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Empirical science terminology generally understands humility as a self-view grounded trait characterized mainly by accurate self-awareness and manifested respect for others. Related studies have been carried out for almost 20 years; however, it is still a quite new area in psychological research. Moreover, this seems to be an interesting area because of rising egocentric and narcissistic tendencies that are inconsistent with humble attitudes. Handbook of Humility: Theory, Research, and Applications, reviewed here, offers an adequate basis for understanding humility. It presents main aspects of interdisciplinary approach to humility-related issues like definitions, measurement, and its manifestations in different contexts. Readers may find there many questions and thesis broadening their perspectives, which is a good starting point to carry out own research.
Presented below keywords-concepts have been prepared (in Polish) to the "Encyclopedia of Pedagogical Axiology", Vol. 1-2, edited by prof. Assoc. Krystyna Chałas and Rev. Assoc. Adam Maj, prof. KUL, which will be released in Polish Publishing House by Peter and Joseph Wojcieszek, based in Radom (in the first quarter of 2016). Their content was part of the formation and pedagogical context of ongoing Year of Consecrated Life and the scientific conferences taking up the issue organized in the universal Church. Published in English they are promoting Polish theological thought, which can be of use in a broader research area.
Humility is enjoying an upsurge of interest among contemporary virtue theorists. Unfortunately, many of these discussions have cast humility as inconsistent with social activism. Humility is assumed to consist of quiet and unobtrusive traits which seem inconsistent with the assertiveness and outspokenness required for social activism. Paul Bloomfield argues that this aspect of humility – being inconsistent with social activism – prevents it from counting as a virtue at all as a virtue must be the kind of thing that is always appropriate to possess and display. Here I attempt to present an account of humility that is not inconsistent with social activism and that can, and should, be considered a virtue where virtue is loosely understood to mean a generally desirable trait of character.
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Organizująca siła miłości

Love is creative and it fulfills a special role in human life. You can assign it a magical power by which man, more or less consciously, can organize her or his life. Love gives to our life meaning. Love opens the possible spaces in which we can find fulfillment in terms of both individual and the social dimension.
Jednym z piewców misterium Bożego Narodzenia był papież, św. Leon Wielki. Znamy dobrze działalność św. Leona dzięki jego przepięknym kazaniom – zachowało się ich niemal sto, zapisanych wspaniałą i jasną łaciną, oraz dzięki jego listom – ok. stu pięćdziesięciu. Wśród jego kazań znajdujemy te, które najbardziej nas interesują: na Narodzenie Pańskie (11 mów) i na Objawienie Pańskie (8 mów). Z tego materiału źródłowego staram się przybliżyć główne myśli naszego autora dotyczące misterium Bożego Narodzenia. Najpierw zatrzymuję się na duchowych owocach Tajemnicy Wcielenia, następnie ukazuje przyjście Pana jako objawienie się Miłosierdzia Bożego, a przy końcu wskazuję na postawę, jaką człowiek powinien zająć wobec tajemnicy Bożego Narodzenia. Tak streszcza swoją naukę: „Uciekając się bowiem znowu do miłosierdzia Bożego – co w tak niewysłowiony sposób ku nam zstąpiło, że Stwórca ludzi zechciał stać się człowiekiem – poznajemy siebie w Tym, któremu Boską część oddajemy” (Na Narodzenie Pańskie 8). 
Pope Leo the Great left a rich patrimony of letters and sermons, which were created as a result of his constant pastoral care for the community of Rome and for all the churches. The preserved collection contains about a hundred of sermons and about one hundred and fifty letters, all written in Latin. Among his sermons the ones that interest us the most are: on the Feast of the Nativity (11 sermons) and on the Feast of the Epiphany (8 sermons). On the basis of these source texts an attempt to elaborate on the main thoughts concerning the mystery of the Nativity is made. First the spiritual fruits of the Mystery of Incarnation are discussed, then the Divine Mercy and lastly – the approach of the faithful to the mystery of the Lord’s Nativity. Pope Leo summarises his teachings in the following way: “If we have recourse to that unutterable condescension of the Divine Mercy, whereby the Creator of men deigned to become man, by it we shall be raised to the nature of Him whom we adore in ours” (Sermon VIII on the Nativity).
