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The article discusses the subject of conversion as a subject of poetry on the example of the work of Roman Brandstaetter. It focused on the post-war creativity of the author, who in 1946 officially abandoned Judaism, received baptism and became a Catholic. Focused on two aspects of conversion. First of all, these were the circumstances of life: the need to leave the country, problems related to the Polish-Jewish identity, death of parents, parting with the first wife. Secondly, these were issues related to the biblical experience of God, because reading the Bible had a great significance for the poet since the time of Polish studies. Confirmations of the issue are confirmed by quotes from works that are testimonies of changes taking place in the author’s life, making up a rich picture of his spiritual transformation.
In jewish theology and philosophy the problem of nature seems to be hidden, the nature seems to be in the shadow of man. However, the fact of environmental degradation undoubtedly has a huge impact on man. That is why ecology and the environment are becoming a problem that increasingly appears in Jewish thought. Jewish environmental protection is often connected with concept of Tikkun Olam, which mean reparing the world or restoration of world. The Biblical roots of Tikkun Olam encourage us to study the meaning of nature and man in it. So we are instructed what is the place of man in the natural environment and what is our task in terms of nature. The concept of Tikkun Olam obliges us to permanent activities for nature that we should improve and take care of it. The biblical message and its transcendent source may be much stronger than human law. Therefore, the Judaic vision of ecology can also be an interesting proposition in the approach to the care for the environment.
W żydowskiej teologii i filozofii problem natury wydaje się być ukryty, natura znajduje się niejako w cieniu człowieka. Jednak fakt degradacji środowiska naturalnego posiada niewątpliwie ogromny wpływ na ludzkość. Stąd zagadnienie ekologii i środowiska naturalnego są tematami coraz częściej pojawiającymi się również w myśli żydowskiej. Judaistyczna wizja ochrony środowiska bardzo często wiązana jest z konceptem Tikkun Olam co oznacza naprawę świata lub „odrestaurowanie” świata. Biblijne korzenie Tikkun Olam zachęcają nas do zbadania znaczenia środowiska naturalnego i człowieka w nim. Pojęcie Tikkun Olam zobowiązuje nas do nieustannej działalności wobec natury, którą powinniśmy poprawiać i otaczać ochroną. Przesłanie biblijne i jej transcendentne źródło mogą być znacznie silniejsze niż prawo ludzkie. Dlatego wizja judaistyczna ekologii może być również ciekawą propozycją w podejściu do opieki nad środowiskiem.
Rocznik Teologiczny
vol. 56
issue 2
Artykuł traktuje o tezach Martina Hengela z roku 1979, które są załącznikiem do artykułu pt. Zur urchristlichen Geschichtschreibung. Załącznik nosi tytuł: Historische Methoden und theologische Auslegung des Neuen Testaments (Thesen) i wydaje się być, wraz z załączonym artykułem, możliwym kluczem do interpretacji teologii biblisty z Tybingi. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wykazanie wyjątkowego i reprezentatywnego (naszym zdaniem) charakteru wspomnianych powyżej tez dla teologii M. Hengela. W tym celu tezy zostały zanalizowane w kontekście artykułu z 1979 roku, wybranych faktów z biografii autora i selektywnego odniesienia idei zawartych w tezach do jego dorobku. Celem jest wykazanie ciągłości zainteresowań Hengela badaniem i interpretacją źródeł historycznych, jako biblisty, historyka starożytności oraz znawcy judaizmu okresu drugiej świątyni. Zdecydowana i ostra w tonie polemika z zasadniczymi założeniami „historyczno-krytycznej metody” w biblistyce, zarzut dogmatycznego zafiksowania i niedostatecznego samokrytycyzmu pod jej adresem, wydają się odgrywać szczególną rolę w całej teologii M. Hengela. Wspomniane tezy są poświęcone tej właśnie kwestii, co wskazuje na ich szczególny status w dorobku Hengela. Artykuł składa się z pięciu części – pierwsza ma charakter wprowadzający, druga przedstawia istotne dla analizy fakty z biografii Hengela, trzecia poświęcona jest genezie artykułu i tez oraz analizie samego artykułu, część czwarta traktuje o samych tezach, porządkując je tematycznie i podsumowując idee w nich zawarte, a piąta odnosi główne punkty koncepcji teologa z Tybingi do jego dorobku.
