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On 11 February 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced, quite unexpectedly, that he decided to vacate the Holy See after his eight-year-papacy. The Pope’s decision soon became a fact, evoking manifold reactions within the Church and inspiring theological and canonical reflection. Numerous questions has been raised about the sense of the Pope’s resignation and its repercussions. In fact, a phenomenon of such importance and its tremendous overtone have to become a subject of an analysis directed at the present Church and the future as well. Therefore, we ask, at this point, about certain theological aspects of the resignation of the Pope from the office and about its consequences. We recognize the Pope’s decision to be legitimate and decent – the matter is indisputable. However, a question may be raised, namely, whether accepting this fact is enough for correct interpretation of this event and for speculation whether in future the Pope’s deed should become a standard. Is it right to introduce “an institution” of pope emeritus in the Church. We agree with cardinal Walter Brandmüller, who stated that: “The resignation of the pope is possible, and it has been done. But it is to be hoped that it may never happen again”.
Until the early 13th century, collections of canon law were issued by private individuals. In 1210, Pope Innocent III promulgated a collection of canon law for the first time in the history of the Church, sending it with a bull to the University of Bologna. In 1226, Pope Honorius III promulgated a collection of his own decretals together with the constitution of Emperor Frederick II by sending them with a bull to the University of Bologna. Similar steps were taken by Pope Gregory IX in 1234, Pope Boniface VIII in 1298, and Pope John XXII in 1317. Pope Benedict XIV sent a collection of his constitutions with a promulgation bull to the University of Bologna in 1744. In 1917 Pope Benedict XV promulgated Codex Iuris Canonici with an apostolic constitution. Pope John Paul II also promulgated both the Code of Canon Law with an apostolic constitution in 1983 and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches with an apostolic constitution in 1990. It is the legislator’s obligation within the the process of implementing new laws to publicly announce the collection of law, so that its addressees can become acquainted with the norms of law included in it, and so that these norms can become the applicable law.
Do początków XIII w. zbiory prawa kanonicznego były gromadzone przez osoby prywatne. W 1210 r. papież Innocenty III dokonał pierwszej w dziejach Kościoła promulgacji zbioru prawa kanonicznego, przesyłając go wraz z bullą do uniwersytetu w Bolonii. W 1226 r. zbiór własnych dekretałów z dołączoną do niego konstytucją cesarza Fryderyka II promulgował papież Honoriusz III, przesyłając go wraz z bullą do uniwersytetu w Bolonii. Tak też uczynili: w 1234 r. papież Grzegorz IX, Bonifacy VIII w 1298 r. i Jan XXII w 1317 r. Papież Benedykt XIV w 1744 r. przesłał zbiór swoich konstytucji wraz z bullą promulgacyjną do uniwersytetu w Bolonii. W 1917 r. papież Benedykt XV promulgował Konstytucją apostolską Codex Iuris Canonici. Również Jan Paweł II promulgował konstytucją apostolską Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego w 1983 r. Papież ten promulgował konstytucją apostolską Kodeks Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich w 1990 r. Do przebiegu procesu wprowadzenia prawa w życie należy obowiązek ustawodawcy publicznego ogłoszenia zbioru prawa, aby adresaci mogli zapoznać się z normami prawa w zbiorze zawartymi i by mogły one stać się obowiązującym prawem.
vol. 67
issue 9
Pytanie o miejsce i rolę papieża w Kościele katolickim bardzo wyraźnie pojawia się w myśli teologicznej kard. G.L. Müllera (ur. 1947). Niemiecki hierarcha, podejmując refleksję nad tym zagadnieniem, czyni to w sposób uporządkowany i systematyczny, łącząc wątki dogmatyczne ze spojrzeniem fundamentalnoteologicznym. Papiestwo, zdaniem G.L. Müllera, jest faktem historycznym, który posiada swoje źródło w tajemnicy Objawienia. Podejmując refleksję nad tym zagadnieniem, obecnym w myśli teologa, autor odwołuje się do jego kluczowych tekstów, przede wszystkim do pracy Der Papst. Sendung und Auftrag opublikowanej w roku 2017, a także do wypowiedzi zawartych w tomie rozmów, jakie z kardynałem przeprowadził red. Paweł Lisicki. W prezentowanym artykule autor ukazuje najpierw interpretację klasycznych tekstów prymacjalnych, proponowaną przez kard. Müllera. Następnie omawia najwcześniejsze świadectwa Tradycji, do których odwołuje się niemiecki teolog. W końcu zwraca uwagę na misję, jaka wypływa z papieskiego urzędu. W zakończeniu wyciąga wnioski w perspektywie eklezjologii fundamentalnej.
