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Czy możliwe jest tworzenie polityki (i )migracyjnej na poziomie regionalnym? Do tej pory o politykach migracyjnych mówiło się najczęściej analizując je w skali europejskiej lub ogólnokrajowej. Niewykluczone jednak, że zadania z tego zakresu należałoby także wypracowywać na poziomie regionalnym. Wynika to chociażby ze specyfiki pewnych obszarów, a takim jest województwo opolskie, w którym migracje zagraniczne stały się istotnym elementem rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego. Konsekwencją odpływu mieszkańców regionu może stać się napływ cudzoziemców. Sądzić można, że w związku z trwającą obecnie w województwie opolskim dyskusją nad depopulacją oraz tworzeniem mechanizmów zaradczych, warto byłoby zastanowić się także nad wypracowaniem polityki odnoszącej się do napływu obcokrajowców do regionu. Wydaje się, że Opolszczyzna w zakresie opracowania indywidualnej, regionalnej polityki (i)migracyjnej mogłaby być pionierem i stworzyć „dobrą praktykę” dla innych województw, a także dla działań, które mogłyby być realizowane w skali całego kraju. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie napływu obcokrajowców do Polski i województwa opolskiego, który można traktować jako konsekwencję emigracji zagranicznej obserwowanej w kraju i w regionie oraz wskazanie ewentualnych możliwości korzystania z obecności cudzoziemców.
Is it possible to create immigration policy at the regional level? To date, migration policies have been analyzed at the European or national level. However, it is possible this issue should also be worked out at the regional level. This is connected with the specific nature of certain areas, such as the Opole Voivodship, in which international migration has become an important element of socio-economic development. The consequence of migration of residents of the region may become an influx of foreigners. It can be believed that, in view of the ongoing discussion in the Opole Voivodship of depopulation and the creation of remedial mechanisms, it would be worthwhile to consider developing policies related to the influx of foreigners in the region. It seems that the Opole Voivodship in the development of an individual, regional immigration policy could be a pioneer and create a "good practice" for other regions, as well as measures that could be implemented throughout the entire country. The purpose of this article is to show the influx of foreigners in Poland and Opole Voivodship, which can be regarded as a consequence of emigration of Poles observed in the country and the region, and to identify possible opportunities to benefit from the presence of foreigners.
In the opinion of the author of the Sejm’s position limiting the possibility of obtaining the right to compensation only to the heirs of an owner of a real estate left outside the current borders of the Republic of Poland who possess a Polish citizenship is consistent with the Constitution. It should be noted that the compensation for lost property left beyond the Bug River paid on the basis of the questioned Act is not a compensation for expropriation within the meaning of Article 21 para. 2 of the Constitution.
Polish executive law allows for the possibility of implementing an individualised approach to imprisonment in a system encompassing programmed, therapeutic or normal rehabilitation. Polish laws take into full account the Convention's standards on the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1984 and the European Prison Rules issued by the Council of Europe. There are no specific provisions in Polish legislation relating to the imprisonment of foreigners, however, the guarantees of respect for dignity and cultural distinctiveness arise directly from the general principles for imprisonment. The number of foreigners incarcerated in Polish prisons is small. Every year, approximately 7,000 foreigners are convicted in Poland. Of this group, on average, 300 are serving a prison sentence. In this article we will outline the characteristics of this group of convicted criminals based on the available statistical data and in relation to the regulations in effect in Poland.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 13
issue 4
Hospitality is a widespread practice in the ancient Near East, also regulated by written legislation. Biblical legislation protects the orphan, the widow and the foreigner; but there is also an opposite tendency of not being able to accept the presence of pagan populations in the land of the fathers. The protocol of hospitality is a practice in the biblical world which never reached the form of written legislation, and which is presented as a set of literary motifs disseminated in numerous texts, without configuring a true and proper literary genre. The stories of Gen 19:1–29 and of Judg 19:11–30 are influenced by the dialectic between the two tendencies of the biblical world; what emerges from their comparison is the warning that the violation of the protocol of hospitality is an indication of the unravelling of the society. A canonical reading of the two biblical stories proposes as an example the behaviour of Abraham, who practices unconditional hospitality without limits.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 13
issue 4
