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Therese Raquin, Zola’s first important work, is based on the modern version of the old physiological theory of “temperaments”, e.g. the combination of four cardinal “humours” that determine a man’s physical and mental constitution. Through the story of two murderers, an adulterous woman and her lover who kill the woman’s husband, the author shows the mutual influence of two temperaments considered in the 19th century as more important than all the others: sanguine and melancholic (or nervous). The novel intends to “verify” a theory dealing with the consequences of each type of temperament for people’s behaviour, their relationships and their internal life.
The main goal of the study is to show the novelty of Cabanis’s project. As a scientist, doctor and philosopher, the author of Rapports du physique et du moral de l’homme attempts to find a new science called anthropology, based mostly on physiology. There is also a discussion of how sensations are transformed (“translated”) into signs and ideas. In his dream of progress of human society, Cabanis has to navigate between the organic conception of the human being and vitalism, which can be seen as a critical approach to any scientific reductionism.
The article is concerned with quite forgotten character and work of PierreJean Georges Cabanis, a physician and philosopher, but also a strongsupporter of the French Revolution from the turn of the 18th and 19thcenturies. His main scientific opus was the dissertation On the relationsbetween the physical and moral aspects of man (Rapports du physique et dumoral de l’homme) first published in 1802 and then repeatedly resumedin the 19th century, but virtually unknown in Poland. His medical pointsof view originally corresponded with materialistic philosophy; however,they also took into account the role of the spiritual and mental aspectsof a human – this “biological, thinking mechanism”, as Cabanis thought.An important role in his book was played by theories related to sensualism.Using modern terms, Cabanis created something like physiological psychology. According to him, the body, or more precisely its organs, take part in the creation of human thoughts which seem to be only the physiologicalresult of brain perception. This classic work was often invoked by successive generations of doctors and thinkers; it even appeared in artistic prose. Cabanis himself has had a fixed position in research and scientific studies for over two centuries.
The article is concerned with quite forgotten character and work of Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis, a physician and philosopher, but also a strong supporter of the French Revolution from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. His main scientific opus was the dissertation On the relations between the physical and moral aspects of man (Rapports du physique et du moral de l’homme) first published in 1802 and then repeatedly resumed in the 19th century, but virtually unknown in Poland. His medical points of view originally corresponded with materialistic philosophy; however, they also took into account the role of the spiritual and mental aspects of a human – this “biological, thinking mechanism”, as Cabanis thought. An important role in his book was played by theories related to sensualism. Using modern terms, Cabanis created something like physiological psychology. According to him, the body, or more precisely its organs, take part in the creation of human thoughts which seem to be only the physiological result of brain perception. This classic work was often invoked by successive generations of doctors and thinkers; it even appeared in artistic prose. Cabanis himself has had a fixed position in research and scientific studies for over two centuries.
The status and position of a woman in folk culture were primarily based on stereotypical thinking. According to that, she personified negative values, filled with darkness, passivity and indifference. She also embodied chaos, destruction, the "that word" and the moon. Her ambivalent status was most strongly influenced by her biological nature: menstruation, pregnancy and ability to give life. Apart from negative connotations, her nature was seen as a manifestation of the sacrum. So, she was dangerous, alien and impure, but also inviolable. The specific features of her character located her within the home space.
