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This article describes the usage and occurrence of metaphorical phraseologisms and their functions in non-scientific medical articles. According to Harald Weinrich’s theory [1976] and cognitive theory of metaphors by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson [1980], metaphorical phraseologisms, as well as single metaphors can be associated with subordinate concepts. Due to high complicity of metaphors described in this article they appear in the form of constellations and have been arranged according to such concepts as: MEDICINE IS A GAME, ILLNESS IS AN ENEMY AND THERAPY IS A STRUGGLE and also SICKNESS AND LEADING TO SICKNESS IS A CRIME.
This article offers a further contribution to the studies already published concerned with the specialty of gender linguistics. The focus of attention is dedicated this time to phraseologism. The starting point for the investigation is the turns of phrases taken from the Hessky/ Ettinger collection of idioms 1997) which altogether encompasses 1400 phraseological units. The article attempts to determine to what extent German phraseological usage is “gender-specific”. Similarities, parallels and differences between the male and female phraseological units expressed are revealed and explained. The various turns of phrases in the main reflect the traditional gender differences and indicate that idioms follow the relatively conservative tradition of representing the male and female / men and women.
The article analyses the sources of phraseological units occurring in the media and in journalistic texts of contemporary Polish language. The first part of the article contains a few remarks on two types of new noun phrases, e.g. Europa dwu prędkości (two-/multi-speed Europe), mowa nienawiści (hate speech), dane wrażliwe (sensitive data). The second part indicates the main problems related to the linguistic description of phraseology in journalism: the phraseologism – term relation and the difficulties in identifying the sources of phraseological units (the type of loanword).
Russian and Ukrainian political media discourse, despite complex relations between countries, is a part of single information space. As a result, phraseological innovations arising from one of its segments quickly become the property of another. Borrowing a certain neophraseme is possible due to the relevance of the denotations for the political and socio-cultural situation of the country, whose language is borrowed from. Functioning of a phraseological unit in a new environment (in a different segment of media discourse) is subject to certain regularities relating to both form (phrasemes can be translated or transliterated), and the semantics of phraseological unit. There are three possible alternatives: the neophraseme can preserve both the form and the meaning; it can keep the form, but change the meaning; or it can change the form, but keep the meaning. The choice of an alternative is determined by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors.
In the contemporary linguistic research, the colour system occupies a special position. Today’s culture space is supersaturated with colours, which are important semiotic components of human functioning and their relationships with other people. This paper attempts to describe colour semiotics from the point of view of the human’s development period. The author tries to find an answer to the question whether colours can also determine the age frame of a person. First, the relationship between colours and time is analysed. The suggested description of the stages of life through the colour spectrum shall allow answering the question how the respective stages of human life are determined by the colours assigned to them by the culture.
The goal of this article is to analyse which idiomatic phraseologisms of the conceptual domain ‘game’ in the contemporary German standard language can be considered as ‘Austriacisms’ and how they are marked in a diatopic sense. First, the paper provides an overview of research on Austrian phraseology. Then, the term ‘Austrian phraseologism’ is defined. Finally, the paper discusses research on diatopic markers of Austrian phraseologisms. The article also explores a pluricentric approach to the game-phraseologisms present in the contemporary German standard language from the point of view of Austrian standard variety of German. It also shows how these phraseologisms can be analysed in the context of the concept of German as a pluricentric language.
This article focuses on the issue of drug nominations above the word level. It assumed that every jargon expression composed of two or more elements is a phraseologism. The analysis encompasses 274 phraseological expressions excerpted from the most recent lexicogra- phic sources. Among the analyzed drug nominations there were observed all kinds of expressions divided according to semantic as well as formal criteria. Moreover, phraseological phonetic, mor- phological-grammatical, word-formation and lexical variants were distinguished.
In the contemporary linguistic research, the colour system occupies a special position. Today’s culture space is supersaturated with colours, which are important semiotic components of human functioning and their relationships with other people. This paper attempts to describe colour semiotics from the point of view of the human development period. The author tries to determine whether colours can also determine the age frame of a person. First, the relationship between colours and time is analysed. The suggested description of the stages of life through the colour spectrum allows answering the question of how the respective stages of human life are determined by the colours assigned to them by the culture.
