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The paper presents execution of a debtor’s bank account and the factors which, according to the author, influence directly its effectiveness. Despite the fact that the legislator seemingly has included a complete solution of this issue in the Code of Civil Proceedings, in the light of practical experience, the issue is more complicated and the solutions stated in the regulations cause serious trouble to the creditors, debtors, executive authorities as well as banks. The paper describes different types of bank accounts, for which it is possible to proceed with the execution, methods of searching for bank accounts by the executive authorities, and also the impact of Article 54 of banking law, which involves restriction on the execution.
During the reign of Sigismund I the Old relations between gentry and clergy were visibly tense. The main source of the conflict was the issue of a state reform suggested by chivalry. Crystalizing in the first half of the XVI century, execution movement program considerably infringed clergy’s legal and economic privileges. The reform program proposed by gentry pertained to several social, religious, economic and legal issues. In all these spheres the Church and chivalry differed in opinions, which resulted in a complicated confrontation and impossibility of working out of consensus. The fact that the compromise could not be reached made both sides act even more vigorously, insisting on fulfillment of all their demands. In the fight against the Senate and Monarchy, members of the Chamber of Deputies were still more and more convinced of their increasing power. Thus, still more boldly and unanimously, they defended rights of chivalry and demanded extension of privileges on expense of clergy and the mighty. However, gentry was able neither to impose permanent taxes on the Church nor devoid clergy of remaining the only authority in deciding on issues concerning the faith. Undoubtedly, due to unhesitant position of the Polish Episcopate and support of Sigismund I the Old, clergy managed to retain their political and economic privileges, although political privileges were considerably undermined during the reign of Sigismund Augustus.
In the event of carrying out the execution of remuneration for work, specific obligations imposed on the debtor’s employer. Because he is obliged to make appropriate deductions from the employee’s salary and transfer the amounts withheld enforcement authority, where his role is to determine the correct amount, which is to serve the satisfaction of creditor. At the same time the employer may be liable for irregularities in this area – both the creditor – if it turns out that due to the action of the employer was unsatisfied creditor, as well as the terms of an employee ‒ if it wrongfully depleted. Therefore, of particular importance to establish a remuneration components, which may be the subject of deductions, as well as the use of proper methods of deduction. Important, therefore, it seems to indicate the correct relationship between the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure on enforcement of wage and labor laws.
The study introduces an effort to achieve salvation for criminals who were sentenced to death during the Baroque period. It is based on a probe into the instructions for the treatment of people sentenced to death written for Roman Catholic priests and published during the 17th century. The author follows the spiritual preparations for an execution in the context of the Baroque concept of ‘good death’, which formed the core of the ‘Ars Moriendi’ literature. The texts are treated as normative historical sources, which influenced the period practice, but also were marked by it.
The paper presents the attitude of society towards capital punishment during dizerent historical periods and describes the development of philosophical and moral thought regarding the death penalty. It outlines the history of capital punishment in Poland based on various legal norms set out in penal codes of the time. ese are used to investigate the types of crime that carry the death penalty and their number which changed over the years due to signicantly dizerent penal codes applicable in dizerent years. e paper also discusses basic legal acts on the right to life. It presents countries that retain capital punishment, countries that have abolished it and countries where the death penalty is permitted only under military law.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
vol. 29
issue 1
The aim of this paper is to present the general issue of execution from remuneration for work and, in particular, the impact that the Act of 22 March 2018 on bailiffs had on changes in the Code of Civil Procedure. The paper uses the methods of critical analysis of sources and systematic review. So far, there has been no doubt that individuals employed under civil-law contracts are in a much worse situation than those employed under employment contracts. For this reason, the legislature wanted to protect them from execution, hence the introduc- tion of a means to make their situation equal in Article 833 § 21 of the Code of Civil Proce¬dure. Despite the good intentions of the legislature, this provision still raises doubts over the wording: ‘ensuring livelihood’. For this reason, the application of new provisions that limit the execution of recurring benefits aimed at ensuring subsistence - other than remuneration for work - requires appropriate action.
