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The hypothesis of this article is based on Pierre Cadiot’s logical-pragmatic theory of 1997 and associates the meaning of a word with the range of experiences of its users, which determine if its sense is attained. Recognition of a given meaning takes place only at the level of syntagma. This hypothesis allows us to understand that the meaning of a word in various contexts boils down simply to a variety of ways of getting to the scope and semantic content of the word. By following the words’ etymology we can state that in their meanings words are not only labels but constitute the essence of understanding the relationship between man and the world.
Hipoteza zaprezentowana w niniejszym artykule powstała na podstawie logiczno-pragmatycznej teorii Pierre’a Cadiota (1997) i wiąże znaczenie wyrazu z różnorodnymi doświadczeniami użytkowników, które warunkują dotarcie do tego sensu. Rozpoznanie danego znaczenia ma miejsce dopiero na poziomie syntagmy (zdania). Hipoteza ta pozwala zrozumieć, że znaczenie wyrazu w różnych kontekstach sprowadza się jedynie do zróżnicowania sposobu docierania do zakresu i treści znaczeniowych wyrazu. Śledząc etymologię wyrazów możemy stwierdzić, że w swoich znaczeniach nie są tylko etykietką, ale stanowią efekt pojmowania treści i cech zakotwiczonych w relacji człowiek–świat.
The perspective of symbolic interactionism shifted the concept of identity to the dynamic field of interaction where the “I” element has to find a balance between the internal and external environment of the organism. Thus the identity finds itself in perpetual motion, as the subject of continuous change and reconstruction of the social world. The study shows the possibility of a new perspective on the relationship between communication and integration. It uses the latest findings in the field of neurobiology and interpretation of biological and socially constructed emotions (especially A. Damasio) and integrates them into a new paradigm. It attempts to clarify the influence of emotionality and socially constructed emotion on behavioural outcomes and also points out the importance of pragmatic competence in the process of intersubjective experience creation. It also describes the possibility of somatic marker hypothesis use in the dynamic paradigm research design.
This article first focuses on the defining criteria of expressive formulas for conversation (now FEC) in order to delimit their linguistic characteristics. Secondly, we offer a sketch of the typology of FEC based on semantic and pragmatic criteria.
This páper reports on the dynamics of the anthropocentrism principle which has deter- mined three development stages o f linguistic pragmatics - communicative, cognitive and discursive ones. In the first (communicative) slage the anthropocentrism principle in the pragmatics involves emphasis on speech acts of one communicant. The second (cognitive) stage is characterized by applying to mental States o f the communicant and aims to explain the relationship language - mind ~ speec h , on the one hand, and involvement of interdisciplinary relations, on the other hand. In the third (discursive) stage, the anthropocentrism principle expands to cognitive and speech interaction o f communicants and their groups within discourses of different types signifying the leading role o f linguistic pragmatics in the evolvemenl o f discourse linguistics. An overview of discourse interpretations is given which include: research materiał (discourse is a text, an excerpt of a text or a complex of texts), object (discourse is a process) and subject (discourse is a unity o f communication process and text).
The article deals with lingvocultural aspect of studying the Russian adverb. The theoretical basis of the investigation is the idea of cognitive linguistics about function of various grammatical categories of words for rendering definite sort of information. Adverbs fulfil the nominative function and at the same time they have an evaluative connotation. The volume of the adverbs both in the common vocabulary and in a personal vocabulary; the sharp choice of these lexemes and phrases in the process of communication are rather important for detection the degree of reality detalization by a personal. Moreover, the usage of adverbs is connected with the speaker’s intentions, that is why this kind of vocabulary is included (consciously or unconsciously) into the process of forming some images in the recipient’s mind.
The aims of this paper are to review research literature on the role that the second language (L2) and foreign language (FL) environments actually play in the development of learners’ target language (TL) pragmatic ability, and also to speculate as to the extent to which individual factors can offset the advantages that learners may have by being in the L2 context while they are learning. The paper starts by defining pragmatics and by problematizing this definition. Then, attention is given to research literature dealing with the learning of pragmatics in an L2 context compared to an FL context. Next, studies on the role of pragmatic transfer are considered, with subsequent attention given to the literature on the incidence of pragmatic transfer in FL as opposed to L2 contexts. Finally, selected studies on the role of motivation in the development of pragmatic ability are examined. In the discussion section, a number of pedagogical suggestions are offered: the inclusion of pragmatics in teacher development, the use of authentic pragmatics materials, motivating learners to be more savvy about pragmatics, and supporting learners in accepting or challenging native-speaker norms. Suggestions as to further research in the field are also offered.