The motif of death in Nikolai Leskov’s late works The paper discusses the meaning of the motif of death in Nikolai Leskov’s works, especially those written in the last eight years of his life. The presence of two opposing representations is indicated: on the one hand, the death is depicted with emphasis on physiological processes which accompany it; on the other, it is described as a spiritual transition from the earthly to heavenly life. These two completely different approaches seem to originate in Leskov’s ambivalent attitude towards death: the writer believed that it was not the absolute end of life but, at the same time, he was afraid of the very process of dying. The examined issues are particularly visible in Leskov’s last work, The Rabbit Carriage, where one can find numerous and varied descriptions of characters’ death, as well as the spiritual transformation of the main hero, also presented by the concepts of death and resurrection­
Motyw śmierci w późnej twórczości Nikołaja Leskowa W artykule omówione zostało znaczenie motywu śmierci w twórczości Nikołaja Leskowa, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sposobu jej przedstawienia w utworach ostatnich ośmiu lat życia pisarza. Wskazano przy tym na obecność dwóch przeciwstawnych jej wyobrażeń: z jednej strony śmierć może być opisywana z podkreśleniem towarzyszących jej procesów fizjologicznych, z dru­giej zaś — jako duchowe przejście od życia ziemskiego do niebiańskiego. Te dwa różne podejścia wydają się zakorzenione w ambiwalentnym stosunku Leskowa do śmierci — pisarz wierzył, że nie jest ona bezwzględnym końcem życia, obawiał się jednak samego procesu umierania. Szczególnie wyrazista ilustracja badanego zagadnienia znalazła się w ostatnim utworze Leskowa, opowieści Igranie z bałwanem, w której mamy do czynienia z licznymi i różnorodnymi opisami śmierci postaci, a także z duchową przemianą głównego bohatera, przedstawioną przy zastosowaniu słownictwa związanego ze śmiercią i zmartwychwstaniem.
The article entitled “Lingua by Erasmus of Rotterdam – between physiology, philosophy and philology” is devoted to the treatise “Lingua, Sive, De Linguae usu atque abusu Liber utillissimus” which was originally published in 1525, while in an anonymous Old Polish translation it first appeared in 1542. It represents one of the most important voices in then Europe on the role of language in international social communication. In it issues related to the ethics of language, seen from a theological, philosophical and philological perspective, were taken up by the Rotterdammer, using references to medical and natural sciences. The combination of these areas of knowledge has become the subject of in-depth analysis in the article. The term „tongue”, which is equivocal in meaning, is understood in the treatise as the organ for as well as the process of speaking. As a consequence, the „physiology of language” presented in the Lingua, resulting in an extended lesson in anatomy, eventually moves the discourse into the area of reflection on the importance and role of word both in interpersonal association and in the Christian „galaxy” – the humanitas, as a factor for its integration and guarantor of peace.
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Aristotelian Biology. A Synopsis

In no field of knowledge did Aristotle leave more writings than in biol­ogy. He conducted research for longer and more intensively in zoology than in any other field. In these writings he mentions a good 550 animal and 60 plant species. While this includes the internal anatomy of around 110 animals, he dissected 60 species himself. The present contribution deals with the epistemic motifs and the meaning of Aristotelian biology in the context of his scientific curriculum. It is thus demonstrated that in De anima Aristotle’s actual explanations are preceded by an investi­gation of the principles, which aims to differentiate living objects from inanimate ones, and to develop a method of explanation based on the species-specific vital functions of living beings. This article provides an overview of the four main disciplines of Aristotelian biology: compara­tive anatomy, physiology, genetics and behavioral research. The text offers tabular overviews of the animals and plants dealt with by Aristotle.
Praca przedstawia polskie i angielskie tłumaczenie pracy Jana Ewangelisty Purkiniego pt. Rozprawa o badaniu fizjologicznym organu wzroku i systemu skórnego — opublikowanej po łacinie we Wrocławiu w 1823 roku — z okazji 190-lecia jej wydania. Omawia ona znaczenie badań fizjologicznych, budowę i czynności oka oraz anatomię i fizjologię skóry. Jan Ewangelista Purkinie (1787–1869) w 1818 roku ukończył medycynę w Pradze, a w 1823 uzyskał etat profesora fizjologii na Uniwersytecie we Wrocławiu, gdzie w 1839 roku utworzył pierwszą w świecie samodzielną katedrę fizjologii. Dokonał wielu odkryć w zakresie neurofizjologii, np. odkrył komórki w środkowej warstwie istoty szarej mózgu, zwane dziś komórkami Purkiniego. Stał się też faktycznym twórcą teorii komórkowej budowy organizmu, odkrył między innymi jądro komórkowe. Dokonał odkrycia włókien przewodzących impulsy z węzła zatokowo-przedsionkowego do komór serca, nazywanych dziś włóknami Purkiniego. Utrzymywał niezwykle przyjazne stosunki z Polakami. W 1850 roku został profesorem fizjologii na Uniwersytecie w Pradze, gdzie zajmował się popularyzacją czeskiej kultury.