One can say without hesitation that during the highly dynamic medieval epoch rivalries and military clashes were of paramount importance in the struggles for dominance over the Balkan Peninsula. During the entire period, war-time activities included the capturing of those who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the enemy. Various groups of soldiers and civilians alike have repeatedly tested the bitterness of captivity. Attempts to trace the fate of war-captives are, for understandable reasons, directly dependent on the data in the written records. The comparison of the various historical accounts is rather typical, even if the records deal with events that are different in time, place and participants. The present paper also compares two descriptions. This study encompasses two well-known historical accounts: the first one is from the chronicle (Synopsis historiarum) of John Skylitzes, while the second one is excerpted from Kritoboulos’ History of Mehmed the Conqueror. Despite all distinctions, there are some particular similarities. Both fragments concern the division of the spoils of war and the fate of the captured population and provide additional knowledge of the practices relating to prisoners of war in the Balkan medieval past.
This publication presents the evolution of international law acts in the scope of alimony execution from the obliged one residing on the territory of Spain, for the benefit of a child, having the enforcement order and residing in Poland. In this context, it is worth noticing that in case of the discussed Polish-Spanish relations, the performance of scientific discourse concerning alimony execution seems particularly interesting, due to the fact that the prescriptive material being a kind of achievement of international diplomacy in the practical aspect, is often useless. Despite the formal introduction of other legal acts, that is the New York Convention of 1956, the Hague Convention of 1973, the Lugano Convention of 1988 and the Brussels I Regulation (regulation 44/2001), it can be stated that during the practical use of law, a jumping evolution occurred which was the fact that Polish courts only utilized the New York convention and skipped other, indicated acts herein, until the moment of implementation of the regulation 4/2009. The aim of the authors is to point the reasons of such a condition and the presentation of the process leading the obtainment of the benefits due to the entitled one.
Artykuł dotyczy egzekucji z wynagrodzenia za pracę. Ma na celu wyjaśnienie mechanizmu jej działania. W związku z tym zawarto w nim podstawowe informację na temat obowiązków administracyjnych, czy też rodzajach egzekucji z należności pieniężnych. Istotnym wydało się także opisanie relacji pomiędzy przepisami ustawy egzekucyjnej a przepisami prawa pracy. Poruszono temat prawidłowego rozumienia pojęcia wynagrodzenia oraz jego składników na łamach przepisów egzekucyjnych oraz przepisów prawa pracy. Kolejna część zawiera szczegółowy opis przebiegu egzekucji oraz obowiązków organu egzekucyjnego i pracodawcy w tym zakresie. Sięgnięto także do regulacji prawa pracy w zakresie maksymalnych potrąceń z wynagrodzenia za pracę oraz przytoczono inne akty prawne dotyczące tego zagadnienia.
The article describes the enforcement proceedings regarding the remuneration for work and aims to explain its mechanisms. Therefore, basic information about administrative obligations as well as types of enforcement of payments is included. It also seemed vital to describe relations between the provisions of the act on administrative enforcement proceedings and the labor law. The proper understanding of the term "remuneration" and its components under the provisions of the labor law and the enforcement proceedings are also presented. The next part includes detailed description of the enforcement proceedings, as well as the obligations of the enforcement authority and the employer within this matter. Moreover, legal regulations on the maximum deductions from remuneration for work were indicated, as well as the author quoted other acts of law regarding this subject matter.
Problematyka nadużycia prawa procesowego w postępowaniu klauzulowym była przedmiotem rozważań naukowych, jednakże w dotychczasowym systemie prawa procesowego brak było unormowania, z którego w drodze wykładni językowej można byłoby wyprowadzić normę prawną pozwalającą na stosowanie klauzul porządku publicznego do oceny wniosku o nadanie klauzuli wykonalności tytułom egzekucyjnym. Wprowadzenie nowelizacją do postępowania klauzulowego art. 7821 Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego, w którym ustanowiono trzy podstawy odmowy nadania klauzuli wykonalności, niewątpliwie uzupełniło niniejszą lukę. W konsekwencji powyższego sąd obecnie ma uprawnienie do oceny czy roszczenie objęte tytułem egzekucyjnym nie jest sprzeczne z prawem, czy nie ma na celu obejścia przepisów prawa, bądź czy nie uległo przedawnieniu. Należy uznać, iż regulacja ta – choć wadliwie sformułowana – zasadniczo zasługuje na aprobatę.
The issue of abuse of procedural law in enforcement-warrant proceedings has already been the subject of research. However, until now in the procedural law system there has not been any provision which by means of a linguistic interpretation would allow for deriving the legal norm that would make it possible to use the public policy clauses in order to perform the assessment of an application for declaration of enforceability of enforcement orders. Implementation of a new article, (Article 7821 of the Code of Civil Procedure) which establishes three new legal grounds for refusal to append the enforcement clause undoubtedly filled out the existing gap. As a result, the court has the right to assess whether the claim under the writ of execution is legal, is not intended to circumvent the law or is not time-barred. Although the new regulation is inaccurately formulated, its aim merits approval.
