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Traditional conceptualizations presume that landscape and nature in general are characterized by a striving for balance. In consequence, environmental protection chiefly consists in conservation of the existing state, without making allowances for the dynamic changes caused by vital processes taking place in those landscapes, human and non-human alike. The current dispute concerning the protection of the Białowieża Forest is nothing but an upshot of the differences between the involved with respect to what should be protected on top of how it should be done. This study outlines the problems deriving from conceptualizations of nature and landscape as static entities and comes forward with a proposal of conceiving landscape not as an “image of the land”1 but a corporeal experience of being in a space, on which climate change, civilizational and social transformation, political decisions, and bark beetles all have their impact.
The article presents selected issues of mutual acts relations that are referred in the Nature Conservation Act and Spatial Planning and Land Development Act with regard to agriculture. It points out the position of systemic farmer in natural areas of precious value. Particular attention was put on implementing restrictions on the exercise of agricultural property ownership rights as a result of established acts of planning and conservation plans. It was also specified de lege ferenda postulates for supporting farmers.
Specialized authorities in the field of environmental protection have existed since the beginning of the creation of the system of organization of environmental services and the amount of them has been steadily widening. This has been particularly evident in case of nature conservation law which is a part of environmental law. The fact of existence of authorities having specialized knowledge is particularly important in the context of new environmental tasks resulting from the implementation of European Union legal norms often using professional knowledge. The purpose of this article is to present the specialized authorities functioning in the field of nature conservation, the scope of taking advantage of their professional knowledge potential. The article also aims at taking of trial of assessment of adopted regulations accuracy concerning the division of tasks and competences of public authorities with regard to administration of forms of nature  conservation, as well as presenting de lege ferenda comments aiming at nature conservation tasks performing more effectively.
The Lawyer Quarterly
vol. 9
issue 3
Wildlife crime is one of main threats to biodiversity. It is often committed by organized criminal groups and generates them significant sums of money. Despite these facts, it remains underestimated by authorities that are responsible for enforcement of rules on environmental crimes. Efforts to adopt a common international legal framework within the Council of Europe have failed, also the EU’s Environmental Crime Directive is being implemented in a very limited way. On the basis of various studies, the article provides evaluation of this implementation, describes main shortcomings and indicates also several recommendations for further steps.
The essay is an abridged and slightly modifi ed version of the lecture delivered by the author on October 28, 2009, at the Center for Advanced Studies of the Munich University, which opened a series of public lectures and colloquies of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in Munich. A full text of the lecture was published under the title Das neue Rachel Carson Center in München oder Was heißt und zu welchem Ende betreibt man Umweltweltgeschichte? in 2010 as the second issue of the internet journal RCC Perspectives. Available at: http://www.environmentandsociety.org/sites/default/fi les/2010_2.pdf. The author reminds of the roots and beginnings of the institutionalization of environmental history in the United States during the 1960s, which are connected with the name of marine biologist Rachel Carson, who at that time published a revolutionary book on devastating environmental effects of pesticides titled Silent Spring (1962). The author uses historical examples to illustrate how environmentalism and environmental awareness have changed since then; in terms of crossing borders between scientifi c disciplines, between states, and also between nature and civilization as two entities which are no longer perceived as opposite, but rather complementing and interlinked with each other. The awareness of unintended environmental consequences of human actions, as well as the understanding that the very perception of nature by humans determines its future shape, have increased as well. The author believes that environmental history enables seeing things in a new light, and offers an antidote against ignorance in relation to nature and against prophecies predicting destruction.
Tento esej je zkrácenou a mírně upravenou verzí přednášky, kterou autor přednesl 28. října 2009 v Centru pokročilých studií (Center for Advanced Studies) Univerzity Ludwiga Maximiliana v Mnichově na úvod cyklu veřejných přednášek a kolokvií Centra Rachel Carsonové pro životní prostředí a společnost (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society) v Mnichově. Plný text přednášky vyšel pod názvem Das neue Rachel Carson Center in München oder Was heißt und zu welchem Ende betreibt man Umweltweltgeschichte? v roce 2010 jako 2. číslo internetového časopisu RCC Perspectives. Dostupné z: http://www.environmentandsociety.org/sites/default/files/2010_2.pdf. Autor připomíná kořeny a počátky institucionalizace environmentální historie ve Spojených státech v šedesátých letech minulého století, které jsou spojeny se jménem mořské bioložky Rachel Carsonové, jež publikovala přelomovou knihu o devastujících účincích pesticidů na životní prostředí Mlčící jaro (Silent Spring, 1962). Na historických příkladech pak autor líčí, jak se od té doby proměnil environmentalismus a přemýšlení o životním prostředí: ve smyslu překračování hranic mezi vědeckými disciplínami, mezi státy i mezi přírodou a civilizací jako dvěma sférami, které už nejsou chápány jako protikladné, ale stále více jako všestranně propojené. Stejně tak se zvýšil smysl pro vnímání nezamýšlených důsledků lidského jednání pro životní prostředí a porozumění tomu, že samotný způsob lidského pojímání přírody určuje její budoucí podobu. Environmentální historie podle autora umožňuje vidět věci v novém světle a nabízí protijed vůči ignoranci ve vztahu k přírodě i vůči věštbám zániku.