The introduction of the article presents some methodological clarifications that aim to achieve a proper thematic treatment of the foreigner in the Bible. It (a) states the need to place the study of terms that indicate the foreigner in the relevant semantic field, (b) stresses the importance to be accorded to the founding narratives, and (c) indicates the value of the term “figure” as applied specifically to the immigrant. The contribution is then divided into three sections: 1. “The Phenomenology of the Foreigner in the Bible” shows the criteria for defining the foreigner, and emphasises the specific notion of the immigrant; 2. “The Biblical Theology of the Immigrant” illustrates the precariousness of the one who requests hospitality and, at the same time, makes manifest the divine blessing for the one who welcomes him. 3. “The Biblical Norms Regarding the Immigrant” show how different precepts tend to equate the immigrant with the citizen itself.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 14
issue 2
Who is a foreigner in the Hebrew Psalter? The article answers this question in two sections. First, seven terms referring to “foreigner” are examined to determine their individual characteristicsin the Psalms and their correspondence to biblical texts outside the Psalter. Second, other literary motifs are analyzed in a cursory reading of Psalms 105, 106 and 137. The Psalter outlines a partial picture of the foreigner, which is subordinated to theological and symbolic issues. The Psalms primarily recall the adventures of Israel, which had to frequently change its place of residence for various reasons. As a foreigner, deprived of land and permanent residence, he experienced the ups and downs of migrant life and ultimately strove to integrate into a new socio-cultural environment. Defending one’s identity and maintaining national and religious integrity is portrayed as a difficult process, at risk. Another type of foreigner in the Psalms is the non-Jew, individually or communally, who enjoys the social and legal protection to which the poor are entitled. Either he is a well-integrated member of society, or he remains unassimilated. In the latter case, his false words, harmful actions and physical hostility toward Israel come to the fore. Finally, in the Book of Psalms, terms associated with “foreigner” are part of figurative language. The vocabulary sometimes either evokes non-literal associations with foreign countries, nations and foreign gods, or denotes an emotional state of suffering and isolation. Moreover, key lexemes symbolize the transitory human condition, emphasizing the marginalization and even segregation of the petitioner from the household.
vol. 20
issue 1
Hungarian cinema, with only a few exceptions, did not use its chance to offer a full and interesting picture of the Foreigner or the Other that would be devoid of shortcomings. In current movies filmmakers find it very difficult to go beyond established and painful history of prejudices and stereotypes. This applies both to citizens of countries neighbouring with Hungary with which even now it fails to create a correct relationship, and to representatives of numerous national minorities living in the country. The author reviews the images and characteristics of the foreigner which can be found in the contemporary Hungarian cinema and presents problems associated with the creation of a cohesive description of representatives of other nationalities.
Kinematografia węgierska poza nielicznymi wyjątkami nie wykorzystała swojej szansy, aby w pełni ukazać interesujący, pozbawiony mankamentów obraz obcego, Innego. We wciąż realizowanych filmach twórcom niezwykle trudno jest wyjść poza utrwalone bolesną historią uprzedzenia, stereotypy. Dotyczy to zarówno sąsiadów Węgrów, z którymi nawet obecnie nie udaje się stworzyć poprawnych relacji, jak i przedstawicieli licznych mniejszości narodowych zamieszkujących kraj. W tekście autor dokonuje przeglądu i charakterystyki wizerunków obcych, które można odnaleźć we współczesnej kinematografii węgierskiej, oraz przedstawia problemy towarzyszące stworzeniu spójnego opisu przedstawicieli innych narodowości.
The article presents a part of research on the students’ attitude towards foreigners, in particular Ukrainian citizens. In Poland it is currently the largest group of foreigners, as well as the largest group of foreign students studying at Polish universities. The text contains references to the sociological concept of „foreign”, especially to G. Simmel’s, and also to the category of „stereotype”, which is usually associated with the perception of different nationalities. The presented fragment of research compares the attitude of students to the stereotype of a Ukrainian, which has been acknowledged and consolidated in Poland over the years of common history. Respondents also rated functioning of Ukrainian acquaintances at the university and in the dorm. Respondents in their opinion claim that the group of Ukrainians is large, but it is almost invisible at the university. This is due to the low access of foreigners to student life and isolation among „their own”. The attitude of Polish youth is certainly significant for this type of behavior. Polish students, despite declarations, do not make enough effort to get to know and maintain closer contacts with colleagues from Ukraine.
