskiem natury administracyjno-kościelnej, jakie pojawiło się na przełomie XVIII i XIX stulecia. Jej niekanoniczna, choć powszechnie stosowana, nazwa była odnoszona do osób i rzeczy, które były z nią powiązane. W ten sposób można mówić również o rubrycelach i schematyzmach diecezji chełmsko-lubelskiej. Jak dotąd były one znane nauce polskiej tylko w niewielkim zakresie. Tymczasm, jak się okazuje, wydawano je przez cały okres istnienia tej diecezji. Komplet wydań można odnaleźć w instytucjach biblioteczno-archiwalnych Lublina.
The author of the article tries to define the most important features of the writings of the founder of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters, Servants of the Cross, and on this basis define the basic assumptions of the Lasek Work, in which the community was made up of Franciscan Sisters, visually impaired people and lay people, supported by the chaplain of the Work, priest Władysław Korniłowicz. Thanks to all of them, the center in Laski was an active example of the Gospel incarnated in everyday life.
In the answer to the demands of bishops attending the synods of bishops on the Eucharist and on the word of God the Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has prepared the Homiletic directory, signed on June 29, 2014 and officially presented on February 10, 2015. This article examines the stages of the preparation of the document in the context of other similar documents of the Holy See, and then discusses the nature and structure of the Homiletic directory. This is the first analysis of the document, which is waiting for the official translation into Polish as well as for the in depth theological commentaries to this document.
W związku z zapotrzebowaniem na dyrektorium homiletyczne zgłaszanym na synodach biskupów na temat Eucharystii i słowa Bożego Kongregacja ds. Kultu Bożego i Dyscypliny Sakramentów przygotowała taki dokument, który został podpisany 29 czerwca 2014 roku, a oficjalnie zaprezentowany 10 lutego 2015 roku. Niniejszy artykuł analizuje etapy powstania Dyrektorium homiletycznego na tle innych tego typu dokumentów Stolicy Apostolskiej, a ponadto omawia istotę i strukturę tego dokumentu. To pierwsze omówienie dokumentu, który czeka na oficjalny przekład na język polski oraz potrzebne opracowania teologiczne.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 19
issue 3(40)
W związku z zapotrzebowaniem na dyrektorium homiletyczne zgłaszanym na synodach biskupów na temat Eucharystii i słowa Bożego Kongregacja ds. Kultu Bożego i Dyscypliny Sakramentów przygotowała taki dokument, który został podpisany 29 czerwca 2014 roku, a oficjalnie zaprezentowany 10 lutego 2015 roku. Niniejszy artykuł analizuje etapy powstania Dyrektorium homiletycznego na tle innych tego typu dokumentów Stolicy Apostolskiej, a ponadto omawia istotę i strukturę tego dokumentu. To pierwsze omówienie dokumentu, który czeka na oficjalny przekład na język polski oraz potrzebne opracowania teologiczne.
In the answer to the demands of bishops attending the synods of bishops on the Eucharist and on the word of God the Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has prepared the Homiletic directory, signed on June 29, 2014 and officially presented on February 10, 2015. This article examines the stages of the preparation of the document in the context of other similar documents of the Holy See, and then discusses the nature and structure of the Homiletic directory. This is the first analysis of the document, which is waiting for the official translation into Polish as well as for the in depth theological commentaries to this document.
Directory is a long known form of conduct for Church’s people and institutions in given domain. One published in 1997 is a result of 50 years of studies. During this time many documents have appeared that analyzed the issue of catechesis from the perspective of the whole Church. Tis Directory helps to go deeper into the nature of catechesis as Church understands it. Te document presents achievements of catechesis aſter then Second Vatican Council, such as the rule of Trinitarian Chrystocentricity, the rule of faithfulness to God and man, the need for hierarchy of truths of faith, basic, dynamic catechistic environments such as family, school and parish gathered around Jesus Christ .