The article deals with theses of Martin Hengel from 1979 which are annexed to the article Zur urchristlichen Geschichtschreibung. The appendix is titled Historische Methoden und Theologische Auslegung des Neuen Testaments (Thesen) and appears to be, along with the accompanying article, a possible key to the interpretation of the theology of the scholar from Tübingen. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the unique and (in our opinion) representative character of the mentioned theses of Hengel`s theology. The thesis has been analyzed in the context of the article from 1979, some of the facts from the biography of their author, and selective reference the ideas contained in his other works. The aim is to demonstrate the continuity of Hengel`s interests to study and interpret historical sources as a biblical scholar, historian of antiquity, and expert in Second Temple Judaism. The vast and fierce polemic tone about the essential assumptions of the "historical-critical method" in biblical studies, with objections about its dogmatic fixation and insufficient self-criticism towards itself, seem to play a special role in Hengel`s entire theology. The mentioned theses are devoted to this very issue, which indicates their special status in the works of Martin Hengel. The article consists of five parts - the first is an introduction, the second presents the facts of Hengels´s biography which are relevant for the analysis, the third is devoted to the genesis as well as to the analysis of the article, the fourth part deals with the thesis, ordering them thematically and summarizing the ideas contained in them, and the fifth relates the main points of the concept of theTübingen theologian to his achievements.
A imigração judaica no Brasil na virada do século XIX para o XX levou à criação de diversas comunidades judaicas, uma delas em Curitiba. Nela como em outras, as maiores preocupações foram e seguem sendo a manutenção da identidade coletiva, a preservação da religião e da cultu-ra e a continuidade da etnia. Neste artigo nos propomos a descrever as origens, a evolução e as problemáticas da continuidade da educação, da cultura e da identidade judaica na comunidade judaica de Curitiba
Jewish immigration to Brazil, at the turn of the 20th century, led to the creation of various Jewish communities, one of them in Curitiba. There, like in other communities, the main concerns were and remain the maintenance of collective identity, conservation of religion and culture, and eth-nic continuity. In this article we intend to discuss the origins, evolution, and problematics sur-rounding the continuity of Jewish education, culture, and identity in the Jewish community of Curitiba
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie socjologicznej dyskusji na temat przedsiębiorczości w kontekście religijnych uwarunkowań. Artykuł rozpoczyna słynna teza Maxa Webera o monopolu protestanckim w tym zakresie, która podlega następnie krytycznej analizie. Tekst składa się z trzech części. Pierwsza z nich przedstawia inicjatywę gospodarczą w oparciu o czynniki pozagospodarcze. Druga część koncentruje się wyłącznie na sporze Maxa Webera i Wernera Sombarta dotyczącym kwestii prymatu między protestantyzmem a judaizmem, odpowiednio w obszarze działalności gospodarczej. Wreszcie trzecia część opisuje treść katolickiej nauki społecznej w kontekście przedsiębiorczości i postuluje podkreślenie ludzkiej godności w dziedzinie działalności gospodarczej.
The purpose of this article is to describe the sociological discourse on entrepreneurship in the context of its religious determinants. The paper starts with the famous claim by Max Weber about the Protestant monopoly in this area. This claim is then critically analysed. The article comprises three parts. The first presents economic initiative as driven by non-economic factors. The second part focuses solely on the dispute between Max Weber and Werner Sombart over the primacy of Protestantism or Judaism, respectively, in the area of business operations. Last but not least, the third part discusses what Catholic social teaching has to say on entrepreneurship, and postulates that human dignity be emphasised in the area of economic activity.
The book of Psalms in the Old Testament is a set of inspired religious songs embracing a rich variety of topics through which the Roman-Catholic Church offers to God a sacrifice of glory. Yet the mission of the Church is to share God's reconciliation with all people of the world. The following article indicates the presence of psalmodic verses or the entire psalms in three contexts and their texts: in judaistic rites of penance, in the Pauline doctrine of justification and in the celebration of the sacrament of penance in the West. The fruit of this investigation may be the conclusion, that Scriptura crescit cum orante not only during the reading of the Scriptures, but mainly as its actualization and valorization while celebrating the sacrament of penance. Such a view inclines for a reflection, whether sine psalmis nulla paenitentia?