Przeprowadzono badanie, w którym przeanalizowano związki aspiracji życiowych i zadowolenia z życia z pokorą (rozumianą jako godzenie się z ograniczeniami, akceptacja siebie i rzeczywistości, brak potrzeby kontroli, wykorzystywanie porażek i niewywyższanie się). Uzyskane wyniki wskazały, że pokora może być predyktorem aspiracji wewnętrznych i zadowolenia z życia. Ponadto ustalono, że aspiracje wewnętrzne dodatnio wiążą się z akceptacją siebie i rzeczywistości, a aspiracje zewnętrzne ujemnie wiążą się z brakiem potrzeby kontroli. Dwa wymiary pokory - godzenie się z ograniczeniami oraz akceptacja siebie i rzeczywistości - wiążą się dodatnio z zadowoleniem z życia.
A survey was carried out to explore the relationship between life aspirations, subjective well-being, and humility (i.e., accepting one's own limitations, accepting oneself and reality, no desire for control, making use of one's failures to improve oneself, and not putting on airs). The results indicated that humility may serve as a predictor of intrinsic aspirations and subjective well-being. Furthermore, it was established that intrinsic aspirations correlate positively with self-acceptance and acceptance of reality whereas extrinsic aspirations correlate negatively with a lack of desire for control. Two dimensions of humility: (a) recognizing one's own limitations and (b) self-acceptance and acceptance of reality positively correlate with subjective well-being.
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Argument z celowości

Author argues that there are no formal fallacies in the argument from design, if the argument is articulated with suffi cient care. According to modern science, he distinguishes two types of order or harmony in the world: regularities of co-presence and regularities of succession. He goes on to claim that Hume’s criticism directed against the argument from design, presented in Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, used as its premises regularities of co-presence other than those produced by men, and did not appeal to the operation of regularities of succession. But a more developed science than Hume knew, more often appeals to the analogy of the order between the regularities of succession produced by human agents and those produced by the operation of natural laws. How strong this analogy is depends on whether the conclusion of the argument from design is true.
Joachim of Fiore (1135-1202) – a Middle Age exegete and mystic – is the author of an impressive work on the vision of history, whose most renown ele­ment is the tertius status, i.e. the age of the Holy Spirit which precedes the end of the world and the Final Judgment. As an author, Joachim was also interested in the history of religious life in the Middle Ages and in various exegetical tools which he developed to analyze this subject. In his works, especially the minor ones, he also discusses practical problems related to religious life in the 12th century. The small tractate, Questio de Maria Magdalena et Maria sorore Lazari et Marthae, has been preserved in a single 13th century manuscript and is kept in the Biblioteca Antoniana in Padua. In his exegesis on various Gospel passages which deal with the anointing of Jesus’ feet and head in Galilee and Bethany, Joachim of Fiore intends to show that the actions of women who performed this gesture pos­sess a hidden moral significance: the certainty concerning the internal unity that occurs between contemplation and the virtue of humility. An example of this unity is Mary of Bethany who anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped them with her hair (cf. Jn 12:3) as a person who is humble and – at the same time – given to contem­plation. Still – according to Joachim – as a righteous person, she had the right to reach for the head of the Savior.
The article focuses on the monastic writings attributed to the circle of St. Fructuosus of Braga. One of them, Rule for the Monastery, was written by Fructuosus. Those works present an image of the monastic life on the Iberian Peninsula. In the organizational structure of the monastery the most important person was the abbot (abbas), whose duties are precisely defined in the Rules. He was to be of strict moral standards and have intellectual qualifications. He was responsible for the prayer in the monastery in his care, and individually for each monk. He often shared his duties with the superiors, which in some measure restricted his authority. The abbot also showed some democratic tendencies, in a sense imposed on him by the Rules. The abbot shared with the superiors and elders the responsibility for the monastic life, the abbot and the elders inflicted punishments on the monks, but important decisions were taken by the so-called council of brethren. Democracy in Fructuosian monasteries was also visible in the ties among them, involving abbots meeting, possibly once a month, in order to safeguard the common discipline in their subordinate monasteries.