vol. 67
issue 9
The infallibility of the Bishop of Rome has never been universally accepted in the Church. Controversies were present during the council debate after the solemn 1870 declaration but, even today, not all doubts have been clarified. They arose from the ecclesiological reflection within the Church, but were also a consequence of the ecumenical dialogue with other Christian communities. The aim of this paper is to present the ecclesial issues that arose soon after Vatican Council I, which led to the schism and to the emergence of the Old Catholic Church, and a similar situation after Vatican Council II, exemplified by the case of H. Küng. There is a significant theological issue of the relation between Church infallibility in the transmission of the saving truth and the papal infallibility in this regard. A key question arises from it: is the Bishop of Rome independent of the Church while announcing the truth with the official stamp of infallibility, or is he just expressing the truth developed within the community of faith? The present reflection and the answer to these questions places the papal subjectivity within the broad spectrum of the Church, anchoring his office in the dimension of the collegium of bishops and of the whole community of believers, who have a supernatural sense of faith. By this train of thought, it is possible to abandon understanding infallibility as a tragedy and to see it as a gift and charisma of the Holy Spirit.
Artykuł przedstawia problem nieomylności papieskiej w debacie eklezjologicznej wewnątrz Kościoła katolickiego oraz w kontekście dialogu ekumenicznego, prowadzonego z innymi wyznaniami chrześcijańskimi. Punktem wyjścia jest wyjaśnienie tego pojęcia oraz główne zagadnienia zawarte w dogmacie o nieomylności Biskupa Rzymu, ogłoszonym na Soborze Watykańskim I. Istota kontrowersji, które pojawiły się już w trakcie obrad Vaticanum I oraz po jego zakończeniu, polegała na ukazaniu relacji nieomylności Kościoła i nieomylności samego papieża: czy następca Piotra jest niezależny w definiowaniu prawd wiary. Brak konsensusu doprowadził do schizmy i powstania Kościoła starokatolickiego i ekskomuniki wielu teologów. Współcześnie nieomylność papieska jako problem eklezjologiczny obecna jest w dialogu ekumenicznym, w którym poszukiwana jest nowa jej formuła.
The article presents the 4th pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to Poland as a visit of a head of state – the Holy See – to Poland, with respect to the pope’s Eastern-European policy: towards the collapsing USSR, Ukraine and the Ukrainians and Polish-Ukrainian relations. The analysis takes accout of Ukrainian threads of the pope’s visit in the context of his earlier Ukraine and the Ukrainians policy. The subject of reborn Polish state’s eastern policy was, in the pope’s point of view, a part of comprehensive Polish vision of policy in the European context. Sermons from Przemyśl, Lubaczów, Łomża and Białystok, as well as from Kraków inAugust, during two parts of the pope’s 1991 visit, were a chain of statements regarding relationships of Poland and the Poles with their eastern neighbours and the role of Poland in the international arena in the context of the unification of Europe – this is how one should perceive the issue of Ukraine in John Paul II’s visit schedule. The strongest political accent was the conflict concerning the Carmel of Przemyśl. It was not only a demonstrative refusal of obedience to the pope, shown by a group of catholics, but also an attack on his policy towards the USSR and the region of former Soviet domination.
Polityka Jana Pawła II wobec Ukrainy wciąż nie doczekała się całościowego opracowania, mimo że kwestia ta w oczywisty sposób stanowiła jeden z istotnych elementów strategii politycznej papieża wobec Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Sowieckich (ZSRS). Był to z pewnością potencjalnie ważny sygnał polityki Stolicy Apostolskiej wobec Polski w okresie transformacji z punktu widzenia badań nad procesem współdziałania Stolicy Apostolskiej i Stanów Zjednoczonych w walce z ZSRS w latach osiemdziesiątych, a także wcześniej. Podobnie zresztą nie doczekała się opracowania polityka Jana Pawła II wobec Polski w okresie transformacji, już po przełomie lat 1989–1991, a przecież IV pielgrzymka bez wątpienia stanowiła jej kluczowe ogniwo.