Unlike in the humanities, the cooperation of Czech and Polish researchers in area of natural sciences has not been successfully explored. Yet, there is ample evidence for the issue in the Czech archives, i.e., the correspondence between Czech and Polish researchers. Going back to the days of the Habsburg monarchy, the scientifi c contacts between the scientists fl ourished from the mid-1920s to the mid-1930s. Particularly effective was the cooperation in the fi eld of nature conservation. The Czech drew on the experience of the Polish scholars, who, e.g., had organised the Pieniny National Park. In addition, unlike the contacts between the humanists in both countries, relations between the representatives of natural sciences were not so heavily dependent on fl uctuations caused by political issues or attitude to history.
On 30 August 1919, the issuance of the periodical entitled “Ziemia” (full title: “Ziemia. Tygodnik krajoznawczy ilustrowany” [“Earth. Illustrated weekly about sights”]), published in Warsaw (before the First World War, in the period of the Kingdom of Poland ) in the years 1910-1914 (240 issues altogether) was restarted. The aim of the article is to elaborate on the didactic and educational value of the issue of nature conservation featured in the magazine in the time between 1919 and 1939. The source basis consists of 309 issues of the mentioned periodical (weekly, monthly, biweekly, and then monthly again), the organ of the Polskie Towarzystwo Krajoznawcze [Polish Coutry-lovers Society]. The criteria of chronology and the addressed issue have been applied in the article. It presents the issue of nature conservation, the activity of Liga Ochrony Przyrody [League for Nature Conservation] within the scope of spreading the idea of nature conservation and active pro-ecological attitude of the Polish society, as well as the issueconcerning the Białowieża Forest and the richness and sights of the regional natural environment (to which much attention was paid also in the “Ziemia” magazine).
W artykule przedstawiono zwięzłe sprawozdanie dotyczące chronologii oraz działalności Międzyrządowej Platformy Polityki Naukowej w sprawie Różnorodności Biologicznej i Usług Ekosystemowych (IPBES). Organizacja ta przywiązuje szczególną wagę do globalnego stanu różnorodności biologicznej, trendów i aktywności politycznej. Artykuł prezentuje uogólniony obraz rozwoju i osiągnięć IPBES w trakcie jego istnienia. Raporty IPBES ze względu na swoje znaczenie są uznawane i aprobowane na całym świecie. Jednak rozpoznawalny sukces IPBES jest niweczony przez sytuację finansową IPBES. W efekcie istnieje stan, która prowadzi ostatecznie do wniosku, że zawsze następuje hamowanie finansowania wspólnego dobra.
The lack of respect for nature resulting from anthropocentric axiology and manifesting itself in the exploitation of natural resources is considered the root cause of the ecological crisis. In this context, on the basis of the author’s ethnographic studies conducted in the area of Słowiński National Park, the author addresses the question of defining what that protection is and how it should be carried out. The author presents the analysis of shaping the local space of identification of the residents of Smołdzino municipality. The strict protection plan has turned out to be destructive in terms of the local infrastructure, social relations, tourism, and it has also proved to be totally inadequate for the protection of virgin land.
vol. 62
issue 4 (375)
NIK has examined whether the State Hunting Guard (Polish: Państwowa Straż Łowiecka) and the State Fishing Guard (Polish: Państwowa Straż Rybacka) in the Dolny Śląsk Region realised their tasks appropriately: whether they ensured protection of game, farming and catching of fish, and combated crimes and offences in the area. The supervision by the regional governor was also evaluated. The audit was conducted in the Dolny Śląsk Regional Office in Wrocław and in the Regional Headquarters of the State Fishing Guard in Wrocław. The audit covered the years 2013–2016.