There are still intelectual discussions and controversies on questions about what are the best ways to improve the quality of human life, and what establishes range and limits for the ability of science to facilitate improvement of human nature. Such an improvement preassumes and implies the open-minded approach to refining and bettering oneself, i.e. to self-improvement. This article does not claim to become a exhaustive analysis of duscussions about bettering human nature. The aim of this paper, instead, is to look for and analyse the very basis of justification of that research, and to legitimate it within Kant's viewpoint only, particularly within his anthropology. On the base of rather pragmatic attitude Kant was developing anthropology which puts emphasis on the practical and theological dimension of existence and offers rich implications on the human nature improvement issue.
Poszukiwanie sposobów podnoszenia jakości ludzkiego życia i pytanie o to, co konstytuuje zakres i granice, w których obrębie nauka może ułatwiać doskonalenie ludzkiej natury, wciąż prowokują liczne intelektualne dyskusje i kontrowersje. Doskonalenie to zakłada i pociąga za sobą otwartość na poprawianie i ulepszanie samego siebie, czyli samodoskonalenie. Artykuł nie rości sobie pretensji do wyczerpujących analiz przebiegu dyskusji nad doskonaleniem natury ludzkiej. Naszym celem jest raczej poszukiwanie i analiza podstaw usprawiedliwienia i potwierdzenia takiego poszukiwania sposobu doskonalenia natury ludzkiej wyłącznie z perspektywy Kanta, a w szczególności jego antropologii. Optując za podejściem, które jest raczej pragmatyczne, Kant rozwinął antropologię, która kładzie nacisk na praktyczny i teleologiczny wymiar egzystencji i która oferuje bogate implikacje w kwestii doskonalenia natury ludzkiej.
Forum Oświatowe
vol. 25
issue 2(49)
The dynamics of the environment in which educational institutions operate have a significant influence on the basic activity of these institutions, i.e. the process of educating, and particularly teaching and learning methods used during that process: traditional teaching, tutoring, mentoring and coaching. The identity of an educational institution and the appeal of its services depend on how flexible, diverse and adaptable is the educational process it offers as a core element of its services. Such a process is determined by how its pragmatism is displayed in the operational relativism of methods, their applicability, as well as practical dimension of achieved results and values. Based on the above premises, this publication offers a pragmatic-systemic identification of contemporary teaching and learning methods, while taking into account the differences between them and the scope of their compatibility. Secondly, using the case of sport coaches’ education, the author exemplifies the pragmatic theory of perception of contemporary teaching and learning methods.
Dynamika otoczenia instytucji edukacyjnych ma szczególny wpływ na podstawową działalność tych instytucji, tj. proces edukowania, a w szczególności stosowane w tym procesie metody nauczania – uczenia się: nauczanie klasyczne, tutoring, mentoring i coaching. Elastyczność, różnorodność, a szczególnie adaptacyjność procesu edukacyjnego, stanowiącego rdzeń świadczonych usług edukacyjnych, decyduje o tożsamości instytucji edukacyjnej i atrakcyjności oferowanych przez te instytucje usług edukacyjnych. Wyznacznikiem procesu edukacyjnego, oferowanego przez instytucję kształcącą, staje się więc pragmatyzm tego procesu, przejawiający się w operacyjnym relatywizmie metod, zakresie ich stosowalności i praktycznym wymiarze uzyskiwanych efektów – walorów. Biorąc za podstawę powyższe przesłanki, w publikacji dokonano pragmatyczno-systemowej identyfikacji współczesnych metod nauczania – uczenia się. W identyfikacji uwzględniono odrębność i różnice między nimi, a także zakres ich kompatybilności. Następnie dokonano egzemplifikacji pragmatycznej koncepcji postrzegania współczesnych metod nauczania – uczenia się na przykładzie systemu edukacji coachów sportowych.
The author of the article discusses two figures of a politician emerging from two political discourses present since 1989 — ethical (in its two varieties: “romantic” and “socialist”) and pragmatic. The “missionary” politician, who is a central figure of the ethical discourse, frames reality in terms of ethical categories, applying them to spiritual matters (the “romantic” variety — the politician is a “guide”) or those relating to everyday life (the “socialist” variety – the politician is the “father of the nation”). The “ethical missionary” places himself above “ordinary people”, treated as passive and having a sense of entitlement. The “professional” politician — the main figure in the pragmatic discourse — describes the world from an economic perspective. He does not rise above the community to which his message is ad­dressed, but tries to become united with it, expecting it at least to be active, if not make an effort in the pursuit of common objectives.