The aim of the article is to present Pope Francis’s official messages on non-negotiable values which were delivered on the yearly World Day of Migrants and Refugees and how they were presented in a portal wpolityce.pl. The analysis covers Pope’s messages in 2014–2018 and the texts which were published in a popular internet portal wpolityce.pl. The author assessed consistency of the Pope’s message with a media discourse in the context of the following non-negotiable values: a right to live, respect for a family based on the foundation of man and woman, right for parents to bring up their children.
Urban VI był bezkompromisowym papieżem. Doprowadziło to go do skrajnej niepopularności w samym Rzymie. Również jeden z polskich duchownych począł znieważać papieża, że aż został za to aresztowany. W historiografii polskiej owa sprawa nie doczekała się może sporej literatury, ale za to widać doskonale na niej kolejne „warstwy historiografii”, które przez lata rodziła się w umysłach uczonych. W niniejszym szkicu chciałbym odróżnić fakty źródłowe od historiografii, porównując dokument mówiący o tym zdarzenia z dziełami historyków
Urban VI was one of the most adamant popes, which caused his unpopularity in Rome. Polish historiography mentions a Polish priest who was arrested for insulting Urban. Through this case, despite its awakening little interest, the subsequent layers of Polish historiography can be detected, showing the historians’ opinion. In this paper, I would like to focus on distinguishing facts from historiography and comparing primary and secondary sources.
Newman’s way to conversion was made possible by his overcoming of his youthful convictions adopted from Protestant theologians (Luther, Cranmer, Bale, Fox, Sandys, Warburton, Isaac, and Thomas Newton), that the office of the pope was related to the case of the Antichrist. Their accusation is summed up in the statement that the pope, by enacting and enforcing ecclesiastical laws, has obscured the true primary meaning of God’s commandments and has thus established himself in the place of God, making himself the master of Catholic consciences. Newman’s idea of the Antichrist evolved from associating him with the place and the office of the pope to recognizing only his hallmarks as significant: open infidelity, ungodlieness, arrogance, worldly spirit, and false liberalism. At the same time, he took a futuristic position, not excluding the view that the “secret of godlessness” is already at work, and the Antichrist has his precursors, types, images and shadows. He overcame the mental flaw that identified the pope with the Antichrist through in-depth studies of the history of the Church, a change withwhich was signaled in A Letter to the Rev. Godfrey Faussett (1838), matured in an apology of the papacy in The Protestant Idea of Antichrist (1840) and led to the recognition of the pope as the true Vicar of Christ and Sacramentum Unitatis and the revocation of anti-Roman views in 1843, and again in 1845. Newman understood that the primacy of the pope is part of an evolving Catholic doctrine, and the pope has become the goal of prosecution because of his close resemblance to Christ, whom Satan is trying to imitate.
Apostolic Letter motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus by Holy Father Francis which reforms the canons of the Canon Law concerning nullity of marriage process was issued on 8 September 2015. Its aim is to provide proper justice in the Church and it meets the need of simplifying the marriage nullity process, while giving protection of the unity of faith and of marriage discipline. This article is an attempt to present basic presumptions and novelties of the process reform which was introduced by Francis.
Sposób obecności Kościoła i dobrej nowiny w świecie masmediów, Internetu i serwisach społecznościowych jest jedną z najbardziej aktualnych kwestii stojących przed głosicielami Chrystusa czasów współczesnych. Treść papieskich orędzi na temat mediów stanowi punkt wyjścia dla niniejszego artykułu. W dalszej części ukazane są szanse i zagrożenia związane z obecnością chrześcijańskich autorów i ich przekazu Ewangelii w przestrzeni wirtualnej. Bezsporną pozostaje sama konieczność uczestnictwa ludzi Kościoła w mediach i Internecie, gdyż miejsca te stanowią współczesne areopagi, w których tak jak w czasach apostolskich, głos wyznawców Chrystusa musi być słyszalny. W podsumowaniu artykułu autor, jako uczestnik serwisów społecznościowych, dzieli się własnymi doświadczeniami kilkuletniej aktywności w internetowej komunikacji Dobrej Nowiny.