The aim of this article is to present the path of a convicted person from a conviction to the execution of a sentence in England in the 16th and 17th centuries. The public was particularly interested in their trials and executions. Often, the issue of a death sentence was based on political motives and it affected, for example, former advisors of the king who had stopped to enjoy the graces of the ruling monarch. The analysis focuses primarily on social elites. Aspects of execution, including the execution method, the time and clothing of the convict, and his last words, are discussed in the article. The methods of execution were outlined, taking into account that some crimes correspond with specific methods of administering the death penalty. It was most common practice to behead the heads of aristocratic convicts. There were, however, instances when the qualified death penalty was applied. I also analyzed in this study the content of the last speeches delivered by the convicts. They provide insight into how the litter penalty has been perceived in society. Also, they show whether the convicts agreed with the sentence or opposed it. Included in the narrative are the last moments of the convict, as well as his interactions with the executioner. The sources of this thesis are the correspondence, chronicles and the paper published in the 16th and 17th century. The amount of published materials concerning the executions shows the interesting in that subject in English society.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie drogi osoby skazanej od wyroku skazującego do wykonania kary w Anglii w XVI i XVII w. Analiza skupia się przede wszystkim na osobach z elit społecznych. Ich procesy oraz stracenia cieszyły się szczególnym zainteresowaniem publicznym. Często wydanie wyroku skazującego na śmierć miało motywy polityczne i dotykało na przykład byłych doradców króla, którzy przestali cieszyć się łaskami władcy. Artykuł porusza problem wyboru metody egzekucji, pory, w jakiej dokonywano stracenia, ubioru skazanego, a także ostatnich słów przez niego wygłoszonych. Uwzględniono również ostatnie chwile osoby, na której dokonywano egzekucji, łącznie z interakcjami, w jakie wchodził on z katem. Przedstawiono między innymi metody, jakimi dokonywano egzekucji, z uwzględnieniem kategorii przestępstw dopasowanych do poszczególnych sposobów wymierzania kary śmierci. Najczęściej skazańcy z wyższych warstw społecznych byli pozbawiani życia poprzez ścięcie głowy. Zdarzały się jednak sytuacje, kiedy stosowano kwalifikowaną karę śmierci. W niniejszej pracy analizie poddano również treść ostatnich mów wygłaszanych przez skazańców. Są one przydatne w przedstawieniu tego, w jaki sposób postrzegano społeczne znaczenie kary śmieci. Pokazują również to, czy skazańcy godzili się z wyrokiem, czy też występowali przeciwko niemu. Podstawę źródłową artykułu stanowią relacje świadków dokonywanych egzekucji. Zostały one przedstawione w korespondencji, kronikach, ale również publikowanych drukach ulotnych. Druki te były łatwo dostępne dla angielskich czytelników, dzięki niskiej cenie. Liczba wytworzonych materiałów dotyczących przebiegu egzekucji wskazuje na duże zainteresowanie tą tematyką wśród mieszkańców Anglii.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 6
issue 3
The article analyzes the imagery of God as a “swift witness” (Mal 3:5b) against the backdrop of the Jewish biblical, intertestamental, and rabbinic traditions. By adopting the reference to the deuteronomistic institution of the witness which provided surety for the observance of the Sinaitic covenant, the prophet implicitly expresses the advent of a religious crisis signaled by the lack of proper religious identity and by the weakening of the temple institutions created to safeguard and cultivate this identity. The image of God as a “swift witness” who comes to his temple to execute judgment on those who break the Covenant, and to inaugurate the ultimate era of justice, constitutes the prophet’s answer to all those who harbor doubt about God’s justice.
The crime of concealing property incases related to claims for medical errors is particularly important. It concerns a patient who has suffered damage to his health by means of a doctor’s action and despite the fact that the compensation was awarded by the court he may not undertake remedial treatment or rehabilitation because the doctor prevents such treatment with his unlawful and reprehensible behaviour. Unfortunately, the current rules in Poland do not sufficiently protect the enforceability of the court judgment. For the patient, the amounts awarded are important and often decisive for the further process of treatment. Consideration should be given to prospective introduction of legal provisions, e.g. in the Act on Patients’ Rights and the Patient Ombudsman, to protect the patient as a special creditor in the event that the court awards a claim for medical error.
