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An increasing number of children born from in vitro fertilization raises some questions: do children born from in vitro fertilization have the right to know their origins ? The answer may be run from the viewpoint of the child or from the parents. This problem is a really controversial issue: some people think that the right to know genetic origins is a fundamental human right, what’s more it is in the best interest of the child. On the other hand, others think that parents have the right to be anonymous. In the light of above worthy of particular attention is the position of judicial interpretation.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 11
issue 2
The article shows the lost paradigms of human nature. It is also a sign of concern for respect for human dignity. The source of reflection is the thought written in the latest catechetical documents and the teaching of the Second Vatican council. The aim of the article is to recall theoretical assumptions important in catechetical ministry and to research for practical guidelines for their implementation. This goal is done through three points. The first is a reference to the philosophical and theological foundations that determine human dignity. The next step is to consolidate catechetical paradigms that express concern for the right view of man and his dignity. The third element is research for specific actions to promote human dignity. All considerations are interdisciplinary. His main thoughts and conclusions are the space of theological sciences. However, the issue raised requires the correlation of theological content with philosophical premises.
Over the centuries, mankind has seen many manifestations of intolerance and discrimina- tion based on religion or religious belief, and, for this reason, the legislator of those times had to provide legal rules expressly prohibiting and eliminating them, while setting out concrete measures of legal protection against those who violated actually one of the main fundamental human rights, i.e. the right to freedom of religion or religious belief, and, ipso facto, the right to respect for human dignity. The ignorance of this fundamental human right also led to the agrant violation of one of the main principles of international law, namely the principle of tolerance and equality of all human beings. Therefore, in our study, we examined both the text of international instruments, with the legal force of “jus cogens,” and the national legislation, in order to reveal how the manifestations of the discrimination based on religion or religious beliefs were banned and removed from the human society, at national and international level.
Przez wieki ludzkość była świadkiem zjawiska nietolerancji i dyskryminacji zbudowanej na religii lub poglądach religijnych. Z tego powodu prawodawcy stanowili prawa, które miały eliminować te zjawiska. Ochrona prawna przez przedmiotowymi zjawiskami jest obecnie jednym z najważniejszych fundamentów jednego z najważniejszych praw człowieka – prawa do wolności religijnej. Prawo to swoje ostateczne źródło ma w godności człowieka. Nieznajomość tego fundamentalnego prawa prowadzi także do pogwałcenia niektórych zasad prawa międzynarodowego, a szczególnie: zasady tolerancji i równości wszystkich ludzi. W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano zarówno instrumenty prawa międzynaro- dowego, prawną moc „jus cogens”, i krajowe ustawodawstwo Rumunii w celu pokazania, jak okazywanie nietolerancji i dyskryminacji w sprawach religijnych może być zakazane i zwalczane na poziomie międzynarodowym i krajowym.
Article deals with the problem of termination of pregnancy when the prenatal diagnosis proves the genetically impaired development of foetus. Author focuses on the solution of this issue within ethics of social consequences which represents a form of non-utilitarian consequentialism. Analysis of given issue is addressed especially through the value of human dignity and humanity which function as an axiological fundaments of this ethical theory. Article includes the consideration of circumstances which can happen in this conflicting situation, particularly it addresses the fact that impaired fetal development may lead into various levels of intellectual disability of newborn child and it also discusses whether it would be in accordance with humanity and human dignity to bring such a child into existence.
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The right to freedom of religion

The brief analysis of the text of the main International and European juridical instruments, i.e. the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the two International Covenants adopted in 1996, the European Convention on Human Rights, the Charter of Nice (2000) and the two fundamental Treaties of EU revealed that the right to freedom of Religion is a "jus cogens" of the present-day, initially founded both on "jus divinum"and "jus naturale".
Respect for human dignity is a prerequisite for building society, as well as the global population without war. To understand the reasons why military conflicts, so we have to realize that they still constituted a violation of the dignity of human perception. With this societal mistake that violates human dignity are encountered also in various pathological forms of organized society systems, such as it was. socializmus. Lecture Notes the importance of respecting the principles of human dignity even today. This principle is essential for the creation of legitimate and functioning society and is a prerequisite for building peace and tranquility.