W codziennych rozmowach pytający i udzielający odpowiedzi pozostają w mniej więcej symetrycznym związku, a odpowiadający nie jest zobowiązany do udzielenia odpowiedzi. Na sali sądowej sytuacja jest odmienna. Przesłuchiwani w charakterze zarówno świadków są zobligowani do udzielania odpowiedzi na pytania prawników. Autor bada strategie dyskursu obrońców na sali sądowej w Sądzie karnym w mieście Adama (Region Oromia) w Etiopii. Celem badania było pokazanie środków perswazji stosowanych przez obronę w celu uzyskania pożądanych odpowiedzi. Badanie wypełnia lukę, gdyż do tej pory nie zajmowano się tą tematyką w odniesieniu do strategii dyskursu sądowego w Etiopii.
In everyday conversation the questioners and answerers are in an approximately symmetrical relationship that questioners do not have the information that they are requesting and the answerers are not obliged to answer. On the contrary, in the rule and role governed courtroom question/answer dyad, lawyers usually have particular version of events to control the language of the respondents where witnesses are compelled to respond, and do not have the right to question. So, it may hold back the production and interpretation of the evidence, and consequently hinder the execution of the tasks of the court trial. Such types of courtroom language-related problems are unexplored by academic research in Oromia Regional State. In this regard, no or little is known about these courtroom language-related problems in the criminal courts of the region. In an attempt to fill-in the existing gap, this study investigates how widespread such courtroom linguistic problems are and contribute to the limited conceptual and methodological values of linguistic analysis of courtroom oral discourse in legal institutions of the region. The analysis of this study is based on the authentic, naturally occurring courtroom defense lawyers-witnesses dyad of some Oromia Regional State Criminal Courtrooms. The aim of the study is, therefore, to present the discursive strategies of defense lawyers questioning forms and functions in their attempts to deconstruct persuasive testimony. In so doing, based on the way in which lawyers exploit the specialized speech-exchange linguistic system of the courtroom, the study focuses on the analysis of defense lawyers question forms and functions from the pragma-dialectical discourse perspectives. The findings of the study suggest that the use of declarative question, tag question, and projection question forms are the defense lawyers’ discursive strategies to control and dominate the language of the witnesses. Such questioning forms function by potentially damaging witnesses’ admission and limiting their response boundaries and are found the influential defense lawyers’ discursive strategies through which the existing narratives of the witnesses are attacked and deconstructed.
The purpose of this article is to propose a synthesis of Jacques Poulain's philosophical reflection on language and its importance for human being and for the society. To do this, we begin with presenting what Poulain has constantly established in the light of anthropobiological knowledge in his various works by showing that the child does not directly enter the world through senses or action, but through language and that it cannot enter the world and become a subject able to think and act in isolation, but necessarily through the intermediary of a Third of speech. The same goes for the author at the institutional level, since man, as a being of language, has only been able to transform himself indirectly, through the intermediary of this Third of speech, which first took the form of the gods, then by making the detour of the judgment. Today, as Poulain argues in polemic with Jürgen Habermas, there can be no other basis for global communication than transcultural linguistic understanding, ie. language constitutes the space where man can be recognized, exercise judgment and strive for harmony with others.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie syntezy myśli filozoficznej Jacquesa Poulaina dotyczącej języka, jego znaczenia dla człowieka i dla społeczeństwa. W pierwszym kroku przybliżona zostaje zaczerpnięta z wiedzy antropobiologicznej myśl zawarta w wielu pracach Poulaina, zgodnie z którą dziecko nie jest w stanie wejść w świat bezpośrednio za pomocą zmysłów i działań, lecz za pośrednictwem języka, nie jest też w stanie wejść w świat i stać się zdolnym do samodzielnego myślenia i działania podmiotem inaczej niż za sprawą trzeciej instancji, jaką jest mowa. Zdaniem autora odnosi się to także do wymiaru społeczno-instytucjonalnego, bowiem wedle ustaleń dwudziestowiecznej antropologii filozoficznej człowiek jako istota językowa może siebie przekształcać jedynie nie wprost, dzięki pośredniczącej roli trzeciej instancji – mowy, która najpierw przybierała postać bogów, by z czasem przyjąć formę sądów prawdziwościowych dotyczących własnego życia. Współcześnie, jak twierdzi Poulain w polemice z Habermasem, podstawą globalnej komunikacji może być jedynie transkulturowa językowa wymiana – to język pozostaje przestrzenią, w której człowiek może znajdować uznanie, dokonywać sądów i dążyć do harmonii z innymi.
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