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The author of the article deals with the issue of a relation of the Church’s ministry of the Word and abruptly developing mass media. His starting point is a positive impact of media on preaching, especially with respect to immense widening of the scope of its influence. The author encourages readers to use mass media in a broadly understood evangelisation. On the other hand he draws readers’ attention to a potential negative impact of mass media on preaching. Influence of mass media may reduce an awareness of divine dimension of preaching, contribute to vanishing of theological understanding of functions of preachers of the Word, adjusting the preached truth to media standards, domination of a picture over a word. Also, the author recognises a need of enhancing traditional aims of preaching by new ones, such as developing reflection skills, showing a difference between a real and virtual world, warning against ethical relativism, defying consumerism, increasing awareness of other people’s needs.
Many educators, psychologists, sociologists and representatives of other social sciences draws attention to the increasing destruction of the body, mind and psyche of modern man. Support of this view may be that the emergence of an increasing number of disorders, mental illness and irrational behavior of people. Anorexia and bulimia have existed for many years, but in modern times, their range is seriously exacerbated. Contemporary media greatly determine the functioning and human development. Their unique position stems primarily from the fact that almost every man is still dependent on the main channel of global communication. New information technologies are global in nature, take a significant role in creating a culture of twenty-first century. They shape relationships, form a political and economic life of countries, develop personal patterns. Article covers the importance of developing issues of mass media for the spread of the phenomenon of anorexia and bulimia.
Article present basic moral order in mass media. Media education towards the culture of being rests on an integral link between professional journalism development and culture together with sensitivity to values. Transmission of journalism knowledge about should be linked with the mode of openness to the truth about reality and should shape ethics-oriented sensitivity. Development of media science should be in accord with development of moral life, so that fruits of science be good for men and the ethos and culture of life be reinforced. This also concerns the media, whose task is to pass the truth about reality without tendencies which shape public opinion but have no justification in the facts.
Autor rozważając wspomagającą rolę środków społecznego przekazu w katechezie podkreśla, iż Kościół nie może nie korzystać ze współczesnych zdobyczy techniki. Człowiek wierzący ma obowiązek dzielenia się wiarą, a mass-media umożliwiają to składanie świadectwa na różnych płaszczyznach. Oprócz informacji, lub też tekstów źródłowych, właśnie w cyberprzestrzeni może dojść do pierwszego spotkania z wiarą i jej świadectwem. Jednocześnie osobowe spotkanie, nawrócenie, przylgniecie do Chrystusa, osobowa relacja wymaga już jednak wspólnoty rzeczywistej i osobowej. Artykuł wskazuje, iż Kościół - obecny żywo w świecie, biorący aktywny udział w przemianach społecznych i kulturowych, winien także wykorzystywać potężne narzędzie, jakim są środki społecznego przekazu, aby poprowadzić ludzi do wiary i zbawienia.
It should be stated that the church, which guides people to holiness and to salvation, is obliged to use the newest means of communication. Believers have duty to share their faith with others. Here a question arises: “What do I think about my relationship with God?”, or “What do others think about their faith? How do their experience it?” The reality created by the modern mass media (the Internet, television, newspapers, radio) may be perceived as a space of exchanging of various ideas. Cyberspace is a place where a human being, not only can find some information, but also can encounter with faith and the testimony of it. However, personal encounter, conversion, adherence to Christ, personal relationship require a real community of believers. This article is a sign of hope that the Church would be able to use mass media as the instrument of leading people to faith and to salvation.
L’autore in considerazione del ruolo di supporto dei mezzi di comunicazione nella catechesi sottolinea che la Chiesa non può che utilizzare moderne conquiste tecnologiche. Il credente ha l’obbligo di testimoniare la propria fede e mass media permetterglielo in vari livelli. Oltre a testi informativi o d’origine, è cyberspazio stesso dove può venire al primo incontro con la fede e la sua testimonianza. Allo stesso tempo, l’incontro personale, la conversione, l’adesione a Cristo, rapporto personale richiedono già comunità reale e personale. L’articolo sottolinea che la Chiesa – presente nel mondo, attivamente partecipante nelle trasformazioni sociali e culturali –, dovrebbe anche usufruire di strumenti potenti quali sono i mezzi di comunicazione sociale per condurre le persone alla fede e alla salvezza.
The subject of this article is fascination as a type of communicative influence on the addressees, the purpose of which is to attract or retain the attention to the message and/or its source. In public communication, fascination serves to activate the processing of semantic information, to create a positive image of the source of information and its preferences in the face of increasing market competition, the prolongation of communicative contact as an opportunity to distribute the advertising copies. Fascination is one of the definite characteristics of modern media culture. Fascination as a stylistic phenomenon is based on different means, which fall into four categories: the language code, the cognitive system (mental thesaurus, worldview), the system of social relations, and the physical environment. Semantic information is subordinated on the Internet to the principle of attractiveness. This concerns such its characteristics of it as the preference for events in the sphere of politics, occasionality, sensationalism, dangerous trains, intracultural attitude.