The foundations of the medieval Bulgarian state are inseparably paired with the adoption of Christianity. At that time an event occurred which based on modern terminology ought to be described as coup d’état. As a consequence a cruel punishment was administered by the ruler, prince Boris. A bloody execution of all the 52 rebelled houses became an immanent symbol of the rise of the Christian Bulgarian state and plays an important role in the novels related to the history of the medieval period of the state. The literary vision of the Bulgarian authors of the socialist era presents that tragic occurrence almost as a founding murder and in accordance with Foucault interpretation as a bloody spectacle of suffering that was a demonstration of the power of the sovereign over his subjects, and following Girard can be described as specific collective sacrifice.
U początku kształtowania się średniowiecznego państwa bułgarskiego, w nierozłącznej parze z przyjęciem chrześcijaństwa legło wydarzenie, które zgodnie ze współczesną terminologią należałoby nazwać próbą przeprowadzenia zamachu stanu oraz jego konsekwencja – okrutna kara wymierzona buntownikom przez władcę, księcia Borysa. Krwawa egzekucja wszystkich członków 52 zbuntowanych rodów stała się immanentnym symbolem powstania chrześcijańskiego państwa bułgarskiego i zajęła ważne miejsce w powieściach historycznych przedstawiających dzieje średniowiecznego państwa. W literackiej wizji bułgarskich autorów doby socjalistycznej to tragiczne wydarzenie zostało przedstawione jako niemalże mord założycielski, lecz także zgodnie z interpretacją Foucaulta krwawy spektakl kaźni wyrażający władzę suwerena nad poddanymi oraz charakteryzowana przez Girarda specyficzna ofiara zbiorowa.
The topic of this article is the usage in business language of seven particular words describing values or positively evaluated in this language (morality, sensitivity, excellence, loyalty, sentiment, execution, aggressive). The major part of the paper is dedicated to adetailed comparative analysis of these new meanings, based on the variety of examples taken from the Polish business language. The meanings of these words, as observed in business language, vary greatly as noted based on five Polish language dictionaries published in the 21st century, used for comparison. In most cases those new meanings of the examined words are not mentioned in the analysed dictionaries. In the final section of the text the author comments on the values discourse in business language (operational dimension, utility approach, ambition to measure and control the values), potential influence of value-words as used in business language on the common Polish language as well as the question whether these new meanings should be included in Polish language dictionaries.
Violent death in postcolonial prose In the years 1953–1960 Rudolf Dobiáš was imprisoned for his anti-state activities for 7 years, most of which he spent in uranium mines in Jáchymov. Both his non-fiction and prosaic work are based on his personal experience and they also concern the executions of young people. He described in detail the sentencing of three graduates of a grammar school in Trenčín, who were given the death penalty and were executed in February 1951. At the Higher Military Court in Trenčín he discovered the writings of a lieutenant of the Czechoslovak People’s Army, Tomáš Chovan. He was sentenced by the State Court in Bratislava to the death penalty for treason and spying. He was executed in November 1951 at the age of 25. His farewell to his family is presented in the story Younger Brother (Mladší brat), which is one of the best works of Dobiáš. Ľuboš Jurík also wrote a biographical novel entitled The Death of a Minister (Smrť ministra). It is about the Slovak communist politician Vladimír Clementis (1902–1952), who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the years 1948–1950. Clementis was imprisoned in 1951 to face a fabricated accusation. He was given the death penalty too. Jurík’s novel is composed of an interview with a fictive figure — the advocate. Just before the execution, he talks to him about the whole life of the politician Clementis. In the spirit of Stalinism, it was his ex-party colleagues and friends who were behind the execution. Jurík wrote a book about Alexander Dubček as well, entitled A Year Longer Than a Century (Rok dlhší ako storočie), in which he asks whether the end of the symbol of Prague Spring was violent or not. There is evidence that it could have been so.