The way the church and the good news should be present in the domain of the mass media, the Internet and online social networking services is one of the most important challenges for the followers of Christ in our days. This article is based on the content of papal addresses on the subject of mediums. Even though the presence of the bearers of the gospel message on the net brings with opportunities certain dangers, it is without doubt that it is a necessity of the contemporary times to take part in the buzzing world of the mass media and the virtual community. These spaces could be well paralleled with the ancient areopagus where just like in the apostolic times the voice of the followers of Christ must be heard. In the article the authors shares some of his own experience in spreading the Good News in using the social networking services.
Eucharist, as the most important sacrament of the unity of the Church (sacramentum unitatis) is celebrated in unity with Christ, who governs his Church through the Pope and the bishops. The person and the office of the Pope constitute, in that perspective, the visible foundation of unity of faith and prayer, therefore the Bishop of Rome, “since he has the ministry of Peter in the Church, is associated with every celebration of the Eucharist, wherein he is named as the sign and servant of the unity of the universal Church” (CCC 1369).The commemoration of the Pope in the context of the Eucharistic celebration is included in the Mass Order pro Papa and is a constant element of the intercessiones of the Eucharist Prayers of the Missale Romanum of Paul VI and has its legitimate place in the prayer of the faithful. In this way, the participants in the Mass liturgy express the unity of faith and prayer in the community of the pilgrim Church, where cum Petro et sub Petro they desire to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, promised by Christ.
Eucharystia jako najważniejszy sakrament jedności Kościoła (sacramentum unitatis) jest celebrowana w łączności z Chrystusem, który rządzi swoim Kościołem przez papieża i biskupów. Osoba i urząd papieża stanowi w tym względzie widzialny fundament jedności wiary i modlitwy, dlatego też biskup Rzymu „pełniący w Kościele posługę Piotra, jest zjednoczony z każdą celebracją Eucharystii i wymieniany w niej jako znak i sługa jedności Kościoła powszechnego” (KKK 1369).Modlitewna komemoracja osoby papieża w kontekście celebracji eucharystycznej obejmuje formularz mszalny pro Papa, jest stałym elementem intercessiones Modlitw eucharystycznych Missale Romanum Pawła VI oraz ma swoje uzasadnione miejsce podczas modlitwy powszechnej. W ten sposób uczestnicy liturgii mszalnej podkreślają jedność wiary i modlitwy we wspólnocie Kościoła pielgrzymującego, gdzie cum Petro et sub Petro pragną otrzymać obiecane przez Chrystusa królestwo nieba.
World Youth Day that will take place in Krakow in 2016 offers all of us challenges and opportunities. Opportunities for a spiritual awakening of the Church in Poland and a pastoral challenge that should unify everyone: bishops, priests, catechists, parishes, evangelicaland prayer communities throughout Poland and the world, and of course, young people. The World Youth Day is not a simple event, but rather an action of authentic and living faith. It began in 1984 by Saint Pope John Paul II when he presented to young peoplea challenge: a pilgrimage across cities and continents. And in joining that pilgrimage, young people, not only change themselves, but also contribute to a spiritual renewal in their local churches throughout the world. The core message of spiritual preparation for the WYDin Poland is the Beatitudes – the Eight Blessings – that Pope Francis proposed for us to reflect upon. The World Youth Day in 2016, and the preceding period of preparation, will be a huge spiritual retreat for all Poland. The expected fruit of this international encounter will be a new dynamism for Evangelisation.