On The dictionary of active Polish and Ukrainian phraseology [Leksykon aktywnej frazeologii polskiej i ukraińskiej]. Contrastive linguistics and cultureThe Dictionary of Active Polish and Ukrainian Phraseology [Leksykon aktywnej frazeologii polskiej i ukraińskiej] is the first publication of its kind in the history of Polish and Ukrainian lexicography. It consists of equivalent phrasal units in Polish and Ukrainian. The innovative aspect of the lexicon is that it uses a semantic metalanguage to establish equivalent units. The authors developed a new method of searching for equivalent units which uses the meaning - not the form - as the starting point. This method enables the identification of equivalent units in both languages. Moreover, it enables the identification of units that do not have equivalents. The units which lack equivalents are usually deeply rooted in Poland’s or Ukraine’s historical and cultural context, and are thus defined as culturemes. Even though they lack equivalents, it was decided not to exclude them from the Leksykon’s structure, as they are actively used by the speakers of Polish and Ukrainian. This paper provides an overview of the Leksykon’s methodology and presents the authors’ definition of phraseologism. The most important points in the paper are illustrated with a number of example entries from the dictionary. The primary focus of the paper rests on phrasal units which lack equivalents. O Leksykonie aktywnej frazeologii polskiej i ukraińskiej. Konfrontacja językowa a kulturaOpracowywany przez nas Leksykon aktywnej frazeologii polskiej i ukraińskiej jest pierwszym dziełem tego typu w historii leksykografii polskiej i ukraińskiej. W leksykonie prezentujemy odpowiedniości jednostek frazeologicznych w języku polskim i ukraińskim za pomocą semantycznego języka pośrednika. Wyznaczenie kierunku od znaczenia ku formie pozwoliło dobrać ekwiwalenty jednostek frazeologicznych w obu językach. Zestawienie polskiego i ukraińskiego materiału pozwoliło również wyodrębnić poszczególne jednostki nieposiadające odpowiedników. Jednostki te są ściśle związane z kulturą i historią narodu polskiego i ukraińskiego. W związku z tym zaliczamy je do kulturemów, ale nie pomijamy w strukturze leksykonu ze względu na ich aktywność w mówionym języku współczesnym. W niniejszym artykule prezentujemy metodologię zastosowaną w leksykonie, definicję roboczą frazeologizmu w leksykonie, przykładowe hasła oraz skupiamy się na pokazaniu jednostek frazeologicznych nieposiadających pełnej odpowiedniości.
I was particularly interested in answering the question concerning the relation between understanding phraseology and being a student of a small country school and a big school in Warsaw. The analysis for the research was used to obtain the answer to this question. The research was conducted in school in Tęgoborze, a small village in the south of Poland. The second part of the research was conducted in the Witold Doroszewski Secondary School No 81 in Warsaw. Maximum mean, minimum mean, standard deviation and confidence interval were used as statistical tools. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. Students attending the school in a big city are more aware of using phraseological units motivated by mythology. 2. A student’s sex is significant in understanding phraseologisms. Girls understand them better than boys. 3. Phraseological units are better understood when occur in a context. 4. Both students from rural areas and the cities have little awareness of making phraseological mistakes. Very rarely they recognize incorrect forms and correct themselves. 5. The mark received during Polish language classes does not influence the level of understanding phraseoligisms in both tested groups.
Teaching Methodology of Phraseology on the Example of Chosen Phraseologisms with Animal Names The phraseologisms are used very often in our everyday life. They are present in our talks, although we don’t even thik about the using oft hem. The basis for my work is the Kühn‘s deffinition of phraseodidactics (Kühn 1993:58). The aim of this article is to pay attention to the shortcomings in the syllabus program in Poland. I decided to try to write a few exercises to remedy that lack of merial.
Die Phraseologismen werden sehr oft im alltäglichen Leben benutzt. Sie kommen in unseren Gesprächen oft vor, obwohl wir an die Nutzung von diesen Formen gar nicht denken. Hinzu kommt auch die Tatsache, dass sie in den Schulen auf der Primär- und Sekundärstufe kaum unterrichtet werden, da sie auch im Rahmenlehrplänen nicht berücksichtigt werden. Das Ziel der Studie ist, auf diese Lücken im Lehrprogramm in Polen hinzuweisen. Deswegen versuche ich in verschiedene Übungen zu entwerfen, um diesem Mangel abzuhelfen. Dem Beitrag liegt der Begriff Phraseodidaktik, der von Kühn (1993:58) definiert wurde.
The current article builds on the monograph „Somatische und emotionale Konzepte in der deutschen und polnischen Phraseologie“ [Somatic and Emotional Concepts in German and Polish Phraseology] (2013) and also presents selected new lexicographic ideas that have appeared in works of German-speaking and Polish scholars. The phraseological examples come from the current discourse on the Covid-19 pandemic. Phraseologisms as well as metaphorical concepts can provide important signals for discourse analysis and constitute lexicographic material that can be narratively described in a discourse dictionary.