Dyrektorium jest znaną i stosowaną w Kościele od kilku wieków formą regulowania postępowania i działalności osób lub instytucji kościelnych w określonej dziedzinie. Opublikowane w 1997 Dyrektorium ogólne o katechizacji stanowi zwieńczenie katechetycznych poszukiwań ostatnich 50 lat, w ciągu których pojawiły się dokumenty, które dogłębnie analizowały zagadnienia katechezy w skali całego Kościoła. Dyrektorium to pozwala głębiej wniknąć w naturę katechezy, a więc poznać, jak ją dzisiaj Kościół rozumie. Prezentuje ono istotne osiągnięcia katechetyki po Soborze Watykańskim II, jakimi są zasada chrystocentryzmu trynitarnego, zasada wierności Bogu i człowiekowi, potrzeba hierarchii prawd wiary, skoncentrowanych wokół Jezusa Chrystusa i zdynamizowania podstawowych środowisk katechetycznych, jakimi są rodzina, szkoła i parafia.
The Carmelites (Ordo Fratrum Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo) were among the larger orders in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth around 1772: they numbered nearly 1,000 monks living in 59 religious houses. The change in the political situation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the partitions resulted initially in the disintegration of the monastic orders’ provincial structures that had existed until 1772. Subsequently, in accordance with the partitioners’ policy toward Catholics, the Church saw the suppression of religious orders: a significant number of monasteries were abolished and monks were dispersed. The lands annexed to Austria became the only area where Carmelites managed to survive in the Galician Province until Poland regained independence. The historical source presented here, namely directory (also known as elenchus), was usually issued annually as a list of diocesan and/or religious clergy members. For the Carmelite community belonging to the Galician province, (today know) 23 annals of such sources have been published in more than 50 years. They contained information about each monk: their name, surname, functions, possibly degrees, year of birth and – in the case of fathers – the year of ordination. The last information about a particular person was that provided in the list of the deceased community members. Although the basic content of the Carmelite directories was not very rich, it does provide a basis for a preliminary determination of community size and basic personal data.
Około 1772 roku karmelici (Ordo Fratrum Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo) należeli do grupy większych wspólnot zakonnych w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów: liczyli prawie 1000 zakonników mieszkających w 59 domach. Zmiana sytuacji politycznej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i rozbiory spowodowały, że udziałem zakonów w pierwszej kolejności stał się rozpad struktur prowincjonalnych istniejących do 1772 roku. Następnie, zgodnie z polityką zaborców wobec katolików, w Kościele dokonano kasaty zakonów: zlikwidowano znaczną część klasztorów i rozproszono zakonników. Ziemie przyłączone do Austrii stały się jedynym obszarem, na którym karmelitom udało się przetrwać w prowincji galicyjskiej do odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości. Prezentowane źródło historyczne, jakim jest schematyzm (zwany też katalogiem lub elenchusem), wydawane było zwykle corocznie jako lista duchowieństwa diecezjalnego i/lub zakonnego. Dla wspólnoty karmelitów należącej do prowincji galicyjskiej w ciągu ponad 50 lat ukazały się (współcześnie znane) 23 roczniki tego rodzaju źródeł. Zawierały informacje o każdym z zakonników: imię, nazwisko, funkcje, ewentualnie stopnie naukowe, rok urodzenia, a w przypadku ojców – rok święceń kapłańskich. Ostatnią wiadomością o konkretnej osobie była ta podawana w wykazie zmarłych członków wspólnoty. Mimo że podstawowa zawartość katalogów karmelitańskich nie była zbyt bogata, to jednak daje ona podstawę do wstępnego określenia liczebności społeczności i podstawowych danych osobowych.
The Diocese of Lublin was established in 1805. However, the announcement of the papal bull was postponed until 1807 for political reasons. As a consequence, it was only from 1808 that ordos and directories of the Diocese of Lublin began to appear. In their external features and content layout, they resembled earlier prints issued in the Dioceses of Chełm. In the years 1808-1918, that is to say, in the period of the partitions of Poland, 111 ordos and 105 directories of the Diocese of Lublin were published. All of them were found, due to intensive research, in the archival and library institutions of Lublin. Ordos and directories of the Diocese of Lublin were published both in Warsaw and Lublin. They were in Latin, Polish and Russian. In the ordos, the liturgical calendar was included, followed by pastoral and liturgical announcements important from the point of view of the Diocese’s life and the ministry of the priests. The directories included information about the entire Church hierarchy under Russian rule, and about the clergy and institutions of the Diocese of Lublin. All the mentioned data have become a valuable source for research into the Church’s past.
