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At this moment, the presence of foreigners in our country is one of the importan problems aefcting society in Poland. eTh unstable situation on the eastern border with Belarus and numerous attempts to illegally cross the border by emigrants - refug from, among others, Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan, are one of the very popular topic of public and media disputes or topics discussed by politicians. This topic is very important and crucial - it concerns first of all respect for human rights in relation those people. Nevertheless, in Poland, apart from the problem of illegal foreigne there are also citizens of other countries who reside legally in our country. Curre it is a growing group, whose members are not citizens of our country, but they ar an increasingly important part of our society. eThrefore, it is worth taking up this topic and reflecting on the situation of foreigners who reside legally in Poland. eTh subject of this article is the issue of social security of foreigners staying in Poland. Th basic research question to which this article is to answer is the question of wheth foreigners legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland are guaran social security - it means if they have ability to live, survive and develop. eTh article will use the method of an interview and a survey conducted among foreigners livin in our country, as well as an analysis of available documents and sources regardi the situation of foreigners in Poland. eTh results of the research and analyzes indicat that the situation of foreigners in Poland is relatively correct, but not in all are needs of this group are fully satisfied.
The article has exhibited that ecoengineering, consisting of the scheduled transformation of ecological systems is an alternate and equivalent method for handling natural environment in contrary to environmental technology, which consists of ecosystems protection against human activity. The human activity in the natural environment may consist of devastating, transforming, or protection trials. In a frame of protection (environmental technology) are attempts on limiting anthropopression, which means the influence of man on the natural environment by various restrictions - technological, legal, and ethical. Up to now transforming natural environment was considered as a necessary evil, connected with the technological impossibility to avoid anthropopression or political necessity to satisfy human needs. The attention of researchers engaged in human activities in the natural environment was focused on criticizing of destruction and diverse propositions to stop this destruction, mainly by protectoral actions. Transforming the environment by man was generally considered a part of the destruction process. So there were trials of counteractions or tolerating it as unavoidable, trying to diminish their effect on the natural environment. Positive possibilities connected with planned and system ie transformation of the natural environment were not noticed, especially possibilities of achieving a compromise between human and nature needs. That such a compromise is possible is proving described there in detail examples of Konin lakes and Biebrza swamps. Ecoengineering conception presented in this dissertation generally values up environment transforming, that therefore is a no more necessary evil but becomes an equivalent and alternate action to environment technology (nature protection). Justification of this thesis is achieved by the demonstration that actions limited to environment technology only can be equally destructive for the environment as out of control wastewaters and pollution dumping. This is demonstrated in the article by an example of Sudety forests, devastated by acid rains and the problem of increasing deficit of sulfur in the soil, caused by introducing Sulphur removing from waste gas technology on a mass scale. The article has exhibited that absolute separation of industrial activity from the natural environment is not possible, that is total anthropopression eliminating. Speaking colloquially closing „anthropopression dragon" in a hermetic cave and draw only consumer satisfaction is not possible. Unavoidable is anthropopression connected with emissions of different forms of energy (heat, noise, electromagnetic fields) and matter (steam, carbon dioxide, wastes) and physical biotopes transforming. The only way in this situation is to incorporate anthropopression sources into ecosystems and turn wastes into fertilizers using ecoengineering. To this goal are tending eventually activities realized in frames of Pure Production and environment managing system according to ISO 14001, propagated today as balanced development conception, and diverse forms of so-named active protection, that can be considered as not fully conscious, limited ecoengineering. More, subsequent operations in environmental technology, from that every one eliminates negative effects of previous, are giving ecoengineering effects too, that is including human activity into the natural environment and creation of new, unstable ecological balances. An example can serve discussed in the article sequence of environment technologies: dust removal - desulphurization - production and distribution of sulphuric fertilizers. Method of such „successive environment technologies approximating to eco-engineering" is however much more costly and dangerous form an and nature than could be preamplified ecoengineering practice, what was pointed out too. The ethical basis for ecoengineering could be the principle „we have the right to be there". The biggest transformation of our planet's environment was the replacement of the atmosphere from oxygen-free to oxygenated realized by blue-green algae (Cyanophyta). There is no cause to regard human rights as lesser than algae rights.  