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vol. 49
issue 1
The paper proposes a reflection on the construction of grammatical competence in French as L2. We argue that grammatical competence embraces implicit and explicit knowledge, and results from the complementarity of conscious functions, closely linked to analogy and intelligence, and unconscious functions strictly connected with intuition. In the article, we show that an approach guaranteeing communicative success is connected to teaching formal aspects of language combined with meaning. In the first part, we discuss the specificity of both types of grammatical knowledge and refer to the concept of « grammar of sense » by P. Charaudeau. In the second part, some exercises and communication tasks combining analytical thinking and sense-oriented intuitive thinking are proposed.
The study has been conducted within the project 178014 entitled The structure dynamics of the Serbian language, financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Serbia. Academic writing at the C2 level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference, experiences a fundamental change of focus from the lower-order concerns in writing, to the notion of communicative aspect of discourse and towards the higher-order concerns in writing. This study explores the degree of communicative competence in L2 writing that these students exhibit.
The aim of the paper is to study the impact of the instruction, focused either on the grammatical component (the indirect speech) or the discursive component (the transformation of a dialogue into narration) of the communication competence on the quality of intralinguistic mediation carried out by learners at higher levels of competence (from B2). We argue by the divergence between the productions resulting from the first and the second instruction a need to ensure a didactic transition from the exercise of indirect speech (work on form) to its actual discursive use (social practice), according to the principles of the action-oriented approach.
In questo contributo affrontiamo i costrutti formati da “nome + da + infinito”, p. es. macchina da scrivere, macchina da cucire e altri. Nel corso del Novecento, espressioni come quelle appena menzionate sono state giudicate sbagliate da una certa tradizione grammaticale; al loro posto, secondo questi grammatici, si sarebbero dovuti usare i costrutti concorrenti formati con la preposizione “per”, cioè macchina per scrivere, macchina per cucire ecc. Questa posizione ha influenzato almeno una generazione di discenti ed è stata contestata dagli storici della lingua, i quali hanno mostrato che le forme con la preposizione “da” sono ben attestate fin dall’italiano antico, p. es. tavolo da giocare, armi da combattere, pancha da sedere, cane da combattere. Ciò che finora non è stato fatto è cercare una spiegazione in termini linguistici di questa apparente contraddizione. La soluzione può essere trovata prendendo in considerazione una rianalisi sintattica che si è verificata nel passaggio dall’italiano antico all’italiano contemporaneo. Tale rianalisi interessa il fenomeno della transitività: mentre nell’italiano antico il ruolo sintattico del nome che regge “da + infinito” non aveva nessuna rilevanza nella formazione del costrutto, nell’italiano contemporaneo tale nome deve corrispondere al complemento diretto del verbo all’infinito (p. es. libro da leggere, cf. leggere il libro, ma *coltello da tagliare, cf. *tagliare il coltello). Forme come macchina da scrivere sono sopravvissute alla restrizione in quanto polirematizzate, pertanto avvertite come unità non separabili.
In this paper, we deal with constructions featuring a noun followed by “da + infinitive”, such as macchina da scrivere and macchina da cucire. During the 20th century, such phrases were considered wrong by some grammarians; the rule that grammarians proposed instead was to modify such constructions by replacing the preposition da with the preposition per, as in macchina per scrivere and macchina per cucire. As a matter of fact, this prescription influenced at least one generation of students, as can be seen in posts and discussions found on websites and in grammar questions addressed to linguists. Historical linguists reject such a prescription, showing that constructions with da frequently are found in Old Italian texts, as in tavolo da giocare, armi da combattere, pancha da sedere, and cane da combattere. Until now, there have been no attempts to provide a linguistic explanation of the state of things. The apparent contradiction can be solved if one takes into account a syntactic re-analysis that took place within the transition from Old to Modern Italian: the syntactic role of the name preceding “da + infinitive” has no relevance in Old Italian; on the contrary, in Modern Italian, the name must correspond to the direct object of the infinitive (i.e., libro da leggere, cf. leggere il libro, but *coltello da tagliare, cf. *tagliare il coltello). Phrases like macchina da scrivere were not affected by such a restriction, as they are phrasemes, hence perceived as a unity.
vol. 47
issue 1
W artykule podjęto próbę scharakteryzowania roli wiedzy eksplicytnej i implicytnej w nabywaniu kompetencji gramatycznej w języku obcym. W opinii badaczy termin „wiedza eksplicytna” implikuje świadomą i możliwą do zwerbalizowania wiedzę, natomiast „wiedza implicytna” wykorzystywana jest przez osobę uczącą się języka obcego w sposób automatyczny i nieświadomy. W niniejszym artykule sformułowane zostały również wnioski dotyczące funkcjonowania wiedzy eksplicytnej i implicytnej w procesie przyswajania języka drugiego.