Światowe Dni Młodzieży, które odbędą się w 2016 roku w Krakowie są nie tylko wyzwaniem logistycznym, ale przede wszystkim szansą na duchowe przebudzenie Kościoła w Polsce i wyzwaniem duszpasterskim, które powinno zjednoczyć wszystkich: biskupów, księży, katechetów, wspólnoty parafialne i młodzieżowe, ewangelizacyjne i modlitewne w całej Polsce. Światowe Dni Młodzieży nie są bowiem zwykłym wydarzeniem, ale drogą, którą zapoczątkował w 1984 roku święty papież Jan Paweł II i zaproponował młodym jako pielgrzymkę przez miasta i kontynenty. Włączając się w nią, młodzi ludzie nie tylko siebie przemieniają, ale przez żywe i autentyczne świadectwo wiary przyczyniać się do przemiany Kościołów lokalnych, które stają się jej etapami. Programem duchowych przygotowań do ŚDM stają się dla Kościoła w Polsce Błogosławieństwa, zaproponowane do rozważenia przez papieża Franciszka. Światowe Dni Młodzieży w 2016 i okres przygotowań do tego wydarzenia to wielkie rekolekcje dla całej Polski. Oczekiwanym owocem międzynarodowego spotkania młodych w Polsce jest nowy dynamizm ewangelizacyjny.
The author begins with a question: who was John Paul II? First he makes a review of various terms used to describe the Pope-Pole. They are found in his many biographies, studies, albums, learned journals, press publications, radio and television broadcasts, and characterisation delivered at learned symposiums in Poland. The author closes this review with a statement that the personality and activity of John Paul II transcends the unambiguous terms used by contemporary journalists, politicians, biographers, and historians. He cannot be enclosed in one field of meaning, or even reduced to several terms. John Paul II spoke on the formation of teachers and educators, the necessity to prepare them for their job from many points of view and to equip them with educational and didactic skills. He spoke about the serious and subtle question of their vocation and even their apostleship, the necessity to fulfil essential tasks and the need to co-operate with their pupils' parents. These sentences, often quoted in the press, suffice to define the Pope as a good pedagogue, educator, and teacher both in theory and practice. Starting from the personalistic vision of man, supplemented by the axiological, normative, social and cultural, and religious approaches, John Paul II arrives the overall vision of Christian pedagogy. According to him, education is a continual process that encompasses the formation of personality and serves to build the civilisation of life, truth, and love. That process leads to a full mental development and to engagement in everyday matters. It takes places in various milieus: in the family, social groups, the nation, the state, and the Church. The figure of John Paul II can be seen here as: a teacher, theorist of education, visionary who shows the Church's stance on education, a pedagogue well-aware of the didactic methods and means by which to reach the listener, an author of the educational programme for a definite group of people, for families, and the whole nations. In his addresses, John Paul II presented many accurate social and pedagogical diagnoses. This his figure appears to be a foreseeing pedagogue, caring educator, lover of people, the one who sees their errors and weaknesses, but at the same time encourages them to positive actions, to demand of themselves, and to reach the long-term goals. The exceptional character of his life consists not only in the diverse form of his teaching. He also set on apostolic journeys and was an exemplary figure when he showed us how to suffer illnesses, and how he coped with the assault on his life. Journalists and biographers admired him for his words about God, man, societies, history, and the contemporary times. He regularly met with the suffering and the sick, talked with them, consoled brought, and administered the Holy Communion to them. Following the Pope's order, a “Gift of Mary” hostel for the poor was built in the Vatican. The Pope showed pedagogical and educational values. His addresses on pedagogical and social issues often encouraged people to action and released creative opportunities. He did not only appeal, instruct, and summon, but also provided funds for those societies who had suffered disasters, for the poor in Latin America, for the countries in Sahara struggling against drought. The teaching of John Paul II was the key element of his pontificate and an important chain in governing the Church. While responding to the questions whether John Paul II's teaching was accepted, the author points to various manifestations of how people approved of his pedagogy. These are, among other things, letters written to him, gratitude for counsels and guidelines, many books and albums with dedications, precious arts of work, artistic and useful products, liturgical garments and vessels, medals and numismatists. A large part of them is stored in Rome, in the Centre of the Documentation of John Paul II's Pontificate at via Cassia 1200, in the Vatican Museum and Library, and in other museum collections. All these gifts may be treated as a token of social approval and acceptance of his teaching, recognition of his views, attitude, or addresses. They were also given to show gratitude that he had visited a particular place in his Homeland, or hosted a delegation during the audiences. John Paul II influenced the masses of people and small groups, families, and the lonely. He encouraged them to creativity, to various activities, to show mutual help, and to kindness. Thereby he encouraged people to seek a more satisfactory model of life, in which activity, creativity, and solidarity would be basic elements.