This article is an analysis of new regulations about protection of green areas and shrubs contained in the Nature Conservatory Act. Amendments to the Act, liberalized regulations for disposal of trees and shrubs, empowering landlords to the removal of trees and bushes without permission. Without any doubts, those green areas are public goods impossible to be multiplied. They are part of the natural heritage, moreover, fulfill various functions – recreation, health, aesthetic, also play a significant role in maintaining biodiversity, creating refuges for a large number of species of plants and animals. The new provisions of the Nature Conservatory Act seem to be ill-conceived from the point of view of the effects that can cause in the human environment.
W artykule analizie poddano nowe przepisy o ochronie terenów zielonych i krzewów, znajdujące się w przepisach ustawy o ochronie przyrody. Nowelizacja ustawy zliberalizowała przepisy dotyczące usuwania drzew i krzewów, uprawniając właścicieli do usuwania drzew i krzewów bez zezwolenia. Bez wątpienia tereny zielone są dobrami publicznymi niemożliwymi do pomnożenia. Są one częścią dziedzictwa naturalnego, ponadto spełniają różne funkcje, takie jak: rekreacyjna, zdrowotna, estetyczna. Odgrywają również istotną rolę w zachowaniu różnorodności biologicznej, tworząc ostoję dla wielu gatunków roślin i zwierząt. Nowe przepisy ustawy o ochronie przyrody wydają się być nieprzemyślane z punktu widzenia skutków, jakie mogą wywołać dla środowiska.
The early-medieval earthwork “Dzięcioły”, of the area of 8 ha, is situated in the Sarnaki forest district (Mazovia Province). The whole object is overgrown by deciduous forest vegetation. Two well-preserved subassociations of oak-hornbeam forest – Tilio-Carpinetum typicum and T.-C. corydaletosum, protected by Nature 2000 Directive, were identified. The flora of the earthwork includes 184 vascular plant species, of which 5 are protected and 6 regionally threatened. Species characteristic of deciduous forests and forest edge communities (63.6%) dominate over meadow (16.3%) and aquatic and rush plants (13.6%). The share of synanthropic species is still very low (6.0%). Due to large archaeological and natural values, spatial protection of the earthwork as a nature reserve, was suggested.
Wczesnośredniowieczne grodzisko „Dziecioły”, o powierzchni ok. 8 ha, położone jestw nadleśnictwie Sarnaki (województwo mazowieckie). Cały obiekt porośnięty jest lasem liściastym.Na terenie tym zidentyfikowano dwa dobrze zachowane podzespoły grądowe: Tilio-Carpinetumtypicum i T.-C. corydaletosum, chronione w ramach programu Natura 2000. Flora grodziska obejmuje 184 gatunki naczyniowe, w tym 5 gatunków chronionych i 6 zagrożonych regionalnie. Gatunki typowe dla lasów liściastych i ich okrajków (63,6%) przeważają nad roślinami łąkowymi (16,3%) oraz wodnymi i szuwarowymi (13,6%). Udział gatunków synantropijych jest nadal bardzo niski (6,0%). Ze względu na wysokie walory archeologiczne i przyrodnicze zaproponowano ochronęgrodziska w formie rezerwatu przyrody.
The aim of the article is to analyze the concept of a natural monument as a category that may be useful in non-anthropocentric humanities. A theory of nature conservation based on this concept is discussed as an approach that undermines the culture – nature dichotomy by claiming that a “culture of nature” should be developed. The idea of a natural monument makes it also possible to offer an interpretation of the natural environment that may withstand standard views of nature as an economic resource, tourist attraction or a sphere which humans should not interfere with. The ideas of certain Polish pioneers of ecology are also shortly discussed.
Wielkie Jeziora Mazurskie (WJM) to umownie przyjęta nazwa określająca obszar o niespotykanych walorach przyrodniczych, rozpoznawalny w przestrzeni Polski przede wszystkim ze względu na walory turystyczne. Obszar ten obejmuje 12 gmin i rozciąga się od małego jeziora Brzozolasek w pobliżu miasta Pisz, dalej przez miasta Mikołajki i Giżycko, aż do Węgorzewa na północnym brzegu jeziora Mamry. Znaczna część obszaru badań objęta jest prawnymi formami ochrony przyrody, co z punktu widzenia formułowania podstawowych celów polityki przestrzennej na poziomie lokalnym (gminnym) ma decydujące znaczenie. Prawne formy ochrony przyrody, często nakładające się na siebie, w istotny sposób ograniczają możliwość lokalizacji inwestycji w gminach położonych nad jeziorami mazurskimi. Nawet przedsięwzięcia z zakresu turystyki, które ze względu na potencjał obszaru, powinny być traktowane jako priorytetowe w polityce przestrzennej, są w znacznym stopniu ograniczone ze względu na nadrzędność celów ochrony przyrody. Dysponując bogatym materiałem badawczym, powstałym w trakcie prac na studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego gminy Mikołajki, podjęto próbę krytycznej oceny, z punktu widzenia możliwości rozwoju społeczności lokalnych, wpływu uwarunkowań przyrodniczych na formułowaną przez samorząd lokalny politykę przestrzenną. Przedstawiono próbę odpowiedzi na podstawowe pytanie: czy przy tak znacznych ograniczeniach (przyrodniczych) możliwe jest zarządzanie przestrzenią gminy bez wchodzenia w konflikt z celami ochrony przyrody oraz czy z punktu widzenia celów rozwojowych społeczności lokalnych ochrona przyrody jest czynnikiem wspierającym, czy hamującym rozwój.