Dieser Artikel knupft an die Monographie „Somatische und emotionale Konzepte in der deutschen und polnischen Phraseologie“ (2013) an und prasentiert auch die neuen ausgewahlten lexikographischen Vorschlage im deutschen und polnischen Kulturraum. Phraseologische Beispiele stammen aus dem aktuellen Diskurs uber die Covid-19-Pandemie. Sowohl Phraseologismen als auch metaphorische Konzepte konnen wichtige Signale fur die Diskursanalyse liefern und bilden ein lexikographisches Material, das in einem Diskursworterbuch narrativ beschrieben werden kann.
Artykuł stanowi próbę opisania motywacji (w rozumieniu A. M. Lewickiego) nieco dziś zapomnianej jednostki frazeologicznej pisz na Berdyczów (używanej, gdy chce się kogoś zbyć). Część pierwsza zawiera uwagi na temat budowy i znaczenia jednostki, część druga dotyczy motywacji. Autorka przytacza kilka możliwych hipotez, wysuwając sugestię, że dla współczesnego znaczenia związku istotne są konotacje łączące się z Berdyczowem, zwłaszcza kojarzenie go z miejscem dalekim, odległym.
The article is an attempt to describe the motivation (as understood by A. M. Lewicki) of a slightly forgotten Polish phraseological unit – pisz na Berdyczów (used when a speaker wants to get rid of someone: lit. ‘write to Berdyczów’; Berdyczów – a city in Ukraine). The first part of the article contains a few remarks on the structure and meaning of the unit, while its second part discusses motivation. The author presents possible hypotheses related to the motivation of the unit, suggesting that the connotations with Berdyczów as an unknown remote place are most important for the contemporary understanding of the analysed phraseological unit.
Artykuł poświęcony jest badaniom znajomości normy w zakresie polskiej frazeologii temporalnej rodzimych użytkowników polszczyzny oraz Ukraińców uczących się tego języka. Ujawniono, jakie odstępstwa od zawartej w słownikach normy frazeologicznej wybranych związków temporalnych są najbardziej charakterystyczne dla polskojęzycznej komunikacji osób ukraińskojęzycznych, native speakerów. Materiałem badawczym są Korpusy tekstów języka polskiego oraz ankiety zawierające polskie związki frazeologiczne na określenie pojęć czasowych.
The article is dedicated to the research of norm knowledge within Polish temporal phraseology in both native speakers of Polish and Ukrainians learning Polish. It describes which deviations from the norm of selected temporal phraseological items are the most typical for the communication in Polish for both Ukrainians and native speakers of Polish. The reaserch is based on the information from corpora of the Polish language and questionnaires including Polish temporal phraseological units.
Artykuł przedstawia analizę małych form folkloru (przysłowia, powiedzenia) w strukturze refleksji metaretorycznej i metastylistycznej bohaterów i narratorów F. Dostojewskiego. Pokazuje, w jaki sposób pisarz korzysta ze schematów gatunkowych i wyrazów przyjętych w języku pisanym oraz mówionym, transformując przysłowia, nadając im nowy sens w zależności od kontekstu, rozwijając je w ramach fabuły (przysłowie staje się źródłem wydarzenia powieści czy opowiadania). Autorka opisuje mechanizmy reinterpretacji, ostranienija, teatralizacji, ironii, zbudowane na podstawie swoistej dekonstrukcji stałych form stylistycznych, funkcjonujących w języku pisanym i mówionym. Na przykładzie tych „drobnych” procesów transformacji językowej artykuł pozwala śledzić ogólną strategię poetyki pisarza, skierowaną w stronę odnowy języka literackiego m.in. poprzez konfrontację właśnie z językiem potocznym, współczesnym, pozbawionym „martwej” frazeologii literackiej, korzystającym z pokładów twórczej wyobraźni ludowej.
The article presents an analysis of small forms of folklore (proverbs, sayings) in the structure of meta-rhetorical and meta-stylistic reflection of characters and narrators of F. Dostoevsky. It demonstrates the way in which Dostoevsky makesuse of genre schemata, as well as words accepted in written and spoken language, transforming proverbs and giving them a new meaning depending on the context, as well as developing them within the framework of the plot (a proverb becomes the origin of an event in a novel or short story). The author of the article describes the mechanisms or re-interpretation, ostranenie (defamiliarization), theatralisation, and irony, built on the basis of a certain deconstruction of fixed stylistic forms, which operate in written and spoken language. Using these ‘minor’ processes of linguistic transformation as an example, the article allows one to trace the general poetics strategy of the writer. The strategy is directed towards a renewal of literary language through, among other things, a confrontation with language that is colloquial, contemporary, devoid of ‘dead’ literary phraseology, and drawing from the wealth of creative folk imagination.
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