Diecezja lubelska została ustanowiona w 1805 roku mocą wydanej wówczas papieskiej bulli. Jej ogłoszenie z przyczyn politycznych zostało odłożone do 1807 roku. W konsekwencji dopiero od 1808 roku zaczęły ukazywać się rubrycele i schematyzmy lubelskie. W swoich cechach zewnętrznych oraz układzie treści przypominały wcześniejsze druki diecezji chełmskiej i chełmsko-lubelskiej. W okresie rozbiorów, w latach 1808-1918, ukazało się 111 rubrycel i 105 schematyzmów. Wszystkie udało się odnaleźć w archiwalnych i bibliotecznych instytucjach Lublina. Rubrycele i schematyzmy lubelskie były wydawane w Warszawie oraz Lublinie. Posługiwano się w nich językiem łacińskim, polskim i rosyjskim. W rubryceli zamieszczano kalendarz liturgiczny, a także ogłoszenia duszpasterskie oraz liturgiczne ważne z punktu widzenia życia diecezji i posługi księdza. W schematyzmach podawano informacje o całej hierarchii kościelnej pod panowaniem rosyjskim oraz o duchowieństwie i instytucjach diecezji lubelskiej. Z perspektywy czasu stały się one cennym źródłem do badań nad kościelną przeszłością.
Summarizing analysis of development of the archive system in Slovakia is carried out. The author outlines basic steps of formation of Slovakia archive business. He considers formation of archival institutions and the activities of the State Inspectorate of Archives and Libraries in Slovakia during the interwar period. The active organizational function of the archival services did not stop during the Second World War, and the authorities of the Slovak state were especially patronizing the church archives. The post-war communist Czechoslovakia government paid a great deal of attention to the archival affair. The legislative base of its functioning is found out. Bibliographic systematization of archival documents is started and the basic laws (1975, 2002) about the regulation of archival affair are accepted in the second half of the 20th century. This article examines the main archive institutions of the Slovak Republic on the modern stage. The author schematically described the function of the Slovak National Archives, the Archives of the Institute of National Memory, the State Archives in Prešov. The basic rules of access to the archive materials in Slovakia archives repository for researcher are reflected. The author touched on the modern Slovak projects of the digitization of archival documents and their application in the Internet. He also clearly identified the main problems in the development of the Slovak archival affair at the present stage, including reducing the staff of archivists, insufficient funding, and a sharp increase in the volume of documents arriving in the archives.
Among the graphic representations found in the books are maps. One type of print in which they also appear are religious schematisms (directories). Schematisms (lat. schematismus, elenchus, catalogue) are official lists of the clergy of a particular ecclesiastical administration unit (diocese, religious province). Despite the popularity that religious directories gained in the first half of the nineteenth century, it is only from the second to third decade of the twentieth century that we can speak of the maps included in them. In order to show the variety of representations, this article discusses some of the maps from religious schematisms stored in one of the largest collections of this type of prints in Europe, and thus in the world, namely in the University Library of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (BU KUL). The subject of the analysis was cartographic representations, their content, and forms of their production on the example of religious prints from the region of Central and Eastern Europe.
Among the graphic representations found in books are maps. One type of print in which they also appear are religious schematisms (directories). Schematisms (lat. schematismus, elenchus, catalog) are official lists of the clergy of a particular ecclesiastical administration unit (diocese, religious province). Despite the popularity that religious directories gained in the first half of the 19th century, it is only from the second to third decade of the 20th century that we can speak of the maps included in them. In order to show the variety of representations, this article discusses some of the maps from religious schematisms stored in one of the largest collections of this type of prints in the world, namely in the University Library of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (BU KUL). The subject of the analysis was cartographic representations, their content and forms of their production on the example of religious prints from the region of Central and Eastern Europe.