In the present article, interculturality - which implies the existence of variation, recognition/ acceptance and cultivation of this variation - is associated with interlinguism. My analysis proposes the presentation of interculturalism and interlinguism as realities which involve other particular relations: culturalisation – intraculturalisation – interculturalisation and their consequences in the usage of the linguistic elements in certain contexts. While particularizing these aspects, I will consider, on the one hand, certain linguistic hypostases in the Romanian mass-media as reflections of interculturalism and, on the other hand, certain arguments that the latest A Dictionary of Romanian Orthography, Orthoepy and Morphology (DOOM, 2005) provides for the inclusion in the Romanian language of the lexical units which characterize other cultures. In this way I underline the features of interlinguistic reality located – in practice – between the culture and vehicle of communication.
The subject of this article is fascination as a type of communicative influence exerted on the addressees, the purpose of which is to attract or to retain attention to the message and/or its source. In public communication, fascination serves to activate the processing of semantic information, to create a positive image of the source of information and its preferences in the face of increasing market competition, and to prolong communicative contact as an opportunity to distribute advertising copy. Fascination is one of the characteristics of modern media culture. Fascination as a stylistic phenomenon is based on different means, which fall into four categories: the language code, the cognitive system (mental thesaurus, world view), the system of social relations, and the physical environment. On the Internet, semantic information is subordinated to the principle of attractiveness. This concerns such characteristics as preference for events in the sphere of politics, occasionality, sensationalism, dangerous traits, and an intracultural attitude.
Tematem artykułu jest fascynacja jako rodzaj komunikatywnego wpływu na adresatów, którego celem jest przyciągnięcie lub zwrócenie uwagi na przekaz i/lub jego źródło. W komunikacji publicznej fascynacja służy aktywacji przetwarzania informacji semantycznej, stworzeniu pozytywnego wizerunku źródła informacji i jego preferencji w obliczu rosnącej konkurencji rynkowej oraz prolongacji kontaktu komunikacyjnego jako sposobu emitowania reklam. Fascynacja jest jedną z cech współczesnej kultury medialnej. Jako zjawisko stylistyczne fascynacja jest realizowana za pośrednictwem różnych środków, które dzielą się na cztery kategorie: kod językowy, system kognitywny (tezaurus mentalny, światopogląd), system relacji społecznych i środowisko fizyczne (naturalne). Informacja semantyczna jest w internecie uwarunkowana zasadą atrakcyjności. Dotyczy to takich cech, jak preferowanie wydarzeń w świecie polityki, okazjonalność, sensacja, drażniące treści oraz priorytet treści wewnątrzkulturowych.
Общеизвестно, что средства массовой информации играют важ-ную роль в создании того или иного языкового образа. В данной статье анализиру-ется, как благодаря языковым средствам создаётся образ России в текстах польской газеты «Газета Выборча» и как аналогичным способом создаётся образ Польши в текстах российской газеты «Новая газета». На основании такого анализа удаётся выявить, какие характеристики русские и поляки приписывают друг другу. Кроме того, анализируется, как поляки и русские воспринимают друг друга с точки зре-ния политики, экономики, истории и культуры. В работе рассматриваются статьи, которые посвящены польско-российским отношениям на фоне политических, эконо-мических и исторических событий. Анализ польских СМИ показывает, что сквозь призму политических, экономических и исторических событий польско-российские отношения воспринимаются негативно, тогда как на фоне культурных событий польско-российские отношения воспринимаются положительно. Образ Польши, представленный в российской газете «Новая газета», независимо от затрагиваемого аспекта, существенно не отличается.
It is a well-known fact that mass-media plays an important role in creating the language image of the world. In this article, the author analyses by what linguistic means the image of Russia is created in the texts of the Polish newspaper “Gazeta Wyborcza” and in which way the image of Poland is created in the texts of the Russian newspaper “Novaya Gazeta”. Based on this analysis, the author reveals what main characteristics Poles and Russians attribute to one other. Furthermore, the author explores how Poles and Russians perceive each other in the area of politics, economy, history and culture – aspects which are frequently taken up by the media. Therefore, the author investigates articles which are dedicated to Polish-Russian relations and connected to political, economic and historical events. The analysis of Polish media shows that through the prism of political, economic and historical events, Polish-Russian relations are seen negatively, whereas regarding cultural events, Polish-Russian relations are perceived positively. However, if it comes to the image of Poland presented in the Russian newspaper “Novaya Gazeta” – regardless whether the articles are about politics, economy, history and culture – the image is positive and relatively stable.
