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Theoretical background: The pandemic situation affected the functioning of each organization, including the assessment of quality management systems. The implementation of remote audits, including remote internal audits, has become an urgent necessity.Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to present the results of research on potential difficulties in conducting remote internal audit, from the perspective of auditors and auditees. The auxiliary goal is to collect and organize definitions of remote audit and describe its essence in the light of scientific literature and other sources of a formal nature.Research methods: A review and critical analysis of the literature, the method of a diagnostic survey, and then the method of synthesis and logical reasoning were used.Main findings: Several bottlenecks related to certain difficulties can be identified. Both auditors and audited persons should not waste time searching for relevant documents or records. There is a need to check in advance to what extent the applied information technology is efficient, effective and available to all interested parties during the audit. It is necessary to clarify the roles and tasks before and during audits, and to make sure in advance that all resources, both tangible and intangible, are available during the audit.
Aim: The Covid-19 pandemic situation has affected all sectors of our society that have been in direct or indirect contact with humans. The virtual world, which did not concern many people until the onset of the pandemic, began to be a major part of the solutions to everyday situations in life. Modern technologies thus began to play a major role in solving problem situations, but also in the ordinary contact of people with the school, with medical facilities, with work, in communication with other close relatives. Concept: The use of modern technological equipment and their connection to the pandemic situation began to be of interest in the professional and research investigation of scientists working in various areas of life. In addition to the use of modern technological equipment, other more abstract ideas have begun to be explored, reflecting and commenting on, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of using equipment on the basis of age, ability and industry. Scientific studies are thus carried out from the point of view of sociology, gender studies, psychology, psychiatry, medicine, social work, but also other inhumane scientific branches. Method: This study addresses the advantages and disadvantages of using modern technology and points to a number of studies that positively or negatively affect a person's personality through the virtual world. The authors of this study worked with specific texts, using textual analysis, analytical and synthetic methods, and pointed out important studies that draw attention to the connection between the social situation and the use of modern technologies. Results: The study confirms that the pandemic situation requires constant access to virtual reality through modern technological devices that allow all people in society to contact each other, regardless of age, gender, job classification, or position, role. At the same time, it is very important how we will incorporate modern technologies into our lives and what impact modern devices will have on survival and on the real world. Conclusion: The scientific articles and contributions offered in this study point to the use of technological devices, their advantages and disadvantages for the development of human personality. It is understandable that the virtual world can interfere with our personal and family life, while it is necessary to realize its basic functions, which it offers us for our benefit.
The article briefly introduces the CLIL method and its use. The paper explains the terms hard CLIL and soft CLIL. Next, it deals with CLIL specifics, possible advantages and disadvantages. The competence and educational requirements on teachers are mentioned, too. This contribution also contains a sample lesson of recruitment.
The article examines the role of testing during foreign language learning at higher educational establishments. The aim of the article is to analyse advantages and disadvantages while applying the current control of knowledge of the students of non-linguistic specialties (as an example, major «tourism» is proposed). It is confirmed that testing is one of the most unified forms of students’ knowledge and skills monitoring. The future experts of the Hospitality Industry will often face the practice of filling out different forms, public opinion polls, marketing researches etc. in their future professional activity. These activities are closely related to the direct control test: the choice of several proposed answers; brief statements of thoughts and ideas; verification of the given data etc. Examples of tests that are useful when testing the knowledge of future professionals of the tourism industry are proposed. The introduction of remote electronic verification of students’ knowledge, namely using iSpring QuizMaker, is advisable. It is a convenient, simple and functional application to create interactive electronic tests, surveys and monitoring of student knowledge using audio and video etc. Since this specialty demands constant communication and listening comprehension, current testing cannot be limited with «mute» paper or computer tests. One of the most effective controls is listening comprehension (especially telephone talks as well as using situations with a significant noise effect). Clear and detailed tasks to check understanding of the listened text will help both to evaluate the situation adequately, and to make the students be greatly interested in the task. As response options it is advisable to offer not only bookish, but also conversational matching. Special attention in current tests for those students who have chosen tourism industry as their future occupation should be paid to the major lexicology and numerals (recording large and small numbers aurally, phone numbers, time (hours, minutes) etc.). The tests types that are helpful when checking the quality of the future experts’ knowledge in tourism industry are offered. It is focused on the fact that the application of such testing is effective only for the written and audio control, and is not acceptable to test the skills of oral expression and the potential development of the individual.