The author of the article has no intention to claim that ecoengineering is better and more perfect practice than environment technology, who therefore should withdraw and be neglected. Ecoengineering as proceeding equivalent and alternative to environment technology should be considered as equal in every situation where a given ecosystem is influenced by anthropopression. Therefore in this dissertation ecoengineering is not discussed individually but in contact with environment technology as „alternative ecoengineering". Only by considering and deciding about ecoengineering alternatives we can choose the more appropriate method of handling with the natural environment. The author assumes that this is the only method that makes possible correct environment evaluation and selection of the best possible technology. Ecoengineering conception based on creating unstable biological balances, formulated as an ecoengineering alternative is significant, new contribution to systems sozology and other philosophical disciplines connected with ecological problems - philosophy of nature, philosophy of technology, and ecophilosophy and ecological ethic. That situation creates a wide perspective for farther researches, primarily connected with the elimination of one-sided environment technology from sozology, ecophilosophy, and environmental ethics and next creating ethical rules Environment transforming. It seems that ecoengineering may give significant research impulse for the philosophy of technology, which will intensify conceptions of valuating technology, today criticized. Extensive possibilities for researches are connected with precision and developing aspects diverse of ecoengineering as interdisciplinary and system ie science, that in this dissertation, focused on motivating ecoengineering could be signaled only. Ecoengineering can be currently utilized in engineers and designers practice and in environment evaluating system s, provided that corresponding procedures and research methods are created within detailed sciences. There are existing also wide possibilities to explore, discover, and research spontaneous ecoengineering effects, that so far have escaped researchers' notice. Similar site surveys can be run in other parts of Poland or other lands. Therefore yielding conclusions can lead to significant theoretical revaluation and substantially change existing engineering and legal practice. The main research problem is ecosystem modeling for ecoengineering needs. Ecoengineering is a new chance for humanity and nature.
The idea of sustainable development as a normative concept emphasizes the necessity for a wider consensus on meeting human needs, ensuring social equity, and respecting planetary boundaries. The purpose of the article focuses on the deontological orientation in perceiving sustainable development. It is expected that looking at sustainability from the deontological perspective might increase individuals’ awareness of responsibility towards respecting the needs of the world’s poor, environmental boundaries, and moral equity, which emphasizes that all people are equal. Any attempt to achieve sustainability demands, first of all, rational action placed on moral duties/obligations before individual people or institutions can achieve their particular desires and goals. According to this perspective, sustainability should be treated as a prior constraint in obtaining economic maximization.
Przemiany cywilizacyjne, postęp gospodarczy i techniczny odbijają swoje piętno także na przestrzeniach miejskich. Zaczęły stawać się odhumanizowane, skomercjalizowane, podporządkowane mechanizmom rynkowym. Konieczna jest ciężka praca wielu środowisk zawodowych i grup społecznych, ukierunkowana na miasto dla wszystkich, miasto piękne, zielone, ekologiczne, w ludzkiej skali i dla każdego. Miasto, z którym się identyfikujemy, współodczuwamy miejsca, w których przebywamy, jest naszym „domem” – mówiąc najprościej miasto zhumanizowane. Artykuł przedstawia część wybranych metod i form humanizacji przestrzeni miejskiej oraz skupiono się na najbliższych mieszkańcom miast.
Transformations of civilization, economic and technical progress are also reflected in urban spaces. They become dehumanized, commercialized, subordinated to market mechanisms. It is necessary to work hard for many professional and community-oriented communities, for everyone, to a beautiful city, green, ecological, in a human scale and for everyone. The city, which we identify, we feel the places where we are staying, is our “home” – simply saying , the city unhumanized. The article presents a part of selected methods and forms of humanization of urban space and focuses on the nearest inhabitants of cities, according to the author.
Wandering, travelling from place to place and, using the theological language, pilgrimaging is part of human development. This article, focusing on pilgrimaging understood as a component of overall human development, discusses its selected areas, namely, cognitive, emotional, personality, social and spiritual.
Przemiany cywilizacyjne, postęp gospodarczy i techniczny odbijają swoje piętno także na przestrzeniach miejskich. Stają się one odhumanizowane, skomercjalizowane, podporządkowane mechanizmom rynkowym. Artykuł przedstawia dalszą część wybranych metod i form humanizacji przestrzeni miejskiej (www1). Duży nacisk został położony na metody ekologiczne i w mniejszej skali przestrzennej oraz skali użytych środków.