The author presents the outcome of her own research on the in uence of the pop culture on self-body image. In the research, di erent aspects of self-body image are taken into account: being t, healthy and being goodlooking or pretty. The analysis of the scienti c research persuades the reader that mass media are important but not the most important source of information which they use to judge? their bodies. Moreover, it is claimed that the meaning of cocalled pop culture for teenagers’ self-judgment is di erentiated, it is most important for the appearance.
For the last sixty years, the French novel has sought for one or several aesthetic paths, failing to do so and sputtering into lots of individual perspectives, with an autofictional ruling pattern and with an increasing role of the media. Contemporary novel seems to have forgotten or not to care anymore about being a privileged means to question and to understand the world.
Formation of myths is the first stage of Society Mythologization. The analyzed in this article myth about inheritance rights of Russia to the Kyivan Rus’1 arose in the 15th century. Recently this myth is being actively spread by the Russian propaganda in the mass media – in particular this is performed through Wikipedia being one of the most attended Internet resources. The purpose of spreading the myth (the second stage of society mythologization) consists in introduction of a certain idea and certain political behavior into the mass consciousness which would at a certain time point influence the process of making the necessary political decision. The third stage of Society Mythologization is represented as spreading the myth in the process of communication between the authorities and citizens. The manipulative function of the polytical myth has come into action here; the purpose of this myth consists in activation of separatist sentiments of Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens. Purpose – to explore vulnerability of Wikipedia policy of openness on the basis of a specific example as well as to explore its efficiency for formation of political myths; to analyze the technology used for creation of Wikipedia articles in the process of formation of myths. Methods. Comparison method is applied – texts of Wikipedia articles on various time stages of their creation were compared; results of analyzing Wikipedia pages were correlated to political events of Russian-Ukrainian relations. Formalization technique is applied – representation of the analyzed terms in semiotic and symbolic form; deduction – as a process of drawing a logical conclusion on the basis of the complex of analyzed facts; summarizing.
The paper is devoted to language phenomena connected with new mass media and analyzes in detail text and its new image shaped by the context of the media. It also attempts to answer the question concerning the relevance of methodology of Text Linguistics in describing this undoubtedly new phenomenon. Taking into account the contemporary research into this area the paper focuses on the so-called hyper-texts and their characteristic features.
The article is in the form of a case study which aims to prove that a mass-media message cannot be intentionally effective due to an error contained in it. This issue is especially significant in view of the fact that in the welter of information and its accelerating flow, broadcasting organisations are paying less and less attention to linguisticcorrectness, believing that minor errors and flaws do not significantly affect the understanding of the content. Certainly not, but it is worth noting the fact that if such a text is taken as a certain part  or element of the complex interaction between a broadcaster (sender) and mass audience (receiver), a situation can arise in which an error makes the message ineffective in the intentional sphere, as it impedes the receiver’s interpretation of the sender’s intention.
Artykuł ma postać analizy przypadku, przedstawionego w celu udowodnienia, że przekaz medialny nie może być intencjonalnie skuteczny ze względu na zawarty w nim błąd.Jest to problem o tyle istotny, że w sytuacji natłoku i coraz większej szybkości przepływu informacji, coraz mniej uwagi nadawcy medialni poświęcają poprawności językowej, myśląc, że niewielkie błędy i usterki nie wpłyną znacząco na rozumienie treści. Z pewnością nie, ale warto wziąć pod uwagę, że jeżeli taki tekst ujmie się jako pewną część, element złożonej interakcji nadawcymedialnego z odbiorcą masowym, może dojść do sytuacji, że błąd spowoduje nieskuteczność przekazu w sferze intencjonalnej, ponieważ zakłóci odczytanie intencji nadawcy przez odbiorcę.
In the whole world, independently of the country, we observe the process of media concentration. More and more huge consortia and media groups are being created. This often causes small, individual, autonomous titles, portals, radio or television stations to be displaced. This process of media evolution also affects religious media. An example of this could be the America Media consortium, with headquarters in New York. It belongs to the Jesuits, the Catholic order, and it is administered and developed by the same order. This descriptive study presents the process of the evolutionary transformation of America weekly magazine, which is over 100-years old, into a multi-dimensional media platform with a global scope. The new and modern media consortium is developing the wonderful history of the printed Catholic magazine. It is present in all the most important media areas: magazine, radio, television and internet. According to global trends, a key factor in America Media is the social media through which they bring a large number of readers, listeners and viewers. Most popular are radio podcasts and TV interviews available via Facebook and the YouTube channel. This evolutionary process is presented in the context of variety of Catholic American media. The specific elements of the mission of the Catholic consortium, the adopted development strategy, possible perspectives of this media complex in the near future, and existing difficulties are also discussed in this paper. The study was largely based on a visit made to America Media headquarters in October 2018.
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