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The Japanese word tsunami meaning “harbor wave” became well known after the natural disaster caused in Sri Lanka in December 26, 2004. In both French and Greek, tsunami does not seem to restrict itself to its literal meaning. It is constantly being re-used and re-contextualised in a multiplicity of different contexts, giving rise to an abundant production of new metaphoric meanings. This article sets out to study the semantic innovations as they unfurl in the journalistic discourse both in French and Greek. It favours a semantic and discursive approach, while having recourse to the semic analysis as developed within the field of Rastier’s Interpretive Semantics.
On 21 February 2012, three women of the well-known punk rock band Pussy Riot organized a performance in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. In consequence of the exhibition at this religious place, the women were convicted for “vandalism” and “incitement to religious hatred.” The aim of this article is to examine the social meaning of this event constructed and transmitted in the French journalistic discourse. It highlights the role of religion that derives from the event and contributes to the image of contemporary Russia. In the second step, the article deals with the discursive practices and positions of the journalistic voice facing this event.
The author analyzes gender differences in the Russian journalistic discourse using the example of the lexical field related to the concept of грусть ‘sorrowʼ. The more frequent use of these words is indicative of a higher level of empathy. The results demonstrate that male authors exhibit a high er proclivity towards the usage of the words from the aforementioned lexical field. The results are another piece of evidence that a higher level of empathy in women is not absolute but rather highly dependent on the concrete context.  
The author analyzes gender differences in the Russian journalistic discourse using the example of the lexical field related to the concept of грусть ‘sorrowʼ. The more frequent use of these words is indicative of a higher level of empathy. The results demonstrate that male authors exhibit a high er proclivity towards the usage of the words from the aforementioned lexical field. The results are another piece of evidence that a higher level of empathy in women is not absolute but rather highly dependent on the concrete context.
In contemporary internet-dominated everyday life, ever more often one faces communications which utilise both verbal (words) and iconic (images) codes. In the article, I analyse two types of said communications: advertisements and memes. Both advertising content and memes belong to journalistic discourse. Therefore, one can analyse them using the same methods as verbal opinion texts, which require one to specify the situational background, the specific situation, the persuasive/ propaganda aim, and to standardise arguments. At the same time, memes are included in comical discourse, to analyse which it is necessary to be able to juxtapose the actual image with the presented image.
This article is devoted to the study of the functioning thorough conceptual metaphor in journalistic discourse in the early 21st century. Metaphor is one of the most powerful instruments of knowledge, conceptualizing and categorizing of reality. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify pragmatic communicative and cognitive specifics conceptual metaphor in the journalistic discourse of the early 21st century. Methods include: method metaphorical modeling of conceptual metaphor; method of linguistic description; method of conceptual analysis. Results. The article examined and described pragmatic communicative and cognitive specific of conceptual metaphor in Ukrainian journalistic discourse. There were characterized different types of metaphors that operate in the language of political communication. Much attention is paid to the metaphor with conceptual sphere of nature. With their help journalists/reporters portray social and political life of the country. There were characterized different types of metaphors of nature, metaphors of natural disasters, water and land; fitomorphic and zoomorphic metaphors.
This paper presents the analysis of political terms derived from anthroponyms used in the mass media discourse. The topicality of the paper consists in the need to explore the language of mass media - new linguistic trends are disseminated through mass communication, thus stimulating the development of the vocabulary of users of a given language. The analysis aims at distinguishing and defining the most productive models of word formation used in the mass media discourse. The empirical material examined in the article is based on the dictionary Slovotvorchist nezalezhnoi Ukrainy. 1991–2011 compiled by A. Nelyuba. It was supplemented by terms found by the author of the article in digital issues of the Ukrainian press of recent years. The investigation submitted leads to the conclusion that the most productive models of creating neologisms are adding prefixes or suffixes to root words or compounding.
Artykuł został poświęcony analizie terminów politycznych derywowanych od antroponimów funkcjonujących w języku dyskursu publicystycznego. Aktualność tematu jest dostrzegalna w potrzebie ciągłego badania języka mediów masowych - środki komunikacji masowej są aktualizatorami nowych trendów językowych, tym samym sprzyjając wzbogacaniu zasobu leksykalnego użytkowników danego języka. Celem badania jest scharakteryzowanie najbardziej produktywnych modeli słowotwórczych używanych w dyskursie publicystycznym. W artykule został przeanalizowany materiał faktologiczny ze słownika Словотворчість незалежної України 1991–2011 A. Neluby. Materiał badawczy został uzupełniony terminami zebranymi przez autorkę artykułu z wydań elektronicznych prasy ukraińskiej ostatnich lat. Analiza zebranego materiału pozwoliła dojść do wniosku, że najbardziej produktywnymi sposobami tworzenia neologizmów są te, które polegają na dodaniu prefiksu lub sufiksu do wyrazu podstawowego oraz tworzenie złożeń.
Bolesław Prus had been writing "Kroniki" to many Warsaw newspapers for 37 years. In the paper fragments of texts published in “Kurier Warszawski” in 1879 (it is the time of a novel "The Doll"setting) were selected and interpreted. The text shows the writer’s — a journalist’s and a keen observer’s — thoughts on the social situation of the inhabitants of Warsaw: their interests, behaviours, daily problems, and everyday matters. The interventionist nature of Prus’s journalism demonstrates the increasing role of the press in presenting sensitive issues, which has long remained a taboo in Polish literature. The comments placed in "Kroniki" on the work of journalists and writers lead to the conclusion that Prus–the editor lives an everyday life of Warsaw, marvels at her or criticises her sharply; as the author of a realist novel, he uses current events to illustrate processes that express his concern.