Przedmiotem opracowania są pisma monastyczne zaliczane do kręgu św. Fruktuoza z Bragi. Jedno z nich - Reguła mnichów – wyszło spod pióra Fruktuoza, pozostałe powstały za jego czasów. Zawierają one obraz życia monastycznego na Półwyspie Iberyjskim. W strukturze organizacyjnej klasztorów najważniejszy był opat (abbas), którego zadania zostały dosyć dokładnie określone. Musiał posiadać wysokie kwalifikacje moralne i intelektualne, odpowiedzialny był za modlitwę w podległym mu klasztorze, ale też za każdego mnicha. Swoje obowiązki dzielił często z przełożonymi, przez co jego władza została nieco ograniczona. Opaci wykazywali się także postawami demokratycznymi, które w pewnym sensie zostały im narzucone przez Reguły. Polegały one na tym, że wraz z przełożonymi i starszymi dzielili odpowiedzialność za życie w klasztorze, opat i starsi nakładali na mnichów kary, ważne zaś decyzje zapadały na tak zwanej radzie braci. Demokracja w klasztorach fruktuozjańskich przejawiała się także w tym, że istniał związek pomiędzy klasztorami. Polegał on na tym, że opaci spotykali się, być może raz w miesiącu, by zapewnić wspólną dyscyplinę w podległych im klasztorach.
In his essay, “Affording our Culture: “Smart” Technology and the Prospects for Creative Democracy,” Tibor Solymosi addresses my challenge for neuropragmatism to counter what I have elsewhere called dopamine democracy. Although I believe that Solymosi has begun to provide an explanation for how neuropragmatism may counter dopamine democracy, especially with his conceptions Œ and cultural affordances, I respond with a helpful addition to his approach by returning to the theory of inquiry as put forth by John Dewey. In particular, I focus on the phases of inquiry as colored by Dewey’s concept of humility. Solymosi does not pay adequate attention to the function of inquiry necessary for combatting dopamine democracy. His account of cultural affordances and education is strengthened by using Dewey’s concept of humility as a guiding disposition for neuropragmatic inquiry. Recognizing humility as an instrument of neuropragmatic inquiry provides us with a tool to better address the pitfalls of dopamine democracy, especially misinformation and incentive salience. My argument proceeds by first articulating dopamine democracy as a problem and Solymosi’s concept of cultural affordances and how he understands these as neuropragmatic tools to address the problem through education. I present humility as an instrumental concept derived from Dewey’s work on inquiry. I then suggest how humility may serve neuropragmatic inquiry to assist in combatting the problems of dopamine democracy.
The main intention in the presentation of Humility and Being Humble in the Old and Contemporary Polish language is to reveal the formation and consolidation of these concepts in the minds of language users. The subject of the review are multi-word units – collocation, phraseology and paremism. In the image of Humility and Being Humble, two fundamental planes are distinguished. The multifaceted fulfillment of the manifestations of a human attitude boils down to: an attitude towards humility, its formation, its manifestation and the attitude expressed; in the case of humility – to acquire it, form it, manifest it, act in harmony with it, and obey something in humility. You express the nature of humility as the source of something else, the perpetration, effects, coexistence with certain concepts; humility determines its character and consequences.
Treść artykułu konce ntruje się na ukazaniu roli i wartości wiary w życiu i działaniu człowieka w świetle encykliki Lumen fidei papieża Franciszka. Aby tak określony cel osiągnąć, najpierw zdefiniowano pojęcie wiary. Papież Franciszek wiarę określa jako odpowiedź na Boże Słowo skierowane do człowieka (por. LF 8). Odpowiedź ze strony człowieka jest następstwem na uprzednie udzielenie się Boga przez Chrystusa w Duchu Świętym (por. LF 4). Z tego względu wiara wpierw jest – uważa papież – darem Boga, a następnie aktem intelektualno-wolitywnym człowieka. Rodzi się ona ze spotkania z Nim (por. LF 4). Określenie istoty wiary umożliwiło kolejny krok w refleksji, czyli odsłonięcie dynamizmu postawy wiary człowieka. Pierwszym czynnikiem tego dynamizmu jest akceptacja ze strony człowieka własnej ograniczoności i pokorne przyjęcie Bożego udzielania się. Następnym czynnikiem dynamizującym postawę wiary człowieka jest modlitwa. Im intensywniej człowiek się modli, tym głębsza staje się jego wiara. Ukształtowana w taki sposób postawa wiary człowieka nie pozostaje bez wpływu na jego działanie. Ten wpływ ujawnia się w solidnym wypełnianiu codziennych zadań, tworzeniu braterstwa między ludźmi, budowaniu ducha wspólnoty miłości w rodzinie i gorliwości w wychowaniu dzieci oraz w poszanowaniu środowiska naturalnego.