This article discusses the role of explicit and implicit knowledge in acquiring grammatical competence in a second language. A number of researchers claim that the term “explicit knowledge” implies a kind of knowledge which is conscious and possible to verbalise, while “implicit knowledge” is automatically and unconsciously applied by a second language learner. Finally, some conclusions are formulated on the functioning of explicit and implicit knowledge in the process of second language acquisition.
Стаття присвячена особливостям формування граматичної у майбутніх учителів іноземної мови. У статті охарактеризовано методичну цілісність майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови через призму формування професійно орієнтованих граматичних навичок. На основі аналізу особливостей професійно орієнтованої граматичної компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземної мови та цілей, які реалізує вчитель у процесі її формування, визначено методичні граматичні навички та вміння, якими повинні оволодіти майбутні вчителі іноземної мови для ефективної професійно методичної діяльності з формування у студентів зазначеної компетентності. Автори статті трактують граматичні навички як здатність розуміти і висловлювати смисл (значення), породжувати і розпізнавати фрази, побудовані за певними принципами, а не запам’ятовувати і відтворювати їх як готові формули. В статті також наголошено, що оволодіння граматичним матеріалом майбутніми вчителями іноземної мови повинно бути повністю свідомим, оскільки мова йде про високий кінцевий рівень володіння іноземною мовою. Адже високий рівень сформованості професійно орієнтованої іншомовної граматичної компетентності у майбутніх учителів іноземної мови є необхідною передумовою для реалізації іншомовної комунікативної діяльності, професійної та професійно-методичної зокрема, а науковці, у свою чергу, обґрунтовують і пропонують до впровадження у навчальний процес дотичні методики. У статті визначено, що успішне освоєння граматики забезпечується створенням полісенсорного середовища: використання графічних, звукових, вербальних і невербальних засобів. Навчання граматиці неможливе без урахування принципу системності. Сприйняття iнформації різними каналах дозволяє успішно оволодівати граматичними знаннями, навичками і вміннями. Освоєння граматики як системи сприяє розумовому розвитку майбутніх педагогів та досягненню високих результатів при виконанні граматичних тестів і складних завдань.
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation of grammar competence of future foreign language teachers. The article describes the methodical integrity of the future foreign language teacher through the prism of forming vocationally oriented grammatical skills. On the basis of the analysis of the peculiarities of vocationally oriented grammatical competence of future foreign language teachers and the goals that the teacher realizes in the process of its formation, methodical grammatical skills and competences that the future foreign language teachers must master for effective professional and methodical competence of students’ competence are determined. The authors of the article interpret grammatical skills as the ability to understand and express meaning (meaning), to generate and recognize phrases that are built on certain principles, not to memorize and reproduce them as ready-made formulas. The article also emphasized that the acquisition of grammar material by future foreign language teachers should be fully conscious, as it is a high final level of command of a foreign language. After all, the high level of formation of vocationally oriented foreign language grammatical competence in future foreign language teachers is a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of foreign language communication activities, professional and professional-methodical in particular, and scientists, in turn, substantiate and propose teaching methods. The article determines that successful grammar development is ensured by the creation of a poly sensor environment: the use of graphic, sound, verbal and non-verbal means. Learning grammar is impossible without taking into account the principle of system. Mastering grammar as a system contributes to the mental development of future educators and achieves high results in the performance of grammar tests and complex tasks. The perception of information through different channels allows you to successfully master grammatical knowledge, skills and abilities.
The number of students with the experience of migration has been growing year by year in Polish schools. They need to learn Polish relatively fast for educational purposes. This paper presents, based on a pilot glottodidactic experiment, the observations of how foreign children could be helped to learn Polish using simple math exercises. The demonstrated outline of the didactic innovation is aimed at showing how the repeatability of language sequences in the narration of the exercises affects the development of students’ grammatical and lexical competence.
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