The article presents the Polish and English translations of the work of Jan Evangelista Purkinje entitled Physiological Examination of the Visual Organ and of the Cutaneous System on the occasion of the 190th anniversary of its publication. Written in Latin in 1823 while Purkinje was in Breslau (now Wrocław), the thesis presents the importance of research in physiology as well as the anatomy and the physiology of the eye and the physiology of the skin. Jan Evangelista Purkinje (1787–1869) graduated in medical studies in 1818 in Prague. In 1823 he received a tenure as a professor of physiology at the University of Breslau, where in 1839 he founded the world’s first independent Department of Physiology. While at university he made a number of discoveries in neurophysiology, including the discovery of the cells in the middle layer of the grey matter, known today as Purkinje cells. Moreover, he became an actual author of the cell theory of organisms; he discovered, among others, the cell nucleus. Purkinje is also known for his discovery of the fibrous tissue conducting stimuli from the sinoatrial node to the ventricles, which are known today as Purkinje fibres. He had exceptionally friendly relationships with Poles. In 1850 he became a professor of physiology at the University of Prague, where he also engaged in the promotion of the Czech culture.
Vox Patrum
vol. 66
Topics concerning women’s physiology and reproduction appear relatively rarely in the reflections of the Fathers of the Church. Most often they perpetuated the beliefs of ancient medicine, benefitting from the appropriate terminology. The originality of their reflection lies in trying to use the “scientific” facts within theo­logical considerations (eg the creation of mankind and the Incarnation of the Son of God) and moral ones (eg the value of sexuality, fertility and parenthood). The scope of this article includes analysis of selected texts of Methodius of Olympus and those of Ambrose of Milan. Both authors had a deep medical knowledge of the issues and their works contain interesting examples related to female repro­ductive physiology. They were protagonists of an ideal of virginity, but yet, they preserved a positive assessment of fertility and marriage. Worthy of particular emphasis, in the works of Methodius, is the defense of the dignity of every unborn child, whom God himself creates and animates in the womb. The basis of the con­siderations in Symposium was a passage from Genesis 2: 21-24, to which he gave allegorical meaning, defining human sexuality and procreation as the typology of the divine and ecclesiastical realities. In turn, Ambrose undertook issues such as conception, prenatal development and the birth of a child, in the context of the exceptional role of Mary in the history of salvation and in the Incarnation of the Son of God. Theological considerations were an excellent opportunity for him to express moral teaching and pastoral care, and to provide very practical and help­ful, medical and educational tips for women.
Artykuł jest poświęcony związkom retoryki, filozofii i medycyny. Pierwsza jego część dotyczy greckich (zwłaszcza sofistycznych) korzeni zależności zachodzących między tymi dziedzinami, procesów przenikania topiki medycznej do literatury antycznej i zasad wzajemnych oddziaływań. Celem tej krótkiej prezentacji jest ukazanie podłoża i znalezienie uzasadnienia dla faktu częstej obecności terminologii lekarskiej i wątków medycznych w dyskursie retorycznym doby nowożytnej, zwłaszcza w humanistycznej literaturze o tematyce filozoficznej, nastawionej na terapię werbalną i przekonanej o leczniczym wymiarze słowa. Przypadek Erazma z Rotterdamu uznano za szczególnie ciekawy dla tych rozpoznań, stąd twórczość tego właśnie humanisty stała się przedmiotem badań w niniejszej pracy. Zwrócono zatem uwagę na bogatą reprezentację motywów lekarskich w dziełach Rotterdamczyka, na obecność w tekstach autora obrazowania, terminologii i topiki medycznej, na szerokie zainteresowanie dziedziną medycyny, czego wyrazem są odwołania do prac Galena i tłumaczenia jego pism przez Erazma. Najważniejszy i najciekawszy jednak okazał się ten tekst, w którym nomenklatura lekarska stała się estetycznym i ideowym komponentem, wpłynęła na kształt całego dyskursu, jego płaszczyznę argumentacyjną, oddziaływała na perswazyjną tkankę dzieła, a zarazem brała udział w budowaniu jego filozoficznej wymowy. Do tego rodzaju pism należy Lingua – apologetyczne dzieło Erazma o wyraźnie dydaktycznej wymowie, a zarazem silnie przeniknięte epideiktyczną manierą sofistycznej diatryby.