The researches on the Dominican libraries are poorly advanced, although they already have some scientific descriptions. The least known is the history of the monastic libraries of brothers preachers on the eastern fringe of the First Polish Republic, which after the partitions were the part of the Russian Empire (in the Polish historiography known as “the taken lands”, and in Russian “the western lands”). The Dominican convents on those lands were under the jurisdiction of three provinces – Polish (part of the Volynian province), Russian (second part of the Volynian province, but also the whole Podolian and Kievan provinces), and Lithuanian (Vilnius, Minsk and Grodno provinces). The monasteries varied in size and thus their library collections had also different number of volumes. We did not have the knowledge on that matter so far, as there were no known inventories and catalogues providing such information. Therefore, it is important to discover them, and to determine on this base the sizes of the collections of each monastery. The query in the archives and libraries in Eastern Europe has brought very good results, as it turned out that there can be found many valuable sources on this subject. This paper focuses mainly on the two essential types of sources: inventories and library catalogues. A lot of inventories containing detailed lists of books with titles, places, dates of publication and formats were found. The structure of the inventories is basically unified: the volumes are grouped by fields, such as for instance: Bible, dogmatic theology, moral theology, history of the Church, general history (secular), apologetics, sometimes also banned books (libri prohibiti). The records of volumes contain also cannonical visitations, performed by the bishops or their delegates, which can also be considered as a kind of inventory; similarly to the intrinsic inventories, they are grouped by fields. Rarely, both in the inventories and visitations, there can be found groupings by formats; there are only few examples, this concerns only very small collections. This paper provides an overview on the state of research of Dominican libraries in the eastern borderlands of the First Polish Republic, and later on the western provinces of the Russian Empire. Although those surveys are still week, they can be found not only in Poland, but also in the neighbouring eastern countries. Afterwards, basing on the collected source material, the situation of the monastic libraries during the annexation period is briefly outlined. Finally, the status and locations of stored inventories and other types of collections (and therefore the visitations) are presented. At the end of this work is placed a list of the sources with the year of origin, the current storage in archives or libraries, and the signature. This list does not include, however, the Russian archives and libraries. That requires another queries. The essay is limited only to Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Lithuanian collections. Certainly, this is not a complete list of sources, but it shows how important is carrying out queries in the sources containing a lot of valuable material. It especially concerns the convents dissolved in 19th century, whose archives and collections were destroyed or dispersed. Nowadays, only those sources can help us to learn the monastic collections, and thus the intellectual culture of brothers.
Prawo Kanoniczne
vol. 62
issue 2
The main aim of the present paper was to propose, in term of a doctrinal debate, an academic discussion concerning the institution of the oblates as a particular canonical condition of a faithful in the light of legal tradition and current legislation. It was highlighted that oblation is a free act of self-offering to God, recognized by the Church (cf. can. 303 and 677, §2 CIC/1983) whereby individual Christians established a bond intimate union with a particular religious community. The act of oblation is a true offering and brings about a true belonging, though it is different in nature from the bond which unites a religious or a monk to his community and does it not bring about a change in the individual’s status in the Church. In order to embrace every single aspect of the topic, it was necessary to present historical evolution of this ancient institution which, after the promulgation of the first Code of Canon Law in 1917, was not cancelled from the daily praxis of religious institutes. In term of the present reflexions, it was said that oblates are accepted as members of a singular religious community even though their bond is only an obedience bond assumed not as a vow. It was highly recommended that those oblates should have a proper directory containing all rules and regulations pertaining their specific function in the local religious community. 
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu było zaproponowanie, w ramach debaty doktrynalnej, dyskusji akademickiej na temat instytucji oblatów jako szczególnego stanu kanonicznego wiernego w świetle tradycji prawnej i aktualnego prawodawstwa. Podkreślono, że oblacja jest wolnym aktem samoofiarowania się Bogu, uznanym przez Kościół (por. kan. 303 i 677, §2 CIC/1983), dzięki któremu poszczególni chrześcijanie nawiązują intymną więź z konkretną wspólnotą zakonną. Akt oblacji jest prawdziwym ofiarowaniem i powoduje prawdziwą przynależność, choć różni się w swej naturze od więzi, która łączy relikwiarza lub zakonnika z jego wspólnotą i nie powoduje zmiany statusu osoby w Kościele. W celu ujęcia wszystkich aspektów tematu, konieczne było przedstawienie historycznej ewolucji tej starożytnej instytucji, która po promulgacji pierwszego Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego w 1917 roku, nie została usunięta z codziennej praktyki instytutów zakonnych. W odniesieniu do refleksji przedsoborowych stwierdzono, że oblaci są przyjmowani jako członkowie jednej wspólnoty zakonnej, chociaż ich więź jest tylko więzią posłuszeństwa, a nie ślubem. Zalecono, aby oblaci posiadali odpowiedni katalog zawierający wszystkie reguły i przepisy odnoszące się do ich specyficznej funkcji w lokalnej wspólnocie zakonnej.
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