Roczniki Humanistyczne
vol. 69
issue 6
El presente texto constituye un análisis léxico formal y semántico-pragmático de los titulares digitales censados en los más grandes periódicos deportivos madirleños y catalanes. Con este fin se ha elaborado un corpus temático monolingüe, manualmente anotado, y los ejemplos censados en un portal digital polaco funcionan en calidad de tertium comparationis. Entre los medios digitales madrileños y catalanes se observan notables diferencias en cuanto a la presentación de los acontecimientos deportivos protagonizados por clubes pertenecientes a campos rivales. En cambio, el medio polaco adopta una postura objetiva aportando, en función de las circunstancias, una valoración objetiva, negativa, positiva o neutra de los acontecimientos deportivos. Una de las estratagemas discursivas que se usa con frecuencia a fin de disminuir el valor de los éxitos deportivos del campo ajeno consiste en focalizar la atención del lector en los eventos y personajes del segundo plano en detrimento del mero contenido de la noticia. Este fenómeno va relacionado con un hecho muy relevante en el plano lingüístico que diferencia la prensa catalana y la madrileña: predilección por un tipo de titular concreto o recursos formales empleados con más frecuencia.
This paper investigates the headlines in a sports news comparable corpus from a lexical, semantic and pragmatic point of view. The corpus contains articles taken from the leading online sports newspapers from Madrid and Barcelona. A Polish sports website has been used as tertium comparationis. A detailed corpus-based analysis has led to some important conclusions. First of all, we have noticed a significant difference between the Catalan and Madrilenian headlines in the way featured events involving two main rival football clubs, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, are presented and assessed. Unlike its Spanish counterparts, the Polish website seems to take a more objective and neutral stance on the same facts. A frequently used strategy, in particular by the Catalan newspaper, consists of focusing the readers’ attention on less relevant characters and events. This tendency may be related to other features, such as a marked preference for a semantic and formal type of headline on both the Madrilenian and Catalan websites, and certain formal and lexical measures which they adopt more often.
Mechanizmy leksykalno-pragmatyczne w nagłówkach elektronicznej prasy sportowej Artykuł stanowi analizę mechanizmów leksykalno-pragmatycznych oraz zjawisk pochodnych, jakie można zaobserwować w nagłówkach elektronicznej prasy sportowej. Analiza została przeprowadzona na tematycznym korpusie 320 nagłówków zebranych na kilku portalach sportowych: madryckich, katalońskich i polskim. Ocena wydarzeń, zwłaszcza sukcesów i porażek dwóch wielkich klubów, Realu Madryt i FC Barcelony, jest często różna i subiektywna, w zależności od tego, czy opisuje je dziennik madrycki, czy barceloński. Polski portal przedstawia zdarzenia w sposób bardziej obiektywny, neutralny i zdystansowany. Jedną ze strategii dyskursywnych, wykorzystywanych częściej przez dzienniki katalońskie, jest skierowanie uwagi czytelnika na aspekty, które nie są centralną częścią wiadomości. Różnice pomiędzy prasą ze stolicy Hiszpanii a prasą katalońską wyrażają się również w formalnym i semantycznym typie nagłówka oraz w środkach językowych najczęściej w nich stosowanych.   Recursos léxico-pragmáticos en los titulares de la prensa deportiva digital El presente texto constituye un análisis léxico formal y semántico-pragmático de los titulares digitales censados en los más grandes periódicos deportivos madirleños y catalanes. Con este fin se ha elaborado un corpus temático monolingüe, manualmente anotado, y los ejemplos censados en un portal digital polaco funcionan en calidad de tertium comparationis. Entre los medios digitales madrileños y catalanes se observan notables diferencias en cuanto a la presentación de los acontecimientos deportivos protagonizados por clubes pertenecientes a campos rivales. En cambio, el medio polaco adopta una postura objetiva aportando, en función de las circunstancias, una valoración objetiva, negativa, positiva o neutra de los acontecimientos deportivos. Una de las estratagemas discursivas que se usa con frecuencia a fin de disminuir el valor de los éxitos deportivos del campo ajeno consiste en focalizar la atención del lector en los eventos y personajes del segundo plano en detrimento del mero contenido de la noticia. Este fenómeno va relacionado con un hecho muy relevante en el plano lingüístico que diferencia la prensa catalana y la madrileña: predilección por un tipo de titular concreto o recursos formales empleados con más frecuencia.
The article is devoted to the research of the key concept of the Russian language culture ‘святой’. The relevance of the work is predetermined by the growing interest to the formation strategy of values and moral norms in the modern world as well as the culture maintenance in general. The detailed research of the lexical semantic field of the concept allowed making conclusions about transformations of the semantic meaning of the concept in the history of the Russian language: gradual extinction of desacralized meanings was mentioned. Appealing journalistic discourse gave an opportunity to determine the frequency secular and sacred meanings of the concept are being used in the modern Russian language. It has been concluded that proportion of the secular and sacred meanings of the concept “святой”is directly connected to the cultural epoch.
Данная статья посвящена исследованию ключевого концепта русской лингвокультуры ‘святой’. Актуальность данного исследования связана с возросшим интересом в современном мире к стратегии формирования ценностно-нравственных установок общества и поддержания культуры в целом. Детальное исследование лексико-семантического поля заявленного концепта с привлечением лексикографических источников позволило сделать определенные выводы относительно трансформации семантического значения концепта в истории русского языка: отмечается постепенное отмирание несакральных значений. Обращение к журналисткому дискурсу дало возможность установить частотность употребления светских и сакральных значений концепта в современном русском языке. Был сделан вывод о том, что соотношение светских и религиозных значений концепта ‘святой’ напрямую связано с культурной эпохой.
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