Transformations of civilization, economic and technical progress are also reflected in urban spaces. They become dehumanized, commercialized, subordinated to market mechanisms. The article presents a part of selected methods and forms humanization of urban space and focuses on the nearest inhabitants of cities, according to the author. A lot of emphasis has been placed on ecological methods and on a smaller spatial scale and on the scale of the means used.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba dokonania analizy, na ile instytucje publiczne realizują zobowiązania państwa związane z zapewnieniem obywatelom bezpieczeństwa, które pozwoli im na projektowanie prywatnej sfery swojego życia w zakresie potrzeb współczesnych społeczeństw według standardów bezpieczeństwa indywidualnego. W związku z powyższym poddano analizie wybrane rozważania teoretyczne, które odnoszą się do definiowania percepcji bezpieczeństwa. Analizie poddano także wyniki badań społecznych poruszających problemy związane z bezpieczeństwem przez współczesne społeczeństwo polskie. Uwzględnione badania zostały przeprowadzone na reprezentatywnej próbie dorosłych mieszkańców Polski oraz przedstawicieli wybranej grupy zawodowej. Dokonane wnioskowanie wzbogacone krytyczną analizą literatury przedmiotu pozwoliło określić parametry postrzegania bezpieczeństwa oraz pozycji w hierarchii wartości współczesnego Polaka.
This paper presents an effort of the public institutions analysis that fulfil the state obligations in terms of civic security and safety. The latter is expected to provide citizens an opportunity to construct their private lives spheres according to the individual safety standards. Therefore selected theoretical concepts concerning safety perception have been analysed. Also there are some results of the social research concerning the safety problems presented in the paper. The research was conducted on the representative sample of the adult inhabitants of Poland as well as representatives of the selected professional cohort. Conclusion along with the literature critique allowed to define the parameters of the safety and security perception as well as the place of safety in a value hierarchy of a member of the contemporary Polish society
Down through the ages, untold numbers of refugees, asylum seekers, displaced persons, gypsies, and tinkers have been on the move for various reasons: hope for a better life, safe haven for the oppressed, escape from the long arm of the law, hunger, ravages of war, smuggling, health, retirement, spying. Whatever the immediate reasons might be, ultimately migration is a “longing for a transcendent horizon of justice, freedom and peace”. The author of the article have searched the writings of John Paul II on migrants and refugees that might instruct as to how we might reconcile the differences today between those peoples and host countries. The paper focus on four subjects: human rights, human needs, ability and willingness to welcome, and ability and willingness to integrate.
Przez wieki niezliczona liczba uchodźców, osób ubiegających się o azyl, przesiedleńców i Cyganów była w drodze z różnych powodów: nadziei na lepsze życie, bezpiecznej przystani dla uciśnionych, ucieczki od długiego ramienia prawa, głodu, spustoszeń wojennych, przemytu, zdrowia, emerytury, szpiegostwa. Niezależnie od tego, jakie są jej bezpośrednie powody, ostatecznie migracja to „dążenie do transcendentnych celów — sprawiedliwości, wolności, pokoju". Autor artykułu dokonał przeglądu pism Jana Pawła II na temat imigrantów i uchodźców, które pouczają, w jaki sposób możemy pogodzić różnice między tymi osobami a krajami przyjmującymi. Artykuł koncentruje się na czterech tematach: prawach człowieka, potrzebach ludzkich, zdolności i gotowości do przyjęcia oraz zdolności i gotowości do integracji.
The article is a form of a short walk through the ROD allotment gardens. Drawing on examples of such allotments not only in Poland, but also in various parts of Europe, it describes the phenomenon of the functioning of the allotment garden, treating it as a specific kind of intimate space, very close to human, a place for satisfying their various needs. The article considers as one of these needs the human desire to create, to build, to annex space according to their own rules and principles. The allotment garden, as a place outside the official zone of the city, away from normal everyday life, offers its user the possibility to create a new spatial reality of their own, unhindered by any barriers. The gate to the ROD allotment gardens becomes a place of ‘transition’ to another reality, allowing you to forget your everyday problems and move into another, tame dimension.
Artykuł jest formą krótkiego spaceru po działkach ROD. Opisuje fenomen funkcjonowania ogrodu działkowego, traktuje go jako specyficzną odmianę przestrzeni intymnej, jednej z bliższych człowiekowi, miejsce zaspokajania jego różnych potrzeb. Za jedną z tych potrzeb artykuł przyjmuje ludzką chęć tworzenia, budowania, anektowania przestrzeni według własnych reguł i zasad. Ogród działkowy jako miejsce znajdujące się poza oficjalną strefą miasta, z dala od normalnego codziennego życia, stwarza możliwość kreowania przez jego użytkownika nowej własnej rzeczywistości przestrzennej, nieograniczonej żadnymi barierami. Brama ROD staje się miejscem „przejścia” do innej rzeczywistości, pozwala zapomnieć o codziennych problemach i przenieść się w inny, oswojony wymiar.
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