The article presents a part of research on the students’ attitude towards foreigners, in particular Ukrainian citizens. In Poland it is currently the largest group of foreigners, as well as the largest group of foreign students studying at Polish universities. The text contains references to the sociological concept of “foreign”, especially to G. Simmel’s, and also to the category of “stereotype”, which is usually associated with the perception of different nationalities. The presented fragment of research compares the attitude of students to the stereotype of a Ukrainian, which has been acknowledged and consolidated in Poland over the years of common history. Respondents also rated functioning of Ukrainian acquaintances at the university and in the dorm. Respondents in their opinion claim that the group of Ukrainians is large, but it is almost invisible at the university. This is due to the low access of foreigners to student life and isolation among “their own”. The attitude of Polish youth is certainly significant for this type of behavior. Polish students, despite declarations, do not make enough effort to get to know and maintain closer contacts with colleagues from Ukraine.
The subject of the opinion is an analysis of the degree of implementation of provisions of the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 1954 and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961 in the Polish legal system, in particular: determination of the rules of the Conventions which are present in Polish law; an analysis of possible inconsistencies between the Conventions and Polish law; an indication of legislator’s obligations that would arise, if Poland became bound by these Conventions.
In a highly multicultural society, it is right to speak of welcome and educational care, a perfect combination that should characterise all educational contexts starting with the family and the school. Welcome and care have a strong impact on the educational and training context. A foreign child who finds himself in a new environment should feel welcomed, recognised, valued in his original and individual way of being, the bearer of his own history, and this should happen during his growth and learning process. Taking care of the child, having a genuine interest in him, in his well-being and growth, requires special attention to his education and training.
The author aims to present the possibilities of helping Ukrainian citizens from the practical side, as based on author’s own professional experience. To that effect, the paper considers various legal issues faced daily by Ukrainians who came to Poland after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is also to study the changes in Polish legislation that were introduced to simplify the possibility of regulating the legal situation of Ukrainian citizens residing in Poland. The work touches upon the issue of legalizing the stay of Ukrainians on the territory of the Republic of Poland, the care and guardianship of minor children coming from Ukraine, the transfer of economic activity from Ukraine to Poland, as well as the issue of marriage conclusion by Ukrainians in Poland.
Polish executive law allows for the possibility of implementing an individualised approach to imprisonment in a system encompassing programmed, therapeutic or normal rehabilitation. Polish laws take into full account the Convention's standards on the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1984 and the European Prison Rules issued by the Council of Europe. There are no specific provisions in Polish legislation relating to the imprisonment of foreigners, however, the guarantees of respect for dignity and cultural distinctiveness arise directly from the general principles for imprisonment. The number of foreigners incarcerated in Polish prisons is small. Every year, approximately 7,000 foreigners are convicted in Poland. Of this group, on average, 300 are servinga prison sentence. In this article we will outline the characteristics of this group of convicted criminals based on the available statistical data and in relation to the regulations in effect in Poland.
Polish executive law allows for the possibility of implementing an individualised approach to imprisonment in a system encompassing programmed, therapeutic or normal rehabilitation. Polish laws take into full account the Convention's standards on the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1984 and the European Prison Rules issued by the Council of Europe. There are no specific provisions in Polish legislation relating to the imprisonment of foreigners, however, the guarantees of respect for dignity and cultural distinctiveness arise directly from the general principles for imprisonment. The number of foreigners incarcerated in Polish prisons is small. Every year, approximately 7,000 foreigners are convicted in Poland. Of this group, on average, 300 are servinga prison sentence. In this article we will outline the characteristics of this group of convicted criminals based on the available statistical data and in relation to the regulations in effect in Poland. Polskie prawo wykonawcze zapewnia możliwość realizacji zasady indywidualizmu w odbywaniu kary pozbawiania wolności. Kara ta może być odbywana w systemie programowanego oddziaływania, terapeutycznym lub zwykłym. Polskie przepisy w pełni uwzględniają standardy Konwencji w sprawie zakazu stosowania tortur oraz innego okrutnego, nieludzkiego lub poniżającego traktowania lub karania, przyjętej przez Zgromadzenie Ogólne Narodów Zjednoczonych w 1984 roku oraz Europejskich Reguł Więziennych wydanych przez Radę Europy. W polskim ustawodawstwie nie ma przepisów szczególnych, które dotyczyłyby odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności przez cudzoziemców, jednak gwarancje poszanowania ich godności i odrębności kulturowych wynikają wprost z ogólnych zasad wykonywania kary pozbawienia wolności. Liczba cudzoziemców odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności w polskich zakładach karnych jest niewielka. Każdego roku prawomocnie skazywanych w Polsce jest około 7000 cudzoziemców. Z tej grupy przeciętnie 300 odbywa karę pozbawienia wolności. Artykuł przedstawia charakterystykę tej grupy skazanych w oparciu o dostępne dane statystyczne oraz w odniesieniu do obowiązujących w Polsce przepisów.