Poverty, if it is not properly viewed by the public, may lead to the depersonalization of both poor and living in the midst of those who need help. Poverty is experienced by children in a specific way. They often suffer from hunger, they are undernourished, and they have limited access to a variety of goods, including culture and education. This, in turn, is often reflected in their self-esteem, a sense of self-dignity. The role of the school in fighting the poverty of the students is shown in this article. The existing forms of aid to poor students are presented, as well as the challenges facing the school in terms of helping marginalized students. It is also crucial for the teachers themselves to be trained in such a way that would promote not only the intellectual development of the students, but most of all – the pro-social attitudes and that would emphasize the value and dignity of a person.
In Roman law confinement in jail as a means of containment of the prisoner to his subsequent trial and conviction, which coincides with situations in which the Roman legal system to exploit the defendant in sentencing in forced labor or in in metallum or in opus publicum. However, the jail met in Rome a suitable means preventive custody and not punishment, and the Roman law was never released on imprisonment as punishment for free men through judicial, as a result of a crime; therefore the prison was conceived as a means of police coercion or administrative judges, that is a security measure before trial by way of remand or awaiting execution. In this context, we will analyze how Roman law promulgates a series of norms aimed at dignifying the prison for the imprisoned, that is, the improvement in the treatment of prisoners due to the influence of Christianity to humanity as a recurring argument in the imperial legislation.The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners constitute the universally recognized minimum standards for the management of prisons and the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty and have had immense value and influence in the development of prison laws, policies and practices In Member States around the world, in 2015 it was promulgated under the name Mandela Rules. In this study, we will analyze how some of its principles are already beginning to be glimpsed in Roman law in relation to improvement of the conditions of the confinement´s place.
Desde nuestro punto de vista, focalizado en los Derechos humanos, la normativa del ámbito penal se rige por estándares generales del debido proceso y por principios que no solo están contemplados en la normativa interna española, sino también en tratados internacionales vigentes en España, tanto derivados del sistema onusiano, es decir, las normas y resoluciones de Naciones Unidas, como del sistema regional europeo1. Igualmente, hacen parte de esos estándares las reglas de derecho internacional emergente conocidas como soft law2, que no caen dentro de la categoría de tratados y declaraciones, pero que representan recomendaciones emitidas por órganos internacionales de derechos humanos que cada vez cobran mayor vigencia como recomendaciones con un importante nivel de legitimidad. Entre esas normas, encontramos las Resoluciones de Naciones Unidas, entre ellas, encontramos una de 17 de diciembre de 2015 sobre Reglas Mínimas de Tratamiento de reclusos3, también llamadas Reglas Nelson Mandela (AGNU 70/175)4 . Dicha resolución contiene un primer párrafo del que se desprende la necesidad de garantizar los derechos humanos fundamentales: “Guiada por los propósitos principales de las Naciones Unidas, que se establecen en el Preámbulo de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas y en la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos , e inspirada por la determinación de reafirmar la fe en los derechos humanos fundamentales, en la dignidad y el valor del ser humano, sin distinción de ningún tipo, y en la igualdad de derechos de hombres y mujeres y de las naciones grandes y pequeñas, crear condiciones en las que puedan mantenerse la justicia y el respeto de las obligaciones derivadas de los tratados y de otras fuentes del derecho internacional y promover el progreso social y elevar el nivel de vida dentro de un concepto más amplio de la libertad”. Asimismo, el texto también pone de relieve la preocupación existente por la humanización de la justicia penal y por ende, la protección delos derechos humanos en la Administración diaria de la justicia penal y la prevención del delito. Así, la resolución onusiana pone de relieve una serie de principios y prácticas que hoy en día se reconocen idóneos en lo que respecta al tratamiento de reclusos y la administración penitenciaria.