Gwałtowna śmierć w postkolonialnej prozie Rudolf Dobiáš, skazany za działalność antypaństwową, lata 1953–1960 spędził w więzieniu, z czego większą część w kopalniach uranu w Jáchymowie. Swoje doświadczenia opisuje we wspomnieniach, a także w tekstach prozatorskich, w których pojawia się motyw egzekucji młodych ludzi. Dobiáš szczegółowo opisał skazanie na śmierć trzech absolwentów gimnazjum w Trenczynie i ich egzekucję w lutym 1951 roku. W Wyższym Sądzie Wojskowym w Trenczynie pojawiły się również akta porucznika Czechosłowackiej Armii Ludowej Tomáša Chovana, którego sąd w Bratysławie skazał na karę śmierci za zdradę państwa i szpiegostwo. W listopadzie 1951 roku w wieku 25 lat Chovan został stracony. Dobiáš opisał pożegnanie porucznika z rodziną przed śmiercią w opowiadaniu Młodszy brat (Mladší brat), które można zaliczyć do jego najlepszych utworów. Z kolei Ľuboš Jurík jest autorem biograficznej powieści pod tytułem Śmierć ministra (Smrť ministra) o słowackim komunistycznym polityku Vladimirze Clementisie (1902–1952), który w latach 1948–1950 pełnił funkcję ministra spraw zagranicznych Czechosłowacji. Clementis w 1951 roku został uwięziony i podczas procesu pokazowego skazany na karę śmierci. Autor skonstruował powieść w sposób następujący: adwokat jako postać fikcyjna rozmawia z Clementisem tuż przed egzekucją i podczas tej rozmowy czytelnik poznaje całe życie słowackiego polityka. Co typowe dla czasów stalinizmu, duży udział w skazaniu polityka na śmierć mieli jego partyjni towarzysze i przyjaciele. Jurík opublikował również książkę o Aleksandrze Dubčeku Rok dłuższy niż wiek (Rok dlhší ako storočie), w której pojawia się pytanie, czy śmierć Dubčeka — symbolu praskiej wiosny — też mogła być spowodowana przez osoby trzecie, ponieważ istnieją na to pewne dowody.
The purpose of the article is to present the conditions of application in art. 116 of the Tax Ordinance, whose function covers the responsibility of the management board for the tax entity. The study included the following function: Filing bankruptcy of an entity effectively excluding tax liability.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie warunków uregulowanych w art. 116 ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. – Ordynacja podatkowa1, których spełnienie wyłącza odpowiedzialność członka zarządu za zaległości podatkowe podmiotu. W opracowaniu postawiono hipotezę, że skuteczne zgłoszenie upadłości podmiotu jest czynnikiem wyłączającym odpowiedzialność za zaległości podatkowe.
Wraz z wejściem w życie ustawy ograniczającej egzekucje z nieruchomości rolnych doszło do wprowadzenia do polskiego porządku prawnego chaosu. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przegląd oraz analizę orzecznictwa sądów w zakresie prowadzenia egzekucji z nieruchomości rolnych. W pierwszej części przedstawiono definicję ustawową nieruchomości. W części głównej artykułu szczegółowo przedstawiono egzekucję z nieruchomości rolnych po wejściu w życie nowelizacji ustawy. Wskazano, jakie warunki strony muszą spełnić, aby w drodze wyjątku uzyskać prawo własności do nieruchomości rolnych zgodnie z prawem. Analizie poddano fakt, iż zgodnie z polskim ustawodawstwem prawo pierwokupu jest przyznane tylko współwłaścicielom nieruchomości rolnych.
The article provides an overview and analysis of the case law of courts in the field of execution concerning agricultural real estate. In the first part shows a statutory definition of real property. Thereafter, the main part of the article presents in detail an execution concerning immovable property after entering into force on amendment act. The article points out the conditions which have to be fulfilled in order to exceptionally obtain the ownership of agricultural real estate in accordance with law. Regulation were analysed in view fact, that pursuant to the Polish legislation, the right of pre-emption is granted only to coowners of agricultural real estate.
The aim of this paper is to present the profession of the court bailiff in Poland. This paper also presents issues related to the rights of the Minister of Justice who may recall the court bailiff after he reaches 70 years of age. According to the authors, this law must not be regarded as unjust, as the court bailiff carries out his duties alone and he is not an employee, but a public official. Moreover, the same kind of regulation applies also to notaries and judges.
Artykuł dotyczy zawodu komornika i kwestii związanych z uprawnieniem Ministra Sprawiedliwości do odwołania go ze stanowiska po ukończeniu 70 roku życia. W ocenie autorów taki przepis nie jest dyskryminujący, egzekucje bowiem komornik musi prowadzić samodzielnie i nie jest on pracownikiem, a funkcjonariuszem publicznym. Ponadto jest to regulacja podobna do tych, które obowiązują notariuszy czy sędziów.
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