Wprowadzenie. W ostatnich latach obserwujemy wzrost ilości cięć cesarskich, głównie wykonywanych w trybie planowym. Najczęstszą metodą znieczulenia wykorzystywaną w porodzie operacyjnym jest znieczulenie przewodowe, głównie znieczulenie podpajęczynówkowe. Cel pracy. Analiza porównawcza sposobów znieczulenia do cięcia cesarskiego w wybranych dwóch szpitalach województwa małopolskiego (powiat tarnowski) w roku 2014. Materiał i metody. Przeprowadzono analizę dokumentacji medycznej 1097 znieczuleń cięć cesarskich (w tym: wiek, dane antropometryczne, wartość skali ASA, rodzaj wykonanego znieczulenia, płyny zastosowane przed znieczuleniem, rodzaj igły, spadki ciśnienia po wykonanym bloku). Do analizy zebranych danych użyto testów: parametryczny chi kwadrat, oraz nieparametryczne testy Kruskala- Wallisa i U Mana- Whitneya. Przyjęto poziom istotności p < 0,05. Wyniki. Średni wiek kobiet poddawanych zabiegowi cięcia cesarskiego wyniósł 32,3±5,42. Średnia ocena w skali ASA badanych kobiet wyniosła1,02±0,15. Najczęściej wybieraną metodą znieczulenia było znieczulenie przewodowe podpajęczynówkowe, w grupie B zdecydowanie częściej podczas znieczulenia podpajęczynówkowego stosowano igłę 26G Standard oraz większą ilość marcainy. Częściej wybieraną formą nawodnienia pacjentek z grupy B było stosowanie HAES. Wykazano, że nawodnienie koloidami (HAES) przed zabiegiem skutkuje mniejszymi spadkami ciśnienia tętniczego po znieczuleniu. Wnioski. Znieczulenie podpajęczynówkowe jest najczęstszą metodą znieczulenia podczas cięcia cesarskiego. Najczęstszym powikłaniem znieczulenia przewodowego w cięciu cesarskim był spadek ciśnienia tętniczego krwi. Jako prewencję hipotonii stosowano nawadnianie płynami koloidowymi i krystaloidami.
Background. Recent years have witnessed an increase in the number of elective caesarean deliveries. Conduction anesthesia, mainly spinal, is the type of anesthesia most frequently used for caesarean delivery. Purpose. The survey aimed to conduct comparative analysis of anesthesia types used for caesarean deliveries in two selected hospitals of the Małopolska Province (county of Tarnow), Poland, in 2014. Material and methods. Anesthetic records for 1097 caesarean deliveries were analyzed (including: patients’ age, anthropometric data and ASA physical status score, type of performed anesthesia, pre-anesthetic fluids, type of spinal needles and a drop in arterial blood pressure after the blockade). The parametric chi-squared test and the nonparametric Kruskal- Wallis and U-Mann Whitney tests were used to analyze the data collated. The level of significance was accepted at < 0.05. Results. The mean age of females subjected to caesarean section equaled 32.3±5.42 and their mean ASA score was 1.02±0.15. On balance, conduction spinal anesthesia was the most frequently selected anesthetic to prevent pain, and in group B, 26G standard spinal needles and a greater dose of Marcaine were far more routinely used. The HAES solution was in group B the most frequently selected method of hydration. It was disclosed that hydration with the HAES colloidal solutions before the surgical intervention resulted in a smaller drop in ABP after anesthesia. Conclusions. Spinal anesthesia was the most frequently selected method of anesthesia for caesarean delivery. The ABP drop was the most prevailing complication resulting from conduction anesthesia for caesarean delivery. Hydration with colloid and crystalloid fluids was implemented as a preventive measure against hypotension.