Psalmy w ordo paenitentiae (studium historyczno-liturgiczne)Księga Psalmów zawarta w Starym Testamencie to zbiór natchnionych pieśni religijnych o bogatej tematyce, za pomocą których Kościół rzymskokatolicki składa Bogu ofiarę chwały. Zarazem misją Kościoła jest niesienie wszystkim ludziom Bożego przebaczenia. Artykuł niniejszy wykazuje obecność wersetów psalmicznych czy też całych psalmów w trzech środowiskach i ich tekstach: w judaistycznych obrzędach pokutnych, w Pawłowej doktrynie o usprawiedliwieniu i w sprawowaniu sakramentu pokuty na Zachodzie. Owocem badania jest konstatacja, że Scriptura crescit cum orante nie tylko podczas lektury Pisma, ale przede wszystkim jako jego aktualizacja i waloryzacja w przebiegu obrzędu sakramentu pokuty. Konstatacja ta skłania do postawienia kwestii: sine psalmis nulla paenitentia?
A sociedade brasileira recebeu inúmeras levas de imigrantes europeus. No século XIX e na primeira década do XX, destacam-se a entrada de imigrantes germânicos, portadores de diferentes experiências culturais. Admirados no início do processo imigratório, estes indivíduos passaram a ser vistos como ne¬fastos para a formação do povo brasileiro. Diante de um Estado que firmava a iden¬tidade nacional através da ótica do branco, católico e agricultor, os imigrantes ale¬mães perderam suas referências nacionais e passaram a ser vistos sob o prisma da exclusão: eram protestantes ou judeus. Neutralizou-se a exaltação da germanidade e o conflito contra estes imigrantes centrou-se em questões de natureza religiosa; não eram mais alemães, eram não católicos. Este trabalho analisa o conflito religio¬so entre o catolicismo, o judaísmo e o protestantismo, que envolveu imigrantes ale¬mães e seus descendentes no Brasil, quando sua identidade nacional foi substi¬tuí¬da pela sua religiosidade considerada inassimilável pelo governo brasileiro dos anos de 1930. A resistência às crenças não católicas foi recorrente na América Latina, o que per¬mite um diálogo entre esta pesquisa e outros estudos sobre restrições reli¬gio¬sas a co¬mu¬nidades imigrantes
Brazilian society received several groups of European immigrants. In the XIX and in the first decade of the XXth centuries, Germanic immigrants’ entrance was emphasized, although they had different cultural experiences. They were admired in the beginning of immigrant’s process, and have come to be seen as harmful in Brazilian people’s formation. In the face of the State that was establishing national identity through white optics, catholic and farmer, German immigrants lost their national references and have come to be seen as the exclusion prism: they were Protestants or Jews. The germanidade exaltation was neutralized and the conflict against these immigrants was concentrated on questions of religious nature; they were not Germanys anymore, they were non-Catholics. The present paper analyses the religious conflict among catholicism, judaism and protestantism, which involved German immigrants and its descendants in Brazil, when its national identity was replaced by its religion that was considered incomprehensible by 1930’s Brazilian’s government. Not-Catholics’ strength and beliefs was recurring in Latin America, which allows a dialogue between this research and other studies about religious re-strictions for immigrants communities
Cassirer’s conception of the modern political myth needs to be treated as one of the elements of his philosophy of culture. To apprehend the conception without its systemic background would be against the “spirit” of this specific type of philosophy which is characterised by focus on coherent unity. It is true, however, that Cassirer only devoted his last writings to this topic, in the period when he lived a life of an exiled Jewish intellectual. Myth as a specific form of thought has never lost its power and it easily takes control over people’s minds and emotions in the times of crisis. Modern politicians are well aware of this fact. They organize myth and adjust it to their political needs and use it for their concrete political ends. The only solution is to understand the nature of the new myth and to fight it with fortitude and generosity.
Prorocy Starego Testamentu wypełniając swoje zadanie głoszenia słowa Bożego posługują się różnymi gatunkami literackimi oraz wykorzystują często obrazy z różnych dziedzin życia, aby być zrozumiałymi dla swoich słuchaczy, aby ich przekonać i aby wywrzeć na nich wrażenie. Szczególnie chętnie odwołują się do obrazów z zakresu ekologii tworząc rozmaite porównania i metafory. Odnoszą się one głównie do Boga, do Jego działania wobec Izraela oraz do samego narodu wybranego.
The prophets of the Old Testament in the fulfillment of their task of proclaiming God’s word make use of various literary forms and frequently use pictures from different disciplines of life, in order to be understandable for their listeners, in order to convince them and to make impression on them, they especially willingly make use of pictures taken from the sphere of ecology, making different comparisons and metaphors, these generally concern God, His action towards Israel and the Chosen Nation itself.
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