Human dignity has a universal, supracultural and supranational character. Everyone should be treated with due dignity from birth to death. Respect for ancestor worship, which is part of human life, is inherently related to human dignity. The purpose of the article is to present the importance of human dignity in the contextof respect for the worship of ancestors of representatives of different cultures.
Godność ludzka ma uniwersalny, ponadkulturowy i ponadnarodowy charakter. Każdy człowiek od chwili narodzin aż do momentu śmierci powinien być traktowany z należytą godnością. Poszanowanie kultu przodków, stanowiące element ludzkiego życia w inherentny sposób wiąże się z godnością człowieka. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie znaczenia godności ludzkiej w kontekście poszanowania kultu przodków przedstawicieliróżnych kultur.
The object of my elementary semiotical and methodological considerations is the place and the function of the concept of human dignity in the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer. The notion of human dignity is used today frequently – alas, often uncritically – in many political and ideological discussions as a tool to promote certain kinds of social policy. I am above all interested in the many meanings of the notion of human dignity and the philosophical (ontological and epistemological)presuppositions that lie at the bottom of its use. What precisely do we mean when we say that human beings are characterized by a dignity? However, I will not determine precisely the different meanings,past and present, of “human dignity”, much less give a projecting definition of this notion. I devote attention – though only indirectly – to objective questions raised by the notion of human dignity and to their answers as well as to arguments in their favour. When we accept the hermeneutics as a philosophical anthropology then we see also that the notion of human dignity plays a peculiar function in it. In conclusionI state that the thesis that the human being has an ontologically distinctive way of existence finds adequate rational explanation and justification only in philosophy and a non-rational explication and a full justification in Christian theology.
The article deals with the potential infringement of human dignity through the choice of priority criteria for the provision of medical assistance in an emergency situation, when the treatment can only be provided for one person. The lack of sufficient equipment during the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic is a key example, but examples of acute shortage of medical personnel and various types of equipment are also analysed. The assumption made in the article is that selection guidelines need to be established for medical personnel. The text presents the concept of violation of human dignity and the issue of inability to provide assistance to an adequate number of patients. Then, with the use of the dogmatic-legal method, the proposed patient selection criteria such as age, social position, physical condition, and occurrence of comorbidities are analysed. As a result of the analysis, it is concluded that, due to the protection of human dignity, it is unacceptable to take away the assistance already provided for a patient (disconnection from the apparatus) in order to save the health of another patient. The criterion of assessing the patient’s health condition is unquestionable, whereas the choice of other decisive factors, such as a person’s social standing, may lead to unjustified discrimination and inequality.
The Lawyer Quarterly
vol. 14
issue 1
Human dignity has been a central legal concept since the adoption of UDHR. Legal discourse distinguishes three legal concepts of human dignity: human dignity as a source of human rights, the right to human dignity, and the principle of human dignity. More recently, recognising the negative consequences of new technologies on future generations and human society, the Council of Europe and UNESCO make several references to the human dignity of human beings. These references raise the question of how new technologies influence the legal concepts of human dignity which have always been used to protect individuals who are already born.
The content of this publication is a presentation of the meaning of the formula which refers to human dignity. The understanding of this idea should always remain in accordance with the legislative and judicial acquis of countries of western civilisation sphere. Based on judicature and source literature, respective attributes of human dignity, which Article 30 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland refers to, have been explained. A change of the attitudes of constitutional lawyers’ community and the Constitutional Tribunal has been highlighted, with the possibility of referring to the content of this article as an independent model of constitutionality of law under an abstract and concrete control. Initially, human dignity was considered as a general rule and not legal rights.
Joining these two concepts of political science and philosophy (i.e. individual political identity and participatory political culture) is an attempt to explore their comprehensive potential, regarding the foundation of any democratic regime, namely the rule of law, civil society, a civilized global political world in which each individual can find his dignity, without being considered simply an anonymous in the great mass of people controlled and dominated through propaganda and restrictions by a relatively small number of people. The paper is structured on the main stated aspects: citizenship and political identity; identity, human dignity and the rule of law (as “medium term”); participative political culture. Participatory political culture is defining for the identity of a citizen in a state of law, but when the myths of democracy come into conflict with the political reality, indifference or absenteeism are also part of the cultural practices of citizenship and this is a challenge to political philosophy.