The Masurian Lake District is a popular general term referring to an area characterized by a unique nature beauty associated with the existence of many lakes. It is a popular tourist area in Poland. The above mentioned area includes 12 local community districts (communes) and stretches from the small Brzozolasek Lake near the city of Pisz, through the cities of Mikołajki and Giżycko to Węgorzewo on the northern coast of the Mamry Lake. Substantial parts of this area are under legal forms of protection and conservation. This is of major importance to from the point of view of formulating basic aims of spatial policy at the local (commune) level. The legal forms of nature conservation, which overlap each other , very often considerably limit the investment possibilities in the cities located in the Masurian Lake District. Even undertakings involved in tourism, which because of the potential of the area should be treated as priority undertakings in spatial policy, find themselves substantially constrained by the primacy given to the aims of nature conservation. The collection of rich research material gathered during the author’s study of the conditions and directions of spatial management for Mikołajki commune enabled him to make a critical assessment with respect to the possibilities offered to local communities for their development, and the impact of natural conditions and accompanying obligations on the formulation of spatial policy at the local self-government level. This article presents an attempt to answer the following two questions: Is it possible to develop an effective spatial policy in a commune located in an area which is under substantial legal obligations to preserve and protect natural spaces located therein, without clashing with aims of the nature conservation?; Is nature conservation a factor which supports or inhibits development from the point of view of the developmental aims of a local society?
W artykule opisano historię pojęcia zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz rangę konstytucyjną tej idei. Na przykładzie kopalnych nośników oraz alternatywnych źródeł energii elektrycznej przedstawiono światowy problem środowiskowy XXI w. Podkreślono rolę odtwarzania i wzbogacania zasobów przyrody oraz zachowania spuścizny przyrodniczej i kulturowej w realizacji zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju.
The article describes the history of the notion of sustainable development and the constitutional status of this idea. On the example of fossil fuels and alternative sources of energy, a global environmental problem of the twenty-first century were presented. The role of reproducing and beneficiation of natural resources and the role of preservation of natural and cultural heritage in the implementation of the principles of sustainable development were accentuated.
Invasive alien species are a threat to biodiversity and food security, health and economic development. These species are causing enormous damage to biodiversity and the valuable natural agricultural systems upon which we depend. Globalisation, trade, travel, and transport of goods across borders they have facilitated the spread of invasive alien species. The spread of invasive alien species is now recognised as one of the greatest threats to the ecological and economic well being of the planet. The aim of the article is to analyze and attempt to assess the legal regulation relating protection native species against alien invasive species and alien species.
The baroque avenue is a linear, artificially created formation and one of the main supporting elements of composed baroque landscape. As an accessory aesthetic element of communications, baroque avenues had to be made of trees of the same age, species, treetop shape, and in regular distances, so that symmetry, periodicity, and homogeneity is applied. The current opinions about the renovation of such avenues differ according to the attitudes of various professions: environmentalists want to let them decay, preservationists wish to authentically renew them, while roads constructors want to remove them. If some renewal is done, it is mostly a compromise solution of replanting the dead trees. Is such approach corresponding to correct maintenance of historic cultural landscape?
Barokní aleje jsou přímočaré liniové, uměle vytvořené útvary a jeden z hlavních nosných prvků komponované barokní krajiny. Jako doprovodný estetický prvek komunikací musely být ze stromů stejného stáří, stejného druhu, stejné koruny a jednotné v pravidelných odstupech, aby byla uplatněna symetrie, periodicita a homogenita. V současné době se názory na obnovu těchto alejí různí na základě přístupu jednotlivých odborných profesí. Ekologové a ochránci přírody je chtějí ponechat svému rozpadu, památkáři autenticky obnovit a silničáři odstranit – a pokud k obnově přece jen dojde, tak především dosadbou za odumřelé stromy, která je kompromisním řešením. Je tento přístup odpovídající pro zachování historické kulturní krajiny?