W warunkach globalizacji gospodarki światowej coraz większą rolę zaczynają odgrywać korporacje transnarodowe (KTN), jako przedsiębiorstwa działajace w wymiarze międzynarodowym i lokujące kapitał na rynkach zagranicznych. Poprzez fuzje i przejęcia tego typu jednostki rozwijają się niezmiernie szybko, osiągając czasami wyniki finansowe przekraczające wartości dochodu narodowego państw nisko lub średniorozwiniętych. Mówi się nawet, że wpływ na kształt stanowionej obecnie polityki w większym stopniu zależy od decyzji zarządzających korporacjami aniżeli decyzji rządów. Jednym z widocznych aspektów funkcjonowania KTN jest dynamiczny rozwój handlu i transfer inwestycji zagranicznych, który zmienia strukturę bilansu płatniczego krajów uprzemysłowionych i niskorozwiniętych, uzależniając te drugie od bogatych partnerów. Celem artykułu jest określenie roli korporacji transnarodowych w gospodarce światowej, wskazanie korzyści i niekorzyści związanych z funcjonowaniem tego typu podmiotów, jak również próba oceny szans i zagrożeń dla rozwoju zglobalizowanego świata w warunkach prymatu wielkich przedsiebiorstw. Praktycznym wymiarem publikacji jest zaprezentowanie działalności wybranych KTN. Autorzy chcieli w ten sposób pokazać pozytywne i negatywne aspekty ich funkcjonowania i dać czytelnikowi możliwość wyrobienia własnych poglądów.
Transnational corporations (TNCs) are incorporated or unincorporated enterprises comprising parent enterprises and their foreign affiliates. Transnational Corporations exert a great deal of power in the globalized world economy. Many corporations are richer and more powerful than the states that seek to regulate them. Through mergers and acquisitions corporations have been growing very rapidly and some of the largest TNCs now have annual profits exceeding the GDPs of many low and medium income countries. TNCs dominate the global economy and exert their influence over global policymaking. Worldwide companies start the trend in many domains having a big range of competitors. Trade is an important development tool. Trade between developing and industrialized countries has expanded and borrowing from rich countries to the poor areas of this world increased. The links between these differing groups of economies intensified subsequently and made these two groups increasingly dependent from each other. TNCs based their activity around this idea. In this paper, we try to emphasize the role of the TNCs in the worldwide economy, the advantages and disadvantages these corporations bring to the countries they activate in and even to the entire world and what effect they have on globalization. Some opportunities and threats of TNS activity are presented, exemplifying through some well known corporations which succeded in this competitive world. The authors wanted in this way to show the positive and negative aspects of their performance and give the reader the opportunity to develop the own opinion.
В условиях глобализации мировой экономики всё большую роль начинают играть транснациональные корпорации (ТНК), выступающие в качестве предприятий международного значения и размещающее свой капитал на внешних рынках. Благодаря объединению и подчинению себе подобного рода единиц, они развиваются очень быстрыми темпами, достигая иногда финансовых результатов, превышающих размер национального дохода низко или среднеразвитых государств. Считается даже, что влияние на процессы проводимой в настоящее время политики в большей степени зависит от решений управляющих корпорациями, чем от решений правительств. Одним из заметных видов функционирования ТНК является динамичное развитие торговли и трансферт заграничных инвестиций, который изменяет структуру платёжного баланса индустриализированных и низко-развитых стран, что влияет на зависимость беднейших партнёров от богатых. Целью статьи является определение роли транснациональных корпораций в мировой экономике, представление положительных и отрицательных сторон, связанных с функционированием подобного рода субъектов, а также попытка оценки возможностей и опасений для развития глобализации мира в условиях примата больших предприятий. Практическим значением публикации является представление деятельности некоторых ТНК. Авторы хотели таким образом показать положительные и отрицательные стороны их функционирования и дать читателю возможность сформировать собственные взгляды на данную тему.
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