The article is devoted to the relationships of rhetoric, philosophy and medicine. The first part concerns the Greek (especially sophistic) roots of dependencies occurring between these domains, processes of penetration of the medical topics into ancient literature and principles of mutual interactions. The purpose of this presentation is to show the ground and find the justification for the fact that medical terminology and medical threads are frequent in the rhetorical discourse of the early modern age, especially in humanistic philosophical literature, focused on verbal therapy and convinced of the healing dimension of the word. The case of Erasmus of Rotterdam was considered particularly interesting for these diagnoses, hence the work of this humanist has been the subject of research in this work. Therefore, attention was drawn to the rich representation of medical motifs in the works of Erasmus, the presence in the author’s texts of imaging, terminology and medical topics, broad interest in the field of medicine, which is reflected in references to Galen’s work and translation of his writings by Erasmus. The most important and the most interesting, however, turned out to be the text in which the medical nomenclature became an aesthetic and ideological component, influenced the shape of the entire discourse, its argumentative platform, influenced the persuasive fabric of the work and at the same time participated in building its philosophical pronunciation. Lingua – the apologetic work of Erasmus with clearly didactic meaning, and at the same time strongly permeated by the epideictic manners of the sophistic diatribe – belongs to this kind of writings.
W artykule przedstawiono życiorys wybitnego polskiego fizjologa Napoleona Cybulskiego (1854 - 1919). Opisano następnie jego wkład w rozwój medycyny polskiej i światowej, wynalazki, a także dorobek piśmienniczy, zwłaszcza w zakresie fizjologii. Zaprezentowano także jego poglądy dotyczące roli i znaczenia nauki w życiu społecznym oraz stosunek do metodologicznych koncepcji uczonych niemieckich w dziedzinie nauk medycznych i przyrodoznawstwa, zwłaszcza mechanicyzmu R. Virchowa i witalizmu H. Driescha. Ponieważ Cybulski interesował się także problemami społecznymi i politycznymi, zwłaszcza stosunkiem państwa do finansowania badań naukowych oraz kwestią dopuszczenia kobiet do zawodów medycznych, podjęto się również analizy poglądów tego uczonego na ten temat. Ponadto opisano stosunek Cybulskiego do kwestii używania żywności wyprodukowanej przez uczonych w warunkach laboratoryjnych (mającej w przyszłości zastąpić w żywieniu w jego mniemaniu produkty naturalne), a także jego zdanie na temat mediumizmu i hipnozy.
The article presents the biography of the outstanding Polish physiologist Napoleon Cybulski (1854-1919). Then, his contribution to the development of Polish and world medicine, inventions, and his literary output, especially in the field of physiology, were described. His views on the role and importance of science in social life were also presented, as well as his attitude to the methodological concepts of German scientist in the field of medical sciences and natural sciences, especially R. Virchov’s mechanicism and H. Driesch’s vitalism. As Cybulski was also interested in social and political problems, in particular the attitude of the state to financing scientific research and the issue of admitting women to medical professions, an analysis of this scientist’s views on this subject was also undertaken. In addition, Cybulski’s attitude towards the use food produced by the scientists in laboratory conditions (which in his opinion is to replace natural products in nutrition in future) as well as his opinion on mediumism and hypnosis were discussed.
В статье представлена биография выдающегося польского физиолога Наполеона Цибульского (1854-1919). Затем были описаны его вклад в развитие польской и мировой медицины, изобретения и литературные произведения, особенно в области физиологии. Были представлены его взгляды на роль и значение науки в общественной жизни, а также его отношение к методологическим концепциям немецких ученых в области медицины и естествознания, особенно к механицизму Р. Вирхова и витализму Х. Дриша. Поскольку Цибульского также интересовали социальные и политические проблемы, в частности отношение государства к финансированию научных исследований и вопрос допуска женщин к медицинским профессиям, был также проведен анализ взглядов этого ученого на этот предмет. Кроме того, были описаны отношение Цибульского к проблеме использования продуктов питания, произведенных учеными в лабораторных условиях (предназначенных в будущем для замены натуральных продуктов в питании), а также его мнение о медиумизме и гипнозе.
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