Holy pope John Paul II in 1985 initiated the World Youth Days, celebrated every year in the local Church (parishes and communities) or in different big cities e.g. Rome, Buenos Aires, Czestochowa, Denver, Paris etc. His successor – pope Benedict XVI wrote about these meetings, that they were “prophetic initiative which brought rich fruits” and allow young people to deepen their faith. Among main topics – although not expressis verbis – is sacrament of baptism as a base of Christian faith and the source of their apostleship. On that teaching of the popes we can build the entire spirituality of baptism.
W 1985 r. Ojciec święty Jan Paweł II zainicjował Światowe Dni Młodzieży, świętowane następnie co roku w Kościele lokalnym (parafie i wspólnoty) lub w różnych wielkich miastach (Rzym, Buenos Aires, Częstochowa, Denver, Paryż itd.) Jego następca, papież Benedykt XVI napisał o tych spotkaniach, że były one „proroczą inicjatywą, która przyniosła obfite owoce” i pozwoliły młodym ludziom pogłębić wiarę. Wśród wielu tematów podjętych podczas owych Dni jest – choć nie expressis verbis – obecny temat sakramentu chrztu jako podstawy wiary chrześcijańskiej i źródło posłannictwa apostolskiego. Na tym nauczaniu można budować całą duchowość chrztu.
This article presents the state of research on papal coronations and is an introduction to the publishing of official publications prepared for participants in the coronations of Popes John XXIII (1958) and Paul VI (1963) by the Congregation of Ceremonies (Latin: ordo, Italian: libretto della celebrazione).
Artykuł prezentuje stan badań nad papieskimi koronacjami i jest wprowadzeniem do wydania oficjalnych publikacji przygotowanych dla uczestników koronacji Jana XXIII (1958) i Pawła VI (1963) przez Kongregację Ceremoniału (łac. ordo, wł. libretto della celebrazione).
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Geneza i historia fermentum

Since the priests who serve the titles cannot be with the Pope at his solemn Sunday mass, he sends to each of them a particle of the bread which he has just consecrated, and this particle is called fermentum. It is carried by acolytes in linen bags to the churches inside the city, and when the celebrant receives it he places it in the chalice. This unites his mass with that of the pope. Introduction of this custom is attributed by Liber Pontificalis (VI century) to Miltiades (311–314) and to Siricius (384–399). Such fermentum disappeared in the VII century, surviving only in the case of a stational mass celebrated in the absence of a pope by a priest or bishop, and for the mass celebrated by priests in their own churches on Holy Saturday. The custom of such fermentum lasted in Rome to the VIII or IX century. At this time appeared a new custom – sancta. It was the fragment reserved from the Eucharist consecrated at the last mass in that church, and brought to the altar at the introit (or offertory) to symbolize the perpetual identity of the sacrifice offered in the Eucharist, was placed in the chalice to partake. The longest, to the XIII or XIV century, fermentum survived in the holy orders bishops, priests and consecrated maids.
Since the priests who serve the titles cannot be with the Pope at his solemn Sunday mass, he sends to each of them a particle of the bread which he has just consecrated, and this particle is called fermentum. It is carried by acolytes in linen bags to the churches inside the city, and when the celebrant receives it he places it in the chalice. This unites his mass with that of the pope. Introduction of this custom is attributed by Liber Pontificalis (VI century) to Miltiades (311–314) and to Siricius (384–399). Such fermentum disappeared in the VII century, surviving only in the case of a stational mass celebrated in the absence of a pope by a priest or bishop, and for the mass celebrated by priests in their own churches on Holy Saturday. The custom of such fermentum lasted in Rome to the VIII or IX century. At this time appeared a new custom – sancta. It was the fragment reserved from the Eucharist consecrated at the last mass in that church, and brought to the altar at the introit (or offertory) to symbolize the perpetual identity of the sacrifice offered in the Eucharist, was placed in the chalice to partake. The longest, to the XIII or XIV century, fermentum survived in the holy orders bishops, priests and consecrated maids.
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