The purpose of this article is to conduct a critical discourse analysis (CDA). Two weeklies Newsweek Polska and Tygodnik Powszechny have been selected for the analysis. The focus was placed on texts on nature conservation and environmental protection, published in 2015 and 2016. The CDA is both a theory as well as a method of study. In the first part of article the concepts: nature conversation and environmental protection are defined and characterised using the CDA. In the second part a quantitative and qualitative analysis of discourse is performed. The results of the analysis indicate that Newsweek has published more articles on nature conservation and they promoted more broadly nature friendly attitudes in comparison with the texts published in Tygodnik Powszechny. In addition, in Newsweek there were proportionally more topics which analysed the issue from a global perspective. When it comes to motives, economic and moral arguments were presented in similar proportions in both weeklies.
W niniejszym artykule przeprowadzona została krytyczna analiza dyskursu prasowego (KDA). W celu realizacji badań wybrane zostały dwa tygodniki: liberalno-lewicowy – Newsweek Polska (N) i liberalno-katolicki – Tygodnik Powszechny (TP). Analizie jakościowej i ilościowej poddane zostały artykuły na temat ochrony przyrody i środowiska, jakie ukazały się we wspomnianych czasopismach w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat. Podstawową metodą badawczą wykorzystaną w badaniach była wspomniana KAD, a dokładnie – wybrane wątki wchodzące w jej skład. W jej wyniku weryfikacji poddane zostały hipotezy badawcze zakładające: że w dyskursie N częściej prezentowano kwestie ochrony przyrody; że kreowano w nim bardziej przyjazny stosunek do niej, niż w TP, a także, że w dyskursie N przeważała perspektywa globalna oraz wymiar moralny, natomiast w TP – aspekt lokalny i czynniki ekonomiczne. Wyniki badań wskazują, że w celu poprawy kondycji przyrody i środowiska potrzebne jest szersze propagowanie poprzez dyskurs prasowy , postaw proekologicznych.
Artykuł przedstawia dwie idee związane z ochroną przyrody sformułowane przez galicyjskich (polskich) przyrodników. Są to: pochodzący z początku XX stulecia pierwszy na ziemiach polskich program ochrony natury M. Raciborskiego oraz, powstały nieco później, oparty na aksjologicznych podstawach, oryginalny manifest ekologiczny J.G. Pawlikowskiego. Koncepcje te, w chwili powstania, miały charakter zdecydowanie nowatorski, i to nie tylko w skali myśli polskiej. Do dnia dzisiejszego nie straciły one na znaczeniu. Stanowią trwały fundament współczesnej refleksji nad znaczeniem środowiska naturalnego dla ludzkiej egzystencji.
This article presents two ideas related to nature conservation formulated by Galician (Polish) naturalists, namely M. Raciborski’s programme for the protection of nature, the first in the Polish lands, dating from the beginning of the 20th century, and J.G. Pawlikowski’s original ecological manifesto, developed slightly later, based on axiological foundations. These concepts, at the time of their creation, were extremely innovative, not only in the context of Polish thought. They have not lost their significance to this day. They constitute a solid foundation for contemporary reflection on the significance of the natural environment for human existence.
The Natura 2000 network includes two types of areas: Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for birds (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for species other than birds, and for habitats. The main objective of the functioning of the Natura 2000 is to preserve certain types of natural habitats and species of plants and animals that are considered as a valuable and endangered species across Europe. In Poland, the Natura 2000 network, which is still developing, covers nearly one fifth of the land area. It consists of 845 areas very important to the European Union (areas of “habitat” – future special areas of conservation of habitats) and 145 special protection areas for birds. For each Natura 2000 area a panel of independent experts develop Standard Data Form (SDF), which contains the most important information about the location and size of the area, occurring types of natural habitats and species, their abundance or representative in the country and the natural values and threats. An integral part of the form is a digital map of the area (as a vector and raster). SDF and the borders of areas are often updated. The authors conducted a detailed assessment of the value Polish Protected areas Natura 2000 from the base, dated April 2012 (data for 961 areas). Two criteria were takeninto consideration : 1) the population of the species in a given area, and 2) the representativeness of habitats. The first evaluate typicality of habitat for describing patterns of natural or semi-natural conditions in which habitat and their characteristic flora and fauna is developing, the second – the size of the population in a given area compared to the national population (the larger the share, the greater the need to designate the area protected). From 325 species 19 left as a priority species within14 areas and from 80 habitats there were 16 priority habitats within 282 areas – the results meet the objectives of the adopted procedure.
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