The percentage of transnational marriages is quite low in Slovakia. This relates to the increasing mobility of domestic inhabitants abroad as well as to the arrival of foreigners in Slovakia during recent decades. The study is to explain the cultural and historical background of mixed marriages between Slovaks and foreigners, their family life and the integration in the Slovak environment, namely in the context of migration experience of the partners in these relationships. In the introduction, we characterize the transnational marriages using available statistical data. We will investigate the integration processes on selected type of transnational marriages, in which the partner comes from Egypt, Algeria or Tunis. We will focus mainly on their communication strategies and employability in the labour market.
Nabywanie nieruchomości przez cudzoziemców nie jest zjawiskiem specyficznym tylko dla Polski. Zgodnie z regulacjami Unii Europejskiej obywatele państw członkowskich powinni mieć zagwarantowana swobodę: przepływu pracowników najemnych, prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej (przedsiębiorczości), świadczenia usług oraz przepływu kapitału. W praktyce jednak wiele krajów – podobnie jak Polska – stosuje ograniczenia w tym przepływie, w tym także w nabywaniu przez cudzoziemców nieruchomości. Aktywność inwestycyjna cudzoziemców jest niezwykle ważna dla gospodarki kraju przyjmujacego, gdyż wiąże się z zainwestowaniem określonych, często znacznych, kapitałów, co sprzyja dynamizacji wzrostu gospodarczego, tworzeniu nowych miejsc pracy czy też wprowadzaniu nowych rozwiazań technologicznych. Jednak – na co wskazuja autorzy niniejszego opracowania – inwestorzy zagraniczni sa skłonni zainwestować swój kapitał w danym kraju pod warunkiem, że ich oczekiwania zwiazane z tą decyzja zostaną przynajmniej częściowo spełnione. Wśród tych oczekiwań można wyróżnić m.in. stosunkowo niską cenę nieruchomości w Polsce, co skłania do ich nabywania.
Acquisition of real properties by foreigners is not a Poland-specific phenomenon. According to the EU regulations, free flow of labour, freedom of conducting business activities (entrepreneurship) and providing services, as well as a free flow of capital should be guaranteed to citizens of all Member States. In practice however, many countries, including Poland, apply limitations to those freedoms, also to the acquisition of real properties by foreigners. The investment activities of foreigners are extremely important to the economy of the receiving country, since they are connected with investing specific, often large capitals, thus contributing to the namization of the economic growth, provision of new jobs, or introduction of new technological solutions. Still, foreign investors will be willing to invest their capitals in a given country (and the authors of the paper emphasise that) on condition that their expectations related to such a decision are at least partly met. Those expectations include, among other things, relatively low prices of real properties in Poland, which induce to buy them.
Anti-Oppressive Practices are one of the main forms of Social Work and social oriented theory and practice. Operating in the context of numerous oppressions and based on the constantly growing need for fundamental reorganization of society in all its layers, it is a practical and promising concept of the complexity of social problems within multidisciplinarity in the field of Social Work. This article focuses on the issue of using Anti-Oppressive Practices in Social Work when dealing with the progressive and very current refugee crisis.
The author deals with the phonema of disability and foreigners in the context of social inclusion. He makes the effort to assess the preparedness of the state for the disabled foreigners in context of policies implied, education, legal solutions and institutions.
Autor podejmuje zagadnienie cudzoziemców z niepełnosprawnością w kontekście integracji społecznej w Polsce. Próbuje także podjąć się oceny gotowości państwa do wspierania obcokrajowców z niepełnosprawnością w zakresie edukacji, rozwiązań prawnych i instytucjonalnych.