The content of the article focuses on presenting the role and value of faith in the life and action of man in the light of the Encyclical of Pope Francis Lumen fidei. For this specific purpose has been achieved, first defined the concept of faith. Pope Francis defines faith as a response to the Word of God addressed to man (cf. LF 8). The response from the man is a consequence to the prior granting of God through Christ in the Holy Spirit (cf. LF 4). Therefore, faith is first – says the Pope – a gift from God , and then an act of intellectual and volitional human. It is born from the encounter with Him (cf. LF 4). Determination of the essence of faith enabled the next step in the reflection. It was the unveiling of the dynamic posture of faith man. The first factor is the acceptance of this dynamism on the part of a man’s own limitations and humble acceptance of God’s giving of. Another factor that accelerates the attitude of a man of faith is prayer. The harder man prays, the deeper becomes his faith. Shaped in such a way that the attitude of a man of faith has an impact on its performance. This effect manifests itself in a sturdy carrying out daily tasks, creating a brotherhood between people, building community spirit of love in the family and in the upbringing of children, zeal and respect for the environment.
The paper tends to present the motif of creative effort that is defined as apeculiar flair of humility functioning in the short literary forms — notations wherein it occurs as abasic, obligatory manner of expressing the author’s conduct and depicting the world. The topos, integrated with the other ideal schemes and notional constructs, reveals itself as afunctional template of perception and exegesis of the creative reality that frequently refers also to history, politics, and religion. This template is areflection of Christ kenosis, presented by the style of author’s humility that is consolidated in the Old Church Slavonic literature. Thus the motif, typical of the notations, constitutes arealization of the universal idea and aprojection of the conventional literary formula. Furthermore, the very same motif of creative effort, linked with adefinite repertoire of ideas of which building material is aseries of biblical references, serves the presentation of the medieval world view, authorship conception, and the indication of writer’s status and role in the hierarchic system of communication.
Księga Sofoniasza rozpoczyna się dramatyczną wizją sądu Bożego wobec odstępstwa ludu wybranego, który ma się dokonać w Dzień Pański (So 1,2-18). Jednak końcowy fragment tego pierwszego proroctwa (So 2,1-3), zawiera mocne wezwanie do zmiany takiego postępowania, które prowadziło nieuchronnie do zagłady. Lud Boży winien zgromadzić się na nowo zanim nastąpi tragedia. Ci, którzy odpowiadają na wezwanie, prorok nazywa ubogimi Pana, jako ludzi zdolnych zachowywać Jego Prawo. Nawrócenie realizuje się w postawie szukania Pana, które konkretnie realizuje się w pełnieniu sprawiedliwości i życiu pokornym. Tylko w takiej postawie istnieje nadzieja na ocalenie w dniu Bożego sądu.
Book of Zephaniah starts with dramatic vision of trial of ordeal towards the chosen people deviation, which will take place on the Sabbath (Zep 1,2-18). However final fragment of this first prophecy (Zep 2,1-3) contains strong appeal for change the demeanor which inevitably leads to destruction. The People of God ought to gather newly before the tragedy occurs. Those who reply for appeal prophet calls Lord’s indigents, as people able to keep Lord’s Law. The repentance accomplish through attitude of searching of Lord, which achieves by fulfil justice and humble life. Only by this attitude there is a hope for salvage on Judgment Day/
Sens bycia chrześcijaninem stanowi główne kryterium odkrywania własnej tożsamości religijnej. Można mnożyć przykłady ludzi świętych, zestawiając ich ze zwyczajnymi. Dla nas przykładem odkrywania własnej tożsamości religijnej, a tym bardziej tego podstawowego pytania: Co to znaczy być chrześcijaninem? będą dzieci z Fatimy: Łucja, Hiacynta i Franciszek. Ich cierpienie, samotność, a przy tym pokora, łagodność i ufność, jako naznaczona przez działanie Matki Najświętszej droga do świętości, niech posłużą za przykład odkrywania własnej tożsamości religijnej.
The meaning of being a Christian constitutes the main criterion in discovering one’s religious identity. One can look at many examples of saintly individuals, by comparing them with ordinary ones. For us, it will be the Fatima children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco, who will serve as an example of discovering one’s religious identity – and especially the answer to the question of what it means to be a Christian. Their suffering, their sense of abandonment, as well as humility, gentleness, and trust, as a road to holiness paved by the Blessed Mother of God, will provide an example of discovering one’s religious identity in one’s concrete history and circumstances.