The Lawyer Quarterly
vol. 11
issue 3
This paper aspires to defend the universality of human rights against cultural relativism. The relativism claims that human rights are not universal enough, but even if they were, it would not imply they should always prevail over other moral or legal norms. This paper advocates the opposite: the human right corpus is universal enough because it has been drafted and approved by representatives of all cultures which are dominant in the current globalized world in the context of actual or latent international political conflicts. The intercultural consensus on human rights is overlapping, i.e., the human rights corpus contributes to realizing the comprehensive doctrines of good that are held in all participating cultures. Although the consensus on human rights does not inevitably lead to a uniform moral and legal practice, it also plays a crucial role in a purely declaratory level – it creates a common language through which various cultures can conceptualize their different moral and legal attitudes. Therefore, the language of human rights should take at least prima facie precedence over other moral systems whether stemming from a religion or a particular moral or political philosophy.
The family is often identified as the place where the future of society is guaranteed or destroyed. As the current family is obviously shifting in many regards in contemporary society the traditional educational responsibilities of the family are challenged. The educational mission of the family supposes intensive and ongoing work with the parents. What parents experience and learn becomes the living source for the pedagogical journey with their children. The author of this article explores various aspects of the new situation of education within the family in XXI century. He also reconsiders the challenges, concepts and contribution of the family in the educational mission in a contemporary European context.
Any discussion on a person’s right to identity ought to start with a study of the content of a person’s identity. While ascertaining the essence of a person’s identity, the author was inclined to think that the development of a personal identity as a permanent concept was promoted by the genesis of the human dignity, individuality, autonomy and personality of a person. It is human dignity, the manifestation of which, inter alia, is to be found in the person’s identity, which forms the basis of its legal protection, transforming the identity of a person into legal value and, accordingly, creating the right of a person to identity. Thus the article provides a legally philosophical insight into the historical circumstances in which the concept of personal identity arose, and that are essential for a comprehensive modern understanding of the concept.
During the Renaissance an increased interest in the problem of the immortality of the soul was observed, and although this question became particularly important for the philosophers of the sixteenth century, it is worth noting that it was widely discussed already in the quattrocento. This article presents some results of the research on the revival of the analyses regarding human immortality; it discusses the impact of a humanists’ new vision of man and education on the dispute on immortality. Studia humanitatis, as an expression of Renaissance anthropocentrism, had the effect in the form of treaties on human dignity and nobility. Adding to this the concept of individualism in the humanistic pedagogy and new translations and editions of ancient works, including De Anima of Aristotle and the commentaries on this text, we have an explanation for the intensification of the discussions on the immortality of human soul.
This article presents the normative status of the principle of human dignity in the law of the European Union. The issue is portrayed with reference to primary and secondary legislation of the EU. The first field of analysis was the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights as primary sources of EU law. The examination of secondary law in the form of regulations, directives as well as soft law used to implement the policies regarding the area of freedom, security and justice was the subsequent stage. Having explored this, it was possible to formulate the thesis of this paper. It is believed that human dignity – as a principle of EU law – is a legally binding rule not only for the Member States but also for the third countries applying for EU membership. Human dignity is also one of the indivisible and universal values on which the European Union is founded.
Aim: To put the human condition and the condition of the humanities in the perspective of critical human life situations and critical situations in the history of humanity. Methods: An analysis of primary sources and media statements by politicians and clerics. Results: The mutilation of human dignity is a constant element in the history of humanity. Man is a perpetrator, but also a victim of this mutilation. The constancy of mutilation of human dignity has its systemic sanction. Thus, it becomes a problem that transcends subjective conditions, for man is (becomes) a product of the system. Conclusions: The humanities, however, are incapable of putting what is singular, hat has happened, into a universal perspective beyond the area of declarative narrative. It is necessary, therefore, to reinterpret the basic concepts of the humanities seen in the perspective of critical human situations and the history of humanity.
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