The article deals with the links between strangeness, otherness and foreignness. Julia Kristeva’s book Strangers to Ourselves provides a theoretical context for an interpretation of two novels: Trans-Atlantyk by Witold Gombrowicz and A Visitor by Marian Pankowski. Both the Bulgarian-French theorist and the two Polish writers demonstrate various links of the category of strangeness (and its derivatives) and the identity discourse. The traditional notion of identity turns out to have oppressive consequences, because despite its apparent neutrality it is defined through a judgemental reference to its contradiction: non-identity as well as otherness. Kristeva, Gombrowicz and Pankowski propose alternative forms of identity which are — like the identity of a foreigner — open, heterogenous and open to difference.
Poland is a participant in the ongoing process of globalisation, of which one of the characteristic features is a greater movement of people. Also, Poland's accession to the European Union has brought about a trend called Europeanisation, currently being observed in the administrative law as well. This, in turn, has resulted in a growing number of related legislative acts that govern the administrative and legal status of foreigners. And yet, despite this extensive legislation on the subject, not all procedural questions have now been answered. The core of the analysis presented in this paper is the decision on the permit to settle, delivered in the context of constitutional rights provided for in Article 52 Paragraph 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Pursuant to its provisions, a person whose Polish origin has been confirmed in accordance with applicable law may settle permanently in Poland. However, an analysis of substantive administrative law suggests that in the current legal system there is no specific regulation upon which a public body could base its decision in the above matter. Thus, unless the Constitution provides otherwise, its provisions will be directly applicable. Consequently, a decision permitting settlement will be an example of a unique, direct application of constitutional provisions. In practice, this means that both, individuals and administrative bodies, find themselves in a difficult legal position. The main purpose of this paper is to present the specific features of a settlement permit and to identify the procedure leading to granting such permit. It has been concluded that a decision to settle is a bound decision, grounded in the provisions of the Act on Foreigners, the Charter of the Pole and the Repatriation Act. Because of the specifics of the proceedings and the resulting decisions, the administrative body must rely for support on the above acts, taking into account the specificity of the matter. Currently, administrative bodies must base their decisions directly on the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic Poland, and will have to do so until appropriate legal solutions have been adopted.
Polska, podobnie jak wiele krajów na świecie, podlega procesowi globalizacji, który charakteryzuje się między innymi zwiększonym przepływem osób. Nadto obecnie w konsekwencji przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej dostrzega się tendencję polegającą na tzw. europeizacji, w tym europeizacji prawa administracyjnego. Efektem tego procesu jest rozrastanie się aktów prawnych związanych z administracyjnoprawną sytuacją cudzoziemców. Nie oznacza to jednak, że pośród rozległych uregulowań uda się odnaleźć odpowiedzi na wszystkie nurtujące pytania dotyczące sposobu postępowania. Przedmiotem analizy przeprowadzonej w niniejszym artykule jest decyzja o zezwoleniu na osiedlenie się podjęta w kontekście uprawnienia konstytucyjnego wynikającego z art. 52 ust. 5 Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Na jego podstawie osoba, której polskie pochodzenie zostało stwierdzone zgodnie z ustawą, może się osiedlić na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na stałe. Przeprowadzona analiza przepisów prawnych materialnego prawa administracyjnego pozwala na stwierdzenie, że obecnie w systemie prawnym brak jest szczegółowych regulacji prawnych, na których organ administracji publicznej mógłby oprzeć swoją decyzję. Jednak w myśl postanowień ustawy zasadniczej postanowienia konstytucyjne należy stosować bezpośrednio, chyba że Konstytucja stanowi inaczej. Omawiana decyzja jest więc przykładem wyjątkowego, bezpośredniego stosowania przepisów konstytucyjnych. Taka sytuacja w praktyce nastręcza sporo trudności i stronom postępowania, i organom administracyjnym. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie swoistych cech zezwolenia na osiedlenie się oraz próba wskazania procedury jej podejmowania. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje, że przedmiotowa decyzja ma charakter związany, a organ, przeprowadzając postępowanie, zobowiązany jest kierować się przede wszystkim ustawą o cudzoziemcach, ustawą o Karcie Polaka oraz ustawą o repatriacji. Specyfiką zarówno postępowania, jak i rozstrzygnięcia jest to, iż organ musi stosować pomocniczo wymienione powyżej akty prawne, z uwzględnieniem charakteru omawianej instytucji. Natomiast bezpośrednią podstawą rozstrzygnięcia jest obecnie Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Taki stan potrwa do czasu uchwalenia stosownych rozwiązań prawnych.
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