Collectanea Theologica
vol. 90
issue 5
In the writings of St. Augustine, the Latin word cor occurs more than 8,000 times, being one of the most important, though ambiguous, terms of his anthropology and spirituality. As a synonym for the inner man (homo interior) it encompasses the whole affective, intellectual, moral and religious life. In this sense, it is the privileged place for a personal encounter with God. The analysis of Augustine’s writings reveals a link between the concept of the Trinity and indications concerning the spiritual life of man. Reflections on the “heart” can be put into a kind of triptych: creation “in the image of God,” illumination by Christ, and dilatation by the Holy Spirit. The impact of God on the human heart should find its completion in a voluntarily adopted attitude of adoration, humility and love.
Saint Teresa of Ávila intrinsically connects discernment of the spirits with her principal theme of inner prayer. The main constituents of her doctrine of prayer (obedience, humility, charity, detachment) also represent key motifs in her view on discernment. From this perspective, Santa Teresa’s sparse assertions can be integrated into a coherent doctrine on discernment of the spirits, founded in her deep religious experience. Discernment emerges as the core of Christian life and the genuine way in which the Divine Friend gives light for choices that make human persons grow in virtues and in inner freedom.
Święta Teresa z Avili łączy rozeznawanie duchów z jej głównym tematem wewnętrznej modlitwy. Główne elementy jej doktryny na temat modlitwy (posłuszeństwo, pokora, miłość, dystans) stanowią również kluczowe motywy w jej spojrzeniu na rozeznawanie duchów. Z tej perspektywy skąpe stwierdzenia Świętej Teresy mogą być włączone w spójną doktrynę rozeznawania duchów opartą na jej głębokim doświadczeniu religijnym. Rozeznawanie jawi się jako rdzeń życia chrześcijańskiego i ważny sposób, w jaki Boski Przyjaciel daje światło dla wyborów, które sprawiają, że ludzie wzrastają w cnotach i w wewnętrznej wolności.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 22
issue 3(52)
Dzienniczek św. Faustyny Kowalskiej jest tekstem religijnym oraz tekstem mistycznym w sensie filologicznym i teologicznym. Ten rodzaj tekstu z uwagi na sytuację komunikacyjną oraz szerszy kontekst zewnętrzny może cechować się modyfikacjami w zakresie semantyki używanego słownictwa oraz towarzyszącego mu nacechowania aksjologicznego. W związku z tym w artykule zakłada się, że nacechowanie aksjologiczne określonego słowa i związanego z nim pojęcia zależy od szeregu uwarunkowań kontekstowych, które ukształtowały istotną kategorię tekstową, jaką jest punkt widzenia. Analiza semantyki występujących w tekście użyć słowa nędza wskazuje na jego różne znaczenia, odbiegające od typowych znaczeń leksykalnych podawanych przez słowniki. Celem pracy jest ustalenie aksjologicznych wymiarów pojęcia nędza oraz ich zależności od czynników pozajęzykowych, wśród których istotną rolę odgrywa chrześcijański system wartości.
Diary of St. Faustyna Kowalska is both a religious and mystical text in its philological and theological meaning. This type of text, due to its communicative situation and a wider external context, may be characterized by the modifications in the scope of semantics of the vocabulary used and by the axiological value associated with it. Therefore, the article assumes that the conveyed axiological value of a particular word and the concept associated with it depends on a number of contextual conditions that have shaped the important text category, i.a., the point of view. The semantic analysis of the in-text uses of the word poverty indicates its various meanings, deviating from the typical lexical meanings given by dictionaries. The aim of the work is to determine the axiological dimensions of the concept of poverty and their dependence on non-linguistic factors, among which the Christian system of values plays an important role.
Vox Patrum
vol. 59
The aim of the article is to show the specificity of the fundamental fight in the soul and in the life of man between pride and humility as it is seen in the writings of the Cappadocian Fathers and John Chrysostom. In the opinion of the Greek Fathers of the 4th century pride is the root of all sin. It destroys all good fruits in the Christian spiritual development, whereas humility enables and protects spiritual growth. Arguing against the here­tics of their time, mainly against the Arians, the Cappadocian Fathers (especially Gregory of Nazianzus) made particular attention to the theologians’ pride, cha­racterized by the lack of respect for the mysteries of God and being proud that is without moderation in talking about God. Gregory of Nyssa pointed out the perversity of the vice of pride: the arbitrary exaltation leads finally to the great unwanted humiliation and even to fall into the sin. John Chrysostom em­phasized the paradoxical risk characteristic of the process of spiritual fight: one can brag because of owned humility and enjoy it. Then even true humility can imperceptibly transform into pride and become its source. Therefore the righteous people should avoid the pride and seek humility with more care than sinners.
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